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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Mm11

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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Mm11

Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Regist10

Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by NickE 27.01.18 21:43

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"Met this tosser at the house of commons when I appeared at a anti-child abuse meeting a few years ago - Arrogant twat!

He was always sending me stuff on Twitter to re-tweet for him

Masquerading as a child online should become a criminal offence to help snare predators and deter vigilante paedophile hunters, an inquiry has heard.

Former police chief Jim Gamble said the law should be changed so only those with police permission or reasonable excuse could pose as an under-18 on the internet.

Appearing before the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA), he said the crude methods used by have-a-go detectives should be taught to a “citizen’s army” of volunteers under police guidance.

The IICSA is currently holding public evidence hearings examining how the internet can facilitate sexual abuse of children.

Police have previously expressed concern that groups such as Dark Justice or The Hunted One, which pretend to be children online to catch sex offenders, put investigations at risk.

Mr Gamble was head of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop) until he quit in 2010 over its impending merger with the National Crime Agency (NCA).

His suggested changes to the law would see those that knowingly talk to a child online while pretending to be a similar age face charges.

He told the hearing: “Number one, it inhibits people from masquerading online – and everyone doesn’t masquerade, some lie about their age to a slight degree, some more so – what it would do, with a single swipe of the pen or legislative instrument is inhibit or prohibit vigilante activity because you could not masquerade as if (you were) below the age of 18 if you did not have lawful authority or reasonable excuse.

“Lawful authority would come from the police, reasonable excuse might be a parent who is worried about their child and decides to take on their child’s persona to look at that.

“That’s about a sensible and pragmatic approach to creating an architecture through legislation that makes it easier to prosecute people because so much of the legislation relies on intent.

“Why would I, as a 58-year-old man, want to pretend to be 16 to talk to a 13-year-old girl?”

Mr Gamble earlier told the inquiry that he was “fundamentally opposed” to vigilantism, but the techniques used by online hunters could be mirrored by professionals.

This would involve carefully vetting citizen volunteers and training them up.

He continued: “We know from the vigilante experience that you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to carry out some of the low-level work that captures a lot of the low-hanging fruit.”

“The police resist this and I don’t know why.

“Begin thinking about better ways that we can build a citizen’s army that creates a much greater likelihood of someone talking to your 13-year-old daughter, actually talking to a 30-year-old volunteer digital detective.

“I cannot, for the life of me, understand why that concept has not been embraced.”

The inquiry will continue holding hearings until the end of the week."
Read the comments!
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She said she had never touched that window and the cleaning lady assured that she had cleaned it on the previous doesn't add up"

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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by sharonl 27.01.18 22:09

Alleged sex offender arrested after 'paedo hunter' sting
Police say the man has been released "under investigation

A 30-year-old man was arrested after a sting by an online 'paedophile hunter' group in Devon over the weekend.

Several police cars and officers attended an address in the Forches area of Barnstaple at around 6pm on Saturday night.

Pictures of the scene were posted online by Chris Wittwer who runs the online 'UK & Ireland database' - a website which profiles convicted sex offenders.

Chris and his team say they did the "background work" which led to the man's arrest.

Devon and Cornwall Police confirmed this morning that a 30-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of being an adult attempting to meet a girl under 16 years of age following grooming.
They also confirmed the man has since been released under investigation.

Anyone with information is asked to contact police on 101 quoting crime reference number CR/098368/17.

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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by nglfi 28.01.18 8:12

A lot of the comments are centred around concern that Gamble is doing this to protect people higher up the political chain. Imagine how embarrassing it would be if one of these groups caught out a VIP?

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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by Jill Havern 28.01.18 15:11

NickE wrote:Read the comments!
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Not everyone is on facebewk and can read the comments, so here they are:

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What a twat. ......
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He should shut his mouth obv trying to protect peedos
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Peado protecting piece of shite
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Fundamentally opposed but willing to use the same techniques eh?
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oh dear another max clifford !! i remember the days when all the celeb peados resulting from saville were being found out 1 by 1 and clifford came forward off his own back and made a statement to the press, straight away i thought hes guilty of it too and low and behold within 12 months he was also exposed !!
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You know why that is cuz the whole goverment is full of fucking pedos
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I wouldn't take a Gamble on him knowing what he's talking about...
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doesn't want the average man getting near all the covered up stuff.
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Interesting! WHO IS HE PROTECTING???? WHO are they scared you MAY JUST EXPOSE??????? Just be aware, there are SOME involved in the POLICE who have and DO COMMIT CRIMINAL ACTS!
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Pedo protector [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by Jill Havern 28.01.18 15:13

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Although it wouldn’t matter to me who does the work as long as it gets done, if the police want to take it on and do as good a job (or better) then so be it.

This isn’t about egos or personal crusades (for me), it purely is about protecting children from horrible bastards that really could be put up against a wall and shot.

That said though, I have a funny feeling the police will fuck that up and do a terrible job of it.
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Wonder if his friends are on [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] database already

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Is that not what you are doing already [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]? You are now working with the police and their guidance to not show the footage ect has all come from their advice.

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Who would volunteer to work for a government department, alongside overpaid lazy gits with gold-plated pensions? Is he kidding.
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Pound to a penny that Gamble is a nonce himself
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Absolute CUNT

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Vigilante will become the norm if this becomes law these so called proposals are nothing more than secret paedophiles controlling online enquiry grooming
It's a joke and this won't just be welcomed by parents and people who have been on the receiving end of vile scum paedophiles like this tosser who is wanting changes made
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He’s wanting to protect his Paedophile buddies and probably himself!!
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Mr NONCE You are a disgrace ...This is a message from all the KIDS you are all suppose to protect,
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Children will become more at risk it's a disgrace

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Certain individuals being checked / investigated would no doubt be told ( from higher up ) , as in recent cases Rotherham Rochdale etc, to desist as it wasn't in the public interest , or some other pile of shite.
He should be ashamed of himself .

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Wot a wanker[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by Jill Havern 28.01.18 15:13

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Rotten to the core

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This stinks of cover up there running scared WHY

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If it become law to pose as a child online, wait and see how much police resources become available to catch these people. Shame they don’t provide resources for catching the paedos

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Justice will be served were just on Granada Reports now

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We get more information from you Chris we would never get the same information from the police why because you care about children's safety and they don't I don't care where my words go the judges and police are bent as hell if they were not these scumbags would get life which they deserve for ruining lives I would give death penalty to all of these scumbags get rid of the lot of em vile things

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You just have to look at Operation Grange to know the police can’t be trusted

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Grrrrrrr [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by Jill Havern 28.01.18 15:14

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Jim file.... McCann....another cover up.

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I'd only agree if the decoy approached the peado, starting the messaging as that could be seen as instigating, but a decoy is ALWAYS better than a real child.

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Wot a dickhead he is! N hes protecting the high up pedo ring that's for sure. Now their getting close!

To be fair after flaws law was introduced using petitions these laws were due to follow.

This is the regulation you have been asking for and if you could trust it ( which you Can't) then it could be a wonderful service and possibly the start of people upstairs actually recognising the good work you guys do.

If policed correctly and laws actually protected children nobody would moan. Might be time to find some honesty in the establishment and work something out.

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Gamble is a bullying shit who has alot more to hide than people think. Sure many in community that feed him could elaborate. Would ask him but blocked me from his pathetic platforms [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by Jill Havern 28.01.18 15:16

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They’re cacking their pants you snare a VIP and the info is out in public domain

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Clearly from the Pathetic sentences children are not being protected.
The judge who was impressed with an ex copper who pleaded guilty got let off

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My son's a survivor and il never let those police take control
A child needs to know there safe and trust
They need to know help is there
There our future they deserve protecting from these who are proposing to take control there no better than the paedophile if it becomes law

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He wants to protect paedophiles , it is obvious

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We need a savage change in law to protect those who are being abused.
Piranhas of society who should be removed.

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Jim Gamble up to his neck in the high level pedo rings in the uk... search for his connections with the McCann s the vile piece of shit!!!

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He disgusts me he is covering for a lot of pedo rings there's people in high places he knows that one day a hunter is going to sting someone and it's going to lead to pedo rings there was a hunter group who stung a pedo hiding in bedsit that's going to lead to a pedo ring I hope all u hunters get together and ask for a meeting with Theresa may and the head of Scotland yard and this piece of shit and get your concerns across thanks for this Chris [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by Jill Havern 28.01.18 15:16

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Who is paying him

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That’s why they aren’t wanting the hunters around in case they are found out scum

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Nonces Al of the bastards x

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Bob on Janet. Alot of pedos hidden in there x

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So ppl will still pose.names addresses and locations will be accidently dropped and ppl will dish out their own justice.well done mate that really is the way forward.idiot

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I wonder if they are prepared for the fact if they make it illegal there would still be hunting groups, they might just have a different (and possibly nastier) conclusion to their stings.
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In other words.
Nonce apologist [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by Jill Havern 28.01.18 15:18

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I'm looking for a "puke" button. I've met him too. At a CSA public meeting at the house of commons. He's blocked me on Twitter and recognised me I think as he refused to make eye contact.

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Jim "I go to Cambodian child brothels" Gamble. On tax payers money to do a bit of research! F'ing weirdo at very best.

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Jim "I set up a CEOP website 3 days too early about Maddie Mccann, oops" Gamble

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Think he needs further investigation he looks very much like the ones who are being caught online ??? And he's in a rush to try and nip things in the bud
There's something not right with this cunt

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It has been embraced by our hunting groups ???
We don't want a watered down Version of the truth through metropolitan ideas
The teams are doing fine without your interference besides who knows what they will find Mr Gamble ??? Maybe things you don't want them to come across ??? Get yerself to fuck you had your chance stop leaching on the success of the hunting teams they're doing a fantastic job without your useless ideas and ate not interested in brownie points like you
And they do it for the right reasons for our children

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Hey Mr Gamble was Special Branch in Northern Ireland so cover up's/collusion is his special past in the dirty war here so he is well dodgy!

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Why who does he want to protect himself or his friends ,makes you wonder .

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Things are going to get nasty out there they’d better be prepared.

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The more the police n government don't want hunters hunting these fuckers, is exactly why we need and want hunters hunting these filthy bastards. I for one am 100% behind you all [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by Jill Havern 28.01.18 15:19

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"Mr Gamble earlier told the inquiry that he was “fundamentally opposed” to vigilantism, but the techniques used by online hunters could be mirrored by professionals.".......So how would this work seen as the "professionals" are over stretched as they are? Wouldn't it cost even more too to train the overstretched "professionals"? Also the whole statement seems rather contradictory don't you think?
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[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] you and your team do a great job, much respect to you all. Keep up the good work

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Piers Morgan fan club twat

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What a numpty perhaps other groups need police guidance !! But your group has a proven track record so he can go n whistle n leave well alone .It's pitiful he doesn't put his bright lol ideas Into getting more police in general and to get the judicial system changed so the pervs get locked up for good x

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I think all these people at the top are starting to get scared just incase one of the hunter groups get someone at the top

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Yes exactly my feelings too. I hope to god they do not stop our Hunters .

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Makes me feel so angry that the framework we are run by called governments

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This poor excuse of person should grow some BALLS and start thinking about children and NOT the PEADOS FRIENDS IN HIGHER PLACES OR IS HE ONE HIMSELF

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Absolute twatwaffle [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

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A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by Jill Havern 28.01.18 15:26

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Get a grip jim

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What a Complete asshole he is keep up the good work

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Jim Gamble, former head of CEOP who says that's its ok for paedophiles to view illegal images of children online, the same guy who was caught entering a child brothel in Cambodia using the excuse that he was there to make a film. He didn't attempt to get this place closed down, he advertised it to the dirty paedophiles of the world. Jim Gamble is also assisting the cover up the death of 3 year old Madeleine McCann, defending her parents, the (still) prime suspects in this case, this started well before the date she was reported missing on May 3rd 2007 because researcher Steve Marsden found out that an Missing Madeleine entry was made on Gambles CEOP website in April 2007, 4 days earlier. Gamble also put out a clear message that holidaymakers should send their snaps to him and not to the Portuguese Police. The Police, have never seen these photographs - why did Gamble do all of this? What is his real agenda? Thank god for these paedophile hunters, without them the paedophiles would never get caught. Gamble should never allowed to operate in this area.

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A wise man once said: "Be careful who you let on your ship,
because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be The Captain."
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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by Mark Willis 28.01.18 17:42

He's not very popular, is he?
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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by sallypelt 28.01.18 20:45

  • 30 minutes ago

Cambodia charges foreigners for making pornographic images

Prosecutors in Cambodia have charged 10 foreigners, including five Britons, with producing pornographic images after raiding a villa in Siem Reap.
They were arrested on Thursday after images emerged of people apparently imitating sexual positions at a party in the north-western town.
If convicted, they face up to a year in prison.
Cambodia has in recent years been penalising tourists for publishing revealing images of themselves.
Also among those arrested are citizens of Canada, New Zealand, the Netherlands and Norway, reports say.

The foreigners have been held in Siem Reap, the town near Cambodia's famous ancient ruins of Angkor Wat.
However, several people in the pictures from the party do not appear among those held, reports say.
Britain's Foreign Office said it was providing assistance to the arrested UK nationals.

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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by Verdi 28.01.18 21:21

sallypelt wrote:
Cambodia charges foreigners for making pornographic images

affraid First off I thought it meant Cambodia charges as in money sweating

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Jim Gamble laid back and feeling at home in Cambodia

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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by sharonl 28.01.18 21:28

Verdi wrote:
sallypelt wrote:
Cambodia charges foreigners for making pornographic images

affraid   First off I thought it meant Cambodia charges as in money sweating

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Jim Gamble laid back and feeling at home in Cambodia

Was Mr Gable charged for making his film? or as I see it, advertising a child brothel in Cambodia?
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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by sharonl 28.01.18 21:48

This report is from October 2010

22 October 2010

Briton on child sex abuse charge in Cambodia orphanage

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He was originally held on suspicion of breaking child labour laws and his orphanage licence.

The British founder of a Cambodian orphanage is facing prosecution for sexually assaulting a boy in his care.

Nicholas Griffin, 52, was held when police raided his isolated base in countryside near Siem Reap, in the north-west of the country.

Up to 100 children were moved to a safe house in an operation that involved British and local investigators.

Mr Griffin, originally from Wales, left Britain in 2006 before founding the Cambodia Orphan Fund, one year later.
He faces a potential 10-year jail sentence over a claim he sexually assaulted a 15-year-old boy.

Fortress-like building

He was originally held on suspicion of breaking child labour laws and his orphanage licence.

The orphanage manager, a Cambodian man, has been charged with the illegal removal of a child to the orphanage.

Jim Gamble, of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop), said Cambodian police are now examining claims of "institutional abuse" within the orphanage, which occupies an unusual fortress-like building.

Mr Gamble added: "The UK and Cambodia may have different legal systems and law enforcement practices, but we share a clear, joint commitment: to prevent harm to children."

He said the operation demonstrated the value of the organisation's international child protection network.
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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by Verdi 28.01.18 23:57

Mr Gamble added: "The UK and Cambodia may have different legal systems and law enforcement practices, but we share a clear, joint commitment: to prevent harm to children."

He said the operation demonstrated the value of the organisation's international child protection network.

I'm no authority and can provide nothing conclusive to justify my thoughts but I believe the above statement to be totally untrue.  Paedophiles, child abusers, adults with a penchant for sex with any under age boy or girl, flock to countries such as Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines etc etc. where they know they can easily get away with it - and do!  Even child prostitution is allowed unabated.

I once knew a bloke, a homosexual, who was having problems with local authorities for harbouring a fourteen year old boy for his entertainment.  He had to flee the country before being arrested and imprisoned and/or deported - he went to Thailand!

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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by Mark Willis 29.01.18 7:11

You ask me, any country that has names for cities like "Bangkok" and "Phuket", are already busy doing their own advertising...
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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by Verdi 29.01.18 12:16

Mark Willis wrote:You ask me, any country that has names for cities like "Bangkok" and "Phuket", are already busy doing their own advertising...

hysterical That's brightened up an otherwise dreary Monday!

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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by MRNOODLES 29.01.18 12:23

I have always found it interesting Gamble always calls these p. hunters vigilantes.  Vigilantes suggest these groups catch these pervs and then beat the cr*p out of them. But they DON'T, they call the police and hand over the evidence.

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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by Mark Willis 29.01.18 13:49

Verdi wrote:
Mark Willis wrote:You ask me, any country that has names for cities like "Bangkok" and "Phuket", are already busy doing their own advertising...

hysterical   That's brightened up an otherwise dreary Monday!
Does same for me when news readers come across Phuket on their auto-cue and, suppressing every fibre of their being to pronounce it as it looks, instead utter foo-KETwhisper bigshock shame on you wtf
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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by nglfi 29.01.18 15:02

MRNOODLES wrote:I have always found it interesting Gamble always calls these p. hunters vigilantes.  Vigilantes suggest these groups catch these pervs and then beat the cr*p out of them. But they DON'T, they call the police and hand over the evidence.
This is a really important point. Those who simply hand over to police are not vigilantes. They are making a citizen's arrest, or not even that, if it's arranged with police before hand. 
Does Gamble have an issue with neighbourhood watch??

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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by Mark Willis 29.01.18 16:42

nglfi wrote:
MRNOODLES wrote:I have always found it interesting Gamble always calls these p. hunters vigilantes.  Vigilantes suggest these groups catch these pervs and then beat the cr*p out of them. But they DON'T, they call the police and hand over the evidence.
This is a really important point. Those who simply hand over to police are not vigilantes. They are making a citizen's arrest, or not even that, if it's arranged with police before hand. 
Does Gamble have an issue with neighbourhood watch??
The Youtube stings I have watched, every time, those who capture the alleged felons always notify the police before they meet with a suspect. They give the police a time and a place and therefater, when they have their man, they ring the police again to come and question/arrest that person.
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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by Cammerigal 31.01.18 13:55

Jim Gamble is quaking in his boots!
His super IRA spy stakeknife( freddie sciapatti) is to be prosecuted for murder (and thus the RUC are exposed for collusion, MI5 for covering up the sanctioning of his murdering activity to protect their source in the dirty war and of course, his method of recruitment; blackmailed to spy on his IRA countrymen based on paedophilia).
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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by MRNOODLES 31.01.18 15:23

Mark Willis wrote:
nglfi wrote:
MRNOODLES wrote:I have always found it interesting Gamble always calls these p. hunters vigilantes.  Vigilantes suggest these groups catch these pervs and then beat the cr*p out of them. But they DON'T, they call the police and hand over the evidence.
This is a really important point. Those who simply hand over to police are not vigilantes. They are making a citizen's arrest, or not even that, if it's arranged with police before hand. 
Does Gamble have an issue with neighbourhood watch??
The Youtube stings I have watched, every time, those who capture the alleged felons always notify the police before they meet with a suspect. They give the police a time and a place and therefater, when they have their man, they ring the police again to come and question/arrest that person.
This suggests to me, just my opinion. Jimbo wants them all shut down in case one of these groups catches a fish that might know too much.

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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by Mark Willis 31.01.18 19:53

Mark Willis wrote:
nglfi wrote:
MRNOODLES wrote:I have always found it interesting Gamble always calls these p. hunters vigilantes.  Vigilantes suggest these groups catch these pervs and then beat the cr*p out of them. But they DON'T, they call the police and hand over the evidence.
This is a really important point. Those who simply hand over to police are not vigilantes. They are making a citizen's arrest, or not even that, if it's arranged with police before hand. 
Does Gamble have an issue with neighbourhood watch??
The Youtube stings I have watched, every time, those who capture the alleged felons always notify the police before they meet with a suspect. They give the police a time and a place and therefater, when they have their man, they ring the police again to come and question/arrest that person.
This suggests to me, just my opinion. Jimbo wants them all shut down in case one of these groups catches a fish that might know too much.
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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by sharonl 31.01.18 22:25

'Recruit paedophile hunters' says ex-CEOP boss Jim Gamble21 September 2017

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Paedophile hunters frequently expose child abusers by posing as children online
Police forces should vet and recruit paedophile hunters, the former head of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) has said.

Jim Gamble called for the creation of a "citizens' army" which would work with police to identify and gather evidence.
He told BBC Radio Ulster the volunteers must be carefully vetted and trained.

But he added police could not ignore the fact that last year, vigilante evidence was used in 44% of court cases where a suspect groomed a child.
'Digital detectives'

The figure was obtained by the BBC earlier this week, and relates to prosecutions in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The National Police Chiefs' Council warned vigilantes could "compromise" police investigations but admitted UK forces may have to work with paedophile hunters.

Mr Gamble, who is a former senior police officer from Northern Ireland, led CEOP from its formation in 2006 until his resignation in 2010.
He told the BBC's Talkback programme: "What I have been trying to encourage is that, police actually create the role of special constable in the online space and create digital detectives, so [paedophile hunters] could apply to the police."

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Jim Gamble called for the creation of a "citizens' army" to support police in tackling online abuse
He said the unpaid volunteers would not have the full powers of police officers, but said their skills should be harnessed to help officers protect children from abuse.
"What I'm saying is - capture the frustration that people feel; recruit public-spirited individuals, make sure they've got the right character.

"Then train them, equip them to carry out this job as digital detectives and we could create an army of over 1,000, if every force just recruited 25 volunteers."

Mr Gamble added that he recognised that "if you just let any Tom, Dick or Harry become involved, that you many have the wrong sort of people".
He said proper police vetting would "get rid of the risks".

Paedophile hunters frequently expose child abusers by posing as children online and arranging or agreeing to face-to-face meetings.
The abuser, who has been tricked into thinking they are meeting a child, is then confronted by the vigilantes and sometimes placed under citizen's arrest until police arrive.

Police have previously expressed concern that such confrontations can lead to violence and can interfere with criminal investigations.
Last month, a man from Northern Ireland took his own life after he was confronted at his home by a vigilante group calling itself Silent Justice.
The confrontation was streamed live on the internet, in a move that was strongly criticised by the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI).

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Silent Justice'
A group calling itself Silent Justice has posted online videos of its confrontations

Mr Gamble acknowledged that some self-appointed paedophile hunters are "just not suited" to track down abusers, and said police vetting was essential.
"There is a model of policing across England and Wales called special constables and no matter where you are - whether it's in Birmingham or Brighton - at night time some of the police officers you will see in uniform are special constables.

"They have applied for that job, and here's the key - they've been vetted, so you know they've got the right character."
He added: "These are volunteers, these are publicly-minded, good citizens who want to make a difference."

The programme also spoke to a man called Scott, who is part of a two-man team behind the English vigilante group, Dark Justice.
'120 arrests'

Scott described how he often spends up to 17 hours a day online, posing as a child and talking to potential paedophiles.
He previously ran a media business, but now no longer works for a living and is financially supported by his family while carrying out his full-time vocation.

"We have mounted up some debt... it's not a free thing to do," Scott said, but added he felt obliged to continue because of the government's failure to protect children.
"To date, we have successfully helped with the arrest of 120 people," he claimed.

"So far, 54 of them have been convicted, the rest are on bail, pending court dates, and so on."
Scott said Dark Justice kept records of their online conversations with suspects, and then handed them to police to support prosecutions.
He added that his group did not live-stream its confrontations and did not expose paedophiles online until they had been convicted.
'Police arrogance'

"We can't rely on everyone being a Scott and being calm and considered when engaging with other people," Mr Gamble told the programme.
"We need to bring it within a regulated framework, capitalise on the opportunity for people volunteering and doing it for free, give them the right training, but make sure they are vetted and make sure the information goes as early as possible to the police."

Mr Gamble quit CEOP in 2010 after a row with the then Home Secretary - the current Prime Minister Theresa May - over the assimilation of CEOP into the National Crime Agency.

He said he viewed it as a "dilution" of government resources aimed at protecting children from sex abusers, and still believes children are being failed.
"The lack of investment by government is putting the lives of children at risk - that's a fact," he told Talkback.
"If this was terrorism, they'd be throwing resources at it."

The former officer claimed there was "an arrogance within policing, especially at the most senior level" that tackling paedophilia was only "a job for police".


He said recruiting paedophile hunters should be seen as just "another form of community engagement".
Mr Gamble added that he believed only a tiny fraction of online child abuse was being detected as there were not enough police officers working undercover on the internet.

"There's a tsunami, and we are trying to fix it by standing there with our bucket on the beach and that is not working."
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Is Jim Gamble on thin ice? Empty Re: Is Jim Gamble on thin ice?

Post by MayMuse 31.01.18 22:42

This is worrisome, not suggesting it will happen however wonder how many "secret" paedophiles who are in authority could turn this to their advantage and/or cover up for others. 

Operative word to bear in mind, paeodophiles always usually have facilitators!

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