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Forensic Linguistics:  A fresh look at the evidence - Page 3 Mm11

Forensic Linguistics:  A fresh look at the evidence - Page 3 Regist10
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Forensic Linguistics:  A fresh look at the evidence - Page 3 Mm11

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Forensic Linguistics: A fresh look at the evidence

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Forensic Linguistics:  A fresh look at the evidence - Page 3 Empty Re: Forensic Linguistics: A fresh look at the evidence

Post by BrentM 28.11.22 21:53

Yes, of course thats possible, but not certain. I have not observed any other time Eddie barked once through banging into things. I also note that the work outside at night in the garden area that he gave weak single barks, and Martin Grime said those would need further investigation. Im just aiming to explore all possibilities

It would be great if Martin knows or PJ knows, for sure.

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Forensic Linguistics:  A fresh look at the evidence - Page 3 Empty Re: Forensic Linguistics: A fresh look at the evidence

Post by crusader 28.11.22 22:03

Martin has said Eddie will only bark when he has found what he is looking for and at no other time.
Onehand gave good advice, it's all in the PJ files and a very good place to start.

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Forensic Linguistics:  A fresh look at the evidence - Page 3 Empty Re: Forensic Linguistics: A fresh look at the evidence

Post by Guest 28.11.22 22:04

eddy does not bark in the kitchen, just clearing up his nose, he does the same in the closet at the villa. 
hunting dogs do the same, they do quite a lot of pressure building with it, and that could sometimes also reach their vocal cords, but it is not called barking. just clearing all they take in with their sniffing. 

dogs are pretty vocal besides just barking. did you never had a dog yourself?

eddy signals by a full intended bark. 

there have been people before who seen and heard an alert in the kitchen and meant the part in the villa in the corner and near the low cabinets. and the first video has missing parts, there must even has been one were cuddle cat was hidden on screen. 

grime is on linkdn, i never have seen him commenting in public anywhere. 

hideho's video has the correct order

the source of the original video that made it out to the public was levy , a compromised journalist. it ended up in bits and pieces, a lot of the video's in bad quality. no one knows how levy got it. 
there have been far more searches done by these dogs and grime, from these parts in the hideho video only the searches that resulted in alerts are in it, not the searches of the other apartments of blok 5, not the search of apt. 4g, not the beach and the streets. you can find the full lists in the files.

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Forensic Linguistics:  A fresh look at the evidence - Page 3 Empty Re: Forensic Linguistics: A fresh look at the evidence

Post by Verdi 29.11.22 12:33

BrentM wrote:Following on from the kitchen words, i came across an extended video on the dog searches of buildings.

Apart from the very worrying evidence that Kate's fathers' medicine was taken with them on holiday (or did he go out to meet them?), there is evidence that Eddie signaled in the kitchen, unfortunately off camera.
Im not sure what that could mean, but I'm just 'following my nose' about 'kitchen, fall, beans' in relation to Maddie. It could just mean it was fresh in Kates memory when writing the book, why would be interesting.
see for yourself
at  14:10
search for"Madeleine mccann eddie and keel cadavar dogs' (im unable yet to post links )yes, cadaver is spelt incorrectly (for us english) in video title.

p.s. Does anyone know if Martin Grimes is contactable?

Unless the intention here is to analyze a dog's bark, could we please keep on topic.

Thank you.

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