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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Mm11

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty Operation Grange

Post by willowthewisp 20.06.15 13:29

Hear say is not admissible in court, so Clarence is ok then to blurt out his BS and fanciful stories?

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by PeterMac 20.06.15 23:04

willowthewisp wrote:Hearsay is not admissible in court, so Clarence is ok then to blurt out his BS and fanciful stories?
Hearsay is not admissible, normally, as proof of the facts.
It is however admissible as proof of what was said to the person by the other person . . .  If you follow that.   Proof of the conversation, not of the facts contained therein

So when Kate says the curtains were wide open, contrary to how she left them . . .  this is direct evidence that the curtains were wide open.
(even if it is wrong, perjury, inaccurate, misinterpreted etc)
When Gerry says Kate told him the curtains were wide open, . . . this is not evidence of the state of the curtains, but IS evidence of what Kate told him.
(See statements by both, 4/5/7)

The fact that Kate subsequently says the curtains were tightly closed, so that they could "whoosh" in a gale force wind,
(which unaccountably was not recorded anywhere, by anyone, not even by the local Meteorological service . . .)
then proves
1  that Kate was LYING
2   that Kate told a LIE to her own husband, and caused him to repeat it

Or possibly that something else, more serious, was occurring, involving an agreement between them both to make a false statement right from the start . . .
Which is obviously ludicrous !

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by Doug D 22.06.15 21:02

My post of 15th June:
'No disclosures on the Met’s Freedom of Information log for four weeks now. The weekly list usually gets posted up within 7/10 days.
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When it gets this far behind, you can’t help but wonder what the hold-up is and whether someone is being called on to make a decision to, errr, ‘accidently lose’ a line or two.
Just my cynical mind I expect'
Another week gone by and still no update.
Maybe I need to do a FoI request to see what they are up to!
Doug D

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by sallypelt 22.06.15 21:04

Doug D wrote:My post of 15th June:
'No disclosures on the Met’s Freedom of Information log for four weeks now. The weekly list usually gets posted up within 7/10 days.
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When it gets this far behind, you can’t help but wonder what the hold-up is and whether someone is being called on to make a decision to, errr, ‘accidently lose’ a line or two.
Just my cynical mind I expect'
Another week gone by and still no update.
Maybe I need to do a FoI request to see what they are up to!

You had better hurry up if you are going to do a FoI request as I read last night that Cameron is going to make changes to the FoI Act

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by sallypelt 22.06.15 21:06

June 21, 2015 8:03 pm
[url= plans freedom of information]Download[/url]
Gove plans freedom of information crackdown
Kiran Stacey and Jim Pickard

High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. See our [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] for more detail. Email [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] to buy additional rights. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Ministers are planning a crackdown on Britain’s freedom of information laws in a move critics say undermines David Cameron’s claim to create a “new era of transparency in government”.

Michael Gove, the justice secretary, is considering making it more difficult to procure information from government bodies, including allowing officials to count “thinking time” when calculating how much it costs to retrieve information.

One plan is to make it easier for ministers to veto publication of certain documents, as they tried unsuccessfully to do with the recent release of letters written by Prince Charles to Labour ministers during the past decade.

Another is to change the way the cost of finding information is calculated so that officials can more readily turn down requests.

Maurice Frankel, director of the UK Campaign for Freedom of Information, warned that freedom of information was “coming under a two-pronged attack”.

He said: “Many of the proposals . . . could have had severe consequences for the right to know.”

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] “a complete revolution in [government] transparency” in 2011. But since then, he and his ministers have occasionally struggled with freedom of information rules, first brought in by Tony Blair in 2005.

The Financial Times [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] that Downing Street automatically deletes all emails from its servers after three months, making life harder for those working there, but also for anyone seeking information contained on those emails.

Officials said Mr Gove — who had his own run-ins with FOI rules after being investigated in 2011 when [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] he had used a personal email account for official business — was now considering how to implement changes.

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty Operation Grange

Post by willowthewisp 23.06.15 10:22

hi Salty
Mr Gove is another one of the well educated elite who like to look after their own interests and similar minded alike clan, just look at how his love of free Academy schools calamity? 
Reminds me of a certain Mr Redwood MP singing the welsh national Anthem?
No wonder dear Dave made him the Chief Whip? We all are beginning to find out how the "Chief Whip works" look at how they behaved over the Child Abuse scandal!?
The Labour MP Tom Watson likes Mr Gove though? sarcastic

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty operation grange-bollocks or not bollocks

Post by willowthewisp 06.07.15 9:18

One thing that is abundantly clear in all the machinations of the Madeleine McCann case and the unscrupulous behaviour of UK Police officers and how they have conducted investigations of Murders/Killings, is Rupert M and his newspaper connections,MSM!?
Is it possible that Rupert Murdoch may be a Freemason?
The Shady dealings of Rupert go back over fifty years in the UK and when you Observe the ever close connections of Rebeka Brooks, Andy Coulson, David Cameron, Thersea May, Vince Cable BSkyb bid, GB, TB and Emma Freud marrying one of Rupert's son's, viola a right concoction for a cocktail?
That Hamish Campbell is one shady individual along with his cronies, there is no way that we will have a fit conclusion as a result of Operation Grange as the remit has been rigged,Abduction from the start!?
Truly disgusting how the so called Metropolitan Police force has wasted Millions of pounds of the Tax payers money on investigations that have collapsed, where they done so on purpose?
The Goddard inquiry will lead to what another dead end?
If you think this is negative outlook, could someone show me the positives of how many successful prosecutions have committed people to prison over Phone hacking and alleged back handers given to Police officers for information they provided to private investigators /reporters Yates of the Yard?

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by TheTruthWillOut 18.07.15 17:05

How does Murdoch being in the back pocket of the UK powers that be and team McCann fit in with today's Sun front page story about the Queen?

It just doesn't compute to me that they could be involved in a cover up with the "establishment" on the one hand yet at best embarrass the Queen of England on the other.

Why would the Sun do this and why wouldn't their bosom buddies stop such a "story" happening in the first place?

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty Operation Grange

Post by willowthewisp 18.07.15 17:58

you state Rupert Murdoch's article in the S**m proves what, that he is Anti Establishment and not in their back pocket?
Mr Murdoch doesn't give a *oss of who's pocket he fills, as long as he and his papers are reeking out the dirt for his own personal gain, by printing the article it shows that he has connections of secret sources that is not even safe from exposure of HRH and family.Power to manipulate when he needs to, remember Prince Harry in his Nazi uniform!?
He has had former Metropolitan Police commanders in his employment working on surveillance procedures for years,Commander Adams had connections to phone hacking, why was the NoTw closed down for what Andy Coulson knew all along!
Ah, but sweet fragrant smelling Rebekah Brooks was not to be sacrificed, eh Rupert, I''l put the Home Secretary on the front page of the S**m until the McCann's have a review of their case by the UK police, note the McCann's have never contacted the Portugal PJ to reopen the case on their behalf?
Remit, Abduction set by who SIO Hamish Campbell and side kick DCI Andy Redwood,Crime Watch "JT saw creche dad taking his daughter home from the night creche"!?

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty operation grange-bollocks or not bollocks

Post by willowthewisp 21.07.15 12:42

I have just read an article from Natasha Don with regard to Mr Goncalo Amaral's appeal decision unlikely to be heard before October 2015, looks as though Dave will have to keep shovelling funds at Operation Grange remit- Abduction until then at the least?
Perhaps he could ask his dear friend Rupert for some funding as he has spent time on board his yacht to discuss certain BSkyB deals, the fragrant Rebekah and Charlie could help some way, like they have in the past, Leveson Inquiry?
Is Rupert sending messages to certain Quarters, "freedom of expression" HRH special wave and his ability to obtain evidence to dish the dirt on?
After all he did try to Blackmail a former Prime Minister, GB, eh Rupert, with his child's personal details, just shows how low and depraved Proprietors of business will stoop to doesn't it?
I wonder if we will see some special bracelets soon?
So sorry to disturb your retirement plans in Jamaica, Hamish, have you seen Andy anywhere, he's over there with Bill and Ben, don't know where the weed is though?
Top flight police work, Yeah Man, pass the duchie on the left hand side?

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by HelenMeg 07.08.15 11:26

There is a Wall of silence surrounding the investigation. But it cant go on forever and ever.
By the way, new post by Blacksmith..

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by plebgate 07.08.15 11:42

I cannot understand why MPs are not demanding to know how much money has been spent and will continue to be spent.  They should be demanding to know how long the investigation is going to last and the findings should be made public.   YET not a one MP has spoken out - not even the parents own MP.    PUBLIC MONEY, PUBLIC MONEY but no PUBLIC ACCOUNTABLILITY.

I would be banging on my MPs door demanding answers and getting newspapers to ask questions if I were in their shoes. 

NOBODY is asking questions it appears.   WHY THE HELL NOT.

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty operation grange-bollocks or not bollocks

Post by willowthewisp 07.08.15 12:47

You should know by now how long it takes to decipher (shred) all of the information to be collated, 30 odd thousand pages of BS from, Clarence, Edgar, Exton and Haligen, not to mention the crystal clean Metodo 3 set up by Mr Brian (fix it) Kennedy along with a secret tryst of employment for a former arguido, with lawyers present, not your standard contract of employment to be signed?
With very special SIO Hamish Campbell and understudy DCI Andy Redwood of the Metropolitan Police, Sir Bernard Hogan Howe, fund raiser for the McCanns!!?

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by sallypelt 08.08.15 20:21

Annienonymous2 @annienonymouss
Hi Amy , I forgot to ask did your recent "chat" under caution with Op Grange go ?....just asking :) [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by HelenMeg 09.08.15 20:52

I thought a poster on the other MMM Madeleine site posted something quite interesting regarding how Crimewatch and the Police Senior Investigating Officer work together
when putting forward a case on Crimewatch.  TTWO posted this link which gives information on how Crimewatch puts together the programme with the help and cooperation
of the SIO of the case.
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It made me re-watch the October 2013 Crimewatch featuring the Madeleine case.  The program is designed to provoke reactions in particular audiences key to the cases.
I wonder exactly what reactions Redwood was hoping to provoke and in who?  I still hope and believe it was designed to make the Mc Canns uncomfortable amongst other things.

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty Met Police,operation grange

Post by willowthewisp 10.08.15 13:15

Helenmeg,Operation Grange Crime Watch.
SIO Hamish Campbell and DCI Andy Redwood had a special MO to follow in their version of Crime Watch, with special formulated remits drew up and reinforced by Sir Bernard Hogan Howe, he of the charity raising event for Madeleine McCann's parents, in the tireless search for Madeleine McCann, missing, supposed Abduction from Apartment 5a Ocean Club 3 May 2007?
"Ask the Dog's Sandra"!!!?

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Post by HelenMeg 10.08.15 16:07

I'd like to know what DCI Wall dopes every day? Does she turn up for work every Monday - Friday and progress the case in some way? I guess so, I cannot see any evidence she is working on other cases simultaneously. I presume she is not sitting twiddling her thumbs or being paid to sit at home. The silence and lack of leaks is in such complete contrast to the 'DCI Redwood' phase. I hope it is a sign that
the case has entered its last phase. I cant see how another year of silence can be justified - this cant go on forever.

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by pennylane 10.08.15 17:05

HelenMeg wrote:I'd like to know what DCI Wall dopes every day? Does she turn up for work every Monday - Friday and progress the case in some way? I guess so, I cannot see any evidence she is working on other cases simultaneously. I presume she is not sitting twiddling her thumbs or being paid to sit at home. The silence and lack of leaks is in such complete contrast to the 'DCI Redwood' phase. I hope it is a sign that
the case has entered its last phase. I cant see how another year of silence can be justified - this cant go on forever.

OG only seem to come out of the woodwork grandiosely, when Goncalo Amaral is due in court.   Unfortunately for them the postponements have piled up, making them play their hands over and over (imo).

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by jeanmonroe 11.08.15 10:11

HelenMeg wrote:

"I'd like to know what DCI Wall dopes every day? Does she turn up for work every Monday - Friday and progress the case in some way?"

I'd 'like' to know, why Kate Mc 'mini me', DCI Wally, is not, if she is, desperately 'searching for/looking for' a 'live' Madeleine at the 'weekends'!

I 'feel' a complaint, against OG, coming 'up', by the desperate, devastated, distraught, parents of Madeleine, for 'negligence of duty'!

How DARE OG not 'search' for Madeleine, at the weekends!

Perhaps, DCI Wally could 'progress' the case, by asking why the 'relatives', the McCann and Healy 'families' and their 'friends', after the initial 'run-a-round' 'SHOW', have themselves not 'lifted' a finger, since the 4th May 2007, to 'search' for their 'missing' family member?

Whilst, all the time, asking/imploring/begging the 'public' to 'search'!

Lots of FAMILY 'sitting around' the OC 'pool' erm 'chatting' but NOT, ACTUALLY, 'searching'!

Perhaps they knew, KNEW, there was absolutely NO 'point' in 'searching'?

Good job, the 'family' 'searchers', for Madeleine, took their swimming costumes with them to OC, PDL in May 2007!


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Post by woodbine 11.08.15 12:02

I can't imagine DCI Wall requested this case. I think she had it dumped on her for whatever reason. She took one look at the files, one look at the remit and realized that there was basically nothing she could do.

Probably under instruction to wait for any further developments from GA, and then release a statement at the same time, saying that they investigating various new angles and suspects. Just waiting for the time when GA realizes that it's pointless to continue fighting against the forces of the British establishment, at which point they will release a statement saying they have done all they could but Maddie's abductors were just too darn cunning. Unless some nameless VIP who was involved in the whole thing dies, at which point, it will all come out, ala Saville.

I imagine that most of her day is taken up by working on other investigations off-record. There's only so many times you can read the same files whilst ignoring the blatantly obvious right?

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty Waky,Waky, DCI Nicola Wall, time to get up now, it was a nightmare and it didn't happen,Operation Grange, B*ll*cks or not

Post by willowthewisp 12.08.15 10:52

In light of recent Murder Investigation Scotland, Miss Buckley, condolences to the family and friends.

Memo to self.
Can you spare some investigators for our four year long Operation Grange case?
Re-check DCI Andy's not suspects list to evaluate, CrimeWatch October 2013?
Check "public's response" to relevant facts passed to Belgravia HQ, Operation Grange, to do (ignore list)?
Check with (Kate) of her well being after the arduous bike ride charity event, missing kids?
Ask Dodgy Dave/Theresa about possible shelving of case, remit abduction, thesis, (there's no evidence of an abduction)!
Ask Dave, when he returns to Parliament after his hols, if funding can carry on until at least October, Goncalo Amaral appeal's heard?
Make contact with Mystic Meg, PJ files conclusion of their case being shelved and what revelations being released to UK public?

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty Met Police,operation grange

Post by willowthewisp 02.09.15 14:19

The case to be solved on Friday super sleuth Dave to crack Eight year case of the disappearance of Madeleine McCann and the 12 million pound Operation Grange remit Abduction, but we have not been able to find the perpetrators, but we'll keep looking!?

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by HelenMeg 02.09.15 15:31

Please give David Cameron some political courage - PLEASE! :please:

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty Re: Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks?

Post by Tony Bennett 02.09.15 19:33

HelenMeg wrote:Please give David Cameron some political courage - PLEASE! :please:

What little 'courage' Cameron might have had left was removed forever when Rebekah Brooks metaphorically bashed him up good and proper and he tamely handed to the McCanns the Review they craved - but which, up to then, the rather braver Home Secretary Theresa May had refused


Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"

Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".  

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty operation grange-bollocks or not bollocks

Post by willowthewisp 03.09.15 8:22

You know the way the Eton, Bullingdon Club boys like to be Dominated eh Gideon, Dave, Boris, Swish, Whack okay Rebekah you can have your review!!?
Theresa was present in the room when Dave made his decision on Operation Abduction, ker ching?

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Met Police (Operation Grange) - Bollocks or not bollocks? - Page 4 Empty Wakey, Wakey Nicola, L-azzerri lies in the sun

Post by willowthewisp 23.09.15 8:43

Hi Verdi,
Thanks for posting the latest reply form L-azzerri.  How is it possible for a former DCI and SIO, with a combined 50 years service in the UK Police Force, are allowed to simply sail off into the Jamaican sunshine, with seemingly nothing wrong on their records of involvement of criminal investigations?  Murders carried out in the UK and the disastrous costs of failed Crown Court cases, Daniel Morgan case, still no prosecutions after 28 years of the Metropolitan Police service knowingly, accepting monies from newspaper proprietors for information on future criminal cases? 
The police forces of the UK should be summoned before someone to account for the way they have conducted themselves with regard to their policing of the UK over the past records of the cases failed by them?
Is "Operation Grange" to follow suit with the Daniel Morgan fiasco, interference by business proprietors, with associations to Government and special friends supper parties, yachts?

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Post by The Rooster 06.10.15 21:54

Perhaps it's the calm before the storm. If I were an investigating officer I would not compromise the position by making comments. No news is good news I hope.

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Post by Verdi 03.11.15 0:22

Rollox I think!  Apropos of ex-DCI Andy Redwood's EUREKA moment, he stated during the 2013 Crimewatch Madeleine McCann update that he was almost certain the person seen by Jane Tanner carrying a child on the night of 3rd May 2007 was an innocent tourist returning to his accommodation having collected his child from the crèche.  Apparently the man also thought he was most likely the person sighted by Tanner.  This is he..

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Reading one of the child care staff witness statements very recently (can't recall which), the witness said that blankets were provided by the crèche for parents to take their children back to their accommodation.  This is confirmed by Bridget O'Donnell in her December 2007 Guardian epistle..

"I walked the round trip to collect him from the kiddie club, then back to the restaurant. He kept crying and eventually we left our meal unfinished and walked back again to the club to fetch our sleeping daughter. Jes carried her home in a blanket."

OOOPS!  Bang goes another theory!  whacky

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Post by Amy Dean 03.11.15 9:12

That doesn't mean though, does it, that every parent took a blanket? Some may not have bothered.

Not that I believe that "innocent crecheman" ever existed but, if he had, he could have been one who didn't take a blanket.
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Post by Nina 03.11.15 9:47

Amy Dean wrote:That doesn't mean though, does it, that every parent took a blanket? Some may not have bothered.

Not that I believe that "innocent crecheman" ever existed but, if he had, he could have been one who didn't take a blanket.
Yes but what parent would carry a sleeping child through the streets on a very cool early May night without  a cover of some sort,  even their own jacket?
Or was it the norm  for parents in that resort that week?

Not one more cent from me.
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