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need a laugh,look Mm11

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The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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need a laugh,look Mm11

need a laugh,look Regist10

need a laugh,look

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need a laugh,look Empty need a laugh,look

Post by tiny 11.10.14 14:06

didn't know where to put this,can you believe gamble is still pushing the s/s book. pmsl.

10 Oct 2014
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[*]need a laugh,look Bcd82867ef83531778449824c6ae9558_bigger Jim Gamble@JimGamble_INEQE 17h17 hours ago
@ComingUpTheHill Read the @summersandswan book if u want an impartial intelligent insight. It debunks conspiracy theorists amateur analysis

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need a laugh,look Empty Re: need a laugh,look

Post by j.rob 11.10.14 14:26

tiny wrote:didn't know where to put this,can you believe gamble is still pushing the s/s book. pmsl.

10 Oct 2014
[list="stream-items js-navigable-stream"]
[*]need a laugh,look Bcd82867ef83531778449824c6ae9558_bigger Jim Gamble@JimGamble_INEQE 17h17 hours ago
@ComingUpTheHill Read the @summersandswan book if u want an impartial intelligent insight. It debunks conspiracy theorists amateur analysis
What a twerp. He must be so desperate to keep the lid on this. Why, one has to ask?

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need a laugh,look Empty Re: need a laugh,look

Post by tiny 11.10.14 14:33

What I doNt get is the mccanns are suppose to have a lot of followers and yeT this fairy story of a book has hardly sold ,why haven't the pro,s all bought it

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need a laugh,look Empty Re: need a laugh,look

Post by Liz Eagles 11.10.14 15:00

Here's another of Jim's soundbites....

need a laugh,look Bcd82867ef83531778449824c6ae9558_biggerJim Gamble@JimGamble_INEQE

3 Critical issues on internet info

1. Velocity - it is instant
2. Volume - a lot of it
3. Veracity - 1 & 2 don’t = 3
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need a laugh,look Empty Re: need a laugh,look

Post by .Guest.. 11.10.14 15:09

aquila wrote:Here's another of Jim's soundbites....

need a laugh,look Bcd82867ef83531778449824c6ae9558_biggerJim Gamble@JimGamble_INEQE

3 Critical issues on internet info

1. Velocity - it is instant
2. Volume - a lot of it
3. Veracity - 1 & 2 don’t = 3

Does Ineqe stand for In   ad  eq  uat  e?

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need a laugh,look Empty Re: need a laugh,look

Post by Okeydokey 12.10.14 1:46

tiny wrote:didn't know where to put this,can you believe gamble is still pushing the s/s book. pmsl.

10 Oct 2014
[list="stream-items js-navigable-stream"]
[*]need a laugh,look Bcd82867ef83531778449824c6ae9558_bigger Jim Gamble@JimGamble_INEQE 17h17 hours ago
@ComingUpTheHill Read the @summersandswan book if u want an impartial intelligent insight. It debunks conspiracy theorists amateur analysis

So he is saying Amaral and his team were all amateurs? Because, remember, their theory is a conspiracy theory.

Gamble who was never at the crime scene in the early days, claims to know more about this than Amaral. Is that credible?

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need a laugh,look Empty Re: need a laugh,look

Post by tiny 12.10.14 8:44

when did this happen??????? .

Jim Gamble @JimGamble_INEQE Oct 10
@ComingUpTheHill LOL, no, but it is a matter of record that NSY & Portuguese police have ruled out the McCanns as suspects.

  in your deams jim

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need a laugh,look Empty Re: need a laugh,look

Post by Guest 12.10.14 9:40

Why has a high-profile professional such as JG become involved with this case.  I say high-profile, but I'd actually never heard of him before joining here.  I was first alerted to him when I heard him live on radio describe critics on the McCanns as "idiots".  He wasn't at PdL, he didn't know the couple, he's not part of the investigation, so why? To enhance his career, or promote his business, maybe.  Something's not quite right about him.

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need a laugh,look Empty Re: need a laugh,look

Post by PeterMac 12.10.14 10:11

Ladyinred wrote:Why has a high-profile professional such as JG become involved with this case.  I say high-profile, but I'd actually never heard of him before joining here.  I was first alerted to him when I heard him live on radio describe critics on the McCanns as "idiots".  He wasn't at PdL, he didn't know the couple, he's not part of the investigation, so why? To enhance his career, or promote his business, maybe.  Something's not quite right about him.

Or to cover up something else ?
He is the now disgraced leader of CEOPS which has been shown in recent times to have covered up, or failed act on huge amounts of information about paed****s.
Why ?
What is he hiding ?
One is instantly suspicious about people who volunteer for jobs like that, which gives them lawful access to the most dreadful material,

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need a laugh,look Empty Re: need a laugh,look

Post by Guest 12.10.14 11:10

@ComingUpTheHill @summersandswan now just a concerned citizen who hates to see parents of a missing child bullied.
View conversation ·

So this is why JG's involved.

 ... and also director and shareholder of a business that benefits from publicity of 'net security issues

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need a laugh,look Empty Re: need a laugh,look

Post by Liz Eagles 14.10.14 11:26

hanging onto the coat-tails?...funny old world when a deeply embarrassing secret report (shared with Sky News obviously) comes to light in September 2014 (see link at bottom of post).

Here's a lovely tweet from Jim re Alan Johnson....

Jim Gamble @JimGamble_INEQE  ·  18h 18 hours ago
The best political news I've seen in a long time. A man of the people for the people.

need a laugh,look Bz1eqZXIAAACdxo


Now read this.....

Maddie McCann: Secret Report Slams UK Police for Hampering Investigation
need a laugh,look 45c119ee-d4f3-4992-860f-078d4245e6a1_ibt_smallBy Mark Piggott | IB Times – Mon, Sep 1, 2014

The search for missing Madeleine McCann was hampered by the involvement of competing UK police agencies, some of whom damaged relations with their Portuguese counterparts, according to an unpublished Home Office report.
Maddie disappeared from a holiday apartment in the Portuguese resort of Praia da Luz in May 2007. Her parents, Gerry and Kate, have made many appeals for information as to her whereabouts but to date there have been no substantial clues about who may have taken her.

The deeply embarrassing report, by former head of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) Jim Gamble, was commissioned in 2009 by then- Home Secretary Alan Johnson and delivered in 2010. It was never released but details have now been leaked to Sky News.

Gamble slams the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) for putting the small, inadequately-resourced Leicestershire Police in charge of the investigation because the McCanns lived in the county.
He accuses the UK authorities of sometimes acting like a "colonial power" in the way they liaised with their Portuguese counterparts - the effect of which are still being felt.

While noting that the initial response of the Portuguese was "haphazard", Gamble adds that within a few weeks the local police were being briefed by CEOP, the Metropolitan Police, the Serious Organised Crime Agency and the National Police Improvement Agency.

"It was unhelpful," Gamble told Sky. "I've no doubt relationships from the outset with the Portuguese were impacted by it and I think that had a long term negative effect on the investigation and I think to this very day the Met investigation team that's engaged now are still having to manage and massage that relationship and perhaps to be fair to the Portuguese, mend some fences that were trodden on in the early days."

At the same time, said Gamble, No 10, the Home Office and Foreign Office ministers were making requests to departments for information and Crimestoppers set up an appeal hotline. This, said Gamble, led to "a sense of chaos and a sense of competition, people putting their hand up and wanting to help and in many instances in my opinion wanting to be seen to help."

The report, which the Home Office declined to publish under Freedom of Information laws, led to the re-opening of the investigation by the Metropolitan Police in 2010. One of Gamble's recommendations - a national centre for missing children - has not been followed up, which means if the same thing happened now the response would probably not be any more co-ordinated than when Maddie vanished.


Jim Gamble is in the business of 'train the trainer' and has a product to sell. Quite why he continues to be so vociferous about the case of Madeleine's disappearance is well....make up your own mind.
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need a laugh,look Empty Re: need a laugh,look

Post by Snifferdog 14.10.14 11:53

Here we go...but now details have been leaked to Sky New, Gamble, Gamble, Gamble...but it needs to be said Again. was the Mcs themselves who damaged the Portugese investigation, aided and abetted by the T7, their hometown Masonic Leicester police.
A Gamble, a lying pink Spokesperson supplied by UK Guv. AnD Of CoURsE, aLl tHe Maddy HaTeRs, who don't give 2 hoots that a little girl has been murdered imo., as let slip by Bernard Hogan Howe.

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need a laugh,look Empty Re: need a laugh,look

Post by Liz Eagles 14.10.14 12:41

It seems to me that the Madeleine case is a bit revolved around Ireland (North and Eire), Leicester and London.

Gamble was among six candidates shortlisted to succeed Sir Hugh Orde as Police Service of Northern Ireland Chief Constable. The post was vacated by Orde in late 2009.[1] Also in the running were Bernard Hogan-Howe, then chief constable of Merseyside; Jon Stoddart, chief constable of Durham; Paul West, chief constable of West Mercia; and Matt Baggott, chief constable of Leicestershire who was the successful candidate.[


Baggott joined the Metropolitan Police in 1978. He moved to West Midlands Police as Assistant Chief Constable in 1998, and was promoted to Deputy Chief Constable in 2001. He was appointed Chief Constable of Leicestershire Constabulary in 2002.[2] In January 2014, it was announced that he would retire from the PSNI in September 2014, having deciding that he would not apply to extend his contract.[3] On 5 June 2014, he announced that he would retire earlier than planned; stepping down on 29 June.[4]


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need a laugh,look Empty Re: need a laugh,look

Post by Jamming 14.10.14 13:52

This bit gets me: " Gamble slams the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) for putting the small, inadequately-resourced Leicestershire Police in charge of the investigation because the McCanns lived in the county."

Now i don't know the shape, size, structure of one police force against another but the way the Leics Police are described, by the charming Mr Gamble, it's a wonder they could ever solve any crime on their own patch, being so small and inadequately resourced.

Typing this, whilst seeing the picture of Brenda above with her son, who would Gamble suggest takes the lead in investigating the circumstances surrounding Brenda's death, in Leicestershire, as the local plod wont be big or resourced enough to manage, clearly

Who the hell does this guy think he is ?

As for deeply embarrassing reports... perhaps Leicester Police should be tasked with coming up with a report into the number of named & reported offenders given to his bunch that were allowed to slip through CEOP's net whilst Gamble held court over there

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need a laugh,look Empty Re: need a laugh,look

Post by j.rob 16.10.14 14:35

Ladyinred wrote:Why has a high-profile professional such as JG become involved with this case.  I say high-profile, but I'd actually never heard of him before joining here.  I was first alerted to him when I heard him live on radio describe critics on the McCanns as "idiots".  He wasn't at PdL, he didn't know the couple, he's not part of the investigation, so why? To enhance his career, or promote his business, maybe.  Something's not quite right about him.

Describing critics of the McCanns as 'idiots', eh? Surely that description applies to the teeny tiny number of people who believe the McCann's story. Does anyone actually believe their story? Because it seems to me that the 'pros' certainly don't, which is why they have to fight so hard to try to discredit anyone who scrutinizes their version of events.

Gamble is a complete embarrassment, imo. Truly dreadful.

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