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Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? Mm11

Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? Regist10
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Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? Mm11

Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? Regist10

Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week?

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Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? Empty Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week?

Post by sharonl 20.04.19 23:20

Many members believe that something may have happened to Madeleine earlier in the week with the culmination of the 'abduction' on Thursday.

For 4 years I have been compiling discrepancies and timelines from statements on different topics and felt that it may be of assistance to look at the week's information to see whether the discrepancies started earlier in the week and, if so, WHY?

Maybe it's possible to compare each day to get an indication of whether something happened to Madeleine earlier in the week.

Keep in mind, also, that she may not have died immediately. Something may have happened, they tried to 'save' her (they were doctors) but ultimately she died and this may have been too late to call the authorities.

I will be editing this post as it is very involved and confusing, and likely the text will be temporarily difficult to read, but I feel there is so much information that takes forever to find when researching a subject, that having it all together for reference on the topic of "Could Something have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the week?" which, in my opinion, is one of the most important topics in this case.

She was seen on Sunday afternoon by the cleaners daughter and discrepancies appear to start on Tuesday....Could something have happened between that time?

If Madeleine didn't die until Thursday evening, then one has to wonder why there appeared to be a coverup during the week!

The Last Pictures of Madeleine...
Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? MaddieplaygroundprobablySaturday Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? MadeleinelastphotomaybeSunday Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? MaddieTennisheadpossTuesday
Saturday after arriving?...........Sunday at the pool?...........Sun/Mon with adults (as per Fiona)?

Compare the description of Madeleine's personality as described by Ocean Club employees and that of friends and seems that OC employees knew a 'different' type of child. Jane Tanner describes her daughter Ella as very shy.

Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? Madeleinepersonality1Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? Madeleinepersonality2Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? Madeleinepersonality3Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? Madeleinepersonality4

“E**a and Madeleine were, you know, were joining in

Could the tennis pic of Madeleine have been taken when she was with the adults and not playing as she had sandals on and not sneakers and wearing a hat? Sunday? Monday?


KM & FP good friends worked together

DP knew Kate and Gerry through Fiona working with Kate

DP/FP & JT/ROB - best friends saw each other every week (ROB and DP were in same year which is how DP met Jane -Been on holiday together - )

DW had met G&K a few times and at Fionas wedding

“I’m an Anaesthetist, so I, it combines a lot of different skills, we work in obstetrics, on labour ward doing epidurals, doing caesarean sections for women and we work on intensive care unit, in theatres, cover any need for, resuscitation. So, yeah, it’s quite a stressful job and a busy job, I enjoy it”.

JT/RMO Been on holiday with DP/FP and MO/RMO

JT knew K&G from occasional meetings K&G approx 3 times a year...was not impressed with GM as he was more a man's man but became friendly with Kate because of tennis together on holiday

ROB was MO's best man

MO knew Gerry when working together but didnt socialise then met GM &KM again at FP & DP's wedding where they shared an apartment with other couples

Matt and Rachael didn’t know maybe Kate and Gerry quite so well, but, erm, you know, Russ and Jane we’ve known for donkeys years and, you know, Russ used to share a house when Dave and him were Junior Doctors and I lived there as well with another chap

Fiona usually spent afternoons in apartment while children slept for couple hours til 3.30
Fiona Cant remember if they went to beach and had tea at Paraiso on Monday or tuesday

Fiona Went running on beach with David most evenings but once before Thursday with Matt

Fiona - we didn’t see a lot of Kate and Gerry, I know they, you know, apart from the evenings, they were having a great time with the tennis lessons

Rachael usually sat by pool while daughter was in creche

Most days they ate lunch at FP/DP's as it was the bigger apartment and Dianne made sandwiches
McCanns only went once (Sunday according to cleaner)


Playground pics appear to have been taken on Saturday according to the children's clothes (Madeleine with different trousers)

Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? Busshoes

Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? Playgroundclothes

Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? Planeclothes

DP - 1485 "Okay, okay. So moving on then, we, you arrive at your apartment.”
Reply "Mm.”
1485 "You say that you’ve, that the bus has took you round, you’ve gone to yours, Gerry and Kate have gone to theirs, Matt and Rachael and Russell were already there.”
Reply "Yes.”
1485 "What sort of time in the day was this?”
Reply "Crikey, err it was, I’d have said mid afternoon, yeah perhaps around three, four o’ clock err in the afternoon, still, you know light, still some time in the day left yeah to enjoy it, and again that was one of the benefits of that flight, it was a nice time that we weren’t arriving there at, at night, you know the kids would go straight to bed so you just had a bit of day light, you know just to see what the place was like and err you know just to make the most of that bit of day that you had left.”

The Paynes and McCanns travelled together and arrived an hour or so after ROB/JT and MO/RMO

Charlotte Pennington and Jez Wilkins were on the same flight as ROB and MO and JW recognised JT and RMO at tennis during the week

MW had meeting to show everyone the programs available

Tennis Lessons had a charge

Windsurfing/Sailing n/c

JT (9.15am)- FP - RMO KM (9.15am) GM (10.15am) signed for tennis lessons

DW signed up for tennis lessons 9-10 (held between 9.15 and 10.15 to allow for parents to delier children to childcare)

They all went to Millenium for supper with children

Returned to individual apartments

Sat. 28.04.2007 Arrival O.C. 15:00
Apartment 5A
Swim with M
Meeting with M.W. officials and have a drink
Rest. Millennium with kids (only night) (Note: 'Rest.' = Restaurant)
Return walk - difficult for kids
Bed Bath →
Bed early


Madeleine McCann AM
Amelie & Sean
Madeleine McCann PM
Amelie & Sean
Ella O'Brien
K&G had tennis lessons - JEZ played with Gerry but although Kate was there she didn't play...probably because she played the hour earlier.

Everyone went to breakfast

At about 1.15pm Cleaner - María Serafim da Silva Espada saw family leave the apartment, Madeleine with shoes that lit up and the twins, all holding bread and Kate with a plate and Gerry locking up

Louisa saw tall man with Madeleine who asked to book tapas for week...Could this have been ROB with E**A as it had to be booked in morning and Madeleine was in the creche. The similarity of Madeleine and E**a is amazing..very easy for each being mistaken for other (except hair colour)

Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? Eorlbright Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? Maddiesmile

Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? 03_volume20III_apensoVIII_Page56-1

Sunday night MO was sick and did not go

ROB claims to have used MO key to check his children

Gerry May 16th admits to using blinds and he broke them on Sunday and had them repaired on Monday (documents show it was Tuesday)

Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? Blindrepaironthe1stofMay2007

Sun 29.04.2007
Breakfast Millennium Restaurant
? pruning of hedge
Morning Kids Club
10:00 morning talking over coffee, I went along to tennis
Lunch sandwiches →
→ F balcony and Dave
Kids Club afternoon
Seated in deck-chairs F A A
K and G run - Beach 16:00
High tea
Recreational area
Rest.: No Matt


No tennis records (Poss womens night)

BREAKFAST - no Dianne or McCanns

MONDAY April 30th
Ella O'Brien AM
Madeleine McCann
Amelie & Sean
Madeleine McCann PM
Amelie & Sean
Ella O'Brien
Lily xxxx
? time
? sig


On Monday they were told that there was no room for all of them in the restaurant, but they obtained a special favour from a waiter and all dined together. In order to obtain this favour they said that the children were asleep and that they could not move anywhere else. For this reason, from this day onwards they would reserve a space in the restaurant (for the adults) for the following day

Fiona and David spent morning on beach, after dropping children off, sailing with another chap. It was cold. They wore short wetsuits and returned when it was time to pick up the children.

We know that the creche records show Kate dropping Madeleine off at 3.15pm then drops the twins off at 3.25pm and picks up Madeleine at 3.30pm. There is no record regarding what time the twins were picked up.

Monday 30.04.2007
Breakfast apartment? apartment cleaning
Kids clubs:
Tennis 09.15-10.15 K
G 10.15-11.15
*? washing machine / blinds
Lunch - our apartment then → balcony F and Dave
Kids club?? beach
+ / - 16.00 K run 25 min.
16:30 Tennis lessons
High tea
18:30? tennis night for women
Recreational area
Afternoon: K and J Supermarket
Rest. - everyone
On Monday 30th April 2007, neither of the McCann’s telephones activated the Luz transmitters. This looks very odd, especially as they were around the Ocean Club to shuffle the kids to and from the crèches. On this afternoon, Madeleine remained in the crèche for only 15 minutes and was picked up by her mother at 15.30. We do not know what Madeleine did for the rest of the day, but it is possible she was being fractious. Interestingly, a friend of Mrs and Mr McCann supposedly told the “Dispatches” team that made a TV program on the tragedy, that “Madeleine was a screamer”. This could be interpreted in one of two ways, but any use of the past tense in referring to Madeleine would be very significant. It was such a past tense referral, to her supposedly living children, that alerted the FBI to their murder by Susan Smith, their mother

Madeleine was taken to the creche at 3.15..the twins at 3.25pm five minutes after the twins were dropped off Madeleine was taken from creche and the twins were not signed out tht after noon...Ella was signed IN at 4.00pm half an hour after Madeleine was signed out....Odd

Did the children go to high tea?

Info about Monday April 30th:

If something happened to Madeleine Monday then it would account for the discrepancies that started to appear on Tuesday.

There would be shock, grief, the need to clean up and the need for a 'plan'.


Ella O'Brien AM
Madeleine McCann
Amelie & Sean
Madeleine McCann PM
Ella O'Brien
Amelie & Sean
Lily xx

Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? Crechemadeleinemay1pm

Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? Crecheseanameliemay1pm

Kate phone activity May 1st:
10.16.42 (After tennis or in apartment while maintenance fixing blinds or by pool with Rachael?)
12.17.21...Just before she picked up Twins from creche & GM picked Madeleine


22.16.15........Just prior to crying heard by Mrs Fenn
22.23.15........Just prior to crying heard by Mrs Fenn
22.23.28........Just prior to crying heard by Mrs Fenn
22.24.22........Just prior to crying heard by Mrs Fenn
22.25.36........Just prior to crying heard by Mrs Fenn
22.27.50........Just prior to crying heard by Mrs Fenn

Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? Blindrepaironthe1stofMay2007

The maintenance workers were fixing the blinds and showing Kate how to work the washing machine between 10 and 11.

Kate was also 'supposedly' playing tennis 9.15am -10.15am

Rachael claims this for Thursday but Madeleine's group played tennis on Tuesday
Rachael - I saw Kate, I chatted to Kate by the pool, erm in the morning”.
1578 “What time was that”?
Reply “That would have been from sort of, you know half nine, ten o’clock onwards, we were chatting when Madeleine arrived for the tennis lesson with the rest of the children from her group, erm I think that was probably about ten thirty, erm and Gerry was there then as well, I think he’d been having a lesson on the tennis courts I think, he was having group lessons, so I think he might have been having his lesson sort of up until then, erm so they were both there then and then erm Matt and I had our tennis lesson and then Jane and I,

Tuesday appears to be the last credible sighting of Madeleine (IMO) by Georgina the tennis coach at the same time that Gerry had his tennis lesson with Dan. (where tennis pic was taken?)

Jez joned in tennis doubles with Gerry and two friends after the lesson approx 11.15am - and then Jez, ROB and Gerry walked to the creche to pick Gerry signed out Madeleine but ROB did not sign out E**a
Jez - After the lessons, this time we had a game of doubles together with two friends of his! At this point I established that Jerry and his family had come along with a group of other families, four (4) in totals. The game longed about one hour and a quarter.

Did something 'happen' that afternoon?

After lunch at 1.30 K&G took the children to the beach with the twins in carriage.

on Tuesday there was a slight change given that after lunch, at 13h30, he and KATE decided to take the three children to Paris da Luz, having gone on foot, taking only the twins in baby carriages. They all left by the main door due to the carriages, went around to the right, down the street of the supermarket and went to the beach along a road directly ahead.

Gerry and Madeleine paddled in the water.

They went to an esplanade of a cafe (Paraiso?) where they had 5 ice creams and 2 drinks and watched a guitarist.

the individual had a neglected and careless appearance, unshaven and somewhat shabby [raggedy]. He was Caucasian, 175cm tall, thin, 70 to 75kg in weight, dark, short hair, almost shaven-headed with grey sides, and not wearing glasses. Wearing a light brown-coloured “kispo” [coat?], with a hood at the back, and dark cotton trousers, not noticing the footwear. He said that he never behaved strangely, nor approached or looked at the children in an ostensible [deliberate/menacing] manner

They left the beach area after spending 20 mins there as it became cloudy and cold.

In the afternoon Gerry signed Madeleine in at 2.30 and Cat Nanny signed Ella in at the same time.

I recall going for a sailing lesson on Tuesday and Jane went to play tennis, we collected the kids as usual around lunchtime, Kate and Gerry had lunch in their apartment as they did on most days. I went out in the afternoon to the beach I was with Matt and as far as I can recall we went out kayaking.

No-one signed Madeleine out and Ella was signed out by ? at 5.30pm

After 3.00pm I can see no statements (so far) describing what any of the tapas 7 did until the evening.

Tuesday was Quiz night, ROB was not there due to one of the children being sick (contradictions on different statements whether E**a or E**e.)

He also states it was the first time they were all together. (both JT and ROB cannot agree on days Monday or Tuesday)

Rachael says she was ill that night (Rog) but also also says not at tapas on Wednesday.

She thinks they went to the flat four times: Gerry twice and she twice. Approx. 9, 9:30, 10, and 10:30PM.

on that night, after midnight, Madeleine went to their room and said that her sister Amelie was crying, and slep with her and Gerry in their room. She says that before Madeleine appeared in their room, she had already heard Amelie crying, however she did not go to the room, as Madeleine went to the room almost at the same time she head the crying. She does not remember if afterwards she or Gerry went to the childrens’ room, however she states that Amelie cried for a short time.

She says that on that night the twins slept in the room where Madeleine slept, each in their own crib.

When asked if Madeleine slept in their room, she says yes, as mentioned, on the Tuesday night.

NOTE: Cleaner saw a crib in the McCann's bedroom on Wednesday morning.

Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? Crechemay1am

Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? Crecheseanameliemay1am

9.00pm approx quiz and once finished Najoua Chekaya ws invited to the table of nine guests

She was at their table for about fifteen to twenty minutes and it was there that she met Mdeleine’s father, who directly invited her to the table, however, she does not know whether Madeleine’s mother was also there

they talked of banalities and she did not notice any aspect or behaviour that was out of the ordinary.
When questioned, she said that during the time that she was there Madeleine’s father did not leave the table, neither did any of the other guests, however, during this time one of the chairs was always empty, that of someone who had had dinner and left, not managing to indicate any identifying element about this person.

When questioned, she said she was at the table from about 21.30 to 21.50

Witness statement: Najoua Chekaya
Date: 20 June 2007
--- In accordance with the statements made by her in this case, on 9 May 2007, she confirms it
having been on the Tuesday, 1 May 2007, that she was invited to the table of the group of which
the McCann couple were part, by Gerry himself.
--- That she recalls there being an empty place [seat] at the table, not being certain if it had been
Madeleine's mother's place given that she is not sure if they had met each other there at that time.
--- The photographs of the group of the McCann's friends having been shown to her, the deponent
declares that from those photos seen she has some reservations about David Payne [in that] while
she thinks he was also there, she had not noted his presence.
--- The question asked she declares not being certain who was missing from the group.

Kates mobile places her in/near 5 A? for 6 calls between 10:16approx and 10:27approx

22.16.15........Just prior to crying heard by Mrs Fenn
22.23.15........Just prior to crying heard by Mrs Fenn
22.23.28........Just prior to crying heard by Mrs Fenn
22.24.22........Just prior to crying heard by Mrs Fenn
22.25.36........Just prior to crying heard by Mrs Fenn
22.27.50........Just prior to crying heard by Mrs Fenn

Kate say ROB was looking after younger daughter and Jane or SOMEONE took him his meal (reason for empty place setting?)

MRS FENN HEARD CRYING between 10:30 and 11:45

Finished dinner around 11 PM, and together with Gerry, left for the apartment

Mrs Fenn did not tell Kate and Gerry about.the crying...yet they claimed Amelie crying later in the evening (midnight) and Madeleine slept in their room. (One cot was seen by the cleaner, the following morning in the parents bedroom)

Kate denied the cot was in the room (WHY?)

Tuesday 01.05.2007 (holiday)
Breakfast apartment
Kids club - mini-tennis ↓
09.15-10.15 K ↓
G 10.15-11.15 ↓
Madeleine and Ella
* Get camera
Lunch → apartment
Kids club beach, sunglasses
Ice cream
13:30 → 15:00 ish
Kids club? 15.15
? time not so good
? G tennis lessons - ok
High tea 16:30
? recreational area
Restaurant? object tennis
No Russell, Evie felt ill
(5D) Russ remained in apartment
Food was brought up
On Tuesday 1st May 2007, Gerald McCann’s handset was silent all day. Kate McCann’s mobile first activated the Luz antenna at 10.16, but all details of the day’s calls have been deleted from the handset and there is no nothing in the CD from her mobile provider. Another activation took place at 12.17. The crèche records show that Gerald McCann picked up Madeleine at 12.20 (a bit earlier than usual) but Kate McCann’s call at 12.17 does not appear to have been to him, (because his mobile was not activated at all that day). Kate McCann dealt with her last call before leaving for the Tapas Bar at 20.35.

At around 8.45pm on Tuesday 1st May 2007, Miss Nejoua Chekeya, the Ocean Club’s busty Aerobics Instructor, held a “Quiz Night” and was later invited, allegedly by Gerald McCann, to join his table which she did sometime between 9.30pm and 9.50pm. She did not say how long she had remained with them, but she is not the sort of woman men would wish see to leave too quickly. Miss Chekeya stated that one dinner setting was unused and that she could not remember seeing Kate McCann.

However, both Jane Tanner and Russell O’Brien have stated that he did not go to the Tapas Bar on the “Quiz Night” (ie Tuesday 1st May 2007), but had stayed in their room looking after his sick daughter. Jane Tanner took his dinner to the room; thus explaining the unused plate setting. Russell O’Brien was not asked by either the Policia Judiciaria or Leicestershire Police whether he had heard Madeleine crying!

Kate McCann’s mobile was next activated six times, in rapid fire, between 22.16 and 22.27, after she had returned to Apartment 5A after dinner. The antenna traffic proves that these calls were not made to any of the “Tapas 9”.

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Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week? Empty Re: Could Something Have Happened to Madeleine Earlier in the Week?

Post by sharonl 10.01.24 0:15

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