Current date/time is 24.01.25 15:45
Team McCann
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Jon Clarke: Disgraced Editor and Journalist of The Olive Press (Spain)
Jon Clarke has published many verifiable lies over the years about the death of Madeleine McCann. Why does he put the reputation of himself and "The Olive Press" on the line, who is pulling his strings?
- 16 Topics
- 744 Posts
- Extract fr...
25.07.24 11:43
Clarence Mitchell: McCann's Government-appointed Spokesman
The McCann's PR spokesman, Clarence Mitchell, former head of Tony Blair’s Media Monitoring Unit, once boasted that his job was ‘to control what comes out in the media’.
- 81 Topics
- 2660 Posts
- Candid Cam...
22.10.23 15:25
Missing People / PACT / Amber Alert / Child Rescue Alert
Kate McCann, Ambassador 'Missing People'. Is this the same mum who hired criminals then got Operation Grange set up costing millions of pounds, and yet didn't find Madeleine?
- 77 Topics
- 2582 Posts
- ***Missing...
06.05.24 12:59
Liz Eagles
Fake Sightings of Maddie's Faked Abduction
There have been dozens of bogus sightings of Madeleine, planted in the British tabloids by Clarence Mitchell, that have exploited and frightened many innocent children.
- 28 Topics
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15.01.19 9:18
Doug D
The Fraudulent 'Find Madeleine' Fund
According to journalist Tracey Kandohla, some of the donations have been siphoned off from the Fund and can be used for buying a house or building equipment.
- 82 Topics
- 2434 Posts
- The Find M...
18.11.23 16:54
McCann Case - a calculated hoax?
"The claimed Alpha Investigations Group, purporting to be the McCann's detective agency 'headed by ex cops Edgar and Cowley' was, like a few other things in this case, a deliberate hoax."
- 124 Topics
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- Calendar M...
11.12.24 10:55
McCann's Lies and Discrepancies
If the McCann's are innocent of the disappearance of their trademarked daughter why do they tell lies to the Police; Government; media; and even under oath at Leveson?
- 58 Topics
- 1435 Posts
- Jane Tanne...
03.12.24 16:05
Jim Gamble / CEOP / Operation Ore
Connecting the dots...why does former Deputy Chief Constable, Jim Gamble, keep linking his interest in the subject of child sexual abuse to the McCanns?
- 67 Topics
- 633 Posts
- ‘Safer Sch...
18.05.20 23:09
Liz Eagles
Information: Kennedy / Smethurst / Halligen / PI's
Alpha Investigations Group, the McCann's detective agency, didn't exist; two of their ex PI's were jailed for fraud and one of their financial backers interfered with witnesses.
- 92 Topics
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- Arthur Cow...
24.01.24 16:20
Doug D
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