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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Mm11

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Mm11

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Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 30.01.22 15:07

that could happen with a bunch of people who by their selves were part of an underground community, all we have seen til now are done the low life. alcohol, drugs, reasons to hide, at least some criminals. 

this was quite a neat write up. thanks dough for posting it. 

and there goes the forensics out of the windows, and it did not even have been open for that. 

and ff did not even have to do anything to solve that. 

but a nice sunny adventure for the bka, munching through a hole lot of very old paperwork in the archives of the ocean club, would that still be there?

this is why justice works in silence, as many times already is cited by goncalo amaral, also help to keep up some appearances. but for good working brains some sardine munching with a nice glass of wine gives a nice extra in omega 3, works out better than bratwurst und bier, and i deny the existence of the curryworst that is just horrible.

i did see that her wolters now more often is cited as christian wolters, why would that be?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Jill Havern 31.01.22 7:26

Madeleine McCann suspect worked in holiday apartments before she disappeared

 This was on GB News just now  roll

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 31.01.22 9:50

He was only a Pool cleaner according to Bild.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 31.01.22 9:56

you simply can not do very much as long as a german national is on german grounds, the germans do not extradite their citizens to third countries. 

so such a german has at least have to set a foot out of germany to get nicked by other police forces, and for that there also has to be some little things , say like a charge against his name for something that could cover for an international, or national arrest warrant. it is just a small detail of course. 

and that portugal lost interest in this case, not really surprising, isn't it. there is hardly a portuguese element left in it. why use tax income to work this case over and over, if others are eager to get their hand in it. all kind of suspects are no longer around, so they have not to protect a public from these. 

so when the germans like a case, they could do there own investigation. in basics there only need is, the one they have their eyes on is a german, or on german territory. 
the common reaction is usually no interest if place and victims has no link to a country, and the door will be staying closed. mostly motivated with no money, no manpower, we have already a load of inland cases we want to use our resources for, etc. and germany has like other countries lots of cases on their home grounds.
the could have simply chosen the uk approach. 

and in reality even the case of madeleine mccann in its nominal form is not very impressive. this case is made big, mostly because of the media storm, and others who had a cookie in the jar, that part never really ended. so it won't be strange it let people think they could set there mark in it. what you can name a man makers case, but this case has over the years proven it is far more a man breaker. 

if you follow the lines the germans took, it does on most points a pretty good copy of the portuguese investigation.

the portuguese investigation was getting after the mccanns without proof, is told, wel the germans have even less against the to b. one.

both had/have parties who were around at a certain time in pdl. both parties used a phone around the estimated scene of where it is supposed to have happened. both parties have been at least been within 5 minutes of 5a. 
both parties are known for not always telling the truth, but gerry m. lied at least to the police, the christian to b. the one, did not, because they never asked them a question. he lied at least to his girlfriends. both parties did not stay nicely available for the investigation. 
at least the portuguese did some little things earlier, they made their party arquido and named them after that official suspects. the germans tells us christian the to b. one is their perp, but he has to read that in the papers, he is named as a murderer and other not so nice things, but still not being an official suspect.
the portuguese did not use a alibi case to keep their hands on their party, they could have done based on neglect, the germans had some extra steps to take to get their party convicted so he cannot walk, or get free access to the media. 

and all is based on exact the same facts and circumstances, evidence in this case is almost non-existent.

so i'm lost a bit, how ended this in comments of alll the experttttts, talking their pockets full, and telling about bungeling sardine munchers, the german equivalent would likely be knoblauch fressers, lets make that into garlic munchers, but talk the germans reputation only up to high in the skies. 

come on, you need at least as much of fantasies between your ears, say like a jim gamble, about how to solve a missing persons case, and how different that is  between portugal and the uk, to get to such a point, i do not see the differences. why are the germans in the uk media not already nicked to the bratwurst und beer police. 

well der hans now known as der christian, the w one, not the to b one. looks like he likes the attention very much. he is only a face in this case, this christian is only the press officer, he is not the investigator in this case, so what he knows is only what the investigation behind the curtains wants to tell him, the only thing he owned is his presentation in public. so when he says no comment, or i can not answer to a question, be sure he can not answer, because the investigation did not tell him. 

he wouldn't be a press officer if he could not stand media attention. who knows, solving the mccann case, or fall maddie as it is named in germany could be his man maker case. the result could be a nice extra on his pension, paid talking head in all possible tv shows, maybe he will write a book about it, well the case doesn't even has to be solved for that. and not solving means he could do a jim gamble, every time the next one tries to make a goal in this case, he could be the expert, they don't check your words. 
or he could become the next german version of mwt, i do not even know if german former coppers have form for becoming crime reporters, so he could go for a new niche there. 

well it has no garanties der christian the w one, it is still pretty silent around redwood, the nicked them lady, and is that other mark, it was i believe, still around?  

shall we give some free advice to the former der hans, now named der christian the w one, you did got to fast out of the starting gates, making the other christian first into a nice probable suspect would have worked equally attractive, then a nice steady pace for some time, and slowly slowly work yourself to the head of the pack, and save that murderer bit just for the home stretch. 
it looks like you already blown up, and are loosing your mount. you have lost some furlongs on the sat1 jockey... and the channel 5 jockey looks to have some nice pace in the bags to pass you...., and only the winner counts!

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 31.01.22 10:35

other pool cleaners did also repairs it is said, that is the link we have to find our selves, if we do not, they will tell us in the next piece. in the statements i found the word repair in context with pools, not with apartments. 

it is not known when and if the maintenance became just ocean club/greentrust personal, and what services were done by outside company relations. 

the earliest year i found the ocean club was around was from the tranmer statement, 1983 for block 5, she talks about the changes to the area we know as the tapasbar, that most of the bar/restaurant was realized the year before 2007. 

that gives a long stretch of years they could have very different ways to handle maintenance around all facilities. they have worked at least with outside contractors, the former husband of michaela w talks about it in his statement, he once had a contract for the pools.

but there could be many different companies before and after. 

the ocean club/greentrust was also for many years the largest employer out there, they had quite a turnaround in personal, mostly only season hired. 

so if someone was available as handyman, or just getting the odd jobs around, and living in pdl, it is no surprise he had worked once for that company. i aspect it is far more difficult to find someone in the local population, that never had any ties to the ocean club. so in itself it does not tell anything at all. 

the sat1 docu tonight is said to have a former pool cleaning owner or worker that will tell us, he worked for, or with cb together on a certain time at the ocean club,m and also that they did some odd repair jobs in accommodations. 

this part has still a lot of rumors, so cb worked as a pool cleaner, or was even owning such a business himself. 
and from being around as cleaner of pools and the odd repairman he could have been around 5a, what also is written to in 5a. 

so til tonight it is just a fishing expedition in who says what and if what is said in the end even has meaning in this case. 

i do hope they do show some fresh insights, the vox one was just garbage, but in the press releases and teasers it looked promising, we have to see for ourselves tonight.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 31.01.22 10:46

Jutta Raab has enlisted Jon Clarke who also Stars in tonight’s
‘Frame the Patsy show’, here a Preview.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Jill Havern 31.01.22 11:08

Silentscope wrote:Jutta Raab has enlisted Jon Clarke who also Stars in tonight’s
‘Frame the Patsy show’, here a Preview.

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New clues and circumstantial evidence in the case of the missing Madeleine "Maddie" McCann: SAT.1 research confirms the suspicion against the German Christian B. - are these new findings the breakthrough? A reconstruction of the evening of the crime as well as intensive research in Portugal and Germany revealed: Christian B. had exact local knowledge of the Ocean Club in Praia da Luz: Repair work led him before Maddie's disappearance again and again into the facility, from which the then three-year-old disappeared in 2007. And: An on-site analysis of the radio cell range showed that Christian B. and his phone must have been a maximum of five minutes away from the Ocean Club on the night of the disappearance.
Prosecutor Christian Wolters on the results, which investigative journalist Jutta Rabe and her international team of reporters have already made available to the judiciary: "We are grateful that the SAT.1 team has communicated certain findings to the public prosecutor's office. There are witnesses who may prefer to talk to members of the media rather than to us or the police. If this results in appropriate approaches, we will of course pursue them."

The suspect Christian B. asserts his innocence - but the suspicion is confirmed

In "SAT.1 investigativ: Neue Spuren im Fall Maddie" Christian B. will speak exclusively on Monday, January 31, 2022, at 8:15 p.m.
In an exchange of letters with Jutta Rabe over several months, he insists on his innocence. In 2007, he worked as a drug dealer in the Algarve, but: "I was never caught by the police because I adhered to some principles. If possible, only drive during the day, so that my battered 'hippie bus' does not attract attention, only drive necessary distances and the most important thing, in no case to provoke the police. So don't commit crimes, let alone rob people. The latter was just as absurd for me at the time as starting a nuclear war or slaughtering a chicken."
And further: "I see no reason to comment on the allegations made by the Braunschweig public prosecutor's office. In principle, I could sit back and relax and let the results come to me."
However, chat logs with pedophile fantasies of violence cast a different light on the currently main suspect: "Capture something small and use it for days, that would be," Christian B. revealed in 2013 to a chat partner, with whom the SAT.1 team also made personal contact ...

SAT.1 will show the report on January 31 at 8:15 p.m.

SAT.1 viewers can watch the exclusive documentary "SAT.1 investigative: New traces in the Maddie case. Is the German Christian B. the perpetrator?" on Monday, January 31, 2022, at 8:15 p.m. "SAT.1 investigative: New traces in the Maddie case. Is the German Christian B. the perpetrator?" is a production by Story House Productions commissioned by SAT.1.

Immediately afterwards: Jutta Rabe shares her research findings in "SAT.1 investigativ – der Talk"

Following the documentary, Jutta Rabe will provide further insights into her research in the expert round "SAT.1 investigative – the talk: New findings in the Maddie case". Presenter Claudia von Brauchitsch welcomes Jutta Rabe as well as profiler Axel Petermann, prevention trainer Jascha Wozniak and Erika Schneider, whose then 19-year-old daughter Bianca Blömeke also disappeared without a trace more than 20 years ago. Already from 21:00 o'clock the spectators have the opportunity to ask questions to the guests in the studio under the free telephone number 0800-5003200.
"SAT.1 investigative: New traces in the Maddie case. Is the German Christian B. the perpetrator?" – on Monday, January 31, 2022, at 8:15 p.m. on SAT.1 and on Joyn.

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New traces in the Maddie case. Is the German Christian B. the perpetrator?

Is the German Christian B. responsible for the disappearance of Madeleine McCann? The documentary "SAT.1 investigative: New traces in the Maddie case" presents clues and circumstantial evidence. More about the show and the subsequent t

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Vera Krista 31.01.22 11:54

So Bruckner worked as a pool cleaner in OC and this is coming out 14 years later, it makes no sense

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 31.01.22 11:59

0.45 hours, including werbung/commercials, that is not much time to expect really diving in the matters, and they already have advertised a lot of people. and not only a bunch of old cb buddies, but also a reconstruction of the crime, witch crime they do not really tell. to rake cb into that reconstruction, the need at least 36 hours.

my last experiences with sat1 are already old, but i do remember they could easily fit a commercial break in between one tv movie, of 12 minutes and that 3 times. 

the after talk party is maybe more interesting, if they have found other puppets to speak out, such a large country can not have enough in only the mark do you hear me talk figure. that austrian one is also nice kicking in, in commenting on this case, but he needs another furlong before he gets to the drooping stage. 

do we need to have a poll about what version jc will get into the mix this time, or would he go for a fresh one?

wel i think i need some number 10 brew tonight to survive this one.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by crusader 31.01.22 12:16

Tenuous link..

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Luis Filipe Duarte Antonio, Michaela Walczuch ex husband, (now married to Robert Murat,) Had a pool business and maintained the the pool in the tapas bar area.

He worked at Ocean Club between 1997 and 2000. He failed to maintain pools several times and as a result was fired.

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The above worked for Ocean Club for about 8 years.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 31.01.22 12:39

Not forgetting the ‘Keys went missing’ Story which might get spun into the ‘Brückner tapestry’.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 31.01.22 12:48

thanks crusador,

i do not know why, but i got always a http address to the files, not the https one, and it is always a question if they even made it in a working link, the easy way of getting the cookie bin empty makes that all my search results also gone, then i got about a week the https site and it will end in the http one, just like now.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 31.01.22 17:03

For those planning to take part in the SAT1 Phone in from OUTSIDE GERMANY.

Can I call 0800 hotlines from abroad?

The classic 0800 number cannot be reached from abroad. It is a national toll-free number that can only be called from Germany or the respective country of registration.

Because 0800 numbers are not only available in Germany, but also in the Netherlands, Switzerland, Indonesia, Bulgaria, Austria, Poland and many other countries.

However, the registered 0800 number can only be called from the country in which it is registered.

An example: If you are on holiday in Spain and want to contact your mobile phone provider there on the free 0800 hotline, you will probably not be able to do this, since the 0800 number only works in Germany.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 31.01.22 19:24

the livestreams under sat1 are sat3. so no docu but florence.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 31.01.22 19:26

Bleep! 🤬

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Jill Havern 31.01.22 19:28

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A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 31.01.22 19:53

i have it on this one;

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 31.01.22 21:56

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Many thanks for the above Link, 2iX2 have received many complaints in their Comments section.

Why they changed SAT1 to 3sat must be explained.

My Apologies.

No wonder that Herr Fülscher declined to make an appearance.


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 31.01.22 22:44

i just missed out on the first 10 minutes, the first part made clear people still use the mcannpj files from pamalam her site. 
but reading looks very difficult, some facts are just from another source, the suspect i have in mind showed his face now and than. so jutta rabe gives as time the police was called the time of 22.10 hours, we know better. also insinuating the gnr and pj arrived very late, but we know the registered call was at 22.41hours, arriving of the gnr officers around 23.00 hours, and the pj from 01.00 hours on 4 mai. 

the result of that insinuating i can follow live at the moment, a caller to the after talkshow, is not even corrected when the question is why the police the next day arrived, that's rubbish.

also again insinuating you have to be suited up with a so called dna suit to get fingerprints. well even if you do that dressed up as a circusclown, that has zero influence on the quality of such fingerprints. even gloves are just by choice, because the red and other powders you can use to make the fingerprints visible, and able to take a picture and got them over on a card, stains your hands, it takes between 2 and 7 days to get rid of that. 

you can not change a finger print, you can make the into a unusable nothing, but you had in 2007 no way to contaminate a finger print, for some years know there is still in very rare cases the possibility to get dna traces from a fingerprint, but that was in 2007 for many years just a dream. 

the lady irene trovao did nothing wrong, she was the professional, and every one who want her still take prints in a nice with suit, with heavy safety goggles, a pair of special forensic gloves, or maybe to be sure two pairs are telling us who are the amateurs in this case, and that is not irene trovao. 

so please , jon clarke stop telling porkies, even if it is by the mouth of jutta rabe, because you are an amateur!
it never was your job to rewrite forensic manuals, because you proof you can not do that. stop being stupid. 

i have little against jutta rabe, i have seen work of her before, wait til jon clarke finds out she just used him to get access to some 'witnesses' some are already known. 

i liked it jutta puts the shots with dieter fehlinger out after some others. dieter lied before and did not see another way out, than suggesting cb has now even two large american campers. the owner, his name was this time not made public, of the vw campervan , cb used tells cb bought the tiffin allegro after the time, he and nicole fehlinger are supposed to have nicked the 100.00 euros, and this was after 3 may 2007. sandra f was speaking of the date of 4 november 2007. 

also strange is, where jutta rabe got the idea, any dogs ever have followed a lead from 5a to a parking near the church, she combines it with the smith sighting.

and there was jon again, he thinks that the two blond man, from the jensen sisters, he did not name them but this is a well known sighting from the papers must be cb. i do not know if he meant both.

there were quite a lot wo did not want to talk to jutta rabe. and quite a lot of others who once knowed cb, or of him, who had very little to tell. 

there were some pieces voiced over as if it was cb reading his letters, he did write 7 letters to jutta, and i hope someone could grab the part wit some pages of the letters. 

i think jutta indeed found out that the number within the mast of pdl was from cb, and that the other number was from nicole fehlinger. 

this time it became manfred s. and helge b. who broke in to the pdl finca of cb. that story is sometimes also with michael t. sometimes not. 

jutta names the footpath between the block 4 and 5 as a private road, it is not, never been. there never was a sign, no need to say that. 

alex petermann was in the docu and in the talk show, but was very careful, and would not go beyond a profile that could fit. you could hear in his voice still some reserves. my impression of him; he is a professional. he sees cb as a perp who just gets into what he finds. 

again a typical jon, 600 pedo's in pdl, that is still a little bit out of context, that sun on his head doesn't do him any good. jon, just go out to buy a nice hat. a very large one. 

at least germans know how to keep a english voice out, jon voiced over is still no bonus

i do not know why cb is still called a pedo, do these people do listen to what the people who they pay to say something actually tell? you know, that if cb have done what now christian de w. one, who was again in his hcw alias in this docu, tells us, he is a lot but not a pedo. he is not selective enough in his choices not in victims, and by what we know, not even in girlfriends and lovers. 

also we have know 3 opinions about his mentals and they do differ, from the planner to the go and see what you find. 

what i missed was the people who would tell us cb had not an alibi, so they must have been in the first 10 minutes, when i got sat3 instead of the chosen sat1. 

jutta rabe is never a wild one, pretty easy going, not very spectaculair. still for her pretty sloppy in the facts who are well known, these were not needed, but he, jon clarke bycycled(dutch noun) in and out of the whole thing, so we know how that happened. i didn't like the back and forth approach.

the ping man told there is a reach to 6 km from the pdl tower. but i think he meant diametrical. he thinks you could only be 5 minutes out if your phone pinged. 

it was nice jutta told in the talk show after the docu, she as a journalist has not the task to declare someone guilty, and that this is a task of a judge. 

this is not exactly the order i did see it all, but my notes ended up in this order after in just had gotten them from the floor. 

and it was a fair bit longer than they had promised last week. 

at silenthope, i think this livestream that worked well , was the same you suggested for the vox one. 

please feel free to comment on the above , and get some more out, i have not looked if i got all my papers back. 


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by sharonl 31.01.22 22:54

Jill Havern wrote:

Madeleine McCann suspect worked in holiday apartments before she disappeared

 This was on GB News just now  roll

People don't want to talk to the police but 14 years later they talk to the media wow huge red flag there

And apart from pole dancing nannies, Mark warner employs drug smuggling rapists and paedophiles do they? I am sure that Mark Warner will be very pleased with that.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by ShiningInLuz 01.02.22 6:06

Thank you for your link to Sat1.  And for your summary.  Both were much appreciated.

"the ping man told there is a reach to 6 km from the pdl tower. but i think he meant diametrical. he thinks you could only be 5 minutes out if your phone pinged"

I am the "ping man", and I know for a fact that the Luz Vodafone mast covers around 6km to the east, and 6km to the west.

I also know for a fact that the main road in Luz covers this E W range, and it takes just 5 minutes to get from the extreme east, or the extreme west, to the McCann's apartment, because the apartment is in the centre.  We use that road often.

The Vodafone phone mast does NOT cover the north.  That is picked up by Almadena and Lagos.

There are no phone records covering to the south, so I cannot tell you how far out to sea you can pick up the signal from that mast.

Regards, SIL

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by PeterMac 01.02.22 6:11

I watched it for an hour or so
Nothing new, Yet again they skipped over the "Abduction" but we were back to open shutters and window,
and now Clarke says there might have been TWO men on a balcony . . .
and "I believe one MIGHT have been CB . . "

Actually TWO men makes it simultaneously more possible, but more unlikely. 

Very annoying format of leaving the original language on in the background and then the translation voice over.
MY brain kept trying to hear the English and got in the way of switching to Deutsch.

The format of having Clarke on the Zoom conferences =sitting next to the pixelated witness - when we know he has little if any German, was very strange.
Almost as it Clarke was coaching witnesses, and paying them ?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Jill Havern 01.02.22 6:16

Madeleine McCann: Suspect claims it would have been 'absurd' for him to have abducted her
In letters from prison, Christian B - as he is known in the German judicial system - wrote that he survived as a drug dealer because he was careful.

Martin Brunt
Crime correspondent @skymartinbrunt

Monday 31 January 2022 15:11, UK

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The suspect in the Madeleine McCann case claims it would have been "absurd" for him to have abducted the little girl because it would have risked his criminal life.
In letters from prison, German drifter Christian B - as he is known in the German judicial system - wrote that he survived as a drug dealer because he was careful.

"I was never caught by the police because I followed a few key principles.

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Image:German prosecutors believe Christian B abducted Madeleine

"Where possible, only driving during the day so that my battered 'hippy bus' didn't attract attention, only driving on the roads I needed to and, most importantly, never provoking the police. So that means not committing any crimes, certainly not abducting anyone."
Christian B is currently serving a seven-year sentence in a German prison for the rape of an elderly American widow in Praia da Luz, Portugal, in 2005, two years before three-year-old [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] vanished from the family's rented holiday apartment in the same resort.

German prosecutors believe he abducted Madeleine and have been building a case against him for three years, though they have not arrested or questioned him.
It's the first time Christian B, 44, has responded publicly to various statements from prosecutors in the German city of Braunschweig, where investigators are working with support from Scotland Yard detectives and Portuguese police.

Eighteen months ago his lawyer Friedrich Fulscher stopped Christian B from corresponding with Sky News, but it's believed the suspect wrote out of frustration that his own denial had not been heard.
In his letters to reporter Jetta Rabe of the Sat1 TV entertainment channel, Christian B wrote that he had nothing to do with Madeleine's disappearance.
"Having said that, this was just as absurd to me at the time as starting a nuclear war or slaughtering a chicken."
He added: "I see no reason to comment on the accusations made by the Braunschweig public prosecutor's office. In theory, I could sit back and relax and just wait for the findings."
Christian B, who has convictions for child sex offences, had travelled between Praia da Luz and Germany in a camper van for several years before Madeleine vanished in May 2007.
Prosecutors say they have a compelling but circumstantial file of evidence against him, including data records that show his mobile telephone was in use on the night close to the Ocean Club complex where Madeleine's parents had left her and her younger twin siblings asleep in their unlocked apartment while they dined with friends nearby.
In a documentary the Sat1 producers say they will also reveal evidence that Christian B had carried out repair work at the holiday centre.
Prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters said: "We are grateful to the Sat1 team for sharing certain findings with the public prosecutor's office.
"There are witnesses who might prefer to speak to the media than to us or the police. If this produces any ideas, we will of course follow these up."
The German authorities are currently investigating Christian B over three separate sex crime allegations, including the rape of an Irish holiday worker.

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A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by PeterMac 01.02.22 6:26

Clarke-Kent cannot open his mouth without putting his foot even further in it.
This is the publicity photo with a quote from him.
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In translation this is
" That evening I saw the parents up close for the first time and realised how traumatised they were and how much they were grieving." 
Not speaking to them IN the apartment, or As they left, or later that day, or at the Press conference. 
And only "Saw them up close" at the press conference.  Another admission that he did NOT speak to the McCanns that day, or probably at all.

I think that makes SEVEN 'versions of the truth' but I am rapidly losing count.

I suppose we should have expected it by now.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Jill Havern 01.02.22 6:40

He saw them THAT evening....which evening?
I thought his latest story was that he arrived at 01.30 in the morning of the 4th?
So is he now saying he arrived in the evening of the 3rd?


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A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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