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Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 12.05.22 1:06

Spoiler Alert !!!

Madeleine McCann was not abducted ....


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 12.05.22 1:17

I had to chuckle this evening.  Nigel Farage on GB News speaks of the future of 'twitter' and it's potential for shutting down freedom of speech, a very overrated phrase in my view.

Personally, I don't think twitter or facebook to be a very good source to showcase a 'freedom of speech' debacle.

Perhaps relevant here because I'm somewhat bemused about the exchange of correspondence between Christian Brueckner from prison and an outsider.  I don't think it's been clarified (clarry-fied  affraid ) - is Mark Williams-Thomas the co-respondant or is it some self obsessed meddling twitteree who shall remain nameless?


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by PeterMac 12.05.22 7:24

Even MW-T slavishly follows the McCann "Version of the truth" by focussing on 2125-2135, 3/5/7

Every commentator trying to force the known facts into that narrow and impossible 'window of opportunity' is compelled to invent other things to make it fit.
Second abductor, taken to be sold, walked and wandered,  and all the rest of the nonsense we have seen over the last two weeks, and 14 years
Even Gonçalo Amaral now adverts to the possibility that the 'disappearance' occurred earlier in the week, which is where the available evidence leads and has led from the dogs' alerts onwards.

MWT at one stage says
"Do you think Christian Brückner could be involved in the Abduction and Murder of Madeleine McCann ?"

16 words. In which we see the following.
do you THINK > - note the word THINK.  Not, do you have EVIDENCE, or Is there any evidence ?  
could be involved >  Almost anyone COULD BE involved.  The question is whether they ARE involved, and whether there is sufficient EVIDENCE to put before a court of law to demonstrate that involvement
the Abduction and Murder of Madeleine McCann >.  Which begs the most important question. It makes a two huge assumptions and then seeks to justify them by posing it as a question.

Was Madeleine Abducted ?   Only two people say she was, and they have adduced no evidence to support the claim. No one else who has looked at the case has come up with anything to suggest this.
Was Madeleine Murdered ?   Those same two people deny this, as they have to for financial reasons.  
Only Wolters and one or two Tabloid journalists claim she was Murdered. The PJ say she died accidentally.  Grange say she is a Missing Person.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 12.05.22 10:53

It seems that in their Attempts to ‘out do’ each other, the various Factions are tripping over themselves in their eagerness to be ‘the One who solved the Case’?

Sleepy Eeyore Pyjamas have now become Winnie the Pooh Pyjamas.

Frau W in the MW-T Doku says that Naksçije M is Russian. She is Kosovan / Albanian. Obviously she does not know her that well.

The Telephone number is no longer from Naksçije, but a Computer expert has found out it now is being used by a Paedophile in Germany.
How did this Portuguese number get re - issued in Germany?

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 704ddb10

Martin Brunt was told about the Videos being sold in the Camper of Helge B, but failed to find the alleged Buyer. He wrote it off as a false report. Now, MW-T locates the man, who apparently throws him off his land? The whole thing at the Gates looked staged to me.

Early reports said the Videos were burnt. Who knows what to believe any more? 

Which is probably the whole point.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 12.05.22 11:34

From Martin Brunt 11 Sep 20:

Crucial proof from the two witnesses was their story of breaking into Christian B’s home and stealing home-made movies of him raping a number of victims, although not the American widow.
But the courtroom was not proven the movies and one of the witnesses advised the judges the tapes had been destroyed in a caravan blaze.
Mr Fulscher stated: “What makes it worse is that the witnesses weren’t questioned for lengthy. The complete case took solely three days.
“I might have spent three days simply questioning one of the witnesses. The movies weren’t proven in courtroom, the place they are is a thriller.”
His lawyer says he was later advised the movies had been offered to a man who ran a distant farm retreat in Portugal.

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Skynews-alentejo-portugal_5092373

Image: The Alentejo area, Portugal. File pic

I drove for greater than an hour in scorching warmth into the hills above the Algarve coast, alongside twisting roads and dusty tracks to the farm that sits on a mountain prime with wonderful views throughout the Alentejo area.
But it was a fruitless journey, as a result of the man denied any information of the tapes and the witnesses. And he wasn’t happy to see me.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by CaKeLoveR 12.05.22 12:10

The thing at the gates looked struck me as bad acting, as well. As for Wolters - he's an embarrassment to his trade.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 12.05.22 12:20

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Scre2372

In a nutshell!

What a load of old tosh - if aiming to locate the spoken word then look straight to the original source. Not some obscure anonymous non-entity.

No wonder this case is a never ending story.

When I open my emails and see notifications from CMOMM, I know exactly what to expect and I'm seldom wrong.

The name Brueckner has become an obsession in some quarters.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 12.05.22 12:24

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Scre2373

Top left, if you squint and use a helping of imagination - is there a resemblance?

big grin That should keep social media busy for the ensuing months/years/decades.

Bottom line .... distraction!!!

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 12.05.22 12:32

quite a special about 'cb had do it' that version of the dripp you found on isdinges, silentscope.

but i loved the most read stories listing from the last 14 days the most, not even one piece of the drippers digest owner about 'he'who did it' had made it into the last 5. 

so even the expats in spain seems to have their priorities right.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 12.05.22 12:55

Now we are back at Blighty - Brighton to be precise.  It's years since I've been there. a nice distraction from the presenters mug.

Please excuse the levity - I can't help it.

Oh and here we go - straight to video. The mobile phone number leads straight to paedophilia and only a few minutes in.

Surprise! Surprise!

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 12.05.22 13:08

Fabulous shots of Brighton Pier at sundown - no wonder Clarence Mitchell stood for election at Brighton and Hove.

Back in Germany and en-route to discover Brueckner's background. Incidentally, this has already been covered in the Discovery+ mokuplenty.

You have to laugh, the production's introductory scenes shows Williams-Thomas flying over somewhere in a helicopter, at the same time he's saying how he has covered the case on the ground since the beginning.

Another one first at the crime scene - well almost.


To be continued ....

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 12.05.22 13:28

Geeeez-us! I need to rest.

Having already tracked down Dieter about the mobile home, now he's unearthed Manfred Seyferth.

This was all covered by the Discovery+ production. Why is Mark Williams-Thomas now claiming ownership?

Is there a punch line somewhere boxing ?


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by CaKeLoveR 12.05.22 13:48

Half of his 'investigations' are from reading the forum, I would bet on it.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by crusader 12.05.22 14:27

I found it very interesting, he set out believing CB was guilty and then at the end believing he was innocent.

I think CB is involved in some way with what happened to Madeleine, or at least knows what happened to her.

Who were the "couple" according to Kate who took Madeleine?
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 12.05.22 15:43

Sandra Felgeuiras will have you believe it was Christian B and Nicole F.

Wolters has already said she is only a Witness, and not a Suspect.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 12.05.22 16:34

Allo! Allo! Allo!

Viewers react to new evidence brought to light in Channel 5's Madeleine McCann documentary

Channel 5's Madeleine McCann: The Case Against Christian B aired on Wednesday evening

May 12, 2022 - 12:23 BST
Eve Crosbie

Viewers have been taking to Twitter to discuss Madeleine McCann's disappearance all over again, as a new documentary aired about the young girl's disappearance.

Channel 5's Madeleine McCann: The Case Against Christian B, which aired on Wednesday evening, sees investigative journalist Mark Williams-Thomas examine the evidence that suggests newly named suspect Christian Brueckner was responsible for the three-year-old's kidnap and murder back in 2007.

In June 2020, Portuguese police named the German-born man, who has previously been jailed for paedophilia and burglary, as an "arguido" – an official suspect. However, police have so far not bought charges against him.

After watching the documentary, many viewers took to Twitter to express their outrage and disappointment that no charges have been brought against Brueckner. As one said: "Surely this is enough evidence to arrest him?! I can't get my head around it all."

Another echoed this, writing: "Have they charged him with these disgusting crimes? He needs to stay in jail for a long time."

Another said: "It's clear they don't have enough evidence to charge Christian B with the abduction of #MadeleineMccann, but I bet he knows what happened to her. We might never know the truth. He still definitely is a sadist and I'm glad he's locked up for his other crimes."

A fourth added: "The documentary by @mwilliamsthomas on the disappearance of #MadeleineMcCann is astounding. Meticulous attention to investigatory detail from MWT, however, none of this can fetch Maddy back. I can only hope that the perp is served justice that fits ie, a whole life tariff."

As it's revealed in the hour-long documentary, Brueckner's alibi for the night of Madeleine's disappearance was revealed to be less than consistent. While he said that on the night in question he was outside of Praia De Luz and spent the night with a woman, when the woman was tracked down, her account was quite different.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 12.05.22 16:46

Trial by media!

Just goes to show how powerful the propaganda machine is and how effective in it's true purpose - influencing and thus swaying public opinion.

Interesting to note, Mark Williams-Thomas believes the real prime suspects, Gery and Kate McCann, to be completely innocent and thus he believes their every word - their version of the truth.

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 1f6a9

Of further interest, a large group of social media super-sleuths who go out of their way to keep the name Christian Brueckner in focus, at the same time take every available opportunity to discredit the former case coordinator - Gonçalo Amaral!

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by sharonl 12.05.22 18:28

Helge Bushing claims to have further evidence against CB in the McCann case, yet he will not divulge this information until 50,000 Euros have been paid into the McCanns fund. thinking Why?

If Bushing provided credible evidence that lead to CB being convicted over Madeleines' disappearance, the case would be solved, the McCanns would have closure and there would be no further use for the fund. So what would be the use of putting in 50,000 Euros?

Anyway, why the McCann fund? I could understand if he was hankering after a reward for information but doesn't this suggest that he is in some way tied to the McCanns? What is the fund to him? Unless of course, the McCanns have offered him 50,000 Euros to come up with something and the are just passing on the cost.

Any thoughts on this?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 12.05.22 18:46

It depends on whether or not you believe that which MW-T said.

I do not, for two reasons.

1. MW-T credibility by me is Zero.

2. Helge B would never help anyone else when he could help himself first.


It would be an Offence to withhold Information from the BKA as Helge is subject to German laws in this Case.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by CaKeLoveR 12.05.22 18:53

When Brian Kennedy offered a one million pound reward for information, there were no takers. And now Bushing wants money paid to the McCann's fund?
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 12.05.22 19:09

Unless of course, the McCanns have offered him 50,000 Euros to come up with something and the are just passing on the cost.


1. Who should pay this Money? The Germans, the British or the Portuguese?

2. Would this not amount to Extortion or Influencing the course of Justice under U.K. Law ? 

3. What would the McCanns need €50.000 for?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 13.05.22 1:17

'He was a pig of a man': German woman who worked for Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner recalls him beating up Russian teenager he was paying for sex and 'kissing young girls'

Sabine Wojtkowick was employee at Christian Brueckner Kiosk in Braunschweig
Said she 'never liked' the convicted sex offender and saw him with young girls
Recalled a 16-year-old girl who admitted to sleeping with Christian B for money
Said saw same girl covered in bruises the next day and called him 'pig of a man'

By Claire Toureille For Mailonline

Published: 16:24, 12 May 2022 | Updated: 16:33, 12 May 2022

A woman who used to work for the prime suspect in Madeleine McCann's disappearance recalled how he used to always have young girls around him, and beat up a teenager he was paying for sex.

Sabine Wojtkowick was an employee at Christian Brueckner's kiosk in Braunschweig, Germany, which he opened in 2012, aged 36.

Speaking in Channel 5's Madeleine McCann: The Case Against Christian B, which aired last night, Sabine recalled seeing Christian B 'kissing' young girls aged 16 to 17 in his kiosk.

She added she never liked him and considered him a cold character who was 'a pig of a man'.

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Scre2374

The convicted sex offender, know as Christian B, has been named as a prime suspect in the disappearance of three-year-old Madeleine McCann, who was snatched from her bed in a holiday resort in Praia Da Luz in 2007.

'I never liked him,' Sabine told investigative journalist Mark Williams-Thomas, who led the documentary's investigation into Christian B, and met with her in Germany.

'He was so unapproachable, he never talked much.

'He just said, "This has to be done and when I return, this will be finished",' she added.

She moved on to talk about the young girls she would see with Christian B in the kiosk, saying they looked to be about '16 or 17 years old,' and adding 'he kissed all of them there'.

She also mentioned a 16-year-old Russian teen she saw with Christian B.

'He abused her, that's why she ran,' she said.

She recalled asking the teenager what she wanted from 'such and old guy' and the girl replied: 'Well, money. I sleep with him.'

Sabine said she asked the girl: 'Are you stupid?'.

'I just saw her leaving with green and blue bruises the next morning. I thought he was a pig of a man,' she continued.

'Men who beat women have nothing in their brains.'

When Mark asked her if she thought he could be capable of taking Madeleine McCann, Sabine replied: 'I don't know. But I believe whoever beats up women, could do anything. That's not a real man for me.'

The documentary explores the leads that point to Christian B's alleged involvement in Madeleine's disappearance.

He was identified as a murder suspect by German prosecutors in June 2020, but he has yet to be charged.

In April this year, he was made a 'formal suspect' by Portuguese authorities.

A statement was issued by the Portimao section of the Faro department of criminal investigation and prosecution which, according to a translation, said that a person was made an 'arguido' – which translates as 'named suspect' or 'formal suspect.'

The statement did not name Brueckner, but said the person was made an 'arguido' by German authorities at the request of Portugal’s public prosecution service.

It said the investigation had been carried out with the co-operation of the English and German authorities.

Jim Gamble, the former head of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop) who worked on the investigation into the child’s disappearance, told BBC Breakfast: 'Well, this breakthrough could mean everything or it could mean nothing.

'My own gut feeling on it – from the moment the Germans began to release information two years ago – was that this was the best fit.

'You have proximity, you have opportunity, and you have a profile with regards to an offender that absolutely fits in a way that no others have.'

He added: 'This is all positive. And from my own position, and I wouldn’t be surprised if charges did follow.'

The move by Portuguese authorities could allow Brueckner, who is in prison in Germany, to be transferred to the Algarve for formal questioning.

The German newspaper Bild reported that Brueckner’s lawyer, Friedrich Fuelscher, said the Portuguese decision appeared to be a 'procedural trick.'

In Portuguese law, an arguido status can be a preliminary move ahead of an arrest being made or charges brought.

The Metropolitan Police continue to treat Madeleine’s disappearance as a missing persons inquiry.

Brueckner is currently servicng a seven-year jail term for a brutal 2005 sex attack on a 72-year-old woman, and had his application for early release rejected by the German authorities.

Prosecutors are investigating him over the rape of a Irish tour guide Hazel Behan in the Algarve as well as a sexual assault in Praia da Luz on a ten-year-old German girl a month before Madeleine disappeared.

He is also being probed over an indecent exposure in a children's playground in the Algarve.

Recently, the convicted sex offencer wrote to MailOnline to claim he had nothing to do with Madeleine’s disappearance almost 15 years ago.

In all the notes – handwritten in near perfect English – Brueckner explained how he feels he is being ‘persecuted’ by prosecutors and police and even accuses them of ‘fitting’ him up.

But MailOnline showed the letters to handwriting expert Tracey Trussell, who reported back with a three-page expert analysis of his distinctive handwriting, describing it as ’perfect, too perfect.’

Tracey added: 'On closer inspection there is much more going on than meets the eye. It looks almost eerily unnatural – slow, contrived, mechanical and robotic – unforgiving in its transmission and deliverance.

‘The writer comes across as super cool, unflappable, calm and collected, not easily rattled, because the slant of the writing is vertical or upright.

'He’s also incredibly polite and well mannered, the left margin is dead straight, the script is legible and there are a number of arched or arcade shaped letters throughout,' she added.

'He’s motivated to present himself in the best possible light, and he’s hiding something.’

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 13.05.22 12:26

Former Police Officer On The Latest On The Madeleine McCann Case | This Morning

Jun 5, 2020

13 years after the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, the truth of what happened on that fateful day in a Portuguese holiday resort remains unknown. Yet, in a dramatic turn of events, police revealed on Wednesday that a German suspect has been identified, as they offer a 10,000 euro reward for any information that helps solve this case once and for all. ITV News correspondent Emma Murphy is live from Praia da Luz and former police officer Mark Williams-Thomas joins us with the latest.
Broadcast on 05/06/20

Why Madeleine McCann Officer Is The 'Most Hopeful' He's Ever Been | This Morning

Jun 4, 2020

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 13.05.22 12:32

In the light of Mark Williams-Thomas' latest documentary and reportage over the past two years, this hasn't moved forward has it.

Still the German authorities, through the medium of the press, boast circumstantial evidence that might lead to a conviction later in the year - quite what year is a matter of conjecture.

They just need a bit more evidence to nail the monster roll ....

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by PeterMac 13.05.22 13:17

13 years after the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, the truth of what happened on that fateful day in a Portuguese holiday resort remains unknown.

Well quite so. 
What happened on THAT fateful day, assuming this refers to the evening of Thursday 3/5/7 does indeed remain unknown, partly because those who do know – [I know. I was there. © Kate McCann], – have so far refused to tell anyone.

What also remains unknown is what happened on the other fateful days of the holiday, notably Sunday evening onwards.
for the same reason.

But whilst it cannot yet be KNOWN, it can be deduced with increasing certainty from the available evidence, and by the application of very basic logic

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 13.05.22 13:24

These videos have of course been uploaded on CMOMM in the past but I feel they are pertinent to the present day.

Listen carefully to the words of Jim Gamble throwing his dice in the wheel of fortune. 'we are told...' 'it might be that...' - this is coming from a man reported to be a former senior police officer.

Interesting to note the particular persons pushing the Christian Brueckner angle, all staunch McCann supporters - defenders.

Clarence Mitchell
Jim Gamble
Mark Williams-Thomas
Sandra Felgueiras
Jon Clarke

There has been talk of missing jigsaw pieces for years, the expertise of London's Metropolitan Police lauded by Gamble in the above video, the millions of pounds squandered and they are preparing to shelve the case because they are no further forward today than they were eleven years ago, when former Prime Minister David Cameron, had his arm twisted by Rebekah Brook, she of the Rupert 'dial M for' Murdoch empire.

All those jigsaw pieces scattered across the boardroom table but somehow, fifteen years down the line, they've all missed that vital link until now .... Christian Brueckner.

'We are told'

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 13.05.22 13:30

Christian Brueckner is not a red herring.

He's a dirty rotten stinking sea bass carefully crafted to fit a classic profile.

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Arg-o112

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 13.05.22 17:02

If this has been up-loaded on the forum before then I don't apologize - Jim Gamble needs all the help he can get..

Suspect named in Madeleine McCann case is 'significant' development

Apr 22, 2022

One of the officers involved in the UK's first investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann says the latest development is "something significant" and hopes it will bring answers to the McCann family.

Jim Gamble said the Portuguese police must have a lot of evidence to make the German national, known as Christian B, an official suspect. He detailed some of the reasons why the convicted rapist has been made a suspect.

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 14.05.22 7:56

a direct link to the latest docu, possibly to look quickly, you tube can get it easily scrap it for rules of copyright.

thanks for the one who shared it.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 14.05.22 11:29

of course i dit watch it, before it gets into cyberspace.

first things first, the original that made the press in germany, where it was scheduled for broadcasting by rtl or a rtl germany branch in 3 episodes. it never made it out, and a bit later , it looked rtl germany only had the rights to 2 episodes out of 3. mwt said on twitter he had eddited the docu for the uk broadcast, but i understand it was for now a two part docu. 

so i'm confused a bit, because it looks like it is just one, anyone seen a part two on a schedule by channel 5.

even mwt is still in line with the oath to never tells the public the mccanns are not innocent at all, or other commenting that could be seen as negative on the holy couple, it was not that bad made. 

there are always scraps you like to see cleared up.

like the role of a blue van, shame it was not told if this was the same old blue bedford van, that was part of the cb story at the start around 2020. ar the time it was said to be taken by the portuguese police around the diesel theft case he served jail time for in portugal, but it never got really a clear answer. 

so that helge b. was also around at that time, in a old blue campervan. it is still a mystery why the germans use this bad apple as their crown witness. it is not uncommon to use a crook to get a crook, but i do not like the story as it is getting out. 

so during cb his jail time in portugal between march and just before christmas in 2006 there is this story getting out, manfred s. and helge b. broke in the cottage/small finca in pdl that was no longer habituated and rented by cb. during his jail time on a certain moment the rent was no longer payed.

there is that story out of christian p. about the ever growing stacks of passports and dirty video's, and if we want to belief that story, it must have taken place before the duo helge b. and manfred s. got in.

the visit of the duo is so far just a break in into that property in pdl, but in this episode of the truth by crooks it was a visit, the door was standing open, they could just walk in. that is not what is called a break in, but they did still steal some objects. and had not asked anyone permission.
for anyone who is able to read amarals book, there are some nice facts about this saga in the later chapters.

if you listen to what manfred s. exactly is telling this time out; helge b. did not show the images on that video camera directly to manfred s. but only the next day. 

it would mean for me, that based on this version that there is no longer a direct connection to cb. 

first, the open door, and a mess described in german as ungewohnlich fur cb by manfred s, not normal. and i did listen several times, tells, others had access too, or could have taken access. the situation in the cottage could not have been staged by a cb, who was in jail at that time. but an open door, an acquaintance that tells about a difference in the upkeep of the interior state, can mean, others had access. 

first anything taken would be illegal gathered, and that type of evidence always means it is not a save kind of evidence. it is not done by a officer of the law, so sometimes on the discretion of the judge it still can be used.

but, the objects and the images are not part of a line that can secure it to a cb. 

so how did get the bka this acceptable for the prosecution officer of that rape case at all? 

the witness is an convicted criminal, and no human traffic is not a light offence at all. with the story he was bailed out by scotland yard/the met and payed with this story for it. 

there is no ownership to prove that camera was indeed ever was from, or in the hands of the suspect.

it exist only in the story of that witness. with the story he kept it and it was kept in his blue old camper van, that ended up in a scrapyard, and there that part of the story ends. 

this same witness takes possession of the video camera, and only the next day is showing a image/video of it to a mate. 

the second witness that tells to have been together when helge b. picked up a video camera, looks just making a lucky guess the picked up one was the same he was showed the next day. he does not sound as taken much notion of what helge b. really took with him. 

the description of what they both said taken from that cottage and terrain, is described by amaral and as said here in my own words; quite variable. not only the objects, but also the experience they had of the supposed excursion.

mwt found the next person, that was said by helge b. as a witness of the existence of images/video of 2 different called rape cases. as far it is out in the open, that witness was never named, but the lady who worked in that bar. and that looks from the interview in this docu to be a credible witness. not one of just the other lowlife characters that we usually see around cb. witness helge b. could of course just tell, it was not that one, but another and he cannot remember which one, but that is not very good for the rest of his testimony. 

there never is spoken about images/video found of the rape cases in 2004 and 2005. as far is ever became known, they are never seen. have not been part of the court case he is now serving time for. 

it was a nice thing, mwt let the people speak in their own language. it leaves less room for misunderstanding.

most would think what those cases has to do with the mccann case versus cb. but it is suggested by hcw that they are building a lot of cases first on cb, before they want to get the mccann case in. 
it is used also to paint that picture of the horrible criminal. 

my personal view on child abusers is in big favor of just once is enough, and be out for ever. so i am in favor to keep cb in jail for ever, but on his previous deeds, the ones he did, not ones you can force on him, without being guilty of them. it can never feel as doing the good thing, when the real culprits are just keep on walking the streets.

the only way to get my wishes done, is to vote wisely, for politicians who indeed make better laws, and instruct judges to make use of their competences by those laws. when you start as officers of the law, to bend the law, the risk it will get broken is always there. and because when you do it with the full intention of knowing, you are just a criminal yourself. no officer of law has in his instruction to choose such routes. 
bending the law is also stupid, what helps you today, will block your efforts of tomorrow. 

so yes it would be a very good thing if that rape case got a review. there are just to many questionable elements in it. a police and forensic report that is made of the original case, is giving different information and evidence than the germans used from it. 

i also am missing how the germans got the connecting to start their own investigation into the portuguese rape case of diane m., in this docu it is told as they start investigating and found dna, and put that through their databases and got a link to cb. 

so how got they their hands on that case, if they had no german national in their line of sight for it. this case has no existing images or video available, it was not on the video camera taken by helge b., how had helge b, knowledge of this case to tell them. or who brought then that link?
germany only can get the mandate by their own law on a german national. 

this aspect is where the supposed biographical books of cb could have played a role, and why i start looking into that matter before. 

at least we know, that cb his dna was already in the system around june 2018. so it is almost certain his prints are too. just for future references. it can be connected with the date of a piece of paper from that investigation, that is showed in that docu. 

cases that are said solved, but have so many question marks, and most have been there at the time of the processing in the courts just needs to get reviewed. i understand the victim in this case has died, but there is another case, and that means another victim, and she also deserves to know who did this to her without those question marks. she must be able to live her life with the peace the culprit is paying the price and she can feel safe from this one. because that is what getting justice means!

i find the suggestions of mwt about the box factory and the terrain a bit one sided, yes there are indeed cases with victims suffering their faith in the hands of dirty basterds in such places, but there are also ones from 5 star hotel accommodations. so to get it as an obligation that a ruined factory and grounds goes together with misuse and abuse of children is overrated. 

those types of terrains are also the go to places for local youths to hang out. it was not a fenced of property, it was not guarded by cctv or persons. so finding old couches, mattresses, does not tell it was a place of abuse. also the raid was already in 2016 and the terrain and ruïnes are still accessible for all who wants, even journalists and wannabees. misuse and abuse can happen everywhere, it is not restricted to such terrains. and it is impossible to name someones intent with such a terrain and place. 

suchs tellings are just the same as the music is used, to paint our minds a picture, the maker wants us to see. it is just imprinting a dark side. stranger danger does not work, not on people, not on places. children has the best chance to find a predator just in their very own homes, families and all other people they know and meet in their lives. 

i think i also found the part jon c. has played, he did told us he worked for both docu's, the sat 1 and this one. there is only seen one source for the number of 8000 pictures, there are many numbers going around. such numbers are not important, when you find suchs material it is categorized per case as used in a national law. so 8000 could mean only 1 image or other stuff, that is evidence of a crime, or evidence something criminal has happened. even if the other 7999 are just pictures of a dog doing normal doggy do things, the number you original have taken in custody keeps 8000. 

and in this case it is already known it is not about 8000 images, but a very large amount of items taken in custody that day, on multiple places, besides the raid on the old box factory, they raided also the place of a friend, where cb was know to stay at times, and another place he lived. it includes also das buch and das buch 1. the first numbers have been around 6000. but as all around cb it keeps growing. 

original article from bild about this raid;

the stench per dogwalker was just what was needed to get access to the terrains, there must have been a suspicion of child porn to cb's name, but they had as usually not enough to get access based on that alone. so other often very minor findings and complaints can be useful. 
that it stinks there, when you walk a doggy is usually just handled by a first year in the job junior. you do not get all the boys on excursion for just something that stinks on a terrain. so this was just a very well planned exercise, and well executed.

another one, most are gone by now. mdr had a video about it, but it looks to be gone also. 

another questions got an answer, the re-registering of the jaguar, it was a planned action, and cb had emailed the papers to alexander b. and it was actually he himself who made that registration on 4 mai 2007, not cb. 

hcw gives also a nice onliner, they have no forensic evidence that madeleine mccann died. he does not say they have no forensic evidence against cb, thaty links cb to mm. so that means no yes, and no no we have not. still a whole lot of words, where no comment could solve that. 

the roadblocks are of course a bit of a nuissance themselves, must be hard to use, wasn't it a former police officer and a sister of the mccanns, that had a mouth to spare about the roadblocks that have not been there. and at least we do have conformation that there have indeed been roadblocks. 
shame, it will at least be proven otherwise if the uk police is able to find some pictures back from cb, his fling and his campervan in their archives, because the portuguese already had solved that by trowing the intel out of their system. always nice to kept the facts in files, and on a british picture even would be the cherry on the cake.
usually you just ask around who could have been one of the officers at such a roadblock, that could be asked to take a look in the personal notebook, if they have some memory of such a kind of happening. 

a shame was, mwt had to put his disclaimer in, in the last minute, about the poor parents. 
how long will a national secret act serve in the uk, 75 years, i do not think we will ever to be able to get that out before that. but it will mean all who want to be able to work in the media has to be nice for the mccanns. even if you go out to the more rural areas of the eu, you cannot be safe from it. 

these kind of papers are not only tell what have to be kept not done, or spoken off, but also have a nice line just above the signing of you can never tell it exist. and you would not get a copy either. so when any s..t hits the fan, they can tell the public it never happened. 

i have followed for years bits of german courtcases, they had, maybe they still have, a program called brisant, about our dinnertime, so when a case of german interest was in play, you got those news snippets of a person keeping a folder before its head, a quick shot of the judge, prosecution officer and the lawyer, but it had often very little information. still it was quite straightforward, and from time to time i did look up more about a case i had picked up by that. 

but i never can see how the sta braunschweig gets their cases into a court by their way of today's approach, there are so many holes in this story, former cases also. it is so far off what i do know of germans as people and on a professional scale. the are born and bred nitpickers, always been so utter respectful of their own law, but it looks like it that legacy, and yes it was something they could be proud of, in the end it is always a good thing if you keep your feet soundly on the ground. and it is not only voices overhere on this forum, it looks like a lot of germans are flabbergasted too. 
if this is the future in handling criminal cases, i would not sign up for it. 

at least there is a sound lawyers office in this case, and i do hope that helps this case back on the rails, if this case based on what we can see from it gets a verdict , it will keep no good things for cases to handle after this, not on cb, on all other german people. it does not matter if it is guilty or not, in law it is always stepping up on the jurisprudence of the cases before it, so one bad case can influence a lot of other cases outcomes.

did hcw communicated already which next year he is appointing the mm case at court? 

and will there be a second episode of mwt's production or not?

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