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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now - Page 2 Mm11

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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now

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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now - Page 2 Empty Re: Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now

Post by ufercoffy 09.09.10 18:44

Leicester police have removed the link again

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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now - Page 2 Empty Re: Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now

Post by kangdang 09.09.10 18:51

Bloody hell!

Indeed, I swallow a textbook everyday….a fact of which I am proud [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] By far preferable and productive than wasting precious hours concocting and launching vitriolic attacks against others in the hope of gaining a few claps on a board frequented by lesser life form.

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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now - Page 2 Empty Re: Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now

Post by kangdang 09.09.10 18:52

Try here [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Indeed, I swallow a textbook everyday….a fact of which I am proud [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] By far preferable and productive than wasting precious hours concocting and launching vitriolic attacks against others in the hope of gaining a few claps on a board frequented by lesser life form.

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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now - Page 2 Empty Re: Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now

Post by ufercoffy 09.09.10 18:57

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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now - Page 2 Empty Re: Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now

Post by Autumn 09.09.10 23:20

ufercoffy wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:'Chaosraptors' has put up a provocative - and provocatively-titled - article titled 'Hating the McCanns the Joana Morais Way'.

I don't know what's come over Joana Morais lately, she can be extremely rude to fellow anti's. Just the other day she was rude to IRONSIDE and even made a video for her. Not sure what's gone on there but Ironside is very poorly at the moment and didn't deserve that attack from Morais.

Not sure about the title being 'Hating the McCanns the Joana Morais Way' because she can hate anyone who gets in her way.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

hi Ufercoffy the link doesn't work for me. Given that Ironside is extremely ill at the moment, many will think that Joana Morais's video attacking him/her is in very bad taste and uncalled for. What is her problem, lately she seems to be more focused on attacking fellow antis and recently banned me without explanation, not that I care as most of my posts on MCF were removed by her. Surely her time would be better spent pulling together with everyone who wants justice for Madeleine rather than causing divisions between fellow antis.

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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now - Page 2 Empty Re: Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now

Post by Irish Eyes 10.09.10 8:30

Autumn wrote:
ufercoffy wrote:
Tony Bennett wrote:'Chaosraptors' has put up a provocative - and provocatively-titled - article titled 'Hating the McCanns the Joana Morais Way'.

I don't know what's come over Joana Morais lately, she can be extremely rude to fellow anti's. Just the other day she was rude to IRONSIDE and even made a video for her. Not sure what's gone on there but Ironside is very poorly at the moment and didn't deserve that attack from Morais.

Not sure about the title being 'Hating the McCanns the Joana Morais Way' because she can hate anyone who gets in her way.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

hi Ufercoffy the link doesn't work for me. Given that Ironside is extremely ill at the moment, many will think that Joana Morais's video attacking him/her is in very bad taste and uncalled for. What is her problem, lately she seems to be more focused on attacking fellow antis and recently banned me without explanation, not that I care as most of my posts on MCF were removed by her. Surely her time would be better spent pulling together with everyone who wants justice for Madeleine rather than causing divisions between fellow antis.

The reason Morais is causing divisions between the anti's is simply because Morais wants to have all the credit for the Madeleine case. She wants to be known as the number 1 blogger who fought for justice for a British girl when she's not even British herself.
Irish Eyes
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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now - Page 2 Empty Re: Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now

Post by aiyoyo 10.09.10 9:56

Irish Eyes wrote:
..............who fought for justice for a British girl when she's not even British herself.

Honestly,I dont think that's a fair remark!

What has her race got anything to do wanting to seek the Truth about Maddie?

By your logic, if only same race can fight for justice for her, so WHERE does that leave the PJ?
Should they just leave the files locked in the drawers and walk into the sunset?
Remember, Maddie is non portuguese to PJ?

So according to you, should people stop commenting or supporting forum of other missing children cases if the children are not of same race as posters?


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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now - Page 2 Empty Re: Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now

Post by baconbutty 10.09.10 10:08

I agree with aiyoyo.
Whatever the rights and wrongs of this situation, racism is a cheap and nasty way to bolster any argument.

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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now - Page 2 Empty Leicestershire Police restore their link to the McCanns' 'Find Madeleine' website

Post by Tony Bennett 10.09.10 10:43


Whether the temporary removal of Leicestershire Police's link to the 'Find Madeleine' website was a simple 'glitch', as some have claimed, or has perhaps been the subject of robust behind-the-secnes discussions about whether the link should be there at all, we cannot say - but the link has been restored, as you can see by clicking on this link:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

The Leicestershire Police 'Missing Persons' page asks the public to ring in with information to Leicestershire Police.

But then you click on the 'Fnd Madeleine' website and, hey presto! - you are given a different number to complain to - Dave Edgar's number!

You know, the one that Kevin Halligen and Viginia-based company iJet ran for 6 months, taking messages, none of which the McCanns or Brian Kennedy wished to follow up.

The person who oversaw and was ultimately responsible for the decision to link his website to the McCanns' website whilst they were official suspects by the Portuguese Police was Matthew (call me 'Matt') Baggott, now promoted to Head of the Northern Ireland Police Service.

Another position he holds is President of the Christian Police Association. A 'devout Chrsitian' helping 'devout Catholics', then?


Matt Baggott who is the President of the Christian Police Association appointed new Northern Ireland police chief

Devout Christian and a career policeman

Matt Baggott, head of the Leicestershire Constabulary, was last night unveiled as Northern Ireland’s new chief constable. The 50-year-old married father-of three, who is a strong advocate of community-style policing, had been the firm favourite to take over from Sir Hugh Orde who leaves the top job at the end of this month.

Last night Mr Baggott, who is also the president of the Christian Police Association and worked with former RUC chief constable Sir Ronnie Flanagan on the recent National Review of Policing in the UK, said he was thrilled he had been given the job and that he was looking forward to building on his predecessor’s legacy.

He also said he was looking forward to bringing his knowledge of community policing to the province. “It is a privilege to accept this position and to be appointed head of the PSNI at this time and I am very grateful for this opportunity,” he said.

“Policing with the community is a major part of the Patten Report recommendation and I am looking forward to helping move it on in the next part of the journey. He added: “It’s going to be a huge privilege and I’m going to work with an incredibly effective team and obviously build on Sir Hugh Orde’s legacy.

“I am looking forward to bringing my expertise on neighbourhood policing and policing with the community with the PSNI.” Earlier this year Mr Baggott, who is originally from south London, narrowly missed out on becoming head of the West Midlands Police.

But last night he emerged the victor after beating off tough competition from fellow candidates Jim Gamble, chief executive of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, Durham police chief Jon Stoddart and head of West Mercia police Paul West. His appointment to the top job was a unanimous decision.

It was also historic. It was the first time Sinn Fein has been involved in the selection of a police chief for Northern Ireland. MLA Alex Maskey sat on the interview panel. Policing Board chairman Barry Gilligan said Mr Baggott impressed all seven panel members and had all the right credentials for the job. “If someone gets the unanimous support of seven, it’s fair to say he has done something right,” he said last night. “He scored in every area that we challenged him on. I think I should also place on record that we had three other very good candidates here and I spoke with each of them and they were all disappointed but each said we have made a good choice.”

Highlighting that community policing was one of the issues that the board placed a priority on, Mr Gilligan said Mr Baggott would also have to deal with a few other issues when he takes up the new post, such as resourcing, which “is not going to go away”, he added. Sinn Fein policing spokesman Alex Maskey said he was looking forward to working with the new chief constable. “We are looking at a great opportunity for continuing the process of change here,” he said.

“There remain many challenges out there that the police service and the wider community still face and I look forward to the new top team at the PSNI working with the Policing Board, working with the wider communities and rising to the challenges that remain with us as a community and as a society that have been with us the last number of years.”

The DUP’s Ian Paisley Jnr also welcomed Mr Baggott’s appointment saying the choice was a “crucial decision” for policing in Northern Ireland and praised Mr Baggott’s track record. “He was a star member and a leading team member of the Stephen Lawrence inquiry team. That significant calibre of a gentleman to come into policing in Northern Ireland and to recognise he wants to give that wealth and talent to people here.

“You don’t select Superman for the chief constable - you select someone who can play a credible part and lead a team of officers.”

Secretary of State Shaun Woodward said he was delighted that the board had reached a unanimous agreement on the appointment of Mr Baggott. “I am happy to approve the appointment. It is extremely important to note the decision, the first appointment of a chief constable by a full representative Policing Board, was unanimous; and I have no doubt that having the full support of the board will give the new chief constable a strong platform from which to build on Sir Hugh’s success.”

Who is Matt Baggott? Lesley-Anne Henry profiles the PSNI’s new Chief Constable

Northern Ireland’s new Chief Constable Matt Baggott has been described as a safe pair of hands for the PSNI. The former Leicestershire Constabulary chief is a devout Christian committed to the community-style policing favoured by the Northern Ireland Policing Board.

The 50-year-old married father of three narrowly missed out on becoming head of the West Midlands Police earlier this year, having got down to the final two.

He spent the first 20 years of his service in the Metropolitan Police leading policy reviews on issues such as partnership, regeneration and inner city crime.

For 18 months he was staff officer to the then commissioner, Sir Paul Condon, and headed the Metropolitan Police team assisting the Stephen Lawrence Public Inquiry.

In 1998 he became assistant chief constable in the West Midlands with specific responsibility for policing diversity, crime and disorder, professional standards and criminal justice.

He joined Leicestershire Constabulary on promotion to Chief Constable in December 2002.

Mr Baggot was Vice President of the Association of Chief Police Officers 2004-07, is a member of the National Policing Board and advises the Government on a range of issues from partnership through to social cohesion. He has also worked with former PSNI Chief Constable Sir Ronnie Flanagan on the National Review of Policing.

During his time in Leicester he worked closely with the large Muslim community and has been praised for publishing his expenses online. For the most part he has managed to avoid controversy, but in 2006 was forced to apologise for his officers’ behaviour when a whistleblower revealed to Channel 4’s Dispatches team that officers had watched porn films while on duty, played hide and seek in their cars and fetched takeaways while pretending to be busy.

At the time he said: “I apologise for the poor behaviour shown in the documentary. And we will accept criticism wherever it is justified.”

Mr Baggott was awarded a CBE in the 2008 New Years Honours, received the Queen’s Police Medal in June 2004, was elected a Fellow of University College London in 2006, and awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Letters by De Montfort University, Leicester, in July 2007.

He is also president of the Christian Police Association, and vice president of the National Association of Police Chaplains.

Commentators in Leicestershire expressed surprise when he threw his hat in the ring for the PSNI job. It was thought he had hoped to return to a top position within the Metropolitan police.

[Belfast Telegraph by Emily Moutlon]
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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now - Page 2 Empty Re: Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now

Post by Autumn 10.09.10 11:18

How can the LP defend having a link to the website of of a couple who have been declared suspects relating to the disappearance of their daughter in, as yet, unsolved case? The police should remain impartial whilst investigations are on-going and remind themselves that the McCanns have not been cleared of being implicated in their daughter's disappearance and, from the outset, have been obstructive and evasive with the PJ. To use Clarence's words 'Madeleine's disappearance is a complete mystery', therefore the LP should keep an open mind as to what may have happened to her and deal with the investigation in a professional manner.

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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now - Page 2 Empty Re: Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now

Post by Irish Eyes 10.09.10 11:19

baconbutty wrote:I agree with aiyoyo.
Whatever the rights and wrongs of this situation, racism is a cheap and nasty way to bolster any argument.

That's not what I meant at all, actually. I meant Joana seems to want to be number 1 in a way that says "look at me, I'm portuguese and doing more for this british child than even the british". That's how it looks to me because she falls out with anyone who seems to be in competition for the number 1 slot, even picking on IRONSIDE when she is extremely ill.

Joana has done a lot of work on this case, that can't be denied, but most of her work has been copy and paste and translations of portuguese newspaper articles. I haven't seen her research and write posts in the same way as IRONSIDE has or many others for that matter, including Mr Bennett. Joana thinks she's the best, but in reality she's not. I just think she has a huge ego and sense of self importance.

I don't think that is racist.
Irish Eyes
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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now - Page 2 Empty Re: Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now

Post by kangdang 10.09.10 11:49

No, it is not Irish eyes. Not when you explain.

Indeed, I swallow a textbook everyday….a fact of which I am proud [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] By far preferable and productive than wasting precious hours concocting and launching vitriolic attacks against others in the hope of gaining a few claps on a board frequented by lesser life form.

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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now - Page 2 Empty Re: Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now

Post by aiyoyo 10.09.10 14:34

kangdang wrote:No, it is not Irish eyes. Not when you explain.

I concur.

I just feel the use of race is best avoided under any circumstances.


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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now - Page 2 Empty Re: Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now

Post by aiyoyo 10.09.10 15:01


Whether the temporary removal of Leicestershire Police's link to the 'Find Madeleine' website was a simple 'glitch', as some have claimed, or has perhaps been the subject of robust behind-the-secnes discussions about whether the link should be there at all, we cannot say - but the link has been restored, as you can see by clicking on this link:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

The Leicestershire Police 'Missing Persons' page asks the public to ring in with information to Leicestershire Police.

But then you click on the 'Fnd Madeleine' website and, hey presto! - you are given a different number to complain to - Dave Edgar's number!

You know, the one that Kevin Halligen and Viginia-based company iJet ran for 6 months, taking messages, none of which the McCanns or Brian Kennedy wished to follow up.

The person who oversaw and was ultimately responsible for the decision to link his website to the McCanns' website whilst they were official suspects by the Portuguese Police was Matthew (call me 'Matt') Baggott, now promoted to Head of the Northern Ireland Police Service.

Another position he holds is President of the Christian Police Association. A 'devout Chrsitian' helping 'devout Catholics', then?


Matt Baggott who is the President of the Christian Police Association appointed new Northern Ireland police chief

Devout Christian and a career policeman

Matt Baggott, head of the Leicestershire Constabulary, was last night unveiled as Northern Ireland’s new chief constable. The 50-year-old married father-of three, who is a strong advocate of community-style policing, had been the firm favourite to take over from Sir Hugh Orde who leaves the top job at the end of this month.

Last night Mr Baggott, who is also the president of the Christian Police Association and worked with former RUC chief constable Sir Ronnie Flanagan on the recent National Review of Policing in the UK, said he was thrilled he had been given the job and that he was looking forward to building on his predecessor’s legacy.

He also said he was looking forward to bringing his knowledge of community policing to the province. “It is a privilege to accept this position and to be appointed head of the PSNI at this time and I am very grateful for this opportunity,” he said.

“Policing with the community is a major part of the Patten Report recommendation and I am looking forward to helping move it on in the next part of the journey. He added: “It’s going to be a huge privilege and I’m going to work with an incredibly effective team and obviously build on Sir Hugh Orde’s legacy.

“I am looking forward to bringing my expertise on neighbourhood policing and policing with the community with the PSNI.” Earlier this year Mr Baggott, who is originally from south London, narrowly missed out on becoming head of the West Midlands Police.

But last night he emerged the victor after beating off tough competition from fellow candidates Jim Gamble, chief executive of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, Durham police chief Jon Stoddart and head of West Mercia police Paul West. His appointment to the top job was a unanimous decision.

It was also historic. It was the first time Sinn Fein has been involved in the selection of a police chief for Northern Ireland. MLA Alex Maskey sat on the interview panel. Policing Board chairman Barry Gilligan said Mr Baggott impressed all seven panel members and had all the right credentials for the job. “If someone gets the unanimous support of seven, it’s fair to say he has done something right,” he said last night. “He scored in every area that we challenged him on. I think I should also place on record that we had three other very good candidates here and I spoke with each of them and they were all disappointed but each said we have made a good choice.”

Highlighting that community policing was one of the issues that the board placed a priority on, Mr Gilligan said Mr Baggott would also have to deal with a few other issues when he takes up the new post, such as resourcing, which “is not going to go away”, he added. Sinn Fein policing spokesman Alex Maskey said he was looking forward to working with the new chief constable. “We are looking at a great opportunity for continuing the process of change here,” he said.

“There remain many challenges out there that the police service and the wider community still face and I look forward to the new top team at the PSNI working with the Policing Board, working with the wider communities and rising to the challenges that remain with us as a community and as a society that have been with us the last number of years.”

The DUP’s Ian Paisley Jnr also welcomed Mr Baggott’s appointment saying the choice was a “crucial decision” for policing in Northern Ireland and praised Mr Baggott’s track record. “He was a star member and a leading team member of the Stephen Lawrence inquiry team. That significant calibre of a gentleman to come into policing in Northern Ireland and to recognise he wants to give that wealth and talent to people here.

“You don’t select Superman for the chief constable - you select someone who can play a credible part and lead a team of officers.”

Secretary of State Shaun Woodward said he was delighted that the board had reached a unanimous agreement on the appointment of Mr Baggott. “I am happy to approve the appointment. It is extremely important to note the decision, the first appointment of a chief constable by a full representative Policing Board, was unanimous; and I have no doubt that having the full support of the board will give the new chief constable a strong platform from which to build on Sir Hugh’s success.”

Who is Matt Baggott? Lesley-Anne Henry profiles the PSNI’s new Chief Constable

Northern Ireland’s new Chief Constable Matt Baggott has been described as a safe pair of hands for the PSNI. The former Leicestershire Constabulary chief is a devout Christian committed to the community-style policing favoured by the Northern Ireland Policing Board.

The 50-year-old married father of three narrowly missed out on becoming head of the West Midlands Police earlier this year, having got down to the final two.

He spent the first 20 years of his service in the Metropolitan Police leading policy reviews on issues such as partnership, regeneration and inner city crime.

For 18 months he was staff officer to the then commissioner, Sir Paul Condon, and headed the Metropolitan Police team assisting the Stephen Lawrence Public Inquiry.

In 1998 he became assistant chief constable in the West Midlands with specific responsibility for policing diversity, crime and disorder, professional standards and criminal justice.

He joined Leicestershire Constabulary on promotion to Chief Constable in December 2002.

Mr Baggot was Vice President of the Association of Chief Police Officers 2004-07, is a member of the National Policing Board and advises the Government on a range of issues from partnership through to social cohesion. He has also worked with former PSNI Chief Constable Sir Ronnie Flanagan on the National Review of Policing.

During his time in Leicester he worked closely with the large Muslim community and has been praised for publishing his expenses online. For the most part he has managed to avoid controversy, but in 2006 was forced to apologise for his officers’ behaviour when a whistleblower revealed to Channel 4’s Dispatches team that officers had watched porn films while on duty, played hide and seek in their cars and fetched takeaways while pretending to be busy.

At the time he said: “I apologise for the poor behaviour shown in the documentary. And we will accept criticism wherever it is justified.”

Mr Baggott was awarded a CBE in the 2008 New Years Honours, received the Queen’s Police Medal in June 2004, was elected a Fellow of University College London in 2006, and awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Letters by De Montfort University, Leicester, in July 2007.

He is also president of the Christian Police Association, and vice president of the National Association of Police Chaplains.

Commentators in Leicestershire expressed surprise when he threw his hat in the ring for the PSNI job. It was thought he had hoped to return to a top position within the Metropolitan police.

[Belfast Telegraph by Emily Moutlon]

Jesus H Christ! Can't they make up their mind?

Who is calling the shot? Matt Baggott? Home office? and LP is stuck in the middle.
My goodness what are these people hiding to render that tuck of wall.

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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now - Page 2 Empty Re: Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now

Post by Judge Mental 10.09.10 15:27

One notes that the link is restored, however it has not been updated since 02/08/09

''Updated on 02/08/09 at 14:00
Crime reference number:'' .
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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now - Page 2 Empty Re: Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now

Post by kangdang 10.09.10 15:27

aiyoyo wrote:
kangdang wrote:No, it is not Irish eyes. Not when you explain.

I concur.

I just feel the use of race is best avoided under any circumstances.

I don't aiyoyo, many have become confused and unsure of what to say in certain situations or on certain topics for fear of offending the ultra sensitive PC brigade, as a result many issues are left unresolved - This is not good for man or country.

Indeed, I swallow a textbook everyday….a fact of which I am proud [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] By far preferable and productive than wasting precious hours concocting and launching vitriolic attacks against others in the hope of gaining a few claps on a board frequented by lesser life form.

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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now - Page 2 Empty Re: Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now

Post by sharonl 12.09.11 21:16

Leicestershire police still linking to the McCanns website and fund [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

But Look at this!!!

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Leicestershire Police Gets Even Tougher With Fraudsters

From 1 July, Leicestershire Police will be recording all incidents of fraud directly with Action Fraud, the UK’s national fraud advice and reporting centre, putting all intelligence in one place for the fight against fraudsters.

Action Fraud will now take reports from victims of fraud, providing a crime reference number. These reports are then fed into the police National Fraud Intelligence Bureau which uses the information to provide packages to local police forces to assist in tackling fraud locally and nationally.

Head of Action Fraud, Jamey Johnson said: “At least £4bn is lost by individuals to fraud every year, with many millions of pounds of fraud going unreported. There have been 150 fraud reports from Leicestershire since July 2010 and with the step to reporting all incidents directly to Action Fraud, we expect to see more victims in the Leicestershire area coming forward.

“Increased reporting to Action Fraud will generate a better intelligence picture that will ultimately lead to the arrest of more fraudsters across the UK who scam, con and prey on the vulnerable.”

‘Survivor G’ from Leicestershire, never thought he would get any of his £160,000 back from fraudsters after he was targeted by an organised group of international ‘share sale’ scam criminals. He took action to call the police, who enlisted the supporting expertise of Action Fraud. Investigations returned all but £2,000 of his stolen money.

Head of the Leicester Police Economic Crime Unit, Detective Inspector Paul Wenlock said: “Fraud is underreported. Often people feel some anger, embarrassment or may think that they’ll never get their money back. The good news is that Action Fraud alongside local police can, and will, take action on your behalf.”

Today, Leicestershire Police and Action Fraud are calling on everyone in Leicestershire to get even tougher with fraudsters by calling 0300 123 2040 or visiting [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] if you’ve been scammed, conned or defrauded.


Notes to Editors
1.Action Fraud is run by the National Fraud Authority. It handles reports on all types of fraud, including identity theft, investment, credit card and consumer fraud. The information provided by callers gives law enforcement and counter-fraud agencies better information to target fraudsters, help protect the public and bring criminals to justice, by providing vital information to the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB), which is run by the City of London Police. This collaboration between police forces, the NFIB and Action Fraud will help tighten the net on those who prey on innocent members of the public.
2.The National Fraud Authority (NFA) is the Government's strategic lead organisation on counter-fraud activity. For further information about the NFA and Action Fraud visit: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now - Page 2 Empty The Leicester Police

Post by MsJude 08.02.13 8:37

I am shaking my head again & again over this case. First, that G Amaral was so wrongly taken off this case strictly due to British Political interference. This is, at least in MY country, unheard of. Our political leaders very seldom even care to COMMENT on criminal cases, let alone get involved. But, being an American, I've always considered our two countries to be similar in these types of matters. But to KNOW Gerry & Kate McCann returned home as suspects/persons of interest, whatever, having the Leicestershire Police offering a link to the suspects money fund is a perfect example of what "Conflict of Interest" means. The police in the US, even when working in tandem with another US police agency, or perhaps the Canadian MP, they ALWAYS remain loyal to the Law Enforcement Ethics. How can one agency expect to remain on good working terms with another if they are allowing press people, that they are not only familiar with but have some amount of say when that press is using such terms as liars, un-trained, drunks, and so many worse adjectives I don't wish to give them one second more of internet time, when they KNOW, THEY KNOW nothing could be further from the truth?
I hope, I truly hope that someone from the Leicestershire Police will stand up as a Law-Enforcement spokesperson and apologize for not coming to the aid of a fellow Law-Enforcement agency that did not deserve this.
Do you not believe that the Portuguese Police had no way to know what the investigation was going to bring to light, wouldn't it have been much easier on the Portuguese detectives if they could have found evidence/proof to back up the story ( sorry, STORIES) the McCanns & their seven 'friends' told? Of course it would have! The British press, and I dare say some of the Law Enforcement community, would have you believe that the hundreds of people who work in departments not even somewhat close (DNA, done in the UK, CADAVER DOG work, other lab testing, trace) these hundreds of honest, hard-WORKING people who are professionals at their jobs; many of the police detectives hold high degrees, do many UK detectives hold Ph d.or Masters degrees? SO they all got together & decided to FRAME Kate & Gerry. Decided they didn't have anything better to do than frame some vacationers. Do you REALIZE the steps that it would take to make this happen? First of all, it is basically impossible, sending 'planted' Maddie DNA to UK, having to find a dead body that they could: 1. Drag all over that apartment, on & behind the sofa, 2. Drag it in the parents wardrobe, 3. Drag it all over Kate herself, and other places, then the REAL trick they'd have to carry out & this would take 'psychic ability' for they'd have to KNOW beforehand which rental car the McCanns were going to choose some 20+ days later and drag a corpse in the trunk, oh and just for good measure, let some decomposing bodily fluids drip in the trunk as well. YES, THAT SOUNDS LIKE A LIKELY STORY! Do the McCanns realize what it would have taken? That little girl was stashed somewhere in cold storage for fluids to then be dripping from her once she'd been removed for the final drive to her final resting place. IF she had not been kept cold/frozen, she would have been leaving decomposing skin, thousands of hairs with root- banding, that show decomposition, her skin would have been falling off, yet in the car were some body fluids. The VERY SMART neighbor in Portugal who made a POINT to watch that rental car, day after day, sitting outside, with the trunk lid open day after day. She was brilliant to have watched that car, SORRY Doctor's McCann, you cannot air out death smell, once it's there, you're out of luck. The dogs told you that!
I hope with the responsibility that you have all placed in your police coming to the truth, that they will tell you ALL, the investigation done by the Portuguese Police was true & correct and all that can happen now is they put aside what the ridiculous politicians have said about the case, they were NOT privy to the investigation findings, they chose to believe the 'suspects'. It's time for the political branch to completely remove themselves from this case and get back to the jobs they were ELECTED to DO & let Scotland Yard's fine force finish up the investigation.
The press in the UK, for the most part; I cannot lump everyone into the pile but what I've seen & heard, was enough to make me wonder what kind of Press the UK has????? Is nobody questioning these ridiculous excuses for the evidence? The ridiculous stories that continue to change to meet their needs?
This has turned into a circus with Kate & Gerry as The Ring Leaders, keeping the circus going, it's their only chance. I say their only real CHANCE, if they truly are God fearing Catholics, is to FINALLY tell the truth, give your baby girl a righteous burial so that the many, MANY people who have shown her more care & concern than you have, can have a place to visit and keep nice, pretty, with pink flowers every week. More people have searched, cried, worried, been sick with the thoughts of what you've done, than you'll ever know. You've once again been the NARCISSISTIC couple we've come to know, YOU still think it's all about YOU, but let me make this CRYSTAL CLEAR, it's NEVER been about YOU! Always Sweet Madeleine.

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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now - Page 2 Empty Re: Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now

Post by dennistounbrar 11.05.23 13:45

aiyoyo wrote:
kangdang wrote:No, it is not Irish eyes.  Not when you explain.

I concur.

I just feel the use of race is best avoided under any circumstances.

Ithink people are confusing race with nationality, two different things.

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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now - Page 2 Empty Re: Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now

Post by Verdi 11.05.23 13:57

Good afternoon dennistounbrar.

I'm not at all happy about a thirteen year old defunct thread being resurrected without good reason, like in this instance a casual remark in response to past members who no longer post on the forum.

Perhaps you could think of an appropriate thread to move your post without losing context?

For the life of me I can't think a way around this at the moment, so maybe you could write-up something built on your comment that might fit-in with a current discussion?

I won't delete a member's post unless it is a duplicate or contravenes forum etiquette.

Give it some thought please singlerose

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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now - Page 2 Empty Re: Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now

Post by dennistounbrar 11.05.23 14:03

Verdi wrote:Good afternoon dennistounbrar.

I'm not at all happy about a thirteen year old defunct thread being resurrected without good reason, like in this instance a casual remark in response to past members who no longer post on the forum.

Perhaps you could think of an appropriate thread to move your post without losing context?

For the life of me I can't think a way around this at the moment, so maybe you could write-up something built on your comment that might fit-in with a current discussion?

I won't delete a member's post unless it is a duplicate or contravenes forum etiquette.

Give it some thought please  singlerose

I'm sorry if i have transgressed. I was simply refreshing my memory and thought i would point out something that needed to be highlited. Once again i apologise and i will refrain from doing so again.

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Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now - Page 2 Empty Re: Leics Police and the McCanns' website - then and now

Post by Verdi 11.05.23 16:39

No problem - we'll leave it there, if that's okay for you.


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