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Pat Brown: A Decade of Deception: The Tenth Anniversary of the Madeleine McCann Case Mm11

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Pat Brown: A Decade of Deception: The Tenth Anniversary of the Madeleine McCann Case Mm11

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Pat Brown: A Decade of Deception: The Tenth Anniversary of the Madeleine McCann Case

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Pat Brown: A Decade of Deception: The Tenth Anniversary of the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Pat Brown: A Decade of Deception: The Tenth Anniversary of the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by Jill Havern 03.05.17 12:27

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

A Decade of Deception: The Tenth Anniversary of the Madeleine McCann Case

Pat Brown: A Decade of Deception: The Tenth Anniversary of the Madeleine McCann Case Look%2Bfor%2BMaddie

Ten years of lies.

Lies of the parents.
Lies of their friends.
Lies of the politicians.
Lies of the police.
Lies of the media.

Behind the lies are the agendas.
Recognize those and you will find the truth.

How do you recognize agendas?

Ignore words and pay attention to behavior.

The behavior of the parents always showed they cared more for their own welfare than Madeleine's.
The behavior of their friends always showed that they cared more for distancing themselves from the case rather than involving themselves in it.
The behavior of the politicians always showed they were more interested in protecting their country more than providing assistance and cooperation.
The behavior of the police always showed they were more interested in serving the people in power rather than the ideals of justice and public safety.
The behavior of the media always showed they were more interested in ratings and earnings rather than presenting the facts and illuminating the truth.

Actions speaks louder than words but many ignore what they see - covering their eyes because to see would require them to confront the truth which would lead to a loss of faith in the things we wish to believe.

But you SHOULD lose faith. It is only by losing faith that we as a society can start to make change. We can't fix the Madeleine McCann case - it is never going to see the inside of a court of law (and the actions of the PJ and Portugal also prove this; they have done nothing of worth in this case since 2007; since then they have allowed a foreign power to run the show and make a mockery of their investigation) - but the Madeleine McCann case should be a wake-up call that we need to work to change.

We need fix what is wrong with how cases are handled by law enforcement and how we fund them.
We need to get vote better people into office and hold them accountable.
We need to strike back against false news and misrepresentation of the facts in the media.

This is what the tenth annivesary of the Madeleine McCann case is all about. Maddie has been dead for a decade, but we are not.

Will we allow the deception to continue for another decade?

Criminal Profiler Pat Brown
May 3, 2017
Jill Havern
Jill Havern
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Pat Brown: A Decade of Deception: The Tenth Anniversary of the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Re: Pat Brown: A Decade of Deception: The Tenth Anniversary of the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by tara 03.05.17 13:12

But Pat Brown if you believe, based on your knowledge and research of this case, that 'we can't fix the Madeleine McCann case-it is never going to see the inside of a court of law' ( and I am not disagreeing with you) what are you suggesting we, on this forum do? Surely the only way to stop the deception continuing for another decade is to shut down forums like this and give up. Whilst the case is frustrating and angering many people who do not believe the McCanns are innocent of complicity in the ?accidental death and disposal of Madeleine's body, are not ready to give up. I believe there is still a smidge of hope that one day, maybe not for a long time, that we will see justice. All in my opinion. I may be naive but hope springs eternal! I do enjoy reading your perspectives on this case and think you have been treated appallingly by R. Sadler.

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Pat Brown: A Decade of Deception: The Tenth Anniversary of the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Re: Pat Brown: A Decade of Deception: The Tenth Anniversary of the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by Mirage 03.05.17 13:24

Pat Brown wrote:
"Actions speak louder than words but many ignore what they see - covering their eyes because to see would require them to confront the truth which would lead to a loss of faith in the things we wish to believe.

But you SHOULD lose faith. It is only by losing faith that we as a society can start to make change. We can't fix the Madeleine McCann case - it is never going to see the inside of a court of law..."

I agree about the lies and the self-interested actions and behaviours of the groups Pat identifies. However, I fundamentally disagree that change can be effected by drawing a line under the death of a child and making sure this all changes in the future through some subterranean upsurge of desire for cleansing the nation in a spirit of renaissance.

If the vested interests of huge groups of influential people both here and in Portugal get their own way, the public will revert to their default position that signals to these same movers and shakers that, en masse, they are untouchable. They will merely continue to co-ordinate and dominate politically and within top institutions, recruiting into their ranks more like-minded people who understand the game and come recommended for the job.

As for voting in better people - total naivety. You only have to think of the class system that operates in this country and look at selection procedures for parliamentary candidates who are often parachuted into communities they have no connection with.

Sadly, Pat is right on the diagnosis but hopelessly wrong on the prognosis. The case needs the equivalent of radical surgery. She is right about actions speaking louder than words so why draw the line in this case short of action in a court of law?

Justice denied is merely justice delayed, and justice should be the jewell in any country's crown. Why not fight for it? After all, she is talking about a cancerous rot that has invaded all our institutions and is murdering justice before our eyes. And these people who have led our police astray need to be excised not left to metastasize.

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Pat Brown: A Decade of Deception: The Tenth Anniversary of the Madeleine McCann Case Empty Re: Pat Brown: A Decade of Deception: The Tenth Anniversary of the Madeleine McCann Case

Post by puzzled 03.05.17 13:52

Get'emGonçalo wrote:
 We can't fix the Madeleine McCann case - it is never going to see the inside of a court of law 

But we should also remember that there is no time limit on a crime. If a piece of evidence comes up ten or fifteen years from now, or if investigation techniques change - for instance, if it becomes possible to identify much smaller traces of DNA than is possible now - a prosecution will still be possible. There's always the possibility of a confession too.

I must admit, sometimes I despair of this case too, but for the reasons above, I don't think we should totally give up hope.

____________________ did you feel the last time you squashed a bug? -psychopathic criminal, quoted in Robert Hare, Without Conscience

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