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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Mm11

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Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Jill Havern 16.01.22 12:36

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 1f1fa-1f1f8MAGAChristian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 1f1fa-1f1f8    Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 1f1ec-1f1e7MBGAChristian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 1f1ec-1f1e7
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Jill Havern 17.01.22 19:07

More stuffy from Jon Clarke

EXCLUSIVE: New Madeleine clues linking German paedophile handed to police from hard ...
The Olive Press
... TV investigation has uncovered a series of fresh witnesses and information linking a convicted paedophile to the snatching of Madeleine McCann.

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 1f1fa-1f1f8MAGAChristian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 1f1fa-1f1f8    Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 1f1ec-1f1e7MBGAChristian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 1f1ec-1f1e7
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 17.01.22 19:41

well if cb was in espiche as found out by just another reporter, he was not near 5a, or taking a look at it. when he was supposed to have made use of a phone with a known number.

so these fresh set of witnesses do actually tell where he was at that moment, the question is, do they also know or not, where he was after that phone call. 

it would not uncommon to travel to the next destination. the times used for the supposed abduction is after 21.00 hours local time. 

results could be that after this clash of reporters cb end up with too much alibis. not unthinkable if you let write jon clarke the story, you can't say he has no knowledge of being a bit elastic with times. 

also were have those witnesses been for almost 15 years? as soon as they are paid, uuhm, asked they say he did it. next.....

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 17.01.22 19:57

The German channel SAT1 is also nearly finished filming with a new Documentary, due to be scheduled for Broadcasting soon.

For our documentary "Sat.1 investigative", journalist Jutta Rabe has researched shocking material in Germany, Portugal and England over the past few months, which heavily incriminates Christian B.," explains Sat.1 editor-in-chief Juliane Eßling.

Interesting thinking 

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 18.01.22 14:20

Gonçalo Amaral On Brückner .

Yes. I have witnessed, throughout  all these years, the so-called political intent of the case and political correctness. Journalists also have some responsibility in this. I am not a journalist, but I put myself in the position of one who poses questions. If you question, you have to question thoroughly. For example, if they say that there is a strong belief that there is this certain individual who was the one who did and happened, who abducted and killed.... How is it that no journalist has ever asked why? They have so many elements to present to public opinion the name of a person... And then there's another issue that isn't just about journalists: nobody questions why an individual is arrested in order to investigate a crime. It doesn't work like that: first, the crime is investigated, and then people are arrested as a result. First they arrested him, and then they investigated.

Brueckner is the scapegoat, so to speak.

The Germans are very used to certain types of things like covert actions, using prisoners who are not prisoners but police officers to try to get others to talk about certain facts... The same thing will have happened here. At the time of the Baader-Meinhof Group, the leaders of the group were arrested because of the excellent work done by the German police, who managed to dismantle it, but after a few visits by psychologists and other people they all committed suicide in prison. One person is in prison and after I don't know how many years he says, "He confessed to me, he told me that" It's hear-saying. And they state that it was an individual (Helge B.) who was in prison, in Greece, for human trafficking and yet he had no motivation and his statement was credible despite the fact that he lied and omitted in his own statements. When he became a suspect (C.B.) in 2016, he was in Portugal. And if he was here, if the process and the investigation are Portuguese, why on earth are the English going to pull the Germans into the case? Why are the English, in 2018, formally hearing his statements because of a pseudo-rape of an American female citizen in Praia da Luz?

He is the ideal suspect. You even indicated that "it is necessary to find the ideal suspect, the paedophile who satisfies the parents".

That's right. I have been saying that in these recent days and I write it in this book, the national sovereignty is at stake. That is because it is not only about this case: there are other processes that have no direct relationship with the Maddie case, but they want it to have a direct relationship with the suspect for the manufacturing of the same. The investigation takes place in Germany and nothing is done in Portugal. There is no positive or negative conflict of competence. The Portuguese state is responsible for crimes committed in Portugal. Only in very exceptional cases is another country allowed to do so, but not here: right now, the Germans will have about four cases against that individual. Going back a little, this is transversal to all the political parties: the State Budget is being discussed and nobody talks about it. Doesn't the Minister of Justice know? Do they only talk about the criminal cases that concern corruption? Are there no other problems? There's talk that Eduardo Cabrita (Minister of I.A.) was responsible for driving the car that crashed on the A6, for example, but who's allowing this to happen? It's a problem of sovereignty. Not even the nationalist or far-right parties talk about it, which is odd. I remember at the time of the "The English Gag", I asked all the parties for audiences and was only received by the PCP (Portuguese Communist Party) and Dr Pedro Quartin Graça, who was then leader of the Earth Party. And that was it. The only one that answered me, apart from them, was BE (Left Bloc) saying that it didn't comment on specific cases of justice. Yet so many cases have already been commented upon. Why does everyone run away from this one? This German prosecutor seems to have told an English newspaper this weekend that Portugal wants peace. I believe those words, that is exactly right: 'Don't bother us. If you want to solve it, solve it". This inertia is incompatible with the exercise of sovereignty in terms of justice. And that should be of concern to all political forces. What is the position of the Minister of Justice and the Prosecutor of the Republic? Do they allow the investigation to be continued by the Germans, have they given instructions in this respect?

Among other sexual crimes, Brueckner allegedly raped a woman aged between 70 and 80, but at the Hospital of Barlamento Algarvio in Portimão, the doctor who observed the victim submitted her to a gynaecological examination and concluded that there were no lacerations and that there was "intense vaginal atrophy". This is one of the "stitches in a badly conducted, or rather, intentionally conducted investigation to build a paedophile abductor" as you explained?

Exactly. This individual has a profile almost suitable, but it needs to be filled in. Last year, the individual was sold: they were so sure, but he was not charged. Then other cases were picked up to say that he raped an elderly woman, an Irish child, a friend's daughter and so on. But in all this, there is not a hint of the Maddie Case. We already know he's a thug, but please show even one tiny thing related to this case. There are people who are tried and convicted not for what they do, but for their image. In 2016, he was in Portugal and it was allowed for him to leave here (i.e. Extradited) with the collusion of the Portuguese authorities - be it the PJ or the Public Prosecutor's Office - so that the Germans would arrest him for other facts and start investigating with him in prison. I was a criminal investigation coordinator, I know what should have been done: he was here, we had to "get on top of him" with physical and electronic surveillance. And, if possible, make interventions (i.e. operations) with an undercover agent and not put him in a jail in Germany, place an individual there who was an undercover agent, who tried to find out things, but nothing was achieved. Arrest and investigate or investigate and then arrest?

The process has been reversed. For this reason, do you still believe that the German police acts in a "clearly biased way with lack of objectivity, objectivity that should guide any criminal investigation"?

The example in the rape case proves this and is a bad indicator for the rest. There are two testimonies: the first one says x and y, and stops; then another comes along, from another person who apparently committed a burglary in Brueckner's house, and adds more details, calling into question other details as well. What do we do when faced with this? We have to check the veracity of the testimonies. It's a question of common sense. For example, Manfred Seyferth says that Helge B. saw a videotape of Brueckner having sex with a person. He thought it was Italian ( an Italian woman). He took it and showed it in a bar owned by a person who did reiki. It's easy to identify that person in Santa Clara-a-Velha. They just had to go find him and question him. There are many details like this. Yet the German police are saying, "Okay, we have enough. We can't go any further because this calls into question the motivation".

"The Portuguese have been trailing behind, limiting themselves to press releases saying they are investigating in cooperation with international police authorities, without publicly committing themselves to eventual suspects." Why?

It is peace that the authorities want. For example, in the case of the rape of the North American woman, it was necessary to know what happened. Who discovered that process? This man, Helge B., says that he saw the rape of a lady with a British accent. How did they arrive at the rape of that elderly lady? We have items that were sent to a lab after this. How did they plug the hole (i.e. concealed) of the prior processing of those objects having occurred in a Portuguese laboratory? Why isn't this being talked about? When they were sent to Germany, they had already been partially or totally examined here. Where is the report of that examination? Something's not right here, and explanations must be forthcoming. The Prosecutor's Office has to carry out an investigation because here, too, there's a violation of rules regarding the custody of evidence: it came from the laboratory, went to the court, from there to the police, the packages were opened and closed, it went to the PJ for a few years - and it wasn't even kept in a safe - it stayed in the squad room and was handed over to the German police who left it inside the car and, after five or six days, it went to the laboratory. How is this possible? The chain of custody of the evidence has been placed in question, but everything is taken for granted. 13 years later, a hair turned up that is even one that has a root because only with it can a more correct test be made.

"I very much doubt that this prosecutor has read the Portuguese process relative to the investigation into the disappearance, not least because he doesn't need to read it in order to 'create a paedophile suspect'." So, are the German authorities collaborating with the British authorities to feed the idea of the so-called perfect suspect?

Unfortunately, 14 years later, all hypotheses are still out in the open. It is necessary to continue investigating in whatever way is necessary, even if the PJ forms three or four teams, each one dedicated to a different angle. Resources are wasted, yes, but perhaps we will manage to get to the truth. There are people who say that the prosecutor has found nothing that links the parents to this. Excuse me, but where is the investigation? He's only investigating the suspect. He wants to arrive at an abduction theory and, if possible, get Brueckner to confess. But to know about the Portuguese process... He doesn't want to hear about it.


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Jill Havern 18.01.22 18:48

Madeleine McCann investigators discover 'shocking' clues that 'incriminate' suspect

Madeleine McCann investigators working for TV channel Sat.1 have handed "shocking" evidence to detectives probing Christian Brueckner over the infamous case

ByRob Hyde
Martin Fricker
15:31, 18 Jan 2022

German investigators say they have uncovered “shocking” evidence which “heavily incriminates” Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner.
A team working for TV channel Sat.1 have handed the evidence to detectives probing Brueckner over the infamous case.

British youngster Madeleine was just three-years-old when she vanished from her parents’ holiday apartment in Portugal in 2007.
German prosecutors claim to have evidence she is dead and named convicted paedophile Brueckner as their only suspect.
Despite going public with the information in June 2020, they have still not charged him with any offence.
But now Sat.1 investigators claim to have found fresh evidence linking Brueckner, who denies any involvement, to the crime.
They will reveal more information about their investigation in a prime-time documentary, which is yet to have an air date.
Announcing the show, Sat.1 said journalist Jutta Rabe and a team of reporters gathered new information about Brueckner.
They claim it includes proof he was near Praia da Luz when Madeleine vanished while her parents dined in a tapas restaurant.
The channel said they collected “many new clues and indications” that corroborate the suspicions of German prosecutors.
Editor-in-chief Juliane Ebling said: “The sad story of Madeleine McCann is a story that has many German facets.
“The case is being tried at the Regional Court of Braunschweig, as the German Christian B. is the main suspect.
“In his environment there are many German women and men who can describe individual details surrounding the crime.
“Jutta Rabe has researched shocking material in Germany, Portugal and England over the past months, which heavily incriminates Christian B.”
Sat.1 confirmed the show will be airing on German TV but said “no exact broadcast date has been set”.
When contacted by the Mirror, chief public prosecutor Hans-Christian Wolters was unavailable for comment.
His office confirmed in December that they soon hope to charge Brueckner with raping a woman in Portugal.
He is suspected of attacking Irish waitress Hazel Behan in the Algarve three years before Madeleine vanished.
She waived her right to anonymity two years ago to come forward and accuse Brueckner of attacking her in 2004.
The German, 45, is already serving a jail term for raping a pensioner in Praia da Luz in 2005.
Mr Wolters said he is 100% convinced” Brueckner also killed Madeleine, who was just three when she vanished.
The German was living in a camper van close to Praia da Luz when Madeleine disappeared.

Police first became aware of him as a suspect in 2017 but only went public with the information in June 2020.
Since then senior investigators have interviewed a string of potential key witnesses in Germany and Portugal.
The German denies being involved in Madeleine’s disappearance and has refused to speak to investigators.

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Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Doug D 18.01.22 19:08

All good Fricker bollocks.
Sat.1 investigators claim to have found fresh evidence linking Brueckner, who denies any involvement, to the crime
Something useful the German police haven’t found in the last 5 years?
They claim it includes proof he was near Praia da Luz when Madeleine vanished
I think we know he was ‘near’, he lived just outside PdL, but that doesn’t mean he was ‘at’ the OC.
“The case is being tried at the Regional Court of Braunschweig, as the German Christian B. is the main suspect.
What case? ‘soon hope to charge….’
The German was living in a camper van…….
Was he? He had a camper van and has been linked to at least two properties around the time.
Doug D

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 18.01.22 20:52

According to Sexta as9 Sandra Felgeuiras’ interview with the Stenards.

Brückner was living at the Villa in Foral, staying on Nicole Fehlingers balcony, sleeping under the Stars. His Campervan was parked and hooked up to water and electricity there.

He was building a Bed and Storage into the Van at the time.

His mobile number according to PJ statement about the Robbery was 
915 078040. Not the 912 730680 number given out to the Press.

Sorry, not all of the commentary is in English, but the Interviews with his previous Contacts are:

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 20.01.22 12:54

the reason the sat 1 docu has not yet a date is because it is not even finished. so we have to wait first for that, and maybe it will get a date to go on air.

auf deutsch; Die Dokumentation "Sat.1 investigativ: Neue Spuren im Fall Maddie. Ist der Deutsche Christian B. der Täter?" will Sat.1 zeitnah in der Primetime ausstrahlen, sobald ein letzter Recherchestrang im Umfeld des mutmaßlichen Täters abgeschlossen ist. 

translated by deepl; The documentary "Sat.1 investigativ: Neue Spuren im Fall Maddie. Is the German Christian B. the perpetrator?" is to be broadcast by Sat.1 in prime time as soon as a final round of research into the alleged perpetrator has been completed.


sounds like they are to lay atleast half an egg, before mark w. is out of the henhouse. 

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 20.01.22 17:10

another german site says now, 31 january, at 20.15(german time) hours, sat 1 got their docu in, and directly after a kind of talk show both are about the role of cb in the madeleine mccann case.

this site had the same texts about not ready still above this text. so it is pretty fresh. it looks it will be ladies first, mark w after.

source, in german;

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 21.01.22 10:30

According to TV - Programm 31.01.22 there will be a Film on SAT1?

There has been an 0800 number published for the phone in though.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 21.01.22 13:40

on their own program the have it listed;

on 31 january



Ist der Deutsche Christian B. verantwortlich für das Verschwinden von Madeleine McCann? In der Dokumentation "SAT.1 investigativ: Neue Spuren im Fall Maddie. Ist der Deutsche Christian B. der Täter?" legt ein internationales Reporter:innen-Team Hinweise und Indizien vor, die den Verdacht gegen den mutmaßlichen Täter Christian B. erhärten.
and directly after it;


Im Anschluss an "SAT.1 investigativ: Neue Spuren im Fall Maddie. Ist der Deutsche Christian B. der Täter?" begrüßt Claudia von Brauchitsch in der Expert:innen-Runde "SAT.1 investigativ - der Talk: Neue Erkenntnisse im Fall Maddie" die für die Dokumentation verantwortliche Investigativ-Journalistin Jutta Rabe und weitere Gäste. Die Zuschauer:innen haben ab 21:00 Uhr die Möglichkeit, unter der kostenfreien Telefonnummer 0800-5003200 Fragen an die Gäste im Studio zu stellen.
the common site with tv listings got the programs most times pretty early on, but not all are good in keeping up to date. this is from sat 1 their own site. 
maybe you can make a nice compilation of facts spoken off? 

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 21.01.22 13:43

o dear, i forgot the translation;


Is the German Christian B. responsible for the disappearance of Madeleine McCann? In the documentary "SAT.1 investigativ: Neue Spuren im Fall Maddie. Is the German Christian B. the perpetrator?", an international team of reporters presents clues and circumstantial evidence that substantiate the suspicions against the alleged perpetrator Christian B.
and directly after it;

Translated with (free version)


Following "SAT.1 investigativ: New leads in the Maddie case. Is the German Christian B. the perpetrator?" Claudia von Brauchitsch welcomes the investigative journalist Jutta Rabe, who is responsible for the documentary, and other guests in the expert round "SAT.1 investigativ - der Talk: Neue Erkenntnisse im Fall Maddie". Viewers will have the opportunity to ask questions to the guests in the studio from 9 p.m. onwards by calling the free telephone number 0800-5003200.
the common site with tv listings got the programs most times pretty early on, but not all are good in keeping up to date. this is from sat 1 their own site. 
maybe you can make a nice compilation of facts spoken off?

Translated with (free version)

all times are german winter time

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by PeterMac 21.01.22 13:55

What the case needs is one, just ONE, person asking what evidence they have for Abduction between 2125 and 2135 on 3/5/7

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 21.01.22 18:32

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 350b0310

Or some ‘Concrete Evidence’?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Jill Havern 22.01.22 14:12

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 27215610

From facebewk:

Shared on behalf of Angi Watts

Sat 1 is a German based TV channel they are doing a documentary on Madeleine and Christian Brueckner.
Angi went on their Facebook page on their article about the documentary and left a comment about the Portuguese police, Eddie and Keela alerts, and the British police still class Madeleine as a missing child not a homicide etc.
When Angi went back on they had deleted her comments and stopped her from commenting.
So what are the Germans up to why are they trying to shut her up by doing this.
I think our groups should go and leave comments by supporting Madeleine and Goncalo Amaral it seems they are wanting to set Brueckner up.

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 22.01.22 14:27

Verdächtigung die Eltern ist Verboten.
Suspecting the Parents is Forbidden.


If this Charade goes all the way to Court, Gerry, Kate, and everyone else will receive an Invitation as Witness. Their ‘Mitschuld’ Culpability for leaving the Children unattended would be addressed.

Brückner or his Defending team would be allowed Questions.

It looks like it will be a ‘Kangaroo’ Court anyway…

Suppression of the DNA/Hair and Medical reports from the Diana M trial prove it.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 23.01.22 13:54

For Members that want to watch the SAT1 production in HD, I recommend the following Internet source:

If that is Geoblocked in your location you will need to select a German IP address on your VPN.

SAT1 is also available on Astra 19.2E Satellite and is not scrambled.

Astra 19.2° East

19.2 E


Transponder ID:

Network ID:1


DVB Roll:

12.545 MHz


Symbol rate:
22.000 kSym/s


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by sharonl 23.01.22 18:28

Jill Havern wrote:Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 27215610

From facebewk:

Shared on behalf of Angi Watts

Sat 1 is a German based TV channel they are doing a documentary on Madeleine and Christian Brueckner.
Angi went on their Facebook page on their article about the documentary and left a comment about the Portuguese police, Eddie and Keela alerts, and the British police still class Madeleine as a missing child not a homicide etc.
When Angi went back on they had deleted her comments and stopped her from commenting.
So what are the Germans up to why are they trying to shut her up by doing this.
I think our groups should go and leave comments by supporting Madeleine and Goncalo Amaral it seems they are wanting to set Brueckner up.

OK, let's see if it stays

The German police would first need to prove that an abduction actually took place, this is highly unlikely. Then they would need to establish a point of entry, and a point of exit. Furthermore, they would need to explain all the evidence that points towards Madeleine dying in the apartment. MMRG, after much research, unanimously concluded that Madeleine dies 4 days earlier on April 29th.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Jill Havern 23.01.22 18:33

^^^^  laugh   thumbsup

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Jill Havern 24.01.22 11:54

Witness claims Madeleine McCann suspect was with her before and after disappearance

The German witness, who was living in Portugal in 2007, believes Christian Brueckner was miles away from Praia da Luz in Portugal on the day Madeleine McCann went missing from a resort there
Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 0_New-Suspect-in-the-Madeleine-McCann-case-04-Jun-2020

Christian Brueckner, the prime suspect 

Martin FrickerNews Reporter
Danya BazaraaSenior News Reporter

  • 10:52, 24 Jan 2022

A new witness has come forward in the case of missing Madeleine McCann claiming to have been with the prime suspect just before and after she disappeared, it is reported.
The new witness reportedly insists Christian Brueckner was calm while she was with him and says they were stopped by police who reported no suspicious activity.

The German witness, who was living in Portugal in 2007, believes Brueckner was miles away from Praia da Luz in Portugal on the day Madeleine went missing from a resort there.
A source told the Sun: "She says she was not with him the day Madel­eine disappeared but spoke with him and again said he seemed normal."
The source said: "This ­testimony could be an issue."

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 0_Girl-missing-in-Algarve

Madeleine was just three-years-old when she vanished ( 
This comes just days after German journalists who were investigating the case claimed they have uncovered “shocking” evidence which “heavily incriminates” Brueckner.
British youngster Madeleine was just three-years-old when she vanished from her parents’ holiday apartment in Portugal in 2007.
German prosecutors claim to have evidence she is dead and named convicted paedophile Christian Brueckner as their only suspect.
Despite going public with the information in June 2020, they have still not charged him with any offence.

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 0_Kate-And-Gerry-McCann-Give-An-Interview-To-The-BBC-To-Mark-10-Year-Anniversary-of-Disappearance-Of-T

Kate and Gerry McCann, whose daughter Madeleine disappeared ( 
Getty Images)
But now a team working for TV channel Sat.1 have handed the evidence to detectives probing Brueckner over the infamous case.
Sat.1 investigators claim to have found fresh evidence linking Brueckner, who denies any involvement, to the crime.
They will reveal more information about their investigation in a prime-time documentary, which is yet to have an air date.

Announcing the show, Sat.1 said journalist Jutta Rabe and a team of reporters gathered new information about Brueckner.
They claim it includes proof he was near Praia da Luz when Madeleine vanished while her parents dined in a tapas restaurant.
The channel said they collected “many new clues and indications” that corroborate the suspicions of German prosecutors.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 24.01.22 15:13

The likely options appear to be:

1. Cigarette ends found near the Apartment were apparently not tested for DNA.
2. Some Fingerprints found on the Shutters could not be identified.
3. Half a Fingerprint from Brückner was stored on a PJ Computer, which was lifted from a Knife used to threaten Hazel B.
4. A SIM or Memory card found buried in the Box factory was allegedly stolen from 

an OC Apartment previous to the disappearance.
5. The DNA found on the spare Bed was not sent to the BKA for Testing,  as it belonged to a previous Resident of 5A. Definitely not from Brückner.
6. Another letter from Brückner has turned up in Adverts for the SAT1 show, but reveals little. It appears to be dated from 2021, and is addressed to the Reporter in charge. 

What date and time is the M W-T Channel 5 show screening?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 24.01.22 16:49

the german police not only raided the old box factory in neuwegersleben, but also at a living address from cb.

as far as the papers go back, it looks like they used the complaints about stench and garbage on that box factory property to get in, but that would not be something you would go in for that only with so many officers, but the already had cb as a possible suspect for child porn. the same story, without the suspect part, and the findings as accidental just painted a bit different story.

what they had was possibly not enough to raid this place, or his living address.
so after they got a hit under the dead dog, they could also raid his home, i found nothing about that home, but made him living in that factory less likely. 

this what they told the press they did find at the time;

 „Da der Verdacht der Kinderpornographie besteht, führt die Zentralstelle bei der Staatsanwaltschaft Halle die gesamten Ermittlungen. Es wird eine Weile dauern, bis sichergestellte Mobiltelefone, Datenträger und Computer ausgewertet sind.“

translation to english;

 "Since child pornography is suspected, the central office at the public prosecutor's office in Halle is conducting the entire investigation. It will take a while until seized mobile phones, data carriers and computers are evaluated."

this is from bild, there is also a far shorter story on a more local site.

this happened before the bka got their hands on him. there have been many findings of child porn, lots of networks that got a lot of international intention. 

on the other side, we have indeed a story of a recent break in in block 5 ;

She says that as far as she can remember, during the years that she has worked at the resort, she knows of some thefts from inside the apartments and most recently on 16th April 2007 there was a theft from an apartment in Block 5 L, from where a plasma display screen, credit cards and a mobile phone belonging to the respective guests were taken.
As far as she knows, as she prepared the papers for the insurance company, the theft took place at the end of the day and according to the guests the event happened when they had left for dinner after completing check in and having left their suitcases in the apartment.

She says that she does not remember having been told that doors or windows had been forced, the guests having said that they had just left the door on the latch, however she is not certain.
When asked, she says that she was never told of the existence of any suspects or where those responsible for the theft had been identified.
When asked, she replies that she has no knowledge of strange or unknown individuals who have been stopped or seen inside or outside of the resort during the time that she has worked there.

so yes a phone from that event could have been ended up at the box factory, or even only the simcard. 

it could reading from this statement meant, the portuguese police has no knowledge of these type of break ins. and again, it could have been because the insurance was also afilliated to mark warner. and from that would not ask for a police report.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 24.01.22 17:59

The attempts to join the six points I listed above to Brückner all seem to come from known ‘Pro’ sources.

Refers to the Cigarettes. Being pushed by Heriberto Janosch Gonzales.

The SIM card and half a Fingerprint story comes from the Olive press.
Being pushed by Jon Clarke.

It all points to them attempting to link the PJ Files, which are viewed as FACT to the AGENDA they wish to support?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 24.01.22 20:25

not in germany, they have hardly any sandy beaches to do that. they are professionals, they read books.

who we once upon a time will known as the criminal afairs of cb.

all they are doing is getting the cases together to the stories in the memoirs of cb. on their own, they are nothing. they started working on them after the raid of the box factory and the home address he used there, it must have been just a place he stayed, but was not officially registered, so the bka could take the case over, because last known legal address was in the region braunzweig. 

they have to first prove the connection to other cases he did write about, to make it more plausible his tale about what happened with madeleine must also be true. they have nothing that in any direct possible way binds him to the case mccann.

these sigaret buds are indeed on the heriberto blogs, the man with the pillow climbing a window also, and the van on the satellite pictures from google. and long time a go he did write he found at some place in the stairwells of block six a hole lot of those budds. he also was very sure 3 people working for the ocean club had done it. he is a bit windy in his theorizing.

please jon clark is not a pro, never been, never will be one. i wouldn't let that one near a roll of toilet pape, without ink!
you can not even joke about that. 

and even if the 6th of may a brave, but very very unlucky police officer had gotten the task to get the budds in the bag, the british labs would only could have done some more inconclusives. 

and the unknown tumb prints on the shutters, a must see for that one;  dispatches oktober 2007. 

also the unknown fingerprints, there is some quite nice information available, some where usable for comparison, some not. and not only in portugal!

the finger prints in the files;

and germany;

this one has no translation near it.

the translation of the second one 963, did tell at least something;

Date: 11/05/2007
To: The Coordinator of the Criminal Investigation, DIC, Portimao
Subject: Madeleine Beth McCann
Following the collection of samples from the Ocean Club, Praia da Luz da L, which we sent to all Interpol offices, we inform you that:
The Interpol General Secretariat Interpol, IPSG Lyon, has informed us that these samples are unknown in the IPSG database.
IP Wiesbaden informed us that two of the samples cannot be used for comparison, the other was possible for comparison, nothing being found in our files. However IP Wiesbaden states that this sample could have been left by a woman or a youth, but not by a small girl.
With compliments.
GNI Chief
Ana Mafalda Duarte

so for that germany  doesn't need something from portugal, they only have to look were it is stored. they must have enough finger prints from cb to look again. the germans got then all through interpol. 

if germany in 2007 could not tell these prints could be from cb, and the pj neigter, who would have his prints on file from the 2016 diesel theft. 
also each country has its own guidelines for what is an acceptable identification, in dna portugal had a very high treshold, so if more modern techniques could be used, it does not even mean they could be usable in portugal, and germany would their own threshold. we used 12 points for a standard identification, but less was possible, and it was not only the positive points, but you also have to look for points that certainly so not belong to that persons prints. so even if you find 13 the same points, if number 14 was a faulty one, you had not the right person. but 6 equal points and a pretty unique one could work. and the forensics services get usually a percentage of to be from a specific source.

but looking again would not harm. 

a bigger mystery is stil, where are the prints from gerry mccann and diane webster, who both say the tested and tried the shutters from the outside. 

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 24.01.22 20:50

I am guessing that Brückner would have been fully processed by the ID Department of the PJ on Arrest for the Diesel theft. 

Latest when he arrived in Prison thereafter.

He was no unwritten page before the disappearance.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Jill Havern 25.01.22 10:39

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Thumbn22

They are all trapped by the McCann's insistence on Thursday 3/5/7 between 9:25pm and 9:35 pm

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 25.01.22 11:14

Strange how the German Justice system, and supporting Media outlets are all still following the ‘Brückner did it’ routine.

And the British Media now seem to be back pedalling, with Ch5 saying he was nowhere near the ‘Abduction’ at the time.

Looks like they do not want it to go to Court?
No prizes for guessing why that may be…

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 25.01.22 17:33

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Autor_timo_21by Timo Niemeieron 01/25/2022 - 4:16 p.m
A few days ago, Sat.1 announced that it intends to continue its investigative series on January 31. The broadcaster then wants to deal with Maddie McCann, who disappeared almost 15 years ago ( reported ). Vox has now announced a similar documentary, which will be shown on Wednesday 26.01.21. on 20:15 German time. UTC/GMT +1.

Members can view VOX on the following link:

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 25.01.22 19:34

silenthope, do you have a direct link to where that letter that jutta showed in the preview, or do you know if their is a screenshot. is the date on the letter known?

the sun has even a liveblog.

most is old reproductions. filled with some fresh snippits.

the fresh bits come together in this part;

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