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Analysis of Fund accounts by Enid o'Dowd - Mccannfiles - Page 3 Mm11

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Analysis of Fund accounts by Enid o'Dowd - Mccannfiles - Page 3 Mm11

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Analysis of Fund accounts by Enid o'Dowd - Mccannfiles

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Analysis of Fund accounts by Enid o'Dowd - Mccannfiles - Page 3 Empty Re: Analysis of Fund accounts by Enid o'Dowd - Mccannfiles

Post by Verdi 10.01.16 12:59


Excellent work from l-azzeri as always!  They should have kept with Clarence Mitchell's avant-garde mode of wheeling and dealing - stick yer money in a brown envelope marked 'Kate and Gerry McCann', it'll get there!

We all know about money being handed over in plain brown envelopes, a sort of borderline illegal underhand financial transaction, frequently used in the sphere of bribery and corruption.

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Analysis of Fund accounts by Enid o'Dowd - Mccannfiles - Page 3 Empty Re: Analysis of Fund accounts by Enid o'Dowd - Mccannfiles

Post by Enid O'Dowd 10.01.16 13:15

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As you say there was no need for a Fund (limited company) to be set up so quickly. This was the very big rat I smelt about the saga before I even knew about all the other oddities/discrepancies etc. It is all in my first report in the mccannfiles. Over £50,000 has been spent on audit fees to March 2014 and we do not know what was spent for the latest set of accounts as even this information is no longer available. How angry would the OAPs who donated part of their pensions or the children who gave their pocket money be if they knew their money had been spent on uninformative accounts to be polite about them!  The money going into a separate bank account with a relevant person overseeing it on a voluntary basis would have sufficed until the situation became clearer.

Author of Fateful Decisions: there's a fine line between acceptable parenting and neglect.   [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Author of A Review of the background to setting up the limited company Madeleine's Fund: leaving no Stone Unturned and a forensic examination of the company accounts. Available on [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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Analysis of Fund accounts by Enid o'Dowd - Mccannfiles - Page 3 Empty Re: Analysis of Fund accounts by Enid o'Dowd - Mccannfiles

Post by Liz Eagles 10.01.16 17:17

To give some comparison, the disappearance of April Jones in UK was flooded with media attention and people who gave up their time to physically search for her. Money poured in to assist. There was no immediate 'fund/charity' malarkey. There was a simple bank account and an announcement that someone (iirc) from the community was overseeing the bank account. At this point April had not been found. It was the same for Madeleine, so why the urgency to set up a limited company or a charity?

April Jones' parents didn't want the money. They wanted April, alive and home. The money that was left over has been used for other good causes I believe. What a great example these bereft parents set and it rankles me to see Kate McCann given prominence in photoshoots standing alongside Coral Jones when promoting the work of Missing People (now there's a charity that needs imo to be looked at).

Thank you for your work Enid.
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Analysis of Fund accounts by Enid o'Dowd - Mccannfiles - Page 3 Empty Re: Analysis of Fund accounts by Enid o'Dowd - Mccannfiles

Post by Verdi 10.01.16 20:31

This wretched word 'search' has always niggled me, mainly because there has never ever been any evidence of the McCanns 'searching' for their little lost daughter.  It was just two weeks after MBM disappeared that the Fund was launched - a fund said to be to assist a/the 'search' (that word again).  How did they know that their daughter might not turn up at any time, dead or alive.  The PJ were doing everything in their power to solve the mystery of MBM's disappearance so what the heck did the McCanns and their team think they could achieve with money?

I understand that a private investigation running conjointly with an official investigation in Portugal is illegal, the McCanns were not therefore in a position to hire private detectives to operate on Portuguese soil nor do private detectives or the McCanns have any powers as regards the law - what did the McCanns hope to independently achieve with a pot load of cash but no jurisdiction to act in Portugal.

The case of Tia Sharp was initially a community effort, she disappeared from her neighbourhood, perfectly understandable that the locals would do anything they could to help find Tia, not so with the case of Madeleine McCann - this case did not directly affect a community, at least not outside the confines of PdL.  Money at that stage was of no advantage to the McCanns in helping to locate their child, they could have turned down the offer of donations but they didn't - instead they set up some company to rake in donations from the public with no clear outline as to the true purpose of the Fund nor any transparency as to how the money was being spent.  I repeat - how could money have assisted the McCanns in May 2007 to find their lost child?

Of the top of my head I can't link to any specific instant but quite early on during the summer of 2007, the McCanns publicly admitted that Madeleine may no longer be alive but still they took money from innocent well-wishers.  Whichever way you look at this fund it is either legally or morally corrupt - not forgetting administered by family and friends.  They really do take us for a lot of mugs don't they..

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Analysis of Fund accounts by Enid o'Dowd - Mccannfiles - Page 3 Empty Re: Analysis of Fund accounts by Enid o'Dowd - Mccannfiles

Post by Enid O'Dowd 10.01.16 23:33

Members may be interested to know the speed at which the company was set up.

According the the book madeleine, on Friday May 11th 2007 two men,neither of whom were named in the book, a paralegal and a barrister flew out to Portugal and had meetings with the McCanns over that weekend (may 11,12,13). These unnamed men, apparently suggested that the best way to proceed in the circumstances was to set up a limited company. 

The company was incorporated on Tuesday May 15th and formally launched with much media hype on Wednesday May 16th.

What was the reason for the incredible hurry?

How did this help missing Madeleine? I have no suggestions whatsoever.

Author of Fateful Decisions: there's a fine line between acceptable parenting and neglect.   [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Author of A Review of the background to setting up the limited company Madeleine's Fund: leaving no Stone Unturned and a forensic examination of the company accounts. Available on [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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Analysis of Fund accounts by Enid o'Dowd - Mccannfiles - Page 3 Empty Re: Analysis of Fund accounts by Enid o'Dowd - Mccannfiles

Post by Nina 10.01.16 23:47

Enid O'Dowd wrote:Members may be interested to know the speed at which the company was set up.

According the the book madeleine, on Friday May 11th 2007 two men,neither of whom were named in the book, a paralegal and a barrister flew out to Portugal and had meetings with the McCanns over that weekend (may 11,12,13). These unnamed men, apparently suggested that the best way to proceed in the circumstances was to set up a limited company. 

The company was incorporated on Tuesday May 15th and formally launched with much media hype on Wednesday May 16th.

What was the reason for the incredible hurry?

How did this help missing Madeleine? I have no suggestions whatsoever.
Can a company normally be set up so quickly. We are talking 4 or 5 days here 2 of which were the weekend.

Not one more cent from me.
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Analysis of Fund accounts by Enid o'Dowd - Mccannfiles - Page 3 Empty Re: Analysis of Fund accounts by Enid o'Dowd - Mccannfiles

Post by Enid O'Dowd 11.01.16 0:07

Yes Nina, a company can be set up that quickly. There is an express service for which there is an extra fee. Sometimes there are genuine reasons why a company needs to be set up in 24 hours. I can't see any good reason in this case!

I'd love to know when the date of the official launch of the Fund which took place on May 16th (with celebrities like rugby player Martin Johnson) was actually set. Instructions to set up the company could only have been given to the chosen solicitors Bates Wells & Braithwaite on Monday May 14th. How could the McCanns be sure that even using the express service that some bureaucratic hitch would not occur if there was a minor error on a document submitted, which could delay incorporation by a day or so?

Author of Fateful Decisions: there's a fine line between acceptable parenting and neglect.   [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Author of A Review of the background to setting up the limited company Madeleine's Fund: leaving no Stone Unturned and a forensic examination of the company accounts. Available on [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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Analysis of Fund accounts by Enid o'Dowd - Mccannfiles - Page 3 Empty Re: Analysis of Fund accounts by Enid o'Dowd - Mccannfiles

Post by Verdi 11.01.16 13:34

Enid O'Dowd wrote:Members may be interested to know the speed at which the company was set up.

According the the book madeleine, on Friday May 11th 2007 two men,neither of whom were named in the book, a paralegal and a barrister flew out to Portugal and had meetings with the McCanns over that weekend (may 11,12,13). These unnamed men, apparently suggested that the best way to proceed in the circumstances was to set up a limited company. 

The company was incorporated on Tuesday May 15th and formally launched with much media hype on Wednesday May 16th.

What was the reason for the incredible hurry?

How did this help missing Madeleine? I have no suggestions whatsoever.
One thing I think is a certainty, the Fund must be operating within the confines of the law - albeit borderline.  They had enough lawyers on board their craft to be sure that they will never be prosecuted for mismanagement.  Surely?

Unless of course it can be proven that they (the McCanns) were complicit in their daughters disappearance, in which case the whole thing will be blown apart.  Somehow though I don't think that will ever happen.

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Analysis of Fund accounts by Enid o'Dowd - Mccannfiles - Page 3 Empty Re: Analysis of Fund accounts by Enid o'Dowd - Mccannfiles

Post by Google.Gaspar.Statements 11.01.16 14:17

I've got faith in Mr Amaral when he says this is a mere battle in a war that is far from over. I think, especially now all this money has been raised for him, that he will fight on and expose the truth.

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