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SMITHMAN 12: Can anyone who still believes that the Smiths saw Gerry McCann carrying Madeleine satisfactorily answer ANY of these 60 Questions ? - Page 6 Mm11

SMITHMAN 12: Can anyone who still believes that the Smiths saw Gerry McCann carrying Madeleine satisfactorily answer ANY of these 60 Questions ? - Page 6 Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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SMITHMAN 12: Can anyone who still believes that the Smiths saw Gerry McCann carrying Madeleine satisfactorily answer ANY of these 60 Questions ? - Page 6 Mm11

SMITHMAN 12: Can anyone who still believes that the Smiths saw Gerry McCann carrying Madeleine satisfactorily answer ANY of these 60 Questions ? - Page 6 Regist10

SMITHMAN 12: Can anyone who still believes that the Smiths saw Gerry McCann carrying Madeleine satisfactorily answer ANY of these 60 Questions ?

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SMITHMAN 12: Can anyone who still believes that the Smiths saw Gerry McCann carrying Madeleine satisfactorily answer ANY of these 60 Questions ? - Page 6 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 12: Can anyone who still believes that the Smiths saw Gerry McCann carrying Madeleine satisfactorily answer ANY of these 60 Questions ?

Post by willowthewisp 16.04.18 14:19

Hi Verdi,they(UK Police)must have thought that they had a similar control method of Police practices,where when the case was shelved,it would have remained on a top shelf gathering dust as you had stated.

hence the Sphincter twitching moments when the files were released to the public's gaze be it in Portuguese,which were then converted into English,that put the proverbial cat amongst the Pigeons! 

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SMITHMAN 12: Can anyone who still believes that the Smiths saw Gerry McCann carrying Madeleine satisfactorily answer ANY of these 60 Questions ? - Page 6 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 12: Can anyone who still believes that the Smiths saw Gerry McCann carrying Madeleine satisfactorily answer ANY of these 60 Questions ?

Post by Guest 16.04.18 16:46

That's probably the reason the McCanns and Operation Grange were so vocal and adamant about having to pay thousands of quid to have the files translated.

Considering the fact the available files were already translated and circulating the internet, thanks to the voluntary services of a number of Madeleine McCann wellwishers, I can only conclude the McCanns and their team had to 'create' their own version of the truth by way of a personal, very costly, professional translation (cough!).

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SMITHMAN 12: Can anyone who still believes that the Smiths saw Gerry McCann carrying Madeleine satisfactorily answer ANY of these 60 Questions ? - Page 6 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 12: Can anyone who still believes that the Smiths saw Gerry McCann carrying Madeleine satisfactorily answer ANY of these 60 Questions ?

Post by sharonl 12.05.24 22:05

Since Smithman seems to be a subject of debate at the moment, I thought this thread may be worth an airing.
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