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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Mm11

Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Regist10
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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Mm11

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Silentscope 14.04.24 15:13

Not sure where to post this.

The Mallorca Magazine reports that their sister Paper recieved an Email from Brits claiming to have seen Maddie in Cala D'Or in 2008.

Like the Morocco sighting, the information came from Sources 'close to' ROTHLEY!

Jason Moore, Javier Jiménez, Alicia Mateos und MM-Redaktion Mallorca 26.02.23 14:20

In the case of the missing Madeleine “Maddie” McCann, a witness statement once again focuses on Mallorca. 
Yesterday, Saturday, an email was received by the editorial team of MM’s sister newspaper “Mallorca Daily Bulletin”. It was sent by a British family who believe they saw the girl on the beach at Cala d'Or in 2008. Three-year-old Madeleine disappeared from a holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal, in 2007. She was presumably kidnapped.

A year after Maddie's disappearance, in 2008, a British vacationing couple reported to the police and said they had seen the girl on a beach near Cala d'Or. It was accompanied by two women. Striking: The child was very pale, but the two women had a dark complexion. But neither the Mallorcan nor the British police were ever able to locate the girl from the beach and her two companions.

The email that has now been sent to the “Mallorca Daily Bulletin” seems to confirm this statement. “We were in Mallorca with the family in 2008 because I turned 50,” the letter says. “It was my mother's last visit to Cala d'Or because she was almost 80 years old. One of the things that struck me most was that she told us that she had seen Madeleine on the beach at Cala Gran on two occasions during our stay, sitting in a stroller and wearing what looked like a wig. 

The email's senders, who "live in Leicestershire, near the village where Madeleine comes from," continue: "We dismissed the comment at the time, but now we wonder whether it is true.

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One must ask how many other 'Sightings' were made by people who just happen to live close by to Rothley?

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No mention of what the Mother claimed to have seen.

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Silentscope 14.04.24 18:04

From a seperate Report in the same Newspaper.

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"Sadly my mother passed away last year at the age of 94 years and she always maintained she had seen her in Cala d’Or and she followed the investigation into Madeleine as we live in Leicestershire close to the village where Madeleine was from

Before my mother’s passing I had to assist her with a medical check at one of the Leicester hospitals where Madeleine’s mother was a doctor. After the check my mother said to Mrs McCann that she knew she had lost somebody as she could see it in her face and and she remarked that she felt the same as I had lost a sister (my mother’s daughter). Mrs McCann thanked my mother for her compassion," the email said.

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Dr K McCann was obviously known to the Informant, but since when?

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Cake Lover 14.04.24 22:24

It's vanishingly unlikely, isn't it? Kate McCann obviously didn't make much of it, which should have been surprising.
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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by sandancer 14.04.24 23:08

Of course that's what an abductor would do , take the most well known missing child to a beach in full public view ! bignono

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Cake Lover 14.04.24 23:13

Quite, and of all the parents of 'missing' children to innocently tell of a sighting, it was the least innocent mother the poor woman said it to.
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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Silentscope 15.04.24 8:50

Without knowing the identity of the ‘highly Religious’ and possibly long time Patient, it seems impossible to check if she was a Member of Kate McCanns Church congregation or how long she had been under her care.

There might well be an earlier Connection with the McCanns.

As well as a McCann Villa connection to Cala D’Or on Mallorca?

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Silentscope 15.04.24 11:50

Mrs Renwick remembers sitting by the pool with Mrs McCann during a holiday in Majorca six or seven years ago and lamenting their mutual inability to have children. In late 2002, however, Mrs McCann finally became pregnant with Madeleine through IVF, and in 2004 became pregnant again with twins. The McCanns spent that year in Amsterdam, where he was working on new heart-imaging techniques. Back in England the family moved into a large house in an upmarket development in Rothley, a straggling village a few miles north of Leicester where William Wilberforce once plotted his antislavery campaign in the local manor and, much later, Mike Gatting forfeited the England cricket captaincy by taking a barmaid to his hotel room in the same manor house.

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Six or Seven years ago, before Madeleine was concieved (2000-2001) the McCanns were on Mallorca before?

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Silentscope 20.04.24 11:33

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Madeleine apparently on Mallorca in September 2005 as was reported by the Gaspar family to Leicestershire Constabulary.

The Photo allegedly was ‘taken by a friend’.

But in 17 years of ‘Investigation’ no-one, not even the McCanns, Payne, or Gold families have ever been asked about what they saw at the Dinner table that day.

The location or timing of this particular Photograph has never been established. No Geolocation or EXIF data seems to be available.

Does anyone even know where it really is?
Is it even Madeleine?

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Silentscope 02.06.24 12:52

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Arul Savio Gaspar (right)

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Chapter 9: MAJORCA, SEPTEMBER 2005
…S.G. got to know Madeleine’s mother at university in Dundee, between 1987 and 1992. K.G. met Gerry McCann for the first time at his wedding to Kate in 1998. They become good friends, see each other regularly, spend weekends together and phone each other often.
After dinner on the third or fourth evening in Majorca, the friends are all settled on the patio. They are having a drink and chatting when K.G. witnesses a scene which flabbergasts her and makes her fear for the safety of her daughter and the other children. She is sitting between Gerry McCann and David Payne when she hears the latter ask if she – probably Madeleine – did “that”: he then puts a finger in his mouth and begins sucking it while putting it in and out – the sexual connotation is obvious – while with the other hand, he traces small small circles around his nipple in an explicitly provocative way…
This witness statement from the couple, S.G. and K.G., is taken by the English police on May 16th, thirteen days after Madeleine’s disappearance. That information, very important for the progress of the investigation, was never sent to the Portuguese police. When the Portuguese investigators learn about similar events that allegedly took place during a holiday in Greece – without, however, obtaining reliable witness statements -, they tell the English police, who, even at this point, refrain from revealing what they know on the subject.
It will only be after my removal from the investigation, in October 2007, that this statement will finally be sent to the Portuguese police. Why did the British keep it secret for more than six months? It is all the more surprising that David Payne, who had planned the trip to Majorca – of whom it was known that his behaviour towards the children was, to say the least, questionable -, is the same person who organised the holiday in Portugal, that he is one of those closest to Madeleine and that he is the first friend of the family to have been seen with Kate McCann just after the disappearance (we will talk further about this). He was still present in Vila da Luz when the English police received that witness statement: why wasn’t he interviewed immediately? Without doubt, the Portuguese police could have made progress with the investigation thanks to that lead: such behaviour would merit close attention. Were we looking in the right direction? Might we have established a link with the events of May 3rd? It is difficult to seriously doubt these witnesses.

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Jill Havern 02.06.24 12:55

The link you gave no longer works.

It does on my blog however  nails
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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Honesty 02.06.24 13:06

What bas****s (McCann and Payne).

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Silentscope 02.06.24 14:45

Dr Payne was being blamed by Kate the next day for Madeleine’s disappearance as she told a Social Worker that she could not understand why a couple had abducted her child.

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It is not unlikely that she later enlisted the Gaspar family to drive home her Suspicions to the PJ.

Dr Amaral should seriously doubt their version of events.

Just on the basis that Payne was not the last person to see Madeleine alive.

Gerry was.


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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Honesty 02.06.24 20:10

Thank you, Silentscope. I've gone through the statements and other information. I will go through it all again but I've reluctantly come to the conclusion that it's a bit over my head and that my knowledge of the case is very lacking compared to everyone else on this Forum!

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Silentscope 02.06.24 21:33

If it was easy, someone would have figured it all out long ago.

Please, stay and take your Time, there is no need to Digest it all at once!

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Honesty 03.06.24 0:25

Thank you, Silentscope. That's much appreciated.

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Silentscope 20.06.24 19:45

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Any independant Witnesses to the McCanns, Paynes, Gaspars and Golds being in 'Villa Margarita' on Mallorca or somewhere in Portugal in the first two Weeks of AUGUST 2005.

Gibt es unabhängige Zeugen dafür, dass die McCanns, Paynes, Gaspars und Golds in den ersten beiden Augustwochen 2005 in der "Villa Margarita" auf Mallorca oder irgendwo in Portugal waren?

Algún testigo independiente de que los McCann, los Payne, los Gaspar y los Gold estuvieran en "Villa Margarita" en Mallorca o en algún lugar de Portugal en las dos primeras semanas de AGOSTO de 2005.

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Silentscope 04.07.24 8:36

Where did the McCann's group go when they disembarked the Iberia MD 80 Flight in Faro?

They boarded a Shuttle Bus and were taken on to either a connecting Flight or the Airport Terminal. They did not transfer onto the connecting Flight to Tenerife.

Did they fly on to San Sont Juan / Palma da Mallorca or remain in Portugal?

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Silentscope 01.08.24 14:25

Whatever Holiday mentioned above was, the Twins were not going on it.

They were handed to the Grandparents in Schiphol, who took them away to a different Airside departure Gate, where they most likely returned to the UK with them.

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Silentscope 01.10.24 20:52

A reminder for Dr. David Payne who was sat at the Window Row A.

He might remember the Source of this Information, who when the plane landed, turned backwards in his Seat and stared at him until he broke eye contact and looked out of the Window?

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Clishmaclaver 02.10.24 10:25

Silentscope wrote:
A reminder for Dr. David Payne who was sat at the Window Row A.

He might remember the Source of this Information, who when the plane landed, turned backwards in his Seat and stared at him until he broke eye contact and looked out of the Window?
I hadn't seen this "Was the missing Madeleine in Mallorca after all" thread up till now.

Talk about a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma to the power of I don't know what!
I'm more bamboozled than ever!


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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Silentscope 02.10.24 12:00

If anyone has Photographs taken on Holiday during the period 01-15 August 2005, either on Route or in/on Mallorca/Portugal showing the Group concerned, send them direct to the PJ.

After 17 years, no-one has ever Confirmed that they went to Mallorca as claimed by the Gaspars in September that year, or where they stayed.

Either they went on 2 Holidays that Year, or they have changed the Dates along with a few other small details.

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Clishmaclaver 07.10.24 22:53

Silentscope wrote:If anyone has Photographs taken on Holiday during the period 01-15 August 2005, either on Route or in/on Mallorca/Portugal showing the Group concerned, send them direct to the PJ.

After 17 years, no-one has ever Confirmed that they went to Mallorca as claimed by the Gaspars in September that year, or where they stayed.

Either they went on 2 Holidays that Year, or they have changed the Dates along with a few other small details.

All very interesting, not to mention intriguing!

What makes you think that they went on 2 holidays in 2005?

How do you know that the twins were handed over to the grandparents at Schiphol?

This is fascinating.

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Silentscope 08.10.24 1:24

I do not think that they went on two Holidays that Year. 

Probably just one. 

Either in Portugal, or Mallorca.

Someone else on that Iberia Flight knows if it is true.

I hope they all had a nice time in 'Villa Margarita'.

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Justice for Maddie Yesterday at 10:09

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I found that beach picture. The hair length is the same. It could be the Mallorca holiday in 2005.
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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Silentscope Yesterday at 11:27

From the Angle of the Shadow under her chin, and the Coastline behind the Water, it could be the East Coastline somewhere.

The Weather on Mallorca that August was extremely hot, and the Sun is stronger nearer the Eqautor.

Which explains the 'Sunsuit' and Hat.

Good find! thumbup

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Clishmaclaver Yesterday at 12:16

I don't know if this will be of any use, but I remembered seeing a photo of Gerry on a plastic garden chair with a baby twin in each arm, and M standing in front wearing a purple sundress. It's obviously a holiday photo and the background is possibly a villa with greyish-white stone and a dark brown louvred shutter.  I'm not good with my MacBookAir, so can't do a cut and paste.

I thought I wasn't going to be able to find the photo, but have just come across it by 'googling' Gerry, Madeleine and the Twins Pamalam. It's with Gerry McCann's Blogs by Pamalam. 

Above the photo is:

Madeleine The Book Promotion Images To Be Released on Madeleine's 8th Birthday 12.05.11.

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Jill Havern Yesterday at 12:28

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Clishmaclaver Yesterday at 12:44

Jill Havern wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Yes, Jill, thanks for that!

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by pinkgladioli Yesterday at 12:51

Clishmaclaver wrote:
Jill Havern wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Yes, Jill, thanks for that!
This thread is so intriguing, could this be the same holiday that Silentscope is referring to as the twins are in the pic

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Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all? Empty Re: Was the missing Madeleine McCann in Mallorca after all?

Post by Jill Havern Yesterday at 13:12

Silentscope wrote:Whatever Holiday mentioned above was, the Twins were not going on it.

They were handed to the Grandparents in Schiphol, who took them away to a different Airside departure Gate, where they most likely returned to the UK with them.

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