OPERATION GRANGE: Met Police UPHOLD my FOI Act complaint - the efits were handed to Operation Grange 'in October 2011'
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OPERATION GRANGE: Met Police UPHOLD my FOI Act complaint - the efits were handed to Operation Grange 'in October 2011'
The Metropolitan Police have replied to my request for a review...
(see https://jillhavern.forumotion.net/t15017-request-for-review-3-apr-2018-unsatisfactory-reply-from-met-pollce-information-rights-unit-to-questions-about-operation-grange-and-smithman )
…and have upheld my complaint.
And I may get a reply to all or some of my supplementary questions that I asked (see below).
As can be seen from the extracts below from the Met’s replies:
1 It was the efits that were produced in 2008, they were not submitted to Operation Grange then
2 The ‘private investigators’ handed the efits to Operation Grange in October 2011.
A simple, straightforward error, therefore.
But the answer, taken with what we already know, raises these, among other, questions:
1 The McCanns, Brian Kennedy and Metodo 3 all knew about the ‘Smithman’ sighting in December 2007 when Kennedy and Metodo 3 first contacted the Smiths. Why, then, did they not immediately contact either the PJ or Leicestershire Police, and get them to draw up efits straightaway?
2 When exactly were the efits drawn up?
3 Were they based on the Smiths’ recollections, or not?
4 As soon as the efits were drawn up, why did the McCanns and their advisers not immediately contact the police and hand them over for swift publication in the media?
5 The original Met Police FOI Act ansewer said this: “These efits were
received by the Operation Grange team in September 2008”. So what is the significance of this date of ‘September 2008’? Is that the date the efits were produced? Is that the date they were handed to someone? Who were they handed to in September 2008? None of this is clear from the Met Police’s latest answer.
6 In 2014, the McCanns gave a vague, evasive answer about when the efits were handed to the polier, ay they hand them over to the PJ and Leicestershire Police ‘by’ October 2009. Why the vagueness?
7 On what precise date did (a) the PJ and (b) Leicestershire Police receive these efits?
8 Is there any evidence of the precise date these were handed over?
9 How did the efits reach the PJ? By Recorded Delivery post, by Registered post, or by email?
10 Who actually handed them over: the McCanns and their advisers, or the private investigators?
11 When Operation Grange was set up on 12 May 2011, at the McCanns’ request, why did the McCanns not hand their efits to Operation Grange then? Why wait until October – five months later?
12 Why was it the ‘private investigators’ who handed over the efits in October 2011, not the McCanns themselves?
13 Which ‘private investigator’ was it who actually handed them in?
14 Why were the efits not released to the public straightaway, in October 2011?
15 When these efits were first shown on TV on 14 October 2013, was ‘Smithman’ really, honestly, a genuine suspect?
16 Who is ‘Creche Dad’?
17 Does ‘Creche Dad’ actually exist?
Dear Mr Bennett
Freedom of Information Review Reference No: 2018040000062
I am sorry you are disappointed with the outcome of your request for information.
Further to our earlier correspondence dated 04/04/2018, I am now able to provide a response to your complaint concerning Freedom of Information Act (the Act) request reference number: 2018030000241.
This review concentrates on the following request that you submitted to
the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on 03/03/2018:
Regarding the Madeleine McCann investigation being carried out by
Operation Grange
4. Two efits of a person suspected of being Madeleine's abductor were
shown on a TV programme, Crimewatch, on 14 October 2013:
(A) On what date did Operation Grange first receive these efits?
(B) From whom?
(C) Is Operation Grange still seeking the public's help in identifying
this man?
On 31/03/2018, we provided you with a partial disclosure.
On 04/04/2018, you wrote the following:
I am writing to request an internal review of the Met Police's handling of
my FOI request 'Madeleine McCann - Operation Grange - Information'.
Dear Head of Information Rights Unit
This letter is in effect a request for a review by a more senior officer.
I begin by thanking the Met Police for their prompt reply and their
partial disclosure of information. I also understand the legal reasons why
some of the information sought may not be able to be disclosed.
In my original question submitted on 3 March, point 4 on which information
was sought was this:
"4. Two efits of a person suspected of being Madeleine's abductor were
shown on a TV programme, Crimewatch, on 14 October 2013:
(A) On what date did Operation Grange first receive these efits?
(B) From whom?
(C) Is Operation Grange still seeking the public's help in identifying
this man?"
Your reply was: "These efits were received by the Operation Grange team in
September 2008 as part of a dossier of material handed to the MPS by
private investigators that had been working on the case. The MPS will not
comment on whether identifications have or have not been made however the efits do not form part of any current appeal".
There is a very obvious problem with this answer. Operation Grange was not
set up until May 2011, or so we have been told. The decision to set up a
Review of the Madeleine McCann case was, so we learned in the media,
prompted by Rebekah Brooks, then the Chief Executive Officer of Rupert
Murdoch's News Corporation, having on 11 May 2011 threatened David
Cameron, then Prime Minister, with 'a week of bad headlines about Theresa
May' if he did not set up the Review.
Therefore for the purposes of full clarification, and having regard to the
overwhelming public interest in this case, I now ask the following
supplementary questions to those I asked on 3 March 2018:
1. On what date, and by whom, were these two efits first drawn up?
2. On what date or dates did the private investigators release these two
efits released and to whom?
3. On what date (if any) were these efits handed to \Leicestershire
4. On what date (if any) were these efits handed to the Portuguese Police?
5. On what date were these efits first supplied to Operation Grange, and
by whom?
6. On what date did Operation Grange first receive these two efits, and
from whom?
7. If the Metropolitan Police first received these efits before Operation
Grange was set up, on what date were they received and by which department
of the MPS were they received?
8. The recent MPS Freedom of Information Act reply refers specifically to
the 'final' version of the private investigators' report.
Therefore, in the interests of clarity, and having regard (a) to the
public interest and (b) assurances by both the McCanns and the Met Police
that the investigations into Madeleine's disappearance would be conducted
with maximum openness and transparency, please state:
(i) On what date was the 'final' private investigators' report compiled.
(ii) How many interim reports were there before the 'final report' and
when was each of them compiled?
It is believed that the Metropolitan Police holds all of this information.
In relation to this answer: "The MPS will not comment on whether
identifications have or have not been made however the efits do not form
part of any current appeal", let it be noted again that British taxpayers
paid over £2 million for the BBC Crimewatch McCann Special which heavily
featured these two controversial efits and they are surely entitled as
much information as is reasonable to disclose about the outcome.
Please therefore answer the following questions:
* Has the man in the efits been identified?
* If Yes, has he been positively ruled out as Madeleine's abductor?
* If No, is the Met Policer still searching for him?
* If No, is the Met Police still searching for someone else as the likely
* The efits still appear on the McCanns' 'Find Madeleine' website despite
the MPS 'no longer using them as part of its appeal'.
* Has the MPS advised the McCanns to remove these efits from their
* If Yes, on what date please.
The publication of the fullest possible answers to these questions will
help to clear up what appears to be a cloud of contradictions and evasions
surrounding the production of these efits and the use to which they have
been put.
The MPS has reviewed your complaint and has decided to uphold your complaint.
Reason for decision:
You asked:
Two efits of a person suspected of being Madeleine's abductor were shown
on a TV programme, Crimewatch, on 14 October 2013: (A) On what date did
Operation Grange first receive these efits? (B) From whom? (C) Is
Operation Grange still seeking the public's help in identifying this man?
We responded as follows:
We disclosed the following in answer to this question; These efits were
received by the Operation Grange team in September 2008 as part of a
dossier of material handed to the MPS by private investigators that had
been working on the case. The MPS will not comment on whether
identifications have or have not been made however, the efits do not form
part of any current appeal.
The answer should have read:
The e FITs were produced in 2008 by private investigators. This information is in the public domain. The below link refers:
Madeleine McCann went missing in 2007 but Operation Grange did not commence until May 2011. Operation Grange received the e FITs as part of a large dossier of material during a handover from the private investigators in October 2011. This was subsequently worked through and assessed, and the e FITS formed part of that process.
Our original answer was incorrect and unfortunately the error was not
picked up when the draft response was quality assured. We apologise for
this error and for any confusion it may have caused.
You have made additional requests for information:
Please therefore answer the following questions:
* Has the man in the efits been identified?
* If Yes, has he been positively ruled out as Madeleine's abductor?
* If No, is the Met Policer still searching for him?
* If No, is the Met Police still searching for someone else as the likely
* The efits still appear on the McCanns' 'Find Madeleine' website despite
the MPS 'no longer using them as part of its appeal'.
* Has the MPS advised the McCanns to remove these efits from their
* If Yes, on what date please
I have submitted these requests to our FOIA New Requests Team and the Operation Grange Team for consideration. You will receive an acknowledgement and a response shortly.
All requests and internal reviews are dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
The internal review is intended to provide a fair and thorough review of
handling issues and of decisions taken pursuant to the Act. It enables a
fresh decision to be taken on a reconsideration of all the factors
relevant to the request. For this reason, as far as is practicable, FOIA
internal reviews within the MPS are conducted by individuals that have had
no connection with the initial handling of a request to facilitate a fresh
look at the circumstances of a request.
Again, I apologise on behalf of the MPS for the error that has occurred in respect of your request for information.
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of this Internal Review you have
the right to appeal the decision by contacting the Information
Commissioner's Office (ICO) for a decision on whether the request for
information has been dealt with in accordance with the requirements of the
Yvette Taylor
Information Manager
(see https://jillhavern.forumotion.net/t15017-request-for-review-3-apr-2018-unsatisfactory-reply-from-met-pollce-information-rights-unit-to-questions-about-operation-grange-and-smithman )
…and have upheld my complaint.
And I may get a reply to all or some of my supplementary questions that I asked (see below).
As can be seen from the extracts below from the Met’s replies:
1 It was the efits that were produced in 2008, they were not submitted to Operation Grange then
2 The ‘private investigators’ handed the efits to Operation Grange in October 2011.
A simple, straightforward error, therefore.
But the answer, taken with what we already know, raises these, among other, questions:
1 The McCanns, Brian Kennedy and Metodo 3 all knew about the ‘Smithman’ sighting in December 2007 when Kennedy and Metodo 3 first contacted the Smiths. Why, then, did they not immediately contact either the PJ or Leicestershire Police, and get them to draw up efits straightaway?
2 When exactly were the efits drawn up?
3 Were they based on the Smiths’ recollections, or not?
4 As soon as the efits were drawn up, why did the McCanns and their advisers not immediately contact the police and hand them over for swift publication in the media?
5 The original Met Police FOI Act ansewer said this: “These efits were
received by the Operation Grange team in September 2008”. So what is the significance of this date of ‘September 2008’? Is that the date the efits were produced? Is that the date they were handed to someone? Who were they handed to in September 2008? None of this is clear from the Met Police’s latest answer.
6 In 2014, the McCanns gave a vague, evasive answer about when the efits were handed to the polier, ay they hand them over to the PJ and Leicestershire Police ‘by’ October 2009. Why the vagueness?
7 On what precise date did (a) the PJ and (b) Leicestershire Police receive these efits?
8 Is there any evidence of the precise date these were handed over?
9 How did the efits reach the PJ? By Recorded Delivery post, by Registered post, or by email?
10 Who actually handed them over: the McCanns and their advisers, or the private investigators?
11 When Operation Grange was set up on 12 May 2011, at the McCanns’ request, why did the McCanns not hand their efits to Operation Grange then? Why wait until October – five months later?
12 Why was it the ‘private investigators’ who handed over the efits in October 2011, not the McCanns themselves?
13 Which ‘private investigator’ was it who actually handed them in?
14 Why were the efits not released to the public straightaway, in October 2011?
15 When these efits were first shown on TV on 14 October 2013, was ‘Smithman’ really, honestly, a genuine suspect?
16 Who is ‘Creche Dad’?
17 Does ‘Creche Dad’ actually exist?
Dear Mr Bennett
Freedom of Information Review Reference No: 2018040000062
I am sorry you are disappointed with the outcome of your request for information.
Further to our earlier correspondence dated 04/04/2018, I am now able to provide a response to your complaint concerning Freedom of Information Act (the Act) request reference number: 2018030000241.
This review concentrates on the following request that you submitted to
the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on 03/03/2018:
Regarding the Madeleine McCann investigation being carried out by
Operation Grange
4. Two efits of a person suspected of being Madeleine's abductor were
shown on a TV programme, Crimewatch, on 14 October 2013:
(A) On what date did Operation Grange first receive these efits?
(B) From whom?
(C) Is Operation Grange still seeking the public's help in identifying
this man?
On 31/03/2018, we provided you with a partial disclosure.
On 04/04/2018, you wrote the following:
I am writing to request an internal review of the Met Police's handling of
my FOI request 'Madeleine McCann - Operation Grange - Information'.
Dear Head of Information Rights Unit
This letter is in effect a request for a review by a more senior officer.
I begin by thanking the Met Police for their prompt reply and their
partial disclosure of information. I also understand the legal reasons why
some of the information sought may not be able to be disclosed.
In my original question submitted on 3 March, point 4 on which information
was sought was this:
"4. Two efits of a person suspected of being Madeleine's abductor were
shown on a TV programme, Crimewatch, on 14 October 2013:
(A) On what date did Operation Grange first receive these efits?
(B) From whom?
(C) Is Operation Grange still seeking the public's help in identifying
this man?"
Your reply was: "These efits were received by the Operation Grange team in
September 2008 as part of a dossier of material handed to the MPS by
private investigators that had been working on the case. The MPS will not
comment on whether identifications have or have not been made however the efits do not form part of any current appeal".
There is a very obvious problem with this answer. Operation Grange was not
set up until May 2011, or so we have been told. The decision to set up a
Review of the Madeleine McCann case was, so we learned in the media,
prompted by Rebekah Brooks, then the Chief Executive Officer of Rupert
Murdoch's News Corporation, having on 11 May 2011 threatened David
Cameron, then Prime Minister, with 'a week of bad headlines about Theresa
May' if he did not set up the Review.
Therefore for the purposes of full clarification, and having regard to the
overwhelming public interest in this case, I now ask the following
supplementary questions to those I asked on 3 March 2018:
1. On what date, and by whom, were these two efits first drawn up?
2. On what date or dates did the private investigators release these two
efits released and to whom?
3. On what date (if any) were these efits handed to \Leicestershire
4. On what date (if any) were these efits handed to the Portuguese Police?
5. On what date were these efits first supplied to Operation Grange, and
by whom?
6. On what date did Operation Grange first receive these two efits, and
from whom?
7. If the Metropolitan Police first received these efits before Operation
Grange was set up, on what date were they received and by which department
of the MPS were they received?
8. The recent MPS Freedom of Information Act reply refers specifically to
the 'final' version of the private investigators' report.
Therefore, in the interests of clarity, and having regard (a) to the
public interest and (b) assurances by both the McCanns and the Met Police
that the investigations into Madeleine's disappearance would be conducted
with maximum openness and transparency, please state:
(i) On what date was the 'final' private investigators' report compiled.
(ii) How many interim reports were there before the 'final report' and
when was each of them compiled?
It is believed that the Metropolitan Police holds all of this information.
In relation to this answer: "The MPS will not comment on whether
identifications have or have not been made however the efits do not form
part of any current appeal", let it be noted again that British taxpayers
paid over £2 million for the BBC Crimewatch McCann Special which heavily
featured these two controversial efits and they are surely entitled as
much information as is reasonable to disclose about the outcome.
Please therefore answer the following questions:
* Has the man in the efits been identified?
* If Yes, has he been positively ruled out as Madeleine's abductor?
* If No, is the Met Policer still searching for him?
* If No, is the Met Police still searching for someone else as the likely
* The efits still appear on the McCanns' 'Find Madeleine' website despite
the MPS 'no longer using them as part of its appeal'.
* Has the MPS advised the McCanns to remove these efits from their
* If Yes, on what date please.
The publication of the fullest possible answers to these questions will
help to clear up what appears to be a cloud of contradictions and evasions
surrounding the production of these efits and the use to which they have
been put.
The MPS has reviewed your complaint and has decided to uphold your complaint.
Reason for decision:
You asked:
Two efits of a person suspected of being Madeleine's abductor were shown
on a TV programme, Crimewatch, on 14 October 2013: (A) On what date did
Operation Grange first receive these efits? (B) From whom? (C) Is
Operation Grange still seeking the public's help in identifying this man?
We responded as follows:
We disclosed the following in answer to this question; These efits were
received by the Operation Grange team in September 2008 as part of a
dossier of material handed to the MPS by private investigators that had
been working on the case. The MPS will not comment on whether
identifications have or have not been made however, the efits do not form
part of any current appeal.
The answer should have read:
The e FITs were produced in 2008 by private investigators. This information is in the public domain. The below link refers:
Madeleine McCann went missing in 2007 but Operation Grange did not commence until May 2011. Operation Grange received the e FITs as part of a large dossier of material during a handover from the private investigators in October 2011. This was subsequently worked through and assessed, and the e FITS formed part of that process.
Our original answer was incorrect and unfortunately the error was not
picked up when the draft response was quality assured. We apologise for
this error and for any confusion it may have caused.
You have made additional requests for information:
Please therefore answer the following questions:
* Has the man in the efits been identified?
* If Yes, has he been positively ruled out as Madeleine's abductor?
* If No, is the Met Policer still searching for him?
* If No, is the Met Police still searching for someone else as the likely
* The efits still appear on the McCanns' 'Find Madeleine' website despite
the MPS 'no longer using them as part of its appeal'.
* Has the MPS advised the McCanns to remove these efits from their
* If Yes, on what date please
I have submitted these requests to our FOIA New Requests Team and the Operation Grange Team for consideration. You will receive an acknowledgement and a response shortly.
All requests and internal reviews are dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
The internal review is intended to provide a fair and thorough review of
handling issues and of decisions taken pursuant to the Act. It enables a
fresh decision to be taken on a reconsideration of all the factors
relevant to the request. For this reason, as far as is practicable, FOIA
internal reviews within the MPS are conducted by individuals that have had
no connection with the initial handling of a request to facilitate a fresh
look at the circumstances of a request.
Again, I apologise on behalf of the MPS for the error that has occurred in respect of your request for information.
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of this Internal Review you have
the right to appeal the decision by contacting the Information
Commissioner's Office (ICO) for a decision on whether the request for
information has been dealt with in accordance with the requirements of the
Yvette Taylor
Information Manager
Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"
Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".
Tony Bennett- Researcher
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Re: OPERATION GRANGE: Met Police UPHOLD my FOI Act complaint - the efits were handed to Operation Grange 'in October 2011'
If you doubt the authenticity of Operation Grange, which I do; if you doubt the authenticity of Leicestershire Constabulary, which I do; if you doubt the authenticity of the UK government and it's Home Office, which I do; if you doubt the authenticity of the UK media, which I do - why should you not doubt the authenticity of a FOI response?
“ The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
Verdi- ex moderator
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Re: OPERATION GRANGE: Met Police UPHOLD my FOI Act complaint - the efits were handed to Operation Grange 'in October 2011'
Keep chipping away TB. The FOI responses will become self revealing regarding OG.
At the moment, you are looking at one input, the private detective e-fit. There must be others that can be systematically FOI queried.
Eg Consider the validity of the scope and qualify their terms of reference.
Can forum members help in compiling an FOI list?
At the moment, you are looking at one input, the private detective e-fit. There must be others that can be systematically FOI queried.
Eg Consider the validity of the scope and qualify their terms of reference.
Can forum members help in compiling an FOI list?
Cammerigal- Posts : 184
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Re: OPERATION GRANGE: Met Police UPHOLD my FOI Act complaint - the efits were handed to Operation Grange 'in October 2011'
A small but useful step forward. Congratulations, Mr Bennett.
ShiningInLuz- Posts : 66
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Re: OPERATION GRANGE: Met Police UPHOLD my FOI Act complaint - the efits were handed to Operation Grange 'in October 2011'
Well done Tony, amazing work! +1000!
sar- Posts : 1335
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Re: OPERATION GRANGE: Met Police UPHOLD my FOI Act complaint - the efits were handed to Operation Grange 'in October 2011'
Congratulations Mr Bennett on your latest FOI challenge to Operation Grange.
Still No blue flashing lights or screeches of brakes outside of a certain Ex-double glazing person in the pursuit of Justice,"Find Madeleine Fund" no cooking of any books or malpractice of setting up the Fund,that may not be illegal but if it done in the knowledge of a different entirety?,Nee,Naw,Nee,Naw?
Still No blue flashing lights or screeches of brakes outside of a certain Ex-double glazing person in the pursuit of Justice,"Find Madeleine Fund" no cooking of any books or malpractice of setting up the Fund,that may not be illegal but if it done in the knowledge of a different entirety?,Nee,Naw,Nee,Naw?
willowthewisp- Posts : 3392
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Re: OPERATION GRANGE: Met Police UPHOLD my FOI Act complaint - the efits were handed to Operation Grange 'in October 2011'
Well done Tony. I hope you receive amswers - they should be interesting!. I re read the apology by the Sunday Times to the McCanns (after Carter Ruck) and according to the Sunday Times -
"We now understand and accept that the efits had been provided to the Portuguese and Leicestershire police by October 2009"
It will be very interesting to see if your questions provoke answers which in any way contradict this. In any case, it begs the question of why did the L.P. not act on the e fits immediately on receipt of them by at least ensuring they were made public!
"We now understand and accept that the efits had been provided to the Portuguese and Leicestershire police by October 2009"
It will be very interesting to see if your questions provoke answers which in any way contradict this. In any case, it begs the question of why did the L.P. not act on the e fits immediately on receipt of them by at least ensuring they were made public!
Phoebe- Posts : 1367
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Re: OPERATION GRANGE: Met Police UPHOLD my FOI Act complaint - the efits were handed to Operation Grange 'in October 2011'
Hang on a minute, I'm getting a bit confused here. Am I right reading the Information Manager, responsible for 'quality assurance' of FOI request replies, gave out false information? If it's so easy for administration to make a mistake, a mistake which wouldn't have been admitted had not a further FOI request been submitted, which version are we now supposed to believe? The governing body responsible for handling FOI requests, can so easily get it wrong - bit shabby isn't it? This kind of simple error could have devastating repercussions !!!
Am I also correct in reading, the Information Manager, responsible for coordinating a 'qualty assured' response to a FOI request, has quoted a tabloid report for verification? A tabloid report that doesn't even exist? At least not according to the link provided.
This however is a report by the Daily Mail from 6th August 2008..
Revealed: The Maddie e-fits the public never saw
By Vanessa Allen for the Daily Mail and Michael Seamark for MailOnline
Am I also correct in reading, the Information Manager, responsible for coordinating a 'qualty assured' response to a FOI request, has quoted a tabloid report for verification? A tabloid report that doesn't even exist? At least not according to the link provided.
This however is a report by the Daily Mail from 6th August 2008..
Revealed: The Maddie e-fits the public never saw
By Vanessa Allen for the Daily Mail and Michael Seamark for MailOnline
Police investigating Madeleine McCann's disappearance were given two strikingly similar e-fit pictures of suspects in the first week after her disappearance.
But astonishingly, the pictures were never made public despite the fact they could have provided the desperately needed breakthrough in resolving the crime.
The potentially crucial e-fits have only been revealed now, as part of the secret 20,000-page police file, an agonising 15 months after Madeleine vanished.
The e-fits of these two male suspects were not released during the investigation
Also contained in the file were details of possible sightings and CCTV footage taken of girls looking strikingly similar to Madeleine that may never have been followed up.
Its publication this week has fuelled fears Portugal's strict secrecy laws hampered the investigation.
The non-release of the e-fits, created based on eyewitness accounts, is especially concerning.
Both show a young, white man with dark, deep-set eyes and could have played a vital part in stopping the potential abductor from fleeing Portugal with Madeleine.
In Britain they would have been publicised immediately to capitalise on the vital first few days of the investigation, when events are freshest in the minds of witnesses.
But Portuguese police did not release the pictures to anyone, including Mr and Mrs McCann, and missed the chance to raise the alarm around the world.
The e-fit pictures were put together from sightings by British holidaymaker Derek Flack and British expatriate Lance Purser.
Mr Flack, 64, told police he saw a man acting suspiciously around the McCanns' holiday apartment just before Madeleine went missing.
Mr Purser, 45, said he had seen a similar man in the weeks running up to her disappearance.
A Neighbourhood Watch volunteer from Ilford, Essex, Mr Flack said he had seen the man walking through Praia da Luz on either the day of Madeleine's disappearance, May 3, or the day before.
Mr Flack, an engineer, said the man he saw was white, tanned, aged 25 to 35 and about 5ft 6in to 5ft 8in.
He and property developer Mr Purser both gave statements to police on May 6, three days after Madeleine vanished.
Yesterday Mr Flack said: 'We became aware that a girl had gone missing a day later when Portuguese police knocked on our apartment to ask if we'd been there at the time.
'In the statement, I told them I saw a guy standing by a van by the supermarket.
'Since then we've heard nothing else. We haven't been contacted by the Portuguese police or the McCanns.'
Detectives did allow an image to be shown to residents in the area - but it basically showed a sketch of an oval and was ridiculed as an 'egg with a side parting'.
After immense pressure, they also released a sketch of a man seen hanging around the family's apartment.
But their general inaction forced the McCanns themselves to publicise a series of e-fits and sketches of suspects seen outside their apartment.
But they were unable to act on the early descriptions by the two Britons because they were not even told of their existence by Portuguese police.
Last month the couple were formally cleared as police suspects by Portugal's attorney general, who said there was no evidence to link them to any crime.
Their lawyers are currently trawling through the police file for any missed clues which their own investigators will now attempt to follow up themselves.
Not getting confused again are they?
But astonishingly, the pictures were never made public despite the fact they could have provided the desperately needed breakthrough in resolving the crime.
The potentially crucial e-fits have only been revealed now, as part of the secret 20,000-page police file, an agonising 15 months after Madeleine vanished.
The e-fits of these two male suspects were not released during the investigation
Also contained in the file were details of possible sightings and CCTV footage taken of girls looking strikingly similar to Madeleine that may never have been followed up.
Its publication this week has fuelled fears Portugal's strict secrecy laws hampered the investigation.
The non-release of the e-fits, created based on eyewitness accounts, is especially concerning.
Both show a young, white man with dark, deep-set eyes and could have played a vital part in stopping the potential abductor from fleeing Portugal with Madeleine.
In Britain they would have been publicised immediately to capitalise on the vital first few days of the investigation, when events are freshest in the minds of witnesses.
But Portuguese police did not release the pictures to anyone, including Mr and Mrs McCann, and missed the chance to raise the alarm around the world.
The e-fit pictures were put together from sightings by British holidaymaker Derek Flack and British expatriate Lance Purser.
Mr Flack, 64, told police he saw a man acting suspiciously around the McCanns' holiday apartment just before Madeleine went missing.
Mr Purser, 45, said he had seen a similar man in the weeks running up to her disappearance.
A Neighbourhood Watch volunteer from Ilford, Essex, Mr Flack said he had seen the man walking through Praia da Luz on either the day of Madeleine's disappearance, May 3, or the day before.
Mr Flack, an engineer, said the man he saw was white, tanned, aged 25 to 35 and about 5ft 6in to 5ft 8in.
He and property developer Mr Purser both gave statements to police on May 6, three days after Madeleine vanished.
Yesterday Mr Flack said: 'We became aware that a girl had gone missing a day later when Portuguese police knocked on our apartment to ask if we'd been there at the time.
'In the statement, I told them I saw a guy standing by a van by the supermarket.
'Since then we've heard nothing else. We haven't been contacted by the Portuguese police or the McCanns.'
Detectives did allow an image to be shown to residents in the area - but it basically showed a sketch of an oval and was ridiculed as an 'egg with a side parting'.
After immense pressure, they also released a sketch of a man seen hanging around the family's apartment.
But their general inaction forced the McCanns themselves to publicise a series of e-fits and sketches of suspects seen outside their apartment.
But they were unable to act on the early descriptions by the two Britons because they were not even told of their existence by Portuguese police.
Last month the couple were formally cleared as police suspects by Portugal's attorney general, who said there was no evidence to link them to any crime.
Their lawyers are currently trawling through the police file for any missed clues which their own investigators will now attempt to follow up themselves.
Not getting confused again are they?
“ The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
Verdi- ex moderator
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Re: OPERATION GRANGE: Met Police UPHOLD my FOI Act complaint - the efits were handed to Operation Grange 'in October 2011'
The Police investigated the Derek Flack sighting.
They concluded it was resident Barrington Norton who owned a white Ford van and parked in the Supermarket area.
Saved a lot of wasted time.
They concluded it was resident Barrington Norton who owned a white Ford van and parked in the Supermarket area.
Saved a lot of wasted time.
Guest- Guest
Re: OPERATION GRANGE: Met Police UPHOLD my FOI Act complaint - the efits were handed to Operation Grange 'in October 2011'
The Sunday Times Exclusive
Henri Exton, an MI5’s former undercover operations chief who led the team, told the Sunday Times he was “utterly stunned” when he watched the Crimewatch program and saw the evidence he had passed to the McCanns presented as a new breakthrough.
He said the fund had silenced his team with a lawyer’s letter binding them to the confidentiality of a report they had compiled that contained controversial findings. Mr. Exton said the legal threat had prevented them from handing over the report to Scotland Yard’s investigation until detectives had obtained written permission from the fund.
The Oakley International report, delivered in November 2008, gave little credibility to Jane Tanner’s 9.15pm sighting and focused instead on the 10pm sighting by the Irish Smith family. The investigators recommended that their e-fit images be released without delay....
Someone's telling porkies !!!
ETA: It should be remembered here that Oakley International, like their predecessors Metodo3 and successors Alphaig Limited (in more ways than one), proved to be less than honest and/or reliable, with little or no credentials for the job in hand. In short, a bunch of crooks hired by the McCanns wealthy benefactor - Brian Kennedy !!!
“I was absolutely stunned when I watched the program . . . It most certainly wasn’t a new timeline and it certainly isn’t a new revelation. It is absolute nonsense to suggest either of those things . . . And those e-fits you saw on Crimewatch are ours.”
Henri Exton, an MI5’s former undercover operations chief who led the team, told the Sunday Times he was “utterly stunned” when he watched the Crimewatch program and saw the evidence he had passed to the McCanns presented as a new breakthrough.
He said the fund had silenced his team with a lawyer’s letter binding them to the confidentiality of a report they had compiled that contained controversial findings. Mr. Exton said the legal threat had prevented them from handing over the report to Scotland Yard’s investigation until detectives had obtained written permission from the fund.
The Oakley International report, delivered in November 2008, gave little credibility to Jane Tanner’s 9.15pm sighting and focused instead on the 10pm sighting by the Irish Smith family. The investigators recommended that their e-fit images be released without delay....
Someone's telling porkies !!!
ETA: It should be remembered here that Oakley International, like their predecessors Metodo3 and successors Alphaig Limited (in more ways than one), proved to be less than honest and/or reliable, with little or no credentials for the job in hand. In short, a bunch of crooks hired by the McCanns wealthy benefactor - Brian Kennedy !!!
“ The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
Verdi- ex moderator
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Re: OPERATION GRANGE: Met Police UPHOLD my FOI Act complaint - the efits were handed to Operation Grange 'in October 2011'
Hi Verdi,So no running commentary on Operation Grange,"Final Throw of the dice" Sir Bernard Hogan Howe pin it on the donkey moment,oh look the donkey's run off,what a farce!
Eight years of flannel,Sir Bernard Hogan Howe,Mark Rowley and Cressida Dick fellow Metropolitan Police Service cohorts?
Doesn't it remind you of the levels of Incompetence when the same organisation had to investigate a very serious Racist murder,where they tried to blame for Mr Stephen Lawrence's Murder on his friend,Duwayne Brooks as the suspected murderer?
The same organisation who were asked to investigate a sexual assault from 1985 to a named pop Artist currently seeking redress through the Courts,who then handed the"Hot Potato" to the (Patsy) South Yorkshire Police?
Oh and don't forget Operation Midland,Thousands of Pounds in Compensation to a Former General and a Lord Britton's widow,yet Former MP Harvey Proctor is awaiting his compensation Claim for One Million pounds to be processed?
Eight years of flannel,Sir Bernard Hogan Howe,Mark Rowley and Cressida Dick fellow Metropolitan Police Service cohorts?
Doesn't it remind you of the levels of Incompetence when the same organisation had to investigate a very serious Racist murder,where they tried to blame for Mr Stephen Lawrence's Murder on his friend,Duwayne Brooks as the suspected murderer?
The same organisation who were asked to investigate a sexual assault from 1985 to a named pop Artist currently seeking redress through the Courts,who then handed the"Hot Potato" to the (Patsy) South Yorkshire Police?
Oh and don't forget Operation Midland,Thousands of Pounds in Compensation to a Former General and a Lord Britton's widow,yet Former MP Harvey Proctor is awaiting his compensation Claim for One Million pounds to be processed?
willowthewisp- Posts : 3392
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Re: OPERATION GRANGE: Met Police UPHOLD my FOI Act complaint - the efits were handed to Operation Grange 'in October 2011'
I think I'll name you the forum's political correspondent !
Your extensive knowledge of the world's political stage never ceases to amaze me.
Bravo that man!
I think I'll name you the forum's political correspondent !
Your extensive knowledge of the world's political stage never ceases to amaze me.
Bravo that man!
“ The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
Verdi- ex moderator
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Re: OPERATION GRANGE: Met Police UPHOLD my FOI Act complaint - the efits were handed to Operation Grange 'in October 2011'
Folk with time on their hands love to spend hours fiddling about with e-fits and artists impressions, trying to make one look like another. The supposed likeness between the Smithmen e-fits and Gerry McCann being a case in hand.
Well, try this for size - are the images, reported by the UK press in August 2008, an earlier edition of the e-fits publicized by DCI Andy Redwood during his revelation moment on Crimewatch 2013? Think about it - all four of them apparently secreted (by whom is a matter for conjecture), all four produced around the same time, all four images of blue sky thinking?
Whatever, team McCann certainly had to up their game after their return to the UK having fled the strong arm of the law in Portugal and after release of the PJ files into the public domain.
Well, try this for size - are the images, reported by the UK press in August 2008, an earlier edition of the e-fits publicized by DCI Andy Redwood during his revelation moment on Crimewatch 2013? Think about it - all four of them apparently secreted (by whom is a matter for conjecture), all four produced around the same time, all four images of blue sky thinking?
Whatever, team McCann certainly had to up their game after their return to the UK having fled the strong arm of the law in Portugal and after release of the PJ files into the public domain.
“ The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
Verdi- ex moderator
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Further reply from the Met Police and my further reply 24 April 2018
Sorry, both the Met Police's further reply and my response are a bit long:
Dear Mr Bennett
Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 2018040000883
I write in connection with your request for information which was received
by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on 03/04/2018. I note you seek
access to the following information:
"Please therefore answer the following questions:
* Has the man in the efits been identified?
* If Yes, has he been positively ruled out as Madeleine's abductor?
* If No, is the Met Policer still searching for him?
* If No, is the Met Police still searching for someone else as the likely
* The efits still appear on the McCanns' 'Find Madeleine' website despite
the MPS 'no longer using them as part of its appeal'.
* Has the MPS advised the McCanns to remove these efits from their
* If Yes, on what date please."
Your request will now be considered in accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 (the Act). You will receive a response within the
statutory timescale of 20 working days as defined by the Act.
If you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please contact
us at [email address] or on the phone at 0207 161 3500, quoting the
reference number above. Should your enquiry relate to the logging or
allocations process we will be able to assist you directly and where your
enquiry relates to other matters (such as the status of the request) we
will be able to pass on a message and/or advise you of the relevant
contact details.
I have submitted these requests to our FOIA New Requests Team and the
Operation Grange Team for consideration. You will receive an
acknowledgement and a response shortly.
All requests and internal reviews are dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
The internal review is intended to provide a fair and thorough review of
handling issues and of decisions taken pursuant to the Act. It enables a
fresh decision to be taken on a reconsideration of all the factors
relevant to the request. For this reason, as far as is practicable, FOIA
internal reviews within the MPS are conducted by individuals that have had
no connection with the initial handling of a request to facilitate a fresh
look at the circumstances of a request.
Yours sincerely
R. Loizou
Support Officer - Freedom of Information Triage Team
Thank you for your reply and I note the corrected FOI Act answer to my question. I look forward to the replies to the additional questions.
Before you reply further, may I respectfully remind you that in addition to the questions you now propose to answer, I also asked these further eight questions in relation to the provenance and subsequent distribution of these two very controversial efits. They were these,
Therefore for the purposes of full clarification, and having regard to the
overwhelming public interest in this case, I now ask the following
supplementary questions to those I asked on 3 March 2018:
1. On what date, and by whom, were these two efits first drawn up?
2. On what date or dates did the private investigators release these two
efits released and to whom?
3. On what date (if any) were these efits handed to Leicestershire
4. On what date (if any) were these efits handed to the Portuguese Police?
5. On what date were these efits first supplied to Operation Grange, and
by whom?
6. On what date did Operation Grange first receive these two efits, and
from whom?
7. If the Metropolitan Police first received these efits before Operation
Grange was set up, on what date were they received and by which department
of the MPS were they received?
8. The recent MPS Freedom of Information Act reply refers specifically to
the 'final' version of the private investigators' report. Therefore, in the interests of clarity, and having regard (a) to the public interest and (b) assurances by both the McCanns and the Met Police that the investigations into Madeleine's disappearance would be conducted with maximum openness and transparency, please state:
(i) On what date was the 'final' private investigators' report compiled.
(ii) How many interim reports were there before the 'final report' and
when was each of them compiled?
Given the huge publicity given to these efits by the Metropolitan Police themselves, applying the ‘harm’ test I cannot see any reason at all why all of the above questions should not be answered, always assuming that the Metropoltian Police holds such information.
In relation to Questions 5 and 6 above, you have only so far supplied a partial answer, namely that Operation Grange received the efits ‘in October 2011’. Could you please supply the actual date the efist were handed in and also please supply the name of the person or persons or organisation who gave the efits to Operation Grange – thank you.
Further, in relation to your original answer (which you have now corrected), you referred he efits having been "received by the Operation Grange team in September 2008 as part of a dossier of material handed to the MPS by the private investigators that had been working on the case”. You clearly specified that something happened in September 2008.
In your most recent answer, you said: “The e FITs were produced in 2008 by private investigators. Operation Grange received the e FITs as part of a large dossier of material during a handover from the private investigators in October 2011”. You then cited a Daily Mail article, maintaining that the information was ‘in the public domain’.
Thank you for supplying a link to this article, dated 28 October 2013, which I have now read. The relevant sentence in that report reads as follows: “Yet it emerged yesterday that the recently released E-fits were in fact contained in files produced five years ago by private investigators hired by the McCanns”.
With great respect, I cannot accept your answer as complying with your duties under the Freedom of Information Act to supply ‘information’. No official or even unofficial source is given for this claim. The Daily Mail merely tells us: “It emerged that…” From where did it ‘emerge’?
Your answer merely says that the efits were ‘produced in 2008’. You then inform us that they were received by Operation Grange ‘in October 2011’. If the efits were first ‘produced’ on, say, 1 January 2008, as they could well have been as your answer does not say when in 2008 they were produced, that would mean that these efits were in effect lying dormant for three years and nine months. Furthermore, they were not put on view until the BBC TV/Operation Grange programme of 14 October 2013, making the total delay up to five years and nine months. Then, as DCI Andy Redwood proclaimed to 7 million views, the became “the centre of [Operation Grange’s] focus”.
It is inconceivable that, before making this announcement on British television on 14 October 2013, Operation Grange did not know the entire history of this sighting, every detail…from the date and time of the actual sighting…the date and time the efits were drawn up, and by whom…when they were delivered to the McCanns…what the McCanns then did with them and when, e.g. allegedly being given to the Portuguese Police and Leicestershire Police ‘by October 2009…what each of those police forces did with those efits and when (if anything)…and when, how and by whom these efits were first seen by Scotland Yard.
The public was promised ‘openness and transparency’ in this most public of cases by both the Metropolitan Police and the McCanns. All the specific questions about the provenance and subsequent distribution of these efits can and should be answered by the Met via this FOI Act request.
Yours faithfully
Dear Mr Bennett
Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 2018040000883
I write in connection with your request for information which was received
by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on 03/04/2018. I note you seek
access to the following information:
"Please therefore answer the following questions:
* Has the man in the efits been identified?
* If Yes, has he been positively ruled out as Madeleine's abductor?
* If No, is the Met Policer still searching for him?
* If No, is the Met Police still searching for someone else as the likely
* The efits still appear on the McCanns' 'Find Madeleine' website despite
the MPS 'no longer using them as part of its appeal'.
* Has the MPS advised the McCanns to remove these efits from their
* If Yes, on what date please."
Your request will now be considered in accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 (the Act). You will receive a response within the
statutory timescale of 20 working days as defined by the Act.
If you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please contact
us at [email address] or on the phone at 0207 161 3500, quoting the
reference number above. Should your enquiry relate to the logging or
allocations process we will be able to assist you directly and where your
enquiry relates to other matters (such as the status of the request) we
will be able to pass on a message and/or advise you of the relevant
contact details.
I have submitted these requests to our FOIA New Requests Team and the
Operation Grange Team for consideration. You will receive an
acknowledgement and a response shortly.
All requests and internal reviews are dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
The internal review is intended to provide a fair and thorough review of
handling issues and of decisions taken pursuant to the Act. It enables a
fresh decision to be taken on a reconsideration of all the factors
relevant to the request. For this reason, as far as is practicable, FOIA
internal reviews within the MPS are conducted by individuals that have had
no connection with the initial handling of a request to facilitate a fresh
look at the circumstances of a request.
Yours sincerely
R. Loizou
Support Officer - Freedom of Information Triage Team
Thank you for your reply and I note the corrected FOI Act answer to my question. I look forward to the replies to the additional questions.
Before you reply further, may I respectfully remind you that in addition to the questions you now propose to answer, I also asked these further eight questions in relation to the provenance and subsequent distribution of these two very controversial efits. They were these,
Therefore for the purposes of full clarification, and having regard to the
overwhelming public interest in this case, I now ask the following
supplementary questions to those I asked on 3 March 2018:
1. On what date, and by whom, were these two efits first drawn up?
2. On what date or dates did the private investigators release these two
efits released and to whom?
3. On what date (if any) were these efits handed to Leicestershire
4. On what date (if any) were these efits handed to the Portuguese Police?
5. On what date were these efits first supplied to Operation Grange, and
by whom?
6. On what date did Operation Grange first receive these two efits, and
from whom?
7. If the Metropolitan Police first received these efits before Operation
Grange was set up, on what date were they received and by which department
of the MPS were they received?
8. The recent MPS Freedom of Information Act reply refers specifically to
the 'final' version of the private investigators' report. Therefore, in the interests of clarity, and having regard (a) to the public interest and (b) assurances by both the McCanns and the Met Police that the investigations into Madeleine's disappearance would be conducted with maximum openness and transparency, please state:
(i) On what date was the 'final' private investigators' report compiled.
(ii) How many interim reports were there before the 'final report' and
when was each of them compiled?
Given the huge publicity given to these efits by the Metropolitan Police themselves, applying the ‘harm’ test I cannot see any reason at all why all of the above questions should not be answered, always assuming that the Metropoltian Police holds such information.
In relation to Questions 5 and 6 above, you have only so far supplied a partial answer, namely that Operation Grange received the efits ‘in October 2011’. Could you please supply the actual date the efist were handed in and also please supply the name of the person or persons or organisation who gave the efits to Operation Grange – thank you.
Further, in relation to your original answer (which you have now corrected), you referred he efits having been "received by the Operation Grange team in September 2008 as part of a dossier of material handed to the MPS by the private investigators that had been working on the case”. You clearly specified that something happened in September 2008.
In your most recent answer, you said: “The e FITs were produced in 2008 by private investigators. Operation Grange received the e FITs as part of a large dossier of material during a handover from the private investigators in October 2011”. You then cited a Daily Mail article, maintaining that the information was ‘in the public domain’.
Thank you for supplying a link to this article, dated 28 October 2013, which I have now read. The relevant sentence in that report reads as follows: “Yet it emerged yesterday that the recently released E-fits were in fact contained in files produced five years ago by private investigators hired by the McCanns”.
With great respect, I cannot accept your answer as complying with your duties under the Freedom of Information Act to supply ‘information’. No official or even unofficial source is given for this claim. The Daily Mail merely tells us: “It emerged that…” From where did it ‘emerge’?
Your answer merely says that the efits were ‘produced in 2008’. You then inform us that they were received by Operation Grange ‘in October 2011’. If the efits were first ‘produced’ on, say, 1 January 2008, as they could well have been as your answer does not say when in 2008 they were produced, that would mean that these efits were in effect lying dormant for three years and nine months. Furthermore, they were not put on view until the BBC TV/Operation Grange programme of 14 October 2013, making the total delay up to five years and nine months. Then, as DCI Andy Redwood proclaimed to 7 million views, the became “the centre of [Operation Grange’s] focus”.
It is inconceivable that, before making this announcement on British television on 14 October 2013, Operation Grange did not know the entire history of this sighting, every detail…from the date and time of the actual sighting…the date and time the efits were drawn up, and by whom…when they were delivered to the McCanns…what the McCanns then did with them and when, e.g. allegedly being given to the Portuguese Police and Leicestershire Police ‘by October 2009…what each of those police forces did with those efits and when (if anything)…and when, how and by whom these efits were first seen by Scotland Yard.
The public was promised ‘openness and transparency’ in this most public of cases by both the Metropolitan Police and the McCanns. All the specific questions about the provenance and subsequent distribution of these efits can and should be answered by the Met via this FOI Act request.
Yours faithfully
Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"
Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".
Tony Bennett- Researcher
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Re: OPERATION GRANGE: Met Police UPHOLD my FOI Act complaint - the efits were handed to Operation Grange 'in October 2011'
.Tony Bennett wrote:In your most recent answer, you said: “The e FITs were produced in 2008 by private investigators. Operation Grange received the e FITs as part of a large dossier of material during a handover from the private investigators in October 2011”. You then cited a Daily Mail article, maintaining that the information was ‘in the public domain’.
Thank you for supplying a link to this article, dated 28 October 2013, which I have now read. The relevant sentence in that report reads as follows: “Yet it emerged yesterday that the recently released E-fits were in fact contained in files produced five years ago by private investigators hired by the McCanns”
Tony, how do you conclude the Daily Mail article cited was dated 28th October 2013? The FOI response doesn't specify and the link provided is not accessible - at least not to me.
There were any number of conflicting stories reported by the Daily Mail and other tabloids as regards e-fits/artists impressions, ranging from the summer of 2007 up to and including September/October 2013 - around the time of DCI Andy Redwood's revelation moment. Here is one by way of example..
Is this the man who took Maddie? Scotland Yard releases two e-fits of 'smirking' suspect and promises 'revelation' on tonight's Crimewatch
Each image shows the man with an intense stare and a hint of a smile
Detectives say he may be aged between 20 and 40
Suspect also has short brown hair, is medium height and is clean-shaven
He was seen near the McCanns’ holiday flat on the night Madeleine vanished
David Cameron says he is 'pleased Scotland Yard is doing this work'
By Rebecca Camber for the Daily Mail and Martin Robinson
Published: 00:01, 14 October 2013 | Updated: 19:18, 14 October 2013
British detectives hunting for Madeleine McCann today issued two e-fits of a suspect seen carrying a little blonde girl near in Praia da Luz on the night she disappeared.
Scotland Yard say a family saw him cradling a child in pyjamas, aged around three, and walking away towards the beach in Praia da Luz, Portugal at around 10pm.
Detective Chief Inspector Andy Redwood said today he could be the man who took Madeleine on May 3, 2007, and that tracing him was of 'vital importance'.
Detectives say the suspect is white, aged 20 to 40 with short brown hair, medium height and build, and clean-shaven.
The images, based on statements from two key witnesses, differ – but each shows him with an intense stare and a hint of a smile.
Scotland Yard detectives released the computer generated images ahead of a BBC1 Crimewatch appeal tonight, which they hope will result in a major breakthrough.
The programme features a reconstruction of the events leading up to Madeleine’s disappearance in Praia da Luz on Thursday, May 3, 2007.
Madeleine is portrayed gathering tennis balls in echoes of one of the photographs used during the search for her.
A short clip released ahead of the broadcast shows Gerry and Kate McCann drawing the curtains to their apartment before joining friends in a tapas restaurant. The reconstruction shows the moment Madeleine was taken from her bed.
Prime Minister David Cameron gave his support to the investigation.
'I'm very pleased that Scotland Yard are doing this work,' he said.
'The Government has helped to fund the work that is being done.
'This was a crime that touched the heart of everyone in the country and everyone would like to see it resolved, so I hope Scotland Yard continue with their work and I wish them success.'
The devastated couple – who found themselves suspects in the initial inquiry by Portuguese police – talk about how her disappearance has left a ‘huge hole’ in their family’s life.
In a moving interview with Kirsty Young, Kate McCann says: ‘We’re not the ones that have done something wrong here. It’s the person who’s gone into that apartment and taken a little girl away from her family.’
Gerry McCann says: ‘When it’s a special occasion, when you should be your happiest and Madeleine’s not there, that’s when it really hits home.’ His wife adds: ‘It’s when you have big family occasions really. That’s it isn’t it? Family occasion and you haven’t got your complete family.’
Detective Chief Inspector Andy Redwood, the senior investigating officer, will announce ‘a revelation moment’ in Scotland Yard’s £5million investigation. Officers will also release further e-fits – electronic facial identification technique images – of other potential suspects.
They are keen to trace at least two German-speaking men who were seen in the Algarve resort that day.
Witnesses reported the sightings to Portuguese police, but little importance was placed on them at the time. Now Scotland Yard says tracing the man in the two e-fits is ‘one of the main priorities for the investigation’ after scrutinising the time frame when the abduction could have taken place.
They are the first to be issued in relation to the Home Office-funded inquiry into the case.
Detectives say their timeline and version of events surrounding Madeleine’s disappearance has ‘significantly changed’, making the two witness sightings far more significant than previously thought.
Officers are keeping an open mind as to whether more than one person was responsible for the abduction, which they think may be linked to a series of break-ins at the resort.
Mr Redwood said: ‘Whilst this man may or may not be the key to unlocking this investigation, tracing and speaking to him is of vital importance to us. We have witnesses placing him in the resort area around the time of Madeleine’s disappearance.
‘This is far from our only line of inquiry and there will be e-fits released of other sightings as well, who we are equally keen to trace. These people were seen on the day of Madeleine’s disappearance and the days leading up to it.’
The focus of the hunt for Madeleine, from Rothley, Leicestershire, who would now be ten years old, will move to Germany this week when her parents are expected to travel there to make a TV appeal. On Wednesday the German channel ZDF will feature the BBC Crimewatch reconstruction and release sketches of two German-speaking men in their programme Aktenzeichen XY... Ungelost [File Reference XY... Unsolved].
Publicity for that programme says detectives are now going on the ‘offensive’, with inquiries focusing on Germany. It adds: ‘This is the reason why XY will show sketches of two men who appear to speak German and who have so far been paid little or no importance.’
The e-fits will also be shown on Dutch TV as the two ‘German speakers’ may have been Dutch – the accents sound similar.
Tonight’s Crimewatch reconstruction will give the most detailed sequence ever made public of the events that led to Madeleine’s disappearance. Detectives believe her kidnappers may have been lurking in or near the McCanns’ holiday apartment as her father went to check on his children.
Earlier inquiries focused on the period after that, but they now believe the 45 minutes before that could hold the key.
Mr Redwood said: ‘Our work has significantly changed the accepted version of events and it has allowed us to highlight very specific appeal points. I hope that when the public see our investigative strands drawn together, it will bring in new information that moves our investigation forward.’
It emerged yesterday that Greater Manchester Police arrested a man who bragged about seeing Madeleine on a Mediterranean island weeks ago.
The man claimed the missing girl had been ‘introduced’ to him. Police were informed after a barrister, who had a conversation with the man at a party in a Manchester suburb in August, reported his concerns.
The man was arrested last month on suspicion of possession of drugs and conspiracy to distribute indecent images of children.
A spokesman for Greater Manchester Police refused to comment yesterday, but sources played down the significance of the arrest.
“ The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made" - Groucho Marx
Verdi- ex moderator
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Re: OPERATION GRANGE: Met Police UPHOLD my FOI Act complaint - the efits were handed to Operation Grange 'in October 2011'
The Met Police have replied today with this message:
Your request will now be considered in accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 (the Act). You will receive a response within the
statutory timescale of 20 working days as defined by the Act.
If you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please contact
us at [email address] or on the phone at 0207 161 3500, quoting the
reference number above. Should your enquiry relate to the logging or
allocations process we will be able to assist you directly and where your
enquiry relates to other matters (such as the status of the request) we
will be able to pass on a message and/or advise you of the relevant
contact details.
Yours sincerely
Peter Deja
Support Officer - Freedom of Information Triage Team
@ Verdi I have seen your question. I will try the link again - it works if you go via the 'WhatDoTheyKnow' site - and see if I can prove the date of the article. If I can, I will add it as an ETA to this post - Tony
ETA @ Verdi I have just accessed the link via the WhatDoTheyKnow site and this is the full link:
So, yes, the date of the article was 28 October 2013
Your request will now be considered in accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 (the Act). You will receive a response within the
statutory timescale of 20 working days as defined by the Act.
If you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please contact
us at [email address] or on the phone at 0207 161 3500, quoting the
reference number above. Should your enquiry relate to the logging or
allocations process we will be able to assist you directly and where your
enquiry relates to other matters (such as the status of the request) we
will be able to pass on a message and/or advise you of the relevant
contact details.
Yours sincerely
Peter Deja
Support Officer - Freedom of Information Triage Team
@ Verdi I have seen your question. I will try the link again - it works if you go via the 'WhatDoTheyKnow' site - and see if I can prove the date of the article. If I can, I will add it as an ETA to this post - Tony
ETA @ Verdi I have just accessed the link via the WhatDoTheyKnow site and this is the full link:
So, yes, the date of the article was 28 October 2013
Dr Martin Roberts: "The evidence is that these are the pjyamas Madeleine wore on holiday in Praia da Luz. They were photographed and the photo handed to a press agency, who released it on 8 May, as the search for Madeleine continued. The McCanns held up these same pyjamas at two press conferences on 5 & 7June 2007. How could Madeleine have been abducted?"
Amelie McCann (aged 2): "Maddie's jammies!".
Tony Bennett- Researcher
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Re: OPERATION GRANGE: Met Police UPHOLD my FOI Act complaint - the efits were handed to Operation Grange 'in October 2011'
Hi Verdi,it seems apparent that when Richard D Hall mentioned the use of"Perverting the Coarse of Justice,DCI Andy Redwood,Revelation moment" that five years later the supposed e-fits are less attributable to the ongoing Operation Grange saga?
Not withstanding,that both the former Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan Howe and his A/C Mark Rowley very quickly fled the Operation Grange scene after the Portugal Supreme Court announcement 25 January 2017?
What happened to the "Last Throw of the Dice" bungling Burglars,Purple Woman and her dead Paedophile husband,Bulgaria,some fifteen months later Zilch?
Not withstanding,that both the former Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan Howe and his A/C Mark Rowley very quickly fled the Operation Grange scene after the Portugal Supreme Court announcement 25 January 2017?
What happened to the "Last Throw of the Dice" bungling Burglars,Purple Woman and her dead Paedophile husband,Bulgaria,some fifteen months later Zilch?
willowthewisp- Posts : 3392
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Re: OPERATION GRANGE: Met Police UPHOLD my FOI Act complaint - the efits were handed to Operation Grange 'in October 2011'
Exactly Willow ZILCH as predicted from the very start by CMOMM members (and other forum members).
Judge Judy to shifty witnesses - LOOK AT ME - Um is not an answer.
If I forget to add it to a post everything is In My Opinion and I don't know anything for sure.
plebgate- Posts : 6729
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