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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Mm11

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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by Judge Mental 28.10.10 5:51

One often ponders upon Pat Perkins. One's wife quite often has her friends over in the middle of the week, but they tend to leave at an appropriate hour. One supposes they must have much earlier bedtimes than Pat Perkins and Kate McCann's mother seem to have had that night. Fortunately for the McCanns, Pat Perkins was able to rustle up friends in Portugal. Is she also the woman who rapidly put together a viral message to send around the internet?

One has to consider that this was an enormous liberty for anybody to take. Who was to know whether a telephone call demanding a ransom was yet to arrive?
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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by Judge Mental 28.10.10 5:58

Tony Bennett wrote:
Judge Mental wrote:One would suggest that the video of a child stumbling on the aeroplane steps was a much younger Madeleine, given the very short legs of the child. One cannot reconcile this video of a figure falling on the steps with the long-limbed child clutching the tennis balls in another photograph.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but do we not see Madeleine on the airport 'bus dressed in exactly the same clothes as when she starts climbing up the aircraft steps?

I believe both clips are from the April/May 2007 holiday.

The absence of Madeleine's DNA in Portugal, a very significant fact in all of this, could be explained, partly, if she had died early in the holiday - as opposed to saying she never even got to Portugal.

On the subject of the tennis balls photo, I take it the surface (red sandy) matches the surface actually found on the Ocean Club tennis courts?

The trousers in the bus video are cropped and not as long as the trousers worn when stumbling on the steps. It would be odd for a child of her years to have changed clothing on such a short journey.

However, it is extremely bizarre to see the child climbing the steps and then immediately look at a photograph of Madeleine with the tennis balls.
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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by Jill Havern 28.10.10 6:54

Autumn wrote:When and who released the tennis balls photo, am I right in thinking it was Pat Perkins and, If so, how did she get it?

Pat Perkins and the email campaigns

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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by Shibboleth 28.10.10 7:44

It is even more bizarre to collect a load of photographs of Madeleine and then discover that there are almost none of her as an almost-four-year-old. Practically every single photo ever released has been a cute baby picture of a much, much younger Madeleine. And as children do change so much at that age, none of them would be any use whatsoever in identifying what the child would look like now. Now ask yourself why the McCanns have never published any credible pictures of their "missing" daughter.

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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by Guest 28.10.10 9:44

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] To muddy the identity of the child that actually ended up in the creche that week, would be a very good reason in my eyes.

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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by kikoraton 28.10.10 16:10

Hi shibboleth. Have you had any more ideas on Áinne's writing? I've made a tentative judgment, but I'd like to know your view first.

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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by limelight 28.10.10 16:55

Tony Bennett wrote:On the subject of the tennis balls photo, I take it the surface (red sandy) matches the surface actually found on the Ocean Club tennis courts?

Yes, red outer surface with green playing surface.

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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by Guest 28.10.10 17:12

limelight wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:On the subject of the tennis balls photo, I take it the surface (red sandy) matches the surface actually found on the Ocean Club tennis courts?

Yes, red outer surface with green playing surface.

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From Pamalam blog
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More photos on above link

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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by Judge Mental 28.10.10 17:55

Rainbow wrote:The twins would have been much younger too if it was an earlier video of Madeleine.

We did not see the face of the child clambering the steps. This could be any blonde three years old child going off on a holiday.
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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by Judge Mental 28.10.10 17:59

Autumn wrote:
Judge Mental wrote:One would suggest that the video of a child stumbling on the aeroplane steps was a much younger Madeleine, given the very short legs of the child. One cannot reconcile this video of a figure falling on the steps with the long-limbed child clutching the tennis balls in another photograph.

This has continued to puzzle me too Judge, why does the child in the tennis photo look to be at least a year older than the toddler in the video? Could it be that a young Madeleine image was photo-shopped onto the video so that she would look similar same age as in the poolside photo? When and who released the tennis balls photo, am I right in thinking it was Pat Perkins and, If so, how did she get it?

The Perkins woman certainly needs questioning in depth about her activities in the immediate aftermath of the abduction announcement. One is not at all convinced that she was at the Healys by chance on the very night that Madeleine seemed to disappear.
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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by kathyBelle 28.10.10 18:06

Judge Mental wrote:
Rainbow wrote:The twins would have been much younger too if it was an earlier video of Madeleine.

We did not see the face of the child clambering the steps. This could be any blonde three years old child going off on a holiday.

True Judge Mental and the male voice asking the little girl if she was ok, when she stumbled on the stairs, wasn't the voice of Gerry McCann.

When I first saw the footage, I thought it was Madeleine and I got quite upset, when I saw her climbing the stairs of the aircraft, on her way to a holiday, where she was never going to return home from. Thanks to her callous parents disgusting behaviour in Prai da Luz.

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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by Guest 28.10.10 18:24

Judge Mental wrote:
Autumn wrote:
Judge Mental wrote:One would suggest that the video of a child stumbling on the aeroplane steps was a much younger Madeleine, given the very short legs of the child. One cannot reconcile this video of a figure falling on the steps with the long-limbed child clutching the tennis balls in another photograph.

This has continued to puzzle me too Judge, why does the child in the tennis photo look to be at least a year older than the toddler in the video? Could it be that a young Madeleine image was photo-shopped onto the video so that she would look similar same age as in the poolside photo? When and who released the tennis balls photo, am I right in thinking it was Pat Perkins and, If so, how did she get it?

The Perkins woman certainly needs questioning in depth about her activities in the immediate aftermath of the abduction announcement. One is not at all convinced that she was at the Healys by chance on the very night that Madeleine seemed to disappear.

Pat Perkins / The e-mail Campaigns

A look at Pat Perkins, a friend of Kate's mother, who was responsible for instigating the first chain e-mail that asked for help to find Madeleine. The e-mail, which clearly stated that Madeleine had been abducted, was first sent out on Monday 07 May 2007.

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Also, reproduced below is the 'e-poster' email sent out by Philomena McCann, which was later updated to include new pictures, a new poster and comments from John and Diane McCann. Also, newspaper reports of an anonymous email that called for one minute's silence - which was observed, despite nobody knowing who originated the email.

Thanks to the brilliant McCannfiles

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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by Guest 28.10.10 18:47

Pat Perkins and the events of 03 May 2007

On 18 May 2007, Portuguese newspaper 'Sol' published the following report:

'Aurelio Guerreiro, the owner of a bar at the marina in Vilamoura, was close to being involved. His testimony to Sol confuses the McCanns' time version. Sometime between 0.30 and 1 a.m., Aurelio got a phonecall from an old customer: Pat Perkins, the Human Resources Director from a public English organism. She calls him, upset: ''She told me the daughter of British friends of hers, who were vacationing close to Lagos, had disappeared over 3 hours ago, that they were completely alone and that nobody was helping them to search for her''.

Kate McCann had just informed her parents of the tragedy. Pat, who lives in Liverpool, confirms: ''I was at Kate's parents' house at that moment. But I have nothing further to add''.

Guerreiro tells what he did after Pat called him: ''I understood she wanted me to go meet them, but I was an hour away from their location, and I could not close the bar, I decided to call the police''. After PJ in Portimao confirmed to him they already knew about the case, Aurelio phoned Kate, at the number that Pat had given him: ''An English man picked it up. He thanked me, and contrary to what I expected, he didn't ask me for anything''.

Minutes after this phonecall, Gerry asks for the priest from the Luz parish to be called for him – but the Ocean Club staff members refused, given the time it was. At four in the morning, Jane was asking a member of GNR: ''Have you cut off all the roads already?''. Minutes later, Gerry, given the fact that the priest didn't appear, asked another element of GNR to show him the way to the church.'
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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by Guest 28.10.10 19:01

Quite interesing to read the witness statement of the friend of Pat Perkins whom she phoned from the Healey's house not long after Madeleine's disappeared.

Can't understand how she phoned him to help, and when he phoned KM's mobile he was basically told he couldn't help or words to that effect. Why bother him at all then........... [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] Still find it strange how this lady was at the Healey house so late that night?

Witness Statement

Aurelio Mendes Guerreiro

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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by Shibboleth 28.10.10 19:18

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Ainne Naylor’s signature is very artistic and flambuoyant. This is a lady who is artistic and likes to express herself. Her signature slopes to the right, meaning she looks to the future, she is an optimist. But she is also very conscious of the present, it’s not a steep right slope – at least in signatures 1, 3 and 4. The angle (I am measuring the Capital N against the vertical) is a consistent 30 degrees or so (I didn’t have a protractor handy). Except for no. 2, where it’s nearer 45 degrees. No 4 is looking a bit “iffy”, as well. The shape of the top of the N in 2 is not the same as 1, 3 and 4 – the top of the N is “sharp” whereas in the other three, it’s quite round. It does, however, resemble no 4, so I am not too sure about that one either.

The “Naylor” slopes upwards in 1 and 3, and downwards in 2 and 4. In 2 and 4 they hit the bottom line, whereas in 1 and 3 the Naylor starts at the line then actually travels upwards. This is much more natural than 2 and 4, which I think look contrived. 1 and 3 are written with a constant, fairly light pressure. In 2 and 4, the pressure varies, but this just could be a different pen or pencil.

Now the obvious errors! Look at how the y and l are formed in all samples. In 1, 3 and 4, the y is written with a very rounded tail, the end of the y is joined to the l, but the join goes under the body of the y before coming up to the right to form the l. In number 2, the tail goes over the body of the y. The positioning of the tails is completely natural and so nobody would consciously change their style. Then the l changes too. In 1, 3 and 4 the l is written as a loop. It goes up, loops back to the left, then down before continuing onto the o. In sample 2, no rounded loop. Just a sharp turn back down, almost like an inverted V. The O is completely closed off in 1, 3 and 4. But not in 3. Signature 2 is contolled. The other three are flowing and artistic.

Now let’s look at the first name, the A is entirely different in sample 2. Firstly, the curve at the start of the A. That curve says, look at me, I am a fun person, I am not uptight, I go with the flow, I know how to enjoy myself. The curve on 2 says quite the opposite. It’s small, it’s heavy, it’s measured and it’s a completely different pressure from the rest of the letter. It hasn’t come naturally.

The middle bar of the A is different too. It curves upwards, it extends out on both sides of the A. Only not in sample 2. It’s much lower, it’s straighter, it’s heavier, it’s been thought out. The bar of the A practically becomes the i next to it, the pen is taken from the paper only briefly to make a light gap. In signature 2, the A and I are very distinctly separate. The base of the second n is very narrow, almost closed. In the other three samples, the n is quite open.

In samples 1 and 3, the Ainne is quite close to the Naylor. But in 2 and 4, there is a large gap between the words. 4 still disturbs me. I am not entirely sure that it’s authentic, either.

Finally, look at the o and r in Naylor. The pen leaves the o at the top and rises up, clear of the body of the o, before forming the r. In signature 2, it stays horizontal and actually goes through the body of the o. The r in 1 and 4 (and possibly 3) has a loop at the left hand side. In 2, the stem of the r is just a straight line. It’s sharper, more controlled, less natural. The ends of the r point up at the end. 2 does as well, but not nearly so much.

Signature 2 is the odd one out. But there are things about 4 that don’t sit well with me, either. If pushed, I would hazard a guess that no 4 is also a forgery, but a much better forgery than 2.

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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by Judge Mental 28.10.10 19:53

@ candyfloss

Steady now when posting up photographs without warning. The Pat Perkins photograph was quite an assault on the old eyes there.

Albeit she reminded me of old Thumper, a rather randy and rapacious rabbit we bought for our eldest son for bravery after he had his tonsils out.
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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Robert G Naylor

Post by Cheshire Cat 28.10.10 20:22

If you click the link and scroll down you will see Robert Graham Naylor. According to 192 Ainnee Naylor shares an address with Robert G Naylor and it has been reported on MCF that Robert Naylor is a London banker. If you Google "Robert Graham Naylor" you will see that this is the full name of Robert Naylor of Matrix group:

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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by Judge Mental 28.10.10 20:37

Ah! The bankers have been very much hidden in the case. There was a time when it was discovered that bankers were feeding the forums from their workplaces. Not the most sensible of ideas, given the circumstances we are dealing with.

Then after some time, it was considered that those same people were using paid proxies.
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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by kikoraton 28.10.10 20:45

Great work, shibboleth. I feel a bit guilty because I'm not sure i did us any favours by failing to attach the dates and sessions to the sigs of Ainne Naylor. So here they are again. I don't want you to do all that work again, but could you say which dates seem dubious to you? Two things that stand out to me are the ill-formed "or" at the end of the name. And the two examples where the tail of the "y" passes over the body of it and makes a poor connection with the "l".

#1 29 april [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

#2 30 april [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

#3 1 may [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

#4 1 may pm [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

bwuddy hell it's difficult enough doing this without a kitten sat on yer lap.

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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by kikoraton 28.10.10 20:53

sorry - left one off. i'm tired
#1A 29 april am [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by Shibboleth 28.10.10 21:29

Definitely #2, 30 April. Not 100% happy with #4 1 May (the one on the left). The rest look ok to me.

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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by Daoud 28.10.10 23:08

Cheshire Cat wrote:If you click the link and scroll down you will see Robert Graham Naylor. According to 192 Ainnee Naylor shares an address with Robert G Naylor and it has been reported on MCF that Robert Naylor is a London banker. If you Google "Robert Graham Naylor" you will see that this is the full name of Robert Naylor of Matrix group:

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Curious that all the featured investment funds team seem to have joined in late (November/December) 2008 ...

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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by Cheshire Cat 29.10.10 7:55

Daoud wrote:
Cheshire Cat wrote:If you click the link and scroll down you will see Robert Graham Naylor. According to 192 Ainnee Naylor shares an address with Robert G Naylor and it has been reported on MCF that Robert Naylor is a London banker. If you Google "Robert Graham Naylor" you will see that this is the full name of Robert Naylor of Matrix group:

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Curious that all the featured investment funds team seem to have joined in late (November/December) 2008 ...

I beleive the reason for this is that the company changed ownership / changed name around that time.
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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by Guest 29.10.10 8:38

They came from Landsbanki which was an Icelandic bank which crashed during that autumn....

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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by Guest 29.10.10 9:31

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] hats off to Shibb [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] that was a very fascinating read.

Late yesterday I saw something, but did not have time to post. I noticed that the Naylor from Ainne Naylor on the RHS of this chreche sheet,

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Creche sheet without a date, but supposedly for the 29th

rises up as it finishes. If you look at the Naylor on the LHS used to sign the child in, it also rises up as it finishes, but that was supposed to be Robert Naylor's handwriting. What are the chances that both husband and wife would do this? [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Have you also noticed as the week goes on, the frequency of the use of Cat Nanny also increases.

I've tried twice now to get the above creche link to work, have done nothing different to any other time, perhaps we are being hidered by the MIB. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by Shibboleth 29.10.10 9:49

Ainne Naylors handwriting is quite unusual in the methods that she uses to form her letters. I bet her home is unusually, but tastefully, decorated. She's probably happier dressed in a "bohemian" fashion rather than a smart business suit. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she paints or decorates cakes or plays a musical instrument.

Her signature would be very difficult to copy accurately, due to the unique formation of the letters and the order in which they are written. It wouldn't come easily to most people IMHO.

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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by Guest 29.10.10 10:08

Wow Shibb, your description of AN fits the person who I think/suspect/possibly wrote in her name. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by kikoraton 29.10.10 10:57

With regard to your last point, stella, yes, Elizabeth written in over the top of Rob in the LH column certainly rises from left to right. But I'm not sure whether Áinne did that, or Cat Nanny. If it was Áinne, then we have to assume that she noticed what a prat her husband was for writing his own name instead of the child's. Except that, i think it was Gerry who wrote it. And she would have noticed that, too.
Was she complicit? Did Gerry keep writing "Rob" or "Robert" instead of the child's name for a reason? Was he intent on impressing "Robert" onto the mind of everyone who might inspect the creche records? Or was he just very nervous?
Another thing to think of, shibb and other handwriting experts: Áinne is a dedicated follower of the Gaelic language. She would have written her name with the ´above the initial A, as I have been doing. It's hard to tell, on these poor copies, but I can only find it once for definite - on #3 1 May.

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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by Guest 29.10.10 12:47

It's not the word written in over Robert that concerns me, but the word Naylor beside it, which must have been written by the same person who originally wrote Robert.

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What I am thinking is, if that original entry of 'Robert Naylor' is Gerry's handwriting. Then the Ainne Naylor entry on the same page, where the Naylor also rises up as it ends, could have been done by the same person, as I cannot see two different people both doing the same thing ??

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How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged" - Page 7 Empty Re: How Maddie's creche attendance was "arranged"

Post by kikoraton 29.10.10 16:34

The nerdy Robert:
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and the jolly,comfy Áinne:

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I'm trying to visualise them at the centre of the biggest deception and fraud of modern times. That's not too difficult with Robert - after all, you can see that the entire Landsbanki team of investment bankers from the Icelandic bank which failed and left savers penniless and a whole country bankrupt, fell on their feet in London. Off on the gravy train again!!
But Áinne - that's rather more difficult. And her signature looks genuinely like a female hand to me.
They were "used" - of that I have no doubt. But how much did or do they know about it? The more I think about the four times when GM wrote "Robert" erroneously into the child's name column, the more I think that he was determined to convey to the world that Robert Naylor was present and participating. And because I don't trust GM one inch, I wonder whether we can draw any conclusion from that.

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