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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Empty Re: CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications

Post by Verdi 06.08.23 1:32

Newsletter #49 - 16 may 2022

The trending topics

CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Trl112
The Law vs.The McCanns
Lisbon Appeals Court Ruling 19 Oct 2010
PORTUGUESE COURT PAGE 01 TO 10 Unspecified Injunction Process number 6000/09.8TVLSB-A.L 1 Lisbon Appellate Court...
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 6lt378z
Preface by Francisco Moita Flores: The Guilt of the McCanns
Joana Morais: Archive of news on the Madeleine McCann case 7 December 2007 The Guilt of the McCanns Preface by Francisco Moita Flores All the steps of...
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One or two interesting parallels
Everyone focussing in the wrong direction.   Reviews made assumptions.  Endless false sightings, Possible suspect discounted early on,  Fantasist,   Telegraph How a piece of Sellotape...
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Sir-cl10
STOP NONSENSICAL MADELEINE MCCANN SEARCH – £14M WASTED May 14, 2022 In the week that Madeleine McCann would have turned 19, Matthew Steeples suggests it is now time to put a stop...
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Portuguese News - Maddie Case 2022
Going to start translating articles, videos, whatever seems informative from the Portuguese media. Moderators feel free to modify the thread title, or anything you deem relevant. I'll save at least...
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The latest publications

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A Shaggy Dog's Tale
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Snakes and Ladders
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The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Post by Verdi 07.08.23 1:31

Newsletter #50 - 28 June 2022

The trending topics

CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 C5FXGD-scaled
Ancient History: Events that shaped the world and how we think
Jason Goodwin: The ruins 7,000 years older than Stonehenge which overthrow the way we think about our common past Jason Goodwin  May 24, 2022 The oldest human-built...
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Op10
Olive Press boasting
Not to mention getting in the way of the firefighters and police trying to evacuate people and maintain some sort of order. The STORY is a journalist at a press conference, with LOADS of other...
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Unterdenteppichgekehrt: Presumption of Innocence
Presumption of Innocence I have been asked many times the question why I don't respect the presumption of innocence in this case, especially by people that know me and my usual respect for human...
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 58882363-0-image-a-2_1654794818409
Some more news to 'buoy' the McCanns: 'Baby Hollie' found alive after 40 years
'Baby Holly Marie' who has been missing for 40 years since her newlywed parents were found murdered and dumped in woods in Texas is found ALIVE The missing daughter of two Texas newlyweds...
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Safe_i41
Child abusers will be jailed for LIFE under Tony's Law
Child abusers will be jailed for LIFE under Tony's Law: Legislation inspired by seven-year-old boy who lost his legs due to being tortured by his parents comes into force this week - in wake of...
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The latest publications

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A Shaggy Dog's Tale
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Snakes and Ladders
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The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Empty Re: CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications

Post by Verdi 08.08.23 1:16

Newsletter #51 - 13 July 2022

The trending topics

CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Mccann25
Madeleine McCann: Media Commentary
Crimewatch: dupers or duped? The October edition of Crimewatch, focussing on the case of Madeleine McCann, featured new photofits of a potential suspect - only, they weren't new. According to the...
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 1_Tracey-Connelly-parole
Baby P's mum Tracey Connelly is freed from jail
EXCLUSIVE:  Baby P's mum Tracey Connelly is freed from jail for the first time in seven years 'Evil' Connelly was jailed at the Old Bailey in 2009 for causing or allowing...
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 59713391-0-image-m-6_1656593593242
Justice for Logan - killer family jailed for life
Logan Mwangi's killer family are jailed for LIFE: Mother, stepfather and 14-year-old murdered five-year-old and dumped his body in a river after torturing, starving and keeping the 'cheerful little...
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Sonia Poulton has Dr Perlin on her Rise show - 8am Friday 1st July
Could This Man Be The Key To Solving What Happened to Madeleine McCann? | RISE WITH BNT SPECIAL
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#Groomed - How Schools Sexualise Your Children
#Groomed - How Schools Sexualise Your Children “Groomed: How Schools Sexualise Your Children” exposes the worrying degree to which politicised, divisive ideologies – including gender...
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The latest publications

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A Shaggy Dog's Tale
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Snakes and Ladders
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The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Empty Re: CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications

Post by Verdi 09.08.23 1:53

Newsletter #52 - 24 August 2022

The trending topics

CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Scre2609
Maxine Carr 20 years after Soham - 'White wedding, motherhood and besotted husband'
Maxine Carr 20 years after Soham - 'White wedding, motherhood and besotted husband' Maxine Carr was granted lifetime anonymity after providing child killer Ian Huntley with an alibi for the...
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let's do the forensic lady some credit!
reading up in the topic about the summary of goncalo amaral his first book today, again i see even he was not shy to bring in a myth into the world, one the press also used against this...
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10pm - Praia da Luz May 1, 2020  · THE 10.41PM CALL Much ado has been made about the delay in phoning police from the Ocean Club on the night that Madeleine McCann was reported missing. The...
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New theory
Ok, bear with me as I know this is a loose theory and I’m in no way presenting enough evidence to substantiate it. It’s based on the fact I think the group tell some parts of the truth but in the...
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PeterMac's FREE e-book: Chapter 51 Some random unrelated thoughts
CHAPTER 51 SOME RANDOM UNRELATED THOUGHTS In a week when even the BBC has apologised and paid out a lot of  your , the licence payers’ money for the disgraceful conduct and a series of...
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The latest publications

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The Prologue .... The Farce .... The Epilogue
CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 2_1_310x175
A Shaggy Dog's Tale
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The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Empty Re: CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications

Post by Verdi 10.08.23 1:21

Newsletter #53 - 10 October 2022
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The trending topics

CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 62437445-0-image-a-75_1663238696930
EXCLUSIVE: Madeleine McCann’s parents will finally find out on Tuesday if they have won 14-YEAR libel battle against cop who suggested they were to blame for the girl’s disappearance
EXCLUSIVE: Madeleine McCann’s parents will finally find out on Tuesday if they have won 14-YEAR libel battle against cop who suggested they were to blame for the girl’s disappearance A 2008 book...
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Scre2725
Joana Morais Blog: McCanns lose their appeal at the ECHR
McCanns lost their appeal at the ECHR by Joana Morais 3 hrs ago MCCANN ET HEALY v. PORTUGAL 57195/17 | Judgment (Merits and Just Satisfaction) | Court (Fourth Section)|...
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 2011-m10
MADDIE LIFELINE Madeleine McCann’s parents’ joy as £13million probe into her disappearance gets another £300k to keep search alive
MADDIE LIFELINE  Madeleine McCann’s parents’ joy as £13million probe into her disappearance gets another £300k to keep search alive Tracey Kandohla 15:59, 2 Oct 2022 Updated: 15:59, 2...
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Chapter 52: August was also a quiet month (?)
CHAPTER 52 August was also a quiet month (?) For those who keep their eye on the “” site it certainly seemed that August...
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 0_PAY-GMN_SUSAN_GERVAISE_01JPG
Madeleine McCann's parents given fresh hope after Brit girl reunited 53 years on
Madeleine McCann's parents given fresh hope after Brit girl reunited 53 years on Madeleine McCann's parents have been given fresh hope after a woman was reunited with her family 53 years after...
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The latest publications

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The Prologue .... The Farce .... The Epilogue
CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 2_1_310x175
A Shaggy Dog's Tale
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The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Post by Verdi 11.08.23 1:23

Newsletter #54 - 7 November 2022

The trending topics

CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 As_min12
Joana Morais: The McCann's Stockholm Interview
The McCann's Stockholm Interview “Well obviously they were very young, but they have re-counted things that happened prior to May 2007, which has kind of thrown me a little bit.” by...
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 B0bktq10
Ben Salmon: Scapegoat
Published posthumously, this eclectic novel takes the reader on a tumultuous journey through a tangled, mysterious web, as the diverse characters attempt to solve the historical case of a missing...
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Robert F. Kennedy: The Real Anthony Fauci
THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI - THE MOVIE  (trailer) Documentary Exposing Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Government! Within the first 5 minutes, you know why Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s blockbuster...
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'Our Trace'
Just browsing ‘our Trace’s’ bylines to see if and what she is spouting and came upon these two articles, posted within a day of each other and clearly well researched as always.   A graduate of...
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Just watched this. Always interesting to hear what's volunteered that you didn't know, long after the originating question has been dealt with. https// Both of them are...
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The latest publications

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The Prologue .... The Farce .... The Epilogue
CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 2_1_310x175
A Shaggy Dog's Tale
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The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Post by Verdi 12.08.23 1:26

Newsletter #55 - 19 January 2023

The trending topics

CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 My_pos11
Joana Morais: "Maddie", from the absolute mystery to a documentary fever
"Maddie", from the absolute mystery to a documentary fever by Joana Morais - 4 years ago Home Analysis Maddie Media Opinion "Maddie", from the absolute mystery to a documentary...
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 The-mu10
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DNA - 50 years later - there is always hope
Sex killer cleared of murdering girl nearly 50 years ago convicted in double jeopardy retrial Dennis McGrory has been convicted after vaginal swabs from his victim, Jacqueline Montgomery, were...
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Elderly couple's killer finally jailed 30 years on after DNA breakthrough
Elderly couple's killer finally jailed 30 years on after DNA breakthrough   Justice finally catches up with Danville Neil, 65, who subjected an elderly pair to a terrifying ordeal in their east...
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Madele11
Kate and Gerry's Christmas message for Madeleine
Oh wait, that's last year's message.... "We'll never give up."   Oh yes you have. Meanwhile we're still here. Merry Christmas, Madeleine, wherever you may be. 
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The latest publications

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The Prologue .... The Farce .... The Epilogue
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A Shaggy Dog's Tale
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The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Post by Verdi 13.08.23 1:22

Newsletter #56 - 5 May 2023

The trending topics

CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 3608_w10
My mother, the troll: ‘I think she lost sight of the McCanns’ humanity’
My mother, the troll: ‘I think she lost sight of the McCanns’ humanity’ Simon Hattenstone Sat 18 Mar 2023 10.00 GMT Ben Leyland: Photograph: Robert Gallagher/The Guardian When Ben...
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Robert Murat - The Strongest Link?
Robert Murat - The Strongest Link?   This forms part of my personal theory as to what could have happened to Madeleine McCann. It is one of three possibly unexplored ‘aspects’ , which might be...
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What happened to the little girl Madeleine McCann? Looking back at her mysterious disappearance 16 years later
What happened to the little girl Madeleine McCann? Looking back at her mysterious disappearance 16 years later Swapnajit   Kundu Updated On:  03 May 2023 12:40:PM It is a...
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Police probing disappearance of Madeleine McCann 'set to get hundreds of thousands of pounds in new funding'
Police probing disappearance of Madeleine McCann 'set to get hundreds of thousands of pounds in new funding' The search for Maddie, who vanished in 2007, has cost £13million since 2011 The...
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McCanns -v- Bennett - Final payment of court costs paid today, 25 April 2023
Today, 25 April 2023, I made my final monthly payment to Carter-Ruck of £125.00, in respect of the McCanns' legal costs. In May 2013, with the help of Essex Solicitor Robin Tilbrook, a settlement...
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The latest publications

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The Prologue .... The Farce .... The Epilogue
CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 2_1_310x175
A Shaggy Dog's Tale
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Snakes and Ladde

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Post by Verdi 14.08.23 1:33

Newsletter #57 - 17 June 2023

The trending topics

CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Duches10
The Rt Hon Suella Braverman, PC, MP   Home Secretary     5 June 2023     Madam,     OPERATION GRANGE - REPORTED DISAPPEARANCE OF MADELEINE BETH MCCANN         [This letter has been sent to...
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Scre3789
TikTok ghouls post sick AI videos of murdered and missing children like Maddie McCann
TikTok ghouls post sick AI videos of murdered and missing children like Maddie McCann The social media platform TikTok has been slammed for hosting "sick" AI representations of murdered and...
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Brian Kennedy, the Arade Dam: THE TIMELINE 1. Brian Kennedy born 1960 2. Brian Kennedy becomes a highly successful businessman, with home improvements, plastics and property...
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Letter from PeterMac to Rt Hon Jacob Rees-Mogg, PC, MP: Operation Grange
From:  Peter MacLeod Sent:  05 June 2023 08:42 To: ;  Subject:  For the Attention of the Rt Hon Jacob Rees-Mogg PC MP     5 June...
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 11_cop11
CHAPTER 53 Another Round up of unconnected trifles
CHAPTER 53 Another Round up of unconnected trifles THE BOOK As we continue the analysis of the evidence, we are inevitably drawn back to Kate’s book, written either by herself alone, with...
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The latest publications

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The Prologue .... The Farce .... The Epilogue
CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 2_1_310x175
A Shaggy Dog's Tale
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Snakes and Ladders

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Post by Verdi 17.09.23 13:37

Newsletter #58 - 17 September 2023

The trending topics

CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Mail?
I was snatched at birth and brought up by another family - the man who raised me walked me down the aisle at my wedding alongside my biological dad
I was snatched at birth and brought up by another family - the man who raised me walked me down the aisle at my wedding alongside my biological dad Miche Zephany Sheldon, 26, from Cape Town,...
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Mail?
PeterMac's FREE e-book: Chapter 54: First. A Response and an Apology: And then a review of the (lack of) recent developments
Chapter 54: First. A Response and an Apology: And then a review of the (lack of) recent developments In Chapter 53 I included a few photos captured from the video newsreel of events...
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The Stuart Lubbock Investigation
Hello Tony.  Are you able to explain the extremely low core body temeprature of 29.3 C for Stuart Lubock when admitted to hospital ca. 6.23 am.  Even at an increased double rate of cooling of say...
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Babysitter Service Explained
Madeleine’s paternal grandmother Eileen McCann reportedly provided this as the reason why Gerry and Kate did not make use of the Ocean Club resort babysitter service: “They weren’t sure about the...
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Talk TV on youtube Video already uploaded here.. /t15702p550-leave-no-stone-unturned#471794 Thread locked. Verdi
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The latest publications

CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Mail?
The Prologue .... The Farce .... The Epilogue
CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Mail?
A Shaggy Dog's Tale
CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Mail?
Snakes and Ladders

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Post by sharonl 11.01.24 22:04

Newsletter #59 - 11 January 2024

The trending topics

CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Gerry_15
Spotlight on Gerald and Kate McCamm
Kate McCann speaks of her husband in her book madeleine.. "Gerry was good-looking, confident and outgoing. He also had a reputation as a bit of a lad. But as I got to know him I discovered a...
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 _131549675_gettyimages-451839930
Portuguese police apologise to Madeleine McCann's parents
Portuguese police apologise to Madeleine McCann's parents Portuguese police have apologised to the parents of Madeleine McCann for the way they handled the three-year-old's...
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the artificial opinions
i was looking who would be the first this year in the media to resurrect something about this case, i found an article from october , 2023 that had fed some questions into chatgpt, one of the better...
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Dog10
A distinguished police dog is finally putting his paws up after retiring from public service
A distinguished police dog is finally putting his paws up after retiring from public service. PD Tommy, a Dutch Herder and Belgian Malinois cross, joined Nottinghamshire Police in 2018 and...
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Accounts 2023
Accounts are up on Companies House site at 06248215, filed on 21st. I can’t copy and paste a readable copy from my phone, but little to see anyway. No Income & Expenditure account as usual, which...
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The latest publications

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The Prologue .... The Farce .... The Epilogue
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A Shaggy Dog's Tale
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Snakes and Ladders
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Post by Jill Havern 01.02.24 7:29

Newsletter #60 - 1 February 2024

The trending topics

CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 _132505420_c0eb65ce-0746-46c8-8e45-0adf56dd03c8
I Regret Posting Online That I Was Madeleine McCann
I Regret Posting Online That I Was Madeleine McCann An interview with Marianna Spring. By...
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 0_Missing-Madeleine-McCann
Madeleine McCann suspect 'snatched child from beach' just days before, charges show
Christian Brueckner, a key Madeleine McCann suspect, will stand trial in Germany next month for five separate attacks that took place across Europe between 2000 and...
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Gmb10
G McCann: 'However, the Press must understand that if they publish they would be putting the publics lives 'at risk'
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Sonia Poulton Being Sued
Hi there, I joined this forum because I noticed your commentary about Sonia Poulton, an ... enthusiastic ... producer of content around Madeleine McCann. I don't know if it is of interest, but...
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Negative steers and unacceptable discussions and threads
Negative steers and unacceptable discussions and threads Bringing this across from the 'Verdi' thread, I am sure there are plenty of examples of where thoughts have been rubbished and ideas...
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The latest publications

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The Prologue .... The Farce .... The Epilogue
CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 2_1_310x175
A Shaggy Dog's Tale
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Snakes and Ladders

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Jill Havern
Jill Havern
The Captain (& Chief Faffer) Oh yeah, and Forum Owner
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Empty Re: CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications

Post by Jill Havern 19.04.24 6:36

Newsletter #61 - 19 April 2024

Chapter 57: STOP PRESS: BRÜCKNER HAS SOME MATES ROUND FOR A BIRTHDAY PARTY From the plethora of nonsense news items emanating from the cloaca maxima of the British gutter press in recent weeks I...
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New from PeterMac: Chapter 56: Still no update
Chapter 56 STILL NO UPDAT E I started writing this chapter a long time ago during the ‘silly season’ with an observation about the total lack of any ‘news – invented or otherwise’ – since...
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The disappearance of Sebastian Rogers
This case has had the Internet buzzing from the start - an autistic 15-year-old vanished from his bedroom, which we have heard of on other occasions! Pat Brown, Deception Detective and Peter Hyatt...
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The latest publications

CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 9_2_310x175
The Prologue .... The Farce .... The Epilogue
CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 2_1_310x175
A Shaggy Dog's Tale
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Snakes and Ladders

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Jill Havern
Jill Havern
The Captain (& Chief Faffer) Oh yeah, and Forum Owner
The Captain (& Chief Faffer) Oh yeah, and Forum Owner

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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Empty Re: CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications

Post by Jill Havern 05.05.24 10:14

Newsletter #62 - 5 May 2024

The trending topics

CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 1_file10
Madeleine McCann's parents share heartbreaking update on 17th anniversary of daughter's disappearance
Madeleine McCann's parents share heartbreaking update on 17th anniversary of daughter's disappearance Madeleine McCann vanished on May 3, 2007, when her family were holidaying in Praia...
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Smithman theory
This is a reply to the post SMITHMAN 12 which I seem unable to reply...
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Madeleine McCann investigation set to receive fresh cash injection on eve of 17th anniversary
Madeleine McCann investigation to receive up to a further £192,000 Nick Lester, Chief Lords Reporter Wed, 1 May 2024 at 3:29 pm BST·2-min read Up to a further...
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Ben Needham's mum calls for same amount spent on Madeleine McCann for missing son
EXCLUSIVE:  Ben Needham's mum calls for same amount spent on Madeleine McCann for missing son Ben Needham's mother Kerry is begging the Government to provide the same money to...
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New from PeterMac's FREE e-book: CHAPTER 58 The Trials and Tribulations of Christian Brückner
CHAPTER 58 The Trials and Tribulations of Christian Brückner Even as I start this Chapter I know that by the time it is published it will be out of date, but I can hold back no longer. ...
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The latest publications

CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 9_2_310x175
The Prologue .... The Farce .... The Epilogue
CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 2_1_310x175
A Shaggy Dog's Tale
CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 0_2_310x175
Snakes and Ladders

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Jill Havern
Jill Havern
The Captain (& Chief Faffer) Oh yeah, and Forum Owner
The Captain (& Chief Faffer) Oh yeah, and Forum Owner

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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Empty Newsletter #63 - 30 May 2024

Post by Jill Havern 30.05.24 11:35

Newsletter #63 - 30 May 2024

The trending topics

CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Mail?
The Crown - v - McHaggis and McHaggis
I make no apologies for re-posting this work of art. The Crown - v - McHaggis and...
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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Mail?
Chapter 59: PeterMac's review of The Foreign Detective Bernt Stellander's book: The Sudden Impulse
Chapter 59: PeterMac's review of The Foreign Detective Bernt Stellander's book: The Sudden Impulse   Review of Bernt Stellander's book: 'The Sudden Impulse' MY FIRST READ...
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Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse'
Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse' Gentlemen, May we assume you are aware of the recently...
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Ex-Metodo3 investigator Julian Peribañez heading back to PdL to explore leads not investigated by PJ
Just four police officers are now probing the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, Met reveal By MEGAN HOWE PUBLISHED: 21:27, 12 May 2024 | UPDATED: 21:36, 12 May 2024 Only four UK police...
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Madeleine McCann Reward Fund
Greetings everyone I joined several weeks ago but despite being very interested in the Forum, this is my first post. I'm sorry to have taken so long to make a conytibution. I'd like to make a...
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The latest publications

CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Mail?
Who is The Fat Controller ?
CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Mail?
Anatomy of a Revelation
CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Mail?
The Crown - v - McHaggis and McHaggis

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Jill Havern
Jill Havern
The Captain (& Chief Faffer) Oh yeah, and Forum Owner
The Captain (& Chief Faffer) Oh yeah, and Forum Owner

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CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Empty Re: CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications

Post by Jill Havern 16.07.24 14:03

Newsletter #64 - 16 July 2024

The trending topics

CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 Mmm55011
Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes: MADDIE Fabrication d’un mythe Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes MADDIE Fabrication d’un mythe Rares sont les pays qui ont ignoré la disparition soudaine de Madeleine MC au...
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BRICK Reviews
My thoughts on Bernt Stellander’s The Sudden Impulse There are other people better placed to analyse the analysis in the book than myself. Peter McLeod (retired police superintendent) for one, who...
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"NEWS PENDING > > > >"
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The Manchester Arena Incident: A disaster killing 22 and injuring 1,037 - or an elaborate hoax? NEW BOOK by Iain Davis
Some on here will be aware of the work of Richard D Hall on the alleged bombing at Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017, which is said to have killed 22 people and injured up to 1,037 others. In 2020,...
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CHAPTER 60 IS THERE NO END TO CLARKE'S "MISPREPRESENTATION OF FACT" ? (Edited from something stronger, obviously) Two weeks ago (June 2024) the Tabloid press of the...
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The latest publications

CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 7_0_310x175
PeterMac's Review of Bernt Stellander's book 'The Sudden Impulse'
CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 9_2_310x175
CMOMM's Newsletters of Trending Topics and Publications - Page 3 5_1_310x175
Who is The Fat Controller ?

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Jill Havern
Jill Havern
The Captain (& Chief Faffer) Oh yeah, and Forum Owner
The Captain (& Chief Faffer) Oh yeah, and Forum Owner

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