Current date/time is 20.01.25 19:46
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™ forum
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CMOMM's campaign for a proper investigation into Madeleine McCann's death
CMOMM™ is an investigative forum that researches the death of Madeleine McCann, which many of us now believe occurred earlier in the week, possibly the Sunday or Monday.
- 25 Topics
- 537 Posts
- Letter fro...
23.12.24 19:43
CMOMM & MMRG - 10 Years On!
A read-only Reference Section documenting the research by CMOMM & MMRG.
Our mission, About our researchers, campaigners & authors, How it all began, The accomplishments of CMOMM and its members, In Memory, A tribute to CMOMM/MMRG campaigner Helen Williamson, Our evidence submitted to the Portuguese Attorney-General, Supporting Gonçalo Amaral, The conclusions of CMOMM researchers and associates- 272 Topics
- 668 Posts
- PeterMac's...
09.12.24 21:39
Jill Havern
Latest News and Debate
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McCann Case: Latest News
Most of the news from the UK is 'fake news' as the search continues to 'pin the tale on the patsy'.
- 2558 Topics
- 53936 Posts
- Christian ...
Today at 15:36
Justice for Maddie
Bernt Stellander, 'The Foreign Detective': The Sudden Impulse
According to Stellander, he had sent anonymous emails to the McCanns for years in which he confronted them with his theories. Eventually, however, ‘suspicious people’ appeared in front of his wildlife cameras set up at strategic locations in Portugal - who ‘did suspicious things’.
- 19 Topics
- 4834 Posts
- Bernt Stel...
17.01.25 21:03
Debate Section - for purporting theories
Litigious Gerry McCann: "I would like to emphasise that I strongly believe in Freedom of Speech...I don't have a problem with somebody purporting a theory..."
- 1783 Topics
- 56690 Posts
- Does anyon...
Today at 19:24
General Discussion
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Members Lounge
Sometimes the McCann case goes quiet, so while we're waiting for updates you could chat here with other members about anything that takes your fancy.
- 232 Topics
- 29544 Posts
- The Politi...
Today at 18:50
Welcome to our New Members
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Welcome to our New Members
A very warm welcome to our new members. Please introduce yourselves here, tell us how you found the forum and what interests you about this case.
- 545 Topics
- 4699 Posts
- Thank you ...
03.01.25 13:19
Mama Llama
Did you know?
There are a number of things relating to the Madeleine McCann case that many people, particularly those who have only recently started to follow the case, may not be aware of or may have forgotten about. In this sub-forum we will post up a number of topics, some factual and included in the original PJ files or on video, and some not so factual from the media. Please feel free to join in the discussion as we would like to hear your views.
- 44 Topics
- 423 Posts
- The McCann...
20.01.24 9:59
The 'Newbie' Quick Start Section!
Many people are still becoming aware of the McCann case but simply don't know where to begin reading. This section will help you get started!
- 80 Topics
- 1695 Posts
- New member...
09.11.23 17:29
Madeleine Beth McCann
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McCann Case: The most important areas of research
Members and guests who explore this forum will find that there is serious doubt about all claims that Madeleine McCann was alive after Sunday 29 April.
- 70 Topics
- 7848 Posts
- Retrospect...
03.11.24 22:13
PeterMac's FREE e-book: What really happened to Madeleine McCann?
Thise-book has been written by a retired Police Superintendent detective, using the official Portuguese Police files .
- 66 Topics
- 1260 Posts
- PeterMac: ...
01.12.24 13:41
Netflix: The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann
The eight part Netflix documentary takes a detailed look at the disappearance of three-year-old Madeleine McCann, who vanished while on holiday with her family in Praia da Luz.
- 9 Topics
- 647 Posts
- Netflix pr...
26.04.24 8:29
Jill Havern
Madeleine McCann case: Documentaries
A selection of documentaries for reference and discussion on the Madeleine McCann case.
- 1 Topics
- 33 Posts
- Madeleine ...
24.04.23 16:38
Photographs of Madeleine McCann's fateful holiday
After forensic analysis of the 'Last Photo' there is little doubt now that it CANNOT POSSIBLY have been taken on Thurs 3rd. The McCanns say Maddie was sitting by the pool. She wasn't.
- 62 Topics
- 10196 Posts
- Former Ull...
03.01.25 2:19
Madeleine's 1st - 17th year anniversaries
Gerry McCann: 3rd June, 2007: We want a big event to raise awareness that she is still missing. It wouldn't be a one-year anniversary, it will be sooner than that."
- 222 Topics
- 5089 Posts
- Madeleine ...
14.05.24 10:36
Jill Havern
Madeleine Foundation
MMRG (Madeleine McCann Research Group) is a group in pursuit of the truth about what really happened to Madeleine McCann.
- 86 Topics
- 2754 Posts
23.07.17 11:52
Research and Analysis
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Maddie Case - important information
Facts that the British media don't tell us about what really happened to Madeleine McCann.
- 119 Topics
- 3284 Posts
- The Mark W...
11.08.24 15:22
Cake Lover
The Teller's Tale: A study of retrofitting
From as far back as the night of 3rd/4th May 2007, the McCanns and their entourage have taken great pains to fool the police, the authorities, the public and above all else it would seem - themselves!
- 29 Topics
- 178 Posts
- A Tale of ...
12.11.23 22:26
- 39 Topics
- 2714 Posts
28.05.24 22:56
Dr Martin Roberts - mccannfiles
"Why would anyone take a photograph of their daughter's pyjamas before she is abducted? They didn't know she was missing until 10pm that night. Or did they?"
- 102 Topics
- 1529 Posts
- Dr. Martin...
26.11.22 16:35
Bring in....THE DOGS!
The dogs alerts allow a short and tragic story to be told. Behind the sofa; on Kate's trousers; cuddlecat; to a shelf in the parents' bedroom; then in the boot of the car. The sequence is not difficult to follow!
- 125 Topics
- 2665 Posts
- Those incr...
17.01.25 16:15
Jill Havern
Guests and Ocean Club facilities + Telephone/Creche Records
Research about the Creche Records, Telephone Records, and the Guests who were at the Ocean Club when Madeleine McCann 'disappeared'.
- 26 Topics
- 2585 Posts
- How Maddie...
19.08.22 16:44
Tapas 9 Timelines of Events
The Tapas 9 sworn official police statements of May 4, May 10 2007, and April 2008, are filled with inconsistencies that often contradict their public media statements.
- 31 Topics
- 542 Posts
- Fundamenta...
05.05.17 12:23
Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs': Research and Analysis
In Memoriam of valued CMMOM member 'Hobs' who died in January 2021 and for all the research and analysis she carried out in pursuit of justice for Madeleine McCann on her blog and in various facebook groups.RIP Hobs
- 17 Topics
- 189 Posts
- RIP dear T...
26.03.23 2:12
Research and Analysis
Detailed research by forum members, many of whom are professionals such as detectives, lawyers, fraud investigators and accountants, who have read and analyzed the Portuguese police files.
- 74 Topics
- 821 Posts
- Spotlight ...
12.11.23 10:54
Statement Analysis of the McCann case
Statement Analysis analyzes the words people use to detect concealed & missing information, and whether the information that person has provided is true or false.
- 31 Topics
- 1147 Posts
- Forensic L...
28.11.22 22:04
Portuguese Police Investigation
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McCanns v Dr Gonçalo Amaral + ECHR
The sentence of the Supreme Justice Court: "And let it NOT be said, also, that the appellants were cleared by the archival dispatch of the crime-process."
- 322 Topics
- 19689 Posts
- McCanns an...
08.11.23 12:21
Official Polícia Judiciária McCann Files
The official police files released to the public in Aug 2008 comprised 11,223 pages. The main case file is supported by a file of sightings & other appendices including conducted interviews.
- 47 Topics
- 663 Posts
- Key Witnes...
21.10.23 13:24
Reopening of Maddie Investigation in Portugal
Is a real resolution in the pipeline? Would the Portuguese police reopen the case without significant, compelling evidence? Would they really 'shelve' it for a second time?
- 42 Topics
- 7464 Posts
- McCanns’ l...
01.09.18 11:04
Jill Havern
British Police / Government Interference
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'Operation Grange' set up by ex-Prime Minister David Cameron
Despite the findings of the Portuguese Police, Operation Grange was given a remit by the Home Office to investigate Madeleine's disappearance "as though the abduction occurred in the UK".
- 518 Topics
- 29300 Posts
- UK Governm...
31.03.24 0:21
Former Police Detectives, now whistleblowers, Maggie Oliver and Jon Wedger call on the public and the Police to protect children from abuse.
- 19 Topics
- 89 Posts
- Police Whi...
05.06.24 7:58
Jill Havern
Smithman: Crimewatch Reconstruction and the appeal for new info / suspects
Dan Hodges, Daily Telegraph: "Two e-fits have been produced. According to police they are of the same man. But in fact, they are of two men. But we're all part of the circus now. So we say nothing."
- 224 Topics
- 15680 Posts
12.05.24 21:05
Leveson Inquiry / Murdoch Empire
Lord Bell, Bell Pottinger: 'The McCann's paid me £500k to keep them on the front page of every newspaper for a year'. They then attended the Leveson Inquiry to complain about press intrusion!
- 256 Topics
- 3583 Posts
- Gerry McCa...
30.07.24 8:58
FOI's & Petitions
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FOI Requests into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann
The FOI Act gives you the right to access recorded information held by public sector organisations. CMOMM has sent many FOI requests regarding Madeleine McCann.
- 58 Topics
- 706 Posts
- (*** REPLY...
23.02.20 10:03
Doug D
Petitions calling for full Public and Judicial Enquiries
CMOMM has posted various petitions on the Government website calling for a full public and judicial Inquiry at which the McCanns and their friends would be questioned.
- 11 Topics
- 442 Posts
- New MMRG P...
12.03.20 18:05
Team McCann
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Jon Clarke: Disgraced Editor and Journalist of The Olive Press (Spain)
Jon Clarke has published many verifiable lies over the years about the death of Madeleine McCann. Why does he put the reputation of himself and "The Olive Press" on the line, who is pulling his strings?
- 16 Topics
- 744 Posts
- Extract fr...
25.07.24 11:43
Clarence Mitchell: McCann's Government-appointed Spokesman
The McCann's PR spokesman, Clarence Mitchell, former head of Tony Blair’s Media Monitoring Unit, once boasted that his job was ‘to control what comes out in the media’.
- 81 Topics
- 2660 Posts
- Candid Cam...
22.10.23 15:25
Missing People / PACT / Amber Alert / Child Rescue Alert
Kate McCann, Ambassador 'Missing People'. Is this the same mum who hired criminals then got Operation Grange set up costing millions of pounds, and yet didn't find Madeleine?
- 77 Topics
- 2582 Posts
- ***Missing...
06.05.24 12:59
Liz Eagles
Fake Sightings of Maddie's Faked Abduction
There have been dozens of bogus sightings of Madeleine, planted in the British tabloids by Clarence Mitchell, that have exploited and frightened many innocent children.
- 28 Topics
- 1019 Posts
15.01.19 9:18
Doug D
The Fraudulent 'Find Madeleine' Fund
According to journalist Tracey Kandohla, some of the donations have been siphoned off from the Fund and can be used for buying a house or building equipment.
- 82 Topics
- 2434 Posts
- The Find M...
18.11.23 16:54
McCann Case - a calculated hoax?
"The claimed Alpha Investigations Group, purporting to be the McCann's detective agency 'headed by ex cops Edgar and Cowley' was, like a few other things in this case, a deliberate hoax."
- 124 Topics
- 2465 Posts
- Calendar M...
11.12.24 10:55
McCann's Lies and Discrepancies
If the McCann's are innocent of the disappearance of their trademarked daughter why do they tell lies to the Police; Government; media; and even under oath at Leveson?
- 58 Topics
- 1435 Posts
- Jane Tanne...
03.12.24 16:05
Jim Gamble / CEOP / Operation Ore
Connecting the dots...why does former Deputy Chief Constable, Jim Gamble, keep linking his interest in the subject of child sexual abuse to the McCanns?
- 67 Topics
- 633 Posts
- ‘Safer Sch...
18.05.20 23:09
Liz Eagles
Information: Kennedy / Smethurst / Halligen / PI's
Alpha Investigations Group, the McCann's detective agency, didn't exist; two of their ex PI's were jailed for fraud and one of their financial backers interfered with witnesses.
- 92 Topics
- 2204 Posts
- Arthur Cow...
24.01.24 16:20
Doug D
Books on the Madeleine McCann case
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Gonçalo Amaral's book: 'Maddie: The truth of the lie'
Read the book the McCann's tried, and failed, to BAN in the UK. All 22 chapters, translated into English by AnnaEsse, can be read in this section.
- 47 Topics
- 381 Posts
- Gonçalo Am...
07.11.23 13:16
Kate McCann's book, Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine'
Discrepancies between Kate McCann's "account of the truth" and the official Portuguese Police files of interviews & statements which were released into the public domain in 2008.
- 180 Topics
- 4150 Posts
- Prosecutio...
27.08.23 21:37
Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes: MADDIE Fabrication d’un mythe
"Maddie" strives to do justice to all points of view, questions the forces and mechanisms at work and tried to shed light on what prevented the investigation from succeeding.
- 1 Topics
- 7 Posts
- Anne A. Co...
04.06.24 18:53
Sergey Malinka: "Madeleine McCann: Collateral Damage"
Former arguido Sergey Malinka's new book promises 'new facts' in the decade-long mystery.
- 12 Topics
- 499 Posts
- ‘Madeline ...
30.12.17 14:19
Liz Eagles
Former PJ Inspector, Paulo Cristovão's book: A Estrela de Madeleine
"Due to legal issues it cannot be me to tell you what the truth of this case is; but you can find it here among the lines of this book."
- 31 Topics
- 339 Posts
- 5-2-3-1 Lu...
13.08.17 2:27
Jaca Cool
Anthony Summers & Robbyn Swan's book: 'Looking for Madeleine'
"Summers and Swan have written the first independent account drawing on in-depth interviews and rigorous analysis of both the Portuguese & British police investigations."
- 36 Topics
- 1835 Posts
- Summers an...
17.11.17 12:13
Professional and Featured blogs
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Featured professional blogs
A section for blogs written by professionals: Paulo Reis, Hobs, Colin Sutton, Joana Morais, Spudgun and many more!
- 209 Topics
- 785 Posts
- Andrew Oxl...
27.10.23 14:11
Paulo Reis, Portuguese freelance investigative journalist
Paulo Reis has nearly 40 years experience working as an investigative journalist. He reports not just from his homeland but around the world, covering important and high profile news.
- 56 Topics
- 207 Posts
- Paul Luckm...
11.06.19 1:15
Pat Brown, US Criminal Profiler
"The British police might investigate the McCann's residence for the possibility that the body of Madeleine McCann might have been transported into England."
- 72 Topics
- 2479 Posts
- Criminal P...
29.08.24 4:45
Jill Havern
Blog: Dr Vernon Coleman, former GP and Police surgeon
Dr Vernon Coleman: "The mystery continues to fascinate the world. Watching the McCann industry at work is like watching a slow motion train wreck."
- 8 Topics
- 71 Posts
- Dr Vernon ...
01.06.20 23:39
Social Media
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Brenda Leyland: Gerry McCann called for example to be made of 'trolls'
The “Dossier of Death” led directly to the suicide of Brenda Leyland after she was doorstepped by Martin Brunt on 2 October 2014.
- 79 Topics
- 3359 Posts
- My mother,...
07.05.23 15:54
Sonia Poulton: The Untold Story of Madeleine McCann film
Journalist Sonia Poulton promised a damning new documentary for screening in 2015 to tell the "Untold Story of Madeleine McCann".
- 36 Topics
- 3563 Posts
- Sonia Poul...
21.07.24 22:08
Facebook / Twitter / Youtube
Ambassador for Missing People Kate McCann stopped supporting Ben's online campaign after Kerry Needham questioned the £10m spent so far by Operation Grange.
- 72 Topics
- 2262 Posts
- Facebook /...
22.03.22 19:52
Legal Issues
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Madeleine Foundation issues
Tony Bennett's 'Right to Reply' to entrapment, over the banned book '60 Reasons', by journalist Mike "I lied, My Lord" Gunnill.
- 88 Topics
- 5010 Posts
- Mr Bennett...
30.04.13 12:03
Carter-Ruck: McCanns v Bennett Contempt of Court
Tony Bennett: "What evidence do you have that Madeleine was abducted?" Isabel Martorell, Carter-Ruck: "I don't have the evidence. I rely on what the McCanns told me."
- 107 Topics
- 4412 Posts
- McCanns -v...
05.05.23 7:17
The Gagged Section
Material removed from public view on demand from Prime Suspects, not deemed innocent by the Portuguese Supreme Court, Kate & Gerry McCann. Read what the McCanns don't want you to see.
- 40 Topics
- 1267 Posts
- John Major...
05.03.17 21:52
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Pamalam: Gerry McCann's Blogs
Pamalam was the first to start saving Gerry's bizarre blogs. Many people thought he was sending out coded messages. Her excellent website is another great resource of information.
- 21 Topics
- 172 Posts
- Gerry's Bl...
16.06.24 13:20
McCann-related Press / Video Archives
A selection of McCann-related videos and press and blog articles saved for posterity. If you find something interesting you can post it here.
- 127 Topics
- 1125 Posts
- The Conver...
16.08.19 19:45
- 8 Topics
- 2016 Posts
- WAYBACK - ...
08.08.20 15:03
Other Crimes and Mysteries
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Other Fake Abductions, Hoaxes, Appeals and Crocodile Tears
In every one of these cases the person responsible for the crime has reported the victim as 'missing' or 'abducted'; or has made a public appeal for help or information; or given false statements to Police.
- 91 Topics
- 3948 Posts
- Maxine Car...
06.10.24 6:54
The "Complete Mystery" of Nóra Quoirin - found dead in Malaysian jungle on 13/8/2019
Vulnerable 15-year-old Nóra Quoirin's body was found, "in extremely complex circumstances" after a 10 day search, beside a stream about 2.5km from her holiday accommodation. R.I.P Nóra.
- 1 Topics
- 698 Posts
- Nóra Quoi...
28.06.24 17:06
Child Trafficking
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." Martin Luther King
- 7 Topics
- 172 Posts
- Undercover...
19.11.24 23:38
Crime, corruption and conspiracy theories
Discuss other criminal / conspiracy / corruption cases here. OJ Simpson, Oscar Pistorious, Jon Benet Ramsay, the moon landings, 9/11, 7/7, JFK, etc...
- 168 Topics
- 2796 Posts
- Who killed...
06.01.25 14:11
Jill Havern
Ben Needham - missing from the Greek Island of Kos in 1991
Ben Needham was last seen on the Greek Island of Kos in July 1991. Ben’s is one of the longest-running missing persons cases in British history.
- 33 Topics
- 989 Posts
- Ben Needha...
01.12.24 17:34
Amy Dean
Haut de la Garenne - the Jersey child abuse scandal
Rico Sorda: "If you want to discredit an investigation you must first discredit the persons leading it. This will be done by trashing the evidence. Some English journalists excel in this."
- 23 Topics
- 148 Posts
- 11 Nov 200...
21.11.18 14:56
Truth and justice for murdered Stuart Lubbock and Lee Balkwell
CMOMM member Tony Bennett has helped the fathers of STUART LUBBOCK and LEE BALKWELL get justice and compensation for their murdered sons.
- 99 Topics
- 896 Posts
- The Stuart...
29.08.23 8:43
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