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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 3 Mm11

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The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 3 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Amy Dean 07.03.19 11:13

Apologies if it was mentioned in the documentary - I don't remember it though - but I presume that paramedics arrived on the scene as well as the police.
Did they attempt to revive Jo as would normally happen in any situation? If so, how long did they continue before realising there was no hope?

If there were no paramedics and no attempts to help her, something is definitely wrong!
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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 3 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Phoebe 07.03.19 11:33

My problem is that, IMO, the man in the police interview video is identical to the man in the close-up photo, eyebrows and all! If it's not Mair then it's his identical twin. The angle of the camera from above and the fact that he keeps his head down explains why the slight bump on his cheek isn't conspicuous. If it were such a distinguishing feature, then police would certainly have faked such an obvious, important detail, given how elaborate this hoax would have had to be and the level of careful planning that would have gone into it. They must have known this interview would become public. What did his family and brothers say about the man in the interview - did they state it was not the real Tommy. All we are told is that the interview was shown to a couple of people who knew Tommy and they felt it was n't him. This man refuses to engage and if it IS Tommy Mair, and he IS innocent then one would expect him to protest his innocence. The fact that he doesn't suggests guilt. I don't really heed the testimonies from neighbours saying he wouldn't harm a fly. There is testimony from friends telling us the McCanns would never fake their daughter's abduction.! There are, allegedly, also accounts from local  cab-drivers who claim he had often been racially abusive to them and another (allegedly) from a witness who claims that on that morning he was very agitated and mumbling about Asians. Some of his neighbours (who claimed he was harmless) also stated that he had been under increasing pressure from the local council to move out of the house he had lived in most of his life (first with his granny and later after her death) and into smaller accomodation, as it was needed to house a large family.They claim that this upset him and he felt he was being moved while immigrants were being looked after. I don't know what's  true but being a sceptic about conspiracy theories I need convincing and as much info as possible - no disrespect to those who believe otherwise.

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 3 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Guest 07.03.19 12:35

Those are all good points, Phoebe.

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Post by Guest 07.03.19 13:13

I think the man in the police interview is Thomas Mair.
What we see is a short clip and his silence is not an indication of anything and we have no idea what went before, what he was advised (or threatened with) or what he subsequently said.

I don't agree with all the things Richard says in the video and I think he imagines and extrapolates things too much (he always does). His explicit finger pointing at some of the police officials isn't advisable.

However, there is enough about this whole thing that makes me have serious questions.

Very serious questions.

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Post by Phoebe 07.03.19 14:10

Another thing that did interest me very much was the allegation that the police knew that the man they were looking for before they apprehended him. I wouldn't take just the word of the neighbours who allege that the police called out his name when approaching him. I find  their account dodgy, and suspect they were not paying attention before the arrival of a police car, as claimed.. It seems implausible to me that the wife was on such high alert just because a man she didn't recognise walked down the street!!
 However in the T.V. interview, (as Richard points out) when Susannah R. says "And it was Thomas Mair" the other interviewer interjects with "But you didn't know that at the time". I could ignore this as just a clarification for the public. However, the officer then clarifies "WELL, WE THOUGHT IT WAS HIM" before the "missing" segment. That, to me, suggests that they had a suspect in mind before the arrest, and I don't understand why, when this section was edited to cover the blunder, they failed to remove that clanger too! Watching the interview section in full, the timer shows the interview beginning at 7.26. If you count the seconds forward from 7.27 to the "cut" it has only gone forward 24 secs then re emerges at 7.28. So, it does look as though the police wanted to hide the fact that they had Tommy Mair in mind on learning of the attack.

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Post by Guest 07.03.19 14:47

That is one of the serious questions.

How did they know it was Thomas Mair they were supposed to be looking for.

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 3 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Phoebe 07.03.19 16:46

@ BlueBag. How indeed!! If I were to suspect a conspiracy surrounding this (and there seems to be something much less than transparency about it) I would be more inclined to look in another direction.
 According to reports Jo Cox had been threatened and harassed for some months before her death and the police were fully aware of this.

According to The Telegraph, June 17th 2016 -

Cox was -
 "..subjected to three months of harassment earlier this year. The abuse became so frequent the police were considering stepping up security at her constituency surgery in Birstall and her houseboat in London. It's important to say that the police have confirmed the man cautioned three months ago for sending malicious communications to Jo Cox is not the same man under arrest in connection with her death".

Another article by June 17th 2016 states - 

"IT HAS emerged British Labour MP Jo Cox was just days away from receiving extra security after being harassed in a stream of threatening messages in the past three months.....Over the past three months Mrs Cox had become the target of a hate mail campaign and was in the process of receiving additional security at her constituency office in Birstall, West Yorkshire as well as at her houseboat in London.
Police had cautioned a man in relation to a barrage of messages sent to Mrs Cox. The politician is said to have “thought little of them” until the “volume and frequency stepped up”.
There is no known link between Mair and the man who allegedly sent the hate mail. West Yorkshire police said a motive for the attack had not yet been established...."

I can't help but wonder whether Thomas Mair was considered a suspect in an investigation into this harassment. That might explain why he was the automatic prime suspect and why the police are so keen to portray the murder as the sudden, unpredictable action of a mentally unwell lone wolf rather than something that could have been prevented.  Just my own take, I stress again.

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 3 Empty Jo Cox Murder?

Post by willowthewisp 08.03.19 17:08

Phoebe wrote:@ BlueBag. How indeed!! If I were to suspect a conspiracy surrounding this (and there seems to be something much less than transparency about it) I would be more inclined to look in another direction.
 According to reports Jo Cox had been threatened and harassed for some months before her death and the police were fully aware of this.

According to The Telegraph, June 17th 2016 -

Cox was -
 "..subjected to three months of harassment earlier this year. The abuse became so frequent the police were considering stepping up security at her constituency surgery in Birstall and her houseboat in London. It's important to say that the police have confirmed the man cautioned three months ago for sending malicious communications to Jo Cox is not the same man under arrest in connection with her death".

Another article by June 17th 2016 states - 

"IT HAS emerged British Labour MP Jo Cox was just days away from receiving extra security after being harassed in a stream of threatening messages in the past three months.....Over the past three months Mrs Cox had become the target of a hate mail campaign and was in the process of receiving additional security at her constituency office in Birstall, West Yorkshire as well as at her houseboat in London.
Police had cautioned a man in relation to a barrage of messages sent to Mrs Cox. The politician is said to have “thought little of them” until the “volume and frequency stepped up”.
There is no known link between Mair and the man who allegedly sent the hate mail. West Yorkshire police said a motive for the attack had not yet been established...."

I can't help but wonder whether Thomas Mair was considered a suspect in an investigation into this harassment. That might explain why he was the automatic prime suspect and why the police are so keen to portray the murder as the sudden, unpredictable action of a mentally unwell lone wolf rather than something that could have been prevented.  Just my own take, I stress again.
Hi Phoebe,that's a very interesting point of the Police acknowledging a person "Harassing Jo Cox", but failed to apprehend anyone,except Mr Thomas Mair, who did Not turn out to be the original Harassment suspect, so how do you know the Police got the right assailant,when at least One suspect is still at large? 

The original Gun shown by Yorkshire Police was Not like the supposed, "Home Made Gun",that Mr Mair was supposed to have used in the Murder of MP Jo Cox, that Yorkshire Police stated had been used in another Crime 12 Months earlier,did Mr Mair lend this Gun to another person then in that crime,being a loner?

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 3 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by sar 09.03.19 18:38

willowthewisp wrote:
Phoebe wrote:@ BlueBag. How indeed!! If I were to suspect a conspiracy surrounding this (and there seems to be something much less than transparency about it) I would be more inclined to look in another direction.
 According to reports Jo Cox had been threatened and harassed for some months before her death and the police were fully aware of this.

According to The Telegraph, June 17th 2016 -

Cox was -
 "..subjected to three months of harassment earlier this year. The abuse became so frequent the police were considering stepping up security at her constituency surgery in Birstall and her houseboat in London. It's important to say that the police have confirmed the man cautioned three months ago for sending malicious communications to Jo Cox is not the same man under arrest in connection with her death".

Another article by June 17th 2016 states - 

"IT HAS emerged British Labour MP Jo Cox was just days away from receiving extra security after being harassed in a stream of threatening messages in the past three months.....Over the past three months Mrs Cox had become the target of a hate mail campaign and was in the process of receiving additional security at her constituency office in Birstall, West Yorkshire as well as at her houseboat in London.
Police had cautioned a man in relation to a barrage of messages sent to Mrs Cox. The politician is said to have “thought little of them” until the “volume and frequency stepped up”.
There is no known link between Mair and the man who allegedly sent the hate mail. West Yorkshire police said a motive for the attack had not yet been established...."

I can't help but wonder whether Thomas Mair was considered a suspect in an investigation into this harassment. That might explain why he was the automatic prime suspect and why the police are so keen to portray the murder as the sudden, unpredictable action of a mentally unwell lone wolf rather than something that could have been prevented.  Just my own take, I stress again.
Hi Phoebe,that's a very interesting point of the Police acknowledging a person "Harassing Jo Cox", but failed to apprehend anyone,except Mr Thomas Mair, who did Not turn out to be the original Harassment suspect, so how do you know the Police got the right assailant,when at least One suspect is still at large? 

The original Gun shown by Yorkshire Police was Not like the supposed, "Home Made Gun",that Mr Mair was supposed to have used in the Murder of MP Jo Cox, that Yorkshire Police stated had been used in another Crime 12 Months earlier,did Mr Mair lend this Gun to another person then in that crime,being a loner?
...and just where did he learn to load and fire a sawn-off bolt action rifle?  "3" shots, presumably in rapid succession?


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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 3 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by willowthewisp 09.03.19 19:16

sar wrote:
willowthewisp wrote:
Phoebe wrote:@ BlueBag. How indeed!! If I were to suspect a conspiracy surrounding this (and there seems to be something much less than transparency about it) I would be more inclined to look in another direction.
 According to reports Jo Cox had been threatened and harassed for some months before her death and the police were fully aware of this.

According to The Telegraph, June 17th 2016 -

Cox was -
 "..subjected to three months of harassment earlier this year. The abuse became so frequent the police were considering stepping up security at her constituency surgery in Birstall and her houseboat in London. It's important to say that the police have confirmed the man cautioned three months ago for sending malicious communications to Jo Cox is not the same man under arrest in connection with her death".

Another article by June 17th 2016 states - 

"IT HAS emerged British Labour MP Jo Cox was just days away from receiving extra security after being harassed in a stream of threatening messages in the past three months.....Over the past three months Mrs Cox had become the target of a hate mail campaign and was in the process of receiving additional security at her constituency office in Birstall, West Yorkshire as well as at her houseboat in London.
Police had cautioned a man in relation to a barrage of messages sent to Mrs Cox. The politician is said to have “thought little of them” until the “volume and frequency stepped up”.
There is no known link between Mair and the man who allegedly sent the hate mail. West Yorkshire police said a motive for the attack had not yet been established...."

I can't help but wonder whether Thomas Mair was considered a suspect in an investigation into this harassment. That might explain why he was the automatic prime suspect and why the police are so keen to portray the murder as the sudden, unpredictable action of a mentally unwell lone wolf rather than something that could have been prevented.  Just my own take, I stress again.
Hi Phoebe,that's a very interesting point of the Police acknowledging a person "Harassing Jo Cox", but failed to apprehend anyone,except Mr Thomas Mair, who did Not turn out to be the original Harassment suspect, so how do you know the Police got the right assailant,when at least One suspect is still at large? 

The original Gun shown by Yorkshire Police was Not like the supposed, "Home Made Gun",that Mr Mair was supposed to have used in the Murder of MP Jo Cox, that Yorkshire Police stated had been used in another Crime 12 Months earlier,did Mr Mair lend this Gun to another person then in that crime,being a loner?
...and just where did he learn to load and fire a sawn-off bolt action rifle?  "3" shots, presumably in rapid succession?

Hi Sar, Leonard didn't have a "Goatee" in this film and shot Two people, One being himself, so that Rules Leonard out!

Dianne Abbot is now making some remarks about her becoming the next MP to be Murdered, like Jo Cox was!

Dianne, do the Labour Party its biggest favour,keep out of the "Headlines of Politics",stop embarrassing the Country by regurgitating "Question Time, BBC Bias", if you cannot stand the heat, keep out of the kitchen.

Jeremy has enough on his plate right now, Israel, Race problems,left alone?

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 3 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Tolleshunt Knight 11.02.23 18:24

Why did Thomas Mair have no blood on him when found?
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Post by Guest 11.02.23 20:03

Tolleshunt Knight wrote:Why did Thomas Mair have no blood on him when found?

Aha, you're back again I see.

Unless you can elaborate or add something new to this discussion I will lock the thread.

One off bog basic questions without explanation or reason are meaningless, especially when dragging-up a defunct thread.

Let me know the direction you are heading or the point of your random comment and I will move this in due course. Slightly less argumentative this time around if you can manage.



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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 3 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Tolleshunt Knight 11.02.23 20:22

Verdi wrote:
Tolleshunt Knight wrote:Why did Thomas Mair have no blood on him when found?

Aha, you're back again I see.

Unless you can elaborate or add something new to this discussion I will lock the thread.

One off bog basic questions without explanation or reason are meaningless, especially when dragging-up a defunct thread.  

Let me know the direction you are heading or the point of your random comment and I will move this in due course.  Slightly less argumentative this time around if you can manage.


Asking questions is argumentative?  That sounds like a cult.  Do you have funny handshakes as well?  

My question about this case is very relevant.  I understand that he had no blood on him when arrested.  I am asking why.  What on earth is wrong with asking that question?  

Please feel free to ban me, by the way, if you're so offended by anybody even politely offering the slightest tiny differing nuance of opinion.  Being unable to post here will not affect my life one iota.
Tolleshunt Knight
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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 3 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Guest 11.02.23 23:40

Tolleshunt Knight wrote:
Verdi wrote:
Tolleshunt Knight wrote:Why did Thomas Mair have no blood on him when found?

Aha, you're back again I see.

Unless you can elaborate or add something new to this discussion I will lock the thread.

One off bog basic questions without explanation or reason are meaningless, especially when dragging-up a defunct thread.  

Let me know the direction you are heading or the point of your random comment and I will move this in due course.  Slightly less argumentative this time around if you can manage.


Asking questions is argumentative?  That sounds like a cult.  Do you have funny handshakes as well?  

My question about this case is very relevant.  I understand that he had no blood on him when arrested.  I am asking why.  What on earth is wrong with asking that question?  

Please feel free to ban me, by the way, if you're so offended by anybody even politely offering the slightest tiny differing nuance of opinion.  Being unable to post here will not affect my life one iota.

So here you are again with the same attitude.

You know exactly what I mean, you are here to provoke and not hearing from you again will not affect the forum one iota.

Thread locked!

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