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WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Mm11

WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Mm11

WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Regist10

WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007?

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WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007?

WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Vote_lcap0%WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Vote_rcap 0% 
[ 0 ]
WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Vote_lcap3%WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Vote_rcap 3% 
[ 2 ]
WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Vote_lcap17%WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Vote_rcap 17% 
[ 11 ]
WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Vote_lcap32%WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Vote_rcap 32% 
[ 21 ]
WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Vote_lcap30%WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Vote_rcap 30% 
[ 20 ]
WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Vote_lcap12%WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Vote_rcap 12% 
[ 8 ]
WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Vote_lcap2%WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Vote_rcap 2% 
[ 1 ]
WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Vote_lcap4%WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Vote_rcap 4% 
[ 3 ]
Total Votes : 66

WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Empty WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007?

Post by Tony Bennett 22.06.15 21:56

An opinion poll to test the current state of members' views.

I think guests can't vote unless they join - but they CAN add their opinion on the thread


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Empty Re: WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007?

Post by Guest 22.06.15 21:59

Ask Stevo.

The WBM had wrong data in that time stamp from the outset.

Check his Facebook page.

WBM had a bug.

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WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Empty Re: WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007?

Post by Guest 24.06.15 20:35

This poll has been set up with several options that may apply, and I'm not sure if it accepts multiple responses.

Nevertheless, the most interesting point is that the technicalese is leaving half of the audience behind.

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WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Empty Re: WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007?

Post by suzysu 02.07.15 22:49

It's a pity there's not the opportunity to choose more than one answer. It would be interesting to see how many people choose their gut feel option (and what it is) as well as the 'I'm out of my depth' response.

ETA it would also be interesting to see the results for 'I think the Wayback machine captured some reference to Madeleine McCann on 30th April  before her alleged disappearance on 3rd May' as this is the crux of the issue IMO.

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WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Empty Re: WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007?

Post by PeterMac 18.07.15 10:08

I have just been sent what purports to be the whole search thingie . . (Technical language !)

It is long, so bear with me.
It may mean something to someone.

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55 }
56 function getElementX2(obj) {
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70 var month = (year * 12) + monthOfYear;
71 var day = monthOff % 2==1?15:1;
72 var dateString = zeroPad(year + firstYear) + zeroPad(monthOfYear+1,2) +
73 zeroPad(day,2) + "000000";
75 $("displayYearEl").innerHTML=year+firstYear;
76 $("displayMonthEl").innerHTML=prettyMonths[monthOfYear];
77 // looks too jarring when it changes..
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80 $("wm-graph-anchor").href=url;
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87 if(curMonth != month) {
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89 = mtOff + "px";
90 curMonth = month;
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92 }
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105 with({
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107 }
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109 $spk.appendChild(monthTracker);
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112 $ipp&&disclaimElement($ipp);
113 }
114 return{st:showTrackers,mv:trackMouseMove,h:hideToolbar,bt:bootstrap};
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115 })();//]]>






Madeleine McCann



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Help find Madeleine McCann


264 Photograph of Madeleine McCannstyle="width:180px" />
265 Photograph of Madeleine McCannstyle="width:180px" />


To download a copy of the Madeleine McCann campaign poster please href="downloads/CEOPHelpMadeleine_uk.pdf">click here.


Para fazer o download do poster da campanha para encontrar Madeleine
McCann, por favor clique


Para bajarse una copia del poster de la campaña de Madeleine
McCann, cliquen aquí


Pour télécharger une copie de l’affiche publicitaire
de Madeleine McCann, veuillez href="downloads/CEOPHelpMadeleine_fr.pdf">cliquer ici.


src="images/arabic.gif" alt="Download link in Arabic">









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WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Empty Re: WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007?

Post by PeterMac 18.07.15 10:10

very odd. Some of it has not copied over properly.
I shall try to make it into a jpeg and do it again.

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WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Empty Re: WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007?

Post by Carrry On Doctor 18.07.15 13:41

Been abroad now for several weeks now, and unable to post, but kept a keen eye on WBM developments.

I have voted 3 but meant to have voted 5. Either way, I am not convinced by the arguments for the technical 'glitch', particularly in light of the subsequent whooshing. WBMs' reputation is based entirely on credibility, so they would be as well shutting up shop if an error occurred.

Something happening early on in the holiday is entirely in keeping with many things. Re Textusa blog, CEOP as an organisation doesn't have to be in on it, just an individual within getting the nod.

Just my thoughts.

Carrry On Doctor
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WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Empty Re: WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007?

Post by Angelique 18.07.15 15:05

BlueBag wrote:Ask Stevo.

The WBM had wrong data in that time stamp from the outset.

Check his Facebook page.

WBM had a bug.


As in deliberately hacked into or just some random "bug" that planted a file on the CEOP site?

Things aren't always what they seem

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WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Empty Re: WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007?

Post by whodunit 18.07.15 21:35

I don't see the option I would choose, which is the mccann.html went live and was linked to from the CEOP homepage on April 30, 2007. When it was decided by whomever that it was too soon to launch the operation [Call it "Operation Pay Off"] after all the page and link to it were quickly whooshed until the proper time. Imo, the editing of the homepage made a mess which was caught by WBM before the whole thing could be pushed behind the curtain.

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WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Empty Re: WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007?

Post by jeanmonroe 18.11.15 21:12



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Terror advice 'wrongly put on'

By Ross HawkinsPolitical correspondent

2 hours ago........18th November 2015.

From the section UK Politics

Advice urging the public to run and hide from gunmen was published by mistake on the government's website, the BBC understands.

A document advising "if you can't RUN, HIDE" was placed online by the National Counter Terrorism Security Office.

A source said the document - titled Developing Dynamic Lockdown Procedures - had been published in error.

It was due to put on the site next week during a security awareness week that was planned before the Paris attacks.

Sources stressed the advice was aimed at businesses and the security industry and was not a response to any specific threat.

It says: "Is there a safe route? RUN if not HIDE" and tells people to "find cover from gunfire".

The NCTSO is part of the National Police Chiefs' Council, and the mistake does not appear to have been made by government or Home Office officials.

The NCTSO has access to pages on the website.

was 'PUBLISHED, BY 'MISTAKE'' on the government's WEBSITE.

A 'source' said the document - titled Developing Dynamic Lockdown Procedures - HAD BEEN 'PUBLISHED IN ERROR'.

IT WAS DUE TO BE 'PUBLISHED'.....................NEXT WEEK!

'Wayback' Madeleine CEOP, all over.........AGAIN?

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WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Empty Re: WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007?

Post by Queryquery 08.08.20 12:23

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The BBC refers to 30 April being a year after Madeleine went missing.
It’s about half way down.

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WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Empty Re: WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007?

Post by Verdi 08.08.20 12:57

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Many people don't like to open unfamiliar links, myself included.

Would you please upload a screenshot or copy & paste, or at least provide a brief summary of the content.


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WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Empty Re: WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007?

Post by Queryquery 08.08.20 14:34

I screen shot the top and the middle of the article and saved as photos can I attach photos

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WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Empty Re: WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007?

Post by Queryquery 08.08.20 15:03

See attached. I screenshot the start of the article and a middle page. It must mean 30 April is approximately a year after she disappeared. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007? Empty Re: WAYBACK - What really happened at 11.58am and 3 seconds on 30 April 2007?

Post by Verdi 08.08.20 15:45

This is presumably the bit you refer to..

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Yes, clearly it means a year ago - not a year ago to the very day.

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