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Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse' Mm11

Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse' Regist10
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Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse' Mm11

Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse' Regist10

Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse'

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Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse' Empty Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse'

Post by Jill Havern 19.05.24 11:00

Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse' Gmv5zh11

Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse'

May we assume you are aware of the recently published book in Portuguese and English :-
The Sudden Impulse, by Bernt Stellander, available from the publishers
Modocromia,  [email:] 
in which he details an operation he conducted over many years, finding the site of Madeleine’s grave and CRUCIALLY, filming the McCanns and their friends visiting it to check on several occasions, when he had anonymously alerted them to the possibility that it had been found.
That film will shortly be released on websites set up for the purpose.

The press in Germany and elsewhere has run the story of the launch of the book, and of the Q&A session afterwards.
The British Press has of course not referred to it even obliquely, in line with the very obvious gagging order which has clearly been in place for a long time, and which may even control your activity.
Whether you are permitted to “investigate” is unclear.

I do not need to point out that this information is in line with the PJ’s investigation and the decisions of the Appeal and the Supreme Courts of Portugal and the ECHR,- who all concluded that there was no abduction, and that the parents concealed the body,  but I do so, in order that when I receive your automatically generated acknowledgement it will be clear that the information was in your hands for any future FIO requests about the way in which the Operation has been directed.

It incidentally makes the “Fund” a very simple case of Fraud, an offence known to English Law, and committed in England.

You may wish to draw this to the attention of your Commanding Officer.

Yours sincerely
Peter MacLeod
retired Police Superintendent - Nottingham 1972-2000
[my name will be in your files as having sent large amounts of documentation over the years]

copied to various other investigators

  • From:
    Date: 6 May 2024 at 20:34:03 CEST
    To: pmacleod****@*****.com
    Subject: Automated Response
    Many thanks for taking the time to contact the Operation Grange mailbox.

    Your email will be read by one of the officers on the enquiry team. You will appreciate that we receive a large volume of emails as part of this enquiry and as a result you may not necessarily receive any further contact from us. If, however we need to contact you further, an officer will be in touch in due course.

    NOTICE - This email and any attachments are solely for the intended recipient and may be confidential. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender and delete it from your system. Do not use, copy or disclose the information contained in this email or in any attachment without the permission of the sender. Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) communication systems are monitored to the extent permitted by law and any email and/or attachments may be read by monitoring staff. Only specified personnel are authorised to conclude binding agreements on behalf of the MPS by email and no responsibility is accepted for unauthorised agreements reached with other personnel. While reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure no viruses are present in this email, its security and that of any attachments cannot be guaranteed.

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Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse' Empty Re: Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse'

Post by Silentscope 19.05.24 11:08

The pressure on the 'House of Cards' is mounting...

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Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse' Empty Re: Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse'

Post by Cake Lover 19.05.24 11:24

Fantastic,  Petermac  bravo
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Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse' Empty Re: Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse'

Post by Keelafreeze 19.05.24 14:16

If there is footage of the area with the McCanns and others visiting and he didn’t give the EXACT location then that has to be dynamite.
Surely it should be searched though?
Or is that part of his long term plan I wonder?!

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Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse' Empty Re: Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse'

Post by crusader 19.05.24 14:25

Thank you PeterMac, straight to the point.
I hope they take note and speak to Stellander who clearly has some information that could be of use to them.
If they don't, then we know they are hiding something they want to keep from the public domain.

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Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse' Empty Re: Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse'

Post by Cake Lover 19.05.24 15:09

I'm very pleased that Petermac mentioned the 'fund'. That's dynamite as well. The McCann clan must have heard about the book. I wonder if we will get an announcement from them.
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Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse' Empty Re: Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse'

Post by Silentscope 20.05.24 15:38

A brief recap of 30 FOI Requests sent to the U.K. Police of which only two were ever answered.

Not covering anything up are they?

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Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse' Empty Re: Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse'

Post by AnneCGuedes 26.05.24 16:10

Excellent idea by PeterMac to mention the fund issue, the point in GA's book most likely to explain the will to eradicate it. Although the charity scheme advocated by IFLG had been lodged with the Charity Commission, the MCs suddenly backed out and opted for Companies House. The limited company status dispensed with the need to disclose the financial position, but "they promised the highest standards of transparency and intelligibility". Time would show that, here again, promises only bind those who listen to them.

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Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse' Empty Re: Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse'

Post by GreenTara 12.07.24 10:25

Thank you PeterMac, a clear & powerful email. Love it!

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Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse' Empty Re: Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse'

Post by JB2025 05.11.24 9:20

Op Grange.

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Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse' Empty Re: Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse'

Post by pinkgladioli 05.11.24 10:13

OJB2025 wrote:Op Grange.
Good to go back and recap on PeterMac’s fantastic worded letter!

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Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse' Empty Re: Letter from PeterMac to Operation Grange dated 6th May re: Bernt Stellander, The Foreign Detective's, new book 'The Sudden Impulse'

Post by CaKeLoveR 05.11.24 10:55

Operation Grange state that they receive a large volume of emails and letters about the case; I don't believe Petermac's don't get priority. They are probably terrified every time they see one.
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