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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 34 Mm11

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 34 Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 34 Mm11

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 34 Regist10

Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 34 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 14.05.22 13:48

Wading through it slowly but surely - I think it would be more appropriate to name the production 'The Mark Williams-Thomas Show'.  Contrary to popular belief, I don't like to comment on anything without first watching or reading for myself.

Hero worship I do not do!

To believe one single aspect you are required to believe every word uttered by Mark Williams-Thomas and there ain't no shortage of verbiage.  He talks of correspondence, video footage, conversations but can't show the audience for one reason or another.  OK so I understand his point but in this respect how is it to be believed with only the assurance of Mark Williams-Thomas to affirm?

Granted, the show has been over dramatised for effect but this shouldn't be necessary considering the severity of subject matter and the purpose of the so-called documentary.  It's very much on the lines of the Discovery+ show
in terms of dramatisation and indeed content.

The show is staged from beginning to end.  Apart from the ridiculous footage of two faceless persons seeing him and associate off their land with aggression, he later introduces himself to yet another faceless person saying he's investigating 'Christian B' - how the heck is a total stranger of foreign extraction to know who or what he's talking about?

The hinge of the case against Brueckner appears to still be that phone ping, identifying a particular number - call me a doubting Thomas but I consider that to be flimsy evidence to say the least.  I've got three phone numbers, four if you include the landline, I use one as my ID - the digital passport required by today's living and the other two I use when I don't want people to know who or where I am.  Nothing sinistre, just a precaution and protection of my privacy.

As for the wretched video footage of sexual abuse, that/those videos have passed through the hands (and eyes?) of so many dubious characters it's a wonder why they still remain nothing but hearsay/seesay.

According to Seyferth in a previous production, he and an accomplice (read partner in crime) found the video, took it with them to a criminal gang hideout in the hills and watched the next day, if I remember rightly.  Not wanting to admit burglary, they destroyed the video so the German police ain't got that one - if you believe the word of a felon.  I prefer not to but you know me, everyone is guilty until proven innocent.

Mark Williams-Thomas' super sleuthing appears to be following the trail of media and press reports over the years - not the most reliable source of information if truth is on the agenda.  

The alleged cases/s against Christian 'he who can't be named' Brueckner  is Bild built on shifting sands.  Absolutely every aspect is surrounded by different versions of not necessarily the same story - no continuity, just random reports based on nothing but hearsay.

Even The Mark William-Thomas Show is based on hearsay.

You can watch here:

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