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The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 2 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Guest 04.03.19 8:40

White cap becomes black cap.

Either Tommy Mair thought this was a cunning disguise or someone messed up.

Isn't the official explantaion that he threw the white one away never to be found?

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 2 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Philo Beddoe 04.03.19 16:06

I'm just about to watch Richard's new film. I don't know whether or not this in the film but when watching the CCTV footage of the alleged killer it seemed to me that he didn't know the local area as shown in this image I made
Philo Beddoe
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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 2 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Guest 04.03.19 16:28

BlueBag wrote:White cap becomes black cap.

Either Tommy Mair thought this was a cunning disguise or someone messed up.

Isn't the official explantaion that he threw the white one away never to be found?

The white cap was found in the garden days later with the coat and some gun shells.

We are told (without evidence) Tommy wore two caps - white over black - until he discarded the white one minutes later in an overgrown garden.

So Tommy Mair, resident of small town Birstall, member of / visitor to the Birstall library, wandered the streets of Birstall waiting for Jo Cox to show up. He went into a shop and bought a chocolate bar and ate it outside.

Wearing two caps was a way of cunningly not drawing attention to yourself.

Tommy's brilliant disguise involved wearing the white cap he usually wore over a black cap and wandering around the market and buying chocolate. 
The man is grey haired, has a goatee which he made no attempt to hide.
Tommy Mair's disguise was to wander around looking like Tommy Mair usually looks and he carried out the murder looking the same.

But cunningly he changed to not look like Tommy Mair after the event (well... if a different colour cap can do that).

And he cunningly managed to get hold of a gun and bullets without the Police having the slightest idea how he did that.


It all makes sense.

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 2 Empty Jo Cox Murder?

Post by willowthewisp 04.03.19 16:53

BlueBag wrote:
BlueBag wrote:White cap becomes black cap.

Either Tommy Mair thought this was a cunning disguise or someone messed up.

Isn't the official explantaion that he threw the white one away never to be found?

The white cap was found in the garden days later with the coat and some gun shells.

We are told (without evidence) Tommy wore two caps - white over black - until he discarded the white one minutes later in an overgrown garden.

So Tommy Mair, resident of small town Birstall, member of / visitor to the Birstall library, wandered the streets of Birstall waiting for Jo Cox to show up. He went into a shop and bought a chocolate bar and ate it outside.

Wearing two caps was a way of cunningly not drawing attention to yourself.

Tommy's brilliant disguise involved wearing the white cap he usually wore over a black cap and wandering around the market and buying chocolate. 
The man is grey haired, has a goatee which he made no attempt to hide.
Tommy Mair's disguise was to wander around looking like Tommy Mair usually looks and he carried out the murder looking the same.

But cunningly he changed to not look like Tommy Mair after the event (well... if a different colour cap can do that).

And he cunningly managed to get hold of a gun and bullets without the Police having the slightest idea how he did that.


It all makes sense.
Hi Bluebag,ah yes, the Home made hand Gun that the Yorkshire Police had found had been used in another Crime, 12 Months earlier,Mr Mair mustn't have fitted into that crime scenario,"Two birds with One stone" crime clean up?

Then you have"computer generated images" used as official evidence in a  Crown Court, Old Bailey, other than Photographic images used for how many years since photography invented!

No One person as a "witness" picked out the assailant in Crown Court, stating that the person they saw was now present in Court, with no family members to support a person with Mental Health problems,except for Government Officials,Dr Sheppherd,autopsy in London?

How is it possible to shoot, then stab a victim up to 15 times and the assailant has No forensic contaminants from Two victims he attacked on his person,when arrested?

Did the arresting Officers wear protective gloves when arresting Mr Mair, so as Not to cross contaminate forensic evidence, after all they called out Mr Mairs first name, so how did they know this person's name?

Just another state cover up,Birmingham Six,Hillsborough, unsolved Murder of Daniel Morgan, tentacles to Police, News Paper owners,Madeleine McCann, Jeremy Thorpe,Jeremy Bamber,Jill Dando- Saville, operation Yewtree,Midland, Haute De La Guranne,Elm Guest House,child abuse?

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 2 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Doug D 04.03.19 17:30

Interesting mornings viewing. I watched the original Jo Cox video last year, but hadn’t got round to this one yet.
Links to the other three parts for ease of reference:
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
According to RH (Pt 2, 36.12) 
‘The police allege….’
that the white cap was found in the overgrown garden in John Nelson Close, but not sure where that actually comes from.
 A couple of things that jumped out at me, aside from someone who knows the area, allegedly trying to make a get-away, getting sucked up two cul-de-sacs for no good reason.
Darren Playford’s 999 call (Pt 2, 38.00):
He reported the shooting and stabbing, (at approx. 12.57) so he must have been in Market Street at the time, or at least in Tesco’s car park.
‘He’s following me(up Union Street) at the moment, just trying to get away from him’ 
If you saw a gunman coming down the hill (Market Street) towards you, given the road choices, would you not instinctively go in roughly the opposite direction to him, up Smithies Lane to relative safety, rather than cross the road and have him follow you?
DP then must have turned right at the end of Union Street, saw the gunman turn left and then turned round to follow him, seeing him cross over and disappear behind the The Vaults pub.
Having lost sight of him he then hangs around (waiting to be shot at?) for possibly up to 18 minutes, without any police arriving, when he sees (probably) Tommy Mair, in his black cap and grey shirt walking up Brownhill Road.
 Still no police arrive for another 10/15 minutes until they all miraculously appear at the same time once Mair has been apprehended in Risedale Avenue. 
As for the two ‘heroic’ arresting officers (Pt 3, 2.00), apprehending a potential gun/knife man:
‘I sat on the window ledge and I hung out the window, Craig held my belt………..I was shouting at him to stop’
More like the bloody Keystone Cops.
So he was in the passenger seat of the car driving down the hill, with ‘people in the gardens’, yet happy to warn the supposed gunman, who was on the right hand (drivers) side and give him plenty of time to get his gun out again and shoot him or the public, before he could possibly get out to him.
It’s got almost as many holes as a T9 statement, and a pretty big slice of dupers delight thrown in for good measure.
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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 2 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Guest 04.03.19 18:21

Witnesses say the Police knew his name when arresting him.

Which would be impossible under normal circumstances.

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 2 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by skyrocket 05.03.19 8:52

The 2 arresting officers state that when they stopped Tommy he dropped the bag and put both arms out to the sides. Why then was their a need to rugby tackle him? He wasn't moving or resisting. Why didn't they just handcuff him or, more appropriately, wait for the armed response? Was the rugby tackle (clearly from the front as he fell backwards, so he wasn't legging it) to enable them to smack his head on the ground to provide blood to be transferred on to items from the attack scene? Was this why they had 2 PC's arrest him, contrary to all protocol? The armed response unit wouldn't have got away with being so 'Keystone Cops' (quite apart from getting awarded for it). 

It would be interesting if anyone could manage to do a comparative height of Tommy and the other individual - Tommy's legs look quite a bit longer.

I can't for the life of me fathom what sort of person gets knowingly involved in setting up a completely innocent person - my thoughts are with Tommy Mair, poor guy. Great job investigating and raising awareness Richard. Please feedback if Gardiner ever responds to your request for a face-off!

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 2 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Guest 05.03.19 9:05

Why would anyone wear two caps when you keep one in the bag?

Absolutely ridiculous story.

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 2 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Guest 05.03.19 11:35

I'm puzzled by Darren Playford's telephone conversation with the Police.

He starts off saying the person is behind him, following him from the library down Union Street.

So Playford decided to turn left up Huddersfield Road, and again the person does the same... following him (unlucky Darren).

So he is in front of the person... on the phone... looking behind at the person.... talking to the police.

At some point Playford must have stopped (otherwise he wouldn't have seen the person go behind the pub)... on the phone... looking at the person.... talking to the Police... in full view of the person as he turned and went behind "The Vaults" pub into John Nelson close.

Then he hung around this spot.... looking at John Nelson close.... talking to the Police for some time (18 minutes?).... and the Police didn't turn up...

Luckily he was able to tell the Police that the person was now wearing a black cap and where he was now heading.

I'd like to see the full time and transcript of this conversation with the Police.

Sounds to me like he was actually following the person, not the other way around.

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 2 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Guest 05.03.19 11:50

I think this is interesting:

Darren Playford (Owner)
Darren always knew that he wanted to provide a service to people and so upon leaving school he right away started an apprenticeship for a small building company based in West Yorkshire, where he was taught all aspects of the building, & plumbing and heating trade. Once qualified Darren moved into Commercial Plumbing where he spent most of his days working all over the country in many Ministry of Defense Sites.
Darren's skills as a Plumber got noticed by companies far and wide and it wasn't long before his days were then taken up by installing commercial and industrial boilers in to very well known blue chip companies.

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 2 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Tony Bennett 05.03.19 12:04

BlueBag wrote:I'm puzzled by Darren Playford's telephone conversation with the Police.

He starts off saying the person is behind him, following him from the library down Union Street.

So Playford decided to turn left up Huddersfield Road, and again the person does the same... following him (unlucky Darren).

So he is in front of the person... on the phone... looking behind at the person.... talking to the police.

At some point Playford must have stopped (otherwise he wouldn't have seen the person go behind the pub)... on the phone... looking at the person.... talking to the Police... in full view of the person as he turned and went behind "The Vaults" pub into John Nelson close.

Then he hung around this spot.... looking at John Nelson close.... talking to the Police for some time (18 minutes?).... and the Police didn't turn up...

Luckily he was able to tell the Police that the person was now wearing a black cap and where he was now heading.

I'd like to see the full time and transcript of this conversation with the Police.

Sounds to me like he was actually following the person, not the other way around.
@ BlueBag     IMO these are excellent observations and I agree with them wholeheartedly.

Indeed I would go so far as to say that the enigma of the Darren Playford tape recording is one of the key evidential issues in the whole of Richard Hall's quite extraordinary film.

Richard kindly sent me an advance copy of his full documentary and in my initial comments to him I made these observations:


Darren Playford

Having now listened to this twice, I think these are the possibilities:

1 It was totally genuine

2 He really was there but had been pre-advised what to say and do, i.e. he was ordered to go and be at the right place at the right time

3 It was manufactured after the event and made to sound like a real call at about 1pm to West Yorkshire Police. This would however require quite a bit of acting as he was breathless.

My thoughts: Would any sane man who knew that he was being followed by a killer with a knife and a gun do anything except run a mile? And would he hang around the Vault pub waiting to see what happened next? It seems very doubtful.

I accept as you do that it is POSSIBLE the real Tommy Mair happened to walk past the Vault while (possibly) the hit man was picked up in a car.

Then again his specific reference to the cap and putting forward the idea of Mair changing his cap does hint at being given a script.


You may recall that in some of my observations on the Madeleine McCann case, I have referred to certain people being given a 'script' to rehearse. I have mentioned this in connection with Jane Tanner, Nuno Lourenco and the Smith family, for example.

Having read your post above @BlueBag, I am inclined to think that my alternative (3) is correct, namely that Darren Playford may have manufactured this tape, under police supervision, after the event.

His conduct in

(1) initially avoiding Richard Hall, 
(2) his subsequent hysterical response to the police claiming harassment when Richard wrote him the politest of letters, and
(3) then the extraordinary early morning knock at Richard's door (filmed by Richard's CCTV!) by South Wales police just hours after Darren Playford received Richard's letter...

...all help to convince me that the recording of Darren Playford purportedly following the killer is NOT genuine.

As I said in my last post, members and guests here should watch this film now before YouTube remove it



Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Post by Doug D 05.03.19 14:58

The helicopter shot (Pt 2, 39.41) shows one of the policeman casually strolling on the pavement, back up towards the police car, no urgency whatever.
My first thought was that he was going to get the green first aid bag we later see on the floor by Tommy, but he actually walks past the car, so is he on his phone?
They must have very quickly realized that Tommy was of absolutely no threat, otherwise there is no way he would have left his colleague and they would have waited for the support that they must have known was on its way.
Unfortunately the helicopter clip ends, but we then see the two officers and the green first aid bag by Tommy, with the nearside door of the police car now shut, when the back-up arrives.
Darren Beckford talks about a helicopter when he is walking up Union Street within maybe three minutes of the shooting and then later when he sees him walking up Brownhill Road, ‘if you’re aerial you’ll get him’.
What makes him think a helicopter is going to get there quicker than the initial police response, or  had he seen it already in the vicinity? If so, how & why?
They certainly got to Risedale Avenue before the support crew all managed to sail in together.
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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 2 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Guest 05.03.19 15:55

Darren Playford MUST be connected . . . . NOBODY without CONNECTIONS can move the deadweight of bureaucratic police form filling across two separate forces SO QUICKLY.
Now the question must be connected to who? Military Intelligence? GCHQ? Special Branch? or the glue that holds them all together, Freemasonry?

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Post by willowthewisp 05.03.19 16:30

Hi DougD, in Risedale Avenue,"One Police"officer sidles up to colleagues,meanders over to where Mr Mair is on the floor seated,bleeding,confused?
(Police Officer) turns around, stoops, bends down and picks up the "Black hold Hall", then kicks or places it next to Two Officers he had conversed with earlier, was this the Bag that contained the Gun Police show as evidence, which was different to the Hand gun first thought to have been used by the assailant?

MP Barry Gardner, looked "perturbed" on Question Time over introducing his letters and then show the DVD to audience,Right Wing Nut jobs?

What must be worrying Mr Gardner is that what has been shown in the DVD is a lot of unanswered questions,Ambulance waiting 50 Minutes with an injured person, aka (Princess Diana 62 Minutes)then the Body whisked away to London, in MP Jo Cox's Murder with possible "State Collusion" to an event? 

Just imagine the proverbial "sh*t" hitting the fan, if it can be proved as false,"Conspiracy Theory" nutters they'll state?

Yorkshire Police Force have become entangled to a lot of big cases lately, where questions have been asked, "Grooming Gangs", Hillsborough covered up,Ben Needham,DNA,Operation Yewtree,(Metropolitan Police 7 Months first)BBC libel,Pop star mogul(Kitty)Richards on Elm Guest House list cleared,BBC Reporter "Bullying", the Police?

Aka Rebekah Brooks,Andy Coulson,David Cameron,"We'er All in this together",Leveson,No wonder Part Two was cancelled!

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 2 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Tony Bennett 05.03.19 16:44

JimbobJones wrote:Darren Playford MUST be connected . . . . NOBODY without CONNECTIONS can move the deadweight of bureaucratic police form filling across two separate forces SO QUICKLY.
Now the question must be connected to who? Military Intelligence? GCHQ? Special Branch? or the glue that holds them all together, Freemasonry?

If Richard Hall's theory is correct, how long in advance must this have been planned?

Did they plan this event in order to try to make people vote Remain?

Why did they decide on Jo Cox's constituency?

How long, then, did it take to identify the patsy, Tommy Mair?

For how long were they observing his daily routine, his modus operandi, his movements?

Who got to know him and gave him instructions to tend to some gardens that day?

It is often argued that MI5 are more powerful than the government itself.

This reckless operation (if that is what is was) MUST have been planned by MI5 and using Special Branch officers.


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Post by willowthewisp 05.03.19 17:36

Mr Tony Bennett, i note that Mr Richard Shepperd is supposed to have been involved with identifying injuries on how MP Jo Cox had died!

Would this be the same Dr Richard Shepperd who ascertained Miss Carole Kaiser had died aged 47 yrs, Insulin overdose,suicide?

Did Doctor Richard Shepperd also diagnose Dr David Kelly's Death as Suicide,Iraq War,No Inquest, Dr Kelly's body exhumed and Now Cremated to stop people causing distress to Mr Kelly's family!

Is,are there anymore person's mysterious Deaths or suicides proscribed by Mr Sheppeherd for the "Establishment records"?

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 2 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Tony Bennett 05.03.19 18:13

willowthewisp wrote:Mr Tony Bennett, i note that Mr Richard Shepperd is supposed to have been involved with identifying injuries on how MP Jo Cox had died!

Would this be the same Dr Richard Shepperd who ascertained Miss Carole Kaiser had died aged 47 yrs, Insulin overdose,suicide?

Did Doctor Richard Shepperd also diagnose Dr David Kelly's Death as Suicide,Iraq War,No Inquest, Dr Kelly's body exhumed and Now Cremated to stop people causing distress to Mr Kelly's family!

Is,are there anymore person's mysterious Deaths or suicides proscribed by Mr Sheppeherd for the "Establishment records"?

I believe you are correct, yes.

There are, unfortunately, corrupt pathologoists in this world of ours, as well as corrupt politicians and corrupt police officers.

And corrupt doctors


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Post by Guest 06.03.19 8:50

The more I listen to Darren Plyford's phone call the more I think he was following the person, not in front.

"he's got a black bag in his hand,
he's got a white cap on,
he's walking towards The Vaults pub now,
on the left hand-side of the road going up the hill".

If you're behind him, he's on the left-hand side going up the hill.

I think Darren needs to answer a few questions.
Not coming up the hill then?

Phone call is at 41:50

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Post by skyrocket 06.03.19 10:35

@BlueBag - yes, the Huddersfield Road section of phone call is very, very interesting.

The call to the emergency services has been initiated about 1 minute earlier and seems to be a continuous section of conversation. In Huddersfield Road, Darren says that the man is walking 'near' the Vaults pub. The emergency operator immediately states 'towards' the Vaults, to which Darren doesn't stress 'no!' as would be expected, he simply replys 'he's walking away' from the Vaults pub. Then almost immediately Darren changes the direction the man is walking to 'towards' the Vaults. He then says that the man's got a 'black bag in his hand' which he then clarifies is a 'carrier bag' and again as a 'black carrier bag'. No mention of the black holdall type bag.

Even more interestingly, there is virtually no description given of the man or his clothing until the point at which he approaches the Vaults pub where he apparently/conveniently disappears from view for about 30 seconds. The ONLY piece of clothing Darren brings up/stresses up to this point is the white baseball cap.

When Darren sees the man again he has changed his appearance. He has removed a jacket and has change his baseball cap to a black one. What is the first thing you are most likely to comment on if you were innocently following him? You'd expect the first comment/exclamation Darren makes to be, 'I can see him again and he's changed his baseball cap to a black one!' But instead he says calmly that the man's taken his top off, before starting to now describe his full outfit including the black cap. The operator has to clarify that the man has changed his cap - it is not stressed by Darren until after he is asked about it.

This all suggests to me that Darren may be working to a script - a script which is triggered at different points en route. The cap change doesn't seem to be a surprise to him.

In a past life I have had to phone emergency services as crimes were in progress. Despite the adrenalin the first thing on my mind was always to give as detailed a description as possible - always starting with complete clothing, then height, age, hair colour, build, vehicles. Why did Darren not do this immediately? Why didn't the operator ask for a description? There are plenty of lapses in the conversation and Darren does not sound too out of breath to speak - I find it hard to believe that he wouldn't have been talking constantly, giving a complete picture of the man he was following (or being followed by).

And what about that bag?

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Post by Doug D 06.03.19 10:44


The more I listen to Darren Plyford's phone call the more I think he was following the person, not in front.

I agree, but if DP was being followed up Union Street, 'trying to get away from him' and turned right in Huddersfield Road and then looked back and saw white cap had turned left, he could then turn round and follow from a safe distance.

Obviously difficult with snippets, not the full phone call, but why say 'He's walking away from Vaults pub' unless he went past, up to the crossing before he crossed over? 'He's crossed the road now, towards the Vaults pub'. Clearly not in much of a hurry if he did.
Doug D

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Post by Guest 06.03.19 11:51

Doug D wrote:BlueBag:

The more I listen to Darren Plyford's phone call the more I think he was following the person, not in front.

I agree, but if DP was being followed up Union Street, 'trying to get away from him' and turned right in Huddersfield Road and then looked back and saw white cap had turned left, he could then turn round and follow from a safe distance.

Obviously difficult with snippets, not the full phone call, but why say 'He's walking away from Vaults pub' unless he went past, up to the crossing before he crossed over? 'He's crossed the road now, towards the Vaults pub'. Clearly not in much of a hurry if he did.
So if he did turn right (which now seems probable although the call seems continuous).... he then turned around and followed him all the way up the road towards the pub.

He's following a man with a gun and knifes who has just been "shooting everybody".

He did say "walking away" from the pub as well.

When he says "he's just gone behind the pub" this must mean (from behind POV) he turned right off Huddersfield Road into Brookroyd Lane.

He was definitely observing him at this point from behind and down Huddersfield Road.

Did he see him go down John Nelson Close?
Did he look down John Nelson Close?
How long was he waiting before the person came back out with a different cap? 
What was he doing whilst he was waiting?
Why was he waiting?
Did the Police say they were on their way?
Did they say when?

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 2 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Doug D 06.03.19 13:18

Add to that 'where were you when the shooting happened and what did you see & do?' and they are exactly the questions Richard would have wanted to ask him.

So what makes them so sensitive that Richard gets shut down in the way that he reports?
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Post by Guest 06.03.19 15:44

I agree the shut-down and the visit by the Police is a bit sinister.

They don't want people looking at this too closely.

I don't know how FOI works, but is it possible to get the full call to the Police released?

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 2 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Phoebe 06.03.19 19:32

Having watched Richard D Hall's documentary a few things bother me. It is stated that Tommy Mair had no interest in politics, yet a quick internet search revealed that he had hand-written written three letters to the "South Africa Patriot" as far back as 1988. These hand-written letters allegedly show Mair's admiration for the BBB - "Die Blanke Bevrydingbeweging" or "The White Liberation Movement". Scans of the letters were provided by Alan Harvey, editor of "The South African Patriot" who sought to distance himself from Mair. Given that these letters are handwritten, it should be easy to determine whether or not they were indeed written by Tommy Mair. I find the sign off ie "racial regards - Thomas A Mair" rather alarming to say the least.

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 2 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Guest 06.03.19 22:10

Who is Alan Harvey?

Why is he distancing himself by revealing letters no one knew existed and he didn't have to reveal?

He's done the opposite.

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 2 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Phoebe 06.03.19 23:35

@ BlueBag.

When I started (out of curiosity) looking up info on Thomas Mair I came across the name Asa Winstanley who had obviously written about Jo Cox's murder. From what I can gather, this Asa Winstanley is-

 Asa Winstanley is an investigative journalist and associate editor with The Electronic Intifada. He lives in London. Biography here.

It appears The Electronic Intifada is a pro Palistinian site and according to them Jo Cox was a member of  "Labour friends of Palestine"

The handwritten letter from Mair was obtained by them from the Editor of "The South Africa Patriot", Alan Harvey, and has been scanned onto their website. In other words one can see and read it. It certainly looks genuine. The website quotes Det. Superintendent Nick Wallen as dismissing any notion that Mair had ever been a leader of any far-right group -

"There’s “no evidence of that at all,” he said of the idea that Mair may have led a neo-Nazi or other far-right group..Asked of possible links between Mair and far right groups, Wallen said it was possible but “highly unlikely” because Mair is a man who “cannot interact” and it was “wholly wrong” to think him part of a wider group...."


It appears that Mair may been on the police radar for quite some time. According to "Hatewatch", an American informant for the FBI andMI 5, named Todd Blodgett helped to arrange a meeting in 2000 in London for William Pierce - head of the Neo N. group National Alliance. According to Blodgett, who reported back on this meeting to his controllers, Tommy Mair was  one of about 20 racist activists in attendance. -
“From what I could surmise, Tommy Mair was loosely affiliated with the Leeds chapter of the National Alliance,” Blodgett said. “He was a working class kind of guy who I think was very well read. He was self-educated. I remember he talked about a book he read by [David] Irving,” an infamous British Holocaust denier. At one point, Blodgett mentioned Winston Churchill to Mair during the two- to three-hour meeting. “As soon as I said that, he kind of made a face and he referred to Churchill as a kike-loving bastard,” he said. “I still remember that.”

I have no idea how truthful any of this stuff is, but
I have a sneaking suspicion that the police may have been aware of and keeping a watching brief on Tommy Mair and that this is why they were able to identify their culprit so swiftly and knew his name. I suspect what is being covered up might be what could result in accusations of police ineptitude if it emerged they considered Mair a real threat but cocked up enough to allow a politician to be assassinated.
 All my own musings I stress, but it seems more credible to me than using imposters in court. 

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 2 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Guest 07.03.19 7:36

I've been doing some digging.

Apparently the "National Alliance" were a bit puzzled about them having a "chapter" in Leeds.

Seeing as they didn't have one.

Also Alan Harvey is well known in "far-right" circles as being anti-far right, pro-Israel, pro-Zionism.

The complete opposite of a "Nazi".

I think it's odd that a website for an "organisation" (one man in a bedroom) appears in 2016  that is just a dump for all it's newsletters going back to the 1990's.

Very odd.

It's all very strange and I would not trust a single thing that has the Southern Law Poverty Center associated with it.

There is not a single piece of evidence that Tommy Mair engaged in any far-right activity.

There is plenty of puzzlement on how a loner like Tommy Mair could have got that gun.

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 2 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Guest 07.03.19 8:08

I think its known as a "legend". A fake profile on a real person, who they intend to use further down the line.  To back up a bogus story, discredit them or generally "fit up" in some way . They create a legend well in advance for when they need them. Some will get used some wont. It seems to start after a suitable "candidate" comes to their attention for something trivial.
If ever strange things or unsolicited mail, orders for incriminating goods or inexplicable social incidents occur . . . a legend may well be in process.
It is wholly despicable and immoral, but that is what alphabet agencies do . The people employed seem to lose their moral compass, or only the most unhinged and lacking in empathy "progress" up their ladder.

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 2 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by sallypelt 07.03.19 9:58

Phoebe wrote:Having watched Richard D Hall's documentary a few things bother me. It is stated that Tommy Mair had no interest in politics, yet a quick internet search revealed that he had hand-written written three letters to the "South Africa Patriot" as far back as 1988. These hand-written letters allegedly show Mair's admiration for the BBB - "Die Blanke Bevrydingbeweging" or "The White Liberation Movement". Scans of the letters were provided by Alan Harvey, editor of "The South African Patriot" who sought to distance himself from Mair. Given that these letters are handwritten, it should be easy to determine whether or not they were indeed written by Tommy Mair. I find the sign off ie "racial regards - Thomas A Mair" rather alarming to say the least.
Lee Harvey Oswald
Barry George

Now WHY does this J Cox case make me think of these people?

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 The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall - Page 2 Empty Re: The Assassination of Jo Cox - an Independent Investigation by Richard D. Hall

Post by Tony Bennett 07.03.19 10:39

BlueBag wrote:I've been doing some digging.

It's all very strange and I would not trust a single thing that has the Southern Law Poverty Center associated with it.

SLPC is basically a wholly-owned subsidiary of the U.S. Democrat Party - which is currently turning into a hard left, Marxist/Communist-style party, very much parallel to the current Momentum-dominated Labour Party under Marxists Jeremy Corby and John McDonnell.

@ sallypelt

You mentioned Lee Harvey Oswald and Barry George.

It's interesting that Richard Hall's recent film Kill Jill (on the murder of Jill Dando) implicates the British security services as responsible for the 'nail bombing' killings two weeks before Jill Dando was killed AND in the murder of Jill Dando.

The same security services as he now alleges framed Tommy Mair.

The same security services that Goncalo Amaral alleges have perpetrated a 12-year cover-up of the real reason for the disappearance of Madeleine McCann


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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