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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Mm11

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Regist10
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Mm11

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Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by ClarityCalling 14.05.22 15:08

I'm happy to join this group and thank you for all your dedicated work over the years ----
I think the Christian B thing is a total false flag --set up a patsy to take the 'theoretical only fall - as wont be charged we assume coz insufficient evidence-----
just a stooge so they can close it all down our dear UK Op Grange et all --it's a wrap as they say in film---nothing to see here - so move along till we bamboozle you all with the next Psyop--well aside from Covid1984 and Ukraine--Russia-Russia warmongering that is.

Why did the UK Government so need us distracted at this time? As they are up to their necks in this whole Psyop -----but why what are they really distracting us from?


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 14.05.22 16:25

ClarityCalling wrote:Hi,
I'm happy to join this group and thank you for all your dedicated work over the years ----
I think the Christian B thing is a total false flag --set up a patsy to take the 'theoretical only fall - as wont be charged we assume coz insufficient evidence-----
just a stooge so they can close it all down our dear UK Op Grange et all --it's a wrap as they say in film---nothing to see here - so move along till we bamboozle you all with the next Psyop--well aside from Covid1984 and Ukraine--Russia-Russia warmongering that is.

Why did the UK Government so need us distracted at this time? As they are up to their necks in this whole Psyop -----but why what are they really distracting us from?


Good afternoon ClarityCalling welcome and  thank you for the kind words about CMOMM!

I've taken the liberty of moving your first post to the current Christian Brueckner thread as your comments appear to be relating primarily to the German man.

Or perhaps your interest is the political spectrum?  You mention Psyop but I'm not sure what you are referring to.

No matter, keep it coming  thumbsup

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 14.05.22 16:37

As an aside, I have to chuckle when I read how Christian Brueckner fits the profile of a child abductor/murderer.

If you believe any of the media and press reports about the man's past, there has not been one single known conviction for either abduction or murder.

Theft of diesel, flashing (?), burglary (?), drug dealing (?) and raping an elderly woman (?).

Where exactly does the profile fit?

And another thing ....

Mark Williams-Thomas sits with a computer screen before him when announcing Brueckner's agreement to meet - in the prison presumably. The natural assumption would be that he'd received an email from the German. Of course it is one of the occasions the audience are not able to see to computer screen.

All the letters bandied about lately said to be penned Brueckner - in neat hand and perfect English?

It's all very fishy.


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 14.05.22 19:31

i ended up flabbergasted when i read , of course elsewhere, that profile that is doing the round was made by a certain mark hofmann, o sorry i do mean of course mark torben hofmann, mth, well you can just hire him to tell a nice story.

he looks to be nicking the same circuits as that the most active source with no name in this case does. o, boy, your boss must hate you if he takes on such guys  to do some peptalk.
it looks to be a more physical form of money talks. 

but of course it is a profile given per media sources, cb can not in any way fitted the profile episode that was used to get murat into an arguido, made by the ceop professionals. so i do hope the german bka has at least have their very own profiler. profiles could be quite elastic, but not endless.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 14.05.22 20:21

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be 0618a110

Can MW-T or Herr Wolters please show us where the Cellphone Mast is that ‘belongs to the Ocean Club’? Or the one shown in the Doku? It seems it was not in the Area in 2007 when this Photo was taken.

Then explain how you can ‘Triangulate’ the Cellphone 680 to within a few Metres using only ONE Antenna?

Or are they relying on this request from the PJ to give them the exact location that they require? 

As it of interest to the ongoing investigation NUIPC 201/07.0 GALGS which is investing the ABDUCTION of the English girl Madeleine McCann, we URGENTLY ask that a request is made to the competent authorities for the following:

- The telephone operators TMN, Vodaphone and Optimus be asked for the preservation and conservation in digital format (CD or DVD) of all the information relating to MOBILE PHONE TRAFFIC, including roaming calls, with an indication of the mobile phone numbers, date and time of the telephone conversations that took place on 2, 3 and 4th May 2007 with respect to the mobile phones that cover the following geographical locations:


N - 37,088863 // N37º 5' 19,91"
W - 8,730775...// W 8º 43' 50,79"

Tapas Restaurant

N - 37,088378 // N37º 5' 18,16"
W - 8,730979...// W 8º 43' 51,52"

Both locations are situated in the OC resort next to Rua Agostinho da Silva and Rua Dr Francisco Gentil Martins in P da L.

This inquiry aims to preserve information of relative importance that could in the future help the investigation to discover the truth of the facts.

I bring this to your attention

Inspector Ricardo Paiva


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Doug D 14.05.22 21:02

Not sure if this is rhetorical or not, but as far as I am aware the PdL mast is up by the church, (top left in the picture) about an inch to the right and quarter of an inch below the little bay in the top centre of the picture. If you blow the picture up you can see a tree in pretty much the location.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 15.05.22 1:20

If you've watched the Mark Williams-Thomas documentary, the subject of the mast starts at approximately 38 minutes in the first episode.

He specifies the specific location of the mast.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 15.05.22 1:28

MONSTER'S FACE OP Christian B ‘had face-changing surgery’ 4 months after Madeleine McCann vanished as cops hope to finally charge paedo

Jon ClarkeJutta RabeTom Wells

21:50, 14 May 2022Updated: 22:59, 14 May 2022

MADELEINE McCann prime suspect Christian B had a face-changing op four months after she vanished, a TV investigation has found.

The paedo’s jaw was reset and four distinctive “rabbit” teeth straightened in a secret visit to a private dental clinic in Germany.

He flew from Portugal, where he was living close to the scene of Madeleine’s May 2007 disappearance, to his homeland for the op that September with the global hunt for the three-year-old at its peak.

Soon after, a sketch by an FBI-trained artist showed a man with protruding teeth who had been seen lurking near the McCanns’ holiday apartment in Praia da Luz.

And a girl subjected to a sickening indecent exposure nearby — 19 days before Madeleine went missing — also told cops of the culprit’s “sticking out teeth”.

Sources said he later renewed his German passport before flying back to Portugal after the estimated £7,500 op.

In another twist, a new witness revealed B knew the hols complex where Madeleine vanished “inside out” after working there as an odd-job man.

The bombshell evidence was uncovered by two in­vestigative TV film-makers now liaising closely with prosecutors.

Prosecutors are confident he will be charged this year over her disappearance and a sex attack on another little girl.

It comes after we supplied German police with a dossier of some of the evidence from our own probes into the 45-year-old monster.

We have exposed gaping holes in B's claims of innocence.

Our investigations found the German worked for a firm doing jobs at the Portugal holiday apartments where Madeleine went missing — and knew the place “inside out”.

And the convicted paedophile and rapist had dental surgery on potentially incriminating buck teeth just months after she disappeared from the Ocean Club in Praia da Luz in 2007.

That revelation is hugely important as he has repeatedly tried to distance himself from a nearby child sex attack 19 days before Madeleine vanished aged three.

On April 9, 2007, a ten-year-old German girl was playing on the beach at Salema — just seven miles away — when a naked man approached her.

Speaking in German, the pervert grabbed her arm and began performing a sex act on himself before the girl’s horrified parents arrived and he fled in the direction of B’s Boca do Rio beach haunt.

They gave cops a description of a young, tanned white man with short blond hair, a bandage on his arm, marks on his body — and, crucially, four protruding teeth from his upper jaw.

The girl, now 25, has since identified B, who lived near Praia da Luz for seven years, as the suspect to German police — saying he looked “like a rabbit”.

B, in jail in Germany for raping a 72-year-old American tourist in Portugal, has fiercely denied he was the beach perv.

But perhaps his confidence stems from knowing he had drastically changed his appearance soon after.

For we can reveal he secretly flew back to Germany from Lisbon in September 2007 for major dental reconstruction surgery.

His teeth were repaired and his jaw reset at a private clinic in Wuerzburg, Bavaria — an op typically costing around 9,000 euros.

Our investigations found the German worked for a firm doing jobs at the Portugal holiday apartments where Madeleine went missing — and knew the place 'inside out'

The German police have this evidence and prosecutors are now confident he will be charged over the Salema case — and Madeleine’s.

The Sun has previously reported an e-fit drawn up by an FBI-trained artist in January 2008 also showed a suspect with prominent “sticking out” teeth.

He was seen lurking near the McCanns’ apartment three times on the night she vanished. Police later claimed to have tracked down and ruled out the suspect.

German prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters told us last week he has “everything he needs” to prosecute B. He was referring to the case of the German girl but also to Madeleine.

We can also today disclose that prosecutors have told us he will “definitely” face further charges “between the end of May and early June”.

They also include the alleged abduction and rape of Irish tour rep Hazel Behan and indecent exposure to four children at an Algarve play park in 2017.

Meanwhile, other sources have linked B further to the Ocean Club.

One old friend, whose identity we are protecting, first met him in Portugal in 1995. He revealed the fiend worked for a technical service company that often did jobs at the holiday complex.

“He knew each and every apartment. He knew the location inside out, he knew the locks,” he told us.

“He was very good with tools and machines and had trained as a car mechanic. He often mounted canopies on balconies and verandas at the Ocean Club.”

But the former office administrator, who lived near Praia da Luz for 25 years, had “no suspicions about him.” He added: “He had this lovely girlfriend Silke and we are still in touch. I still find it hard to believe that he has done so many bad things.”

Last week, British television investigator Mark Williams-Thomas said he was convinced B had an alibi in the Madeleine case.

Mr Wolters dismissed his claims within 24 hours — and we agree.

B's supposed alibi is a 17-year-old German holidaymaker whom he claims to have been in a relationship with at the time.

He knew each and every apartment. He knew the location inside out, he knew the locks. He was very good with tools and machines and had trained as a car mechanic. He often mounted canopies on balconies and verandas at the Ocean Club.
An old friend of Christian B

We can today reveal German police have known about her existence for years and have interviewed her at length twice. Mr Wolters told us last week: “She doesn’t trouble us at all.”

During our painstaking investigations, we have established that prosecutors have checked every one of B’s former girlfriends. “None could give a clear testimony,” one source told us.

One ex, Nicole Fehlinger, lived with him on and off for over a year after he got out of prison in Portugal in December 2006 following a sentence for theft.

She told German police he had actually called her during the evening of May 3, 2007 — the night Madeleine vanished — telling her he was “on a long journey”.

Appalling police blunders had prevented him from potentially already being behind bars before the McCanns, from Rothley, Leics, arrived in Portugal 15 years ago.

Five days after the sickening indecent exposure, a police captain dismissed pursuing the suspect.

In his report, which we have exclusively obtained, he writes: “As there is nothing more to report and there is no possibility of carrying out any due diligence at the moment, the enquiry is closed.” Had they pursued the evidence, police would have discovered B, then 30, almost perfectly matched the description.

At the time, he often stayed in or around Boca do Rio in his VW Westfalia camper van.

Instead, no action was taken and Madeleine disappeared soon after.

B was not questioned about either incident.

JUTTA Rabe and Jon Clarke are working on a television documentary looking into Madeleine’s disappearance. Jon’s book, My Search For Madeleine, is available on Amazon and as an audio book.

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be 68c78610
An e-fit drawn up by an FBI-trained artist in January 2008 also showed a suspect with prominent 'sticking out' teeth

oh go on

spit coffee

Seriously, this is more than I can stomach in one day.

What is this, wacky races?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 15.05.22 1:36

Investigator slams new Madeleine McCann documentary as ‘speculation’ and ‘nothing new’

A NEW documentary looking into the evidence surrounding the prime suspect in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann aired last night.

By Aleks Phillips
19:00, Sat, May 14, 2022 | UPDATED: 19:16, Sat, May 14, 2022

It appeared to contain a claim investigators have the wrong man due to a lack of hard evidence; prosecutors said it added “nothing new”, while a missing persons expert said it would be “surprising” if evidence hadn’t been concealed or destroyed. While the documentary posed some interesting questions about the case, after the first half has aired, some of the assertions made ahead of its release have yet to quite come true.

Madeleine went missing while on holiday in the Algarve in May 2007. In 2020, German prosecutors named convicted rapist and child sexual abuser Christian Brueckner as their prime suspect in the case. Brueckner has always denied any allegations in relation to Madeleine McCann.

Investigators said at the time that they believed to have found records of a phone call on the night Maddie disappeared placing Brueckner nearby, and that he had transferred his car to another person the following day.

Ahead of the new documentary, host and police officer turned investigative journalist Mark Williams-Thomas, made bold claims about what he had uncovered – most notably he believed Brueckner to be innocent.

Interviews he gave ahead of its release suggested he had found a woman who could provide an alibi for Brueckner for the night Madeleine disappeared – testimony that could have put the investigation into jeopardy.

The re-registration of Brueckner’s Jaguar to another person the day after Madeleine went missing – a key piece of circumstantial evidence cited by German investigators – was planned “weeks before”, according to the man who is said to have bought the car.

He told the programme that it was pure coincidence he had filed the paperwork the day after Madeleine disappeared.

Meanwhile, the documentary also questioned the identity of the owner of a phone number ending 680, which investigators believe Brueckner was using at the time and made a call from in the Praia da Luz area an hour before Maddie’s disappearance.

In the first part of the documentary, which aired on Wednesday, Mr Williams-Thomas did not find Brueckner’s alibi. Perhaps more is yet to be revealed in the second part, due to air next week – but it's fair to see why both German and Portuguese investigators, in the absence of forensic evidence, still believe they have the right man.

He previously told the Star that in a four-page letter Brueckner had written to Mr Williams-Thomas from his Oldenburg prison cell, the paedophile had said there was someone who could give an alibi for the night Madeleine went missing, but had not disclosed her name as he did not want to involve her.

The documentary claimed that they had tracked this woman down – a German who had a short fling with Brueckner while on holiday in the Algarve in 2007.

Brueckner also claimed the two had been photographed by a New Scotland Yard officer at a road block a few days after Maddie’s disappearance. The Metropolitan Police were asked if they had such an image in their possession, but had not responded to a request for comment.

Instead of speaking to the source of Brueckner’s supposed alibi, Mr Williams-Thomas spoke to the woman’s husband, who confirmed she had been on holiday there at the time, but said she “can’t be sure” of the exact details as it was so long ago.

Mr Williams-Thomas also discovered that the phone call on the night in question could have been made within a 35km radius of the Praia da Luz phone mast – meaning that the call, even if attributed to Brueckner, could not place him exactly at the scene.

When queried about the phone call, Hans Christian Wolters told the documentary there was “always a possibility” someone else used it and that it “doesn’t give us an exactly location” of where the call was made.

However, he said investigators had found a witness who saw Brueckner using the number, but not on May 3, 2007. Mr Wolters added: “We still assume that Christian B was using this number on the evening of Madeleine McCann’s disappearance.”

Asked if this could still be used to place Brueckner, he said: “Yes, from what we know, this is right, but we need the other person, so that this person can tell us who he was talking to.” Mr Wolters also revealed that investigators had other evidence that they had not yet made public, though no forensic evidence.

That other number, ending 683, was found by the documentary team to be linked to a social media account, which cyber analyst Martin Kayes discovered had a pattern of searching for child abuse online. Mr Williams-Thomas feared Brueckner could have been involved with other paedophiles.

The documentary also featured online chat messages – first published by German news outlet RTL earlier this year – sent between Brueckner and a user called Panikspatz 66 in 2013, in which the two discuss their dark fantasies.

As part of that discussion, in which Brueckner states he wants to keep “something small” and “use it for days”, he also entertains the notion of “destroying the evidence after”.

That same year, Brueckner was invited to an interview about Madeleine’s disappearance, and was reportedly told in advance what it was about. It is said he only became a suspect in the investigation in 2017, after being named by a second person.

Mr Williams-Thomas said in the documentary: “Christian B is a dangerous paedophile. One thing that runs through his offending behaviour is that he keeps the footage of his offences.”

Asked about the possibility that the lack of pictorial evidence that might link Brueckner to Madeleine’s disappearance could be because the evidence was destroyed, or that Madeleine was passed to another sexual predator, Mr Wolters declined to comment, but told that “we followed and will follow every trace”.

He also would not say if there was any link between Panikspatz 66 and the unknown person at the other end of the phone on May 3, 2007. The person allegedly behind the Panikspatz 66 account told the documentary he had spoken to the police and never knew Brueckner.

Mr Wolters described Mr Williams-Thomas’s views as “speculations”, and said that the documentary “included nothing new”.

The public prosecutors’ office in Braunschweig also told the programme that not all the evidence they had was public knowledge.

Charlie Hedges, a former British policeman and missing persons expert at Amber Alert, commented: “In any cold case such as this, being able to find pure evidence becomes increasingly difficult as more time passes.

“Given the almost unprecedented amount of publicity given to this case, it would be surprising if anyone who was involved in the commission of the crime did not destroy or conceal evidence.”

Channel 5 was contacted for comment.

Good grief roll snooze alarm

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by crusader 15.05.22 9:03

Brueckner didn't have buck teeth when he was in the video helping two fellow Germans on their quest to get to Spain, maybe he had some plastic ones he used to disguise himself when assaulting the child on the beach!

He is said to have had fancy dress clothes that were found in his house.

I posted some time ago, CB worked at the Ocean Club so there is nothing new there.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 15.05.22 9:48

o dear, o dear,  so yeah the guy had a true overbite before 3 may 2007 and still has one. there are so much pictures found, all could see, that even when he had had some surgery done on his mandibles it was not so much he became unrecognizable from upfront. 
if it is done by surgery it is called orthognathic surgery and done by a jaw surgeon, or plastic surgeon.
and plastic surgery is not so special in these type of surgeries, some could do it as just a part of their job, it is not something restricted to criminal human beings. 
most countries does not have a nhs system, and even in the uk people who can afford it would use a private practice. just like everywhere else. and even an average drugs dealer could make that kind of money. they only end up because they spend it. 

people with shorter under mandibles could have very good reasons to choose for such surgery, because of the effects on their health. but if that all happened it did not change cb into unrecognizeable cb from before 3 may. as the pictures that are out there very well are proof off.

1999, first extradition portugal to germany;

not dated, but well after 3 may 2007;

and from the front seen with the couple from the video about 5 weeks before the the third of may;

no one would call that rabbit teeth with the fantasies of a jon c. all pictures are looking like the one he wants it to be. a lot can happen in descriptions that have to be possibly been multiple time translated. if the victim is able to recognize him in an official setting, it is soon enough to read about that. hopefully without the suggestions made by jon c. 

must have taken weeks before the sun had a opening to fix jon's article in, and it looks to be a very quick decision, you can still see the ample time he got to rewrite it a bit more actual, stil not factual, and jon, you do remember that docu is already been broadcasted last winter. 

what he want us to believe is the sat1 docu was his work, he only needed jutta rabe, because she actually could get it on the german tv, no one in germany still knows who jon c. is, even google can not help them much. wikipedia zilch. 

jutta rabe they know of course, a lot of her work put the germans on the fence of course. she lost a lot of feathers after her investigative journalistic work into the sinking of the estonia, it made her into a criminal in sweden, and blocked her career in germany. 

jutta rabe did ended up in more conflicting situations, a nice article to get a view on jutta rabe from a german is to find here, please choose your translating app of your own choice, i only will put the original german link down here;

so i do think jon is going to learn it the hard way. or just jutta's way. 

jon c. did you already bought the right color light blue tie, to fit in next to der hansel at the most important press conference in your life. ties do talk. you have time, it only happens in one of the coming next years.
as mwt is still getting around with the saville i got him line, you do so utterly want to have the bruekner line, you already know it has not be a true story. 

jon c. must also be scarred for the pay out in muratical numbers. well if you can not afford to pay up , you better keep your mouth just shut up. being part of the gutter press is one thing, or do we have to think , because your hand delivered a piece in it, the sun is to be seen as a proper national newspaper. playing dogsbody for the germans, poor jon must be praying for the end of times. 

well if all this is just fake, a hoax, could they please get another casting bureau in, it is so poorly done.
at least they must have gotten jon c. for free. it still be tax money they spend.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 15.05.22 14:29

crusader wrote:Brueckner didn't have buck teeth when he was in the video helping two fellow Germans on their quest to get to Spain, maybe he had some plastic ones he used to disguise himself when assaulting the child on the beach!

He is said to have had fancy dress clothes that were found in his house.

I posted some time ago, CB worked at the Ocean Club so there is nothing new there.

This is all such utter nonsense - the story changes from day to day. Talk about looking for new evidence (or old) to fit the bill bignono .

So what did Brueckner have in his caché?  

Fancy dress gear, a machete, false teeth, children's swimwear, cannabis, ill-gotten passports, videos containing sexual images - man woman and beast, leggings, a wig of dreadlocks, a road map, dummies guide to digging cellars, dog lovers manual, a restraining order, an ankle tag, handcuffs, a plank of wood - or ruler, mobile phone/s, an errant maintenance man contract?

The only thing he didn't have, it would seem, is the blood of a child on his hands or a police record for abduction and/or murder.

So we have yet another suspect, e-fit, to add to the never ending list .... buckman or goofyman if you prefer.

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Scre2375

This is not looking good for Messrs McCann Inc is it, buckman looks nothing like the usual suspects still,yes still, featured on the 'official' Fund Madeleine website.  That's to say tannerman, victoria beckaman, eggman, totman  blah .

This is just like the halcyon days of yesteryear - 'Sunday Cornflakes with the McCanns'.


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 15.05.22 14:41

Madeleine McCann mystery deepens after evidence 'concealed or destroyed' – new claim

A NEW documentary looking into the evidence surrounding the prime suspect in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann aired this week.

By Aleks Phillips
08:12, Sun, May 15, 2022 | UPDATED: 13:25, Sun, May 15, 2022

It appeared to contain a claim investigators have the wrong man due to a lack of hard evidence; prosecutors said it added “nothing new”, while a missing persons expert said it would be “surprising” if evidence hadn’t been concealed or destroyed. While the documentary posed some interesting questions about the case, after the first half has aired, some of the assertions made ahead of its release have yet to quite come true.

Madeleine went missing while on holiday in the Algarve in May 2007. In 2020, German prosecutors named convicted rapist and child sexual abuser Christian Brueckner as their prime suspect in the case. Brueckner has always denied any allegations in relation to Madeleine McCann.

Investigators said at the time that they believed to have found records of a phone call on the night Maddie disappeared placing Brueckner nearby, and that he had transferred his car to another person the following day.

Ahead of the new documentary, host and police officer turned investigative journalist Mark Williams-Thomas, made bold claims about what he had uncovered – most notably he believed Brueckner to be innocent.

Interviews he gave ahead of its release suggested he had found a woman who could provide an alibi for Brueckner for the night Madeleine disappeared – testimony that could have put the investigation into jeopardy.

The re-registration of Brueckner’s Jaguar to another person the day after Madeleine went missing – a key piece of circumstantial evidence cited by German investigators – was planned “weeks before”, according to the man who is said to have bought the car.

He told the programme that it was pure coincidence he had filed the paperwork the day after Madeleine disappeared.

Meanwhile, the documentary also questioned the identity of the owner of a phone number ending 680, which investigators believe Brueckner was using at the time and made a call from in the Praia da Luz area an hour before Maddie’s disappearance.

In the first part of the documentary, which aired on Wednesday, Mr Williams-Thomas did not find Brueckner’s alibi. Perhaps more is yet to be revealed in the second part, due to air next week – but it's fair to see why both German and Portuguese investigators, in the absence of forensic evidence, still believe they have the right man.

He previously told the Star that in a four-page letter Brueckner had written to Mr Williams-Thomas from his Oldenburg prison cell, the paedophile had said there was someone who could give an alibi for the night Madeleine went missing, but had not disclosed her name as he did not want to involve her.

The documentary claimed that they had tracked this woman down – a German who had a short fling with Brueckner while on holiday in the Algarve in 2007.

Brueckner also claimed the two had been photographed by a New Scotland Yard officer at a road block a few days after Maddie’s disappearance. The Metropolitan Police were asked if they had such an image in their possession, but had not responded to a request for comment.

Instead of speaking to the source of Brueckner’s supposed alibi, Mr Williams-Thomas spoke to the woman’s husband, who confirmed she had been on holiday there at the time, but said she “can’t be sure” of the exact details as it was so long ago.

Mr Williams-Thomas also discovered that the phone call on the night in question could have been made within a 35km radius of the Praia da Luz phone mast – meaning that the call, even if attributed to Brueckner, could not place him exactly at the scene.

When queried about the phone call, Hans Christian Wolters told the documentary there was “always a possibility” someone else used it and that it “doesn’t give us an exactly location” of where the call was made.

However, he said investigators had found a witness who saw Brueckner using the number, but not on May 3, 2007. Mr Wolters added: “We still assume that Christian B was using this number on the evening of Madeleine McCann’s disappearance.”

Asked if this could still be used to place Brueckner, he said: “Yes, from what we know, this is right, but we need the other person, so that this person can tell us who he was talking to.” Mr Wolters also revealed that investigators had other evidence that they had not yet made public, though no forensic evidence.

That other number, ending 683, was found by the documentary team to be linked to a social media account, which cyber analyst Martin Kayes discovered had a pattern of searching for child abuse online. Mr Williams-Thomas feared Brueckner could have been involved with other paedophiles.

The documentary also featured online chat messages – first published by German news outlet RTL earlier this year – sent between Brueckner and a user called Panikspatz 66 in 2013, in which the two discuss their dark fantasies.

As part of that discussion, in which Brueckner states he wants to keep “something small” and “use it for days”, he also entertains the notion of “destroying the evidence after”.

That same year, Brueckner was invited to an interview about Madeleine’s disappearance and was reportedly told in advance what it was about. It is said he only became a suspect in the investigation in 2017, after being named by a second person.

Mr Williams-Thomas said in the documentary: “Christian B is a dangerous paedophile. One thing that runs through his offending behaviour is that he keeps the footage of his offences.”

Asked about the possibility that the lack of pictorial evidence that might link Brueckner to Madeleine’s disappearance could be because the evidence was destroyed, or that Madeleine was passed to another sexual predator, Mr Wolters declined to comment, but told that “we followed and will follow every trace”.

He also would not say if there was any link between Panikspatz 66 and the unknown person at the other end of the phone on May 3, 2007. The person allegedly behind the Panikspatz 66 account told the documentary he had spoken to the police and never knew Brueckner.

Mr Wolters described Mr Williams-Thomas’s views as “speculations”, and said that the documentary “included nothing new”.

The public prosecutors’ office in Braunschweig also told the programme that not all the evidence they had was public knowledge.

Charlie Hedges, a former British policeman and missing persons expert at Amber Alert, commented: “In any cold case such as this, being able to find pure evidence becomes increasingly difficult as more time passes.

“Given the almost unprecedented amount of publicity given to this case, it would be surprising if anyone who was involved in the commission of the crime did not destroy or conceal evidence.”

Channel 5 was contacted for comment.


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 15.05.22 15:05

There is evidence there is evidence there is evidence - repeat one hundred times until you remember every word and syllable..

What evidence?

Circumstantial evidence passed down word of mouth - hearsay?  The words of a dubious witness or three surfacing after fifteen years of silence, a high profile case dominating world headlines since May 2007?

Back in the day there was strong indication that witnesses had been bought by the hand of wealthy benefactor Brian Kennedy through the auspices of dodgy private detectives hired to 'search' for Madeleine McCann .... 'splutter'.  Is the current state of affairs history repeating itself.

I rather think so ....

There is a time worn expression - 'seeing is believing'.  So far I haven't seen, read or heard a single piece of information to convince me of Christian Brueckner's involvement in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. No compelling evidence.

An elaborate hoax!

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 15.05.22 15:11

Less we forget..

Madeleine McCann: German suspect moved to own prison cell over safety fears

Jun 10, 2020

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by sharonl 15.05.22 16:17

Madeleine McCann suspect ‘had face-changing surgery’ months after disappearance –new claim
MADELEINE MCCANN suspect Christian Brueckner had "face-changing surgery" four months after the 3-year-old British girl went missing from her hotel room in the Algarve, a new investigation has claimed.

14:50, Sun, May 15, 2022 | UPDATED: 15:31, Sun, May 15, 2022

Jon Clarke, a journalist who was one of the first on the scene in Praia da Luz in 2007, and Jutte Rabe, a German investigative journalist who previously worked on Sat.1’s documentary about Brueckner, are currently working on a new documentary looking into the convicted rapist and child sexual abuser. Revealing some of the shocking new details they have found yesterday (Saturday), they said that the prime suspect in German prosecutor’s investigation into Maddie’s disappearance had his jaw reset and his “rabbit” teeth secretly fixed.

The fresh revelations come just days after Mark Williams-Thomas – a former police officer turned investigator, who previously exposed Jimmy Savile – released the first half of a new documentary into Brueckner.

He argued in the documentary and in statements to the media that he believed the suspect to be innocent due to a lack of hard evidence linking him to Maddie’s vanishing.

Hans Christian Wolters, spokesperson for the public prosecutors’ office in Braunschweig, told the programme that they so far had no forensic evidence for the death of Madeleine, but would not comment on whether they had any evidence linking Brueckner to her.

He later rubbished Mr Williams-Thomas’s claims as “speculations” and “nothing new” to this website.

Christian Brueckner has always denied all allegations in relation to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Ahead of the new documentary being released, Mr Clarke wrote in the i newspaper that, despite the much-hyped claims of the show, “there actually is no alibi for 3 May 2007, the night Maddie went missing.

“And German police have double-checked that. I worked on the show, but my beliefs do not coincide with Mr Williams-Thomas’s narrative, that Brueckner is innocent.”

Now, Mr Clarke and Ms Rabe claim they have uncovered information that Brueckner flew from Portugal, where he was living at the time, back to German in September 2007, while a Europe-wide manhunt for Maddie was underway.

Soon after, an artist’s impression of the suspect by an FBI-trained artist showed a man with protruding teeth, who had been seen lurking near the McCanns’ Ocean Club apartment.

Sources told the documentary pair that Brueckner later renewed his German passport to fly back to Portugal, after having the operation for an estimated £7,500.

Writing about their finds in the Sun, Mr Clarke and Ms Rabe said they had “exposed gaping holes in [Brueckner’s] claims of innocence”, and have supplied the German authorities with a dossier of evidence.

The two also claimed they spoke to a new witness, who revealed Brueckner knew the holiday complex where the McCanns were staying “inside out”.

It follows claims earlier this year that he had repeatedly worked there as an occasional handyman, which he was known to have done to make money alongside drug dealing.

Mr Wolters told last month that they hope to bring new charges, unrelated to Madeleine McCann, against Brueckner over his other alleged crimes very soon.

It is believed that among those charges will be one for the alleged brutal rape of Irish tour rep Hazel Behan in 2004.

Prosecutors are also said to be confident they can charge Brueckner for an alleged indecent exposure in front of a 10-year-old girl on a beach down the coast nineteen days before Maddie disappeared.

On April 9, 2007, a German child was playing on the beach at Salema, about seven miles from Praia da Luz, when a naked man came up to her, grabbed her arm and began masturbating, according to multiple reports.

Her sister raised the alarm, and the assailant ran off towards a beach park Brueckner was known to have stayed while living out of a camper van.

When the girl and her sister gave a statement to the police, they noted he had teeth “like a rabbit”.

In a letter to one of his supporters from his Oldenburg prison cell, acquired by Mr Clarke at the start of May, Brueckner reportedly claimed that the German police had “sourced” a 1999 prison dentist file which said he had a protruding jaw, which he insisted was “definitely not me”.

Mr Wolters has said he has “everything he needs” to bring fresh charges against Brueckner in the Salema case.

The supposed alibi uncovered in Mr Williams-Thomas’s documentary “doesn’t trouble us at all”, he said, as prosecutors have checked all of Brueckner’s former girlfriends.

A source told Mr Clarke and Ms Rabe that “none could give a clear testimony” for the night in question to investigators.

Nicole Fehlinger, a German whom this year outed herself as a former lover of Brueckner’s while she was living in Foral, Portugal, in 2007, previously told the Mail on Sunday she could not remember him arriving at her house the night Madeleine went missing.

According to the new investigation, she told German police he had called her that night, telling her he was “on a long journey”.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by sandancer 15.05.22 18:22

Speculation , speculation , rabbit teeth and face changing surgery !! 

This gets more and more ridiculous by the day !  spit coffee

 " A source told Mr Clarke and Ms Rabe " that none could give a clear testimony " for the night in question to investigators " 

Now where have we heard that before Drs McCann and friends ?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by PeterMac 16.05.22 7:27

You can't get jaw realignment surgery for € 7,500

Altogether with the orthodontist and surgery, you're looking at about £20-25,000. For patients, it is a life-changing procedure that normalises their face.

The Sun helpfully supplies a picture of Brückner in April 2007, showing . . . Errr. NO Buck teeth

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Cb10
And we can guess whose name is on the list of authors of the article . . .

  • 21:50, 14 May 2022

  • Updated: 22:59, 14 May 2022


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Jill Havern 16.05.22 8:42

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 16.05.22 10:00

 they are random comments on the v respected websleuths forum … not my words (or opinion), copied from facebook, by the fingers of jon clarke.

did jon really give praise to websleuths, well i had actually a quite nasty security break over there.

i do not have, or had any account over there, i would not want to be part of a forum, that restricted my opinion before they even have take note of them, but i do read of course as a guest, but i ended up with being logged in at the account of honey broker or something a like, that forum kept asking me posting my message, well after 3 refreshments i could not hold back, and i was so polite to only type if someone could get the team out to get the glitch out, but only then i got a security warning, but i would not trust it, these accounts did really are ordinary people posting something called their very own opinions. 

was it you jon, who was naughthy there? would not be the first time the star reporters of an uk tabloid is using some illegal actions to get to private information. and after mwt named his one, it specialist come on, that is called hacking, and illegal, jon would have bid over that , i expect. 

but i would not use websleuth as a comfortable choice for random real peoples opinions. 

websleuth is not a respected forum, they just are easier suppressed into a nice official line, then jill havern ever will be. well look in the papini case and their ruling, that was protecting the culprit, the case of the little boy william, that looks like the protected by the websleuth board are possibly ending up as the culprits, and in the case of madeleine mccann, we know you protect the culprits, just in the same manner as jon clarke is. 

how can you call being held as puppets on a string be called respected? only the other ones that also are not in the position they can reflect their true opinion, or are to stupid for that. 

and now i'm here, was that hairy type not already found in a spectacle of the fund paid pseudo detective teams of the mccann's. some guy from a market, they had to follow over a lot of dusty roads, that spaghetti western style moment of the double glazed guys. or did i drink already too much coffee this morning?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 16.05.22 14:44

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Bd401f10
Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be 34660e10

It’s about time I told you that I still haven’t lost my sense of humor, even in this critical situation. This is what keeps me alive. Now you want to know what they manipulated? I will tell you two things. The BKA knew that the victim told police in Portugal that the culprit had teeth ‘like a rabbit’. Or maybe they knew she had a problem with her teeth. So they took a picture of me and changed my appearance making my teeth terribly ugly. Even the victim said upon seeing it that she can’t remember they were so terrible. That’s funny, isn’t it? But not enough, the BKA took a file from a dentist I went to in 1999, okay, it’s a prison file. They just manipulated this very old file that I have a special type of bone where the teeth are (sic). They say that the upper bone is much further forward than the lower one. It’s definitely not me, it’s fake. This makes it quite easy for me to show otherwise.

From the Horses mouth as you say…


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 16.05.22 15:15

my copy of the letter in question is more clear then this one. but i can easily read their copy too.

so this sentence is not in the letter; Or maybe they knew she had a problem with her teeth

it reads; or perhaps they knew that there was something wrong with his teeth.

there are more differences between the typed text and what is written in this letter.

so not from the horses mouth, but someone who could not leave the letter tells its very own story. 
you can look for yourself, the copy they use is not too bad to read. 

most of the lettere is already out, the total is 6 pages, just they have a little left to be make some bucks out of it.
this is just the american way of doing that.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 16.05.22 15:40

Yes, I spotted that too late to Edit unfortunately.
Ten points to Onehand!

If you have any other Pages, please add.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 16.05.22 15:41

onehand wrote:but i would not use websleuth as a comfortable choice for random real peoples opinions.

They walk and talk amongst us yes

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 16.05.22 15:50

I think it advisable to avoid (read ignore) anything, that's anything, emanating from such a source as the letter's addressees, the letters allegedly written by Christian Brueckiner from a prison cell.


The social media duo and cohorts have history - they are not helpful in solving the Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann.

Don't be fooled by the fan club.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 16.05.22 16:27

According to an Interview on Sexta às 9 with Herr Fülscher, it seems that the Joana E case is a classic case of ‘repeated recognition’ as he puts it.

The Witness never recognised Brückner, but phoned in after seeing the Photofit supplied by the German program Akte X/Y.


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 16.05.22 16:54

to verdi; that was exactly why i had to do some fiddling to get my hands on that letter. it is still a quite boring, very typical letter of a prisoner, for the ones who do want a very special of their own, just google pen palls in prison.

i'm told the males inside, do prefer females, but the letters are not very divers, but it could of course be, because the gentlemen inside do not often have a change of scenery, and  lack some other comforts. all are always innocent, or almost, they have a lot of time on their hands to write letters. 

i think i have already a bit of history i do not like such strings attached, i'm not a fish. and not a puppet too.
i'm just born overly curious. 

to silenthope; i do hope we get the chance to hear , or see, her ff practicing law. so i do hope the german court reporters are a bit of the quality we are used too over here. going for trained memory is in this case the most basic thing i do expect to play a role. her hansel will be thinking back to the portuguese credo; justice works in silence. 

we had an excellent court reporter in the case of nicky verstappen, saskia belleman, works even for a tabloid, but her work over twitter was excellent. no opinions, just the plain happenings. so if the germans on this forum know some names, that will, or could be court reporters on this case. names are always welcome. if it is this year of course.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 16.05.22 17:10


You have been asked before to refrain from uploading videos or posting links in a foreign language without an acceptable translation.

A few seconds of Sandra Felgueiras' pigeon English does not constitute by way of excuse.

The same forum criteria applies today as it did when you were previously asked two years ago, when you first joined the forum.

Thank you.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 16.05.22 17:44

My apologies Verdi, there are enough Members who are Portuguese and German speakers who can confirm what Herr Fülscher said.

The Portuguese Police report might also prove useful to counter the ‘Rabbits teeth’ narrative. I believe the Original report was ‘Smokers teeth’ but I hope xklamation or another Member can confirm?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 16.05.22 19:01

that sandra video has a date of 18 september 2020.

so it is already old news. 

and i would leave portuguese to others, i got the text from that video about the description of the figure on the beacht in the case of joana e. and even google translate does not see any smoke, so before we lit our own fires, just ask joana yourself. maybe she already has it translated before. 

seeing it back, it needed a lot of tesa tape to get it together. i'm not that good in memorizing sandra her dresses, but the tie of der hans helps a lot.

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