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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 14 Mm11

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 14 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Jonal 08.08.20 15:39

Verdi wrote:Combing through the files, I despaired. It was only now that I became aware of just how cursory some of the police work had been. Vital questions had not been asked, alibis not verified, lines of inquiry left dangling or, at best, not adequately documented. There is no doubt that the police were overwhelmed, both by having to deal with a crime of this nature under such scrutiny and by the sheer volume of information pouring in. The systems and resources they needed simply weren’t there. I felt some sympathy with them over the challenges they faced, and it was clear that Paulo Rebelo, who replaced Gonçalo Amaral as coordinator of the investigation, had tried to make up for some of the initial inadequacies by checking back for anything that had been overlooked. But the discovery of each missed opportunity was another twist of the knife in my chest.

It was here I found the receptionist’s note in the Ocean Club staff message book explaining that we wanted to book the Tapas restaurant for the rest of the week because we were leaving our children alone in our apartments. I was dismayed. This was a glaring green light to a child-taker – and yet no mention is made of it in the files until December 2007. December 2007! Seven months after Madeleine’s abduction! I could only conclude that its relevance had not been appreciated by the police.

madeleine by KATE MCCANN

This is interesting, I have been trying to trace what she meant by the note in the 'staff message book' becoming an entry in the files in December 2007 after the point was made specifically in the RTE Late Show interview. From that quote I'm no wiser.

BTW, Verdi, where in the book is this quote? It's not in my copy from 2011... I believe there are later editions (sans p129...)?

Account of the truth: I was persuaded by the enthusiasm of Gerry and our friends. Truth: "Cheer up, Gerry, we're on holiday"

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 14 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Verdi 08.08.20 16:43

Jonal wrote:This is interesting, I have been trying to trace what she meant by the note in the 'staff message book' becoming an entry in the files in December 2007 after the point was made specifically in the RTE Late Show interview. From that quote I'm no wiser.

BTW, Verdi, where in the book is this quote? It's not in my copy from 2011... I believe there are later editions (sans p129...)?

Chapter 21: Closing the Case

Scroll down to 9th August, it's there somewhere.

I too looked for some evidence of her claim about the files in December 2007, to no avail. I'm guessing it was reported by the media in December 2007, there was quite a lot of media activity at the end of 2007 and beginning of 2008.

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Post by Verdi 19.08.20 2:29

A week had now passed since Madeleine’s abduction. Later that day, Thursday 10 May, the Portuguese police held a press conference, at which they released a photograph of a pair of the same Marks and Spencer pyjamas Madeleine had been wearing and confirmed that they were winding down the ground search.

madeleinE by KATE MCCANN

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 14 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by PeterMac 19.08.20 8:44

In spite of what we’d been told about booking the Tapas restaurant, Rachael managed to get a table for nine at 8.30pm pencilled in for the rest of the week after having a word with the receptionist at the pool and Tapas area.
  It wasn’t until a year later, when I was combing through the Portuguese police files, that I discovered that the note requesting our block booking was written in a staff message book, which sat on a desk at the pool reception for most of the day. This book was by definition accessible to all staff and, albeit unintentionally, probably to guests and visitors, too. To my horror, I saw that, no doubt in all innocence and simply to explain why she was bending the rules a bit, the receptionist had added the reason for our request: we wanted to eat close to our apartments as we were leaving our young children alone there and checking on them intermittently.

She specifically says this is in the Portuguese Police files.

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 14 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Secondthoughts2 19.08.20 11:06


'million to one' shot'

Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but it might help.

Bolt out of the Blue

So just how unlucky were the McCanns?  Gerry McCann answers that question for us…

Gerry McCann:

"Well in terms of the abduction of a foreign child in another country, it’s really very rare.  The only cases like this… certainly in British children, the only one we know of is Ben Needham which was in 1991.  That’s 16 years ago.  So that aspect is incredibly rare, and certainly when we were speaking to people in Portugal and Spain they are not aware of any other EU nationals having children abducted on the Iberian Peninsula."

“And you think about the tens of millions of tourists that come to Spain and Portugal every year – so this really was a bolt out of the blue… erm… in terms of what has happened to us, and I think also the circumstances of child being abducted from a bedroom is pretty rare…as well!”

Gerry has described for us how rare it is for a child to be abducted while on holiday in Portugal.

1. Really very rare - Foreign child in another country.
2. Incredibly rare - British child in another country.
3. Pretty rare - to be taken from a bedroom.

(No. 3 is interesting - from a bedroom? - also interesting he speaks about what happened to 'us' not what happened to Madeleine)

Tens of millions 
EVERY YEAR go to Portugal and Spain and they ALL return home safe and well, Gerry tells us.

So good news all round, Portugal really is an 
incredibly safe place to holiday with your children.  

Good of Gerry McCann to do his bit for the Portuguese Tourist Industry!

Wonder what odds a bookie would give on this happening though, given that it's beyond rare?

I guess that rather depends on the circumstances surrounding any child vanishing without trace while on holiday!

Makes one wonder then what odds there are of the Met having
more than one potential suspect - that is - a suspect (s) that they are now hoping to find evidence enough to lead to prosecution and conviction, other than the McCanns and their companions?

What odds were there of so many possible child murders/paeodphiles having descended on PDL that little village when in the
whole of the Iberian Penisula?  As McCann said - it just doesn't happen?

How lucky did the alleged abductor get - an unlocked apartment with three little kids left alone, so many to choose from?

He didn't have to huff and puff and blow the house down - Kate and Gerry left the door unlocked for him...  How thoughtful of them! 

Such a lot I think the McCanns will now be wishing they had never said!
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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 14 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Verdi 25.08.20 13:27

At the police station that first afternoon, Guilhermino Encarnação had briefly mentioned three potential explanations for Madeleine’s disappearance: a burglary that had ‘changed direction’, abduction and the possibility that she had wandered off by herself.

In the coming months we would learn that burglaries were rife on that stretch of the Algarve coast (in Praia da Luz, burglars were ‘like mice’, according to one resident), and although it is difficult to imagine how a burglary could escalate into an abduction, we now know that this is not unheard of.

However, I have always found the third suggestion insulting to our intelligence, frankly. Obviously, the police are obliged to consider all possible scenarios but there was no doubt in our minds that Madeleine had not left that apartment of her own accord. For a start there was Jane’s sighting of what was, in all likelihood, Madeleine being carried off. Even if you set that aside, there was no way a three-year-old would have been able to raise the shutters and open the window in the children’s room. To give any credence whatsoever to the idea that Madeleine could have walked out on her own you would have to accept that she had gone out the back way, pulling aside the sitting-room curtains and drawing them again, then opening the patio door, the child-safety gate at the top of the stairs on the veranda and the little gate to the road – and carefully closing all three behind her. What three-year-old do you know who would do that? And we knew our Madeleine. She simply would not wander off like this.

madeleine by KATE MCCANN

[Reproduced for research and study only]

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 14 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Verdi 25.08.20 13:29

This theory was not only insulting, it was, much more importantly, frighteningly damaging to the chances of finding Madeleine quickly. If the police were wasting precious time pursuing it they were not going to be looking in the right places, or taking the appropriate type of action. In the first few days we gained the impression that this was exactly what was happening. Certainly their initial searches were all geared to looking for a stray child who had become lost in or around Luz. We would later hear from the British police that it took until 10am on Friday, almost twelve hours after the alarm was raised, for roadblocks and checks to be put in place. And it would be five more days before Interpol circulated a ‘yellow notice’ (global alert) to each of its member countries.

We subsequently learned that less than fifty minutes after Jane’s sighting – when I had still to discover that Madeleine was missing – a family of nine from Ireland had also seen a man carrying a child, this time on Rua da Escola Primária, a few minutes’ walk from apartment 5A, heading towards Rua 25 de Abril. Their description was remarkably similar to Jane’s. The man was in his mid thirties, 1.75 to 1.8 metres tall and of slim to normal build. These witnesses, too, said this person didn’t look like a tourist. They couldn’t quite put their finger on why, but again they felt it might have been because of what he was wearing. They also mentioned cream or beige trousers. The child, a little girl of about four with medium-blonde hair, was lying with her head towards the man’s left shoulder. She was wearing light-coloured pyjamas, had nothing on her feet and there was no blanket over her. Although, like Jane, this family had taken this man and child for father and daughter, they commented that the man did not look comfortable carrying the child, as if he wasn’t used to it.

madeleine by KATE MCCANN

[Reproduced for research and study only]

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 14 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Silentscope 25.08.20 15:01

If the truth like Houses can be constructed.

What is written is to be like food, digested.

What is not served up is still with the Chef. The truth.

Who else cooks the books? 

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 14 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Verdi 25.08.20 16:04

For anyone who still thinks those indelibly printed words have been spirited away by some imaginary force, it's still there for all to see. Having said that, how you amend, edit or delete a passage from a published book, already topping the best sellers list, I am at a loss to understand.

Lest they forget..

Kate McCann wrote:My reason for writing it is simple: to give an account of the truth. It has always been my intention to set down a complete record of what happened to our family, for our children, Madeleine, Sean and Amelie, so that, when they are ready, the facts will be there for them to read. I wanted to make sure they would always have access to a written chronicle of what really happened, no matter how many years have passed. They have already been through too much, and there will be further challenges ahead. Understanding our ordeal will give them the best chance of dealing with whatever life throws at them.

Kate McCann wrote:
I asked Gerry apprehensively if he’d had any really horrible thoughts or visions of Madeleine. He nodded. Haltingly, I told him about the awful pictures that scrolled through my head of her body, her perfect little genitals torn apart. Although I knew I had to share this burden, just raising the subject out loud to someone else, even Gerry, was excruciating. Admitting the existence of these images somehow confirmed them as a real possibility, and with that confirmation came renewed waves of fear.

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 14 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Verdi 25.08.20 16:13

So many of the emotions and physical sensations I’ve experienced over the past few years will be beyond the scope of most people’s comprehension, thank God. I felt as if I’d embarked on a slow, painful death. Just imagining your child, any child, like this is agonizing and unless such thoughts have any basis in reality, it is normal and understandable to banish them from your mind. Everybody has their own mechanisms for self-protection and surrounding yourself only with ‘nice thoughts’ is one of many. I wished I could do that. The pictures I saw of our Madeleine no sane human being would want in her head, but they were in mine. I simply couldn’t rid myself of these evil scenes in the early days and weeks.

madeleine by KATE MCCANN

So Ms Healy - how do you think your little three year old daughter was feeling still feeling if found in the situation going around in your head that you so vividly describe? Still feeling if alive, as you so adamantly believe a possibility.

Madeleine is the victim - not you nor your feckless reckless husband. Forget yourself, find a space in your head and your heart for Madeleine.

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Post by Verdi 28.08.20 0:59

Why did I think Madeleine had been alive when she was taken from the apartment? they persisted. I explained between sobs that there had been nothing to suggest otherwise; no indication that she might have come to harm. Had I ever considered that she may be dead? Yes, of course. Early on that was all I thought, all the time: that some paedophile had grabbed her, abused her and later killed her. Then I’d begun to wonder if she was being held by pornographers, I told them, or had been taken for someone who wanted a child.

madeleine by KATE MCCANN

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 14 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Secondthoughts2 29.08.20 1:08

Did she ever consider that someone closer to home - one of those who allegedly checked on her children - could be a possible suspect?  I say one of those...Was it only Oldfield (Kate's running partner)who agreed to put his neck on the line and say he'd gone into the apartment to check on the children?

Odd if she didn't!  When a child goes missing, everyone and anyone, from strangers to those closest to the child being potential suspects...more so those closest!

In case of Madeleine's disappearance - Dr Kate's friends, those who checked and those who didn't, but knew children were alone in unlocked apartment - top of the list of suspects!  Easier for one/two/three of them (Kate and Gerry also) to have been part of making Madeleine vanish than any burglar with only a couple minutes if that, to perform his magic vanishing act.

Dr Kate:

"They've been watching us over a matter of days, I'm sure, you know, they know, you know, they must have known that Gerry had just been into the apartment and then___you're right, there was only a SMALL window of opportunity, but you know."

That doesn't make sense.  I thought Gerry had said the door to the bedroom was not as he'd left it, that it was more open, also,  that he later thought that the abductor was in the apartment when he checked on the kids?

Kate says differently.  According to her theory/version/story the burglar/abductor watched Gerry leave the apartment before making his move, and having only a small window of opportunity to get in and out with Madeleine.

So from what she says, do we rule out a burglar?  A burglar watching them for days on end, would know there were kids in the apartment - would know there were all of these so called checks on the children.

Only a burglar who was stark raving bonkers would think 5A was the ideal apartment to rob with Oldfield/Tanner/McCann/O'Brien all floating around the front door entrances - and an apartment full of young children!

And only a person who knows what became of Madeleine would make up such a ridiculous story as wot our Dr Kate did for this Panorama Documentary!

And any burglar worth his salt who sees parents/people leave an apartment unlocked every night knows there is nothing of material value worth pinching - and he's not going to risk bunch kids waking up/being caught for anything less than the crown jewels!

So, if not a burglar - a paedophile is where she is laying the blame for making her child vanish?

A paedophile with a small window of opportunity as Dr Kate tells us.
A paedophile who broke a shutter and climbed in a window, and left by the window/the door/which door?

Question - Did the paedophile who watched for days on end KNOW which room Madeleine would be in?

What if she was in the parents room?  What if all children were in parents room?

How was a paedophile to know where the children slept?

If he'd been watching he'd have known, (according to Kate and Gerry) that the patio door was unlocked,  and that with only a small window of opportunity available to him - and to save him time - that it would have been easier quicker/quieter going in through the patio door, than jemmying open a shutter, breaking open a window, climbing through it, to snatch a child who for all he knew, might not even have been in that room, then he'd have to have gone through the apartment to look see where she was sleeping!

Was it Madeleine, he wanted, and no other little girl would do?  Why?

Why not Amelie?  If he'd gone in through the window, he'd have reached Amelie'es cot before he'd have reached Madeleine's bed!

Not the brightest burglar/paedophile on the planet - and after all that surveillance for days on end! 

13 years on and the Met Police still haven't smelt a rat.
13 years on and the McCanns have never complained about the investigation by the Met?

Smell a rat anyone?

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 14 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Verdi 19.09.20 1:31

A German paedophile is born..

The European Campaign

We chose Spain first, as it is so close to Portugal. After the British and Irish, most other visitors to the Algarve are German or Dutch, so we added Berlin and Amsterdam to the itinerary.

Our schedule in Berlin looked a bit daunting, but in the event everything ran incredibly smoothly. Admirable German efficiency! After a television interview, we were off to meet the ambassador, Peter Torry, a nice man with three daughters of his own.

As we waited to hear from the Spanish authorities we were joined by two German specialist kidnap officers. The whole team oozed professionalism and experience, which sustained Gerry and me as the minutes ticked slowly by.

Our visits to Spain, Germany, the Netherlands and Morocco had given us a glimpse of the massive scale of the problems of child abduction, trafficking and exploitation, and we felt we must broaden the scope of our campaign to embrace all the victims of these terrible crimes.

Night after night, I read of depraved individuals, British paedophiles, Portuguese paedophiles, Spanish, Dutch and German paedophiles, and of the horrific crimes they’d committed. The police went to visit some of them, looked around their apartments and recorded merely, ‘No sign of the minor.’ Was that enough to eliminate these vile characters from the inquiry? If more had been done, there was certainly nothing in the files about it. No description, no photograph, no alibi, no DNA. Just ‘No sign of the minor.’

madeleine by KATE MCCANN

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 14 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Verdi 23.09.20 2:14

In the meantime, the search for Madeleine goes on. Sean and Amelie often talk about how their sister might escape, how we could rescue her and what they would do to the ‘naughty man’ who stole her. Once they suggested, ‘Maybe we should tell the police that Madeleine is missing and ask them to help us, too.’ Quite.

Since the autumn of 2007 our connection with Leicestershire police has dwindled and that makes me sad. Their officers worked so hard on Madeleine’s behalf and we know they’ll rejoice if and when we find her. The Leicestershire force still takes the line that they’ll pass on any relevant information to the Portuguese authorities. While this is all that is legally expected of them, we’d hoped for much more.

They have been placed in a difficult position, we acknowledge that, but we have not been prepared to accept the platitude that work in Portimão continues when we know this is not the case. Of course, every police force in the UK, and many beyond, have assisted in the search for Madeleine and for this we are extremely thankful. We are particularly grateful to Jim Gamble and the team at CEOP for the initiatives they have developed with us to help keep Madeleine’s abduction in the forefront of the public consciousness.

But a harsh fact remains. Since July 2008, there has been no police force anywhere actively investigating what has happened to Madeleine. We are the only people looking for her.

madeleine by KATE MCCANN

This makes me so angry.

Firstly you do not, I repeat do not, use your remaining two children to fight your corner.

Then, Jim Gamble if working in a professional capacity, should not be assisting the two prime suspects in any way whatsoever.  If officially involved, he should be working with the police, he should keep his distance, not fraternize with the suspects.

Madeleine McCann was not abducted - at least not in the true sense of the word.  Removed from the crime scene would be a more appropriate term of phrase - that opens doors to a realistic approach to an otherwise clouded delusion.

Finally, you were/are not the only people looking for 'her' Ms McCann.  You have never 'looked/searched' for your little daughter.  Not even on the night of 3rd/4th May 2007 when after being prostrated by grief, you and your husband and friends were very busy working on your plan of action - your long term agenda.

Clearly you are protected by a higher order than your own insignificant existence so it matters not to you what you write in your defence  but please remember this, do not treat the general public like a bunch of idiots.  It's not appreciated and it won't go away - of that you can be sure.

You have failed your own child monumentally - don't expect us to follow suit.  Someone's got to stand up for your daughter Madeleine and sadly, it ain't going to be you or your husband or your group of friends.

Shame on you!

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Post by PeterMac 23.09.20 16:40

"Once they suggested, ‘Maybe we should tell the police that Madeleine is missing and ask them to help us, too.’"
in 2007 the twins were 2 years old
The book was published in May 2011. so must have been completed by December 2010, proof read, edited, and prepared for publication, printed, distributed, advertised and everything else involving a Best-Seller

So the twins were then 5

How may 5 year olds do you know who would or could use the subjunctive "maybe we SHOULD"?
I accept that it may be hyperbole or poetic licence, and that all the McCann children are hugely gifted, know the entire oeuvre of the PussyCatDolls by heart, have their favourite episodes from the 860+ Dr Who programmes, (as they reported Madeleine could at age 3 ) and very probably by now speak several languages fluently . . .
but there is absolutely no need to involve other innocent victims

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Post by Guest 23.09.20 17:53

A reasonable question to pose of course and one which precludes them from any knowledge thereof.

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Post by Verdi 29.09.20 0:53

A passing reference to an otherwise monumental fraudulent act. in the name of private detecting. Do not forget the core of this travesty is the life and almost certain death of an innocent three year old child - Madeleine McCann..

Our first investigators, the Spanish company Método 3, began working for us in October. With private investigations technically illegal in Portugal, we felt the closest we could get would be a firm from somewhere on the Iberian Peninsula, which would have the advantage of familiarity with local systems, culture and geography and the best network of contacts in the region. M3 also had links to the Spanish police, who, in turn, had good connections with the Portuguese police.

We assembled all the source material we could for the investigators, passing on my detailed chronology of events and the research we were compiling, making endless lists of potential witnesses – some of whom we knew the police had interviewed, many more we suspected they had not – and reported sightings of little girls who could have been Madeleine. As a result of the huge publicity the case had been given, the police and press had been overwhelmed by such reports from the outset. Sometimes ‘Madeleine’ has been seen in different countries, thousands of miles apart, on the same day. These tip-offs needed to be sifted and any credible information followed up.

We have no doubt that M3 made significant strides, but unfortunately, in mid-December, one of their senior investigators gave an overly optimistic interview to the media. He implied that the team were close to finding Madeleine and declared that he hoped she would be home by Christmas. Gerry and I did not pay much heed to these bullish assertions. While we believed they’d been made in an attempt to cast the search in a positive light, we knew that such public declarations would not be helpful. Credibility is so important. That glitch apart, M3 worked very hard for us and, just for the record, their fees were very low: most of the money they were paid was for verified expenses.

Although we went on to employ new teams, we maintain good relations with M3 today. We had the sense that they genuinely cared about Madeleine’s fate, something that, sadly, we have found we cannot take for granted.

madeleine by KATE MCCANN

Packed with tell-tale signs but I think that final very short paragraph tells all.

[For study and research only]

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Post by Verdi 29.09.20 1:05

Then on to part two of the private detective saga, not so sweet but nonetheless not overly scathing..

We had one particularly bad experience with a man named Kevin Halligen (or Richard, as we knew him). Halligen was the CEO of a private-investigation firm called Oakley International which was hired by Madeleine’s Fund for six months from the end of March 2008. Oakley’s proposal and overall strategy were streets ahead of all the others we’d considered and the company came highly recommended. As the sums of money involved were pretty hefty, we agreed that our contract with them would be split into three phases with a break clause at the end of each phase. This gave us an opportunity to terminate the contract at any of these points if we wished to do so without incurring financial penalties. An independent consultant was also employed by the fund to liaise with Oakley and oversee the work they were doing.

The first and second phases of the contract ran fairly smoothly. Oakley had put in place systems to gather, collate, prioritize and follow up the information coming in as a result of appeals Gerry and I made around the first anniversary of Madeleine’s abduction. There is little doubt that at that stage progress was being made.

During the third phase, however, we began to have concerns. Feedback appeared to be less forthcoming and contact with certain members of the Oakley team dropped off. At first we couldn’t be sure whether this was a manifestation of the inevitable waning motivation I’ve mentioned or of a more troubling problem. Rumours about Halligen prompted us to make inquiries before we decided whether or not we should extend our contract with Oakley. To cut a long story short, we chose not to do so. The termination of the contract, in September 2008, was quite acrimonious, and unfortunately, that was not the end of it.

Several months later, one of the investigators subcontracted by Oakley contacted us to demand payment for his services. We had already settled Oakley’s bill for this work months before, but apparently the company had not paid him. He was not the only one. Over time several more unpaid subcontractors came to light. We were upset that, although a lot of hard work had been done on Madeleine’s behalf, it seemed money provided by her fund might not ever have reached the people who had earned it.

In November 2009 we heard that Halligen had been arrested on suspicion of fraud after a discrepancy in a hotel bill. He is currently on remand in Belmarsh prison, fighting extradition to the USA in connection with money-laundering and wire-fraud charges, all of which he denies.

For the most part, though, our experiences with independent investigators have been good. Our current tried and trusted team has more or less been in place, with a few modifications, since October 2008. It is spearheaded by a former police officer, with input from strategy advisers and specialists in various fields as required. This enables us to recruit the best-qualified people available to handle particular tasks when they arise, and it’s a system with which we have made encouraging progress.

madeleine by KATE MCCANN

The Penny Dreadful - how I yearn to know exactly who wrote this melodramatic piece of theatrical twaddle. Every prosecution lawyers dream and every defence lawyers worst nightmare.

As they say .... when in a hole stop digging.

[For reference and study only]

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Post by PeterMac 29.09.20 7:58

He implied that the team were close to finding Madeleine and declared that he hoped she would be home by Christmas. Gerry and I did not pay much heed to these bullish assertions. 

Why were they not absolutely overjoyed and clamouring for all the details, and pouring more money into her recovery?
But no.
They did not pay much heed . . . !!

For reasons which are obvious to all.

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Post by Guest 29.09.20 11:44

The words the McCanns use are very revealing and tell the story if you listen to them carefully.

Do they show any semblance of hope that their daughter will be found alive and well?

I think Clarence Mitchell is right - the McCanns "need to find peace".

Ponder on that.

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 14 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Verdi 30.09.20 0:48

The European Campaign

Now that it looked as if we were going to be based in Praia da Luz for the long haul, with frequent journeys to airports and regular meetings set up with the police at the British Consulate in Portimão, we’d decided it would be easier if we had our own car. We’d duly taken possession of a rented Renault Scenic on 27 May.

We left for Madrid on Thursday 31 May, taking a flight from Lisbon airport.

madeleine by KATE MCCANN

Following the inspection by Martin Grime and his dogs Eddie and Keela, it has been repeatedly asked how the McCanns could have transported a body in the hired Renault Scenic when they were being followed everywhere by the world media.

Well, aside from the trip to Huelva in Spain on a public holiday when they were not followed by the world media, I ask why a car was hired on 27th May 2007 when they, Gerry and Kate McCann, were due to leave Portugal with Clarence Mitchell for the European tour four days later, on 31st May 2007?

Neither Eddie or Keela said Gerry and/or Kate McCann personally transported anything that indicated the scent of death or blood - it could have been anyone driving that car during the McCanns period of absence.

Could that have been the real reason for the European tour - to divert attention away from Praia da Luz? Seriously, the European tour was not necessary, it proved to be nothing but an elaborate public relations exercise.

The McCanns friends and relations were coming and going, no one in an official capacity nor the media were interested in what they were doing at any time.

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 14 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Guest 30.09.20 1:10

Verdi wrote:The European Campaign

Now that it looked as if we were going to be based in Praia da Luz for the long haul, with frequent journeys to airports and regular meetings set up with the police at the British Consulate in Portimão, we’d decided it would be easier if we had our own car. We’d duly taken possession of a rented Renault Scenic on 27 May.

We left for Madrid on Thursday 31 May, taking a flight from Lisbon airport.

madeleine by KATE MCCANN

Following the inspection by Martin Grime and his dogs Eddie and Keela, it has been repeatedly asked how the McCanns could have transported a body in the hired Renault Scenic when they were being followed everywhere by the world media.

Well, aside from the trip to Huelva in Spain on a public holiday when they were not followed by the world media, I ask why a car was hired on 27th May 2007 when they, Gerry and Kate McCann, were due to leave Portugal with Clarence Mitchell for the European tour four days later, on 31st May 2007?

Neither Eddie or Keela said Gerry and/or Kate McCann personally transported anything that indicated the scent of death or blood - it could have been anyone driving that car during the McCanns period of absence.

Could that have been the real reason for the European tour - to divert attention away from Praia da Luz?  Seriously, the European tour was not necessary, it proved to be nothing but an elaborate public relations exercise.

The McCanns friends and relations were coming and going, no one in an official capacity nor the media were interested in what they were doing at any time.
Very interesting observation!

Remember the McCanns visited the Vatican on 30th May 2007.

That could have created a great opportunity to transport Madeleine's body in the rental car, without being followed by media vultures. This is not evidence in itself, of course, but as you remarked, why the need to hire a car merely days before going on a trip to Rome and across Europe?

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Post by Verdi 30.09.20 1:40

As I've also remarked repeatedly over the years, the relationship between the McCanns and the diplomatic corp, in the guise of the British Embassy and Consulate, is just not normal.

The representatives of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office are very restricted, they have a specific work remit that dictates what they can and can't do - even if a case involves a missing child, they are confined to specific duties.

One thing that stands out above all else - the British Ambassador! An ambassador does not get personally involved with a case such as the disappearance of a minor whilst holidaying with the family, it is not their function.

The Consulate is there to provide a specific service, it must be detached and is most certainly not in a position to interfere with a police investigation.

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Post by Guest 30.09.20 1:57

And why would the British Ambassador - who was stationed in Lisbon before the alarm was raised - appear on the scene less than 24 hours later?

It makes no sense!

It's a missing person case, which is being investigated by the police. Why should a political figure be involved at all, let alone right from the start?

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Post by Guest 30.09.20 13:38

The sense it makes to me is that umpteen (50+) known paedophiles were operating in and around the area, but known by whom, that is the question. Freud smelled a rat enough to invite the McCann's over for a cosy chat so it seems that the reputation in respect of the locality was known to others in high places too. But the McCann's were, it would seem, blissfully unaware. Unaware enough to leave their three young children sleeping in an unlocked apartment and dine with their friends in a nearby tapas bar without making any babysitting provision AND admit it. (If you believe that.)

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Post by Silentscope 30.09.20 13:52


But the McCanns did not book the holiday.

Dr. David Payne made the arrangements.

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 14 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Verdi 30.09.20 15:58

pauloalexandre wrote:And why would the British Ambassador - who was stationed in Lisbon before the alarm was raised - appear on the scene less than 24 hours later?

It makes no sense!

It's a missing person case, which is being investigated by the police. Why should a political figure be involved at all, let alone right from the start?

It's unheard of .... officially!

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Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book? - Page 14 Empty Re: Prosecution Exhibit 1: 'madeleine' - What's in the book?

Post by Verdi 02.10.20 0:59

miffy8 wrote:The sense it makes to me is that umpteen (50+) known paedophiles were operating in and around the area, but known by whom, that is the question. Freud smelled a rat enough to invite the McCann's over for a cosy chat so it seems that the reputation in respect of the locality was known to others in high places too. But the McCann's were, it would seem, blissfully unaware. Unaware enough to leave their three young children sleeping in an unlocked apartment and dine with their friends in a nearby tapas bar without making any babysitting provision AND admit it. (If you believe that.)

I think it would be very wise to rein in here.

Granted, the McCanns introduced the paedophile angle from the word go - on the night of 3rd/4th May 2007. Reason enough I feel for attention.

Clement Freud I believe to be a red herring, in my view he was procured by Clarence Mitchell to add weight to the high profile support network. The McCanns are unlikely to have connections of such standing, whereas Clarence Mitchell would through his work and many tentacles. Freud was reportedly sexually abusing pubescent children and teenagers, not the very young. Child sex abusers are not a communal club, they stick to their own particular persuasion.

The Gaspars are clouded by doubt. I don't believe their story - at least not Mrs Gaspar. The statement is riddled with unsubstantiated claims, not directed at their friends the McCanns but David Payne specifically. Maybe she/they had aen axe to grind for some reason. The joint statements were taken by Leicester police on 16th May 2007, just twelve days after Madeleine McCann was reported missing. The media reports at the time would not have caused the Gaspars to go running to Leicester police with tales of inappropriate behaviour by David Payne during a holiday in Majorca some years prior.

There is more to the Gaspars than meets the eye in my view.

That aside, to label any specific locale as a haven for paedophiles is somewhat speculative and if I may say, unfair. To blacken the name of a country, town or region just because of one or so incidents is unhelpful indeed. Wherever you reside, do you know who in your locality sexually abuses children? No of course not, unless a specific individual is named in a specific case of child abuse. Unlikely in the extreme.

Child sex abusers are everywhere, they don't congregate in a specific area where like minded perverts might be found. They work underground, not overground.

As I say, it's very unfair to label Praia da Luz and environs as a haven for child sex abusers, just because the McCanns released a monster and a few high profile names with history of child sex abuse spend time in the region. The Algarve is a very popular destination for tourism from all walks of life, it's not sex city express.

Does anyone truly believe the McCanns and their group of friends, one a grandmother, would purposely chose a holiday destination renowned for paedophila. Think about it ....

If it wasn't so serious it would be laughable.

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Post by Guest 02.10.20 1:38

Verdi wrote:The Gaspars are clouded by doubt.  I don't believe their story - at least not Mrs Gaspar.  The statement is riddled with unsubstantiated claims, not directed at their friends the McCanns but David Payne specifically.  Maybe she/they had aen axe to grind for some reason.  The joint statements were taken by Leicester police on 16th May 2007, just twelve days after Madeleine McCann was reported missing.  The media reports at the time would not have caused the Gaspars to go running to Leicester police with tales of inappropriate behaviour by David Payne during a holiday in Majorca some years prior.
I had given some credibility to this story in the past, but I cannot disagree with what you said. I always asked myself why Mrs. Gaspar, upon seeing David Payne with the McCanns on TV at that time, would instantly remind herself of what happened in Majorca 2 years before and would immediately go to the police to report her story, which is seemingly unrelated to the disappearance.

Her story remains to be verified.

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Post by Verdi 02.10.20 2:00

One thing that stands out above all else. Katherine Gaspar mentions David Payne bathing the children, not his own children but the groups children - including her own?

If you had the tiniest inclination that a child abuser was withing your midst, bathing your child, would you continue to allow it, continue the friendship?

But we are going of topic. If members wish to continue the line of discussion I will move to a more appropriate place.

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