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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Mm11

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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Mm11

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Candid Camera: Clarence Mitchell

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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Candid Camera: Clarence Mitchell

Post by Verdi 13.03.18 15:57

Clarence Mitchell, former Director of the UK government's Media Monitoring Unit, has a unique story to tell in this web of intrigue.

The stories relating to how Clarrie met Gery are manifold, the most widely accepted being taken from Clarence Mitchell's own words during his witness interview recorded on 28th April 2008..

"I met Gerry at the end of May 2007 when he returned to the UK after his daughter's disappearance. It was a circumstantial meeting at Leicestershire Police station. At the time I was working as part of the Consular Assistance Group, representing the foreigners department. I as asked to return to Portugal with Mr McCann, where I met his wife. Later I became the McCann family's representative and I developed a good personal and professional relationship with them."

Not only does Mitchell freely admit his personal relationship with Gerry and Kate McCann, he also made the following statement at the time of his resignation from the Media Monitoring Unit, just after Gerry and Kate McCann were declared arguidos (persons of interest/suspects) by the Portuguese authorities..

"I have done so simply because I feel so strongly that they are the innocent victims of a heinous crime that I am prepared to forgo my career in government service to assist them. I will simply be representing Katie and Gerry as a private individual, one who believes utterly that they are innocent of any involvement in the disappearance, let alone the death, of their daughter, Madeleine."

Mmmm well, so there you have it, a brief introduction to man who effectively abandoned life in order to dedicate his time and energy in support of two people who were, and still are, the prime suspects in the disappearance of their own three year old daughter. Such was Mr Mitchell's dedication and friendship that he repeatedly appeared before the world's media as a staunch adherent to the McCanns defence league. There was a media blitz at some stage that claimed Clarence Mitchell had been sacked by the McCanns - tch tch, after all he'd done for them. Still, storm in a teacup, to this very day Mr Mitchell is always at hand when the need arises, either in name or as a source close to the family/investigation.

This enigmatic individual and his media appearances deserve a corner all of it's own on CMoMM - so here it is. What better way to start off..

Members please feel free to add - there are some corkers!

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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Re: Candid Camera: Clarence Mitchell

Post by Guest 13.03.18 17:25

"I have done so simply because I feel so strongly that they are the innocent victims of a heinous crime that I am prepared to forgo my career in government service to assist them. I will simply be representing Katie and Gerry as a private individual, one who believes utterly that they are innocent of any involvement in the disappearance, let alone the death, of their daughter, Madeleine."
Amazing foresight.

It's almost as though he knew the Madeleine case was not going to be resolved quickly.

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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Re: Candid Camera: Clarence Mitchell

Post by willowthewisp 13.03.18 17:29

Hi Verdi,perhaps the figure heads from Government will proscribe a Disting  quished Order Medal for services rendered,Clarence Mitchell cast as the New James Bond,"All because the Lady Loves Milk Tray",wheres the sick bag!

As Carlos Anjous said,"He Lies with as Many Teeth He has in His Head" He's told more than 32 Porkies on Pink &Perky's behalf?

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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Re: Candid Camera: Clarence Mitchell

Post by Mark Willis 13.03.18 18:53

BlueBag wrote:
"I have done so simply because I feel so strongly that they are the innocent victims of a heinous crime that I am prepared to forgo my career in government service to assist them. I will simply be representing Katie and Gerry as a private individual, one who believes utterly that they are innocent of any involvement in the disappearance, let alone the death, of their daughter, Madeleine."
Amazing foresight.

It's almost as though he knew the Madeleine case was not going to be resolved quickly.
At least Elton John caught on quickly.
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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Re: Candid Camera: Clarence Mitchell

Post by polyenne 13.03.18 20:18

“Let alone the death”.

Kerrraaaaang !!

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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Re: Candid Camera: Clarence Mitchell

Post by Verdi 13.03.18 21:43

During a radio interview a very long time ago, when speaking of a prominent figure striving to see justice for Madeleine McCann winkwink , Clarence Mitchell foolishly said the individual makes a habit of latching onto high profile cases.

Well there's a pot calling the kettle black !!!

If I can locate the radio interview it will be posted here.

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg and howlet's wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

William Shakespeare - The Scottish Play

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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Re: Candid Camera: Clarence Mitchell

Post by Verdi 13.03.18 21:48

The stress of defending the indefensible is taking it's toll - Mr Mitchell is looking somewhat ruffled..

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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Re: Candid Camera: Clarence Mitchell

Post by polyenne 13.03.18 21:50

Spinning ? Looks like he’s been well a Whirlpool !

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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Re: Candid Camera: Clarence Mitchell

Post by Verdi 14.03.18 12:50

Detective Super-attendant Clarence Mitchell goes global..

He do like the Australian vibe don't he - short of launching the case into orbit, you couldn't get much further from the UK. 

Distance is relative?  I doubt such a trivial pursuit would have deluded Eddie and Keela.


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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Re: Candid Camera: Clarence Mitchell

Post by Verdi 14.03.18 21:53

So what exactly were you doing Mr Media Monitor, when all these defamatory reports were being widely published? Didn't they pay you a vast sum of money to manipulate the media - or was that encompassed in your terms of contract?

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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Re: Candid Camera: Clarence Mitchell

Post by Guest 15.03.18 11:03

Back when this happened all those years ago, when it was a breaking story in the media , . . . Back when the general public had never heard of The McCanns,  Clarence Mitchell popped up on TV standing in front of G and K as their "personal spokesperson" , I thought "Woah, something is NOT RIGHT about this".
That was not hindsight, it was an instant gut reaction to seeing his fat face with the other two hiding behind him.

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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Re: Candid Camera: Clarence Mitchell

Post by Verdi 15.03.18 12:32

Clarence Mitchell wrote:
.... the whole thing was an unnecessary wrongly imposed distraction

Mmmmm.. never a truer word spoken by the media monitoring mouth - only in the wrong context.

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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Candid Camera

Post by willowthewisp 15.03.18 14:46

Verdi wrote:
Clarence Mitchell wrote:
.... the whole thing was an unnecessary wrongly imposed distraction

Mmmmm.. never a truer word spoken by the media monitoring mouth - only in the wrong context.
Perhaps, Clarence could start a"Preaching class"in Belmarsh for those who may not have heard of his"Personal Cause"on behalf of Kate,Gerry,parents of Madeleine McCann,not withholding the Funds paid associated with his work from the"Find Madeleine Fund" setup Eleven Days after the Date of the"Official Date"noted as 3 May 2007,Lady Justice Hogg,Sister to a Former Home Secretary,Douglas Hogg,friends in high places?

Would it be wishful thinking for person(s) who have consistently pursued One side in a disappearance to be proved entirely wrong,that in fact some form of Criminality had in fact been involved with Madeleine McCann's disappearance,would the"Paid for"PR be responsible for Misrepresentation they have alluded to for Eleven Years taken into account of likely to"Pervert The Course Of Justice"?

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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Re: Candid Camera: Clarence Mitchell

Post by Verdi 15.03.18 23:44

willowthewisp wrote:.... Lady Justice Hogg, Sister to a Former Home Secretary,Douglas Hogg,friends in high places?

I've been meaning to post-up the Lady Justice Hogg court declaration - I'll do it now if I can find a suitable niche.. Pigs in space ....

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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Re: Candid Camera: Clarence Mitchell

Post by Verdi 15.03.18 23:46

The laughing policeman..

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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Re: Candid Camera: Clarence Mitchell

Post by Mark Willis 16.03.18 8:58

After suffering the many lying teeth as he has in his mouth Mr Pink what a perfect antidote with the DCI Redwood vid after it. 
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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Re: Candid Camera: Clarence Mitchell

Post by Verdi 17.03.18 21:32

Moita Flores Interview on Sic (3'42''):The new sketch released by the McCann "is just another spin, a make-up to keep the case alive and reinforce the innocence of the parents", criminologist Moita Flores told today to a Portuguese news channel, SIC. "It is manipulation and propaganda, from the (McCann) group, which has done the same before, to innocent people", he said. Questioned about similarities between the cases of Mari Luz and Madeleine, Moita Flores said that "the only thing similar was the fact that both children vanished." Among many differences, he pointed to the fact that "Mari Luz parents never abandoned her, as the McCann did with their children."


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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Re: Candid Camera: Clarence Mitchell

Post by ferrotty 18.03.18 13:38

I'm sure I have seen this guy playing in the Cavern years ago. winkwink

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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Re: Candid Camera: Clarence Mitchell

Post by Verdi 21.03.18 15:37

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Candid Camera

Post by willowthewisp 21.03.18 18:07

Verdi wrote:
Hi Verdi,better alert the comprehensive team of Psychiatrist's to investigate the Personality of Clarence Mitchell?

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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Re: Candid Camera: Clarence Mitchell

Post by Verdi 21.03.18 21:19

willowthewisp wrote:
Verdi wrote:
Hi Verdi,better alert the comprehensive team of Psychiatrist's to investigate the Personality of Clarence Mitchell?

What - headed by Alan Pike, the pseudo shrink?

I look forward to the scoping exercise on completion of his comprehensive assessment - no doubt leading back to Robert Murat, the other iffy character with a few in the closet. I don't think Mitchell's got a personality - I think he's got a personality disorder smilie .

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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Candid Camera

Post by willowthewisp 22.03.18 18:14

Verdi wrote:
willowthewisp wrote:
Verdi wrote:
Hi Verdi,better alert the comprehensive team of Psychiatrist's to investigate the Personality of Clarence Mitchell?

What - headed by Alan Pike, the pseudo shrink?

I look forward to the scoping exercise on completion of his comprehensive assessment - no doubt leading back to Robert Murat, the other iffy character with a few in the closet.  I don't think Mitchell's got a personality - I think he's got a personality disorder smilie .
He must have gone halves with One of the other Doctors walking back to the Workplace on the Zebra crossing,a not black and white moment,Abbey Road, Beatles album?

When will a Politician finally grow a"Backbone" some, Balls to end this nonsense of  Cover Ups with regard to Sex related attacks on Children,Adults in regard to the "Perverts Of Parliament",David Cameron allowed to slap on another 50 yrs on Lord Dennings,"Profumo Affair"Scandal, now released in 2064,yet what do the MSM do in the UK do,sweet FA,it's as if they cannot be arsed to report the Truth to their own people?
The Metropolitan UK Police force since the 1950-60's have been involved with numerous wrongs with regard to Criminal Behaviour,seemingly right through to the present day!
There are now supposed to be at least a Dozen Borough Councils involved in the most recent"Grooming Scandal",I am not making any insinuations as to regards it soley being a Race problem,as an RT programme involving Brian Garish had interviewed a former Metropolitan Police Officer about"Grooming from the Care Homes was then warned by High ranking Officers,if he spilled the proverbial Beans,they would target him and his family in some sort of retribution for doing his Job?  
The problem arises when the Elites in any system allow their cohorts to Break the Rules,people find out what has happened,then use the same practices to avoid being found guilty if their ever caught out?

It seems as though the"New Policing methods" are controlled by "Time Consummated to solve the case",if it (Crime)surpasses the Time cost analyse,case No longer Investigated?
But if it falls within the criteria of being followed up by an agency,where funds are generated on a mass scale,littering,cigarette stumps,£60 ker ching,£200 using phone while driving + 6 points!   
Then proceed to local Authority Council Tax,non payment as regard to the Council's agreement,Automatic instant fine £35.00+ immediate repayment of full amount of council tax, then next process,"cant pay, we'll take your goods away", you've made your self intentionally homeless, due to not paying your bills?

Remember Mrs thatchers words outside Downing Street or inside Parliament,"There's No such thing as Society" the Iron Lady,Jimmy Savile and friends from the Media?

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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Re: Candid Camera: Clarence Mitchell

Post by Verdi 24.03.18 13:16

McCann New Documentary: Gerry McCann in Portugal (Updated)
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According to Sic News Channel, Gerry McCann arrived today at Lisbon in the company of some British reporters and an ITV production team to shoot a documentary in Praia da Luz, Algarve.

Apparently the ITV documentary will comprise of a reconstitution of the events of 3rd of May, the night Madeleine McCann disappeared, sources confirm that Kate and Gerry McCann and the other members of the Tapas group will be represented by actors playing their roles.

Kate McCann and the other Tapas members were not seen in Lisbon.

The sad reality is that this 'televised' reconstitution will not help to understand what happened to Madeleine since all statements given by the McCann Couple and their friends are full of incongruences and contradictions regarding the time-lines, a clear attempt from their part to mislead the Portuguese Judiciary Police investigation.

One has to wonder why none of the persons directly involved in the night that Maddie disappeared accepted to do a criminal reconstitution as asked several times by the Portuguese authorities.

If Mr. McCann and his wife are so keen in knowing what happened to their missing daughter they should, within their rights, ask the Public Ministry to reopen the archived process. And maybe, finally answer all the questions made by the Judiciary Police.

What we see here, with this documentary, is just another attempt to make money for a bottomless fund from a little girl's tragedy.

This farce can't go on forever!

Update 13:00 pm: Jane Tanner, Matthew Oldfield and Clarence Mitchell are in Praia da Luz with Gerry McCann. Apparently it's a joint ITV Channel 4 production. This team have produced some works for BBC Panorama.

Today's shooting will have Gerry McCann going in to the apartment 5A and exiting, and being interviewed.

Gerry will not take any questions from the media, Clarence will give a press statement later on.

The production team brought a 'Madeleine' to play the role of Madeleine Beth McCann.

Meanwhile 21 workers of the Ocean club were fired today, the letter mentioned the McCanns as the cause for their joint dismissal. The workers are considering to sue the McCanns.

Update 14:57pm : According to Mitchell today they'll shoot some scenes at the Millenium restaurant, next to the pool inside the ocean club, and at the church of Luz. At night time they'll shoot the reconstruction, at the exact times of the event.

Clarence Mitchell justified that the couple did not do this reconstitution earlier, as was when asked by the Portuguese authorities, because at the time the PJ did not allow the television broadcasting. He also stated that the reenactment for the documentary will be used as basis for an ongoing private investigation.

Coming soon: McCann documentary

McCann film to mark anniversary of Maddie's disappearance

Kate and Gerry McCann are set to take part in an ITV documentary marking the first anniversary of their daughter Madeleine's disappearance.

The programme will feature extended contributions from the parents and focus on the campaign to prevent others going through a similar ordeal. It is the only TV programme the McCanns have agreed to be filmed for in the run up to the anniversary.

The documentary team has followed Kate and Gerry McCann since early January and exclusive footage for the one-hour special will include the couple in their home in Rothley and travelling around the world.

They also talk about Madeleine, the night she went missing, becoming “Arguido” suspects in Portugal and the decision to return to Britain.

Kate and Gerry campaign to introduce to Europe a USA-style Amber Alert system, in which law enforcement agencies are empowered to commandeer airtime on TV and radio when a child goes missing. The system also includes alerts via email, electronic traffic signs and text message.

The McCanns hope a European-wide scheme will help reduce the chances of their experience happening to other families.

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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Re: Candid Camera: Clarence Mitchell

Post by Verdi 25.03.18 13:24

Clarence Mitchell wrote:I was the Director of the Government's Media Monitoring Unit. Their work, about 40 people, and their function is to control what gets printed in the press.

It is in the experience of Clarence Mitchell that the McCanns put their trust to regain public opinion

Maria Barbosa, Espresso - 29 September 2007

Clarence Mitchell goes through the streets of London at the same speed at which he speaks in his mobile - which actually never stops ringing. The McCann's spokesperson receives about 60 calls a day (Gerry call's him about 5 to 6 times). Mitchell spoke to Expresso whilst he had breakfast, one day before the publishing of the picture taken in Morroco by a Spanish tourist.

Q: You exchanged your position as a servant of the British Government for spokesperson of the McCanns. Did you make this decision for sentimental reasons or professional ambition?

A: I am not a sentimental person and neither am I making any plans for the future. I accepted the invitation by the McCanns because I know that they are innocent.

Q: Have you ever asked them if they are involved in their daughter's disappearance?

A: I have never felt the need to ask them that question because we have spoken contantly about this subject, and both tell me that they are innocent. Since I have spent a month with them, I believe in what they tell me. It is enough to see how they deal with the twins, Sean and Amelie. You can see that they are dedicated to their children and that they would never do anything to hurt them. This argument may not prove anything, but for me it is important that I work with honest people.

Q: In order to defend the McCann's innocence with such surety it is necessary that you know more than what you say...

A: I know the facts that can explain all the police suspicions regarding what was found in the car or in the apartment rented by them. I can not reveal any more details. Some of the accusations that appear in the PT press - the British papers only translate what is written there  - supposedly happened whilst I was with them. Therefore I know the truth.

Q: How do you explain the cadaver scent detected in the vehicle rented 25 days later?

A: It is not up to me to reply. There has never been anything that has happened that has led me to suspect the McCanns. And I was only not with them at night time, for obvious reasons. But the story about the car is not the only one that makes no sense: it was suggested in the press that Kate and Gerry went to Fátima to bury Maddie's body. I went with them in this trip and I guarantee that we did not bury any body.

Q: You spent a month in the Algarve with the couple. Who sent you and what is it about the McCanns that makes them so special?

A: They are not Mourinho (laughs). This is one of the points that Gerry stressed over the phone that he wished me to tell you: they are a normal family, the same as so many other middle class families. They are people with a higher academic education, but that above all love their children. They are not influential people. They have not had any special treatment.

Q: You were sent by the Foreign Office. Are all British people that find themselves in trouble awarded the same treatment?

A: Every time that a British subject has problems abroad Consular assistance is offered. As it was regarding a missing child and not the theft of documents, the help provided by the Consul of Portimão was greater. Since the case dominated the media, The Foreign Office, in London, thought of me because I had experience as a reporter and I knew key English people. It wasn't Tony Blair nor the present Prime minister, Gordon Brown, that sent me. I am not their spokesperson nor do I call them asking for advice.

Q: But you were responsible for the projection of the McCanns in the media at a world scale. The fact that you worked for the British Government facilitated this...

A: In Portugal there has been a wrong image created about me. I was the Director of the Government's Media Monitoring Unit. Their work, about 40 people, and their function is to control what gets printed in the press. Every morning I had a meeting with the Prime Minister's spokesperson at 10 Downing Street and we discussed any developments. I didn't get to speak to Gordon Brown directly. Everything that I have been able to do for the McCanns has been through my computer and my mobile.

Q: It was enough that you called certain people so that Kate and Gerry were granted an audience with the Pope.

A: And I am a Protestant! When I was in the Algarve on behalf of the Foreign Office I kept in touch with the British Embassies, the Vatican's inclusive. Through Cormac Murphy O’Connor, Archbishop of Westminster, I knew that Maddie's disappearance had not gone un-noticed by the Vatican. He suggested that we asked for an audience with the Pope. It was I that wrote that email, since Gerry and Kate did not want any special treatment.

Q: Was it your decision to use the media so that the case may not be forgotten? Some specialists argue that this exposure might be fatal...

A: The parents trusted my instincts. They only told me that they wanted to do everything to find her. It was them that decided on a tour around Europe, that started in Amsterdam. After they had been to Germany, Kate was inclined to go to the North of Africa. Actually it is in that area that Kate suspects that Maddie might be.

Q: With the change of direction of the investigation, Kate's attitude (the fact that she does not/has not cried in public) has been the subject of criticism. In private what has been her reaction?

A: Kate is very strong. She seems like a reseved and contained woman in her emotions but she is suffering a lot. I have seen her crying in private. I can also tell you that the parents were advised by specialists not to reveal their emotions in public. The kidnapper may enjoy watching their suffering.

Q: There is a lot of speculation about the events of the 3rd May. What did kate say when she did not find her daughter in the bedroom?
A: The witness statements say that Kate shouted "they've taken her". They are incorrect, I will say no more.

Q: Whilst you were a journalist following the case of Jessica and Holly in Soham. The children were found dead 2 weeks later. Did you predict the same ending to this case?

A: I thought that by this time she would have been found dead or alive, but an ending similar to the case of Jessica and Holly is possible, I don't want to and can't speak about Robert Murat but some of the journalists that worked with me in Soham, and that were recently in Portugal, saw similarities between the case and Robert Murat, more than this I will not say.

Q: Before accepting Kate and Gerry's proposal you admited that you needed some guarantees. Were you refering to Brian Kennedy, the businessman that pays your wages?

A: I could not resign from my job with the Government before this issue was resolved. It was unacceptable that Maddie's Fund would pay my wages. The solution found was the best: I work for the McCanns but who pays my wages is Brian Kennedy, who made himself available to help them financially. My objective is to help them overcome this phase but I also want to be paid for it, which has not happened yet.

Q: Some celebrities generosity, such as Richard Branson, allowed the McCann's to hire the best lawyers that money can buy. Did you advise them in their choice?

A: Absolutely not. But I do recognise the need for them to be surrounded by the best Portuguese and British professionals. They are suspected of having killed their daughter and having got rid of the body. That is a very serious accusation. People want them charged and tried. Or at least that Maddie appears next week, and that is not going to happen. this investigation might take a year.

Q: Do they still trust the Portuguese Police? Or do they want to follow other clues using private detectives?

A: I have to be careful with what I say. This is a sensitive subject. The McCanns want to continue to co-operate with the police, and they have to do so. Even if Maddie is no longer in Portugal, the PJ continue to be a main say. However, any parent in the same situation has the right to use any means to find their child. I am not confirming the hiring of private detectives.

Q: You started the interview by saying that you were not sentimental but during the trip through Europe with the McCanns you were photographed crying. In that day the ex-journalist became the news...

A: It wasn't intentional. But when I found out that my wife had lost the baby, I felt lost and angry for being there and not beside her. It is at least ironic that during this search for Maddie, I had also lost a son. Very young yes, but it was my son. I believe that that united us."

[Acknowledgment pamalam][/size]

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Candid Camera:  Clarence Mitchell Empty Re: Candid Camera: Clarence Mitchell

Post by polyenne 25.03.18 13:45

“Or at least that Maddie (they never called her that) appears next week, AND THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, this investigation might take a year”.

Well, it’s taken 11 and counting

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