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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Mainline 18.07.19 22:01

Verdi wrote:
Be that as it may, I'm not talking about a variant of a psychologist's text book theory - I talk of the average teenager in reality.

Not sure where you were going condensing my post to 'psychology' or the idea that your opinion of something has the power to render it inert, so I will just link a 2016 article:

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'There were about 23 conceptions per 1,000 15 to 17-year-old girls in 2014, compared to a high of 55 in 1971, the Office of national Statistics said.'

So according to official stats for the UK (differing in regions, this being a national calculation), just 2.3% of 15-17 year old girls experienced pregnancy in 2014. The UK high being 5.5% in 1971. So even at the highest recorded rate the number was far, far too low for it to be considered an 'average' by any measure. The average teenager isnt having unprotected sex and falling pregnant. A rather low number if they are all mindlessly rutting as you imply.

Or if you just mean that it is normal for experimenting as a teen, then I just refer you back to my original post where I literally said it is a natural part of growing up to experiment, and a parent's job to best prepare a child so as not to be taken away by peer groups in their teens.

But I still fail to see how it is you think being a teenager means that being taken around the world (or even across their own house) to be used by who knows who is somehow a normal transactional relationship. It's not. And for that to be possible, there needs to be an immense lack of parental responsibility, in the present even more than the formative years.

It seems by implication you are saying that past the age of 14 (and as long as one is 'average') you consider sex trafficking morally fine because those being trafficked are old enough to understand what's happening to them (do correct me if I'm reading out of context here). What other crimes do you extend this to?

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Verdi 18.07.19 22:20

I haven't a clue what you are talking about.  

Clearly you misunderstand me - never mind, it's not important in the grand scheme of things.

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Mainline 18.07.19 22:25

Verdi wrote:I haven't a clue what you are talking about.  

Clearly you misunderstand me - never mind, it's not important in the grand scheme of things.

I was referring to your own words:

'You're missing the point!
Forced to have sex with Prince Andrew in London, New York and the Carribean.
Did they have her tethered by collar and lead and drag her across the continents?'

'Sassy youngsters know where they're at - little children don't!'

'Teenagers are sexually active, how many pregnancies are there across the globe resulting from consensual careless intercourse?'

'I talk of the average teenager in reality.'

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Verdi 19.07.19 0:37

I see, you've selected specific quotes which takes the whole thing out of context.

Now I'm beginning to understand.

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Mainline 19.07.19 9:51

Mainline wrote: (do correct me if I'm reading out of context here)

I did say the above thumbsup so my apologies if I took your words out of context.

Could you explain the context of

''You're missing the point!
Forced to have sex with Prince Andrew in London, New York and the Carribean.
Did they have her tethered by collar and lead and drag her across the continents?''

Which I took to be in reference to the aforementioned trafficked ~17 year old?

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by willowthewisp 19.07.19 10:21

Not forgetting, that One Young girl recognised at least Eight Men, who "She Feared" of being in high Office positions in Society and refused to divulge their Names to a Court in America?

If a Court in America openly abuses the process of the Law, by determining a lighter sentence to friends in Society, then why would they believe they are seeking Justice for the Victims of the Abusers>

There is presently a Crown Court Trail in Britain, where a Male victim known as, "Nick" of Alleged Child Sexual Abuse, is accused of Eleven Counts of Perverting a Course of Justice and One Fraud charge?

The Court was asked to produce logs from Government procedures as to the whereabouts of One of the Named Abusers was at the times alleged by the Accuser from 1970-1980's, cannot find them Ma Lord, yet the "Fantasist"Nick has made these situations Up?

At Court it is a case of "Who You believe" at the time of Evidence produced to a Court?

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Verdi 19.07.19 15:17

Mainline wrote:
Mainline wrote: (do correct me if I'm reading out of context here)

I did say the above thumbsup so my apologies if I took your words out of context.

Could you explain the context of

''You're missing the point!
Forced to have sex with Prince Andrew in London, New York and the Carribean.
Did they have her tethered by collar and lead and drag her across the continents?''

Which I took to be in reference to the aforementioned trafficked ~17 year old?

My original post in reply to member DougD..

You're missing the point!

Forced to have sex with Prince Andrew in London, New York and the Carribean.

Did they have her tethered by collar and lead and drag her across the continents?

I don't doubt for a second there are genuine victims of pandemic child sex abuse.

Very young children taken from institutions to satiate the lust of a pervert and domestic abuse of very young children should be the primary focus, little children who can't understand what's happening to them, little children who can't walk away, little children who can't speak for themselves.

Sassy youngsters know where they're at - little children don't!

For heavens sake, seventeen year olds shack-up together, inhibition went out with Queen Victoria - probably one of the biggest hypocrites in world history.

Teenagers are sexually active, how many pregnancies are there across the globe resulting from consensual careless intercourse?

Without proof it's one word against another - not so with little children.
Make of it what you will.

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Verdi 21.07.19 1:38

Tony Bennett wrote:
Verdi wrote:The function was allegedly held at Branson's exclusive Kensington Roof Gardens, tickets on sale for a specified sum and donated items auctioned.  All proceeds towards the Find Madeleine Co. Ltd.

All well and good, nothing to say it didn't go ahead according plan but the aftermath was a bit of a damp squib.  No photographic evidence of the star-studded attendance, no photographic evidence of the auction in action, no evidence of a resounding success one would expect from a McCann oriented initiative.

Instead the observer is offered a few shots of shabby entrance, which frankly could be anywhere and pictures of a couple of z-list celebrities to enhance the event..

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Have I missed someone?

Knowing the McCanns penchant for celebrity status, I would expect to see something really spectacular.

A non-event methinks.
Far from it [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.], because...

...I was actually there that cold January night, with my camera, to witness what went on.

I saw and photographed some of the many guests as they arrived, A-list, B-list and C-list celebs. David (Lord) Steel - whose party sheltered, inter alia, paedophiles Sir Cyril Smith and Sir Clement Freud - and his wife were there.

I placed myself behind one or two photographers, one of whom stood on a little yellow stand with the words 'Ian West' written on it. Ian West was a Norfolk man who went under the name 'muratfan' and used social media to publish all manner of really awful libels about me.

Clarence Mitchell was standing astride the entrance and in the end caught sight of me and eyeballed me. Nothing he could do about my presence there though.

Not everything printed by the press is rubbish [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]   winkwink winkwink

Who was there Tony - do you have photographic evidence or can you just say?  

The mainstream media were very laid-back with their reportage of the event.  Knowing how the McCanns love the limelight and their spin-doctor in chief always on hand to assist, I can't understand why the coverage was so low-key with no photographic evidence of the star studded attendance.  Hence my reticence to believe that it went ahead as publicized.



By Nigel Moore

Tom Lowe (voice over): The parents of Madeleine McCann say they're "trying to move forward", as another milestone passes since their daughter's disappearance.

It's now a thousand days since Madeleine vanished from her family's holiday apartment in the Portuguese resort of Praia da Luz.

Kate and Gerry McCann were joined by celebrity supporters including Gloria Hunniford and actor Peter Bowles at a charity fundraising event to mark the sad anniversary.

Kate McCann: Well, it's obviously difficult but we're trying to move forward and, you know, to help Madeleine and help all missing children, so...

Martin Houghton-Brown (Chief Executive, Missing People): It's a thousand days since Maddie, errr... went missing and it's a timely reminder of the thousands of parents around Europe, errr... and in the UK, errr... who tonight are alone and, errr... hoping for news of their missing child and, errr... it's an important night for all of us to remember those families who are left behind when a child goes missing.

Tom Lowe (voice over): Comedian Jack Dee and television presenter Fiona Phillips were also among the guests at the event in West London.

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I've always held Nigel Moore in great esteem.  If there was anything out there to further document the function, I believe he would be aware.

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by sharonl 21.07.19 21:49

Epstein Saga Enters New Phase. Will Anyone Else Be Ensnared?
By Erik Larson
July 21, 2019, 11:00 AM GMT+1

Since Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest, the speculation has mounted. Will any among the rich and powerful he courted be caught up in the case?

Some answers might come soon. A judge could decide on July 24 how and when to unseal a trove of documents -- some 2,000 pages worth -- in connection with a civil lawsuit filed by an Epstein accuser against his one-time companion Ghislaine Maxwell. The papers may reveal allegations of sexual abuse involving people described in court filings as “prominent individuals.”

A protest group holds up signs of Jeffrey Epstein in front of the Federal courthouse.Photographer: Stephanie Keith/Getty Images
That civil suit and its remnants have been in the courts for four years. But, in a startling coincidence of timing, an appeals panel ruled just three days before the wealthy financier was taken into custody on July 6 that the documents should be unsealed. The long-running Epstein saga entered a new chapter.

“It’s what everyone is betting -- that it’s going to get interesting,” said an investment banker who asked not to be identified. “Like the rest of New York, I’m waiting.”

Maxwell, daughter of the late British publisher Robert Maxwell, asked on July 17 that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit reconsider the unsealing order, saying the media’s “furious feeding frenzy” over Epstein justifies keeping the documents under wraps.

If the request is granted, the documents won’t be unsealed anytime soon, and it’s unclear whether the lower-court judge, Loretta Preska, will hold the scheduled hearing.

Meanwhile, the criminal case will move forward with a conference in court on July 31, when the judge will set out a calendar for pre-trial motions and hearings. The case will play out over months, if not a year.

Epstein -- who traveled in political, social and financial circles for more than 30 years -- pleaded not guilty to charges that he sexually exploited and abused dozens of girls from 2002 to 2005. Some of his accusers have said they were farmed out to other men.

The charges were leveled in New York a decade after Epstein was released from the county jail in Palm Beach, where he served 13 months and was allowed to work in his West Palm Beach office most days. That was part of a secretive deal, chronicled in a series in the Miami Herald, in which he pleaded guilty to state charges of soliciting an underage girl for sex and avoided federal prosecution.

This time, Epstein, 66, faces decades in prison. He was denied bail and is jailed in the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan; he asked to await trial in his mansion near Central Park but U.S. District Judge Richard Berman said he posed too serious a “danger to the community” and was a flight risk.

It’s possible that prosecutors are pursuing additional charges against Epstein or others. At a press conference after Epstein’s arrest, Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman declined to say when asked if anyone else was under investigation.

The government said investigators found thousands of lewd photographs of what appeared to be underage girls after a search of Epstein’s Manhattan home. Prosecutors also argued in a filing opposing bail that there were “credible allegations” he had engaged in “witness tampering, harassment or other obstructive behaviors.”

The civil proceeding involving the sealed documents is related to a defamation suit filed in 2015. The plaintiff was Virginia Giuffre, a Floridian who claimed Epstein sexually abused her for two years starting in 2000, when she was 16, and that Maxwell participated. Giuffre sued after Maxwell publicly called her a liar. The documents in question were filed in connection with a summary-judgment motion in the case, which was settled.

Giuffre first accused Epstein in December 2014 when she attempted to join a suit by two other of his accusers who sought to nullify the federal non-prosecution agreement in Florida. In her request, Giuffre included descriptions of abuse by Epstein and other prominent individuals “including numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known Prime Minister, and other world leaders,” the three-member appeals court panel said in ordering the unsealing.

Maxwell wants the full appeals court to reconsider the unsealing order. “The media have shown an insatiable appetite for any shred of information/speculation to publish and broadcast since Mr. Epstein’s arrest,” Maxwell said, and that interest could result in “due process concerns” for Epstein and other potential prosecution targets and witnesses.

Giuffre filed another suit in April, claiming Epstein forced her to have sex with his lawyer Alan Dershowitz and that he defamed her by calling her a liar on Twitter. Dershowitz has denied her claims and asked that the case be thrown out. “Anyone who’s falsely accused should have a right to respond,” he said.

In the criminal case, prosecutors will now share their evidence with Epstein’s lawyers. That’s likely to include bank and travel records, witness statements and material seized from phones, laptops and other devices.

Epstein’s lawyers will spend months reviewing it all, mapping out how they will mount a defense at trial. The defense will also file dismissal requests based on the law. One claim is likely to be that the non-prosecution deal in Florida bars the government from bringing new charges, even in New York.
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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Jill Havern 25.07.19 8:40

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A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Guest 25.07.19 9:49

Silenced. Case closed. Move along. (No surprise.)

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Guest 25.07.19 10:08

Jill Havern wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Of course it is.

He'll have the same disease as Ernest Saunders (which improved after he left prison).

Alternatively he might just die.

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Dr What 25.07.19 10:35

My money is on him being found with 3 bullets in his head....a clear case of suicide!
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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Liz Eagles 25.07.19 16:30

Stick 'em on a very cold island, give them a bag of grain, the means to live and a religious book of their choice to keep them warm and teach them about humanity.

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by NickE 26.07.19 12:19

It's a high secured prison but some people are trying to shut him up because there's VIP's out there who are worried for what is going to come out from him.
He will not survive this and case closed. imo

Goncalo Amaral: "Then there's the window we found Kate's finger prints.
She said she had never touched that window and the cleaning lady assured that she had cleaned it on the previous doesn't add up"

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Verdi 26.07.19 12:33

It all appears a bit contrived.

It seems almost everytime a child abuser a rapist or a serial killer is put behind bars, their health deteriorates over night - or they get badly beaten by inmates.

Prison must be horrific for some people, whilst others can survive the ordeal.

As they say, if you can't do the time don't do the crime. Or is it the other way round i don\'t know .

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Guest 26.07.19 13:13

Another Amazing Polly article titled Wax my RGballs made me want to take my eyes out and bleach them. It is truly horrific, please watch this one to the end. Polly is very brave, and correct in everything she says. I am full of admiration for people like her, and some who post on this forum, using their own names.

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Tony Bennett 09.08.19 15:08

CaKeLoveR wrote:Another Amazing Polly article  titled Wax my RGballs made me want to take my eyes out and bleach them. It is truly horrific, please watch this one to the end. Polly is very brave, and correct in everything she says. I am full of admiration for people like her, and some who post on this forum, using their own names.
Funnily enough, I came across the blogger 'Amazing Polly' for the first time by a very different route.

She has just published (yesterday) a very interesting blog on Jeffrey Epstein, entitled:

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It is a little slow-paced for some. It's 28 minutes long, but for those unaware of the whole subject, it is an alarming introduction in to the wild, wacky and dangerous world of eugenics, transhumanism, cryogneics, gene editing, three-parent babies and the whole vast subject of bioengineering. 

(It has had 32,000 views in less than 24 hour and over 1,400 comments so far. She has quite a following)

I recommend it. 'Amazing Polly' also brings with her a Christian viewpoint on these developments.

Epstein's involvement in eugenics reminds us of certain other connections to the Madeleine McCann case.

Epstein's friend Sir Richard Branson was a very early backer of the McCanns and hosted the famous '1,000-day' event at his Rooftop apartment in Knightsbridge.

Both men - Epstein and Branson - are connected to Ernie Allen of ICMEC an NCMEC, with whom Gerry McCann spent the best part of 5 days in Washington in July 2007, just two months after Madeleine was reported missing

Dr Paul Weinberger and his close friend Dr Julian Totman, who were at Praia da Luz during the same week as the McCanns, have strong connections with the top secret Porton Down government research centre, where biological warfare is researched. Weinberger has interests in bioengineering and eugenics, please see the whole of this thread:

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Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Verdi 09.08.19 22:08

Eve Branson, Richard Branson's mother was a founder member of the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children Board of Directors, the sister partner of Ernie Allen's National Centre for Missing & Exploited Children.  Stands to reason Richard Branson would know members of the joint organisations.

Richard Branson, or rather Virgin Airways, gave complimentary air tickets for use by Gerry McCann and Justine McGuiness for the trip to the US of A.

The McCann's 1,000 days anniversary bash was held at Richard Branson's former exclusive Kensington Roof Gardens.  The venue was available for hire by anyone who had the right cash to splash.

According to Kate McCann's memoire, she received a telephone call from Cherie Blair,  wife of Tony Blair just before he left No.10, on 8th May 2007.  I quote..

She [Cherie Blair] mentioned that a friend of hers, Catherine Meyer, was the founder of PACT – Parents and Abducted Children Together – and said she would get in touch with her on my behalf.

Gerry McCann left Portugal for the US of A on 22nd July 2007.  Evidence suggests the trip was  instigated by  Lady Catherine Meyer, aided and abetted by Clarence Mitchell, who was at that time director of the UK governments Media Monitoring Unit.

Dr Julian Totman was at the time a General Practitioner for a practice in the village of Porton.  There is nothing to suggest he had any connection with the government top security Porton Down Research Centre.

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Verdi 10.08.19 0:37

Off topic but nor can I see any reason to suppose Dr Paul Weinberger and Dr Julian Totman were friends of any description, let alone close friends.

I've never been to Porton Down, nor to I pretend to have any indepth knowledge or interest in Porton Down.  According to wikipedia, the Porton Down science park has two parts ... 1) The Ministry of Defence's Defence Science and Technology Laboratory and 2) a site of public health England.

To add ... It is also home to other private and commercial science organisations, and is expanding to attract other companies.

A quick glance at Dr Paul Weinberger's professional profile would suggest his involvement, if any, with the Porton Down science park, would be the 'private and commercial science organisations, and is expanding to attract other companies' secteur.

Again only a quick glance, apart from the fact I don't like prying into people's lives, I don't believe there is any reason to think Dr Paul Weinberger is anything but honourable..

Executive Summary

Origin Sciences, an emerging UK firm focused on gastrointestinal disease detection and monitoring, has appointed Paul Weinberger as CEO and director. Weinberger is the first to fill this position; prior to the appointment, the responsibilities of chief executive had been split between Origin’s senior management team. The new CEO’s track record includes “high level roles” at various diagnostic firms such as Lumora, Enigma Diagnostics and Roche Diagnostics. He is also founder and CEO of Diasolve, which helps inventors and companies bring innovative diagnostic solutions to market. Origin last year launched OriCol, a sampling device for investigating gastrointestinal disease, and has been expanding its international commercial presence.

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As said on the Carl Beech thread - mud sticks!

I digress offtopic .

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Jill Havern 10.08.19 14:13

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A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Guest 10.08.19 14:43

As expected. A lot of people will be able to exhale now.

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Jill Havern 10.08.19 15:03

He was on suicide watch too. think

Dead men tell no tales and all that...

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A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by sallypelt 10.08.19 15:08

Shocking: Jeffrey Epstein’s Little Black Book Revealed

A copy of Jerffrey Epstein’s little black book was obtained by website Gawker.  In it Donald Trump, Courtney Love, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, and uber-lawyer Alan Dershowitz may have been identified by a butler as potential “material witnesses” to pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s crimes against young girls.
An annotated copy of the address book turned up in court proceedings after Epstein’s former house manager [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]tried to sell it in 2009.50 of the entries, including Epstein’s alleged victims and accomplices, as well as Donald Trump, Courtney Love, Barak, Dershowitz were circled by Rodriguez.

According to an FBI affidavit, Rodriguez described the address book and the information contained within it as the “Holy Grail” or “Golden Nugget” to unraveling Epstein’s sprawling child-sex network. But despite having been subpoenaed for everything he had on his former boss, Rodriguez didn’t share it with the FBI or Palm Beach Police Department detectives investigating Epstein. Instead, he tried to make a $50,000 score by covertly peddling the black book to one of the attorneys launching lawsuits at Epstein on behalf of his victims.

The plot backfired when the attorney reported Rodriguez to the FBI, and he was promptly charged with obstruction of justice. But not before he had, according to the FBI affidavit laying out the crime, marked up the book and an accompanying notepad with “handwritten notes” that contained “information material to the underlying investigation that would have been extremely useful in investigating and prosecuting the case, including the names and contact information of material witnesses and additional victims.”

Rodriguez, who spent 18 months in prison, died in December after a long illness and never spoke out about the address book, so the precise significance of the names he circled remains fuzzy. But the FBI’s case against him makes clear that Rodriguez regarded the address book as crucial to understanding Epstein’s crimes; during a conversation with an undercover FBI agent posing as a potential buyer, he “discussed in detail the information contained in the book, and identified important information” to the agent.

In addition to the names above, as well as scores of apparent underage victims in Florida, New Mexico, California, Paris, and the United Kingdom listed under the rubric of “massage,” the circled entries include:

Billionaire Leslie Wexner
Former New Mexico Governor Bruce King
Former New Mexico Governor and Democratic presidential hopeful Bill Richardson
Peter Soros, the nephew of George Soros
Former Miss Sweden and socialite New York City doctor Eva Andersson Dubin
Some of the circled entries include additional notes—one address in New York City, for instance, is marked as an “apt. for models,” and two names bear the marking “witness.”

Asked why Rodriguez might have circled his name, Alan Dershowitz told Gawker, “I’ve never seen the book and I have no idea what it means. I was neither a victim nor a material witness—I never witnessed any crimes or participated in any crimes, and I can prove it.”

Virginia Roberts, one of Epstein’s alleged victims, has claimed in repeated court filings that Epstein instructed her to have sex with Dershowitz on several occasions, charges that Dershowitz categorically denies.

Trump, through a spokesperson, said, “Mr. Trump only knew Mr. Epstein as Mr. Trump owns the hottest and most luxurious club in Palm Beach, [redacted], and Mr. Epstein would go there on occasion.”

Although Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew have been mentioned in connection with Epstein’s sordid deeds, their names aren’t circled in the black book. But Epstein did have 21 contact numbers and various email addresses for Clinton, as well as several contact numbers for the prince.

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by sharonl 10.08.19 15:10

Jill Havern wrote:He was on suicide watch too. think

Dead men tell no tales and all that...

Very convenient,

RIP Jeff, you're probably with Robert Maxwell and Kevin Halogen now. Wherever they really are - rolleyes
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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by sallypelt 10.08.19 15:21

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] contains the names of people who could be described as being a mixture of the Feudal Elite, Robber Barons, Zionists, Nazis and members of the security services.
Here are some of the better known names:

Edward de Rothschild
Evelyn de Rothschild

David Rockefeller

Henry Kissinger
Saudi Arabia's Prince Salman

Prince Andrew
Charlie Althorpe
Viscount William Astor

Lord Alistair McAlpine

Ernst Hanover
Marie Hapsburg

Senator Edward Kennedy
John Kerry
Jimmy Buffet
Peter Soros

Constantine Niarchos ([You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]).
Laurie Oppenheim

Jose Aznar (former Spanish Prime Minister, Director of the Friends of Israel Initiative. Under his watch the Madrid Train Bombings occurred).

Danny Baker
Sir Anthony Bamford

Baron Bentinck
Conrad Black
David Blaine
Tony Blair

Lauren Booth
Richard Branson

William and Carina Carey
John Cleese
Nicholas Coleridge
Clive Cook
Sophie Dahl
David and Linda Davies
Alan Dershowitz

Jonathan Dimbleby
Bernie Ecclestone

Ben Elliot
Chris Evans
Brian Ferry
Ralph Fiennes
Rocco Forte

Mathew Freud
David Frost
Mariella Frostrup
Lloyd Grossman

Lord Hanson
Marie Helvin
Mr Heseltine
Nick Hurd
Liz Hurley
Michael Jackson
Mick Jagger

Ted Kennedy Jr
Bobby Kennedy

Simon Le Bon
David Linley
Courtney LovePeter Mandelson
Eric Margolis
Ghislaine Maxwell
Kevin Maxwell

John Micklethwait (Editor in chief of the Economist)

George Milford Haven
Rosa Monckton

Andrew Neil

David Puttnam
Bill Richardson

Gerald Ronson
Charlie Rose
Jessica Rothschild
Hannah Rothschild

Jeffrey Sachs
Edmund Saffra
James Sainsbury

Rupert Soames

Harry Sutherland
Hugo Swire
Alfred Taubman
Ivana Trump
Barbara Walters
Les Wexner
Shaun Woodward
Toby Young

More names from Epstein's Black Book:

Adam Dell (Dell Computers)

Elie_Wiesel (Holocaust campaigner)

Philip Dunne (UK Conservative MP)

Bernie Ecclestone and Flavio Briatore (Formula One)

Ambassador Fairweather (former British ambassador to Angola and Albania)

Honorable Rupert Fairfax (additional assistant Private Secretary to HRH The Prince of Wales between 1986 and 1988)

RalphFiennes (actor)

Princess Firyal, wife [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] of Jordan

Steve Forbes (Forbes magazine)

Katie Ford (former CEO of Ford modeling agency.

Rocco Forte (CEO of Forte Group, friend of Tony Blair, son of Lord Forte who was a Knight of Malta SMOM)

Hon. Robert Hanson (linked to the Rothschilds)

Freddy Heineken (Heineken beer)

Mark Katzenellenbogen (financier)

Christopher Lawford (son of Peter Lawford)

Mallinckrodt (German Jewish Schroeder money)

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Edgar Bronfman
Edward Koch
Michael Bloomberg
Rupert Murdoch

Ehud Barak

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Jill Havern 10.08.19 15:23

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Guest 10.08.19 15:29

"The game is afoot".

Anyone who trusts our elite is mental.

Well.. at least Clinton, Trump  and Prince Andrew are breathing easier.

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by Verdi 10.08.19 15:33

Jeffrey Epstein: Financier 'found dead in cell' in New York

8 minutes ago

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Epstein was awaiting trial on sex trafficking and conspiracy charges

Financier Jeffrey Epstein has been found dead in his prison cell while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges, US media report.

His body was discovered at 07:30 local time (11:30 GMT) on Saturday at the facility in New York.

He was reportedly on suicide watch following an earlier incident in which he was found injured in his cell.

Epstein, 66, had pleaded not guilty to sex trafficking and conspiracy charges and was being held without bail.

Last month, shortly after he was denied bail, he was found semi-conscious in his cell with injuries to his neck. He was treated at a nearby hospital, reports say, before being returned to the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York.

The facility is widely considered to be one of the most secure in the country.
What was he charged with?

Epstein was accused of paying girls under the age of 18 to perform sex acts at his Manhattan and Florida mansions between 2002 and 2005.

Who was Jeffrey Epstein?

He was arrested on 6 July after landing in New Jersey on his private jet. He avoided similar charges in a controversial secret plea deal in 2008, and instead pleaded guilty to a lesser charge.

That plea deal was closely scrutinised in recent weeks and, last month, US Labor Secretary Alex Acosta resigned over his role in it.

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Epstein's mansion in New York City

Prosecutors also accused Epstein of paying large amounts of money to two potential witnesses ahead of the scheduled trial.

He faced up to 45 years in prison if convicted.
Who was Jeffrey Epstein?

New York-born Epstein worked as a teacher before moving into finance.

Prior to the criminal cases against him, he was best known for his wealth and high-profile connections.

He was often seen socialising with the rich and powerful, including President Donald Trump, former President Bill Clinton and the UK's Prince Andrew.

In a 2002 profile in New York Magazine, Mr Trump referred to Epstein as a "terrific guy".

But he later said the pair fell out "12 or 15 years ago" and reiterated last month that he was "not a fan of Jeffrey Epstein".

Reports of Epstein's wealth vary, with his Virgin Islands-based firm generating no public records.

History of the allegations

2002: The earliest allegations of abuse covered by the recent case take place.

October 2002: Donald Trump tells New York magazine he has known Epstein for 15 years, and that he is a "terrific guy.... it is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side".

2005: One of Epstein's alleged victims, aged 14, reports him to the police in Palm Beach - sparking the first investigation.

May 2006: Epstein is charged with unlawful sex acts with a minor. Later in the year, the case is referred to the FBI.

2007: A plea deal is struck with Alex Acosta, the US attorney in Florida. Instead of facing federal sex-trafficking charges, he pleads guilty to two charges of soliciting prostitution, including with a minor.

June 2008: Epstein is sentenced to 13 months in prison - a private wing of a county jail. He is also allowed to leave for work - up to 12 hours a day, six days a week. He does, however, have to register as a sex offender.

April 2017: Alex Acosta is appointed labor secretary by now-President Donald Trump.

November 2018: The Miami Herald publishes its explosive investigation into Epstein, the plea deal, and the dozens of women alleging abuse.

July 2019: Epstein is arrested on new sex-trafficking charges, which he denied. Alex Acosta resigns.

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The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein - Page 4 Empty Re: The Strange World of Jeffrey Epstein

Post by sallypelt 10.08.19 15:33

BlueBag wrote:"The game is afoot".

Anyone who trusts our elite is mental.

Well.. at least Clinton, Trump  and Prince Andrew are breathing easier.
At this present time, my guess is that the likes of Andrew, Clintons etc are having a few sweats. At least, while Epstein was still breathing, very little was being said. 

There's too much out there, in cyber space, about this saga, for it to go away. But, Epstein is dead, and the guilty will sit it out until it all goes quiet.

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