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  McCann Case: Analyses of the Phone Calls Reveal an Unexplored Clue Mm11

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  McCann Case: Analyses of the Phone Calls Reveal an Unexplored Clue Mm11

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McCann Case: Analyses of the Phone Calls Reveal an Unexplored Clue

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  McCann Case: Analyses of the Phone Calls Reveal an Unexplored Clue Empty McCann Case: Analyses of the Phone Calls Reveal an Unexplored Clue

Post by Verdi 11.09.18 23:45

McCann Case: Analyses of the Phone Calls Reveal an Unexplored Clue

by Duarte Levy

Justine McGuiness and the Ribeira do Vascão

Justine McGuiness, the McCann’s spokeswoman who accompanied them in their get away for England soon after they had been constituted as arguidos, left in the apartment that served as headquarters to the couple several documents, including photographies, establishing a possible link between Madeleine's disappearance and the riverside of the Ribeira do Vascão, near the border with Spain. Today, after 19 months have passed since the day in which Madeleine disappeared, the clue left by Justine McGuiness gives again something to talk about.

It is on the day of Kate and Gerry’s escape for England, to the 9th of September of 2007, four months since the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, that the Judiciary Police (PJ) puts their hands in series of documents left in the Vila Vista Mar, up to that time occupied by the couple, which includes photos and even a sketch, indicating the detailed location of a place on the border between the Alentejo and the Algarve, to 20 km of Almodôvar, crossed by the Ribeira do Vascão. The inspectors of the PJ entered at the house soon after the departure of the McCanns for the airport, thus taking advantage of the fact that the journalists had accompanied the couple.

The documents left behind by the McCann’s spokeswoman, Justine McGuiness, were found underneath a sofa and they had, besides the identification of a quite precise geographical zone, countless inscriptions that the PJ never managed to interpret. According to sources close to the inquest, nothing was done in this sense and the men of the PJ, who would have looked at the documents as the work of an esoteric group, did not even bother to visit the place indicated considering the clue as being worthless for the case.

The spokeswoman of the McCann, who accompanied them during the days in which the couple was constituted arguidos before the Portuguese justice, would be fired upon arrival to England, this despite the fact that that she might reveal herself as one of the most worrying witnesses for the couple and for the British authorities themselves. What is certain is that Justine McGuiness was never questioned by the Judicial Police and therefore the exact meaning of the documents and photos was never explained.

In declarations recorded recently in London, sources close to the former candidate of the Liberal party, an expert in public relations, confirmed that Justine McGuiness has even been the target of various pressures, specifically in the legal field, indicating that she should maintain silence over everything that she saw or heard during the time she worked with Kate and Gerry McCann.

What is certain is that the former spokesman of the couple was already obviously at odds with the couple, particularly with Kate McCann, on the day in which she left Portugal with them and it was no surprise to anyone the "divorce" upon arrival in England. Justine always wove harsh criticisms, some of them in the presence of several journalists at Madeleine's mother and the bad relations between the two women surpassed the financial issues, where Justine constantly demanded the payment of her work and the numerous hours spent beside the couple as well as for the meetings and dinners with journalists and British authorities envoys.

Today, everything might be forgotten if it wasn’t for the results of an investigation to the telephone calls of the couple McCann and of all the persons who were in contact with them, carried out by journalists in collaboration with former operational elements from the Secret Intelligence Service.

Swansea again

While investigating the calls received and done by the McCann’s mobile phones during their stay in Portugal, the investigators found a report from inspector Paulo Dias of the PJ where it is confirmed that Kate received on the 2nd of May of 2007, at around 11h21, a call from Swansea (UK) which, later, she would justify to the PJ as being a mistake. A sufficiently important "mistake" so that Madeleine's mother guarded the register of this call in her mobile, in spite of having deleted all the details of other communications.

More interesting, the investigators - some Britons - used to dealing with sensitive cases, also found the register of a phone call made on the same day, after lunch, between a mobile phone in Praia da Luz and the same number of Swansea that had contacted Kate McCann. The mobile from which the call is made does not belong to any of the McCanns nor to the group of friends who were accompanying them and up to today the Judiciary Police, despite several requests to the English authorities, has never been able to identify the owner of that mobile nor has obtained from the English support or willingness so that they questioned whomever it was regarding these calls.

Now, while cross-referencing the results obtained next to the mobile telecommunication operators in Portugal and in Spain with the reports of the Judiciary Police in particular the excellent work of the inspector Paulo Dias, investigators and journalists found a new element worthy of interest: the mobile phone used in Praia da Luz to call the number from Swansea who had contacted Kate on May 2, was used to make and receive calls in the area indicated in the documents and in the photographs that the McCann’s spokeswoman left under the sofa on the day of the run off for England.

According to the records now known, the mobile phone was used near the Ribeira do Vascão on several occasions, namely between the days 12 and May 15th, 2007 but equally in June and July of the same year. Those phone calls were always made to England or to Praia da Luz, except for one, which was made to the British embassy in Lisbon.

Source: SOS Maddie by Duarte Levy


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  McCann Case: Analyses of the Phone Calls Reveal an Unexplored Clue Empty Re: McCann Case: Analyses of the Phone Calls Reveal an Unexplored Clue

Post by Sundance 12.09.18 9:37

This is bizarre. There's a slew of documents 'found' under the sofa once the McCann's had vacated the apartment, which are more than likely a ruse. Yet there's phone calls registered from the 'mistake' Swansea number in the middle of May and various times in June and July from the location sketched / mentioned on one of the documents, and a call to the embassy in Lisbon?
I understand that the veracity of Duarte Levy assertions need to be checked, so where is this source information?

Is it possible that this is a 'burner' phone used by Gerry McCann? And did Kate leave the number on there instead of deleting as with all the rest to keep the number without saving it to the memory or writing it down?

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  McCann Case: Analyses of the Phone Calls Reveal an Unexplored Clue Empty Re: McCann Case: Analyses of the Phone Calls Reveal an Unexplored Clue

Post by Rogue-a-Tory 12.09.18 10:13

I’ve long held the view that the McCann’s trip to Huelva, in early August, before the PJ seized the rental car and search of the MCann’s villa is absolutely the key to the concealment of the cadaver. From Ribeira do Vascão there could be a nice quiet crossing the border road ultimately to Huelva. Such a detour would help explain why the Kms clocked by the hire car didn't tally with the journeys the McCanns had disclosed.

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  McCann Case: Analyses of the Phone Calls Reveal an Unexplored Clue Empty Re: McCann Case: Analyses of the Phone Calls Reveal an Unexplored Clue

Post by Cammerigal 14.09.18 6:25

Swansea, it nags in that there is no meaning to The comms and from there, to Jim Gamble and his teams early presence, plus Amaral’s comment on MI5.
For obvious reasons, I am struggling to link any UK military intelligence ops to Swansea (its secret) but in the past I knew 2nd hand of a comms centre in that ‘area’
I do note a recent advert for an intelligence analyst in Swansea though.

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