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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Mm11

Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Regist10
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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Mm11

Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Regist10

Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014

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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Empty Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014

Post by suzyjohnson 30.10.14 15:13

Drunken mothers left their toddlers home alone after bingeing on three bottles of white wine ... then brawled in the street when they realised they'd locked themselves out 

  • Friends Jessica Ward and Molly Couch drank three bottles of wine at home

  • They decided to go to Couch's Fleetwood house to look at some shoes

  • Both women left their one-year-old daughters locked in Ward's home alone

  • When they returned they were locked out and started brawling in the street

  • Police and fire fighters called and had to get to children through window

  • Judge said women got it 'very badly wrong' and had put their children at risk

PUBLISHED: 09:29, 30 October 2014 UPDATED: 14:56, 30 October 2014

Two women who drank three bottles of white wine and left their children home alone as they went to look for some shoes starting rowing in the street when they realised they had forgotten their keys and could not get back in.
Firefighters had to get into the house through a window to help the children who were crying in the front bedroom of the house for their mothers.
Meanwhile police had to separate Jessica Ward, 22 and Molly Couch, 21, who were arguing and swearing at each other loudly in the street in Fleetwood in Lancashire.
Both had left their one-year-old daughters alone in the house and admitted child neglect.
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Friends Molly Couch (left) and Jessica Ward (right) had drunk three bottles of wine before leaving their children

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Molly Couch (left) and Jessica Ward (right) arrive at Blackpool Magistrates' Court and admitted child neglect

The judge told the pair they had got it 'very badly wrong' and had put their children at risk. 
Blackpool magistrates heard the incident occurred on September 17 when Couch had taken her baby round to Ward's home for a session of wine and TV. They drank three bottles but at 11pm both decided to go to Couch's house to pick some shoes - leaving the children in their cots.
However they forgot to take any keys and soon found themselves locked out.

  • At 11.40pm police were called as the two women were brawling in the street, arguing about who had forgotten the keys and flailing their arms.  

Chrissie Hunt, prosecuting, said: 'These defendants were fighting with one another in the street. They were separated. 
'Both parties said they had been out drinking and were locked out and two young children were alone inside.' 
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Jessica Ward was sentenced to 26 weeks in prison suspended for 18 months for leaving her daughter alone

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Molly Couch, 21, was sentenced to 12 weeks in prison suspended for a year with 12 month supervision order

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Jessica Ward, pictured in one of a number of 'selfies' admitted she drinks to excess and is having treatment

'Both defendants were verbally abusive to one another and were described as drunk. One child could be heard crying. The defendants were in no fit state to be caring for the children.'
The court heard that once the women realised they were locked out and blamed each other for the mistake they called their parents, who telephoned police. 
The babies were made the subject of a police protection order with social services placing them in the care of grandparents.
The court heard Ward, a care assistant, had previously been cautioned when her 17 month old daughter was just three months old after police were called to her house following a drunken argument with her then boyfriend.
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The judge told Molly Couch, 21, she had got it 'badly wrong' when she left her daughter alone in the house 

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Close friends Couch (left) and Ward (right) had to be separated by police after they were brawling in the street

Paul Robinson, defending Ward, said she accepted she was drunk and had forgotten to take her keys. 
He said: 'She drinks to excess but not every day, if she's drinking she doesn't know when to stop. She is a young lady, a single parent. It's ironic she is put in a position to care for the elderly and which she has done with success.' 
Couch, an ex-football club promotions officer, also admitted she had been drunk and had left the children alone for half an hour. 
Alan Goodwin, defending, said: 'They don't try to hide or deceive anyone, it was a stupid error, she has accepted that she had put her child in danger. We are talking about 30 minutes away from the child. The child has not suffered. No one has said the child has not been properly looked after.' 
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Molly Couch (right) arrives at court to be told that she must undertake an alcohol treatment programme 

Ward was sentenced to 26 weeks in prison suspended for 18 months and was made subject to an 18 month supervision order and will have to wear an electronic tag for 16 weeks.
District Judge Jeff Brailsford told Ward: 'I don't understand what you thought you were doing. The greatest gift in this world is a child, they are wholly dependant for every aspect of their care. This is one of the worst cases of letting a child down.'
He added that she was being given one more chance to care for her child properly but said he had 'grave concerns' about her cooperation. 
Couch got 12 weeks suspended for a year with 12 month supervision order and a six month alcohol treatment programme. Both were each ordered to pay £85 costs and an £80 victim surcharge.
Judge Brailsford said: 'There is a massive obligation on any parent to look after a vulnerable child. On this night you got it very wrong. The circumstances here are wholly not acceptable. You got it very badly wrong, you put your child at risk.'



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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Empty Re: Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014

Post by suzyjohnson 30.10.14 15:16

' ........... Judge Brailsford said: 'There is a massive obligation on any parent to look after a vulnerable child. On this night you got it very wrong. The circumstances here are wholly not acceptable. You got it very badly wrong, you put your child at risk.' ...........'

So, not well within the bounds of responsible parenting then? 



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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Empty Re: Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014

Post by Brian Griffin 30.10.14 16:02

Modern parenting.

"Looking for Madeleine"? - Lying for the McCanns! (In my opinion)
Brian Griffin
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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Empty Re: Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014

Post by Gaggzy 30.10.14 16:11

And the moral of this story, boys and girls, is, if you work very hard at school, especially biology, and you become a doctor or something even bigger in the medical profession, then unlike these two ... silly girls, instances such as described will be swept under the carpet for you.

You will be able to say anything you like about things such as shutters, windows, push-chairs, checks, sea bass, Achilles tendons, whooshing curtains, crèche attendances, and there'll be multitudes of gullible people who will believe you.

And if anyone dares to question you, you can brand them as 'haters,' and the good boys from the press will do the rest for you.

And don't worry about the wine. New Zealand red will still be in fashion once you're old enough.

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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Empty Re: Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014

Post by ultimaThule 30.10.14 16:18

"Alan Goodwin, defending, said: 'They don't try to hide or deceive anyone, it was a stupid error, she has accepted that she had put her child in danger. We are talking about 30 minutes away from the child. The child has not suffered. No one has said the child has not been properly looked after."

Apparently unswayed by Mr Goodwin's definition of 'reasonable parenting', when sentencing one of the two defendants, District Judge Jeff Brailsford echoed the voices of millions in saying 'I don't understand what you thought you were doing. The greatest gift in this world is a child, they are wholly dependant for every aspect of their care. This is one of the worst cases of letting a child down.'

This is, of course, markedly different from another, as yet untried, case where 4 sets of parents admitted to leaving their infants unattended out of sight and earshot for periods of 30 minutes on numerous occasions over 5 consecutive nights which led to one of them suffering greatly from her parents' neglect.

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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Empty Re: Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014

Post by jeanmonroe 30.10.14 16:27

ultimaThule wrote:

"Alan Goodwin, defending, said: 'They don't try to hide or deceive anyone, it was a stupid error, she has accepted that she had put her child in danger. We are talking about 30 minutes away from the child. The child has not suffered. No one has said the child has not been properly looked after."

Apparently unswayed by Mr Goodwin's definition of 'reasonable parenting', when sentencing one of the two defendants, District Judge Jeff Brailsford echoed the voices of millions in saying 'I don't understand what you thought you were doing. The greatest gift in this world is a child, they are wholly dependant for every aspect of their care. This is one of the worst cases of letting a child down.'

This is, of course, markedly different from another, as yet untried, case where 4 sets of parents admitted to leaving their infants unattended out of sight and earshot for periods of 30 minutes on numerous occasions over 5 consecutive nights which led to one of them suffering greatly from her parents' neglect.


Maggie, Belper, United Kingdom, 1 hour ago
If they'd been doctors nothing would have been done. It's OK to leave your kids for half an hour if you're a doctor.

KEITH Thomas, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 31 minutes ago
At least they locked the door

Peace4theWorld, Bournemouth, United Kingdom, 50 minutes ago
Disgusting... How can a parent leave a child alone. I feel so sorry for the children with parents like this.

beatonthedonis, London, United Kingdom, 1 hour ago
At least nobody sneaked in and kidnapped one of the children while they were out enjoying themselves.

Beyourself, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 1 hour ago
That's okay, what they should do is get a charity set up use it to sue people who speak out against them, use some of it to pay rent/mortgage. then employ a publicist to smooth the way. Job done.

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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Empty Re: Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014

Post by ultimaThule 30.10.14 16:31

At times like this don'cha just love Mail readers, jeanmonroe? big grin

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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Empty Re: Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014

Post by jeanmonroe 30.10.14 16:39

ultimaThule wrote:At times like this don'cha just love Mail readers, jeanmonroe? big grin

I LIKE the 'geographical' SPREAD of the 'commentors'

Not say, a 'tiny' clique of 6, in say 'X' place......BUT.................the 'spread' of 'unbelievers' covers the whole country!

They are gonna need a bigger 'search' FUND, to SUE, erm 'search' for, 'everyone' not believing them!  winkwink

Start with me , if they want!

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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Empty Re: Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014

Post by ultimaThule 30.10.14 16:59

To my mind the geographical spread, together with the content, of the comments suggests no less than 'the nation expects' justice to be done in the case of Madeleine McCann.  

It also seems to me that the nation is growing impatient and, if justice isn't shortly seen to be done in this case, all the money in the world won't be sufficient to silence criticism of her parents, jeanmonroe

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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Empty Re: Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014

Post by Brian Griffin 30.10.14 17:07

jeanmonroe wrote:
ultimaThule wrote:At times like this don'cha just love Mail readers, jeanmonroe? big grin

I LIKE the 'geographical' SPREAD of the 'commentors'

Not say, a 'tiny' clique of 6, in say 'X' place......BUT.................the 'spread' of 'unbelievers' covers the whole country!

They are gonna need a bigger 'search' FUND, to SUE, erm 'search' for, 'everyone' not believing them!  winkwink

Start with me , if they want!
Just wondered, but where is the money to sue now coming from? I wouldn't have imagined the Fund would be receiving anything like as much as it was a few years ago. I also recently heard they might be paying a retainer to a top extradition lawyer, so goodness knows what other expenses they have on the go. So where are they getting the cash?

In my opinion.

"Looking for Madeleine"? - Lying for the McCanns! (In my opinion)
Brian Griffin
Brian Griffin

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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Empty Re: Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014

Post by jeanmonroe 30.10.14 18:01

Brian Griffin wrote:
jeanmonroe wrote:
ultimaThule wrote:At times like this don'cha just love Mail readers, jeanmonroe? big grin

I LIKE the 'geographical' SPREAD of the 'commentors'

Not say, a 'tiny' clique of 6, in say 'X' place......BUT.................the 'spread' of 'unbelievers' covers the whole country!

They are gonna need a bigger 'search' FUND, to SUE, erm 'search' for, 'everyone' not believing them!  winkwink

Start with me , if they want!
Just wondered, but where is the money to sue now coming from? I wouldn't have imagined the Fund would be receiving anything like as much as it was a few years ago. I also recently heard they might be paying a retainer to a top extradition lawyer, so goodness knows what other expenses they have on the go. So where are they getting the cash?

In my opinion.

So where are they getting the cash?

From the millions of 'sales' 'royalties' of the S&S 'blockbuster,' pulitzer prize nominated, 'sensational', possible definitive, version of what happened to Madeleine McCann as chronicled in their possible definitive book, Looking for Madeleine?

Oh, hang on............

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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Empty Re: Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014

Post by plebgate 30.10.14 21:21

Will we be seeing these two young women on TV next giving advice on how to remember to take the key next time people have had a knees up and fancy leaving their kids alone for half an hour?

It would not surprise me, it really would not, given how barmy Britain seems to be going.

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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Empty Re: Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014

Post by sonic72 30.10.14 22:02

They only left their kids alone for one block of half hour, on one night.

The Mccanns and co say they left their kids alone for multiple blocks of 30 mins, on multiple nights.

Their child did not come to harm, the Mccann's child did come to harm.

So with this in mind, the Mccann's children should also be put into care, and they should be sent to prison for neglect.

Funny how the 'justice' system works...



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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Empty Re: Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014

Post by worriedmum 30.10.14 23:14

Do you think Lorraine Kelly will interview them?

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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Empty Re: Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014

Post by Bishop Brennan 31.10.14 6:18

I wonder if team McCann will feature the story on their FB page or website? Perhaps they are "encouraged" by the experience of these parents, pointing out that there was no evidence that any harm was caused by leaving them alone? Well within "the bounds of reasonable parenting". Perhaps they will campaign to have the mothers' sentences revoked? Or get their pals at CR to sue the papers for printing such hateful stories. Clarence may have some words he'd like to add.

Or is it just that the McCanns live in a parallel universe where normal rules, logic and common sense simply do not apply?

Weird. spin

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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Empty Re: Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014

Post by frost 31.10.14 6:43

District Judge Jeff Brailsford told Ward: 'I don't understand what you thought you were doing. The greatest gift in this world is a child, they are wholly dependant for every aspect of their care. This is one of the worst cases of letting a child down

I don't know where this judge has been for the last 7 years whilst what they did was wrong , when you compare to what the Mccanns did and the rest of their little group it kind of pails into insignificance .

No child was harmed , it happened once all within an half an hour time scale and the child was not in a foreign country where they could not speak the local language .

Not umpteen nights on the trot and resulting in the disappearance of a child like some people that we know . 

perhaps the MSM would like to call on the Mccanns to comment on this case . They could doorstep them like they did Brenda .

Surely in such a case the Mccanns opinion would be in the public interest seeing as they were adament that they had been told that their arrangements were well within the bounds of reasonable parenting ?  They have not been charged with any offence regarding neglect and have indeed paraded the worlds stage for the past 7 years as a result of their actions gaining both celebrity like status and monetary gain . 

Yet in this case leaving a child for half an hour appears not to be ? Could someone please point out the differences especially points of law as I am unable to see that there is any difference in the eyes of the law .

I for one would certainly like to know their views on this case as im sure many thousands if not millions of people worldwide would too .

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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Empty Re: Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014

Post by bobbin 31.10.14 7:44

Bishop Brennan wrote:I wonder if team McCann will feature the story on their FB page or website?  Perhaps they are "encouraged" by the experience of these parents, pointing out that there was no evidence that any harm was caused by leaving them alone?    Well within "the bounds of reasonable parenting".   Perhaps they will campaign to have the mothers' sentences revoked?    Or get their pals at CR to sue the papers for printing such hateful stories.  Clarence may have some words he'd like to add.  

Or is it just that the McCanns live in a parallel universe where normal rules, logic and common sense simply do not apply?    

Weird.  spin

They ought to get THE JUDGE DISBARRED.
He was clearly being CHILD-IST, favouring the fate of the children over the enjoyment of the parents.
The MCCANNS have set a PRECEDENT for their eventual court case where parents' rights to fun and frivolity are considered part and parcel of balanced and reasonable parenting.

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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Empty Re: Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014

Post by PeterMac 31.10.14 7:55

Comments stil allowed, and showing

Not "well within the bounds of responsible parenting" then?

You are spot on! the same thing happened to a pair of GPs and a child happened to be taken after they left their very young children alone and no charges made to the parents. it has to make you wonder!

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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Empty Re: Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014

Post by woodforthetrees 31.10.14 8:42

Just wondered, but where is the money to sue now coming from?

I have thought for a few months now that they are completely out of cash, ever since they tried to get a quick out of court settlement our of Amaral (to get some cash in quick), but he refused. I believe that this is also the reason why the recent videos haven't been Carter-Rucked etc

Also, their latest case was done on a 'no win, no fee' basis, again showing that the funds have dried up.

Conveniently out of cash for when they lose the libel case and can only afford to pay bills at £10 per week!

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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Empty Re: Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014

Post by stillsloppingout 31.10.14 10:28

That sounds about right for Fleetwood !!!!

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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Empty Re: Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014

Post by jeanmonroe 31.10.14 11:06

worriedmum wrote:Do you think Lorraine Kelly will interview them?

Has Lorraine Kelly EVER really 'interviewed' them? thinking


THEY 'run' the 'show' with Pinky 'hiding' just off camera, frantically nodding, (yes) shaking his head, (no) as to what 'answers' they 'give' and arms 'flailing like a windmill' when they, mainly KM, 'go rogue'!

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Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014 Empty Re: Daily Mail 30 Oct 2014

Post by Gaggzy 31.10.14 15:03


These 2 girls :  WINE  NEGLECT ........

Ooooh, not quite.

Ah well. In the words of Meatloaf - two out of three ain't bad.

(having written this, in my opinion, there was no neglect regarding the McCanns. They need everyone to believe there was for their abduction hypothesis to stand a chance. Therefore the police must KNOW there wasn't any neglect and won't waste time prosecuting for something which didn't happen)

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