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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 06.07.23 14:08

Missing Madeleine McCann: Suspect Christian B. speaks out in SAT.1 exclusive - airing on Monday in SAT.1 investigative documentary

Unterföhring, January 30, 2022. New clues in the case of the missing Madeleine “Maddie” McCann: SAT.1 research solidifies suspicions against the German Christian B., who is facing charges by Braunschweig prosecutors. SAT.1 will air the documentary “SAT.1 investigativ: Neue Spuren im Fall Maddie” (SAT.1 investigative: new leads in the “Maddie” case”) by investigative journalist Jutta Rabe and her international team of reporters on Monday January 31, 2022 at 8:15 p.m.

Are these new findings the breakthrough? A reconstruction of the evening of the crime and extensive research in Portugal and Germany found that Christian B. was very familiar with the Ocean Club area in Praia da Luz. Prior to Maddie’s disappearance, he repeatedly carried out repair work at the place where the three-year disappeared in 2007. What’s more, an on-site analysis of phone records showed that Christian B. and his cell phone must have been no more than five minutes away from Ocean Club on the night of the disappearance. Commenting on the findings already provided to authorities by investigative journalist Jutta Rabe and her international team of reporters, public prosecutor Christian Wolters said that “we are grateful to the SAT.1 team for sharing certain findings with the public prosecutor’s office. There are witnesses who might prefer to speak to the media than to us or the police. If this produces any ideas, we will of course follow these up.”

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 S1_inv10
SAT.1 investigative documentary

Christian B. will comment on the case in “SAT.1 investigativ: Neue Spuren im Fall Maddie” on Monday January 31, 2022 at 8:15 p.m.

In letters exchanged with Jutta Rabe over many months, he insists that he is innocent. Although he says he was working in the Algarve as a drug dealer in 2007, “I was never caught by the police because I followed a few key principles. Where possible, only driving during the day so that my battered “hippy bus” didn’t attract attention, only driving on the roads I needed to and, most importantly, never provoking the police. So that means not committing any crimes, certainly not abducting anyone. Having said that, this was just as absurd to me at the time as starting a nuclear war or slaughtering a chicken.” He went on: “I see no reason to comment on the accusations made by the Braunschweig public prosecutor’s office. In theory, I could sit back and relax and just wait for the findings.” Yet chat logs featuring paedophilic fantasies of violence cast a different light on the current prime suspect: “capture something small and use it for days, that’s what to do,” Christian B. told a chat partner in 2013, who the SAT.1 team also contacted personally…

SAT.1 viewers can watch the exclusive documentary “SAT.1 investigativ: Neue Spuren im Fall Maddie. Ist der Deutsche Christian B. der Täter?” (SAT.1 investigative: new leads in the “Maddie” case. Is the German Christian B. the culprit?”) on Monday January 31, 2022, at 8:15 p.m. The program is a production by Story House Productions on behalf of SAT.1.

Jutta Rabe will provide further insights into her research after the documentary airs as part of the expert panel “SAT.1 investigativ – der Talk: Neue Erkenntnisse im Fall Maddie” (SAT.1 investigative – the talk: new findings in the Maddie case”). As well as Jutta Rabe, presenter Claudia von Brauchitsch will also speak to the profiler Axel Petermann, prevention trainer Jascha Wozniak and Erika Schneider, whose 19-year old daughter Bianca Blömeke also disappeared without a trace more than 20 years ago. From 9:00 p.m., viewers will be able to ask the studio guests questions by calling the free-of-charge telephone number 0800-5003200.

“SAT.1 investigativ: Neue Spuren im Fall Maddie. Ist der Deutsche Christian B. der Täter?” – Monday January 31, 2022 at 8:15 p.m. on SAT.1 and Joyn.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 06.07.23 14:10

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 06.07.23 14:26

In response to a Request by another company DWDL about the Defamation Lawsuit:

Jutta Rabe did not want to comment on this, writes the "Spiegel". 

From Sat.1 it says to "Neither Sat.1 nor Jutta Rabe has received a criminal complaint."

And no resulting Court case or Ruling has ever been heard of.
Unless someone knows differently?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 06.07.23 14:27

hcw has already told the world through the media, hb is not his star witness for the prosecution in the madeleine case. so why do you expect him to react again, is once not enough?

for the defense team, they have no reason to react to anything that looks to be part of the madeleine case, they have still nothing from hcw about his evidence, and reaction in detail to what a old crook is selling to the media would simply be quite stupid. it is not the usually way.

the defense usually react to what they know, not what a old crook is telling he knows. why invest in something that maybe is not even true, the defense cannot know that at this moment.

also ff has already reacted about the same old crook for his presentation in the 2005 rape case, that he has a problem to believe hb is truthful. how many times does he needs to say it do you think?

i got to the swiss article because i found that under a article of 1/7/2023 that promised a reaction of ff, well it just looked the same as he reacted all other times in relation to the  not so friends. 

i do think a lot of people expect to much from the defense team, there is zero communication between them and hcw about the madeleine case, it is under german law still only an investigation case, nothing official, there is no official suspect made, no arrest asked, or charges brought. okay in almost all other countries there would certainly been multiple rounds of questioning and a good lawyer would have found already out where the investigation is going and about. 
so why let yourself lead into a trap you later want to escape because you needed it in the courts.  

if you look for reactions you have to wait until cb has his next letter out. not that these have much real substance, they have a lot of wool, little sheep in it. 

most cases you never hear a word of the cps, defense teams are sometimes more willing in commenting, but only if it is functional for them, and when they at least know what they have to work with. 

in this case, that is presented as a murder charge by hcw, when he has his evidence together, maybe one day will lead to charges, or not, there is not even known about what date we speak. 
the media tells about abduction, taken away and possible some days alive after that. if you do not get a date, why would you bring on an alibi, would be very unproductive if your guessed the wrong date. 

maybe the sun paid better than bild was offering. i do not think it will be the last news by the little toad. the guy just heard he had to run for an invisible fiend for the years coming. the guy would not fit through a window, and roof climbing with all those lovely solar panels would be a lot harder with his modern days build. 
because of his convictions in greece he could maybe no longer that freely travel as before. human traffickers do often meet up with borders themselves. so if he dose it a bit, and delivers the odd breaking news he could still get a nice bit of pocket money, o excuse me, his daily expenses covered.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 06.07.23 14:36

It's all a load of cobblers anyway.

Anyone who believes a word uttered by Helge Buscher and/or Manfred Seyferth should be certified stark raving bonkers.

Still, it keeps the fantasy afloat I guess.

How anyone can justifiably stretch such trash into 3+ years, without a shred of evidence to back-up I'm at a loss to understand.

Why would you even want to think yet here we are again ....

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 06.07.23 15:10

if that dispute against sat eins/jutta rabe under german punishment law must happen, it could hardly already reached the agenda, rape cases in niedersachsen have easily 2 years to wait for a court date.

civil law is not usually easy to finds the verdicts from, that is usually a bit quicker, still first stage overher is just by letter, then the other party has 6 weeks to put in their reply, and that can go on until one pary says basta, finito, maybe it gets even an part of a day in court, and it can start over again, until the judge ask you simply to settle, settlements are never publish officially.

so you can look how that would be arranged in germany under civil law, from that you can estimate a bit of a time frame. for punishment law there is a large waiting list. i did not have seen anything on the niedersachsen agenda, but i have no idea what court it has to start from, overhere it is usually the court is chosen bij the area the defendant lives in. if germany follows that same rule, you have to find out where sat eins/jutta rabe resides under and look through all their cases with verdicts after the date cb made the complaint, civil court too. 

and if the case is not already got stamped with incoming at the court and gotten a reserved date on the agenda, there will be no writ outstanding. an official complaint they could have of course, but that was an old comment from last year. you could ask them if they have by now. 

maybe they have already settled before it ever to to a court, or had a kind of small banner down under a page about the docu, that no one ever noticed. 

i do not care much if there was even a court case, it is such a minor thing in all of this case, not even truly related. 

defamation cases are usually slow, very slow, and each party can agree at any time they want settle, and as a curtain in the portuguese winds it will whoosh from the courts. to be never heard of again. 
in the german media only bild looks to be a bit active on cb, the rest usually just nick their stuff, munch a bit on it and play it as their own work, or nick something from the sun, the mail or the mirror. 

in the netherlands we are supposed to think helge b. is a lady friend of cb, it is the only publication from last week, and a bit of a obscure blog. 

in dutch;
Vriendin hoofdverdachte onthult nieuwe details over verdwijning Maddie McCann

vriend means male friend, vriendin means female friend. i bet the little toad does not like that one. even belgium looks to only had one news outlet that had the story. 

so a dispute with jutta we would not that likely hear about, just not world news.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 06.07.23 16:38

But the depths to which people will sink for a good ‘Story’ are evident in Jutta Raab’s past ‘Exposes’. 

An example as she is not well known in England. 

Her book, Die Estonia: Tragödie eines Schiffsuntergangs (ISBN 3-7688-1267-7, ISBN 3-7688-1460-2), about the alleged cover-up of the true cause of the September 1994 M/S Estonia passenger ferry disaster, was made into the 2003 film Baltic Storm. The video footage of her group's diving expedition to the Estonia shipwreck allegedly reveals holes in the ship's hull, suggesting that explosives played a role in the tragedy. The Secret Service allegedly blew up the Ferry to prevent an Illegal Arms shipment. 
Spiegel-TV has dissociated itself from her coverage of the Estonia disaster.
In the summer of 2000, Sweden issued an arrest warrant against Rabe for violating the sanctity of the shipwreck, in violation of the Estonia Agreement of 1995, barring her from entering Sweden on pain of prosecution.
Probes taken from the holes in the Ships hull found no Explosives residue.
More information here:
[url= official report released in,induced failure of its locks.],induced%20failure%20of%20its%20locks.[/url]
Why would anyone want to stretch this out?
Because it keeps them in Business.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 06.07.23 16:50

It's called conspiracy theory - there's a lot of it about but it's not illegal, providing you don't break the law in the process.

This thread is primarily intended to report on Christian Brueckner's possible connection with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann - past and present alleged misdemeanors of a German journalist really have no relevance here.

Certainly not if it's intended to keep anyone in business !?!

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 06.07.23 18:17

I think our Kampfschwimmer Peter has already Mined Jutta’s Boat?

Just a theory.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 07.07.23 0:37

Silentscope wrote:I think our Kampfschwimmer Peter has already Mined Jutta’s Boat?

Just a theory.

Is that code or are you talking in tongues?

Just a point.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 07.07.23 8:30


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by crusader 07.07.23 9:16

I was just watching that video on youtube.
Basically saying what I believe all along, he needs looking at by the German police.
Also the other partners in crime with CB who all are reading from the same script, they knew he was a burgular but didn't know of his other wrong doings, how convieniant.
All BS in my opinion.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 07.07.23 10:24


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 07.07.23 11:00

i have looked at that video yesterday already. and this is not okay to use profiling at all. okay, i am never been that much into the separation of profiling. as in to become a profiler. and science is still very unsure how useful it is, and if it even has meaning. 

but using a video that was ai generated translated and profiling people from a complete different part of the world does not make it more useful. (the bild version was already posted last week and has exactly the same very bad quality translating. so that would not be helpfull.)

but also, i never heard about any maddie hotline that was manned by scotland yard in the time just after march 2008. first such a hotline would never had the name maddie, the missus would +have been furious, and i had not so much difficulty to find anything about such an event and hotline by now. 

it must be after march 2008, because that music dragon festival was somewhere in march that year. 

and scotland yard and the met had at that time no direct hands in this case, that still resided under operation task. i will take a look in that report to see if there ever was a hotline by the uk police.

why do i want to know it for sure, simple, because you would know to who you have spoken, every hotline/tip line, makes it very clear you are speaking to them and not just to any wrong number. 

who had a kind of hotline, were the mccanns, they had one organized by methodo 3 from late october 2007, but lots of people complaining they could not reach them, that 24/7 available in different languages was not operated that well. and that line was called 'find madeleine'.
the misses would never have agreed to something like the maddie hotline.

ceop had that send us all your holiday pictures, so the pj could never look at those. 

the met/scotland yard has given at least one portuguese/english speaking officer to operation task. but they, met/sy, only got into the review and later their investigation much later on. after gamble and hill, both take ownership of it, had written their secret report about the uk boots walking over the pj investigation. the operation task report is a different one. 
still in 2007 and 2008 it was leichester that had the reins in hand. 

what hb said is translated in different manners. 

in german he said this exactly;

ich hab 2008 scotland yard angeruffen in england und da der hotline maddie mccann...

that translates as said as;

i have 2008 scotland yard called, in england and there the hotline maddie mccann...

and i do think we have a nice and clear lie here. even when i take with it, the case of madeleine is adapted in germany as fall maddie = case maddie. 

there also was crimestoppers, i did find even a picture of a poster they had out;

page 32 of operation task tells about calls to leichester, calls to the family 'hotline' and crimestoppers, but not scotland yard.
i cannot easily copy it to overhere, and usually the direct link does not work well, but let's just try it again;

or try this one;

the report about task is from 2009.

it is not just a little toady, it is a little lying toady too.

to be clear, i did found this one; 
calling someone 'a lying toad' is just a means of letting them know you know they're not telling the truth and that you find that thoroughly unpleasant.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 07.07.23 11:29

and it does not help at all, that this toady moves exactly as a copy of my grandfather, who only just missed the german border from our side by birth. 

those hands holding flat out, and tipping the table, that pose with the breast in front, my grandfather had made it into a well played act, so everyone who did know my grandfather, did know all that would gotten out of his mouth, would be bragging, overestimated to the hilt or even flat out porkies. also we heard the same stories many times over and over, and usually at least one of us had been there when it originally had happened, so we did know it was a fair bit different then. 

he always had his seat with the back to us, as the next generation we had to know our place of course, and that was at the dinner table, and i would probably not have that still that good in my memory, if i not had a cousin, who always played the next pose before our grandfather did it. 

we called it doing the rooster. and i cannot un-see it. i never even have seen someone doing the rooster, that told the truth.

so the one and only hb i do see, does exactly the same, for me he is just storytelling, and to go by his reputation, let's wait and see what is true. i would not bet on it being true at all.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 07.07.23 12:36

Silentscope wrote:CC closed captions are available in English.

Subtitles - closed captions unavailable !

Video deleted.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 07.07.23 13:48

I think we've been this way too many times before - the public being misled by media and press reports, aided and abetted by false witnesses with a story to tell in exchange for a palm of silver.


Why should a known felon who appears from nowhere, some years down the line, be believed over and above all the other debris carried in the wake of a tragedy - the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

Madeleine who?

The child is the priority but alas has been killed and buried by sensationalism.

BAH !!!

Remember Raymond Hewlett, who hit the headlines some years ago with a similar story to tell as Christian Brueckner, anyone?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 09.07.23 0:54

Madeleine McCann major update after police scour lake in search for her body

Detectives from the Federal Criminal Police (BKA) spent several days searching for any sign of Madeleine McCann at the Arade Dam last month but they are set to disappoint the missing girl's family

ByAntony ThrowerNews Reporter

   23:43, 8 Jul 2023

Police searching for Maddie McCann’s body in a lake in an area the prime suspect in her disappearance called his “little paradise” have warned of what they may find.

Detectives from the Federal Criminal Police (BKA), Germany’s equivalent of the FBI, spent several days searching land next to the Arade Dam last month. They used sniffer dogs, radar and search teams to scour the location just 31 miles from where three-year-old Maddie vanished in 2007.

Prime suspect Christian Brueckner, 45, once referred to the location as his "little paradise".

In an effort to track down clues as to if Maddie had been thrown in, police dug several deep boreholes. However, in a blow to Maddie’s family and their supporters detectives are set to confirm they have not found anything of note.

German public prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters told Bild: “Please don’t expect too much.”

It remains unclear as to why investigators decided to search the land near the dam so thoroughly. Police teams were seen methodically chopping down trees and hacking away at undergrowth to expose an area just a short distance from the water.

Photographs appear to show the remains of a camp at the mysterious spot with broken furniture, a torn ship’s buoy and even what appeared to be a makeshift toilet fashioned from a chair. Portuguese sources point to an informant giving police a specific tip-off that Brueckner visited the site just days after Maddie went missing from her room in Praia da Luz.

This tip-off is believed to have been matched with geolocation clues found in the convicted paedophile's vile stash of 8,000 of videos and images. Together it is thought these clues combined sparked the search at the remote site.

It was claimed they were searching for a camcorder and a gun tossed into the water but Portuguese police sources were quick to dismiss that. Regardless of what is found at the site, top German criminal profiler Axel Petermann, says the cops were right to dig at a place so close to Brueckner's heart.

He told The Mirror: “The criminal perpetrators who I got to know over the years tend to hide their victims in places where they feel safe and can assess danger.

“These are places which are secluded and secret and where they can stop and assess various risks.

“They can also be places where they feel good, and where there is a certain private memory of a certain act.

“So, I think the search activity may have been going in this direction.

“My recommendation when dealing with suspects in the case of missing people, is always to find the places where these suspects spent time, where they had secrets, where they could assess risks, so from this point of view I think the investigators’ current search was very important.”

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 09.07.23 0:57

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 09.07.23 1:06


   NewsWorld News

MADDIE HUNT Major update in hunt for Madeleine McCann after cops scour lake for her body

   Published: 21:10, 8 Jul 2023Updated: 21:21, 8 Jul 2023
   Scarlet Howes

POLICE scouring a lake for the body of Madeleine McCann expect to draw a blank, we can reveal.

German detectives have said there is “no compelling evidence” she is there.

Snifferdogs and radar were used during the three-day search last month of Arade Dam reservoir.

Prime suspect, German national Christian B, 45, referred to the remote Algarve spot as his “little paradise”.

It is around 30 miles from Praia da Luz where Maddie was snatched in 2007 from a holiday flat while parents Kate and Gerry were out.

Sources claim local cops received a tip-off that Christian B had gone there a few days after Maddie went missing.

Police dug 2ft deep bore holes at the reservoir hoping, it is believed, to unearth fibres or clothing linked to Madeleine.

A Portuguese newspaper said “relevant information” was found and clothing remains, soil samples and pieces of plastic were taken away for analysis.

According to German tabloid Bild, however, detectives are likely to say that the evidence they need to nail Christian B is not there.

German public prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters said: “Please don’t expect too much.”

Christian B is in a German jail for the rape of a 72-year-old woman in Praia da Luz in 2005.

He is suspected of further rapes and child abuse.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 09.07.23 1:10

German public prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters said: “Please don’t expect too much.”
To whom it may concern..

The more discerning didn't nor don't nor wouldn't expect anything !!!

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 09.07.23 1:14

Detectives in Madeleine McCann search issue update after scouring lake

A three-day search of a reservoir was carried out last month

Detectives hunting for missing Madeleine McCann have said there is “no compelling evidence” from a reservoir search. A three-day search of the remote Barragem do Arade Reservoir was carried out by police last month.

Cops dug deep holes during their search of the dam, which is around 50km from Praia da Luz, in the Algarve, where Maddie vanished - aged just three - back in May 2007. They also took samples of soil to compare to dirt samples on file of prime suspect Christian B's van.

German tabloid Bild reports detectives are likely to say that no evidence of Maddie was found. The pubication reports public prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters as saying: “Please don’t expect too much.”

Christian B is in prison in Germany for the rape of a woman in Praia da Luz in 2005, and is suspected of further rapes and child sexual abuse committed in the area between 2000 and 2017. He has reportedly denied any involvement in Madeleine's disappearance.

Madeleine vanished while on holiday with her parents Kate and Gerry McCann - who live in Rothley, in Leicestershire. She was left sleeping with her younger twin siblings in their apartment while they ate dinner with friends.

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Post by Verdi 09.07.23 1:15

To whom it may concern..


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by PeterMac 09.07.23 8:40

But did they search Jon Clarke's Druidic Circle.

He will no doubt have many more articles prepared about why they failed . . .

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 09.07.23 8:46

German tabloid Bild reports detectives are likely to say that no evidence of Maddie was found. The pubication reports public prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters as saying: “Please don’t expect too much.”

Did he Really? Where is the Link to this?

What happened to his ‘relevant Clue’ he found?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 09.07.23 9:06

come on, we have to love the sun and its sources, first german police officers, that means they are better over there, we have hardly ever got portuguese active police offers that have been sources in the last 16 plus years.

ordinary portuguese sources we had already, but not portuguese active police officers as a source, so now we have german police that do talk, and that can not have been a official german mouthpiece because that is named hcw. it is a kind of world news of course, because the public has to not expect that happening.

the bild citation must be an oldy, no new article to find online, and i did not hear it in the bild online talkshow feature on you tube. i only listen to the first part, maybe there was a return to the hb story at the end, but i did not had the want to listen to much more crappy stuff about other people. 

i did learn a new word from the last one; The pubication

i do not think i will ever need that word, but always nice to understand what they mean. and it is not the first publication that talkes about that part of the classic understanding of a female body in this case of course. 

but i like it they are excepting now a specific portuguese news outlet as a good enough quality source, at least they give it at least the same standing as their own is, still utter rubbish of course, but that news outlet is the cmjornal, also known as correia da maha. given the reputation this news outlet has in earlier years about this case, that is quite surprising. 

cm has even quite a nice timeline, so you can easily look back to all about this dam searches;

at least we could find out it is already very old news. 

also taking a look at the german page for official news of hcw, in german of course, his latest news was already given on the first of june. okay it was still this year. any direct citation must be from the reaction to the german tv. usually there is time directly after to make some shots and ask a question by the media. but the last one was also the first of june.

so we are getting into the time of the year the dutch call 'komkommertijd', the germans 'sommerloch', just the terms to say, there is no real news and we still have to fill up a paper or 6.  or what in english i understand is named the silly season. 

but come on, german police officers that talk openly, okay without their names, but as sources, that is usually seen as impossible, not in the real world. because they talk as much as all others of course. 
i do not like it at all if only sources are used, or even worse, other reporting persons are used as sources. because often the news is only news because who is the source, not that much the message. and it is to easy to just make up your own sources. in the press it is just known they can keep sources unidentified. 

and again they do not realize it, but they are helping cb with his alibi. where is the he fled from the region directly after may 3 2007, at least after all the articles this spring, we know you can hardly say that.

we will have to read more crap the next weeks. and why would they stop after just a few weeks, they made their job from putting out crappy stuff. the real stuff can not be written about and that curse is quite contagious over all continents of the world. just two commoners who overruled the world of media, i would call it far to silly to be happening, but it simply does. think of that, most of our bigger papers started once out in the war, to bring the truth to the people about a dangerous man and his servants, the risk was death. and today they are bowing for people who have multiple high courts telling us, they never have been cleared. 

still we always will end up with pieces nicked from a mostly uk media source in our papers. and we do not have silly restrictions at all. even the translation of amaral's first book was openly for sale in the netherlands. 

so yes, i do think 2 people who can dictate what we read and hear and see in the media the true breaking news. 
and it keeps in my mind when i do read other stories, if just two commoners could fix that, what else is fixed by just little people. 
maybe it is time they get back into that old format, separation into news and other entertainment, so we can read facts and findings and decide if we also want to be entertained with other stuff, i am not fond at all, that all must become entertainment. because a lot deserves better attention. 

did you know that in most european countries there are laws and regulations for the media, when it comes to exploiting a minor, well the meaning of these, are in place for living minors. dead people have hardly any restrictions left. even when a minor chooses to be famous and in the media, the restrictions still have to be followed through. in this case, no one have had the chance to ask what this minor, madeleine, could or would want. there are parents that all these years told us she is alive, still they never used the restrictions about what is published with her picture, you can hardly say these pictures of a under 4 years old child are still functional at al. 
the media are more invested into the the child is long dead opinions. it would hard to solve that in a court of law, and both parties would probably not wish to get their answer. 

and the media are just mastering very well to write in a manner, our minds would fill in the gaps. 

by the way, do we remember kate mccann her own words, the portuguese do not want a murder on their grounds, they do not like to matter much at the moment about the germans who are the first who actually have it on paper with a murder case on their remit. and portugal is nicely working ahead with the germans. 

that tavares almeida report also talks not about murder, but far lesser likely charges to the case. died by accident, does not sound like a murder at all, it is in itself not even criminal. hiding a body, in itself that is usually more named as a minor offence, not directly hard criminal stuff. the hardest part of the conclusion is the staging of an abduction. only there is can get very nasty. 

the uk media and their nick it brigade abroad do not like to remember its existence at all, because if you read it you know how many lies they already have used and are still using in this case. 
and there is no law to cite out of it, it is public domain stuff, free to use for all. it is also not that they had no access, there was a unheard off interest when the dvd with the pj files got out. they also could make use, like us, from the translations on the site of pamalam, just like most here would do. they can check it even very easily. like we can do. and they have an original dvd directly from the source, the pj so can even check that too. 

you can even tell where it was found, so no unnamed source needed. so much better than the next and the next source to this, source to that. 

kai feldhaus has on bild also an article with a question mark, it is short, but hard;

title; Has Scotland Yard been sleeping around for nine years?

first sentence; If this statement is true, then this is nothing less than a police scandal.

about the hb musings. i think the question mark is rightly there, because i cannot find any word about a hotline from or to scotland yard. i think hb made it up for a better story. in itself it does not sounds true.

the original article is short and in german, but does not have any news, who wants can translate the rest themselves;

many english outlets have taken this also for a bit, most with not the full extent of hb his words, but with the same question marks.

none have taken the time to look in to it, some say no comment from scotland yard, they are looking if the had a hotline of course and are still searching. 
it bring on difficulties of course, because if scotland yard really are still sleeping on it, you can certainly call that bungling. 

of course we already know they have the obligation to simply follow their remit, so the lack of results from that handling of the case, we can hardly call really bungling. 
and their opinion must be a bit fixed too, because if they simply say, such an event could never have existed, because we did never had a hotline then. they will blow up the witness of the germans in other cases. 

i am quite disappointing the uk media is not biting back to the german media on it. some have taken the bit, but are not even tried to win that race. 

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 09.07.23 13:49

The usual suspects, it comes from a central sauce and rages like wild fire across tabloid express..

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Scre3984

But it is Sunday so I guess it's aloud!

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by sandancer 09.07.23 13:57

If all this b/s was written as a tv drama or a film it would be panned by the critics . 

Because it's in the media it's lapped up and believed !

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 09.07.23 17:38

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Jill Havern 11.07.23 5:22

MADDIE GAMBLE Madeleine McCann update as desperate cops plot ‘game-changing’ move to snare suspect Christian B

Jonathan Rose
Published: 18:21, 10 Jul 2023Updated: 4:18, 11 Jul 2023

DESPERATE cops are plotting a "game-changing" move to snare the prime suspect in the Madeleine McCann case, an insider has claimed.
Ex-pal turned police informer Helge ­B is currently assisting officers investigating Christian B.

And the Sun Online understands police plan to hand a dossier on Christian B, 45, to his former friend in a bid to throw up fresh leads.
They also want to speak to Helge B, 52, about a number of new leads they are working on. 
Our insider said: "Helge spent many years at the side of Christian B travelling with him and being his partner in crime.
"This means he has a huge amount of knowledge about where Christian was, what he was doing and what his motivations were for him being in particular places at specific times. 
"There are a number of leads and clues officers have on Christian that they think Helge could provide more information on.
"They genuinely do believe he can be a game-changer in their investigation into Christian B."
Portuguese Police however are less sure. 
Sun Online understands that officers in the Algarve resort where Maddie went missing think German cops are "running down dark alleys".
A source said: "They seem to think he holds all the cards, but Portuguese detectives regard him more like a crank and a joker.
"A lot of what the German officers are doing is basically going back through old leads and down dark alleys."
Sniffer dogs and radar were used during the three-day search last month of Arade Dam reservoir.
The prime suspect, German national Christian B, referred to the remote Algarve spot as his "little paradise".
According to German tabloid Bild, however, detectives are likely to say that the evidence they need to nail B is not there.
Last week we told how the prime suspect in Madeleine's disappearance boasted about being a "master criminal", a leading witness revealed.
Christian B is also alleged to have bragged about how he could outwit cops – telling pals it was easier to get away with crimes in Portugal than in Germany.
Helge ­B is understood to have told police of Christian B's gloats amid a fresh probe into the convicted sex offender.
Helge B met Christian B a year before Maddie vanished aged three and was the person who identified Christian B to cops in connection with her disappearance.
A source in Portugal, who is close to the investigation, told The Sun: "Helge B has spoken at length to officers about the time he spent with Christian B, where they were carrying out crimes together side by side.
"He told them how Christian B often boasted of being really, really good at what he did, a master criminal and how the police were useless.
"He was particularly disparaging about Portuguese officers saying it was much easier to get away with stuff in Portugal than in Germany."
It comes after The Sun on Sunday revealed how Helge B claimed Christian B had a burglary tool kit that could unlock any security door.
He boasted about the tools, which raise fresh doubts over the official theory that ­Maddie’s kidnapper clambered in through a window of holiday apartment 5a in Praia da Luz.
German police are said to be "electrified" by the lock pick kit discovery — and are also probing the possibility Christian B used car paint solvent to sedate Maddie.
German prosecutors hope to use the lock picks evidence to nail Christian B, who is in jail for drugs crimes and appealing a seven-year sentence for raping a woman of 72.
Helge B said he found the kit at Christian B's Algarve home.
The petty criminal had decided to ransack it with friend Manfred Seyferth after learning Christian B was serving time for theft.
Helge B, who kept the kit and told German police about it, added: "You can use it to pick any lock, including security locks."
The 14 picks, seen by The Sun on Sunday, are black stainless steel and each is designed for a ­specific door type.

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Helge-buesching-christian-brueckner-stor-828815536-1
Ex-pal turned police informer Helge ­B is currently assisting officers
Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Holes-dug-apparently-soil-samples-820452832
Holes dug apparently for soil samples in the area around Barragem do Arade reservoirCredit: PA
Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 33 Police-prepare-search-reservoir-body-820406004
Police prepare to search a reservoir for the body of MaddieCredit: Reuters

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