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Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 24.03.22 11:08

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Scre2246
Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Scre2245

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 02.04.22 2:37

What the frickin' heck is this hack doing in Cambodia - rubbing bits with Jim Gumboil?

It's weekend, cornflakes at the ready..

Exclusive: Friend '100% certain' Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner snatched her

Christian Post, a former friend of the prime suspect in Madeleine McCann's disappearance, is convinced Christian Brueckner took the three-year-old British girl in May 2007 at Praia da Luz on the Algarve

ByMartin Fricker in Cambodia

20:00, 1 Apr 2022Updated20:46, 1 Apr 2022

Christian Post believes his former pal ­Christian Brueckner came across Madeleine McCann by chance as she slept in her apartment before snatching her.

The 54-year-old is now convinced the German paedophile took the three-year-old British girl in May 2007 at Praia da Luz on the Algarve.

And Post claimed Brueckner boasted of burgling holiday flats during chilling “night-crawls” across the Portuguese resort.

He told how the chief suspect in Madeleine’s disappearance had up to 100 passports from ­properties he raided. And he admitted he regrets not tipping off police about his crimes, but insisted he is willing to try to help bring him to justice over the missing toddler.

German Post, a talented musician and IT expert, became friends with Brueckner, 45, after the pair met in an Algarve bar in the early-2000s.

He initially believed his fellow ­countryman could not have been behind Madeleine’s kidnap and thought his criminality was limited to burglary.

But since discovering Brueckner had been convicted of child sex offences in his teens, Post said it was now “so obvious” he snatched her.

He added: “Now I know about his paedophile past, his rapist past. I’m 100% certain it was him.

“I think he found her by chance and just took her on the spur of the moment.

“I think once you are a paedophile, there is a switch in your brain that cannot be turned off. If he saw a little girl asleep, alone in her apartment, he would definitely have taken her.

“Thinking about what he has done in the past makes me sick, it makes me want to vomit knowing I was hanging with him. If he is convicted of taking Madeleine I hope they lock him up and take away the key.”

Post was tracked down by the Mirror to a small town in southern Cambodia where he lives under an assumed name.

In his first ever interview he told how he and Brueckner would go to each other’s flats after they became friends.

Post said he knew his new pal was on the “fringes” of crime but had no idea of the true scale until a later visit to his ramshackle farmhouse.

He said: “I was sat in the living room and noticed piles of passports on the fireplace. There honestly must have been between 60 and 100 of them, neatly stacked up in three piles.

“He told me he got them on his ‘­night-crawls’ in Praia da Luz, climbing onto balconies and through windows. It shows how many burglaries he must have done.

“He said he would go into rooms and take what he wanted. At the time I guessed he was talking about cash, jewellery, ­passports… but now who knows?

“He would only do it at night, it was too risky being seen in the daylight.

“He also said he was trafficking a bit of weed to make cash. But there was absolutely no sign he was into children or anything like sexual crimes.

“Do I have regrets not telling the police about the passports at the time? I guess I do.

“But now I’m willing to go back to court, to face him again, and help convict him if they want me to.”

Post only discovered Brueckner had been convicted of child sex offences after reading about them in the press.

And we can reveal he has twice been interviewed by detectives investigating the suspect and Madeleine’s case.

Post also gave evidence against him at his 2019 trial for raping a pensioner in Praia da Luz in 2005, for which he is serving seven years in Germany.

He fell out with Brueckner in 2006 after the crook asked him to go to his house and clear out anything ­incriminating while he was in a Portimao prison for stealing petrol.

Post found some porn films and binned them rather than take them to a friend’s house who had children. He said: “He thought I was stealing from him or something.”

The pair met briefly again in 2012 after Post had returned to Germany to work on a Christmas market in Solingen near Dusseldorf.

But after moving to Cambodia in 2015, he was stunned when his brother rang three years later to say German detectives wanted to speak to him.

Post added: “They said he was a suspect in the Madeleine case. I was absolutely shocked.”

He said he had never spoken about Brueckner publicly before over fears he would be linked to the Madeleine case. And he insisted he had nothing to do with any of the suspect’s crimes.

German prosecutors named Brueckner as a suspect in June 2020 and claim to have evidence he abducted and killed her. He denies any involvement in the case.

Madeleine’s parents Kate, 54, and Gerry, 53, from Rothley, Leics, continue to believe she is alive somewhere.

Last week it was reported Home Office funding for Scotland Yard’s Operation Grange investigation into the disappearance will end this year.

The probe, opened in 2011, has so far cost more than £13million.

What a load of old rollox - it's borderline embarrassing.

As an aside, a news exclusive is not generally from a primary source. journalists are not readily available on the scene to report direct. An exclusive, like the disappearance of a three year old child whilst holidaying with her family, would be circulated by a press agency. Even in the event of interested parties contacting specific media outlets from the outset, it would make no difference. Any self respecting media source would check out detail, known facts, before publishing.

The grapevine would play a part, the journalistic fraternity but the breaking news itself would come from a central source.

This suggests that the disappearance of Madeleine McCann was first alerted through a press agency.

I digress.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 02.04.22 8:21

exclusive, so the mirror does not except jon clarke his musings as press, he has christian p. already in his book, but the german press had christian p. or post already out there on 09.10.2020, 18.00 Uhr  aus DER SPIEGEL 42/2020

shame the link is behind a paywall.

but on another forum someone made a comprehension of it.

then there was spoken of 30 to 50 passports, so that must have gotten a little water to grow.

but some video's with porn in the mirror must have been to hot washed, as in the spiegel was spoken of a 100 cd's with porn, including porn with animals. 

also this cp is the man of the oranges spiked with wodka to bring to cb in the portuguese jail, what he would not do, cp i mean. 

but cp was not very good in cleaning out, because it must have been after his presence when manfred s. and helge b. were doing it again. and found some very nasty stuff. but by the last book of amaral both former criminals are telling a very differently story about that event. 

and if you tell me you are a it expert and talented musician, but are living under an fake name in cambodia, and have to earn your keep on a german christmas market it sound not as very good credentials. 

and before that he was just one of the bunch of germans who stayed out there in the algarve. so i would start thinking, is this just another criminal too. living under an alias abroad usually is criminal, so i can write that easily. 

so is this another route to finance a lively hood, like it is done successfully by manfred s. and helge b. bjorn forgot his last name looks never gotten beyond beer money. 

most of the talking heads, with or without anonymity are at least a bit shady. even things as registering a car that is not yours is not legal. 

and the unwillingness to talk or mention something about the supercriminal cb to an official institution like the police in any country, of even to the mccann not that pro version teams of detectives, or asking for a fair share of the pot out there and very well promoted in every press or media in every country of at least europe.

they can hardly tell they never heard of this case at all. and all of them pretend to be a friend of the german perp, the way we are told about him classifies not to call it the german suspect. 

between the lines they gave cb quite an alibi for having nasty video's of course, to bring in his superior and outstanding burglar capacity it would be simple for his legal team to tell  cb just stole beside passports most of those movies. 

and how does cp know what was on the disks, was that because he take a look at the things, or had they nice casings with tittles on them and a nice shining picture. 
in the helge b. musings it was told they found a video on a video camera. 
cp talks in der spiegel about cd's, not all cd's play easily on all kind of devices, you need for the more commercial ones a cd player for tv, or special software to play it on a pc screen. in those days these movies on cd did not work by just putting then into the disk reader of a common computer. 

i remember a online seller of interesting video's, but he sold a lot of boxes, with empty cd's, and just copied the title sheets, and stickers for the discs on his color printer device. only two out of hundreds dared to tell it to the police. because the seller had a very accurate list made of his buyers, it lead to a lot of embarrassing moments when we had to call them. normally those cases have not any priority, but the seller became eager and was selling also populair titles so the copyright watchdog made complaints.  

but it is nice to know that some video's in the uk press can mean 100 pieces, as was told to der spiegel.

so this rehashed to an exclusive already known story is just stupid. all is usable to keep printing the story alive. also it means the mirror does not take the words of scotland yard that serious, they have been told there is no evidence against cb, but the mirror has a different opinion as it likes.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 02.04.22 8:28

at verdi,

don't you think we can not use grapevines in this case, is it not far better to use a olive branch instead?
or maybe a olive drip?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 02.04.22 13:57

Never mind the Metropolitan Police, I don't think the Portuguese police have paid much attention to Germanman and his antics past and present.

If I where the parent of a missing three year old child, I would object very strongly to the nonsense published by the tabloids on a regular basis. All quiet on the western front - makes you wonder doesn't it?

Team McCann were happy to pursue the Express Group through a court of law, accepting an out of court settlement in preference to an appearance before the beak.

Why are they now allowing continuation of misinformation published by the media?

Unless it's to their advantage ....

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 02.04.22 14:07

Meanwhile no news is good news..

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Scre2261

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Scre2262

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by PeterMac 03.04.22 7:35

One very dubious "friend' now holed up in Cambodia under an assumed name has sold his soul to the Devil and is saying he is sure
Brückner did "IT".  And the Gutter press journalists who write this garbage do not think to ask him precisely WHAT the "IT" might involve.
Or perhaps they do, but realise that might muck up the story.
And never forget that 'Journalists' are paid by the story, by the number of words printed. Not by the level of detail or the veracity index.

Friend of Madeleine McCann suspect is '100% certain he did it' Sat, 02 Apr

Pal of prime Madeleine McCann suspect convinced he snatched totDaily Record5:44 Sat, 02 Apr

Madeleine McCann case: Ex-friend of prime suspect Christian Brueckner is 'certain' he took herMail Onlin03:02 Sat, 02 Apr

Ex-pal of Madeleine McCann suspect Christian B says he's 'sure German did it'Daily Star3:39 Fri, 01 Apr

As we all understand the people who migrate to Cambodia, not to gaze at and study the remains of the Khmer/ Angkorian Empire and marvel at Angkor Wat and Bayon Temple complexes . . . but to satisfy their other earthly "interests" which often include pubescent girls, and white powder.
When they then take on assumed names we may reasonably suspect they are either trying to hide from something they have already done elsewhere, or taking precautions to ensure that whatever they are now doing, or planning, cannot be traced to them in the future.
Neither of which makes them Witnesses of high repute and credibility.
Nevertheless this joker is 'Certain', or 'sure'.No evidence is adduced, obviously.That would be asking too much of the Tabloids, or Amazon books, or free newspapers in Spain.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by CaKeLoveR 03.04.22 7:41

Perhaps having learned from a certain 'expert' connected with CEOPS  where to find the  child brothels.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by PeterMac 03.04.22 7:43

Neat comment on the FB page.

"I'm 100% certain he didn't.  I wonder who's right.".  

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by crusader 03.04.22 8:20

Maybe C Brueckner did take Madeleine, he was into all kinds of evil things, maybe was he into Necrophilia as well..

He would have to be, because as we all know , Madeleine did not leave the apartment alive.

Dogs don't lie.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by sharonl 03.04.22 10:21

Maybe CB is a willing patsy, after all it is all a bit strange isn't it.

BKA accusing him of all these crimes that he is later cleared of.

In isolation

Fears for his safety over Madeleine, despite having committed equally serious crimes.  Why only Madeleine?

Allowing someone to enter his cell, photograph it and release the photo to the media.

Drawing cartoons which end up in the media.

Has yet to be questioned.

Let's just see if he get a payout, just like Murat did.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 03.04.22 13:14

Christian Brückner now has an opportunity to ‘earn’ some money.

He has a Portuguese Inspector who has a Medical report that no evidence of Rape could be found.
He has two different versions of how the Video was watched by Manfred S and Helge B.
He has a Professor who will re-test all Samples of DNA for free, possibly his red hair found on Diana M’s bed as well, seeing as he is the ‘Prime Suspect’.

Why is he not writing 14 pages complaining that he (might) have been falsely imprisoned in the Rape of Diana M? Who never directly accused him, and took no part in the Trial due to health problems, before she passed away.

Even if he cannot Sue anyone directly, he could earn a significant amount if he could prove his innocence. The amount paid out for false imprisonment just went up to €75 per day recently.


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 03.04.22 16:00

I couldn't resist the temptation to copy this report over from the Irish Mirror #makesyerfonkdunnit..

Friend '100% certain' Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner snatched child in night raid

Exclusive: Christian Post was tracked down by the Mirror to a small town in Cambodia where he lives under an assumed name. In his first ever interview he told how he and Christian Brueckner would go to each other’s flats after they became friends.

ByMartin FrickerNews Reporter

09:29, 2 APR 2022Updated09:37, 2 APR 2022

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 1_chri10
30-03-2022 -Christian Post speaks to the Mirrors Martin Fricker (Image: Phil Harris / The Daily Mirror)

[This is not me, it's an assumed identity .... honest angel ]

Christian Post believes his former friend ­Christian Brueckner came across Madeleine McCann by chance as she slept in her apartment before snatching her.

The 54-year-old is "convinced" the German paedophile took the three-year-old girl in May 2007 at Praia da Luz on the Algarve.

And Mr Post claimed Brueckner boasted of burgling holiday flats during chilling “night-crawls” around the Portuguese resort.

He told how the chief suspect in Madeleine’s disappearance had up to 100 passports from ­properties he raided. And he admitted he regrets not tipping off police about his crimes, but insisted he is willing to try to help bring him to justice over the missing British toddler.

German Mr Post, a talented musician and IT expert, became friends with Brueckner, 45, after the pair met in an Algarve bar in the early-2000s, The Mirror reports.

He initially believed his fellow ­countryman could not have been behind Madeleine’s kidnap and thought his criminality was limited to burglary.

But since discovering Brueckner had been convicted of child sex offences in his teens, Mr Post said it was now “so obvious” he snatched her.

He added: “Now I know about his paedophile past, his rapist past, I’m 100% certain it was him.

“I think he found her by chance and just took her on the spur of the moment.

“I think once you are a paedophile, there is a switch in your brain that cannot be turned off. If he saw a little girl asleep, alone in her apartment, he would definitely have taken her.

“Thinking about what he has done in the past makes me sick, it makes me want to vomit knowing I was hanging with him. If he is convicted of taking Madeleine I hope they lock him up and take away the key.” Mr Post was tracked down by the Mirror to a small town in Cambodia where he lives under an assumed name.

In his first ever interview he told how he and Brueckner would go to each other’s flats after they became friends.

Mr Post said he knew his new pal was on the “fringes” of crime but had no idea of the true scale until a later visit to his ramshackle farmhouse. He said: “I was sat in the living room and noticed piles of passports on the fireplace.

“There honestly must have been between 60 and 100 of them, neatly stacked up in three piles.

“He told me he got them on his ‘­night-crawls’ in Praia da Luz, climbing on to balconies and through windows. It shows how many burglaries he must have done. He said he would go into rooms and take what he wanted. At the time I guessed he was talking about cash, jewellery, ­passports… but who knows?

“He would only do it at night, it was too risky being seen in the daylight.

“He also said he was trafficking a bit of weed to make cash. But there was absolutely no sign he was into children or anything like sexual crimes.

“Do I have regrets not telling the police about the passports at the time? I guess I do.

“But now I’m willing to go back to court, to face him again, and help convict him if they want me to.” Mr Post only found Brueckner had been convicted of child sex offences after reading about them in the press.

And we can reveal he has twice been interviewed by detectives investigating the suspect and Madeleine’s case.

Mr Post gave evidence against him at his 2019 trial for raping a pensioner in Praia da Luz in 2005, for which he is serving seven years in Germany.

He fell out with Brueckner in 2006 after the crook asked him to go to his house and clear out anything ­incriminating while he was in a Portimao prison for stealing petrol.

Mr Post found some porn films and binned them rather than take them to a friend’s house who had children. He said: “He thought I was stealing from him or something.”

The pair met briefly again in 2012 after Mr Post had returned to Germany to work on a Christmas market in Solingen near Dusseldorf.

But after moving to Cambodia in 2015, he was stunned when his brother rang three years later to say German detectives wanted to speak to him.

Mr Post added: “They said he was a suspect in the Madeleine case. I was absolutely shocked.”

He said he had never spoken about Brueckner publicly before over fears he would be linked to the Madeleine case. And he insisted he had nothing to do with any of the suspect’s crimes.

German prosecutors named Brueckner as a suspect in June 2020 and claim to have evidence that he abducted and killed her. He denies any involvement in the case.

Madeleine’s parents Kate, 54, and Gerry, 53, from Rothley, Leics, continue to believe she is alive somewhere.

Last week it was reported UK Home Office funding for Scotland Yard’s Operation Grange investigation into the disappearance will end this year.

The probe, opened in 2011, has so far cost more than €15million.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 03.04.22 16:15

Plenty pickings there for the more discerning case observer, riddled with contradiction.

Not only rubbish but risible rubbish.

He told how the chief suspect in Madeleine’s disappearance had up to 100 passports from ­properties he raided.

Mr Post said he knew his new pal was on the “fringes” of crime but had no idea of the true scale until a later visit to his ramshackle farmhouse. He said: “I was sat in the living room and noticed piles of passports on the fireplace.

“There honestly must have been between 60 and 100 of them, neatly stacked up in three piles.

So it really was a bungled burglary after all..

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 01_vol20

Passports, nah think I'll diversify .... now which of these three very young children shall I take? Yeh, the bigger one - easier to escape without leaving any trace.


Still, why let evidence stand in the way of a good marketing ploy.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by sharonl 03.04.22 22:21

thinking   So the Mirror tracks down a man with a false name in Cambodia and suddenly he decides that CB must be guilty.  A likely story.

According to the PJ, there had been no reported burglaries in the area.  So if CB really had all these passports, how on earth did the victims manage to fly home without reporting the passports stolen?

Where are these passports now? Are they available as evidence?
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 04.04.22 2:01

Knowing full well, as most of us do, crime is widespread in any area that attracts tourists - even big cities like London and Paris.

I have never left valuables hanging around in a hotel room, I always used hotel safe deposit facilities for free or a very nominal fee, or a safe provided in the hotel room and I'm not talking 5* ultra exclusive hotels. I'm talking bog-basic no frills accommodation.

Even if 'it felt so safe' - excuse the pun.

I do however wonder why anyone would leave piles of pilfered passports above a fire place i don\'t know a conversation piece?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 04.04.22 17:18

Geeez-us, give me strength. Back on the Paraguay paedophile ring jaunt again - perhaps this might explain exactly what Frickerman was doing in Cambodia, apart from tracking down he of assumed name as an 'exclusive' witness with a tale to tell.

RING OF SIN Suspects in global paedo ring linked to Madeleine McCann ‘kidnapper’ Christian B go on trial in Germany

Ryan ParryRob Hyde

13:52, 4 Apr 2022Updated: 15:27, 4 Apr 2022

THE men behind a global paedophile ring which cops believe Madeleine McCann suspect Christian B contacted are set to go on trial in Germany.

German police believe the convicted paedophile, 45, abducted and killed Madeleine McCann in Portugal in 2007.

But last year it emerged he may also have contacted an underground international network of depraved child abusers called Boystown.

Following tip-offs from German police, in April 2021 authorities in Paraguay targeted Christian Manfred Kruse, 59, a German national thought to be behind the sick network.

Experts then set about analysing all the computer data, including 5,000 IP addresses, which had exchanged sickening pornographic images and videos of children being abused to around 400,000 members.

Commissioner Nimio Cardozo, head of the Paraguayan anti-kidnapping agency, said at the time: "There are elements that we could use to help clarify the case.

“Amongst all this data, we could also find information on the Maddie case."

Alleged paedophile Kruse, who had been living in the city of Belén, Paraguay, was arrested and extradited to Germany, where he remains in custody.

At the same time German cops arrested three other men linked to the ring.

They include cook Andreas G, 40, unemployed Fritz Otto K, 64, and Alexander G, 49, who allegedly acted as an administrator and forum moderator for the ring.

All four men are now set to go on trial in Germany.

Boystown was internationally oriented, had chat areas in different languages and served the worldwide exchange of images, documenting the sexual abuse of children.

Madeleine vanished from her family’s holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal on May 3, 2007

Christian B, whose full name cannot be reported due to strict German privacy laws, was identified as a suspect in 2020 as it's believed he was living in the area at the time.

He is currently serving a seven-year jail sentence in Germany for raping a 72-year-old woman in Portugal.


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 04.04.22 17:28

I think this might be the tiny acorn from whence the mighty oak did grow..

Missing Madeleine McCann 'seen in Paraguay', private investigator claims

The missing youngster has been living in the city of Aregua 'in the custody of a woman', according to investigator Miraz Ullah Ali

ByAnthony Bond
Sophie Evans

   12:24, 9 Mar 2016Updated15:41, 9 Mar 2016

Madeleine McCann has been spotted in Paraguay, a private investigator has claimed, reportedly sparking a huge search operation for the missing youngster.

Maddie, who was three years old when she vanished in 2007, has been living in the city of Aregua 'in the custody of a woman', according to researcher Miraz Ullah Ali.

Commonly known as media mangelwurzling.

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Post by Verdi 04.04.22 17:56

Oh eyes same sauce different gravy..

CLOSING IN Paraguay cops smash global paedophile gang ‘with links to Madeleine McCann suspect’ as German police notified

   Imogen Braddick

   23:50, 19 May 2021Updated: 23:51, 19 May 2021

COPS in Paraguay have reportedly smashed a global paedophile gang with links to the prime suspect in the Madeleine McCann case.

Detectives have destroyed the sick network for sharing child sex abuse images and made a number of arrests - and they think the top figure in the gang was in contact with suspect Christian B.

The 44-year-old German, who is a convicted rapist and paedophile, has been identified by police as the prime suspect responsible for the abduction of Madeleine.

A special force chief in the South American country has now revealed how they think their investigation could help solve the Madeleine case.

Commissioner Nimio Cardozo, of the Paraguay police anti-kidnap section, told the Mirror: "There are elements, we believe, whereby our security agencies could contribute to clarifying the Madeleine case.

"We are continuing work on trying to help resolve it.

"For us the case is emblematic, as the world’s police and security services have not been able to provide this missing little girl’s parents with the answers they want."

He said his team has handed its findings to prosecutors in Christian B's native Germany.

The Paraguayan cops reportedly arrested the senior gang member, German national Christian Kruse, 58, at his riverbank hideaway in Belen on April 12.
German citizen Christian Kruse, 58, has been arrested and charged by cops

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He was charged with child abuse offences and is now in custody awaiting trial.

"This was one of the world’s biggest operations against paedophilia," Cardozo said.

"In Belen we arrested one of the most prolific administrators of paedophile websites.

"He was wanted by several European countries, as well as the United States.

"We made our arrest at night and in Germany several suspects were detained."

He added: "Forensic analysis of computers in Paraguay and Germany led to the identification of more than 5,000 connected IP addresses that were exchanging paedophile videos and photos.

"We haven’t ruled out the possibility that among all that big data there could be important information for the Madeleine case."

On Monday, cops working on the Madeleine case said new key evidence was revealed to be the suspect's phone records, which may show his movements in Portugal.

"For a long time German officers have said many key pieces of the jigsaw were missing about Christian B's movements in the Algarve," a source said.

"This new information may help provide one of those pieces."

German police believe Madeleine was killed in Portugal and not taken to Germany by Christian B, it emerged on Monday.

There were fears he had allegedly moved the toddler to his home country after taking her from Praia da Luz.

Christian B’s lawyer Friedrich Fulscher had said his client “denies any involvement” in the McCann case.

Detectives from Germany, Portugal and the UK probing Christian B are due to meet within weeks to discuss the case.

German police searched Christian B's former home in Hanover last July, but Mr Wolters said he wasn't living at the home at the time Madeleine disappeared.

Christian B was identified as the prime suspect in Madeleine's disappearance last June.

He is serving a seven-year sentence in prison for raping a 72-year-old American woman in the Algarve in 2005.

It comes as Madeleine's parents Gerry, 52, and Kate, 53, said they would "never give up" hope of finding their daughter.

The couple paid tribute to their daughter on what would have been her 18th birthday.

They wrote: "Happy 18th birthday Madeleine. We love you and we’re waiting for you and we’re never going to give up."

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Post by Jill Havern 05.04.22 8:02

Madeleine McCann Case Closed - Is THE GAME Finally Over? Is the McCann Circus Finally Leaving Town?

True Crime Rocket Science
Mar 25, 2022

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Post by Jill Havern 10.04.22 7:56

Madeleine McCann suspect could escape prosecution over Portugal law

Michael Hamilton
Gerard Couzens

15:30 ET, Apr 9 2022

POLICE in Portugal could lose their chance to nail anyone over Madeleine McCann’s disappearance due to a law which prevents prosecutions after 15 years.

Legal experts say the time limit means the chances of putting anyone behind bars would be “greatly reduced” after May 3, the day she vanished in 2007.

Accused German national Christian B, 45, who lived near the resort from where Madeleine vanished at the time — Praia da Luz — would have to be declared an “official suspect” by that date this year.

Spencer Dohner, of MDM Legal in Faro, said Portugal’s statute of limitations states that anyone behind a crime punishable by ten or more years’ jail “cannot generally be prosecuted once 15 years has passed”.

The lawyer said: “If Madeleine is dead and was murdered the cut-off point for prosecution would be the 15th anniversary of her disappearance.

“If she were found alive and had been the victim of sex crimes as a minor, legal proceedings could take place until she was 23.” She is now 18.

A Lisbon-based lawyer, who asked not to be named, said: “Police and prosecutors in Portugal will be acutely aware of the time limits hanging over the case.”

German Police Chief Hans Christian Wolters has said investigators are “confident” they have enough to charge the suspect, who is in prison for raping a pensioner.

He admitted the evidence was “circumstantial”.

Scotland Yard, meanwhile, has decided to wind up its £13million Operation Grange probe in September due to lack of leads, it is said.

Madeleine’s parents, Kate and Gerry, are thought to have some private funding to help them continue with the search for their daughter.

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Post by CaKeLoveR 10.04.22 8:01

The fact that the McCann's have never been 'buoyed' by the prospect  of C.B. being suspected of Madeleine's  disappearance doesn't seem to have occurred to anybody. Outside of the forum, that is.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Jill Havern 10.04.22 8:08

CaKeLoveR wrote:The fact that the McCann's have never been 'buoyed' by the prospect  of C.B. being suspected of Madeleine's  disappearance doesn't seem to have occurred to anybody. Outside of the forum, that is.
Maybe they're saving their anger and disappointment that he hasn't been prosecuted for the 15th anniversary deluge of nonsense.

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Post by CaKeLoveR 10.04.22 8:25

Ah, yes, the possibility of suing somebody might be their thinking.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by crusader 10.04.22 8:33

It's still all about CB isn't it, how come if  Portuguese law say's it all ends after 15 years, on May 3rd, Operation Grange will continue until September.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Jill Havern 10.04.22 9:02

crusader wrote:It's still all about CB isn't it, how come if  Portuguese law say's it all ends after 15 years, on May 3rd, Operation Grange will continue until September.

Well, they've got the broom cupboard to sweep out, desks to clear, coffee cups and ashtrays to wash, cobwebs to remove, and the shredder to empty ready for the next team of 'detectives' to move in to work on the cover-up of the death of a child.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by crusader 10.04.22 9:11

Not forgetting the all inclusive annual holiday to be had.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 20 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Jill Havern 10.04.22 9:19

crusader wrote:Not forgetting the all inclusive annual holiday to be had.
Oh yes, of course...and with all the money they've saved over the years they'll have enough for all MET officers to go this time.

Dame Dick, Head of the Yard will certainly be needing a holiday in the sun.

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Post by CaKeLoveR 10.04.22 9:27

Maybe thev've bought a large holiday home. Cold Case Casa.
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Post by Silentscope 10.04.22 9:43

Or a Winnebago perhaps? One that can cover 300 miles in One minute and Forty seconds?

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