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RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs' Mm11

RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs' Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs' Mm11

RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs' Regist10

RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs'

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RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs' Empty RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs'

Post by Jill Havern 29.01.21 8:24

What a shock it is to learn of the death of Hobs  sad singlerose

This was her blog, and she did a lot of work for Madeleine [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
She will be sorely missed. RIP Hobs  tissues

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RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs' Empty Re: RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs'

Post by Guest 29.01.21 9:13

I saw this last night, and it certainly was a shock. RIP  Hobnob.

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RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs' Empty Re: RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs'

Post by Guest 29.01.21 11:34

What a shock!  

So very sad - a short life but lived to the full and a nature lover.

Her memory will live on here, in the flowers the trees the sun the sky the stars and the moon ....

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RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs' Empty Re: RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs'

Post by sandancer 29.01.21 13:09

A lovely lady who will be missed by everyone who fights for truth and justice for Madeleine .

Peace love blessings and light to you Hobs , and to those you love and who love you . Fly high on your next big adventure XXX 😘
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RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs' Empty Re: RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs'

Post by Guest 29.01.21 15:17


If blood will flow when flesh and steel are one
Drying in the colour of the evening sun
Tomorrow's rain will wash the stains away
But something in our minds will always stay
Perhaps this final act was meant
To clinch a lifetime's argument
That nothing comes from violence and nothing ever could
For all those born beneath an angry star
Lest we forget how fragile we are

On and on the rain will fall
Like tears from a star like tears from a star
On and on the rain will say
How fragile we are how fragile we are

On and on the rain will fall
Like tears from a star like tears from a star
On and on the rain will say
How fragile we are how fragile we are
How fragile we are how fragile we are

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RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs' Empty Re: RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs'

Post by Guest 29.01.21 15:38

Oh no!
RIP Tania.

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RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs' Empty Re: RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs'

Post by Ladyinred 29.01.21 17:56

RIP Hobs
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RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs' Empty Re: RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs'

Post by Silentscope 29.01.21 21:06

My condolences to all her friends and family at this sad time.


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RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs' Empty Re: RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs'

Post by AnneBarnard 29.01.21 23:10

RIP Hobs and condolences to her family and friends. How terribly sad.


Meanwhile in Cuckooland..

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RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs' Empty Re: RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs'

Post by MrsC 31.01.21 13:16

Such sad news. RIP 

I will miss your work.

Sooner or later in life, we will all take our own turn being in the position we once had someone else in.


The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out...

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RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs' Empty Re: RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs'

Post by sar 10.02.21 10:40

Sad news, RIP HOBS.  Her work will live on.

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RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs' Empty Re: RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs'

Post by ROSA 10.02.21 19:31

So sad R.i.p Tania

For Paulo Sargento, the thesis that Gonçalo Amaral revealed at first hand to "SP" that the blanket could have been used in a funeral ceremony at the Luz chapel "is very interesting".
And he adds: "In reality, when the McCanns went to Oprah's Show, the blanket was mentioned. At a given moment, when Oprah tells Kate that she heard her mention a blanket several times, Kate argued that a mother who misses a child always wants to know if she is comfortable, if she is warm, and added, referring to Maddie, that sometimes she asked herself if the person who had taken her would cover her up with her little blanket (but the blanket was on the bed after Maddie, supposedly, disappeared!!!).

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RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs' Empty Re: RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs'

Post by Ladyinred 10.02.21 20:08

Hobs cared for her elderly uncle, who had various health issues and she often wrote about him.  I hope he's ok.
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RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs' Empty Re: RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs'

Post by Columbo 16.02.21 16:32

Logged in after a bit of a gap and was shocked and saddened to read this.

RIP Hobs

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RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs' Empty Re: RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs'

Post by Jill Havern 16.02.21 17:41

Good to see you back Columbo  singlerose

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RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs' Empty Re: RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs'

Post by Guest 06.03.21 15:27

Yesterday I received the Winter/Spring edition of the RSPB's magazine - Nature's Home.

How sad Tania never got around to sending the RSPB her fascinating account of her life with her family of hedgehogs - Hobs' Hogs! What a wonderful legacy that would have been to her memory.

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RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs' Empty Re: RIP dear Tania Cadogan aka 'Hobs'

Post by lsb572 26.03.23 2:12

Such a shame but who am I to mention? I was thankfully pointed to here somehow when Julia first went live on Instgram. I can't believe that I am 50 years old and apart from newsflashes about the McCanns being arguidos never followed it much further. I was bringing two kids up myself as a battered army wife. I have read and appreciated all of your efforts and I've also read a lot of Hobs' posts but never realised until now that she had flown the nest. May she still be with you all everywhere! Stand easy Hobs, your duty is done x

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