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Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen? Mm11

Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen? Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen? Mm11

Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen? Regist10

Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen?

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Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen? Empty Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen?

Post by Jill Havern 08.09.21 7:17

Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen? Gm-b0ebfd3c-c41a-406e-9c4e-c688975e7abe-pri70967813

I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen?


Here we are facing yet another month of damning reports highlighting the repeated failing of our police forces to protect victims of violence.

Recently, in response to a super complaint filed by The Centre for Women’s Justice (CWJ), a watchdog concluded that police forces are repeatedly failing to protect women and girls.

And last week, her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) reported ‘acute concerns’ around how the Met Police handled sexual abuse cases.

Tragically all these ‘new’ reports tell me nothing that I – and anyone supporting the victims and survivors of sexual abuse – don’t already know.

They’re exactly the same issues I’ve been highlighting since I first worked as a detective on Operation Augusta and Operation Span in Manchester between 2003 and 2012.

I witnessed these exact failures of justice for the victims of the Rochdale grooming gang – ultimately leading to my resignation from GMP.

We see this horrendous reality at The Maggie Oliver Foundation far too often. Almost 60 per cent of the survivors who have sought our help in the past three months alone have been failed by police.

Every day we’re contacted by victims who have lost all trust in the police and who face a constant battle to be heard. They’re regularly treated as an afterthought or inconvenience by those meant to serve and protect them.In some cases we’ve even seen police forces attempt to push victims away using unbelievably cruel means. Of the cases referenced above, 16 per cent were threatened with arrest, five per cent were actually arrested – but released without charge, seven per cent were threatened with being sectioned and 14 per cent were threatened with having their children removed, while four per cent actually did have their children taken from their care.

These methods only serve to deter the most vulnerable of victims by frightening them even further, leaving them more isolated and at risk of continuing abuse. One survivor we’re supporting recently told us: ‘The police have ruined my life along with my children’s. I wished I never had originally spoke with them.’

These are severely traumatised women who the police have a duty to protect, yet their treatment within the criminal justice system inflicts further trauma on to them. We receive emails like this all the time: ‘Nobody knows how frightened I am or what to do. I can’t phone 999 now as an officer really screamed at me down the phone, so even that’s put me right off. Plus they didn’t come to help when I asked, so no point I guess.

‘I’m really scared and you’re the only ones taking the time to talk to me’.

Another serious concern highlighted again and again in these reports is a pitiful lack of use of pre-charge bail, which can, for example, prohibit offender contact with a victim while a crime is being fully investigated. This leaves women in continuing danger from their abusers and the long delays in proceeding to charge only serves to exacerbate this.

As this victim who contacted us for help starkly illustrates: ‘A year ago, I was promised a stalking protection order, but then told I didn’t meet the criteria… the officer giving the wrong advice apologised… said he had sent over my details to the legal team in January of this year – this after raising another complaint. I’m still waiting to hear.

‘My family/children are still being stalked and living and hiding in fear. The constant psychological abuse and fear is unbearable. Three years and two months later we’re still waiting for some form of protection. Meanwhile, the abuse continues.’

Communication between investigating police forces and victims is woefully poor, often non-existent, and although there’s a statutory right for victims to receive regular updates on the progress of the investigation, we are repeatedly told this rarely happens. Day after day, night after night, a victim lives with the constant uncertainty of what’s happening at the forefront of their mind and this perpetual waiting means victims will often eventually break down and disengage with the process – leaving their perpetrators free to continue the abuse.

We often receive pleas from victims desperate to know if we can find out any more about their cases – ‘I was just wondering if you’ve heard anything? I’ve still had no contact at all and it’s becoming a joke, they don’t care about my family and what we’ve suffered. Will you let me know if you hear anything, Thanks.’

At the foundation, we experience these unacceptable delays first-hand when advocating for victims. We have so many examples. One case, which we first reported to police in June 2020 due to the woman being in constant danger – has yet to receive any meaningful input. The continuing threat forced the victim to move away from the area, as she genuinely feared for her life. Shockingly this case is by no means unique.

We have negotiated a bespoke agreement with Operation Hydrant, the national policing lead on child sexual abuse, allowing us to refer to cases where local investigating forces are failing. In a small number of cases, we have seen these referrals lead to an improvement in the treatment of the victims, but in the vast majority of cases, these improvements are short lived once back in the hands of local forces again.

So who is to blame for these failings? I don’t believe it’s necessarily the fault of individual police officers who often lack experience or relevant trauma training. Quality of service throughout the UK is very varied, and there are many brilliant detectives who are very committed to their work.

However, there are also many officers who are unsuitable for the roles they find themselves in and junior officers carrying an unmanageable workload can often become scapegoats for the institutional failings.

Over many years detectives have become deskilled in many forces, with specialist units disbanded. This has left a vacuum of experience, which I believe is responsible for many of the monumental gaps and failures.

So how do we remedy this? How do we end this never-ending cycle of report after report exposing how our so called ‘justice’ system is letting victims down, destroying yet more young lives? In my opinion we need our most senior police officers and politicians to acknowledge the reality and address it.

We need action not simply more empty words, soundbites and promises. Endless reports offer the same recommendations and yet no action is taken and it is victims who suffer, while offenders are left to walk free and abuse more victims.

Rape has become virtually decriminalised with government figures showing that the chance of being prosecuted for rape is microscopic at only 1.6 per cent of cases recorded. Sentences are totally inadequate and although the new police and crime bill is an attempt to address this, I don’t think it goes far enough. We have to question whether the courts will even use longer sentences, if available, bearing in mind our prisons are already full to bursting.

I firmly believe that it is only by putting victims back at the very heart of every investigation that we will drive real change and create a criminal justice system that this country can be truly proud of.
If you are in need of support, can donate or would like to find out more about our work, please visit , or you can self-refer to .

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Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen? 1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen? 1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
Jill Havern
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Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen? Empty Re: Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen?

Post by Jill Havern 18.11.23 10:40

Maggie Oliver - 18 November 2023
Former GMP Detective.
Founder TMOF Charity. Programme Consultant BBC Drama Three Girls.Victims Advocate. Author. Fighting for justice, highlighting injustice.

Over 10 years ago I resigned from Greater Manchester Police in disgust at what I saw. Victims failed by Senior officers, Chief Constable and ACCs in the most inhumane and unlawful of ways, feeling ashamed of my part in the process although powerless to change it, despairing of where my life would go as I walked away from a career I loved to speak the truth. It cost me dearly.

In 2019 I was burnt out. But I recognised my job was far from over, as the horrors I’d seen were  far worse than I could have ever imagined. I knew there was still a marathon to run, but that I could no longer tread the path alone.

So I founded The Maggie Oliver Foundation not knowing the first thing about starting a charity, nor the super human effort it would take.  And I’m not gonna lie….. it’s been at times draining, depressing, overwhelming, challenging, frustrating, unbelievably hard. The past months have in some ways been some of the most stressful and horrifying I’ve ever endured.

But, they have contained some of the most incredible, uplifting, emotional, proud moments of my life as I watch the team that we are begin to achieve the most amazing successes for the victims and survivors of abuse who are being monumentally FAILED by police & the authorities. Knowlingly, deliberately and, in many cases, unlawfully.

I can’t say much more right now, but we are built on truth, honesty, decency, principles of right and wrong, and shockingly what we see repeatedly is leaders, PSBs, Senior officers who don’t share those values. We see victims treated horrendously, the regular abuse of power & a total unwillingness to ‘back off’ when they are wrong.

We’re supporting & fighting for many who are challenging the way their cases have been handled. Many wins for those victims, cases reopened, charges intended to criminalise victims being overturned & much more.

We are building important links with organisations to whom we are going with our concerns which are now taken seriously & acted on with positive outcomes.

And I know this would never happen without the amazing team The Maggie Oliver Foundation. An ‘A Team’ of passionate, committed, professional, dedicated & caring individuals who share my vision & passion for a fair & just society. Where those who have been let down so badly are treated with empathy, kindness & respect, not further destroyed by a system which doesn’t care & is frankly just broken & corrupt.

So today I’m celebrating yet another win, for a young woman who was almost driven to take her own life by the way Greater Manchester Police treated her. She stood on a bridge a few months ago, ready to jump off when our incredible Legal Advocacy Manager reassured her & told her she wasn’t alone. And yesterday her belief in him, & our fight for her, paid off. Today she wakes up free from the 2 years torture they put her through!

So happy Saturday everybody.

Good can prevail over evil in the end. We just have to fight, and follow the path and never give up.

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Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen? 1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen? 1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
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Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen? Empty Re: Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen?

Post by Jill Havern 14.01.24 9:35

Maggie Oliver

As I said in my post on Friday, tomorrow is a watershed moment that has been a long, long time in coming. Yet again, I find myself in a place where I can’t sleep, where I wake up in the early hours with a million thoughts going round and round and round in my head. Questions, anger, searching for reasons, for answers, for things I may have done differently. But whichever way I turn, I honestly don’t know what more I could have done, and that’s the real truth.

A personal journey for me that has spanned almost 20 years of my life, from the day I went back to work after my beloved husband had died in July 2005 to find out that Operation Augusta had been completely shut down. Dozens and dozens of children knowingly abandoned to their abuse in Manchester by

, scores of paedophiles allowed to continue to walk the streets unchallenged and abuse god knows how many more children.

Why you may ask? How can that be? Surely not?

Well as

Andy Burnhams 2020 review officially found, because Senior Leaders
made the policy decision in 2005 that they would not put resources into the investigation, and so they just closed it down and pretended it wasn’t happening. That is the stark, horrific and shocking truth. And having that finally, officially confirmed, brought me little comfort, although it was a very public vindication of what I had been saying publicly for many many years.

What will tomorrow bring? For me I know I will have to manage a mix of so many emotions that I darent even contemplate them tbh. I’m frightened I will lose my way, won’t be able to verbalise what I want to say, although as always I will speak from my heart and how I feel in the moment.

For the victims and survivors they feel all that I feel, and so much more. They have survived the most horrific abuse, their childhoods destroyed, the next 15 years of their lives stolen when they again became victims of a system which turned away, and made the journey and the trauma a million times worse than it ever should have been!

I will reserve all my comments about the report and the detail of my thoughts until then, but I just wanted to post today to make everyone who has followed this journey aware, that the report will be published in the morning and that there will be a Press conference at 8.30am tomorrow which will be STREAMED LIVE. Where both the independant review team, The Chief Constable, and Andy Burnham will speak.

If you want to listen to it/watch it, then please click on one of these links and you will be able to hear what the official findings are and what the 6 year review has found……

And of course I’ll be commenting too, on behalf of myself but more importantly for all those hundreds, if not thousands, of victims and survivors who have been silenced throughout many many years by the institutions who would prefer to pretend these betrayals hadn’t happened……

I will try to do them justice, and tell the truth as I have always tried to do.
Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen? 1f64f

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Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
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Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen? 1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen? 1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
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Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen? Empty Re: Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen?

Post by Jill Havern 03.02.24 10:35

1 day ago

The Sick Grooming Gangs Worse Than Epstein - Maggie Oliver

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen? 1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen? 1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
Jill Havern
Jill Havern
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Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen? Empty Re: Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen?

Post by Jill Havern 05.06.24 7:58

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen? 1f1fa-1f1f8 MAGA Police Whistleblower Maggie Oliver: I witnessed police failing victims during the Rochdale grooming gangs scandal. How can we STILL allow this to happen? 1f1ec-1f1e7 MBGA
Jill Havern
Jill Havern
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