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CMOMM's 2019 letter to Home Secretary Sajid Javid re: Extended Funding for Operation Grange Mm11

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CMOMM's 2019 letter to Home Secretary Sajid Javid re: Extended Funding for Operation Grange Mm11

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CMOMM's 2019 letter to Home Secretary Sajid Javid re: Extended Funding for Operation Grange

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CMOMM's 2019 letter to Home Secretary Sajid Javid re: Extended Funding for Operation Grange Empty CMOMM's 2019 letter to Home Secretary Sajid Javid re: Extended Funding for Operation Grange

Post by Jill Havern 07.03.19 7:08

3rd March 2019

To The Right Honourable Sajid Javid PC, MP,
Secretary of State for the Home Department



I have no doubt that you will be privy to information not in the public domain in this case.
I would however, with respect, invite you to seek answers from your senior advisors on the following important issues

1 The famous photo of the father and two children sitting by the pool was tendered as proof that Madeleine was alive and well at lunchtime on Thursday 3rd May 2007, the date she was later reported missing
There is now little doubt that this photo can only have been taken on Sunday 29th April 2007, and that the digitally recorded details were altered prior to its release

2 The ‘crèche’ record sheets are not capable of providing proof that Madeleine was alive and well at any time during the week leading up to her reported disappearance, neither is there photographic or video evidence to corroborate this after Sunday 29th

3 There is a body of evidence to be found within the original statements and those obtained under the “Commission rogatoire”, to suggest that many aspects of the official story – that Madeleine was seized from her bed and abducted whilst her parents were dining – have been invented, and the intervention of a demonstrably mendacious official spokesman has added to that suspicion
You will be aware that the Police of Portugal and Britain have been unable to find a single piece of evidence to support this proposition

I am of course willing to provide all the evidence we have.   Much of the above has been submitted to Operation Grange with extensive supporting documentation

A detailed analysis, again with extensive supporting documentation, in both English and Portuguese, was sent to the Procurator-General in Lisbon, in February 2018. It was subsequently passed to the Investigating authorities. The full text of both may be found at the link given below, and I am ready to send a hard copy if this will assist

I do not, obviously, expect a statement to be made about the direction in which Grange may be moving, but would be reassured to know that the right questions were being asked at high level and that FOI requests would confirm this

You will be aware that public opinion is shifting and a mood of cynicism is becoming evident

I remain, Sir, your obedient servant


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CMOMM's 2019 letter to Home Secretary Sajid Javid re: Extended Funding for Operation Grange Empty Re: CMOMM's 2019 letter to Home Secretary Sajid Javid re: Extended Funding for Operation Grange

Post by Jill Havern 07.03.19 7:31

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CMOMM's 2019 letter to Home Secretary Sajid Javid re: Extended Funding for Operation Grange Empty Re: CMOMM's 2019 letter to Home Secretary Sajid Javid re: Extended Funding for Operation Grange

Post by Tony Bennett 07.03.19 8:16

Jill Havern wrote:3rd March 2019

To The Right Honourable Sajid Javid PC, MP,
Secretary of State for the Home Department




1 The famous photo of the father and two children sitting by the pool was tendered as proof that Madeleine was alive and well at lunchtime on Thursday 3rd May 2007, the date she was later reported missing. There is now little doubt that this photo can only have been taken on Sunday 29th April 2007, and that the digitally recorded details were altered prior to its release

2 The ‘crèche’ record sheets are not capable of providing proof that Madeleine was alive and well at any time during the week leading up to her reported disappearance, neither is there photographic or video evidence to corroborate this after Sunday 29th
This letter (I think we can all guess who wrote it) goes bang into the very heart of this case.

It concisely summarises the two key evidential issues in the case: a photo taken 4 days earlier than claimed, and a complete absence of credible, independent evidence of sightings of Madeleine after Sunday lunchtime

These two crucial evidential points are recognised by ALL of those, in this case, who have devoted the most time and effort into researching it.

Yet it divides 'McCannland' on social media. Even this week there have been 'anti-McCann' posters, almost all anonymous, loudly and aggressively denouncing those who agree with points 1 and 2 in this excellent letter.

Sadly they cannot refute the strong evidence supporting points 1 and 2.

Instead, they resort to nasty abuse


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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CMOMM's 2019 letter to Home Secretary Sajid Javid re: Extended Funding for Operation Grange Empty Re: CMOMM's 2019 letter to Home Secretary Sajid Javid re: Extended Funding for Operation Grange

Post by plebgate 07.03.19 17:57

Yes, I think we can all guess who sent the letter and well done.  

If we are guessing correctly it may well explain the article in The Sun yesterday mentioning a TOP COP.   superman

Judge Judy to shifty  witnesses   -    LOOK AT ME  -   Um is not an answer.

If I forget to add it to a post everything is In My Opinion and I don't know anything for sure.

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CMOMM's 2019 letter to Home Secretary Sajid Javid re: Extended Funding for Operation Grange Empty Re: CMOMM's 2019 letter to Home Secretary Sajid Javid re: Extended Funding for Operation Grange

Post by hentie 08.03.19 9:30

Brilliant letter!
Thank you to whoever composed and sent it.
We can only hope something may come of it, at the very least it demonstrates that many of the Public are aware and not giving up.
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