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Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by crusader 26.05.23 7:16

The gun and the video were disposed of before Madeleine disappeared if I remember correctly, and CB has already been convicted of the rape of the American lady, so even if they find them it can have nothing to do with Madeleine or the American lady.
We know CB visited the reservoir so no surprise if they do find any traces of him there.
The only evidence of any good would be Madeleine's pyjamas and we know they won't be found.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by CaKeLoveR 26.05.23 8:40

Gerry and Kate McCann should have been at the search of the lake, clutching each other and cuddlecat, and holding a photo of Madeleine. They would have looked 'buoyed'.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Rogue-a-Tory 26.05.23 9:09

CaKeLoveR wrote:Gerry and Kate McCann should have been at the search of the lake, clutching each other and cuddlecat, and holding a photo of Madeleine. They would have looked 'buoyed'.

big grin

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Rogue-a-Tory 26.05.23 9:11

PeterMac wrote:The inimitable Pat B speaks.  FB

German police to visit a golf course, winery and top restaurant that CB used to visit  big grin

It is what Jon Clarke intrepid Super-Sleuth had been arguing for,   
Digging up the "Secret hideaway" (aka a villa on an urbanisation )
digging up the gardens of anywhere he had ever lived or visited
Digging up the concrete floor of the disused cardboard box factory
digging up. . . . half of Nieder-Saxen and most of the Algarve

He is clearly unfamiliar with the findings of the extensive cross-force survey 'SEEKUM; which showed that bodies and stolen goods are most usually dumped 
within 20 yards of a footpath, or similar pedestrian accessible route for VERY obvious reason I should have thought.

But he lives in the Famous Five, Boy' Own Paper, "Jondiana Clarke and the Missing Child" world of secret tunnels, hidden lairs, fantastic machines, incredible coincidences
and Conspiracies

[Sorry I obvious hit the edit button not the Quote.]

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by crusader 26.05.23 9:26

big grin big grin
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 26.05.23 10:08

The BKA designation for this Investigation is Operation Rechen, or 'Rake'.
They are certainly Raking over everything remotely connected with CB.

Is Wolters maybe under Pressure to 'Wrap this up' before it is taken out of his Hands, and moved to Magdeburg?

Where CB could expect a more Objective Judgement?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 26.05.23 11:21

i find a bra strap a bit disappointing, i did hope for the second sock. 

i like the part of looking for the camcorder/video camera as stolen, indeed in 2006 by helge b in relation to the term reliable witness. 

you can hardly debate it was a hot tipp about a gun and a video camera, as by mouth of ms it was told to every kind and form of media who was paying him to say something.

but the camcorder/ video camera and the tapes, was that not supposed to be really exposed of by the hb figure with his old camper van, that he left at the scrapyard around silves.  

i do think the meaning of reliable witness will end up in the same manner as the meaning of concrete evidence as understood and promoted by a specific german cps. 

and it is indeed 'nasty word' to put out such a search party on the wishes of a certain german cps, to look for the video that would prove a case that already reached it conclusion in a conviction. 
ms and hb never have gave a witness statement and there was never a video available in court or elsewhere that showed anything substantial to the 2005 rape case itself. 

the testimony was only used to present a mo that had details alike with the statement of the victim in the 2005 rape case. 

there is a bit of rumor getting out that german cps has now a third witness that also is supposed to have a form of knowledge about a video of a alleged crime possibly classified as rape or abuse of a sexual nature by cb to other woman. 

the 2005 rape case has still a lot of questions around, but the verdict is still standing, and the defendant had not send his appeal in the allowed time. usually you let your lawyer register for appeal, but you can do it yourself or hire a better lawyer to do it for you if you think you are unlawful spoken guilty.  

normally, and nothing around this case and its sideshows looks to fit under normal, a cps would not even think to reopen the case he needed to keep his supposed perp for other crimes in his hands. there is a possible of course, like when there becomes known the defendant of that concluded case could not have done that crime, like another crook confesses to it with enough knowledge of that crime to agree he was the perp.  
but even than it is not likely to trow out such a large and costly search to undo the damage. 

pretty useless because nothing could be found of importance when your guy did not do it. fishes do not give pretty alibi's. 

also finding a gun, and or a camcorder/ video device, from the first ms told only it was a big one, the camera was a little one, how do you really know it are indeed the same ones. and because it was well before may 2007, both cannot relate to the madeleine mccann case. 
and it would be of little use to fix the reliability of both and even a third witness their other statements. 
people can pick and choose about what they tell porkies. 

pyjama's have a problem too, they have to be still in pretty good condition, to prove it are at least pyjama of the same kind, like recognizable patterns. the original set of pyjama's is to be understood as left with madeleine together at that same time, so there is no original sample left of exactly that set.

they are made of cotton per statements, and cotton fibers are known to be very hard to use in fiber research in crimes. first because they are usually from very mixed batches from different regions of the world. also these kind of pyjama's are made in mass production, and the next batch with a different pattern or model could be of the same bale of cotton used to make the treads to weave them. 
using just another set, even from the same point of sale would not mean it is from the same batch.

when you only are left with a sample from a find that had many years of exposure to the elements, from a place other people are as likely to have used such clothing from also cotton fibers it is impossible to prove it was from a specific supposed wearing set of cotton pyjama's in an alleged crime. 

these cheap kind, mass product sets of pyjama's have usually only printed coloring and designs on them.they are made to use for at the most a few years if you accept the colors and patterns will fade. in day to day life they made it hardly into hand me downs to a next child. the stitches are usually not made for longer use, the cotton weaving also not. it looses its form, the decorations and a child grows quickly out of it and they end up as rags. 

even the not cotton fibers, like elastic band in the pyjama are from mass production. 

so it is pretty impossible to state with certainty something found only could come from the set of pyjama's from madeleine mccann. so it will hardly go beyond a witness that could declare cb was there around that time, if it was sure he got himself a bit of an alibi from that, and that the findings could have belong to a pyjama alike that of madeleine. the usual 1 + 1 = 2 uses of circumstantial evidence. 

if there already was hard and solid evidence their would have been already brought charges, no excuses to not follow trough if you have such evidence. so hcw is going for a typical german indications process, a lot of little bits, that are not evidence on its own value, but all together, and even most can be explained differently would be te story the judges will decide their verdict on.  

so cb could have been around, could have been using a phone, could be able to get access to a holiday apartment, has already convictions for sexual abuse and connections are known on the darknet. all little bits that could say , it could have been cb will count. 

the same indications process style was used in the case of the missing girl peggy knoblauch and they got a conviction out of it, a bit later on they found out they had the wrong one. 
also the 2005 rape case was mostly an indications process, only one hair, and even that had gotten questions from other experts who looked in that as evidence, was used a form of hard evidence. 

so yes in germany you can get a guilty verdict only on indications you could have done it. most other countries wants to see at least one piece of hard evidence together with a lot of circumstantial evidence.
one of the cps people i worked with always said, give me one solid piece of evidence and i have an very maybe win , but the chances of a fail is far greater, give me two pieces of hard evidence and that will equal the odds, give me three pieces of solid evidence, and i wil get a 100% conviction out of it. 

most you will use in a process is circumstantial evidence, during the investigation you do not call it evidence, but leads, indications and capabilities, and form talks too. solid or hard evidence is not always around in a high number. all beside that will have to get its meaning and importance and result during the court case itself. 

finding dna, mean only the dna in itself is hard evidence, but the circumstances around where the dna was found or when it was left there, are usually much softer, meaning there could be more than one explanation possible, so that will be circumstantial evidence. both are important, both have their needs. 

germany can follow up a case in court only based on indication you did things. because you did this, you could have done that also. it is up to the defense to tell a different story on the same indications. 
hcw mostly is into the murder of madeleine by the hands of cb, that where he still wants some evidence or indications for, the alleged abduction from 5a he has to to use mostly the spoken form of cb in how he entered other premisses, that is why he needs the rape cases to older woman in his pocket.
his interest in young female children he can use the older convictions, the dark web contacts and refresh that with the beach and playground events in portugal, the first proves his interest around that same time of 2007, the second one it proves it is still a ongoing habit to want young female children. 

so even very different victims can fill some gaps there is no evidence for. that kind of circumstantial evidence he already has, or can get from the other 5 cases. 
probably there is also to prove cb sold child porn on the web, that he made productions of his victims to do that. together with the findings on the old box factory, the witnesses ms and hb, maybe even cp, but also from the irish holiday rep case. 

all he still needs is some little thing that binds cb more directly to madeleine and/or her fate. 
a could be can be enough. 

if hcw sees a way to get the 5 other cases in court and preferably with a conviction, i would not be surprised when his chances to get a win in the madeleine case too. he needs these 5 cases, or at least some of them also to sell witnesses and indications and form to a judge. 

so it will be up to the defense to get in his way. there is a team of 3 different lawyers active for cb, so some fire works will be expected. 

hcw would not stop, only a higher court can do that based on the standing opinion the case does not belong under the courts of braunschweig and nieder sachsen. and by that hcw also can not lead these cases from his place. or the replacement bundesland sachsen anhalt must say we do not do this case and frankfurt also decides there is no court case in it. if one or both just say no capacity, the case could legally even go back to hcw. 
also there is also still a german national responsible on justice that could decide with an yes or no solution to it all. 
hcw will not be stopped that easily. none of the 5 other cases are started, so nothing truly get busted. 

hcw already had won the public votes by now. with other lawyers he has now and when he gets the 5 cases or at least some through a court, he already had a win chance of about 25%, the standing defense makes it to 10% chance win for hcw. 

court is not always know for being realistic or about truth. there are 3 countries that wants this case to end. and cb is still a welcome patsy to serve that goal. it will be a defense case.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by CaKeLoveR 26.05.23 12:38

The second sock would have to match, or the circus would become even more farcical.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 26.05.23 13:35

CaKeLoveR wrote:Gerry and Kate McCann should have been at the search of the lake, clutching each other and cuddlecat, and holding a photo of Madeleine. They would have looked 'buoyed'.

Never forget the good quality wristbands, oh and of course ....

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 26.05.23 13:38

Rogue-a-Tory wrote:Collected material to be sent to Germany. How secure is this in terms of obtaining a true and informed scientific analysis? Not wishing to cast aspersion or slander the German process but if I were CB's lawyer would be interested in the exact details of a due process.

Forensic Science Service anyone?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 26.05.23 13:57


Madeleine McCann police give update as they end search of Portugal reservoir

Police have concluded their three-day hunt for evidence at a reservoir in Portugal

William Mata
1 hour ago

Police have said materials unearthed during a three-day hunt for evidence over the disappearance of Madeleine McCann at a remote reservoir in Portugal are being sent off for analysis.

Authorities have been scouring Barragem do Arade reservoir in the Algarve this week, using sniffer dogs and cutting down trees as part of the search inland from the coastal resort where the then-three-year-old went missing in 2007.

As police concluded their three-day search on Thursday, they confirmed “materials collected” had been sent to Germany for analysis.

A source close to the investigation told Reuters there was nothing tangible to report, while German prosecutor Christian Wolters played down hopes of a breakthrough, saying: “Of course, there is a certain expectation, but it is not high.”

He added that the investigators were looking for a body, but also for anything that could help the investigation, such as clothing.

Mr Wolters said he did not expect the results of the studies of the collected samples to be announced any time soon.

Madeleine was three when she vanished while on holiday with her parents in Praia da Luz, after they left her and her twin siblings asleep in their apartment while they went out to dinner with friends.

The new search operation was carried out at the request of German investigators who believe their prime suspect, convicted sex offender Christian Brueckner, 45, kidnapped and murdered the youngster.

He is in prison in Germany for the rape of a woman in Praia da Luz in 2005, and is suspected of further rapes and child sexual abuse committed in the area between 2000 and 2017.

German authorities have not revealed what triggered the latest search operation, but the prosecutor for the city of Braunschweig, Christian Wolters, said they were acting on the basis of “certain tips”.

He told German public broadcaster NDR the new information had not come from the suspect and they did not have a confession or “any indication from the suspect of where it would make sense to search”.

The Sun reported that investigators previously found photos and video of Brueckner at the reservoir.

He has reportedly denied any involvement in Madeleine’s disappearance.

British police who assisted their Portuguese and German counterparts at the Arade reservoir had left by early Thursday afternoon, followed by German investigators who packed up their tents at a camp on a hill.

As part of this latest three-day investigation, police dug holes of around 60cm and these have been left, along with piles of soil, now that authorities have left the digging area.

The surrounding woodland showed pathways had been cut by heavy machinery, leading to the main flattened 160 square-foot excavation area. A no-fly zone was also imposed over the reservoir for the first two days.

Broken rocks were also scattered around the site in Portugal after pickaxes were seen used by personnel over the course of three days.

The small area close to the banks of the Barragem do Arade has been clearly marked out. The cordon around the site has since been lifted, and evidence of attempts to cut the vast undergrowth was clear, with large branches and bushes lining freshly made pathways.

In a statement, police in Portugal said: “[The search] resulted in the collection of some material that will be subject to the competent expertise. The material collected will be handed over to the German authorities.”

The new searches come as the Home Office granted an extra £110,000 in funding this financial year for the Metropolitan Police to assist with finding Madeleine, down from just over £300,000 last year.

The total funding given to Operation Grange has been just under £13.1 million since 2011.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 26.05.23 14:20

so that means no socks are harmed during this search?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Rogue-a-Tory 26.05.23 14:55

Lets hope that those bore samples reveal precious rare earth minerals that the McCs can mine to top up their find Madeleine fund  big grin

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by CaKeLoveR 26.05.23 15:04

'Just put them in an envelope'...
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 26.05.23 16:44

Madeleine McCann – latest: Search of remote Algarve reservoir finds ‘relevant clue’

Items to be sent to German lab after police end hunt of Portugal dam, located 31 miles from Praia de Luz resort where toddler disappeared in 2007

Maryam Zakir-Hussain
Maroosha Muzaffar
William Mata
12 minutes ago


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 26.05.23 16:50

Meanwhile, from a Portuguese CMOMM friend, a lady with her nose always on the ground, a lady who knows the right people and whose loyalty is to missing Madeleine McCann..

Maddie searches “did not find anything relevant”

By Natasha Donn - 26th May 2023

“If anything relevant had been found, it would not be going for analysis to Germany”

Three days of intense searches of the Arade dam – a spot frequently visited by Christian Brückner, the one and only possible suspect in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann – have now wound down, with all potential evidence collected on its way to Germany for analysis.

RTP national news adds that it “knows that nothing relevant was found”, while Correio da Manhã has cited a police source ‘close to investigations’ saying that had anything relevant been found, it would not have been released to German police for analysis in Germany.

What will be on its way to Germany for said analysis “will not be related with Maddie”, RTP agrees. It “may serve for other investigations concerning Brückner, and this is why it was delivered to German authorities (…) The lack of answers as to what happened in Praia da Luz in May3, 2007 continues”.

The PJ, for its part, followed through on its pledge yesterday to give information on the results of the last three days. Uploaded onto its website was the following statement:

“Investigation into the disappearance of an English child

“The Policia Judiciária informs that the steps requested by German authorities, through a request for international cooperation, were accomplished, which resulted in the collection of some material that will be subject to the competent expertise.

“The operation took place under the coordination of the Judicial Police, which involved investigators, criminalistics experts and security personnel.

“The German authorities (BKA) and the British authorities (MPS) also took part in the operation.

“The Criminal Investigation Police also had the extraordinary collaboration of the National Republican Guard Command in Faro, as well as of the Regional Command of Emergency and Civil Protection of the Algarve and of the Municipality of Silves, with regard to the logistics required to carry out the work.

“Safeguarding the interests of the investigation still underway in Portugal, the material collected will be delivered to the German authorities, according to the rules of international judicial cooperation”.

Coincidentally, yesterday was the International Day of Missing Children. Marking the occasion, the SOS Missing Child helpline revealed that just this year there have been 50 appeals concerning missing minors – the majority missing from institutions. There have been four cases involving ‘parental kidnap’, and two involving kidnap. Commentators frequently refer to the high priority given to the Madeleine case, over those that take place – admittedly under very different circumstances – on national territory.

Again, coincidentally, Correio da Manhã today recalls the disappearance in Arouca of 14-year-old Annebelly Santos on May 1 this year.

Annebelly was removed from her Brazilian family by authorities in Aveiro, and placed in an institution in Arouca, from which she ‘ran away’.

Her mother has lamented the fact that her daughter was removed from her family on the pretext that she was in danger. “And now? Isn’t she now in danger”, queries Raílda Santos, who claims “no one is doing anything, or giving answers” about the disappearance of her first born child.

CM adds that it appears Annebelly made a false complaint about mistreatment at home in order to leave it.

Her family “are desperate, and her younger siblings in suffering with her absence”, the paper concludes.

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How long are they going to draw this one out.


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 26.05.23 16:53

I put it to all who spin this story .... how do you KNOW Brueckner frequented, or even ever visited the area?

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Post by CaKeLoveR 26.05.23 17:04

He appears to be notoriously unreliable.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 26.05.23 17:21

Ages ago I posted up images of Seyferth on the forum, likewise with translated captions, when asked about the video tape as filmed for a documentary - Discovery+ I think.

I'm blowed if I can find it angry .

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 26.05.23 17:48

This will have to do for starters but it's more interesting to watch Seyferth's facial expressions when he's spinning a yarn..

Discovery + Prime suspect:  The Madeleine McCann Case - Episode 1

Transcript of video subtitles..

Sandra Felgueiras:  He stayed in prison because he didn't give, or didn't want to give a formal address.  He was just saying he was living in a van.

Later we found out he didn't want to give his address to the court because inside his house there was a camera with videos of his raping.

Manfred Seyferth:  That's the house.

Yes that's the house I went to.  The police already showed me these.  

My colleague and I went to the mountains in Santa Clara to a place that belonged to the Bandidos and we lived there for two or three weeks.

After two weeks my colleague had the idea that we could look in Christian's house because he was in prison.  So we'd have a look, see if there was anything we could take.

We were thinking of diesel , of course.

And then we drove off at night to the house.

I can still remember where the house was.

It's an old white house with an overgrown garden around it.

It was pretty overgrown with lots of cars in it

There was a Jaguar there, a Mercedes S Class,  a Bedford

There was an Opel station wagon and a Ford station wagon

I can't remember exactly

And a small panel van

And - it was open.  Everything.  Back door open, front door open

Everything was ripped apart and in a mess.

I thought that was the police.

That's what they always do when they're looking for stuff.

In the middle of the house there was a beam in the living room

I can't see that here but you'll have a picture of it, I think

When Christian lived there it was full of stuff

But this time there wasn't so much there

I took a pistol I had found and checked where the diesel had been

There were only 20 litres.  It was all empty.  There was nothing left

And then he took a camera, the famous camera

And then we went back to this place in the mountains

And my colleague fiddled around with the camera and turned it on

He always does that when finding a mobile.  

He always checks the videos on it

On the films there was a woman, I would say she was about 45.

A bit stout, a bit sturdy

He had her lying on a table

And he hit on the breasts with a ruler or stick

And she was wailing and screaming

And there was sound, there was sound on the thing

It was terrible but there was sound on the cassette

And, you couldn't see much of christian on it but the way he moved, his voice

It was Christian 100%

Then I saw another video tape.

There was a young woman, I'd say about 16

And he'd chained her up

In the apartment there's a tree trunk or a beam that goes down

He had chained her to that

The camera was steady

there wasn't anyone moving around with the camera

And she had to blow him

And she puked while doing it and he responded ..

'Oh, my lovely new carpet.  You're ruining my carpet

It was Christian with this girl, you could see that

Yes, she was certainly forced

She didn't voluntarily tie herself up there

There was no love or anything.  It was pure torture for the girl

Journalist:  The videos.  You recognised that they were both at Christian's house?

MS:  Yes, the beam

Yes the other one, too.  The table too
It was his house, you can tell right away, if you've seen it

Journalist:  I thought that only one of videos was at this house - but you think it was both?

MS:  No, I think both were

I think both were

You're making me feel unsure.  I need to think.  Let me think

I remember

But not 100% now you're asking

Voice over:  Manfred Seyferth and his accomplice both claim they found the video recordings inside Christian B's home but their recollections differ when it comes to what they saw on the tapes.  In particular they disagree about the age of the woman

Friedrich Fulscher:  The witnesses gave very different accounts of this scene.   There are so many contraditions.  That even the court finally made the assumption that the recording could not even show the crime for which he had been convicted.  They made a conclusion based on motive and sentenced him because of that.


MS:  I said, throw the camera away, throw the films away

Because I thought we did break in, after all and I didn't want to advertise the fact that we'd broken in

I don't know what happened to the videos

I just know from hearsay that he left them in his motorhome and that he sold his motorhome and that the camera and the videotapes
He told me that sometime in Greece

Journalist:  Why would you sell a van with such vieos in it, doesn't that sound crazy?

MS:  It sounds a bit stupid, when you hear it

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 26.05.23 18:20

and in spain the next chapter is already written, a news outlet in never heard of before; cuatro al dia= four a day , was said by correia de maha send a letter by cb, but they have a picture of this very short message in english to a janosh and we all know who that most likely is , also known with different ways to write heriberto.

as long as you do not start the video itself it is pretty readable. the rest of the videois in very quick spanish.

the text i can see states;

buenas tardes seniore janosch

then a blacked out sentence, going on with;

regarding to it there isn't much for me to say, i hardly know any person from praia da luz.

(black out) is an unusual name, i wouldn't forget it. 
but i don't know anybody like that.

the picture you were sending is done after 2006. i left the property on 8.4.2006 and i never returned. 

none of the vehicles or whatever on the image belong to me.

i appreciate your opinions and wish you the greatest success for your studies

kind regards,

signed by cb his autograph. 

the handwriting is conform that of an much earlier letter i got a copy from myself. this looks to be just send to janosh heriberto, or a name like that, and send by janosh to a paper like others before him did. not a letter (and this one is even ultra short for cb himself) send to a paper. 

the first myths are also out, on facebook some already do know the pink pyjama is found. as far as know that is not true, pink was already overrated of course, think back to david p. his memorable children like angels in white. it was said coming from correia da maha(portuguese), but they have it nowhere on their website. 

this paper does not help either, the letter said 2006, they state 2016.

all the nono's are making a come back, (nonononono and from that adapted nono's was the donkey of a old dutch tv hero pipo the clown, i think it was sold to the uk many years ago, today some of us still use nono's and it is not meant as a compliment. ). like the fired by the mccanns not that good private detective. 

so we have to expect more garbage out in other media in our own languages tomorrow, even more than some bags the germans took with them.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by sandancer 26.05.23 18:30

So no sign of  " concrete  evidence " , you know the " evidence " that's going to make us " fall off our chairs " ? 

No ? Oh what a surprise !!!

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 27.05.23 0:55

It's all a load of old Jackson Pollack innit rolleyes .


Someone in Germany, a source close to someone else, said tonight 'the search' at Jon Van Dam was not connected with the Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann but more a general probe to nail the b'stard Brueckner to the proverbial crucifixion - or rather nail the tale on his butt.

What a ruddy farce - another one ....


It's already yesterday's chip paper - at least until the next round of media/press hype.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 27.05.23 6:45

even bild, one of the bigger tabloids in germany has a nice article about what is not found or why there were searching.

they say they looked for clues that could help to solve the case of madeleine mccann.

what they found and take with them are samples of the soil, a bra, relics of clothing and some plastic.

correia de manha had written there was something relevant found, but that is not correct says kai feldhaus, that is not within the information that bild has.

the investigation will need some days to look into the material, but there is the belief the needed evidence for a murder case is not expected in the material.

the daily mail that told they have been looking for a gun and a videocamera.
that also is not correct says bild.

kai feldhaus looks not very buoyed in his writing.

who wants to translate the article in full for their own use, this is the link;

i was also looking for what they have written in the last days, in another piece from build i did see this picture of 5a inside. bild got it from an australian news outlet.

by using these kind of overviews of the inside of 5a, you get a very wrong impression of that, there have been already many out there wo are also not correct, but i can not remember seeing this one, this one is very badly done.

the link shows only the picture used. get the real pictures taken by the pj in that first night from 3 to 4 may 2007, and the reality was very different.

the first picture, the one bild still used gives room to think an intruder found nothing barred his way after entering the door, or the window, the reality, their was a chair and a crib from one of the twins in the way. and it is still unclear how much of that scene as seen on the pj pictures was staged. 

most who made these kind of drawings of 5a internal views only placed both cribs in the wrong place, even the pj did that. the bild one also makes a very different view of the blue sofa and that full corner.

when a picture like the bild illustration is the only one you ever see, i can see why the mccann story with whooshing curtains and intruders taking a quick abduction seems possible to you. even the pj version was not very correct. at least they did not make it to show to the public. 

it gives the false impression of room to handle that was never there, or room that looks not to be there to let something happening. but many eyes have taken such drawings in, and used to paint that picture of 5a inside as a background to other information. 

it does even more harm to rehash these drawings again. memories of details do fade away, and are refilled with just junk. it is just fake news.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 27.05.23 12:49

Madeleine McCann: Search operation comes to an end

Sky News
25th May 2023

4:36 minutes

Police who have been searching an area in Portugal near where Madeleine McCann went missing 16 years ago have concluded the search operation.

In a statement the Portuguese Police said that the material gathered would be handed over to the German authorities as the investigation continues.

Once the site was secured and restrictions were lifted, the authorities allowed journalists access. Our Europe correspondent, Siobhan Robbins was there.


For goodness sake woman, give it some welly, you've got as much pizzazz as a mushy sprout - I was dropping off after a few seconds.


Why is it going to take weeks to analyse a bag of dirt and a few bits of rubbish?  Still, gives them time to come up with the next ripping yarn ....

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 27.05.23 12:59

Madeleine McCann prime suspect insists he 'didn't kill her' in bombshell jail letters

Convicted German rapist Christian Brückner is the number one suspect in what prosecutors have now called a murder case against Madeleine McCann

ByRachel HaganWorld News Reporter

09:41, 27 May 2023Updated11:58, 27 May 2023

Extraordinary letters written by the prime suspect in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann have been revealed, as he claims he "didn't" abduct and murder the youngster.

Convicted German rapist Christian Brückner, is the number one suspect in what prosecutors have now called a murder.

Now the MailOnline has unveiled a string of letters allegedly written by Brückner, showing his desperate attempts to exonerate himself from the case.

He is currently halfway through a prison sentence for raping a 72-year-old American woman in the Algarve, just miles away from where McCann was last seen alive in 2007 just before her fourth birthday.

Brückner is also facing prosecution for allegedly raping another three adult women in Portugal and indecently exposing himself to two girls aged ten and 11.

Police investigations have sparked a major new development this week and officers carried out their first search in nine years for the missing Brit.

One letter was sent just days before the start of this week's search at the Barragem do Arade reservoir, just 35 miles from where Madeleine disappeared.

The Mail reports that he wrote: "You can never imagine how it is when the whole world believes you are a child murderer, and you are not.

"I got told a long time ago that the prosecutor's office was closing the Maddie case because there is not even the smallest evidence. There will never be a trial.

"The prosecutors are not saying anything to the public because they must give the files to my lawyers - and they contain many (sic) material which confirms my innocence."

In one of his letters from jail in Germany, he draws a pencil sketch of the long, dark corridor of a prison wing. He also says that police and prosecutors are "attempting to create a monster" to "divert and let people think that I am the right one."

The Mail reports that they read "eyebrow-raising sexual allegations about key members of the investigating team" which cannot be published for legal reasons.

Hinting at what he claims, he writes: "I mean a gay investigator who is in love with a big criminal. Outrageous. Have you ever heard that a hunter is xxxxing his prey?"

Brückner goes on to seemingly try to get some sympathy as he writes about the psychological toll of the case.

He adds: "The torture I'm going through is the best evidence I can have. "If somebody would have told me things like that before I would have said 'No, I don't believe you. This is Germany and not Pakistan.'"

Closing his latest letter Brueckner defiantly says: "I'm writing this without self-pity and my self-confidence and self-control was never at a higher level.

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Chin up! Better days are coming."

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 27.05.23 13:07

What a bloody farce, this is nothing but theatrics - it's a play being acted out through the press and media.

I repeat .... Christian Brueckner was not, is not, will never be 'the prime suspect' in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

The primes suspects are Gerry and Kate McCann, in the beginning, now and  until such times as their innocence has been officially established.

The only bodies pushing this farce are the German authorities, Portugal know it to be a farce and the Metropolitan Police know it to be a farce and Gerry and Kate McCann know it to be a farce - they know it didn't happen that way because they were there and the precise reason we are still here today.

The End!

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 27.05.23 13:16

Exclusive: Expert's three chilling Madeleine McCann search theories as he says 'she will be found'

German police began fresh searches for the missing British toddler in a remote Algarve reservoir this week after receiving "credible" new information about her 2007 disappearance

ByRachel HaganWorld News Reporter

15:49, 26 May 2023Updated22:35, 26 May 2023

A forensic expert has shared his three theories behind the "very credible" evidence that may have led police to search for Madeleine McCann this week.

The first searches in nine years for the British girl who vanished in 2007 from Portugal have taken place after German police received "credible" new information.

Officers have been extensively searching the surrounding area of the Arade dam, about 30 miles from Praia da Luz, where Madeleine was last seen alive just before her fourth birthday.

The reservoir is said to be a favourite spot of convicted German rapist Christian Brückner, who is the number one suspect in her murder.

Respected Portuguese media outlet Expresso said an informant gave detectives "details" they took "very seriously."

And German prosecutor Christian Walters also confirmed to the press that the search is based on "indicators" from a source that they could find evidence in the area.

Walters also said: "What we hope to find there should remain our secret for the moment. If we should find something then we will certainly tell you about it."

German authorities are desperately seeking to prove that Brückner killed Madeleine. While others think she could still be alive.

Precisely what evidence authorities have which has led them to the search this week has been kept very closely guarded.

Forensics expert Dr Robert Green OBE, who previously worked for the Home Office and has worked on high-profile unsolved murder cases, said it's hard to know why they have decided to carry out the searches now.

However he did put forth potential three theories.

"The evidence they say they have against Christian B could be photographic evidence in sort of posing with the body afterwards," he told the Mirror.

"It could be some information they've got from other people who pointed to him as the offender - he could have confessed to someone either in prison or outside.

"Or, they could have actually found his fingerprints or traditional biometrics at the scene of the murder most years ago."

Last autumn Bruecker was charged in Germany with several sex crimes on the Algarve against women and children including the rape of an Irish holiday rep in 2004 and the sexual abuse of a 10-year-old girl on a beach near Praia da Luz in 2007.

Dr Green says it's very difficult to know the lines of enquiry they could be taking when he is not working closely on the case.

But he is very hopeful that they will find Madeleine: "I think ultimately she will be found and I hope they find her alive."

He tells the Mirror: "If I were to advise anyone to do anything it would be to look at the genetic profile of Madeleine - look at the case of Joseph James DeAngelo."

The American man murdered 13 people and thought he had gotten away with it until genetic genealogy was used to identify him.

The mass murderer was finally caught out after detective work was combined with DNA databases and family trees to identify potential suspects.

Dr Green says a profile could be made of Madeleine using her parent's and siblings' DNA.

"I can't help but think that there's a science-led approach to this as well as the traditional, more reactive unit", he continues.

Professor Denise Syndercombe Court, of Forensic Genetics at King's College London says this search is not a last chance.

"Think about the Grenfell disaster. There was material there, while most of it was significantly damaged as it was a very high heat we still extracted DNA", she tells the Mirror.

According to reports, officers may have results by next week, but they fear the final results could take months.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 27.05.23 13:19

These bit part players do more harm than good.

Like the press and media, they feed off each other using false information collected over the months and years from their own resources - ignoring evidence and fact.

Back to basics..

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 19 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 27.05.23 13:29

See what I mean - the secret lair is back on the scene..

Madeleine McCann clue that could crack open the case after 'secret lair' discovery

Authorities are searching the Barragem do Arade reservoir, which is around 31 miles from the Praia da Luz in Portugal where Maddie was last seen in May 2007

ByJohn BettFeatures Writer

09:27, 25 May 2023Updated11:37, 25 May 2023

Madeleine McCann has been missing for the past 16 years and police are now searching a reservoir after finding a clue that could crack open the case.

Police began the search on Monday after unearthing a series of photos and videos in convicted sex offender and prime suspect Christian Brueckner's "secret lair".

German police are thought to have obtained the media in a hidden area in a dilapidated factory site in the German village of Neuwegersleben, 65 miles south-east of Hanover.

They are now behind a search of the Barragem do Arade reservoir, which is around 31 miles from the Praia da Luz in Portugal, where the McCann family were on holiday when Maddie was last seen in May 2007.

The reservoir is said to be a favourite spot of convicted German rapist Christian Brückner, who allegedly referred to it as "his little paradise".

An insider has said that police could be looking for "rags", which could be the pink Marks & Spencer pyjamas worn by Maddie on the night she went missing, reported The Times.

It has emerged that authorities found photographs of the reservoir when Brueckner was arrested six years ago.

Brueckner is currently in a German jail for a rape he committed in Portugal two years before Madeleine disappeared in the country, and separately he is under investigation on suspicion of murder in the McCann case but hasn't been charged.

Maddie's disappearance has remained a mystery for the past 16 years but the ongoing search of the reservoir has brought the story back into the foreground.

Throughout the search, a team have focused on a small peninsula jutting into the water, as a group walked in a line and scoured the area, as Sky News reports.

They were joined by a dog and a trainer, and a member of the group was consulting a device he carried.

A Portuguese source close to the investigation told The Sun: "The search is being taken very seriously and is being controlled totally by the Germans.

"They asked Portuguese officers assisting them to look for any evidence - but especially rags."

Prosecutors have given a fresh update about the new search for Madeleine, as a well-placed police source said.

They said: "Portuguese police are going to carry out a thorough and very careful search of the area today.

"Policia Judiciaria officers are going to be divided into four teams who will focus on a land search. It will be very meticulous and exhaustive.

"Forget the idea of big trucks and large machinery. A lot of the work that's going to be done here today will be done by hand with backup technology."

High-tech equipment used to detect human remains buried under the earth, as well as underwater if required, is expected to be used.

German prosecutors have released a statement , confirming they are working with the Portuguese law enforcement authorities with the support of officers of the [German] Federal Criminal Police Office after tip-offs.

German prosecutor Christian Wolter said: "We are investigating in Portugal on the basis of certain tips (tip-offs)."

Speaking to the Mirror hours after fresh searches for missing Maddy began, a cop who worked on the original case said: "I absolutely believe that during my lifetime we will find out what happened to Maddie."

Meanwhile, a cop who worked on the original Madeleine McCann investigation is sure we will find out the truth, as German police "clearly know something."

Child safety expert Gamble, who led the UK's own review of the disappearance of Madeleine, says he declines most interviews but chose to say something today due to the development's significance.

He told the Mirror that the German Police statements are "uncharacteristic", as the language they are using suggests they are certain she is dead.

He continued: "From my point of view, the German police clearly know something. They have a level of confidence when they talk about their suspect and Madeleine's death.

"But they have not shared specific reasons with the public, as you don't want to give your suspect any more information than you have to until you're ready to charge them."

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