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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Mm11

Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Regist10
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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Mm11

Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Regist10

Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by Pat Brown 29.01.12 1:39

Hello everyone!

Yes, I am going to Portugal next week and conduct my search for Madeleine. I was going to postpone the trip due to the Amaral trial being delayed until April, but since I am not sure I can depend on the trial occurring then either and it cost a ridiculous sum to change my airline ticket, I am going to go ahead as planned. I will keep you updated via Twitter @ProfilerPatB and on my Facebook pages - Pat Brown and Criminal Profiler Pat Brown (please like that page and communicate with me there as my friend page is maxed out at 5000).

Pat Brown
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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by tiny 29.01.12 7:26

good luck pat,hope you able to find something out.

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by HiDeHo 29.01.12 10:02

Good luck Pat. Looking forward to seeing the 'Search for Madeleine' through your eyes!

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by Cheshire Cat 29.01.12 11:15

Good luck Pat. I hope visiting some of the places and meeting some of the local people will inspire you in your search for Madeleine.

The trial is not just about silencing Amaral but about crushing his spirit and condeming him to poverty. Please do what you can to help him.
Cheshire Cat
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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty This trip

Post by Pat Brown 29.01.12 12:05

I only have ten days in this particular trip, so it is hard to say what I will learn or accomplish. If I find a need to return to continue my work, I will do so.
Pat Brown
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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by Guest 29.01.12 12:14

Good luck Pat, in your search for the truth about what happened to Madeleine - go and unturn some stones.

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be out heading to Portugal on Feb 6th.

Post by sijm 29.01.12 14:03

Tend to agree with Tony on this one!

Still I am sure Pat will have a massive audience from the thousands around the globe who follow the Madeleine case, the case should be good to fill her companies coffers and she will need it, she has one of the top Lawyers in Washington acting for her.

Infact, allegedly her lawyer was the spokeswoman for the Friends of Amanda Knox campaign fund, and we all know how the defence done a good job in getting Amanda Knox off the hook in Italy with the mucked up forensics.

Enyone know which leads Pat will be picking up on while doing her search in Praia, lord knows there are a few good ones. The Krugel mapped out area, The garden in the villa Flores, The beach, hopes she got her rock climbing boots for the cliff search, ha, ha.

Also be interesting if her search morrors SY review findings when they have finished.

No seriously, I wish her well and that it fills her coffers to overflow, no doub like many thousands I will be following her daily, hopefully?

Just one more thing I am really concerned about, that is the interference of US law officials into SY case reviews, could it not be the case, Pat who is not officially hired by SY to help out in this case , She could do more harm then good, such as a miss-trial because of influence of public oppinion on a mass scale, I am worried,it could be deemed an unfair fair trial, if Madeleine's case is ever brought to a trial?

And why at such a late date has Pat stepped in, would she not have been better off trying to solve the Jonbennet case back in her own country first?

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by pennylane 29.01.12 14:10

Pat Brown wrote:Hello everyone!

Yes, I am going to Portugal next week and conduct my search for Madeleine. I was going to postpone the trip due to the Amaral trial being delayed until April, but since I am not sure I can depend on the trial occurring then either and it cost a ridiculous sum to change my airline ticket, I am going to go ahead as planned. I will keep you updated via Twitter @ProfilerPatB and on my Facebook pages - Pat Brown and Criminal Profiler Pat Brown (please like that page and communicate with me there as my friend page is maxed out at 5000).


I do hope you have a safe and profoundly revealing journey to Portugal Pat. Looking forward to your update Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) 725573

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by Guest 29.01.12 14:27

sijm wrote:Tend to agree with Tony on this one!

Still I am sure Pat will have a massive audience from the thousands around the globe who follow the Madeleine case, the case should be good to fill her companies coffers and she will need it, she has one of the top Lawyers in Washington acting for her.

Infact, allegedly her lawyer was the spokeswoman for the Friends of Amanda Knox campaign fund, and we all know how the defence done a good job in getting Amanda Knox off the hook in Italy with the mucked up forensics.

Enyone know which leads Pat will be picking up on while doing her search in Praia, lord knows there are a few good ones. The Krugel mapped out area, The garden in the villa Flores, The beach, hopes she got her rock climbing boots for the cliff search, ha, ha.

Also be interesting if her search morrors SY review findings when they have finished.

No seriously, I wish her well and that it fills her coffers to overflow, no doub like many thousands I will be following her daily, hopefully?

Just one more thing I am really concerned about, that is the interference of US law officials into SY case reviews, could it not be the case, Pat who is not officially hired by SY to help out in this case , She could do more harm then good, such as a miss-trial because of influence of public oppinion on a mass scale, I am worried,it could be deemed an unfair fair trial, if Madeleine's case is ever brought to a trial?

And why at such a late date has Pat stepped in, would she not have been better off trying to solve the Jonbennet case back in her own country first?

Why would it fill her coffers to overflow? So you think Pat is doing this for money? What has Tony said, I can't see a post on this thread from him.

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on Feb 6th

Post by sijm 29.01.12 15:12

Can anyone tell me why, Pat who has had no request (not as far as I know) from either of the British parties involved in this case, suddenly takes interest?

Writes a book on hearsay evidence not yet tested by a trial four years after the case and is now profiling that same cold case almost five years after the event that occured in yet another forign country, and without any of the vital evidence SY now has in its grasp.

Tavels to an EU foreign country thousands of mile from the US on a case that has no links to US law forces or any of her US countrymen (such was the case in Italy, Amanda Knox was American)

Allegedly, Pats lawyer, herself took unpaid time off work to host a show about Michael Jackson and stated it brought millions of dollars worth of business into her firm, and allegedly Pat is quite an accomplished actress, as I gather from the web , she appeared as herself in one show in SA and appeared on Discovery Channel TV quite a lot.

We don't seem to have these high celeb Lawyers and Profilers yet in UK, As they say only in America!

Anyway good luck to Pat , there is nothing wrong in making money, is there?

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by Guest 29.01.12 15:17

It's very strange isn't it sijm, the pros keep harping on about Madeleine being found, and here is a person giving up her time, to go and actively search and ask questions, and for some strange reason they are so frightened of her going. Why would that be? Do you think she might uncover something? Hopefully, she will, because after all we want the truth of whatever happened don't we?

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by Guest 29.01.12 15:24

Some seem to be very worried about Pat going to PDL aren't they sijm, this is the sort of harrassment someone gets for trying to find Madeleine..................

@JBLittlemore They were not allowed to delve into details so Brown wont b either. So-why is she bothering that the real question here#McCann

48 minutes ago

@ProfilerPatB And just WHO do u think will answer any questions put by u down in PDL ? #McCann
40 minutes

@JBLittlemore They were not allowed to delve into details so Brown wont b either. So-why is she bothering that the real question here#McCann
48 minutes ago


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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by pennylane 29.01.12 15:25

candyfloss wrote:It's very strange isn't it sijm, the pros keep harping on about Madeleine being found, and here is a person giving up her time, to go and actively search and ask questions, and for some strange reason they are so frightened of her going. Why would that be? Do you think she might uncover something? Hopefully, she will, because after all we want the truth of whatever happened don't we?

We sure as hell aren't going to get the facts from our insipid, useless, lily livered journalists.

Go Pat! Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) 259100

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Justice for Children and Proper Handling of Cases and a Search for the Truth

Post by Pat Brown 29.01.12 15:31

Anyone who thinks there is money to be made by me in the case of missing Madeleine McCann has a poor grasp of reality. Everyone who ever touches this case in a search for the truth is risking their livelihoods and careers. I have profiled and commented on this case since early on, so I don't have a recent interest. Speaking up on this case has not done me any favors; but I have always refused to keep quiet just because it was safer.

I have never in my life been interested in becoming rich. I am satisfied with a roof over my head, my family, good friends, and pets that amuse me. I like traveling but I don't need to be wealthy to do it. I tend to prefer staying with friends or in youth hostels, taking local transportation and eating street food; I like to visit the culture, not a fancy hotel chain and hang with tourists. My life is my work and my work is changing profiling methodology, getting killers behind bars, saving people from becoming victims of psychopaths (especially children), and justice for victims of violent crime (most especially children).

I am not expecting an exorbitant amount of taxpayer money to fund questionable reviews and I am not begging money off of naive and kindhearted people to fund worthless PIs to track down worthless leads.

Whether I can do any good or not in Portugal, I cannot say. I am simply going to try and it is not going to cost anyone money but me.
Pat Brown
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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by Guest 29.01.12 15:37

Pat Brown wrote:Anyone who thinks there is money to be made by me in the case of missing Madeleine McCann has a poor grasp of reality. Everyone who ever touches this case in a search for the truth is risking their livelihoods and careers. I have profiled and commented on this case since early on, so I don't have a recent interest. Speaking up on this case has not done me any favors; but I have always refused to keep quiet just because it was safer.

I have never in my life been interested in becoming rich. I am satisfied with a roof over my head, my family, good friends, and pets that amuse me. I like traveling but I don't need to be wealthy to do it. I tend to prefer staying with friends or in youth hostels, taking local transportation and eating street food; I like to visit the culture, not a fancy hotel chain and hang with tourists. My life is my work and my work is changing profiling methodology, getting killers behind bars, saving people from becoming victims of psychopaths (especially children), and justice for victims of violent crime (most especially children).

I am not expecting an exorbitant amount of taxpayer money to fund questionable reviews and I am not begging money off of naive and kindhearted people to fund worthless PIs to track down worthless leads.

Whether I can do any good or not in Portugal, I cannot say. I am simply going to try and it is not going to cost anyone money but me.

@ Pat clapping

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by Gillyspot 29.01.12 15:40

Pat Brown wrote:

Whether I can do any good or not in Portugal, I cannot say. I am simply going to try and it is not going to cost anyone money but me.

Whatever you do Pat it cannot be less than the McCann's are actually doing in their "search" for Madeleine. Over £6 million will have been spent by the end of the review by the MET on this case but with WHAT results. Sadly NONE IMO!

Kate McCann "I know that what happened is not due to the fact of us leaving the children asleep. I know it happened under other circumstances"

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by pennylane 29.01.12 16:09

TM have threatened and intimidated anyone that dares to peel away, and make public, the foetid layers of their ever changing version of events. The more people persist in speaking out, the less potent their stranglehold will be.

Keep up the excellent work Pat. Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) 307691

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by pennylane 29.01.12 16:39

Pat Brown says: "I am not expecting an exorbitant amount of taxpayer money to fund questionable reviews and I am not begging money off of naive and kindhearted people to fund worthless PIs to track down worthless leads."

Amen! Absolutely spot on Pat. thumbup

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by tiny 29.01.12 16:46

blimey i cant believe that spme people would be up in arms about pat going to portugal,i say good on you pat for trying to help Madeleine.

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on Feb 6th.

Post by sijm 29.01.12 16:54

If Pat is true to the Madeleine cause then please except my humble apologies, just a little hint here maybe Pat, Perhaps you should take your rock climbing boots when walking along the beach, maybe!

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by Guest 29.01.12 17:19

I think what you are doing is amazing and I very much admire people like you,Tony Bennett and others who "put your (own) money where your mouth is" (hopefully not literally for Tony) and actively participate in the search for the truth about what happened to Madeleine... more than can be said for those nearest and dearest to her... They seem happy to put the general public's hard earned money into sham searches that will never be fruitful and in my opinion were never intended to be fruitful.

I truly hope you get all the cooperation and assistance you need whilst over in Portugal... and hopefully being there will help you get a feel for the place and help debunk those early statements of the tapasniks....

I look forward to hopefully reading your conclusions.

Don't know if you are aware of the Ben Needham case - a little boy who went missing in Greece over 20 years ago and who's mother has had no help from the government over the years and has funded her own searches - the differences between the Mccann case is astounding in terms of the assistance received from the authorities. The case has just been reopened. There are many theories including the possible involvement of the uncle... would love to know your thoughts on this case as well at some point.

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Bon voyage Pat

Post by Guest 29.01.12 19:13

Just want to add my good wishes to you.

Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) 725573

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by Smokeandmirrors 29.01.12 19:28

Would just like to extend my sincerest best wishes to you, Pat, for your journey and hope that you are to meet some hospitable people who will share their insights of the events at the time and local knowledge. It does seem curious that their are people who do not seem to wish for additional help and expertise in searching for the truth for Madeleine. I wonder why? Good luck and blessings.

The truth will out.

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by jay2001 29.01.12 19:59

Pat - I hope you have a safe journey and do take care.

I would bet that Pat will find out more than SY and the PI's in the short time that she's in Portugal. I can't understand why tm and their supporters are not in full support of Pat's search. It's not costing tm a penny, so why aren't they backing her? Mmmm!

Back in the summer there was an item on Central News that a family were driving a minibus/RV type vehicle to Portugal and Spain raising awareness about missing Madeleine. No-one from tm had contacted them and I don't think they'd been in touch with tm. I've never seen or heard anything else about this holiday trip. I do seem to recall that they were raising funds/sponsorship of some sort but it was not for the FindMadeleine fund. (My point is that it appears that tm don't want/appreciate physical help imo.

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by scotclogs 30.01.12 4:30

Keep safe Pat and the very best of luck to you roses and Thank you for doing this thumbsup

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by scotclogs 30.01.12 4:37

candyfloss wrote:It's very strange isn't it sijm, the pros keep harping on about Madeleine being found, and here is a person giving up her time, to go and actively search and ask questions, and for some strange reason they are so frightened of her going. Why would that be? Do you think she might uncover something? Hopefully, she will, because after all we want the truth of whatever happened don't we?

Well said candyfloss clapping

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by rainbow-fairy 30.01.12 7:47

Firstly, I'd like to extend grateful thanks to Pat for all you are doing for Madeleine. May the truth shine bright for you.
Secondly, I'd like to know why on earth 'sijm' seems to think Pat needs any form of nod, or authority, or anything else from SY?!? You said and I paraphrase 'she will be going without vital new evidence SY have uncovered'! Well, have they? I haven't heard anything, and I don't think you'll find Pat would agree she 'needs' anything from SY... Pat Brown, if I'm not wrong, works independently which means she doesn't NEED authority or evidence from SY or anybody else to do her own investigation, that's the whole point.
You don't seem cock-a-hoop, sijm, that Pat is going out there. So far I've only noted McCann apologists kicking off about this, and you're not one of them, now are you sijm???
IIRC, Pat has ALWAYS said that if she turns up evidence pointing to an abductor and the McCanns innocence she will happily follow it (and I believe her) yet STILL the Pro's are terrified by the prospect of Pat in PdL. Why would they be if they are so SURE the McCanns are innocent?
I'll leave this post with Pats assertion that 'this trip will cost no-one money but me' - quite. What a refreshing change... Wink
ETA: Go Pat. My thoughts are with you for a safe and fruitful trip.

"Ask the dogs, Sandra" - Gerry McCann to Sandra FelgueirasCriminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) 670379

Truth is artless and innocent - like the eloquence of nature, it is clothed with simplicity and easy persuasion; always open to investigation and analysis, it seeks exposure because it fears not detection.

NORMAN MACDONALD, Maxims and Moral Reflections.

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by Guest 30.01.12 11:21

rainbow-fairy wrote:
IIRC, Pat has ALWAYS said that if she turns up evidence pointing to an abductor and the McCanns innocence she will happily follow it (and I believe her) yet STILL the Pro's are terrified by the prospect of Pat in PdL. Why would they be if they are so SURE the McCanns are innocent?

Given that it won't cost team Mccann anything out of their precious fund, you think they'd be overjoyedthat rather than have a group of keystone-cops amateur PIs running around the lawless hills and paying them a small fortune for the effort, here is someone with a wealth of experience and expertise doing it for nowt!

So I think the phrase " no stone unturned" depends for them on who it is that is doing the turning...


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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Re: Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012)

Post by rainbow-fairy 30.01.12 13:23

Stewie wrote:
rainbow-fairy wrote:
IIRC, Pat has ALWAYS said that if she turns up evidence pointing to an abductor and the McCanns innocence she will happily follow it (and I believe her) yet STILL the Pro's are terrified by the prospect of Pat in PdL. Why would they be if they are so SURE the McCanns are innocent?

Given that it won't cost team Mccann anything out of their precious fund, you think they'd be overjoyed that rather than have a group of keystone-cops amateur PIs runn
ing around the lawless hills and paying them a small fortune for the effort, here is someone with a wealth of experience and expertise doing it for nowt!

So I think the phrase " no stone unturned" depends for them on who it is that is doing the turning...

Exactly, Stewie - seconded.

"Ask the dogs, Sandra" - Gerry McCann to Sandra FelgueirasCriminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) 670379

Truth is artless and innocent - like the eloquence of nature, it is clothed with simplicity and easy persuasion; always open to investigation and analysis, it seeks exposure because it fears not detection.

NORMAN MACDONALD, Maxims and Moral Reflections.

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Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading to Portugal on February 6th (2012) Empty Criminal Profiler Pat Brown will be heading tp Portugal on Feb 6th

Post by sijm 30.01.12 17:37

I have no hassle with Pat, I certainly had a really good laught at watching her pet piggy (who is now sadly demised) have a go at a TV Presenter, it was so funny.

Pat seems a savvy lady and of good character and if I could help her in some way, I would advise her to put her rock climbing boots on when searching beneath the Rocha Negra cliffs, it can be very dangerous with the overhanging cliffs just above.

My main worry remains, that of jeopardizing Madeleine's case if it ever came to court.

It has been known in the past where cases have been thrown out of court for reason of unfair trial due to media reporting, Pat will no doubt gather a hudge media gathering, yes, her carreer may be on the line here , but so true justice for Madeleine, which ever way it goes.

Good rock climbing Pat, I mean it!

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