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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Mm11

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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Mm11

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"She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by Hobs 15.12.15 5:08

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"I had I suppose this temporary thought that perhaps she's cowering in a wardrobe or something"


Oh dear kate you can't help but leak marbles.

Cowering means to hide in fear from something scary or threatening or domineering.

Why did you use the word COWERING rather than the expected HIDING?

We learned that Maddie hid from you in the bushes one night, something that has yet to be explained away.

Why, do you think, would Maddie be COWERING in the wardrobe?
If she was scared of something then, on hearing you come into the bedroom, she would have called out or you would have heard her, perhaps crying and scared.

Instead you use the word COWERING.
COWERING is not something I would expect to hear regarding a child having a bad dream or simply being awake and alone in the apartment (I don't believe they were ever left alone in the apartment)

Now, a child who is terrified of being punished for something would run and COWER in a small space.
A child who is terrified of something that was being done to them or about to be done to them would run and hide, COWERING in a corner of cupboard/wardrobe.

Given that there were massive bruises on your wrists and arms kate, none of which can be explained away by punching the walls, the bruises being in the exact spots that a hand would grab when restraining someones hands or arms.

Your words leak and tell me you and gerry have anger management issues, you are always furious, raging, incandescent in your statement and even your actions (remember you shaking an imaginary Maddie when you spoke about wishing you had questioned her further about the crying?)
Normal parents don't shake their children, you, as a doctor should and would know this, yet, in your actions you leaked the truth.

You complained about how demanding Maddie was, crying non stop and you feared she would attack the twins ( it is extremely rare for a child to attack a younger child, though accidents can and do happen when the older child forgets they are bigger and stronger and knocks the younger child, or doesn't hold their younger sibling properly)

Your use of the word COWERING reveals more than you want the world to think about your family dynamics.

Remember also you spoke of Maddie's FEAR OF PAIN.
You later changed it to FEAR AND PAIN when we pointed out the leakage.
The problem though is, once words are said, they cannot be unsaid, and, once again you leaked more about your family dynamics than you wanted the world to know.

It's simple really.

The truth can be revealed in the slip of one single word out of many, possibly hundreds or thousands.
One single word is all it takes

Kate you have given us multiple examples of one single word that reveals the truth of the lie.
You have given us multiple examples of a couple or three words that tell the truth of the lie.

Remember these?

"Police don't want a MURDER in Portugal"

"and you just want to press a button, and we're ALL GONE, and it's ALL FINISHED, and we're ALL together and GONE"

"it wasn't as bad as the night WE FOUND HER".

"there's no evidence to implicate us in her DEATH"

"I wish I could roll back time and go back to the day before Madeleine was abducted. I would SLOW DOWN TIME. I would get a REALLY GOOD LOOK AROUND and have a REALLY GOOD THINK
And I'd think: WHERE ARE YOU?
Because SOMEONE was WATCHING MY FAMILY very, very carefully.

Note the last example.
She doesn't tell us she would not have left the children alone ( they didn't,  I will use her own claim)
She doesn't say she would have used the evening creche.
She doesn't say she would have used a babysitter.
She doesn't say we would have eaten dinner in the apartment.
All of which is the expected.Note the qualifier Very, which is used twice making it sensitive to kate and also weakening her statement
Instead she would simply look around and have a good think.

She has to say what she did, as whatever happened to Maddie could and would not have been prevented by turning back time and becoming a responsible parent.

Kate would you care to respond to my question regarding COWERING IN THE WARDROBE?

Perhaps you could get one of your minions to come up with a reasonable explanation, clarrie might do, he though has a habit of dropping you right in it even more than you do so yourselves..

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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty Re: "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by Guest 15.12.15 8:28

Don't forget... if not for the alleged gust of wind blowing the door Kate would not have even checked the children.

She was off out of there.

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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty Re: "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by canada12 15.12.15 10:39

I, too, caught her use of the word "cowering" when I first saw that interview. And my initial thoughts were the same as yours, Hobs. You don't use the word "cowering" unless you have it in your mind that your child is afraid and wants to hide from whatever is making her afraid. And Kate can't waffle this and say, "But she was afraid of the abductor" because, at the moment she says she was looking for Madeleine, she would have had no knowledge about any abductor. Her child was merely not where she was expected to be. So using the word "cowering", as Kate does, in relating the story, tells us that Kate was presupposing that Madeleine was afraid of someone or something.

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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty Re: "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by Richard IV 15.12.15 10:48

@ Hobs:  "You complained about how demanding Maddie was, crying non stop and you feared she would attack the twins ( it is extremely rare for a child to attack a younger child, though accidents can and do happen when the older child forgets they are bigger and stronger and knocks the younger child, or doesn't hold their younger sibling properly)"

Great Aunt Janet noticed that MBM was spiteful towards the twins at times :-

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"Madeleine dealt well with the arrival of the twins although she was only 22 months old at the time. There was occasionally a pinch or a poke but nothing more than pure jealously. As they began to grow up, they loved their older sister, and spent a lot of time with her. Madeleine taught them many things. 

I remember one occasion when I was taking care of them and Madeleine took out her doctor play toys and used the thermometer to hit Sean on the head. I spoke with her about taking care of her siblings and not hurting them, at which time she hit Sean once again -- Madeleine was like this, very energetic."

I`d hardly call it `energetic`; more like jealous.  A bit risky to leave MBM alone with the twins I should think.
Richard IV
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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty Re: "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by Verdi 15.12.15 12:50

Richard IV wrote:@ Hobs:  "You complained about how demanding Maddie was, crying non stop and you feared she would attack the twins ( it is extremely rare for a child to attack a younger child, though accidents can and do happen when the older child forgets they are bigger and stronger and knocks the younger child, or doesn't hold their younger sibling properly)"

Great Aunt Janet noticed that MBM was spiteful towards the twins at times :-

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"Madeleine dealt well with the arrival of the twins although she was only 22 months old at the time. There was occasionally a pinch or a poke but nothing more than pure jealously. As they began to grow up, they loved their older sister, and spent a lot of time with her. Madeleine taught them many things. 

I remember one occasion when I was taking care of them and Madeleine took out her doctor play toys and used the thermometer to hit Sean on the head. I spoke with her about taking care of her siblings and not hurting them, at which time she hit Sean once again -- Madeleine was like this, very energetic."

I`d hardly call it `energetic`; more like jealous.  A bit risky to leave MBM alone with the twins I should think.
"Gerry and Kate are good rationalisers, they do not hit. They have their proper strategy which involves taking the child out of the situation and putting them in time-out, close the door, and let the child think about what they have done. This always seemed to gain results."

Janet Kennedy

I trust they didn't lock the child in said room - such actions can have a very traumatic longterm effect on a child.

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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty Re: "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by Hobs 15.12.15 16:17

Verdi wrote:
Richard IV wrote:@ Hobs:  "You complained about how demanding Maddie was, crying non stop and you feared she would attack the twins ( it is extremely rare for a child to attack a younger child, though accidents can and do happen when the older child forgets they are bigger and stronger and knocks the younger child, or doesn't hold their younger sibling properly)"

Great Aunt Janet noticed that MBM was spiteful towards the twins at times :-

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

"Madeleine dealt well with the arrival of the twins although she was only 22 months old at the time. There was occasionally a pinch or a poke but nothing more than pure jealously. As they began to grow up, they loved their older sister, and spent a lot of time with her. Madeleine taught them many things. 

I remember one occasion when I was taking care of them and Madeleine took out her doctor play toys and used the thermometer to hit Sean on the head. I spoke with her about taking care of her siblings and not hurting them, at which time she hit Sean once again -- Madeleine was like this, very energetic."

I`d hardly call it `energetic`; more like jealous.  A bit risky to leave MBM alone with the twins I should think.
"Gerry and Kate are good rationalisers, they do not hit. They have their proper strategy which involves taking the child out of the situation and putting them in time-out, close the door, and let the child think about what they have done. This always seemed to gain results."

Janet Kennedy

I trust they didn't lock the child in said room - such actions can have a very traumatic longterm effect on a child.
What i have noted about this case, is the unexpected language from Maddie's family including grandparents and aunts and uncles.

When someone dies, no matter how horrible they are, people will always try and find something nice to say about them.
It is natural and expected.
It can be something as simple as a neighbor referring to their murderous neighbor as quiet even though he murdered multiple people before dying.
A parent saying their daughter was a good girl even though she killed her own children before killing herself.

What is not natural and is unexpected is when family subtly demean the victim.
It is as if they are blaming the victim for whatever happened to them, they deserved whatever happened.
This is even more so when the victim is a child.

No one deserves to die at the hand of their loved one.
No child deserves to die at the hand of their parent.

What is often seen is the killer will cast dispersion in relation to their victim.
It is the victims fault they got murdered.
If they had been good, better behaved, obedient, quiet, smarter, prettier, their biological child rather than say an IVF baby/step child/foster child/adopted child, a boy, a girl, blonder, lighter,taller, perfect they would have lived.

Here with kate and gerry and, alarmingly their own parents and siblings, we have Maddie described as almost perfect when born, they tell us she was demanding, jealous, colicky, had a temper, would scream, she would pinch and poke her siblings.

This is a serious red flag.

It seems that no one in the families liked or wanted Maddie.

She spent her first christmas when the twins were born with  her grandparents, WHY?
Kate refused to answer the question regarding if she wanted to hand care of Maddie to one of her other family members, WHY?
Is this because Maddie was an IVF baby?
Is this because perhaps Maddie isn't  a mccann biological child? (this would go to giving a lot of motive should it be true, and explain why she was killed)
Was Maddie seen as the red headed step child and blamed for everything wrong in the marriage and family dynamics?
Was Maddie seen as imperfect and spoiled what is seen as the perfect family, mom dad and a beautiful blonde haired boy and girl twins, two respected professionals with a nice house and high social standing.
She didn't fit in so she had to go?
She competed with one of the parents for attention and lost.
She was too much like kate, kate having mental health issues, and Maddie was killed for altruisitic reasons, she could not be allowed to grow up and end up like kate.

What is concerning to me is, the lack of statements from Maddies grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins, demanding Maddie's "abductor" (read killer) be caught, telling us how wonderful Maddie was, how much she is missed, asking people to cojme forward and talk to LE if they think they may have seen or heard something.
Heck, even the rests of the tapas group i would expect to speak out occasionally and ask for people to come forward if they think they may know something.

Instead, we have deafening silence from everyone except kate and gerry and, their spokespoodle clarrie.


Is it because the families know or suspect the real truth about who did what to Maddie and  are circling the wagons around kate and/or gerry in order to protect the family honor and reputation?

Is it a case of what is done, is done, we need to keep the family togeather and protect the twins.
The twins are safe from risk of harm.

The problem for the families and the tapas 7 and, yes, even clarrie, is, when the truth comes out, as it will, they could all face possible charges of obstruction of justice, aiding and abetting, fraud along with anything else that can be thrown at them that may stick.

If it comes to pass that the tapas 7 , the families and clarrie realise they could end up doing some serious time, then it will be first past the post to talk wins the prize.

Kate and gerry will have no qualms about throwing everyone under the bus to save their own skins, including each other.

They also need to remember that kate telegraphed her intent to press a button and they would ALL be togeather.
She has just admitted to the world she is willing to murder the twins, gerry (justifiable homicide in his case?) and then commit suicide, the only way they could ALL be togeather , since Maddie is long dead.

Anything unexpected in a statement must be noted and examined and investigated further.
It could mean nothing.
It could mean everything in relation to solving a case.

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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty Re: "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by j.rob 15.12.15 18:42

What is concerning to me is, the lack of statements from Maddies grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins, demanding Maddie's "abductor" (read killer) be caught, telling us how wonderful Maddie was, how much she is missed, asking people to cojme forward and talk to LE if they think they may have seen or heard something.
Heck, even the rests of the tapas group i would expect to speak out occasionally and ask for people to come forward if they think they may know something.

Instead, we have deafening silence from everyone except kate and gerry and, their spokespoodle clarrie.


Because - while some may not have known what happened in the early days - by now they will have worked it out themselves. Better to say nothing than dig a hole that will only get bigger and bigger - took them some time to work that one out, imo.

I think the Mcs underestimated the challenge of having twins when their first child was 18 months old. I know people who had twins with no other children (at the time at any rate) and they found it incredibly demanding. They made sure that each child would have 'quality time' with at least one parent and sometimes both (while the other was cared for by a relative, say) to minimize jealousy issues and ensure that each twin had at least some of the kind of individual attention that a non-twin baby/toddler would get.

The Mcs weren't overly keen on forking out on childcare from what I have seen. It's quite a lot to expect an Aunt to look after three children so young, especially if as is COMPLETELY NORMAL Madeleine was demanding attention. 

Of course she was - she was under two years old - an incredibly demanding age - and two babies have just come along. It's quite pejorative of the family to describe her as 'a screamer' and 'jealous'. I would think that exhibiting that type of behaviour in would be more a reflection of Madeleine's own needs not been met. And her caregivers having unreasonably expectations that she would be understanding about two babies coming along and being spoken to about 'taking care of her siblings'. 

It would have been far more appropriate if Madeleine had been given extra care herself - from her father, a family member, nanny, in fact ANY responsible adult - when the twins came along so that she would not associate their arrival with any negative emotions.

Whenever the Mcs have talked about Madeleine, I have always had the impression that they didn't have a clue about what might be appropriate childcare for a child of that age. Kate writing about them all sitting in the paddling pool and 'chatting'. This is nonsense. The adults chat while they watch the children play. Kate talks about Madeleine being like a 'friend'. Again, this is nonsense, very young children need guidance, their friends are their peers, their parents are their PARENTS.

You might talk about your much older children being like friends - say late teens onwards. But before that they need parenting, imo. I know a few people who adoped a completely laissez-faire approach to bringing up children with practically no rules and minimal discipline and it backfired with their children in their teens having little or no respect for them. But in the case of the Mcs, I just think they had unrealistic expectations and failed to provide for Madeleine's needs (and ultimately her safety - the latter they have admitted).

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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty Re: "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by Guest 15.12.15 19:24

Madeleine was 22 months old when the twins arrived.

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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty Re: "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by Hobs 15.12.15 20:20

It is also worth noting that they had family flying down whenever they had spare time to help kate with the children.
Then there is also the nursery helper who ended up  helping kate with the children at home.

It seems to be that no one trusted kate to be left alone with the children.

Could this be why there is silence from the families?

Guilty knowledge that, they new there were issues in kate and gerrys family.
Guilty knowledge that by saying nothing they may have contributed to maddie's subsequent death, disposal and cover up?

Now that Maddie is no longer alive, kate  became less volatile, she could manage with two.

Is it a case now that the families feel what is done is done, the the twins are currently in no danger as they have grown older and have become easier to deal with.
(I do wonder what will happen once they hit the terrible teens)

They perhaps are keeping a closer eye on the twins, even if from a distance and also  monitoring the relationship between kate and gerry and when it seems fireworks are in the air, perhaps stepping in.

We know the marriage was in trouble before the fateful trip and money was tight, all grounds for rows and fights.
Now they have money and can currently meet their financial needs, they will tolerate each other.

They are tied togeather since if one broaches separation and divorce,  any custody fight could end up with one parent  speaking the truth of what happened to stop the other getting custody, especially if there are mental health issues in play.
The classic if i can't have them i am making darn sure you can't either and we all know how that has a tendency to end up as.

The other is well if i am going down i am not going down alone and then proceededing to name names and deeds and taking everyone down with them.

At the moment, legally they are in limbo.
When Dr.Goncalo Amaral wins and the mccanns are liable to pay huge fines, compensation and a whole gamut of legal fees for both sides from multiple cases, then i see the twins being at risk of genuine harm>

With the mccanns it is all about appearances,  having the right jobs, the right house in the right area, the right car, the right social circles, the right memberships of the right clubs.
What will happen when it all comes crashing down, when their supporters (most of whom have already jumped ship and distanced themselves) turn their backs and disown them.
Everything they worked for  all down the drain.
They become simply another pair of abusive  parents.

No matter how they try to spin it, so far that have failed to  nullify the neglectful parents stigma.
They had to 'admit neglect' in order for there to have been an abduction.
It was a  stain on their character they hoped would be washed away by public sympathy.
Spend enough money, call in enough favors and  nothing will happen.
For them, anything and everything can be bought with enough money or threats.

They are both narcissists enabled by their parents, especially kate being an only child.
Is the silence from their families guilt because they raised their  children to be completely selfish narcissists who believe the world owes them everything, who raised them to be the centre of their own universe?

Is it a case of if we has been stricter, raised them better, none of this would have happened?
Maddie is dead because of what we did and didn't do to and for kate and gerry?

Time will tell.
Their dam is cracked, and, sooner or later the water of truth will breach the dam of lies and all will be seen and known for what it is and was.

The little unremembered acts of kindness and love are the best parts of a person's life.

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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty Re: "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by Verdi 15.12.15 22:25

Hobs wrote:
Verdi wrote:
Richard IV wrote:@ Hobs:  "You complained about how demanding Maddie was, crying non stop and you feared she would attack the twins ( it is extremely rare for a child to attack a younger child, though accidents can and do happen when the older child forgets they are bigger and stronger and knocks the younger child, or doesn't hold their younger sibling properly)"

Great Aunt Janet noticed that MBM was spiteful towards the twins at times :-

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

"Madeleine dealt well with the arrival of the twins although she was only 22 months old at the time. There was occasionally a pinch or a poke but nothing more than pure jealously. As they began to grow up, they loved their older sister, and spent a lot of time with her. Madeleine taught them many things. 

I remember one occasion when I was taking care of them and Madeleine took out her doctor play toys and used the thermometer to hit Sean on the head. I spoke with her about taking care of her siblings and not hurting them, at which time she hit Sean once again -- Madeleine was like this, very energetic."

I`d hardly call it `energetic`; more like jealous.  A bit risky to leave MBM alone with the twins I should think.
"Gerry and Kate are good rationalisers, they do not hit. They have their proper strategy which involves taking the child out of the situation and putting them in time-out, close the door, and let the child think about what they have done. This always seemed to gain results."

Janet Kennedy

I trust they didn't lock the child in said room - such actions can have a very traumatic longterm effect on a child.
What i have noted about this case, is the unexpected language from Maddie's family including grandparents and aunts and uncles.

When someone dies, no matter how horrible they are, people will always try and find something nice to say about them.
It is natural and expected.
It can be something as simple as a neighbor referring to their murderous neighbor as quiet even though he murdered multiple people before dying.
A parent saying their daughter was a good girl even though she killed her own children before killing herself.

What is not natural and is unexpected is when family subtly demean the victim.
It is as if they are blaming the victim for whatever happened to them, they deserved whatever happened.
This is even more so when the victim is a child.

No one deserves to die at the hand of their loved one.
No child deserves to die at the hand of their parent.

What is often seen is the killer will cast dispersion in relation to their victim.
It is the victims fault they got murdered.
If they had been good, better behaved, obedient, quiet, smarter, prettier, their biological child rather than say an IVF baby/step child/foster child/adopted child, a boy, a girl, blonder, lighter,taller, perfect they would have lived.

Here with kate and gerry and, alarmingly their own parents and siblings, we have Maddie described as almost perfect when born, they tell us she was demanding, jealous, colicky, had a temper, would scream, she would pinch and poke her siblings.

This is a serious red flag.

It seems that no one in the families liked or wanted Maddie.

She spent her first christmas when the twins were born with  her grandparents, WHY?
Kate refused to answer the question regarding if she wanted to hand care of Maddie to one of her other family members, WHY?
Is this because Maddie was an IVF baby?
Is this because perhaps Maddie isn't  a mccann biological child? (this would go to giving a lot of motive should it be true, and explain why she was killed)
Was Maddie seen as the red headed step child and blamed for everything wrong in the marriage and family dynamics?
Was Maddie seen as imperfect and spoiled what is seen as the perfect family, mom dad and a beautiful blonde haired boy and girl twins, two respected professionals with a nice house and high social standing.
She didn't fit in so she had to go?
She competed with one of the parents for attention and lost.
She was too much like kate, kate having mental health issues, and Maddie was killed for altruisitic reasons, she could not be allowed to grow up and end up like kate.

What is concerning to me is, the lack of statements from Maddies grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins, demanding Maddie's "abductor" (read killer) be caught, telling us how wonderful Maddie was, how much she is missed, asking people to cojme forward and talk to LE if they think they may have seen or heard something.
Heck, even the rests of the tapas group i would expect to speak out occasionally and ask for people to come forward if they think they may know something.

Instead, we have deafening silence from everyone except kate and gerry and, their spokespoodle clarrie.


Is it because the families know or suspect the real truth about who did what to Maddie and  are circling the wagons around kate and/or gerry in order to protect the family honor and reputation?

Is it a case of what is done, is done, we need to keep the family togeather and protect the twins.
The twins are safe from risk of harm.

The problem for the families and the tapas 7 and, yes, even clarrie, is, when the truth comes out, as it will, they could all face possible charges of obstruction of justice, aiding and abetting, fraud along with anything else that can be thrown at them that may stick.

If it comes to pass that the tapas 7 , the families and clarrie realise they could end up doing some serious time, then it will be first past the post to talk wins the prize.

Kate and gerry will have no qualms about throwing everyone under the bus to save their own skins, including each other.

They also need to remember that kate telegraphed her intent to press a button and they would ALL be togeather.
She has just admitted to the world she is willing to murder the twins, gerry (justifiable homicide in his case?) and then commit suicide, the only way they could ALL be togeather , since Maddie is long dead.

Anything unexpected in a statement must be noted and examined and investigated further.
It could mean nothing.
It could mean everything in relation to solving a case.


The McCann family are every psychologists dream - a complete project just waiting to be explored.  Even an enthusiastic layman, given the time and resources, could have a field day rummaging through all the documented information emanating from clan McCann with a view to evaluating and compiling a detailed account of the many extraordinary comments reported.

Whilst I think 'madeleine' by Kate McCann is nothing short of a fantasy novel - an explanation for anything the police may or may not find, that doesn't excuse the bizarre things she's said during media interviews, nor does it explain the unusual comments made by various McCann family members and friends relating to Madeleine and her general disposition.  Off the top of my head, someone referring to Madeleine as charismatic - not a word I would use when describing a child and Kate's reference somewhere (the book I think) to she and Madeleine having a 'girly' night in.  Nothing in comparison to much that's been said but gives an indication of KM's state of mind. 

I can't (nor will I attempt to) second guess what may or may not have gone on in the McCann private family environment, I can only comment on information available in the public arena, which they themselves, have laid bare to scrutiny and I can only say that when talking of a 3/4 year old child, their terminology appears to be rather obscure to say the least.   

Not that I think it's all about Kate McCann, the other half has got a lot to answer for in my opinion.

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty Re: "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by Verdi 15.12.15 22:46

They cry but they shed no tears..

ETA:  Just wading through the video of the McCanns appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show, uploaded on YouTube by HiDeHo.  I say nothing of the host, she's a highly successful business woman and I know plays to her audience but I think this interview show the couple for what they really are.  Goes on a bit but well worth another airing when you've got 45 minutes to spare..

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KM and her customary Oscar winning performance and GM sitting in his favourite position, slouching on a studio sofa before a rolling camera, like he's doing a party political broadcast on behalf of the thoroughly nauseating 'innocent until proven guilty party'!  The bloke is the personification of everything I despise in human kind - one day someone will knock that complaisant smirk off his face.

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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty Re: "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by Verdi 15.12.15 23:14

......  One day someone will wipe that complaisant smirk off his face ......  Hang on - think someone's already done it..

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In true pantomime style - BEHIND YOU...

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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty Re: "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by Hobs 15.12.15 23:59


A face that looks like a slapped arse.

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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty Re: "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by maebee 16.12.15 1:45

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  • Synonyms

  • Examples

  • Word Origin

verb (used without object)
to crouch, as in fear or shame.

fear, imo SadSadSad
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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty Re: "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by Guest 16.12.15 10:54

Verdi wrote:......  One day someone will wipe that complaisant smirk off his face ......  Hang on - think someone's already done it..

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In true pantomime style - BEHIND YOU...
2 days later they were out of there.

Incredible as that seems.

How was that allowed to happen?

Isn't "don't leave the country" standard fare?

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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty Re: "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by TheJoker 16.12.15 11:10

Especially when they were being filmed making a run for it by the media. Why weren't the police notified so they could be stopped?

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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty Re: "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by NickE 16.12.15 11:44

BlueBag wrote:
Verdi wrote:......  One day someone will wipe that complaisant smirk off his face ......  Hang on - think someone's already done it..

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In true pantomime style - BEHIND YOU...
2 days later they were out of there.

Incredible as that seems.

How was that allowed to happen?

Isn't "don't leave the country" standard fare?
......or the UK said:
"Let'em out of there or we stop giving money to Portugal"

Goncalo Amaral: "Then there's the window we found Kate's finger prints.
She said she had never touched that window and the cleaning lady assured that she had cleaned it on the previous doesn't add up"

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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty Re: "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by Verdi 16.12.15 12:14

BlueBag wrote:
Verdi wrote:......  One day someone will wipe that complaisant smirk off his face ......  Hang on - think someone's already done it..

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In true pantomime style - BEHIND YOU...
2 days later they were out of there.

Incredible as that seems.

How was that allowed to happen?

Isn't "don't leave the country" standard fare?
I believe there lies the answer to the entire charade.  As good old Percy Thrower used to say (before Alan Titchmarch was invented)..  "I think the answer lies in the soil" - to be read with a countrified yokel accent.

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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty Re: "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by Verdi 16.12.15 12:18

TheJoker wrote:Especially when they were being filmed making a run for it by the media. Why weren't the police notified so they could be stopped?
It was a bi-lateral agreement winkwink !  Thinly veiled by some verbiage spewed forth about their preplanned arrangement to leave the country around that time - they only needed to hasten their departure ..


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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty She's cowering in a wardobe

Post by willowthewisp 16.12.15 12:33

Verdi wrote:
TheJoker wrote:Especially when they were being filmed making a run for it by the media. Why weren't the police notified so they could be stopped?
It was a bi-lateral agreement winkwink !  Thinly veiled by some verbiage spewed forth about their preplanned arrangement to leave the country around that time - they only needed to hasten their departure ..

Hi Verdi,or an extreme amount of pressure applied by GB over the EU proposals of acceptance of joining conditions as full members?
One thing that the media and no UK Police Commander has given to the public is the "Close ties" of officials involved in the machinations,listen to some videos of Hidehos,eg Justine McGuiness,Clarence Mitchell,John Buck and no answers from questions asked,just fibber excuse's,etc?

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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty Re: "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by j.rob 16.12.15 14:49

Ladyinred wrote:@j.rob 
Madeleine was 22 months old when the twins arrived.
I stand corrected - although I note that in Kate's book she says that Madeleine was just 20 months old when the twins were born (p37).

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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty Re: "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by j.rob 16.12.15 15:10

Hobs wrote:It is also worth noting that they had family flying down whenever they had spare time to help kate with the children.
Then there is also the nursery helper who ended up  helping kate with the children at home.

It seems to be that no one trusted kate to be left alone with the children.

Could this be why there is silence from the families?

Guilty knowledge that, they new there were issues in kate and gerrys family.
Guilty knowledge that by saying nothing they may have contributed to maddie's subsequent death, disposal and cover up?

Now that Maddie is no longer alive, kate  became less volatile, she could manage with two.

Is it a case now that the families feel what is done is done, the the twins are currently in no danger as they have grown older and have become easier to deal with.
(I do wonder what will happen once they hit the terrible teens)

They perhaps are keeping a closer eye on the twins, even if from a distance and also  monitoring the relationship between kate and gerry and when it seems fireworks are in the air, perhaps stepping in.

We know the marriage was in trouble before the fateful trip and money was tight, all grounds for rows and fights.
Now they have money and can currently meet their financial needs, they will tolerate each other.

They are tied togeather since if one broaches separation and divorce,  any custody fight could end up with one parent  speaking the truth of what happened to stop the other getting custody, especially if there are mental health issues in play.
The classic if i can't have them i am making darn sure you can't either and we all know how that has a tendency to end up as.

The other is well if i am going down i am not going down alone and then proceededing to name names and deeds and taking everyone down with them.

At the moment, legally they are in limbo.
When Dr.Goncalo Amaral wins and the mccanns are liable to pay huge fines, compensation and a whole gamut of legal fees for both sides from multiple cases, then i see the twins being at risk of genuine harm>

With the mccanns it is all about appearances,  having the right jobs, the right house in the right area, the right car, the right social circles, the right memberships of the right clubs.
What will happen when it all comes crashing down, when their supporters (most of whom have already jumped ship and distanced themselves) turn their backs and disown them.
Everything they worked for  all down the drain.
They become simply another pair of abusive  parents.

No matter how they try to spin it, so far that have failed to  nullify the neglectful parents stigma.
They had to 'admit neglect' in order for there to have been an abduction.
It was a  stain on their character they hoped would be washed away by public sympathy.
Spend enough money, call in enough favors and  nothing will happen.
For them, anything and everything can be bought with enough money or threats.

They are both narcissists enabled by their parents, especially kate being an only child.
Is the silence from their families guilt because they raised their  children to be completely selfish narcissists who believe the world owes them everything, who raised them to be the centre of their own universe?

Is it a case of if we has been stricter, raised them better, none of this would have happened?
Maddie is dead because of what we did and didn't do to and for kate and gerry?

Time will tell.
Their dam is cracked, and, sooner or later the water of truth will breach the dam of lies and all will be seen and known for what it is and was.

Their arrogance will be their downfall, imo. People have seen through them and seen through the McScam. However I believe they are probably relatively minor 'players' in the general scheme of things. While they achieved some very high profile support early on, many of them (most notably the Pope!) backed off swiftly at a certain stage. Probably when it became apparent that all was not what it seemed and it was not so much a McScam as a McSewer, imo.

I do agree that the backgrounds of both Kate and Gerry - as outlined in Kate's book - would play a part in the family dynamic which lead to the tragedy. We KNOW from Kate's book that the McCanns (and their friends) don't want to fork out money on babysitters. Whether or not it is true that all the children were indeed left alone during the evenings that fateful week, it is nevertheless on record that Kate used family to babysit and her cleaner to help out once the twins came along. Plus nursery day care for Madeleine. These are all relatively 'budget' childcare options especially when you consider this is a professional couple with three very young children.  I think a lot of relationships would be buckling under that kind of pressure and I'm not so sure that family were as helpful as Kate might like to have suggested. We know - from Kate's book - that Gerry's upbringing was pretty spartan by any standards and the older children were 'in loco parentis' which is a pretty mixed bag of tricks I would think.

What I don't understand is that why - when the case was shelved (in the summer of 2008?) the Mcs and Tapas didn't just put their heads down and disappear into obscurity? It was insanity, imo, for them to stick their heads above the parapet and drive forward with their 'ambassadors' for missing children role plus all the other stunts - not least all the legal battles. If they had done this, I think there would have been much less interest in the case.

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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty Re: "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by Verdi 16.12.15 15:49

I think you've answered your own question in your opening words.

Q:   "What I don't understand is that why - when the case was shelved (in the summer of 2008?) the Mcs and Tapas didn't just put their heads down and disappear into obscurity

A:   "Their arrogance will be their downfall, imo"

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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty Re: "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by Verdi 16.12.15 20:40

Hate to be overly critical (snort!) but..  according to Gerry McCann when he checked on the children at 9.something pm on the night of 3rd May he noticed the children's bedroom door was open wider than they left it, he looked in the children - had his proud father moment admiring his beautiful daughter (not the twins!?!) - and left them alone again.  Probably nothing but as he places such emphasis on how they left the bedroom door, I would assume he left it as he claimed they usually did.

However .. according to Kate McCann during the Oprah interview, when she checked on the children at approximately 10.00 pm on the night of 3rd May, she also noticed the door was not as they left it when leaving for dinner until for some inexplicable reason the door slam dunked because, she presumes, a strong current of air caused by the open window - which incidentally wasn't open.  She apparently assumed it was Matt Oldfield that altered the position of the door when he did the interim check.

Geeez - it's worse than a Brian Rix bedroom farce.

Thank you Hobbs for again drawing attention to the Oprah Winfrey interview, fascinating case study in itself and only two years after Madeleine's disappearance.  Anyone out there who still think the McCanns are totally without blame - watch listen and learn.  If I didn't know better I'd swear GM was covertly making lerve to Ms Winfrey, after all he appeared to flirting with 'ask the dogs Sandra' didn't he?  I haven't reached 'cowering' bit yet, feat. Gerald lounging about looking cock sure of himself but to be getting on with, this I thought to be an example of why the word 'cowering' might have been used with reference to Madeleine..

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 "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah Empty Re: "She's Cowering In a Wardrobe Or Something" Kate McCann on Oprah

Post by sharonl 16.12.15 22:41

Hobs wrote:
We learned that Maddie hid from you in the bushes one night, something that has yet to be explained away.

Sorry, I am going a little off topic here but for ages I have been searching, very unsuccessfully, for an article where Kate says that Madeleine did not like to come in at bedtime and would often run around outside, playing hide and seek, in order to get a little more time. I think that this is the closest that I have got to someone else remembering it. 

This could possibly be very significant to the question "what really happened to Madeleine", and I would like to read this article again.  If anyone has more information or a link to this, please would you let me have it.
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