Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
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Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
But what surprises me even more is that some big news outlets in Germany have already published these news.
Normally German and most international news outlets shy away from anything that might incriminate the McCanns and question their narrative, but it seems like even they are now tired of still following the "CB did it" nonsense after nearly four years. This is certainly not going to be liked by the McCanns.
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Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
I can only see a small part of it.
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Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
Hobby-Detektiv will Rätsel um Verschwinden von Maddie McCann gelöst habenJill Havern wrote:Thank you MaxHeadroom...I don't suppose you could copy/paste the Merkur article for us please?
I can only see a small part of it.
Stand:05.05.2024, 04:57 Uhr
Von: Karolin Schaefer
Um den Vermisstenfall Maddie McCann ranken sich seit Jahren zahlreiche Theorien. Nun will ein Hobby-Ermittler den Fall auf eigene Faust aufgedeckt haben.
München – Inzwischen sind es ziemlich genau 17 Jahre her, dass Madeleine (Maddie) McCann verschwunden ist. Inzwischen wäre die Britin 21 Jahre alt, würde sie noch leben. Die damals Dreijährige verschwand am 3. Mai 2007 aus einem Ferienappartement im portugiesischen Praia da Luz, während ihre Eltern essen waren. Ein Hobby-Ermittler aus Norwegen will den Fall nun gelöst haben.
„Habe den Fall gelöst“: Hobby-Ermittler mit neuer Theorie nach Verschwinden von Maddie
„Ich habe den Fall gelöst“, behauptete Bernt Stellander, der nach eigenen Angaben ehemaliger Militärpolizist ist. Für das Verschwinden von Maddie macht der Hobby-Detektiv die Eltern des Mädchens verantwortlich. Während die Eltern essen waren, soll sie unter Einfluss von Schlafmitteln gestürzt und daraufhin verstorben sein. Der Vorfall soll sich bereits am 2. Mai 2007 ereignet haben.
Die Eltern sollen daraufhin eine Entführung inszeniert und die Leiche ihrer Tochter in den Bergen bei Luz versteckt haben. Auch die Freunde der Familie und die britischen Ermittler sollen in die Vertuschung involviert sein. Laut Stellander hätten sich die Beteiligten in Interviews verraten und in Verhören widersprochen. Um seine Theorie zu stützen, platzierte er Wildkameras in den Bergen von Luz, in denen angeblich verdächtige Aktivitäten aufgezeichnet wurden.
Das mysteriöse Verschwinden im Urlaub und ein Deutscher unter Verdacht: Der Vermisstenfall Maddie McCann
Kate und Gerry McCann
Fotostrecke ansehen
Er habe den Eltern immer wieder seine Behauptungen unterbreitet, in der Hoffnung, sie würden einknicken. Dann habe eine der Kameras „verdächtige Personen“ aufgenommen, die „verdächtige Dinge taten“, berichtete Bild. Überreste des Mädchens habe Stellander aber nie gefunden. Auf Nachfrage der Zeitung, weshalb so viele Beteiligte den Fall seit 17 Jahren verschweigen sollten, hieß es bloß: „Darüber kann man nur spekulieren.“ Seine Behauptungen veröffentlichte der Hobby-Ermittler in einem Buch. Zwar habe er anonym seine Thesen der deutschen Staatsanwaltschat vorgelegt. Darauf sei aber nicht reagiert worden, sagte er.
Rätsel um Verschwinden von Maddie: Polizei warnt vor Ermittlungen auf eigene Faust
Stellanders Spekulationen sind nicht die ersten Theorien, die nach dem Verschwinden von Maddie kursieren. Einige glauben sogar, dass sie noch am Leben ist. Die These von Stellander sollte jedoch mit Vorsicht betrachtet werden. Im Sommer 2020 wurde nämlich bekannt, dass es einen Mordverdächtigen aus Deutschland gibt. Christian B. soll das damals dreijährige Mädchen mutmaßlich getötet haben. Der 46-Jährige steht derzeit wegen anderer mutmaßlicher Sexualverbrechen vor Gericht.
Für die Staatsanwaltschaft ist der Fall um Maddie demzufolge noch nicht gelöst. Auch eine baldige Klärung erwartet die Behörde nicht. „Ein Abschluss der Ermittlungen im Fall Maddie noch in diesem Jahr halte ich, auch angesichts des noch bis in den Herbst laufenden Prozesses, für ausgeschlossen“, hieß es auf IPPEN.MEDIA-Anfrage.
Die Polizei warnt immer wieder vor eigenmächtigen Ermittlungen. „Hobby-Detektive mit einem Hang zu Social-Media-Aktivitäten stören eher die polizeilichen Ermittlungen, als dass sie diese effektiv unterstützen würden“, sagte Alexander Poitz, stellvertretender Bundesvorsitzende der Gewerkschaft der Polizei (GdP) im vergangenen Jahr der Deutschen Presse-Agentur (dpa). Dies könnte zu falschen Verdächtigungen führen und Unbeteiligte gefährden. „Lasst die Polizei ihre Arbeit machen“, appellierte die GdP. Auch im Vermisstenfall Rebecca Reusch haben Hobby-Detektive zuletzt für Aufsehen gesorgt.
The Merkur article is basically the German version of the English article I posted above. Since the author is the same and has a German-sounding name, Is suppose the English site I posted above simply overtook the article form them.
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Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
Google translates it thus:
Hobby detective claims to have
solved mystery about the disappearance of Maddie McCann Status: 05.05.2024, 04:57 From
: Karolin Schaefer
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Numerous theories have been circulating around the Maddie McCann missing person case for years. Now an amateur investigator claims to have uncovered the case on his own.
Munich – It's been almost exactly 17 years since Madeleine (Maddie) McCann disappeared. In the meantime, the British woman would be 21 years old if she were still alive. On May 3, 2007, the then three-year-old disappeared from a holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal, while her parents were out to eat. An amateur investigator from Norway now wants to have solved the case.
"Solved the case": Amateur investigator with new theory after Maddie's
disappearance"I solved the case," claimed Bernt Stellander, who says he is a former military policeman. The amateur detective blames the girl's parents for Maddie's disappearance. While her parents were eating, she is said to have fallen under the influence of sleeping pills and subsequently died. The incident is said to have taken place on May 2, 2007.
The parents are said to have staged a kidnapping and hidden their daughter's body in the mountains near Luz. The friends of the family and the British investigators are also said to be involved in the cover-up. According to Stellander, those involved had betrayed each other in interviews and contradicted each other in interrogations. To support his theory, he placed trail cameras in the mountains of Luz, where suspicious activity was allegedly recorded.
The mysterious disappearance on vacation and a German under suspicion: The missing person case
Maddie McCann Kate and Gerry McCann View
photo gallery He had repeatedly made his claims to the parents in the hope that they would give in. Then one of the cameras recorded "suspicious persons" who were "doing suspicious things," Bild reported. However, Stellander never found the girl's remains. When asked by the newspaper why so many people involved should keep quiet about the case for 17 years, it simply said: "One can only speculate about that." The amateur investigator published his claims in a book. It is true that he had anonymously submitted his theses to the German public prosecutor's office. However, there was no reaction to this, he said.
Maddie's disappearance mystery: Police warn against investigating on their own
Stellander's speculations aren't the first theories to circulate after Maddie's disappearance. Some even believe that she is still alive. However, Stellander's thesis should be taken with a grain of salt. In the summer of 2020, it became known that there was a murder suspect from Germany. Christian B. is said to have allegedly killed the then three-year-old girl. The 46-year-old is currently on trial for other alleged sex crimes.
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Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
Corporal Bernt Stellander FraMP investigating the tragic Death of Staff Platoon Commander Captain Gunnar Baerheim on 24 Jan 1990.
Pages 4-5
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Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
He claimed the parents hid Maddies body in the village’s cemetery and three weeks later buried her in Luz.
Sounds familiar.
I wonder if he in the book goes in detail for setting the trail cameras (date, the suspicious activities…).
The source:
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Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
Ladyinred- Forum support
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Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
"The priests also know very well what happened that night"
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Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
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"Be careful who you let on to your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship
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Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
Past tense.
Silentscope- Investigator
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Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
The GERMAN Press is full of it.
How deep does this conspiracy / D-Notice, Super-injunction go ?
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Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
Wednesday of course removes the need to 'explain' three days worth of alleged sightings
She died in the Apartment,
The parents know she is dead and therefore . . .
THE FUND has been a massive fraud, in England, under English Law, punishable by English courts.
sparkyhorrox, sandancer, Cammerigal, crusader, Silentscope, Jimtheblue, Cake Lover and GreenTara like this post
Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
money has been given to the police to help find Maddie for a long,long time.They may have been given cash originally but that was for them to
have a jolly time in Portugal,I can’t believe our police are that thick not
to know that she died in the apartment and then the body was got rid of
like a bundle of rags.
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Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
If they drop it now, they can't use the "we can't discuss a live investigation " line that is keeping anyone using the freedom of information from asking awkward questions.
It's about time it was relegated to a cold case or whatever the term is.
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Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
They never even checked out the Gaspar's claims.
Silentscope- Investigator
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Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
Available from
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Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
Silentscope- Investigator
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Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
From the publisher €40 plus postage (courier in my case)
Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
Peter's books are in the post so he'll get them soon.
I'm really looking forward to seeing the field cam images and getting Peter's (and others) analyses. Peter says he will stay up all night reading it for us.
I'm sure he'll have something to say very soon!
Bless him!
PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said:
"Be careful who you let on to your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship
just because they can't be the Captain."
sparkyhorrox, sandancer, Ladyinred, crusader, Silentscope, MaxHeadroom, Cake Lover and KuddleKat like this post
Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
Martin BRUNT (no less) has asked for a copy
Dr Luis Neves, Director of the PJ got one
Natasha Donn - Portugal resident - is interviewing him on Saturday
Exciting times
Jill Havern, crusader, Silentscope, Cake Lover, KuddleKat and GreenTara like this post
Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
Update: Today Sat 11/5
Due to start soon. Update from Natasha later.
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Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
crusader- Forum support
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Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
Sorry if I am being too impatient.
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New book
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Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
Hard to say when ‘Breaking Stories’ get Published.
Nothing new on FB
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Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
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Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
It is as if the Air has been sucked out of the Case, and the Alarm bell is still ringing but nobody can hear?
A perfect Vacuum almost.
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Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
Paul James
Kate is said to have a dream where Madeleine is buried on a hill overlooking Praia da Luz.
Was Madeleine buried on a hill overlooking Praia da Luz?
Photo 1 shows the entire scene from the left side of Praia da Luz beach, to the Black Rocks. Rocha Negra means, Black Rock. This entire area until we reach the actual Rocha Negra is solid rock that dates back some 120 million years. To the very far right is the black volcanic rock itself, the remnants of a volcano that forms a natural barrier to walking any further around this part of the coast line. This volcanic black rock is some 70 millions years old.
To get up to the top of the Rocha Negra, you have to go up a steep winding path, which is a solid dirt track. This narrow path and leads you to the beacon, next to the beacon, there in an area of very small, thin trees, set out like an orchard, this area is very public.
Photo 2 This is the view from the top, (leading edge) looking back towards Praia da Luz beach and the village, as you can see in the cliff face, it is layer upon layer of solid rock. Here you can judge the sheer height and distance for yourself. At this point it's some 350 feet straight down, with a very large area of cliff top walks between Praia da Luz and the next town. As you can see, from the outer edge of the cliff face and upper ground level, it is solid rock and stone. There is very limited growth here, consisting of hard dry type grasses and small hard compact hedges and bushes, which are sparse and dense.
Photo 3 Once at the top, you can see the ground is solid (sand) stone (with some areas of natural grass) also with low lying sparse shrubbery. On the next level back down, you can see various dirt tracks and pathways, and due to the rough terrain, hiking is very popular here. Beyond this level you can see the entire village of Praia da Luz. To the right is the red brick build of Baia da Luz and to the far left, (above the beach and to the left) is the church of Nossa Senhora da Luz.
Photo 4 Looking back over Praia da Luz, you can see the two large blocks in the Ocean Club, the large pool and to the left of the pool, is the green rooftops of the Tapas area. From the Tapas Bar at the far left of the picture to 5a at the far right of the picture, is, I would venture to say, this distance is somewhat larger than most people's back garden.
Photo 5 Walking along Praia da Luz beach at the base of the cliffs, (looking up the smallest section of the cliff face) the natural sand soon comes to an end. At the base of the cliffs nearest the beach, there is just huge stones between the very base of the cliffs (in front) and the sea, (behind).
Photo 6 To get to the black rocks, you have to clamber over huge blocks of stone between the base of the cliffs and the sea, at this part, heading towards the black rock, I fell four times. After you pass these huge blocks, there is a very small beach right at the black volcanic rock itself.
Once here at this small beach, there is nowhere to go, the sea comes right in at this area and to try and climb up and over those jaggy black rocks would be perilous. You have to walk back the same way.
So was Madeleine buried here, on a hillside overlooking the beach, where the ground is solid rock with very very little top soil, an area popular with tourist and hikers where you would struggle to bury a bus ticket, never mind a body?
No. Madeleine was not buried on a hill overlooking Praia da Luz.
Two other facts in Madeleine's story which are true; today it would have been Madeleine's 21st birthday, ...and the dogs were right.
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Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
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Re: Norwegian ex-military detective claims to have solved Madeleine case
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The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™ :: Latest News and Debate :: Bernt Stellander, 'The Foreign Detective': The Sudden Impulse