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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 5 Mm11

50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 5 Regist10
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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 5 Mm11

50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 5 Regist10

50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 5 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by sandancer 02.11.19 16:10

tiki wrote:Re: 39  a very odd statement by GM on Scottish television. I cannot understand how they got away with it when their words give them away so much. Also had not seen before that all 3 children supposedly shared a toothbrush. I grew up in a poor household in the 60s but I don't remember ever sharing a toothbrush. The McCanns were far from poor so why would they be doing this. Not only did they not bother to take pushchairs or hire a baby sitter but they failed to.take basic items like toothbrushes for their kids. As somebody else pointed out why did GM have to travel to UK to get something with Ms DNA on it. Surely there was something closer to hand.

The sharing a toothbrush story is a myth . The PJ wanted a control sample of Madeleines DNA , if all the toothbrushes were together in a glass there is a risk of cross contamination or one child using another's by mistake , same with hairbrushes . 
The return of Gerry to Rothley for a sample of her DNA isn't clear about how it was obtained or how the pillowcase was returned to Portugal . Madeleines clothes were washed by the Laundry services along with adult clothing on Saturday 5th May without the PJs knowledge . Her shoes , who knows ! Then we have the story of Kate putting Amelie in her sisters pyjamas and Amelie apparently saying " Maddies jammies , where's Maddie ? " But - they didn't call her Maddie did they !?!? 
The McCanns do or say nothing without reason .

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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 5 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by Verdi 02.11.19 21:01

You are quite right sandancer, the toofbrush and hairbrush stories are but myths.

Like so many other myths still being repeated to this very day - no matter how many times they are taken to task.

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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 5 Empty Point 35

Post by RoannaJane 08.05.23 10:47


The point about one of the group being ill every night except the Thursday is very interesting.  I think I read it was Matthew Oldfield on the Sunday. Does anyone know offhand which people were absent on the Monday, Tues and Weds?


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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 5 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by Verdi 08.05.23 13:01

RoannaJane wrote:Hi,

The point about one of the group being ill every night except the Thursday is very interesting.  I think I read it was Matthew Oldfield on the Sunday. Does anyone know offhand which people were absent on the Monday, Tues and Weds?


Hello RoannaJane and  welcome  to the forum.

35. The McCanns ignored police advice not to publicise Madeleine’s distinctive mark in her right eye, a ‘coloboma’. They said that if she was with an abductor, it could place her life in danger. On 15 July 2009, Gerry McCann said: “We thought it was possible that publicising her coloboma could harm Madeleine. Her abductor might do something to her eye. But in marketing terms it was a good ploy”.

I'm not sure how Point 35 relates to your question, perhaps all will be revealed when your question is answered.

At this stage I advise that you read through the witness statements taken from the McCanns and their holiday group of friends, that should tell you all you need to know - and a whole lot more  winkwink .


The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 5 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by RoannaJane 08.05.23 13:33

Verdi wrote:
RoannaJane wrote:Hi,

The point about one of the group being ill every night except the Thursday is very interesting.  I think I read it was Matthew Oldfield on the Sunday. Does anyone know offhand which people were absent on the Monday, Tues and Weds?


Hello RoannaJane and  welcome  to the forum.

I'm not sure how Point 35 relates to your question, perhaps all will be revealed when your question is answered.

At this stage I advise that you read through the witness statements taken from the McCanns and their holiday group of friends, that should tell you all you need to know - and a whole lot more  winkwink .

Apologies, I was looking at point 35 in a different list on a lower post. Sorry for my misleading note there.  

Thank you so much for the link. I will sit and have a read through now with a cup of coffee. I'm interested to know if it was 4 different people ill or if there was duplication. I'm sure it will all be in the witness statements.

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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 5 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by crusader 08.05.23 13:50

Funny how the sickness only manifested at dinner time, It didn't interfere with their daytime activities.

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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 5 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by sharonl 21.01.24 18:10

This is well worth another read
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50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you - Page 5 Empty Re: 50 facts about the Maddie case that the British media are not telling you

Post by Tony Bennett 21.01.24 20:08

50 Facts proved very popular.

I think there was a set of three different ones?


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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