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***Missing People Bike Ride now under way (Kate McCann, Simon Cowell and Stephen Fry back Missing People campaign on Twitter)  - Page 9 Mm11

***Missing People Bike Ride now under way (Kate McCann, Simon Cowell and Stephen Fry back Missing People campaign on Twitter)  - Page 9 Regist10
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***Missing People Bike Ride now under way (Kate McCann, Simon Cowell and Stephen Fry back Missing People campaign on Twitter)  - Page 9 Mm11

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***Missing People Bike Ride now under way (Kate McCann, Simon Cowell and Stephen Fry back Missing People campaign on Twitter)

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***Missing People Bike Ride now under way (Kate McCann, Simon Cowell and Stephen Fry back Missing People campaign on Twitter)  - Page 9 Empty Re: ***Missing People Bike Ride now under way (Kate McCann, Simon Cowell and Stephen Fry back Missing People campaign on Twitter)

Post by sar 25.06.15 23:35

Bell pottinger doing papers on telly now for bbc, wondering what needs spun?  "The whole thing was a daft idea"  - on the euro.....

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***Missing People Bike Ride now under way (Kate McCann, Simon Cowell and Stephen Fry back Missing People campaign on Twitter)  - Page 9 Empty NOT ONLY MISSING PEOPLE> It is worldwide - the corruption that is !

Post by PeterMac 02.07.15 11:19

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MPs claim almost $10,000 in travel expenses for Pollie Pedal fundraiser
Exclusive: The expenses claims come from Tony Abbott, Kevin Andrews and some other Coalition politicians participating in the 2014 charity bike ride

Tony Abbott joins the ride into Penrith at the end of the 2014 Pollie Pedal. Photograph: Nikki Short/AAP
Nick Evershed and Bridie Jabour
Last modified on Wednesday 1 July 2015 23.08 BST

The prime minister and some other Coalition politicians participating in the 2014 pollie pedal charity bike ride claimed almost $10,000 in flight and travel expenses around the event.
While Tony Abbott wasn’t involved in the entire trip, he claimed $1,116 in travel allowances for two nights of accommodation towards the end of the ride in Mudgee and Leura.
The then social services minister Kevin Andrews and the member for the electorate of Parkes – where most of the Pollie Pedal took place – Mark Coulton claimed $4,603 between them for the duration of the ride.
Andrews also claimed flights to and from Sydney at the start and end of the ride, and Andrews’ wife also flew in to Sydney at taxpayer expense at the beginning and end of the ride.
The assistant minister for social services, Mitch Fifield, also claimed flight and travel expenses over the course of the event, but did not take part in the cycling, instead holding 24 meetings and press conferences at various locations. Andrews and Abbott also held meetings and press conferences.
Other politicians joined the bike ride but did not make any claims for travel expenses, including Luke Hartsuyker, David Gillespie and Barnaby Joyce.

Pollie Pedal, an annual 1,000km charity bike ride undertaken by politicians in different parts of Australia, was co-founded by Abbott in 1998 with two then-fellow MPs Jackie Kelly and Ross Cameron. It raised over $750,000 in 2014, according to Carers Australia.

Kevin Andrew takes a break before riding out of Moree, NSW, in August 2014. Photograph: Dan Peled/AAP
A spokesman for Andrews said all travel claims had been made within entitlement and directed further questions to the Department of Finance.
“As the minister for social services at the time, Minister Andrews visited many community groups and service providers that were within his portfolio during Pollie Pedal,” he said.
“Through his participation in Pollie Pedal, Minister Andrews was also pleased to contribute to the important fundraising efforts of Carers Australia.”
Claiming travel allowances and flights in this way is allowed under the entitlements system, and the Department of Finance relies on the discretion of the politician to determine what is and isn’t official business.
Andrews claimed $432 on the first day of the ride and $357 per day for the next eight days as the ride took in Tamworth, Moree, Gunnedah, the Blue Mountains, and finished in Penrith.
Coulton claimed between $253 and $278 for electorate business on 9-10 August and 12-14 August, totalling $1,315.
Andrews also charged the taxpayer for his flights to and from Sydney costing $1,274.
Andrews’ wife travelled with him at the beginning and the end of the Pollie Pedal flying from Melbourne to Sydney on 8 August and back to Melbourne two days later at a cost of $1,274.
She returned to Sydney on 16 August, when the pollie pedal ended, and then returned with Andrews to Melbourne on 18 August with the round trip costing another $1,274.

The $2,549 worth of flights for Andrews’ wife around the time the Pollie Pedal began and ended flights were charged to the taxpayer as a ministerial expense.

A spokesman for Abbott defended the practice of claiming travel expenses for participating in the charity event, referring to Abbott’s comments in 2013.
“I don’t in any way apologise for claiming travel expenses for the Pollie Pedal because the Pollie Pedal is a perfectly legitimate form of engagement with the community,” Abbott said through the spokesman.
“It’s precisely the kind of engagement with the community that I think politicians who are serious about representing the people of Australia should have.”
His spokesman suggested contacting the CEO of Carers Australia about what Pollie Pedal has achieved for carers and their cause around Australia.
Fifeld said Pollie Pedal was run with the assistance of and benefit of Carers Australia which is a key peak organisation in his portfolio.
“While the pedallers cycled, I used the event as a backdrop in my role as the minister for disability, ageing and carers to meet people with disability, carers and older Australians as well as with the groups that support them,” he said.
“My travel was for the important portfolio business of meeting carers, older Australians and people with disability and their families in regions that don’t always have the same opportunity as metropolitan areas to meet with and be heard by their minister.”
Coulton was also contacted for comment.

Guardian Australia found no records of MPs from other parties who claimed expenses for taking part in the event.

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***Missing People Bike Ride now under way (Kate McCann, Simon Cowell and Stephen Fry back Missing People campaign on Twitter)  - Page 9 Empty Re: ***Missing People Bike Ride now under way (Kate McCann, Simon Cowell and Stephen Fry back Missing People campaign on Twitter)

Post by tigger 02.07.15 11:36

Somehow this reminds me of the famous contract scene in  A night at the Opera (Marx brothers) where they finally decide that if their tenor doesn't sing too often he might break even.

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***Missing People Bike Ride now under way (Kate McCann, Simon Cowell and Stephen Fry back Missing People campaign on Twitter)  - Page 9 Empty Re: ***Missing People Bike Ride now under way (Kate McCann, Simon Cowell and Stephen Fry back Missing People campaign on Twitter)

Post by snook 02.07.15 12:31

Tigger, The party of the first part?. I wonder if any of the above had a baboon in their pocket ?

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***Missing People Bike Ride now under way (Kate McCann, Simon Cowell and Stephen Fry back Missing People campaign on Twitter)  - Page 9 Empty Re: ***Missing People Bike Ride now under way (Kate McCann, Simon Cowell and Stephen Fry back Missing People campaign on Twitter)

Post by tigger 03.07.15 9:50

snook wrote:Tigger, The party of the first part?. I wonder if any of the above had a baboon in their pocket ?
big grin

If MP don't try this fund raising lark too often  they might break even, iirc they went over budget from time to time...

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***Missing People Bike Ride now under way (Kate McCann, Simon Cowell and Stephen Fry back Missing People campaign on Twitter)  - Page 9 Empty Re: ***Missing People Bike Ride now under way (Kate McCann, Simon Cowell and Stephen Fry back Missing People campaign on Twitter)

Post by Liz Eagles 06.05.24 12:59

Covid is over and the Missing People festival of fundraising is back on track with healthy wealthy fun fun fun activities. Sadly it's unlikely the once enthusiastic Tapas crew will be turning out to do their sporty bit and wear their advertising sports garb. This crew couldn't make it to the 17th anniversary of Madeleine's disappearance.

The show must go on. This charity which gives no real evidence of their usefulness has brought out the pink begging bowl once again.

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