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10th Anniversary threads now moved to various other sections Mm11

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The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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10th Anniversary threads now moved to various other sections Mm11

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10th Anniversary threads now moved to various other sections

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10th Anniversary threads now moved to various other sections Empty 10th Anniversary threads now moved to various other sections

Post by Jill Havern 04.05.17 14:12

I thought I would list all the 10th Anniversary threads in one place for ease of reference as they will all be moved to various other sections of the forum: Anniversary, Grange etc.

Grange related threads first:

Colin Sutton: Met only interested in proving McCann parents innocent

BBC1 tonight - what do members think? ** VIDEO added**

Sky1 documentary: Searching for Madeleine


BBC Panorama's Richard Bilton: 'Supporters of the McCanns asked me to act as a spy - I declined'

Sapo - Caso McCann. Chamadas suspeitas de Kate poderão ser a ponta solta que falta (Translated)

Pedro do Carmo: "Maddie's parents are not suspects. Period."

BBC - In Madeleine's Shadow

Theresa May 'didn't tell truth' about Madeleine McCann report while under oath.

'THE F***ING B******S HAVE TAKEN HER' Kate McCann’s tormented screams on night Madeleine went missing revealed by witnesses who told how Gerry sobbed on pals shoulder and frantic friends launched search

Maddies' hairbrush sent to parents just now, after ten years

Robert Murat's mother to the rescue - A mystery “woman in purple” is the prime suspect British police are thought to be searching for over Madeleine McCann’s disappearance.

Pat Brown is 'on one'!

WHO WERE THEY? Mystery couple ‘seen clambering over wall and fence directly behind apartment where Madeleine McCann was sleeping on night she vanished’

Here comes the ScUM...........again.

BBC - Madeleine McCann questioning shocked suspect Paulo Ribeiro

Madeleine McCann questioning shocked suspect

Dave Edgar: Madeleine disappearance WILL eventually be solved

VISITOR FEARS Staff at Maddie McCann resort on ‘high alert’ for selfie-seeking tourists as ex Portuguese cop calls £11million probe a ‘waste of money’

Carlos Anjos: 'Brits' search for Madeleine was an £11million waste of money' says Portuguese cop

British about to close the investigation to the Maddie Case

Gonçalo Amaral's NEW documentary: Maddie Enigma (Maddie McCann O Enigma (Grande Reportagem) 01 May 2017 )

McCanns 'fell out' with police over search for Madeleine

Gonçalo Amaral: "There was far too much diplomacy"

It was a 'woman' wot dunnit!

Maddie 'cremated'

Scotland Yard to Make announcement about Madeleine Mc Cann

Anne Guedes: Professor of French in the Lisbon University, Luis de Camoes.


Mirror, window of opportunity

Telegraph 25th April - Madeleine McCann: Are the police any closer to knowing the truth?

Madeleine McCann: Met Police rules out its four official suspects


Goncalo Amaral claims ‘MI5 hid Madeleine McCann’s body in cover-up after her parents killed her’ - The IDENTICAL THEORY that Richard D Hall propounds in his latest Maddie documentary: 'WHY THE COVER-UP?

Youtube Link! Martin Brunt Discusses The "Significant Line Of Inquiry"

Madeleine McCann hunt police ‘pursuing significant line of inquiry’ ten years on

'McCanns Hid the Body' - Headlines 24 & 25 April 2017

Questions thread for member ex Met Police, Colin Sutton (oatlandish)

"The answer lies in the 'phone box" - Sunday Express, 23 Apr 2017

Superman... or Doctor Who?

The hounding of Dr Gonçalo Amaral by British paparazzi: “My private life is being invaded and I don’t like it”

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Jill Havern
Jill Havern
The Captain (& Chief Faffer) Oh yeah, and Forum Owner
The Captain (& Chief Faffer) Oh yeah, and Forum Owner

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10th Anniversary threads now moved to various other sections Empty McCann related threads

Post by Jill Havern 06.05.17 18:19

From Nick Cave to Kate McCann, it’s time we judged parents a little less


Madeleine McCann 10 years on: It’s incredible that Gerry and Kate are still together

Mccanns join villagers at church today

With thanks to Pamalam for collecting images from the 10th Anniversary

Madeleine McCann: 'Why would you leave a child like that? Anything could have happened to her'

Shift of focus in last nights documentary

Clarence Mitchell: "There are only two or three people on the planet who know her fate"

As the McCanns mark 10 agonising years without Madeleine, how can Portuguese police keep being so vile?

The Sun 27th April - Madeleine McCann could still be found with Facebook’s cutting-edge facial recognition technology, says retired cop

Maddie speaks to me’ Psychic says Madeleine McCann ALIVE and THIS is how to find her.

HEREEE'S................BRUNT! My ten years of looking for Madeleine: how the McCann case has dominated my life

Youtube + Dailymotion Link - Kate & Gerry FULL Interview - 10 Year Anniversary

Correio da Manhã, May 1, 2017 : The Crime of the Century

Algarve resident tells of car sighting near Madeleine McCann apartment

Sun 25th April - Madeleine McCann’s parents Kate and Gerry reveal heartache at missing Maddie as 10th anniversary approaches and brands it ‘a horrible marker of stolen time’

Pat Brown: A Decade of Deception: The Tenth Anniversary of the Madeleine McCann Case

RIP Madeleine?

Alison Phillips ('Mirror') Latest Pro-McCann Article

Madeleine McCann - Ten Years On: Four men and a little girl

Madeleine 10 years on: ANOTHER 48 QUESTIONS that need to be answered!

Caroline Lowbridge, BBC: In Madeleine's shadow

The Sun - The Hunt Goes On (23rd April)

Father Haynes Hubbard to hold service for Madeleine

Sunday Express: Madeleine McCann disappearance - the theories

Questions you would like Lorraine Kelly to ask the McCanns

The Madeleine McCann Industry: How a three-year-old’s disappearance became a troubling national obsession

Madeleine McCann's parents are trying to protect their twins, 12, from online abuse

A tidal wave of tosh

The night Madeleine McCann disappeared and the missing three hours which allowed three-year-old to vanish into thin air

Face of Maddie snatcher

Madeleine milestone: Amaral agrees “some things we did weren’t right”

The Sun - Rocky crime scene pictures/tv documentary

Maddie Headlines Sunday 30 April 2017 > BBC leads its news with 'Madeleine 10 years on'

Richard D. Hall gets a mention in International Business Times for his Madeleine McCann films

WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON Sunday 29 APRIL 2007? - Today marks the 10th Anniversary of what many of us, sadly, believe to have been Madeleine's last day.

Madeleine McCann: The 48 questions Portuguese cops used to hound parents during 11-hour ordeal as investigation hit another dead end

Lorraine Kelly's Latest Pro-McCann Article

'UNFOUNDED AND ABSURD' McCanns’ Portuguese lawyer slams ‘ignorant people’ who blamed Kate and Gerry for Maddie’s disappearance

Madeleine McCann detective claims investigation was 'tainted' as soon as it was an 'abduction'

Clarence Mitchell has written an article for the Telegraph

What was Madeleine McCann’s cuddle cat? How long did Kate carry it for and how important was it during the investigation?

Oi Piers. We Do Not Need To Be Told By You How To Feel...Got it!!!

On youtube: Madeleine McCann "Gone" Sunday Night Documentary Link.

"It's going to be very painful for us on 3rd May 2017" - Irish Times, 29 Apr 2017 >> Article is especially harsh on 'vile anti-McCann trolls'

The Sun 29th April 2017 - The Night The McCanns Thought Maddie Was Found

'Look for her here' Missing-person hunter weighs in on Maddie sightings worldwide THERE’S one place in the Maddie case the cops need to reexamine, according to an expert on missing people.

Amaral denies giving an interview to Australian channel: "I do not know how they did it, I've been to many beaches, but never with that journalist [Rahni Sadler]"

OPINION: The McCanns have been punished for their biggest mistake - there's nothing to be gained by reminding them of it

Media Manipulation

Mirror 25th April - Madeleine McCann's mum Kate says 10 year anniversary of daughter's disappearance is ‘a horrible marker of stolen time’

Facebook could be used to find Madeleine McCann, expert says

TV3 Documentary?

Forensic scientist Professor David Barclay: "McCanns evidence 'doesn't add up'"

The Sun 27th April - Madeleine McCann’s parents given ‘false hope’ by cops who claim they are chasing ‘critical leads’, ex-detective says

New BBC Documentary

Kidnap victim Natascha Kampusch offers McCanns message of hope 10 years on

UPDATE - Find Madeleine official site


Liverpool Echo 25th April - Madeleine McCann's mum Kate slams 'downright lies' spread on social media ahead of 10th anniversary

Heartbreaking look at piles of presents for missing Madeleine McCann as her parents hope she will return

**NEW** Daily Mirrors, 18, 21 & 22 Apr - EX-DETECTIVE COLIN SUTTON IS ACTIVELY CONTRIBUTING TO THIS THREAD (was: Daily Mirror, 18 Apr 2017 "What REALLY happened the night Madeleine disappeared")

9News Australia - Madeleine McCann: Key witness statement about blood in rental car should be explored (24th April) - Sandy Cameron statement from PJ files and video of Eddie and Keela

Clarence Mitchell: "Spin cycle of lunacy"

"We must NEVER give up on Maddie" - James Murray, Sunday Express, 10 May 2015

PORTUGAL RESIDENT: “Landmark television event” prompts new defamation action


What Date Will You Stop To Consider The 10 Year Anniversary?

Pat Brown, U.S. Criminal Profiler, to appear on Australian TV show, 'Sunday Night', this Sunday (23 April 2017)

Paulo Pereira Cristovao: Ex-top cop breaks Madeleine McCann silence to say where he thinks she was taken

"Gonçalo Amaral denies participation in controversial program"

Madeleine McCann parents 'angered and upset' over TV show which asked "Did you kill your daughter?"

At least TWO MORE MADELEINE DOCUMENTARIES ANNOUNCED >>> TV3 next Tuesday (25th Apr) and SKY NEWS the following Tuesday (2nd May)

Madeleine McCann's parents urge Australian TV crew to hand over 'new evidence' to police amid claims of 'major' breakthrough 

"I spotted Maddie in Morocco on 9 May 2007 - 10 years later the sighting still haunts me" - Daily Star, 19 Apr 2017

Guess the next helping of prole-feed...

Madeleine 'alive' and living 'in plain sight' on the Algarve, sez 'expert' Dave Edgar (Sunday Express, 9 Apr 2017)

What now for the McCanns? How will the circus go on?

Sun: McCanns slam claims they are cashing in on anniversary of Maddie's disappearance

MADDIE BIDDING WAR Madeleine McCann’s family at centre of TV chat show rights scrap on 10th anniversary of tot’s disappearance

The Liverpool Echo looks back 10 years to 2007 >> "We were shocked by the disappearance of Madeleine McCann"

MADDIE'S 10TH ANNIVERSARY 29th APRIL 2017. How will it be marked? (Poll)

Are Anniversary's always so quiet?  big grin

PeterMac's FREE e-book
Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Jill Havern
Jill Havern
The Captain (& Chief Faffer) Oh yeah, and Forum Owner
The Captain (& Chief Faffer) Oh yeah, and Forum Owner

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