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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Mm11

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Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty post moved

Post by Silentscope 26.04.23 12:07

I would suggest that if CB's Book that he is alledgedly writing in Prison ever gets Published, and it turns out to be 'Bigger than Grisham' he might consider Donating some of its proceeds to all those that have made fighting his Case easier.

Particularly those who have suffered most.


Post moved over from McCann-v-Tony Bennett thread


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by crusader 26.04.23 12:13

Behan also said the man was wering a leather mask, I wonder if the police have looked at Martin Ney, also in prison in Germany.
He was known to wear a mask, has he got a scar on his leg.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 26.04.23 12:34

After completing his teaching studies, Ney broke off the subsequent legal clerkship before the second state examination and applied in 2000 with falsified university certificates as a social education teacher in a daycare position at a Hamburg foundation, which he held until early 2008. Already in the years before, Ney had worked as a youth worker in addition to his studies and had thus become familiar with some of his victims and locations.

Ney was apparrently Employed on a Permanent basis in Germany Crusader.

They Extradited himto France in 2009 on suspicion of a French Murder in April 2004, Jonathan Coulom.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 26.04.23 14:33

there is never found any information, that martin ney even had any interest in females as a victim. or as a partner.
his sole interst was young boys. 

he was born in 1970 in bremen, and is said to always have been living alone in his adult years, he never had an adult relation at all. he had for about 4 years a foster boy living with him, at that time he had no partner, he never married, and his landlady told she never saw any female friends or partners when he was living in hamburg, but he was known to be visited often by young boys, people describe him as a large man, friendly and on his own.

he worked as caretaker in boarding schools and youth day care facilities, and was known for being care taker on youth camps and travels. 

there are stil rumours he was at the time of the madeleine mccann case happened somewhere in the algarve also in a setting as caretaker on a holiday with youth. in germany he did the same with youth holiday outings for the red cross and the church. it is not uncommon such groups also do travel abroad. 
facts are never got out if he was indeed in portugal.

multiple rumours about being one of the many blond man, do not really like to fit the description of martin ney, who is a large man, well over 1.90 m., who has darker haoir that usually not would be called blond. there is still some video around you can see ney moving around in a shop, he would not easily be seen as a normal build, average height man. 

most of his victims he took on youth holiday outings, but also childhomes, private homes and holidayhomes. 
his former foster child, always stated ney did never abused him, he lived about 4 years with ney. his victims are mostly not from the ones he had direct responsibility for. 

most source are already gone, he was arrested in spring 2011, he was trying to rent a boy at that time, and behind the scene one of his victims tipped the police also with the name martin. 
there are as far as i could find only drawings of the mask man around, and that drawing does not look very much like leather, more some knitted balaclava, with holes for eyes, mouth and tip of the nose.

he killed 3 of his victims from germany, stefan j. dennis r. and dennis k.

he is in germany convicted for life for these 3 murders and over 40 cases of child abuse against young boys. he is also declared suspect in france in the case of jonathan c. germany lent ney to france for 8 months to stand trial, but there is nothing specific to find about a trial and,if ney also got convicted in france in this case. 

about martin ney as possible suspect in the madeleine mccann case, there are some snippets in old press articles that state, that the brittish had informed at the german police to that, and the german conclusion was, no, extremely unlikely, ney was only ever interested in young boys. from ney himself is known he always agreed to only been interested in young boys. no possible female victim of ney ever surfaced.

ney had indeed a day job, but he would have had his holidays too, and also part of his day job existed of taking care of youths during trips in and outside germany. 

but there is nothing that shows any link to aggressive rape cases in portugal at that time by ney. 
besides the use of a mask, ney is known for an black outfit, what did give him his nicknames the black man, the masked man, and he was outstanding as being a large man. in the irish holiday rep case she said about 1.85m. so ney does not really fits with that too.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 26.04.23 16:18

It keeps the 'abducted by paedophile' story line top of the menu and by association it keeps Brueckner the topic of the sofa detectives routine.

End of the day Brueckner nor Ney (try saying that when you've had a few) have nothing whatsoever to do with Madeleine McCann's disappearance.

I can't for the life of me understand why folk still continue to try to find a link because clearly there isn't one, any more than past 'suspects' - apart from the two 'prime suspects' identified by the Portuguese police investigation back in September 2007. They escaped justice then as they do to this day.

That is where all the evidence points.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 26.04.23 16:23

Ney is a homicidal maniac and paedophile, with a penchant for young boys.

Sort that one out Julia Faustyna!

Even the McCanns have ruled that one out.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 26.04.23 17:11

I knew I'd find this eventually .... Manfred Seyferth, the reliable only witness to pin the tale on Brueckner, performance on camera for the Discovery+ mockuplenty.

Later I'll copy over the transcript but these screenshots give a good idea about the man's credibility..

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Scre3684

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Scre3685

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Scre3686


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by crusader 26.04.23 18:25

I was thinking more of Ney being possible attacker of Behan rather than him having anything to do with Madeleine.

Behan said her attacker wore a leather mask and so did Ney but as been pointed out ^^^ he only went for little boy's and was not in Portugal at the time.

I had read he was in Portugal working with a church to help the homeless.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by bevcoffee 26.04.23 21:56

Every time I read yet another account of that Poor Donkey having that infernal Pin inserted again and again for the umpteenth time, I despair that those behind this constant barrage and spreading of Misinformation will ever stop.

Perhaps some of those correspondents with an abundance of Pins, could save just 2 of them for the Prime Suspects, identified by the Portuguese Police in 2007 and yet cleared without investigation by Operation (or lack of Operation) Grange.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 26.04.23 22:02

that helping out with the church adventure was a rumour for that week in 2007, the rape case of the irish holiday rep was in 2004. 

so that was quite a long helping out for someone with also at that time his day job in germany, spending most of his spare time abusing young boys. the ages of the boys have been between 8 and 13 years of age. 

youth work is usually in the school holidays, and the 2004 case was on june 16. it was not officially a holiday for bremen and hamburg, the summer holidays for hamburg had started from 24/6 and for bremen 8/7.
he worked on holidays with children of schoolages organized by churches and the red cross, these are usually organized in the school holidays. 

these groups are usually children from poor households, or with a not that heavy handicap, or learning difficulties.  

i never have seen any link to helping homeless people. ney worked with children, and had a lot of company of younger boys from the neighborhood, and besides that was active with the youth groups, mostly holiday camps. it is known he did know his way around in a part of denmark as a tourist, he took his third murder victim to denmark. 

so it is pretty far fetched to place ney into the rape of a woman of nearly 21 years of age in portugal. 

there is also no school holiday in hamburg and bremen in 2007 around 3 may. it is not common people who work with children of school ages to take holidays outside the school holidays. he worked mostly as social pedagoog. he had a very short job in adult education, but was quickly out of it because he had little skill in educating adults. 

his criminal career was very long, it is still a scandal, he had a lot of lucky escapes, but there was ampel coordination within police forces, tips that never have been followed up. no one noticed he did not take part in a large dna investigation. not a case to be proud of. 

and it is not the germans do not have unsolved cases of missing children. 

this case itself has already many patsies, the living ones have not been a success, the half dead ones and the dead ones also never made way. maybe it will happen when they decide to look into the people who have already a direct link to madeleine mccann. the ones who's basics are already in a certain set of files. or as thedutch would say, better one bird in your hand, than 10 in the sky.

normally if a witness with a certain reputation choose to nail another of that kind to the mast, and that witness do knows many details, but only he and a half wit knows all about it, it is sometimes a good idea to also take a very good look at the witness. it would not be a first, that your wannabee witness is the one with the dirty hands. it is not the case that the two star witnesses for the prosecution are telling the same tales. 

so if it is about potency, i would not look at martin ney first, for these crimes.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 27.04.23 0:53

bevcoffee wrote:Every time I read yet another account of that Poor Donkey having that infernal Pin inserted again and again for the umpteenth time, I despair that those behind this constant barrage and spreading of Misinformation will ever stop.

Perhaps some of those correspondents with an abundance of Pins, could save just 2 of them for the Prime Suspects, identified by the Portuguese Police in 2007 and yet cleared without investigation by Operation (or lack of Operation) Grange.

Lack of Cooperation Grange?

In my view, mainstream media are comparatively well behaved, they only trot out the same codswallop emanating from a source close to the source.

The true culprits are social media who spin the proverbial web of deceit and misinformation, once they get a whiff of make-believe there is no stopping them. In short, what they know or don't know they invent.

Try as you might to put a end to this never ending crap, along comes more of the same with the same latent agenda being pushed to lead on a strange voyage to never neverland.

They walk amonsg us!

“We seek him here, we seek him there, Those Frenchies seek him everywhere. Is he in heaven? —Is he in hell? That demmed, elusive Pimpernel?”

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 27.04.23 1:29

The beginning of the never ending, according to a source close to the source close to the source close to whisper ..

The Discovery + mockuplenty - my transcript and comments...

There are images (videos?) from two different sources..

1. An ex-girlfried of Brueckner referred to only as 'M', who doesn't wish to be named or filmed (Episode 1) because she fears media intrusion - can't argue with that. Anyway, she leads the documentary to the derelict factory (?) where the the USB drive was found buried under Brueckner's dog - allegedly.

2. Manfred Seyferth and his unidentified accomplice (Episode 2) found the camera with videos of the rape of two women in the farmhouse where Brueckner was said to be living, it was there that all the doors were open and the inside had been torn apart. Seyferth thought it was probably the police who did this because that's what they do - so say he!

It would appear, as previously said, they didn't hand the camera over to the police because they had 'broken into the property to steal'. I think I've got this right, the camera was later found in Brueckner's camper van, he left it in there when he sold the van.

Manfred Seyferth and his friend took the camera into the lawless hills where they were staying with bandits. His friend checked the camera for photographs and videos, that's what he always does, so say Seyferth. It revealed the rape and torture of a 16 year old girl and a woman Seyferth said was around 45 years but his friend said something contradictory.

The documentary is very fragmented which makes it difficult to follow the trail of evidence, with an overload of atmospheric staging for dramatic effect. As can be seen from the above camera and ruler swinging about suspended from what looks like a butcher's hook.

I've yet to be sure about which set of videos sent him to prison, if any. As I say, it's difficult to follow the trail of evidence and I can't always watch or listen attentively.


There is a correlation between the Portuguese investigation and the current investigation into Christian Brueckner. It's widely documented, he and any number of other alleged suspects of German origin feature prominently over the years.

Voice over: 'Did you ever come across Christian B's name in your investigation'

Gonçalo Amaral:

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 27.04.23 1:36

Looking back over the thread I'm lost in the labyrinth of agendaism - and I'm repeatedly accused of trying to silence free speech here on CMOMM?

I've posted more on the subject of Brueckner than any other, apart from one who seems to think Brueckner is worthy of note and should therefor be kept on top of the pile.

And here we are again ....


Now I'm bored yawn .

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 27.04.23 13:04

Tis the eve of the16th anniversary of the Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann when we can anticipate remnants of fantasy by way of the fringe gutter press.

'German Madeleine McCann' probe as child sex doll found in paedophile's flat

Investigators probing 'German Madeleine McCann' Inga Gehricke have seen a shake-up in personnel after a prime suspect was confirmed and a near 2,000 page dossier of information was uncovered

ByEwan Gleadow

09:11, 27 APR 2023

Inga disappeared in May 2015, and a new team of investigators are sifting through evidence (Image: PA)

A probe into the disappearance of what police have dubbed 'Germany's Maddie' has delivered fresh evidence, a sex doll found in a paedophile's apartment.

A fresh task force investigation by German police into the disappearance of Inga Gehricke, who went missing eight years after Madeleine McCann, has delivered new evidence.

The blonde, blue-eyed youngster had disappeared from a family barbecue in a forest near Stendal, Saxony-Anhalt in 2015.

READ MORE: Fake Madeleine McCann's apology to girl's parents as she denies claiming to be her

Now, a new squad of investigators have been hired to look into "crimes against life", acting on evidence found earlier this year in the basement of a paedophile, with the child sex doll - said to resemble Inga - found in the abandoned home.

Investigators are now probing a paedophile known as Martin H, 41, from Berlin, with the man believed to have been from an area close to the disappearance of Inga, lawyer Steffen Tzschoppe said.

The lawyer added: "In May 2015, shortly after Inga's disappearance, this offender used an excavator on his property. The Stendal investigators dropped the trail because they believed the man's alibi. In my opinion, however, the alibi is very doubtful."

Tzschoppe said investigators had a file on Martin, who is allegedly serving time for previous sexual abuse of children, that is 1,900 pages long.

He went on to say that mistakes made in previous investigations had been detrimental to the case, as investigators had not yet analysed all information in the file.

Investigators are said to have stopped just 11 days into analysing and understanding the nearly 2,000-page dossier, although Martin is not the only suspect.

It comes as the Christian Democratic Union minister said the police reorganisation was part of "case management after years of investigations without any results".

Christian Brueckner, the sick paedophile previously linked with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, is also a person of interest in the disappearance of Inga.

The 43-year-old criminal had been linked with a series of paedophilia and murder charges in both Germany and Portugal.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 27.04.23 13:17

What atrocious writing when considering the subject matter, it's a disgrace - fit for ridicule alone.

Child sex doll ?  affraid  ?

This poor dear child is not the German Madeleine McCann, the two cases do not correlate in any way shape or form.

Brueckner was ruled out of any involvement in this poor child's disappearance.

There is no evidence to suggest Brueckner's involvement in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann - only a Chinese whisper  whisper  and a rampant errant phone ping - oh and some video footage that's never been seen by anyone except the Chinese whisperer and his partner in crime.

Now we have yet another prime suspect - apparently.

Investigators are said to have stopped just 11 days into analysing and understanding the nearly 2,000-page dossier, although Martin is not the only suspect.

What does that even mean?

At times like this the need to go back to basics is paramount.

Everything but everything has always been about discrediting the Portuguese police and the case coordinator, Gonçalo Amaral.  It's a witch hunt pure and simple.

It seems to me the contemporary reporter uses artificial intelligence to aid the feeble mind led by ignorance and sloppy 'can't be arsed' journalism.

Using your friendly search engine, pluck-out sentences that link German + Madeleine McCann + paedophilia - string them together in any random order and et voila, the makings of a trashy tabloid EXCLUSIVE!

Where's the Oyly Olive when she's not needed - sharpening her rubber per chance?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 27.04.23 15:06

yeah that sounds very crypted.

it is just the result of mixing up some things, some people once said, to get enough lines to get to the threshold of the editor. 

it is not really fresh news, i can find as first article about parts of this from 9 march 2023!
not translated.

so from 25 april on, there is getting another case team on this case, to do some assistance and review.

the 11 days looking in this case happened already in 2019, and was said by a lawyer of inga's family members,

but that was even before februari 6, 2023, the date of that piece.

i only put the links in for the dates, who want to check can do it. the original german sources are functional here.

so the article above is mostly founded on fish bones, it is way beyond the the max to be called fresh fish, that ik always have learned together wit house guests, or news. 

probably they reserved a lot of space for one of the other side shows in this case, and when that did not arrive, they took something from the high shelve. 

before i looked further i had a little mind frame, it could be just wrong translation, because you could say in german and dutch you stop, but saying in reality you did put effort in it. but is is worse. it is rewriting and playing the readers for a fool, by leaving out, it is just bits and pieces, glued together by leaving dates out of it.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 27.04.23 15:50

there is at least a bit of a link between the cb and this inga case. not as a perp directly, but because the inga case happened in the german state of sachsen anhalt. 
and this is the court and police force who had to work the german brach of the madeleine mccann case.

they looks to have not a very good form in cases of missing children, at least very much not in this inga case.
inga her parents always have kept this case in the news, and a quick glance made it clear, the parents have talked to the politicians of the government of sachsen anhalt. 

the parents, who are divorced after all happened around their daughter inga, have both their own lawyer. 

based on all the titbits of information, you can hardly starting to fink a police force and court , that already have their hands full on a very german missing child case, is not to expect in easily jumping into the german branch of the madeleine mccann case. 

if it was needed to do a smaller scale mccann and the politicians, it can be purported their is not much available to put in a lot of extra effort in another case. the parents of inga never have been seen very interested as suspects in the missing of their daughter inga. 

it would be hard if a case with such flimsy evidence for german interference will soup up budget and  manpower, when they have still a major case on home turf to solve.
i suppose that will be all told in just another uk tabloid, with such nice suggestions as maddy perp escapes justice, etc.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Guest 27.04.23 20:57

so, i had some time to do a read up on the weinreben, german for grapevines, and that means i had to read at least half a lawbook auf deutsch. at least the opinions about the resolution of the court of braunschweig are not on one line.

i think something is forgotten about where the cb had his latest stayings in a kind of thing with a roof. 

everyone is trying to tell that old boxfactory cannot be within the law. but at the time the police force from sachsen anhalt raided that place, they did not only had a warrant to search that terrain, but also raided the house of a fried, where the cb was staying. 

the other minor thingy is that one of der hans his star witnesses, the half wit told the world about the big plans for that old factory, also michael t. cb his old partner in crime told about that a bit. i have forgotten what kind of activity center cb was dreaming off, but they told he did dream about and told it to them. 

cb had indeed at lest one of those massive old american camper vans parked at that boxfactory. and from what is known about what is taken from it by the police, he must have spend time there. but they took mostly paperwork from the house of a friend near that old boxfactory, where cb was staying at the time. and that house can serve as being a legal place to live. 

the second warrant , or the second listing if only one warrant was given. will not be of much assistance of keeping the cases for der hans. 

but and there is always a but, from the inga case, there is also a lot been in the papers and media, about the function of the police force and other juridical services, that was not of the quality as was to uphold. 
so it was written cases from sachsen anhalt are given to other jurisdictions to get time to get all in order again. 

so if we think only the tapas9 have been able to make a mumble jumble of this case, i got the idea some states under a german law system will take it to just another level. 

i dare to think this can happen;braunschweig officially can not work this case, even to the walk to the higher court of braunschweig and herr lawyer, i do not see much chance, but they will do exactly that, because sachsen anhalt will give the case to braunschweig, because they do not have the time and money, and quality to work it themselves. sachsen anhalt is in the middle of a massive make over. i do fear we are stuck with der hans and cb much longer than was hoped. 

quite a shame i live in a country that has no bookies.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 29.04.23 17:24

The German judiciary's compelling evidence, apart from a phone ping, appears to ride on unseen video footage of Brueckner raping and sexually abusing any female from the age of 0 to 100 and witness statements taken from known felons.  

This is a repeat of the response by Manfred Seyferth shown on the Discovery+  Prime suspect: Madeleine McCann mockuplenty when asked about  Brueckner and the reward that was up for grabs..

Reporter:  Did he ever talk to you about the reward in the Madeleine McCann case..

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Scre3694

Reporter: The reward..

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Scre3695

Reporter:  Was there a reward?

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Scre3696

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Scre3697

Reporter:  Do you think he said what he did to the police only so he could have some money..

Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Scre3698


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 30.04.23 19:24

Seyferth, who was sharing a flat in Athens with Busching, said: ''I knew he had told British police Christian B was involved and they flew to Athens when Busching and I were together in Greece.

''He told me he had something very important to tell Scotland Yard and they flew out to Athens and took over the floor of a hotel in the centre. 
''Busching later told me they had swept the place for bugs and microphones because what he had to say about Madeleine and Christian B was very important.

''But he never actually told me what it was that he told Scotland Yard about Christian B and Madeleine, it must have been important because he came back a few days later with lots of money and he was hoppa (drunk) hoppa (drunk).''


Who paid him Manny, and how much did he get?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 30.04.23 20:30

Oh well if the Sun and Manfred Seyferth says so, then it must be true.

What a load of old rollox - very cloak and dagger a la 007.  Mind you I can't help but laugh about 'sweeping the entire floor for bugs' big grin  must be cockroaches, they get everywhere.

Then consider the very fact that Operation Grange know full well what happened to Madeleine McCann, I can't really see them globetrotting in pursuit of a criminal with nothing but hearsay to offer an otherwise dead case.

Asides, this entire fiasco has from the beginning been propagated by the press - you believe them, you believe anything.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 01.05.23 11:36

Verdi wrote:#411
Then consider the very fact that Operation Grange know full well what happened to Madeleine McCann, I can't really see them globetrotting in pursuit of a criminal with nothing but hearsay to offer an otherwise dead case.

Having read 'No more Lies' and inserting the now known Text from Dr Amaral into the Blacked out Areas of Helge B's Statement does not seem to leave much space left to say very much about Madeleine and her supposed Abduction.

I wonder how Helge B's attempt to Sue Dr Amaral for Defamation is going?

Not very well is my Guess.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 01.05.23 14:27

I'm sorry, I haven't the vaguest idea what you are talking about.

Be careful with the PDF version of Gonçalo Amaral's second book circulating social media - the source is unknown, thus the translation is not to be relied upon.

Besides, it's a bit unfair on Snr Amaral! He should be the sole recipient of any income deriving from his work, who will buy the book if they think they can read for nothing?

Someone out there is hell bent on the 'unofficial' English translation of the book being widely circulated.


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Silentscope 02.05.23 9:46

If the Book you refer to is Banned in the UK from Publication, how are people supposed to Buy it?

I can see no 'loss of Income' here?

Someone obviously thinks it important to let English speaking people know what is being purported in it. Of course others do not want anyone to know what Dr Amaral thinks about the Case.

Has Amaral got any OFFICIAL German print for comparison?
Or is it Banned in Germany as well?

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 02.05.23 14:00

Silentscope wrote:If the Book you refer to is Banned in the UK from Publication, how are people supposed to Buy it?

I can see no 'loss of Income' here?

Someone obviously thinks it important to let English speaking people know what is being purported in it. Of course others do not want anyone to know what Dr Amaral thinks about the Case.

Has Amaral got any OFFICIAL German print for comparison?
Or is it Banned in Germany as well?

Having read 'No more Lies' and inserting the now known Text from Dr Amaral into the Blacked out Areas of Helge B's Statement does not seem to leave much space left to say very much about Madeleine and her supposed Abduction.

Your reference not mine - I assume, I hope rightfully, you are referring to Gonçalo Amaral's second book 'Enough of the Lies'. I'm not aware that the book has been banned from sale in the UK or anywhere else for that matter but even if that be so any interested party who does not have knowledge of the Portuguese language can purchase the book and use technology to translate if not interested in accuracy but more the general content.

That way G Amaral gets his just deserts.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Jill Havern 16.05.23 12:05

Madeleine McCann case could be 'torn apart' as prime suspect may now avoid charge

Christian B is the prime suspect in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, but a legal row may be set to scupper chances of a charge being implemented.

08:40, Tue, May 16, 2023 | UPDATED: 10:10, Tue, May 16, 2023

Police have been rocked by a legal row that could prevent them from charging their prime suspect in Madeleine McCann's disappearance. Prosecutors from two different regions in Germany have clashed over the 45-year-old's alleged links to Madeleine and other missing children cases. Police in the northern city of Braunschweig made the breakthrough discovery that Christian Brueckner could have links to Madeleine who vanished in 2007 from a holiday apartment in Portugal when she was aged just three.

Sources in Germany have said that the 16-year investigation into her disappearance could switch to Saxony-Anhalt, reports The Sun.

The move would transfer control of the probe to Magdeburg's public prosecutor's office, which has focused more on the hunt for Inga Gehricke - the missing girl dubbed "Germany’s Maddie".

Inga vanished in 2015 during a family picnic close to where Brueckner was renovating a derelict factory.

Sources fear the move could doom the Madeleine case after an application was made to have it dismissed.

Brueckner's lawyer, Friedrich Fulscher last night denied using loopholes to get Maddie cops off his client's back.

He told The Sun last night: "This is not an attempt to take away a case from the public prosecution office in Braunschweig.

"It is simply my job to work towards compliance with procedural law for the accused. That's all I am doing here.

"According to my examinations, (as confirmed by the Braunschweig district court), the public prosecution office of Braunschweig is simply not responsible for the jurisdiction here."

A source in Germany told The Sun: "Moving the McCann case to Saxony-Anhalt would be a big win for Christian B's legal team.

"Police in Braunschweig led by the German prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters have made more progress than anyone else and say they have concrete evidence Christian B killed Madeleine.

"Wolters remains determined to charge Christian B and is resisting the move to have the case dismissed - but it could be out of his hands."

It's believed that prosecutors have demanded the case be passed over to them due to Christian B's crimes being related to their "patch".

The Braunschweig public prosecutor's office has been forced to lodge an appeal against the decision of Braunschweig Regional Court to dismiss the Madeleine case.

Its fate tonight lay in the hands of the Higher Regional Court based in Celle in Lower Saxony.

Brueckner is currently in prison for the rape of a US pensioner before the date of Maddie's abduction in Praia da Luz.

The legal blow came days after Madeleine’s parents pledged on her 20th birthday on Friday: "We love you and we're waiting for you - we're never going to give up."

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Gonçalo Amaral: The truth of the lie
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 16.05.23 12:51

Yep, it's rehashing the same old tripe again - same meat different gravy..


NewsWorld News

MADDIE SHOCK Blow for Madeleine McCann cops as ‘legal row’ could mean suspect Christian B WON’T be charged with her abduction

Nick Parker

Published: 20:24, 15 May 2023Updated: 1:38, 16 May 2023

POLICE hoping to charge Madeleine McCann prime suspect Christian B with her abduction and murder were rocked by a legal row which could scupper their case tonight.

Prosecutors from two different regions of Germany have clashed over the 45-year-old sex monster’s alleged links to Madeleine and other child snatch cases.

And the wrangle could wrestle the probe from the hands of cops in the northern city of Braunschweig who made the breakthrough which first identified the fiend.

Sources in Germany revealed tonight that the 16-year investigation into the British tot’s disappearance from her holiday apartment in Portugal could switch to Saxony-Anhalt.

The move would transfer control of the probe to Magdeburg's public prosecutor's office, which has focused more on the hunt for Inga Gehricke - the missing girl dubbed “Germany’s Maddie.”

Inga vanished in 2015 during a family picnic close to where Christian B was renovating a derelict factory.

And German sources now fear the move could doom the Madeleine case after an application was made to have it dismissed.

Christian B's lawyer, Friedrich Fulscher last night denied using loopholes to get Maddie cops off his client's back.

He told The Sun tonight: "This is not an attempt to take away a case from the public prosecution office in Braunschweig.

"It is simply my job to work towards compliance with procedural law for the accused. That's all I am doing here.

"According to my examinations, (as confirmed by the Braunschweig district court), the public prosecution office of Braunschweig is simply not responsible for the jurisdiction here."

A source in Germany told The Sun: “Moving the McCann case to Saxony-Anhalt would be a big win for Christian B's legal team.

“Police in Braunschweig led by the German prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters have made more progress than anyone else and say they have concrete evidence Christian B killed Madeleine.

“Wolters remains determined to charge Christian B and is resisting the move to have the case dismissed - but it could be out of his hands.”

Prosecutors in Saxony-Anhalt are understood to have demanded the reins of the multiple Christian B probes because more of his crimes have links to their “patch.”

The Braunschweig public prosecutor's office has been forced to lodge an appeal against the decision of Braunschweig Regional Court to dismiss the Madeleine case.

Its fate tonight lay in the hands of the Higher Regional Court based in Celle in Lower Saxony.

Christian B - currently in jail in Germany for the rape of a US pensioner before Maddie’s 2007 abduction in Praia da Luz - has been linked to a string child kidnaps dating back years.

Inga from Schönebeck Saxony-Anhalt is among the unsolved cases investigated without success - despite a reward of £22,000 offered for information leading to her whereabouts.

Asked about the possible switch to a new court’s jurisdiction, Braunschweig prosecutor Wolters insisted he was still in control of the investigation.

And he played down suggestions that his Madeleine probe could be abandoned altogether.

He told The Sun: “We will continue to investigate the Madeleine case and the accused will remain in custody.

“With regard to the decision of the Regional Court of Braunschweig on jurisdiction, we will first carefully examine the reasons.

“Then probably have the decision reviewed by the Higher Regional Court of Braunschweig.

“We continue to assume that we are responsible for a decision by the Higher Regional Court, so that the investigations into the Maddie case will continue as planned.

“In our view, there is currently no reason for speculation and a possible related abandonment of the proceedings.”

The legal blow came days after Madeleine’s parents pledged on her 20th birthday on Friday: “We love you and we're waiting for you - we're never going to give up.”

Kate, 55, and 54-year-old Gerry added: “Happy Birthday Madeleine. Still missing. Still very much missed. Still looking. For as long as it takes.”

Their message on the Find Madeleine Facebook page was posted beside a picture of the three-year-old smiling in a pink sun hat days before she vanished in May, 2007.

The family also released a video and more pictures of their long-lost daughter, including one of her riding a pink bike and another in a Disney princess costume.

She was snatched nine days before her fourth birthday from a holiday apartment in Praia da Luz in Portugal's Algarve after being left with her twin siblings when her parents went out for dinner.

Her parents have refused to give up hope that she is alive - despite police claims she was kidnapped and killed by Christian B.

The tormented couple - doctors from Rothley, Leics - have tirelessly campaigned for years, pleading for any information which may shed light on their daughter’s fate.

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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 16.05.23 13:28

Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong - on every count.

What cops are being scuppered?  

It's not the official force, the Portuguese judiciary, know with 99.9% certainty (there is always room for divine intervention) that Christian 'he who cannot be named' Brueckner is not/was not involved in the disappearance of Madeleine Mccann in any way - it's all flannel.  

It's not the Metropolitan Police, they continue to work on the premise of a missing person case, there has never been any indication from an official source that the team designated Operation Grange, have considered the German prisoner's involvement.

The reasoning is not clear why the press and media are so insistent by reporting German authorities are so persistent, maybe just trying to get their nationality back on the map i don\'t know  Whatever, it is perfectly clear the German authorities do not have any evidence to suggest, let alone prove, that their intern was/is/will be implicated in Madeleine McCann's disappearance.

So again I ask - what cops are being scuppered?

There is no evidence nor intelligence to suggest Madeleine McCann was abducted.

The only evidence of death, not murder, was the evidence provided by the specialist dogs Eddie and Keela.

The prosecutors from two different regions of Germany have not clashed over alleged links to Madeleine McCann's disappearance, they argue a technicality as to jurisdiction.

There are no sex monsters nor fiends anywhere to be seen.  The allegations are against a German man currently in prison on a charge of rape - allegedly.

If the German authorities wish to wrestle and wrangle in-house, that's their business and their business alone.  It matters not, for the simple reason the German prisoner was not/is not involved with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann in any way shape or form.

There is no evidence, nor intelligence, to suggest Brueckner was involved in the case of Inga Gehricke.  You can't reasonable pluck out every missing child case across the world and link it to one person because that person 'fits the profile'.

If you believe everything the press and media tell you, practically everyone on this planet 'fits the profile', even His Paypalness isn't exempt.

The situation can't doom the Madeleine case, for the simple reason there isn't a Madeleine case to doom.

Moving the case from one German jurisidiction to another will not affect any Maddie probe for reasons aforementioned.

Whether reports emanate direct from German judiciary or the press/media, they do not have concrete evidence Christian B killed Madeleine - it is fabrication for reasons best known to themselves.

Wolters is not in a position to 'probe' Madeleine, the case remains within the Portuguese judiciary.  The German authorities are probing Brueckner - allegedly.  How long is it now since the news hit the headlines - three years?  Still no further forward.  Every time there is a lull I think, rather hope, we've seen the end of the name Christian Brueckner but it's not to be, there is a determination lurking.

Enough of this nonsense!


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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by CaKeLoveR 16.05.23 13:35

It's reaching the point where C.B. could potentially sue, claiming distress - even defamation - and win his case. More ridiculous things have happened.
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Christian Brueckner:  To be or not to be - Page 14 Empty Re: Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be

Post by Verdi 16.05.23 13:49

And I wouldn't blame him - if indeed he even exists in any way but by name.

Wouldn't it be a hoot to discover him to be an actor titter or a performer from Circus Roncalli clown .


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