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Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes: MADDIE Fabrication d’un mythe Mm11

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Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes: MADDIE Fabrication d’un mythe Mm11

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Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes: MADDIE Fabrication d’un mythe

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Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes: MADDIE Fabrication d’un mythe Empty Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes: MADDIE Fabrication d’un mythe

Post by Jill Havern 04.06.24 11:47

Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes: MADDIE Fabrication d’un mythe Mmm55011

Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes


Fabrication d’un mythe

Rares sont les pays qui ont ignoré la disparition soudaine de Madeleine MC au sud du Portugal en mai 2007. Les autorités britanniques envisagèrent l’enlèvement comme un fait avéré,
ce n’était que l’opinion des parents. Malgré l’absence d’indices matériels, la PJ portugaise finit par se ranger à cette hypothèse. D’emblée les enquêteurs se trouvèrent en butte à d’intenses pressions diplomatiques et médiatiques et aux témoignages souvent inconciliables de vacanciers anxieux de se protéger d’une accusation de négligence. Lorsque deux spécialistes britanniques préconisèrent de suivre la piste parentale et de faire venir deux chiens très spéciaux, l’enquête changea de cap. Les parents, devenus témoins assistés, firent appel à un spin doctor et à une batterie d’avocats. Le parquet ordonna une reconstitution judiciaire qui n’eut pas lieu, faute de volonté des protagonistes. Il ne restait qu’à classer l’affaire. Tel est le destin des enquêtes criminelles quand ni imputation ni exonération ne sont possibles. “Maddie” s’efforce de faire droit à tous les points de vue, questionne les forces et les mécanismes à l’oeuvre et tente d’éclairer ce qui a empêché l’investigation d’aboutir.

Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes



Few countries ignored the sudden disappearance of Madeleine MC in the south of Portugal in May 2007. The British authorities considered the abduction as a proven fact,
it was only the opinion of the parents. Despite the absence of material evidence, the Portuguese PJ ended up agreeing with this hypothesis. From the outset, the investigators found themselves the target of intense diplomatic and media pressure and the often irreconcilable testimonies of holidaymakers anxious to protect themselves from an accusation of negligence. When two British specialists recommended following the parental trail and bringing in two very special dogs, the investigation changed course. The parents, who had become assisted witnesses, called in a spin doctor and a battery of lawyers. The prosecutor's office ordered a judicial re-enactment which did not take place due to a lack of will on the part of the protagonists. All that remained was to close the case. Such is the fate of criminal investigations when neither imputation nor exoneration is possible. "Maddie" strives to do justice to all points of view, questions the forces and mechanisms at work and tries to shed light on what prevented the investigation from succeeding.

Table of Contents.
Chapter 1 - Albion on Lusitanian soil
Is it all a matter of scenery? Beyond Wellington's lines. The mystery! The mystery!" they dully murmured. An extraordinary disclosure. The foliage of the false pepper trees. Homo festivus. Fair is foul and foul is fair.
Chapter 2 - The day Madeleine left
A morning like any other? A pending outcome. Once upon a time. Excesses and insufficiencies of the imagination. Out of sight, out of hearing. Open one's eyes so as not to see.
Chapter 3 - The Golden Hours
Every contact leaves a trace. Wer reitet so spät durch Nacht und Wind? No corpus delicti. Auspicious hours, suspend your course! Like dogs in a bowling game. Tis now the very witching time of night.
Chapter 4 -  Birth and resistance of a rumour
Point at a deer and call it a horse. Who controls the present, controls the past. Following in the footsteps. As for the real... it can always pop up elsewhere. But what were the police doing? An act of faith.
Chapter 5 - The privilege of ambiguity
Nose up in the breeze. Fragile certainties. When they can't change things, they change words. Sometimes we only see what we want to see. Diplomatic commotion. No matter how we ignore them,  the facts never cease to exist.
Chapter 6 - Things said, things silenced
No good dog ever alerts falsely. Madame Sosostris, famous clairvoyant. The American archetype. Blunt damaging effects. On the side of those who were seeking. A wave of media attention. Two timelines, plus one. Words not to say it.
Chapter 7 - A limited company, a spin doctor and a papal blessing
Is the public eye an eagle eye? The British archetype. Silent facts and stubborn facts... The Danaides' barrel. Damage limitation again and again. Human shields. One kidnapper can hide another. The Pope meets the MCs.
Chapter 8 - The Rainbow Effect
In looking for the motive, are we missing the soul? Profiling a disappearance. Things as they are or as we are? Sentimental crowds with a thirst for the ideal. Grandeur and servitude of celebrity. If it doesn't make sense, it's probably not true. Homo abducans.
Chapter 9 - Cognitive dissonances
Burying the truth under a pile of improbabilities. Showing oneself in order to hide better? The seeker of the lost. Legally responsible rather than candidly thoughtful? Such a sad old feeling, but you're innocent when you dream. This ocean of ordinary waves.
Chapter 10 - All my genius is in my nostrils
A reality inaccessible to the other senses. Subtle residual odours. Trained by the living to seek out the dead. The dog's nose knows. Open your nostrils wide and smell the world. Playing with appearances. Grabbing the moon with one's teeth.
Chapter 11 - Nothing is purely true
Not just anyone can be a victim. Holding something to be a fact vs. proving that it is. Truth games. The PJ advances, the Vatican retreats. Imagine all the people... looking for our child. I am what I think you think I am.
Chapter 12 - From victims to persons of interest
DNA and LCN (Low Copy Number). Denying what is and explaining what is not. A feverish night. The misunderstood status. I would prefer not to, said Bartleby. As simple as possible, but no more.
Chapter 13 - Smithman
A bargain of fiction. Believe what you see, not see what you believe. Counterattack in safe hands. A good reputation covers all faults. Inextricable thorn in the side. When the clocks strike thirteen.
Chapter 14 - Stolen, safe and sound?
Layoff of a superintendent. Mister Jack Whicher. Cablegate (Wikileaks). Pyjamas can change everything. The impossible is an ever receding frontier. Minerva's owl only takes flight at dusk. Five experts in the field. Delenda est Carthago.
Chapter 15 - Black swan or Schrödinger's cat?
The Vanity Fair affair. Filter out the mosquito and let the camel through. Flee forward or grab the bull by the horns. The spin doctor's crusade. Anticipating failure. No Win no Fee. Money also softens mores. The state of the accounts.
Chapter 16 - The temptation to reconstitute
Towards the inexorable end of the investigation. Killing two birds with one stone, or even more. We ask for your cooperation. I'm listening to you... Me neither. Kick the Portuguese out of Rule Britannia. My name is Halligen, Kevin Halligen. Be realistic, ask for the impossible.
A sting in the tail. Awful but lawful. Lack of evidence. Well, judge now!

Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes

After a 3rd cycle thesis on the word in the Vedic sacrifice, Anne Corrêa-Guedes was, until 1980, Host and producer at France Musique and France Culture. Editor of a daily press review for the European Commission, she has been a professor of French at the Luis de Camões Autonomous University (Lisbon) since 1989.

Jill Havern
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Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes: MADDIE Fabrication d’un mythe Empty Re: Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes: MADDIE Fabrication d’un mythe

Post by AnneCGuedes 04.06.24 14:02

Thank you, Jill! There were several reasons not to mention this book on CMOMM : it's in French and would teach very little (but a few things however) to members who have read and reread the PJFiles. Above all, it offers no theories. I do, of course, have an opinion on what happened to Madeleine, when it happened, what was done with her body, and above all what led to the very bad choice of the 'abduction' lie, but the book is essentially aimed at dismantling the myth constructed by so many different entities and with different objectives, so that every one  can free themselves from the imposed narratives and form their own opinion. I hope to provide some food for thought, so that people can sort things out and not judge but understand.   Only the Portuguese investigation is concerned, so the book stops in Summer 2008. The rest (up to now) is a fact of society and another story, and I'm in the process of writing it.

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Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes: MADDIE Fabrication d’un mythe Empty Re: Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes: MADDIE Fabrication d’un mythe

Post by Jill Havern 04.06.24 14:45

I'm sure we have French people viewing the forum or, people who understand French anyway, who may like to purchase your book.

Would you like to share your theory with us?

Might you provide an English version of the book - perhaps a digital version?
Jill Havern
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Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes: MADDIE Fabrication d’un mythe Empty Re: Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes: MADDIE Fabrication d’un mythe

Post by AnneCGuedes 04.06.24 17:34

I'm not sure you could call my opinion a theory ! I, like the FD, think that M died on Wednesday night but, unlike him, I think she was found dead and cold only in the morning. And there precisely is the rub. I came to this hypothesis after reading dozens of articles and books about the sniffer dogs, about olfaction in general, about decay and molecular changes, about VOCs and the phenomenons of adsorption - - and the opposite desorption - It takes a couple of hours before the death scent overwhelms the living one. Hence death couldn't possibly have occurred after the MCs left for dinner as GA and others said.

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Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes: MADDIE Fabrication d’un mythe Empty Re: Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes: MADDIE Fabrication d’un mythe

Post by PeterMac 04.06.24 18:08

The two positions are not incompatible. 
See my post on the other thread a few days ago about the degradation of Lysine into Cadaverine.  The Lysine in the blood after some time will create Cadaverine, even if the body was moved "So quickly " (© Kate) 
So either is possible. You do not need to fight about angels on the head of the pin.
The focus is on a Death in the apartment, KNOWN to the Parents and the Tapas 7
and incidentally on a date BEFORE 3/5/7, followed by concealment and subsequent disposal
That makes the Fund a HUGE international Fraud, Committed in England, by English subjects, and subject to English law
Fraud Act 2006, preceded by the Theft Act 1968. (S 15, Obtaining Property By deception)

Edited to add the link - Admin

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Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes: MADDIE Fabrication d’un mythe Empty Re: Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes: MADDIE Fabrication d’un mythe

Post by AnneCGuedes 04.06.24 18:44

I read your post about cadaverine, Peter Mac, but the VOCs are compounds of around 400 different molecules, not just cadaverine ! I think the only concealment was within the parents' wardrobe during day 3. About the disposal, likely intended to be in the ocean, it turned to be very risky after crossing the S family. There was no choice any more then, they had reached the no-return point. Bringing the body back, pretending having found it on the waste land, just by the look of it, would be tantamount to ruining the abduction hypothesis.
The Fund is, yes, an enormous fraud. It might not have been first the MCs' idea, but when they rejected the charity offer though adapted to their needs, they were completely part of the fraud.

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Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes: MADDIE Fabrication d’un mythe Empty Re: Anne A. Corrêa-Guedes: MADDIE Fabrication d’un mythe

Post by AnneCGuedes 04.06.24 19:53

Jill Havern wrote:
Might you provide an English version of the book - perhaps a digital version?

Jill, when the blog began to look impenetrable, cluttered and even confusing to the uninitiated visitor I had the idea of a guide.  The guide has become a book through a lot of writing and rewriting, which made it dense and uneasy to read unless you're passionate about the subject. A friend of mine read it in two days... but noticed that she must have been the only one. She suggested writing a "Maddie case for dummies". Maybe next summer I'll try directly in English and digitally, to overcome the aberrant media avoidance.

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