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Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 25.01.22 21:28

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Fa4fc610

Videos may be Geoblocked outside Germany. You will have to select a German IP on your VPN.

To watch for Free without Registration here is the Link:

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 26.01.22 17:12

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Profil10
I have cut the above to size, enlarged and enhanced it, but still cannot read it properly.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 26.01.22 18:45

anja could be anja p. aka silke and behind it on that post it could be bruder, brother.

the rest is meant to not read by public. the one on the earlier screenshot was readable for a bit, at least to be from cb, it starts with a bit of a rant about his former lawyer, after that i can only read bka, that must be his common rant about how the bka use faul play to link him into the diane m. case with the hair portugal couldn't find, he did not to all those nasty thinks the tell about him. an on and on.

most witnesses would have been at least for a time been part of an underground society, some only for a summer, others that stayed on, had hardly roots in their homelands, some could even have made something of themselves, but most from the inner crowd of cb would have lived exactly like him. semi-homeless, very low budgets.

we already had helge b. manfred s, the austrian michael t., nicole f., n. m.  not exactly a bunch of quality in the witness stands. 

and these people or the likes of then are going to tell us, they know their friend grabbed kids, killed one at least, they are sure about it, but none of those was able to find out the in the last 20 years heavily promoted phone numbers, that are out there to tell your story in anonymity, they all missed just the endless calls for information of this case, they even closed up when there was money to made, and know they know.

they all know were he was, he was not on that place some others say, but if they know, they only can now if they were together with cb. they know he had that phone, they can only know, if they were there with him and that phone. did someone told them they are actually give him exactly what he needs, an alibi. 

but first things first vox is the start of the fresh season of the cashmachine, also formerly known as madeleine mccann. jon clarke ready, the sun ready, or the daily mail, or the mirror, one is more than enough, we already used to read were you read it. bild of course, der spiegel, belgium with nieuwsblad and hln, the dutch always wait til the next morning so telegraaf and ad don't have to stay awake.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 26.01.22 21:37

well vox was a complete waist of time, nothing new on the table.

it is very strange to see, that it got very normal to interview people from the media, who themselves already had interviewed people about the case. i know in the uk it is common to ask loraine kelly as an expert about this case, and you can not going any lower than that, but sandra f, yes that sandra and some german reporter of a local paper???

and again the former buddies of cb, who look to have enough to get busy with their own problems and not so nice past. like manfred s, bjorn r. 

of course remakes, maybe even just copy-pasted lines of hcw, and mth.

the only one i did not have heard before, and that is mostly because of the geoblocking, was thomas muller. 

karin and olivier stenard also did a passing. the german friend were he stayed in the attic for some time.

all in all, none of them told anything new. 

the people behind the scenes had some nice days in the sun, driving another volkswagen around playing they were cb on route. they did some touring on the german autobahn too. 


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Jill Havern 26.01.22 23:05

GB News tonight at 10.30pm on Dan Wootton show: Madeleine McCann mystery with *ahem* 'experts' Summers and Swann.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by sharonl 26.01.22 23:40

Jill Havern wrote:GB News tonight at 10.30pm on Dan Wootton show: Madeleine McCann mystery with *ahem* 'experts' Summers and Swann.

spit coffee
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Jill Havern 27.01.22 8:57

See the 'experts' talk about the Maddie case...

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 27.01.22 9:58

o, dear, o dear, o dear. 

did this guy first tells us to have fun, and then gets those people out. what must pedro thinks of that!

for this pair it was at least a quite intelligent answer, that we do not know, what the docu makers know, what the germans know, and dear dan, just could get them off, when they got to the bit they think what the germans thinks they know, and they did know off. 

wel dan, that was not much fun, but maybe ask your tea to not kick in with your funny promise, just before an item as this, you know so not to offence our pedro. it must be a big problem for pedro to advice his drawers of socks to look at your show.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 27.01.22 10:19

4,112 people watched the VOX production livestream last night.
I have no viewing figures for the other forms of Transmission.

No ‘Shocking new evidence’ as promised, just a cut and paste of all the same Reports as have been previously fed to the Public by Spiegel and Bild.

As Onehand rightly said, a waste of time.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 27.01.22 10:57

about the livestream part, i don't know how that happened, but i have seen some parts at least 3 times , the commercial breaks included. 

it was a first in years i had a buffering in a live stream, so that wasn't a very pleasant experience, and it was in the end a spiegel production, so the quality was as to be expected. 

most of us have been keeping an eye out on this case, but most others would already have difficulty to remember the name madeleine mccann, or fall maddie as the germans know it. so just over 4000 views is not that bad. 

the hasty fitting in the program is understandable, there are two far more promising docu's to go for, if this one got on air after, it would have lost all meaning. 
the format of picking some old material, and just glue it together with meaning less stuff, and just send out some press messages it is new, is pretty typical for these stations. all they did was getting just over 4000 people to view the commercials.
that is were the money is made. and it would not be the last time one of them gives it another try. and we will still keep on looking at them. so we made them do it !

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Columbo 27.01.22 12:20

15 years later and these (expeletive deleted) are still bringing up "new" evidence. Anyone else want to scream?

There's a video summary of the piece here:

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 27.01.22 14:40

The ‘Shocking evidence’ revealed by VOX.

CB does not like ‘Maggi’ sauce in his Salad.

He was teaching Nasçje (then 17) how to read.

CB once stood up and shouted ‘We are not paying’ in the Havana Bar, then ran out. Bjorn R said he had just forgotten his wallet.

When the Police turned up to Search the Box factory, CB was hiding on the back of a Lorry, the Police searched the Cabin, but missed him.

CB then went to Bjorn R and said ‘The Wagon is packed, we are going’.

The Films uncovered at the Box factory contain Boy as well as Girl films. (According to Profiler Hoffman, this indicates no particular Preferences, just the need to have overwhelming Power over Victims).

When CB was Arrested in Italy, he appeared relieved when they told him it was because of Drugs. He seemed to be expecting worse news.

He had not washed for days, and had a Rucksack containing Beer bottles, a Swiss Army penknife, and a Bible (in English).


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 27.01.22 15:06

must have been to hot in a summers head.

he can't even remember what he did read in the statements, of by his meaning good witnesses, it would be news if this so called author, who did so much studying the case of madeleine mccann, did axctually found a testimony in a statement in the pj files, that;

states a pockmarked 30thish man was going into apartment 5a, because there is no such statement ever given.

the statement in the files about a man called lurking in the backgarden of an apartment of block 5 was the one and only carol tranmer, niece of pamela fenn on a visit, and she is not very sure about the right date told a story of a blond man that opened in a silent way the gate from the walkway between block 5 and the tapas and pool area to enter the property as she sees it 5b.

dc1485 must still have nightmare after this one!

what one of the former leaders of operation grange redwood made to 5c in the dutch episode of opsporingsverzocht, the dutch version of crimestoppers, and both based on the even older format from xy aktezeichen from germany. but from this quality witness it could have been not the first=5a, or the last apartment on the bottom row. 

so you give them the smallest interview ever, and that short bit goes wrong. 

and if they have taken notice of the pj files, and yes we do know it is a large file, the mysterious waiting and looking man with the white van was the derrick flack sighting.

and this one;

only the hair color reported by by flack was dark, and norton is grey, and cb was light. 

why always the withe vans in a mystery, simple, if you want any other color  you have to pay heavy, and because white vans are mostly used as work vehicles no one cares, and in a country with lots of hot days, a white van gets less heating up. and because people who work with white vans have to eat too, and for that they just park were it can. even the work vehicles of the ocean club were surprise surprise white vans. 

the white van is the car version of the bogey man. and they are of course more often than not presented with some robust types of men, sweaty, dusty, dirty men, never freshly shaven. these men are also known as working men. even if you do not see them working, they have their rights to lunch and coffee breaks too.

and in this case it was just a public road, and parking on it was not forbidden. 

there is no case to solve in the world, with a not so clean white van, with a shady man, or two with it. its a plague, these men are everywhere, and after a lot of time wasting exercises, they hardly ever have the decency to even be the criminal you are looking for. 

and they did not got more time from dan, they couldn't talk really about the girl t. and her disgusting ugly man.
always good to reread;
and this one did not has a white van. 

so the pair just chopped 3 statements and refitted it nicely with their goal, to make it into their bogeyman.

the tamsin statement could at first glance be cb, except in the pictures of him with short hair, his ears are standing clearly from his head. but everyone had the right to be in the street it is a public road. the looking part, it is very hard to conclude if someone wil waiting looks in a direction, or looks at something. 

and carole tranmer is sure it is not a man looking the same as tamsins photofit, the one with the sunglasses. the photofit carole made never got to the surface. 

there are tabloid resulting Rumors been out there carole and tamsin, one or both would have recognized cb as the man they have seen. tamsins version was told by her father. 

the other statements about 1 blond man, are from the jensen/wiltshire sisters, but this never made into the pj files. 

it is not only scream, i'm afraid. there are always two little devils on my shoulders, one shouting hoax, the other, it is the script of a typical british comedy series, like they made them about the war; hallo, hallo and dad's armee, the occupying of india,; it ain't half hot mum. being not british becoming a bit of a problem, our news is filed with a certain prime minister, and now the confusion is out, if the yes minister, and yes, minister series are documentaries, or comedies. now dan tells his show is fun, and you get summers and swan out.

so if you dare to start thinking in those lines and little things as appropriation and proportions..........why not a missing child comedy? it sounds as a possible and understandable next step. at least they have no longer to pretend they care about justice for missing little girl. and my conflict in it is, i still do!

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by MaxHeadroom 27.01.22 18:36

As I never expected otherwise, the VOX "documentary" was of course just another piece of complete bollocks that brought nothing new to the table and just aped the same things we already know about CB. Not only did they sink so low that they invited Sandra F., they even were so desperate to make her credible that they seriously called her an "investigative journalist". Who said we Germans don't have any sense of humor?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 29.01.22 12:47

What is with the Channel 5 production?

Has the Fat Controller’cancelled’ M W-T?


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 29.01.22 13:17

they never told a set date, februari was the only clou, so only for that month , there are still 28 days to use. 
so early days to get some nice speculation loose on it. 

i do not get the impression the uk side of the fans are in favor of a winning by the bka.

no need to fear it also if the bka go ahead with bringing charges and goes to trial. in germany it is the judge who decide who will have to go there to testify, and that could be easily solved by video or paperwork. 
no way ff en the firm he is part of got a free hand in sending out invitations to get all in. all the bka had to do is asking for a pre court order, and the mccanns could become protected witnesses. they never will go freely before a court of law, and ways enough around that. the uk itself could also neatly decide they could not be heard outside the uk. and they always had a lot of luck with the uk courts. there is already form. 

@ silentscope, was i dreaming yesterday evening, that you had a post out about the evidence and the statute of limitations in this case? if not, why did you whooshed it?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 29.01.22 14:10

@onehand you were not dreaming.

I deleted the Post because Martin Brunt actually explained why the Irish girl is still able to have CB charged in Germany, a bit further down the Page. I just missed his explanation due to Photos being in the way.


In Portugal, some criminal cases cannot be reinvestigated after 15 years.
(According to Article 118 (1) of the Criminal Code, the criminal procedure is extinguished, due to the statute of limitations, after ten years on the commission of the crime of rape. source:

But we've also learned that the authorities in Germany - where the statute of limitations for sex crimes is 20 years - are investigating the rape, with two witnesses we know of being asked to give statements to German investigators.
Also true.
(The statute of limitations for severe sexual coercion is 20 years, and that for less serious cases is 10. In cases where the victim is a minor, this timeframe begins once the child turns 18 years-of-age.
Source: Wiki)

Germany recently updated an old Archaic Law that the Victim had to prove that she resisted, in order to prove it was Rape. Hazel B did not.
That is how she is able to have CB investigated in Germany as he is a German Citizen, who committed a Crime abroad.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 29.01.22 15:35

a, oké, it is not easily to find what happened in portugal with evidence and paperwork, after the affidavit for the statute of limitations(sol) is signed of. i already did found a bit that told, that it is actually a paper declaration.

but what i'm looking for is the legal status of all that evidence and paperwork itself. will it lose its legal status completely or not.

it is always been a problem in old cases to keep the chain of custody intact. pretty standard it means, every time someone had his hands in a box, or bag of evidence, you have to fix a new seal, and sign that off with initials and your service number. (and make a note in the register, and write up a legal note, you were in the capacity of your function at that time.) 

when such a system is also in place in portugal, does this mean this would not be followed up, as soon as a case reach the sol date. and a very common practice is to dump it in the cradle with all paperwork that have to be destroyed as the next step, that also ends automatically the chain of custody. 

in such old cases it is also a common problem, the evidence just is no longer usable because things als packing materials, ink on papers, video and film just fall apart. it is not really unique, that the use of a new chemical during the investigation is happily used, but ended up as to degrading in storage. or because it was stored digital, and no one is around anymore who knows how to get the information out. 

if you look at the pj files, the originals are not made on very new computers, and even very different software. i know what we had in 2007.

and then you have to also be lucky to escape the mouse, paperbugs, the odd snail and molds. 

and there is something to think about, her press officer of the bka has not been very nice about the workings of the pj. with a tale as they take there 6 months, were we take a week. and add to that, that they have no need of the police officers who did actually are the gatherers of this evidence, how could this evidence can be of enough quality to work a german case from. it can't be both. 

he still has to say it in clear words, but he is not shy of insinuating the pj and their investigations are a bungling sort. 
of course he had this in common with a lot of people who are already sure cb did all that out there. 
if a investigation is seen as substandard, the evidence must be the same, you can't have cake and........!

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 29.01.22 15:50

I think the Plan is to get so much on Brückner, that he will get Imprisoned for life, whether they can prove Maddies case or not.

‘Anschließend Sicherungsverwahren’ without Parole - Life.


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 29.01.22 17:11

that i understand, but i have no problem with that wish. even without his possible role in some very violent crimes, his record is full of cases, were he had a choice in, none were a result of just being in a situation, and making the wrong choice.

for me it makes him into a person, that by own this choices, has chosen to be standing outside the community, and the best place to leave these type of people is for me simply jail. 

but even when a goal is reasonable and oké in itself, i still like it when the route to it is played by the books, and not only the lawbooks themselves, but also with the intention they are written. 

hardly anyone would put the finger to cb as 'look that poor man', he is intelligent enough and has an able body, he could have made different and better choices in his live. 
but justice has its rules and morals, and for me the bka is just putting some very dirty boots on those.

and what with the next case, it would give expectations to others, and how far must it go, do we end up with a live show, the voice of law, with live voting ?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by sharonl 30.01.22 0:08

The latest nonsense from Jon "Fakenews" Clarke

EXCLUSIVE: Madeleine McCann No.1 suspect swapped child abuse images with undertaker

Christian Brueckner, the prime suspect in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, swapped child abuse images with an undertaker. The mortician gave 'a full confession' when quizzed by cops

ByJon Clarke & Patrick Hill News Reporter
20:13, 29 Jan 2022UPDATED20:18, 29 Jan 2022

The prime suspect in the Madeleine McCann case swapped child abuse images and depraved online messages with an undertaker.

The mortician gave “a full confession” when quizzed by German police and admitted he was a “regular customer” of convicted paedophile Christian Brueckner.

It is understood material he handed over to officers now forms part of evidence being used against Brueckner.

The undertaker, also a convicted sex offender, cannot be named for legal reasons – but he has spoken to the makers of a new documentary about the case, being shown tomorrow night on German TV channel Sat.1.

The film’s lead investigator Jutta Rabe told the Sunday People: “I’m not sure what he paid but he confirmed they regularly swapped material, all of which he has handed over to detectives.

“We haven’t been able to confirm if they were business partners but he insisted he... has completely mended his ways.”

The undertaker, who lives alone, said he was interviewed by the BKA – Germany’s FBI.

Miss Rabe said: “He was given a choice, ‘You either admit it and help us then go into therapy or go to prison’. He chose co-operation.”

She added: “He is terrified of being attacked and horrified of his family finding out.”

Madeleine, three, vanished from an Algarve apartment in 2007 while on holiday with her twin siblings and parents Kate and Gerry, of Rothley, Leics.

In 2013, Brueckner shared a string of sick messages with the undertaker, including some about snatching and imprisoning a toddler.

The horrifying Skype conversation was found when Brueckner was arrested for molesting his girlfriend’s daughter.

He is now behind bars for offences including the 2005 rape of a US widow in Praia da Luz – where Madeleine vanished two years later.

German prosecutors say they have “concrete” evidence against him – and he is their only suspect in Madeleine’s case. But they also fear Breuckner has committed at least five other sex crimes, including the rape of an Irish woman, who was attacked in her Portuguese apartment in 2004.

The film reveals German police made a huge breakthrough when they unearthed a “partial fingerprint” of Breuckner’s which was found in the Irish victim’s flat.

In the documentary, German prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters says he expects Brueckner to be charged with some of the crimes “imminently”.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 30.01.22 0:11

Ms Fehlinger recalls Brueckner ringing to say he would be driving his Winnebago campervan from the town of Tomas, 200 miles from the Algarve, to her home in Foral, 38 miles east of Praia da Luz, on the night Madeleine went missing,

While the most direct route would not have taken him through Praia da Luz, Ms Fehlinger does not recall him arriving at her house that night.

‘I don’t know if he came late that night and parked his vehicle outside and slept in there, and left that morning again, or he did not turn up,’ she said.


Ja Ja, natürlich. - of course, naturally!

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 30.01.22 11:47

it looks to be that understanding what is an alibi is not as easy as all these people think.

it has nothing to do with where you were supposed to haven been, or knowing where the person tells you he is, or was or had been.

it would only count if you have standing so near , you could have recognized the person, so you knows the identity without doubts. 

so nicole tells a nice story, but it can not be an alibi. she tells what she heard telling by cb. and she could not have known where he was. 

the most promising , even i suspect even that become a bummer, are the people who are going to tell us in the sat1 docu tomorrow, that he was near pdl, that he had that mobile phone in hand. 

the more sure these are, the more it could be a nice alibi. 

it is not even known for with time cb needs an alibi. based on the pj files material, it could be a very long time. the tapas 9 timeline is of course made by people who not had watches with them, per their spokesperson, and even worse made by people who had their own reasons to tell what they did. 

when the father of a missing child in his first statement is not shy of telling lies, the questionmarks go into an investigation. and if that father and his wife and friends have taken the time to discus what timeline they would go for, and there are more than 1 examples out there. how to now the timeframe a alibi is needed. 

all that is fact, is that this case once started out when a child was said missing and the call to the police station was registered. that is the one and only part of that evening that is set in stone. 

even for her wolters, his bka has still to work from all those then made statements, made by the police officer he is not content with. at least we have to suppose that of course, it is taken into the musings of the star reporter that wrote also a book about this case. and you know, we want to believe what people tell and write, so jon clarke got a nice rant from der hans about certain police officers, who are luckily no longer police officers, but der hans asked to not keep that of record, but he, the star reporter could not do that. it was so nice and juice it had to got in. 

when you think the police officers are doing a very bad job, how could you use the result of exactly that same bad job as base in a murder case?

so maybe a lot could give answer to where he was between two moments of time. but what moment has the bka in mind? is their a timeline presented in the memoirs of the next dillinger? 

even cb can not be on two separate places at the same time.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 30.01.22 12:06

Apparently, only now, does it come out that the ‘Prime Suspect’ used to work regularly at the Ocean Club?

SAT1 tomorrow at 20:15 GMT +1 available here :


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 30.01.22 12:12

can someone grab the text of the article silent hope is mentioning in the post above this, it is behind a paywall.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by crusader 30.01.22 12:27

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 30.01.22 12:39

thanks, crusader.

still not very factual. so that's hoping the livestreams play nice tomorrow. 

as the ocean club is by far the largest company to work with and for it is hardly news, and that cb was the odd job man isn't either.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Doug D 30.01.22 13:38

Full Telegraph report:
Paedophile suspected of abducting Madeleine McCann had worked at apartments where she vanished, documentary claims
Christian Brueckner, a 45-year-old German, has continued to insist he had no involvement in the disappearance of the child in 2007
By Steve Bird 30 January 2022 • 8:00am
The German paedophile suspected of abducting Madeleine McCann “repeatedly worked” at the holiday apartments in Portugal where the child vanished, documentary makers can reveal.
Christian Brueckner was said to have been employed by a company that carried out repairs at the Ocean Club in Praia da Luz shortly before the three-year-old British girl disappeared in 2007.
An anonymous but “reliable” witness has told reporters at German TV channel SAT.1 that the convicted sex attacker “repeatedly carried out repair work” at the apartments where Kate and Gerry McCann were staying with their children.
Producers of the show have handed police a file following “extensive research” in the Algarve resort.
In a statement to the media, the makers of ‘SAT.1 investigativ: Neue Spuren im Fall Maddie’ to be broadcast on Monday, said Brueckner was “very familiar” with the Ocean Club and the town where the McCanns stayed.
A spokesman for the channel said: “A reconstruction of the evening of the crime and extensive research in Portugal and Germany found that Christian B was very familiar with the Ocean Club area in Praia da Luz.
“Prior to Maddie’s disappearance, he repeatedly carried out repair work at the place where the three-year-old disappeared in 2007.”
It adds how Christian Wolters, the public prosecutor leading the German side of the investigation, said: “We are grateful to the SAT.1 team for sharing certain findings with the public prosecutor's office.
“There are witnesses who might prefer to speak to the media than to us or the police. If this produces any ideas we will of course follow these up.”
The holiday complex could not be contacted last night for a response.
Brueckner, the 45-year-old sex offender, has also written letters in which he continues to insist he had no involvement in the three-year-old child’s abduction.
Attack on a pensioner
He is in jail in his native Germany for raping a pensioner in 2005 in the resort.
He was living nearby in a camper van when Madeleine disappeared in 2007. Police first became aware of him as a suspect in 2017, but did not publicly name him until 2020.
That year, it emerged his Portuguese mobile phone received a half-hour phone call in Praia da Luz around an hour before Madeleine vanished.
But the TV crew claim “on-site analysis of phone records showed that Christian B and his cell phone must have been no more than five minutes away from the Ocean Club [apartments] on the night of the disappearance.”
In a series of bizarre letters sent from his prison cell to the programme makers, Brueckner insisted he had no involvement in the girl’s abduction, in part because he wanted to avoid attracting the police because he was operating as a drug dealer in the area.
“I was never caught [for drug dealing] by the police because I followed a few key principles.
“Where possible, only drive during the day so my battered ‘hippy bus’ didn’t attract attention, only driving on roads I needed to and, most importantly, never provoking the police.
“So, that means not committing any crimes, certainly not abducting anyone.
“Having said that, this was just as absurd to me at the time as starting a nuclear war or slaughtering a chicken.”
Back in 2020, prosecutors in Braunschweig, the city where Brueckner lived, said they believed Madeleine had been killed.
Asked by the documentary team about the German police belief that he was responsible for the British girl’s abduction and murder, Brueckner wrote: “I see no reason to comment on the accusations made by the Braunschweig public prosecutor’s office. In theory, I could sit back and relax and just wait for the findings.”
Last year, the German newspaper Bild obtained letters from Brueckner in which he said the investigation into him was “scandalous”, insisting prosecutors had “brought shame to the legal system.”
Brueckner has been repeatedly convicted for horrific sex crimes against both children and adults.
He is believed to have arrived in Portugal in 1995 as a backpacker where he made money peddling drugs and carried out scores of burglaries in the area. He flitted regularly between Germany and Portugal.
In 2005, he subjected a 72-year-old American female tourist to a violent sexual attack in Praia Da Luz, just 18 months before Madeleine went missing from the apartment her family were staying in.
Brueckner was said to have told a friend he “knew all about” Madeleine’s abduction as the men sat in a bar in Germany watching a television appeal broadcast on the 10-year anniversary of her disappearance. The paedophile was then said to have shown his friend a video on his phone of him raping a woman.
The following year, he was jailed for the rape of the American tourist after DNA identified him as the attacker.
The documentary programme will be broadcast on SAT.1 and Joyn on Monday at 7.15pm (GMT).
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 30.01.22 13:49

They have just shot themselves in the foot.

If Wolters later claims Brückners Fingerprints or DNA is found in 5A, he will now have the extra work of finding out if he was working in there Legitimately or not.


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 15 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 30.01.22 14:46


Ms Fehlinger recalls Brueckner ringing to say he would be driving his Winnebago campervan from the town of Tomas, 200 miles from the Algarve, to her home in Foral, 38 miles east of Praia da Luz, on the night Madeleine went missing,

Tomás route to Foral no diversions.

344 Miles /  554 Kilometres, over 4 hours away?

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