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SMITHMAN 5: The evidence of the Smith family from Drogheda, Ireland: the TWELVE sets of contradictions  - Page 5 Mm11

SMITHMAN 5: The evidence of the Smith family from Drogheda, Ireland: the TWELVE sets of contradictions  - Page 5 Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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SMITHMAN 5: The evidence of the Smith family from Drogheda, Ireland: the TWELVE sets of contradictions  - Page 5 Mm11

SMITHMAN 5: The evidence of the Smith family from Drogheda, Ireland: the TWELVE sets of contradictions  - Page 5 Regist10

SMITHMAN 5: The evidence of the Smith family from Drogheda, Ireland: the TWELVE sets of contradictions

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After looking at this list of contradictions about the 'Smithman' sighting

SMITHMAN 5: The evidence of the Smith family from Drogheda, Ireland: the TWELVE sets of contradictions  - Page 5 Vote_lcap25%SMITHMAN 5: The evidence of the Smith family from Drogheda, Ireland: the TWELVE sets of contradictions  - Page 5 Vote_rcap 25% 
[ 45 ]
SMITHMAN 5: The evidence of the Smith family from Drogheda, Ireland: the TWELVE sets of contradictions  - Page 5 Vote_lcap69%SMITHMAN 5: The evidence of the Smith family from Drogheda, Ireland: the TWELVE sets of contradictions  - Page 5 Vote_rcap 69% 
[ 126 ]
SMITHMAN 5: The evidence of the Smith family from Drogheda, Ireland: the TWELVE sets of contradictions  - Page 5 Vote_lcap6%SMITHMAN 5: The evidence of the Smith family from Drogheda, Ireland: the TWELVE sets of contradictions  - Page 5 Vote_rcap 6% 
[ 12 ]
Total Votes : 183

SMITHMAN 5: The evidence of the Smith family from Drogheda, Ireland: the TWELVE sets of contradictions  - Page 5 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 5: The evidence of the Smith family from Drogheda, Ireland: the TWELVE sets of contradictions

Post by sharonl 16.05.24 21:28

thinking Another interesting Smithman thread
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SMITHMAN 5: The evidence of the Smith family from Drogheda, Ireland: the TWELVE sets of contradictions  - Page 5 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 5: The evidence of the Smith family from Drogheda, Ireland: the TWELVE sets of contradictions

Post by sharonl 27.05.24 12:10

Since Smithman is being debated at the moment, I thought this thread may be of interest.

If you type Smith into the search bar there are many other threads on the subject, all very interesting.
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SMITHMAN 5: The evidence of the Smith family from Drogheda, Ireland: the TWELVE sets of contradictions  - Page 5 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 5: The evidence of the Smith family from Drogheda, Ireland: the TWELVE sets of contradictions

Post by Tony Bennett 28.05.24 19:12

jazega wrote:
mad world wrote:Sounds to me like they've been heavily leaned on rather than dishonest. But again their testimony regardless has to be dismissed purely on the basis that it is useless. Either liars or menaced by the people covering up what happened.

What reasons would members of the Smith family lie and make false statements.I cannot think of any.
1.  Bribery i.e. offer of a wad of cash

2.  Blackmail - guilty knowledge
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SMITHMAN 5: The evidence of the Smith family from Drogheda, Ireland: the TWELVE sets of contradictions  - Page 5 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 5: The evidence of the Smith family from Drogheda, Ireland: the TWELVE sets of contradictions

Post by Cake Lover 28.05.24 21:00

Wouldn't bribery or blackmail involve only the adults?
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SMITHMAN 5: The evidence of the Smith family from Drogheda, Ireland: the TWELVE sets of contradictions  - Page 5 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 5: The evidence of the Smith family from Drogheda, Ireland: the TWELVE sets of contradictions

Post by Tony Bennett 28.05.24 22:02

Money speaks very loudly in some people's ears.

Look at *everything* the Smiths have said - and nothing makes sense.

There is very strong evidence that Madeleine was dead by Sunday evening or if not, certainly before Thursday 3rd May. In either case the Smith sighting must be concocted, and that's the way it looks when you examine every detail about the Smith sighting (which, regrettably, too few have troubled to do).


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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SMITHMAN 5: The evidence of the Smith family from Drogheda, Ireland: the TWELVE sets of contradictions  - Page 5 Empty Re: SMITHMAN 5: The evidence of the Smith family from Drogheda, Ireland: the TWELVE sets of contradictions

Post by crusader 28.05.24 22:56

As it turns out, the Smith sighting has done nothing to help or hinder in the search for Madeleine.
They either did see what they said they saw.
They didn't see anyone carrying a child that night
They are part of team McCann and were payed to say they saw a man carrying a child at 10pm or thereabouts.
It does depend on how you interpret the facts as we know them.
I take no notice at all of any mainstream media reports, I go only off what I have read in their statements.

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