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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 37 Mm11

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 37 Mm11

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Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 37 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 06.07.24 6:54

Bild 05/07/2024 - 5:54 pm

Braunschweig - The Braunschweig Public Prosecutor's Office considers the three professional judges in the rape trial against Christian Brückner to be biased and wants to have them replaced.

The reason is the decision on Wednesday, which annulled the arrest warrant against the defendant. It is to be feared that the Criminal Chamber has already formed its opinion on the question of crime and guilt, although the taking of evidence is still ongoing and trial dates are scheduled until October, the public prosecutor's office said.

The Defence of Christian Brückner had made the request for the annulment of the arrest warrant. However, the sex offender remains in prison because he is currently serving a prison sentence for the rape of an American American, the crime scene was in Portugal. He had also been sentenced to prison for that offence by the Braunschweig District Court.

In addition to the rejection of the current judges in the rape trial, the Braunschweig Public Prosecutor's Office requested the "re-occupation with impartial judges" because of concerns of partiality. In addition, it is intended to appeal against the decision to cancel the arrest warrant against Christian Brückner.

As the District Court of Braunschweig announced, the competent representative chamber will be until the next day of the hearing on the 5th. August decide on the question of bias if the request for rejection is classified as admissible. (dpa)


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 37 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by AnneCGuedes 06.07.24 22:25

In the end HCW has no rabbit to pull out of the hat, he can only be evil.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 37 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 07.07.24 8:15

This has all been planned since they ignored Helge Buschings first phone call.

Since then, they have carried out Investigations in order to find Evidence to back up their Accusations.

Making the Evidence fit the Suspect.

A badly sewn together Monster as Dr Amaral says.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 37 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Cake Lover 07.07.24 9:09

Could Bruckner sue for this attempt to fit him up? He's scum, but years of being accused of Madeleine's fate may give him grounds for some or other compensation.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 37 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 07.07.24 10:22

First he would have to prove there was a Conspiracy to set him up.

Even then the Authourities could get out of it by blaming everything on Helge B and Co.

Being officially a Suspect would not entitle him to Statuory compensation as far as I know. Unless he could prove that the State knowing full well that they were wrongly Informed, proceeded with the Case against him anyway.

There would be grounds for Compensation from False informants or Corrupt Officials in that Case maybe?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 37 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by AnneCGuedes 07.07.24 17:15

The charges were not sufficiently substantiated to formulate an accusation. The fault lies with HCW, who, in an obsession to obtain evidence against CB in the MC case, decided to try him by proxy.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 37 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 09.07.24 13:07

Only 128 views?

Arrest Warrant against “Maddie” Suspect annulled.

Originally posted 03 July 24.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 37 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by PeterMac 10.07.24 9:52

Aide Memoire [Gedächtnishilfe] for H. Wolters when he considers his next move in the various cases against Christian Brückner

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 37 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Cake Lover 10.07.24 9:56

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 37 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 10.07.24 15:55

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 37 Canvas10

Hans' Holiday snap from a 'Secret location' known only to a Source 'close to'.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 37 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by PeterMac 10.07.24 16:36

A "Source" has picked this up from Hrn .Fülscher's.  [EDITED 1815 & 1831 10/7/24]  WhatsApp status page, as he waxes philosophical on the duties of a prosecutor

"Was bleibt also ?    Vielleicht die Erkentnis, wie hoch die Hürden sind, die ein Gericht nehmen muss, um einem Menschen nachzuweisen.
Vielleicht die Erkenntnis, dass diese Hürden ein Glück sind, wenn men den Rechtsstraat ernst nimmt.
Vielleichy sogar die Erkentnis, dass eine Staatanwaltsschaft den Blick für diese Hürden verlieren kann, wenn sie der eigenen Überzeugung im Weg stehen"

So what remains?    Perhaps the realisation of how high the hurdles are that a court has to overcome to prove a person guilty.
Perhaps the realisation that these hurdles are a blessing, if you take the law seriously.
Perhaps even the realisation that a public prosecutor can lose sight of these hurdles if they stand in the way of their own beliefs"

Remarkable how that reflects TFD's own reflections of what he was doing, or being dragged into, as he delved ever further into what became "The Brick"
I quote. p. 603
" The biggest mistake an investigator can do is fall in love with his/ her own theory. That can truly make you reach for something that's not there, or even stretch information to fit the theory and, by that, give you tunnel vision."

In the UK we remember The Birmingham 6, The Guildford 5, Operation Midland, Operation Ore, Operation Grange (Oh Sorry, not that one YET), The Post Office 650.

And it is something that Clarke, and none of the pretend Investigators or Private Detectives before him - with the notable exception of Hagland, did not take into account as they each fell into their own private deep trench of their own private deep digging, and in Clarke's case pulled the earth in on top of him by publishing a book with the photo of his own private accused on the front cover

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 37 Screen35
Naming and showing the photo of a private suspect before he has has been questioned, cautioned, charged, arrainged or tried, let alone Convicted, is an act of extreme folly and personal danger, the only defence to which is that everything said was objectively True, and came to pass.
If it does not, then the damages for Libel will be Substantial, Punitive, and might well be Exemplary - pour encourager les autres - à ne pas le faire in future.

More recently H.Wolters has been quoted [in the media, so do not accept this as FACT !] as saying words to the effect "... if there's no more evidence they'll shut it [the case/ investigation] down..."
And then he said [allegedly !] "no one could find any more..... "       {Reference needed}. EDITED 1816. Please see reference in next comment below.   MANY THANKS
which taken together seem to lay the ground open for an August 5 official conceding that the prosecution's position is no longer tenable.

Whether that has been influenced by his current long vacation and his possession of and reading of The Brick. (excess baggage charge -17 DM.  Specially scanned for Explosive content but got past the Notoriously unreliable dogs) is not known

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 37 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 10.07.24 17:00

@ PeterMac courtesy of crusader Post#839 Page 34. wrote:Here is the Reference to that Qoute on Film.

Timestamp 19:38 Wolters says if there is no more Evidence they will close the Case.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 37 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 10.07.24 18:47

The Farce is going to go on until at least September 24.

Procedure before the 2nd Criminal Chamber in connection with five acts against sexual self-determination - File number 2 KLs 213 Js 52790/18 (15/22) - Two more continuation dates

Regarding the procedure 2 KLs 213 Js 52790/18 (15/22), which was carried out on the 16th February 2024 (see separate press preview for 2 KLs 15/22), further continuation dates have been scheduled for:

Friday, 06. September 2024, 9:00 a.m.

Wednesday, 25. September 2024, 9:00 a.m.

Hall, see notice board

The next continuation date is scheduled for:

Friday, 05. July 2024, 09:00 a.m.

Expected: Hall 141

It is pointed out that the overview of the dates is not binding. Any changes can be found in the notice in the court and will also be announced by the press office by means of a press release.


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 37 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by PeterMac 10.07.24 19:58

Thanks for that Silentscope.
That gives H.Wolters and his team a lot of time to sit down and think about what they Actually have, as opposed to what they hoped and dreamt they might have had.
it gives time for a Devil’s advocate in the group to point out that to oppose the decision to cancel the “Warrant of detention” they need to have something stronger than
a slightly pathetic “she must be biased because she doesn’t agree with me” argument,

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