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ACCOUNTS 2013 - Page 2 Mm11

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ACCOUNTS 2013 - Page 2 Mm11

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ACCOUNTS 2013 - Page 2 Empty Re: ACCOUNTS 2013

Post by jeanmonroe 11.01.14 16:31

Just thought i'd pop this one into the microwave and see what pings.

Would any Met police officer from the 'elite' team be able to claim the £2.5 million 'celebrity pledged' reward and £20,000 Met police 'reward'  IF Madeleine were to be 'found' by him?

We all know the list of celebrity names that 'pledged' money (for reward) but did not, actually pay a penny piece into the 'poor' peoples 'findMadeleinefund'

As John McCann said: "rich people 'pledge' but do not pay cash to the reward, poor people can and should continue donating cash to the 'fund', NOT the 'reward', set up by 'board member and director' John McCann and 'others'

Could a copper, or even an ex-copper,(tipped the wink) who worked on Operation Grange demand, from the celebs, the amount of money they 'pledged' to the 'finder' of Madeleine McCann?

Some £2.5 million+ £20,000 'incentive' right there for Andy or 'others', if allowed, to 'solve' the mysterious disappearance of a child, i would have thought!

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ACCOUNTS 2013 - Page 2 Empty Re: ACCOUNTS 2013

Post by aiyoyo 11.01.14 16:42

Smokeandmirrors wrote:
aiyoyo wrote:
Portia wrote:

Actually, the Fund Limited buying providing for the witnesses may be a blessing in disguise: IF the Fund really did this, then the Mecs are not in a position to reclaim these witness awards/ freebees from the plaintiffs, as they haven't made any of these payments themselves but the Fund is the paymaster

You lost me there ?

I think it means that the McCanns can not claim any of the costs relating to witness expenses as they were paid for by the Fund. The Fund is not who is making this legal case by the family.

However, the terms of the fund state that it is there to support the family financially, so the fund would cough up anyway regardless.

But she said from the plaintiffs ? I'm still not an inch clearer.......

BTW, my tool bar in the reply page has disappeared ? What happened ? Had admin changed format ?

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ACCOUNTS 2013 - Page 2 Empty Re: ACCOUNTS 2013

Post by gbwales 16.01.14 19:31

Portia wrote:
jeanmonroe wrote:(The Fund)
covered expenses for witnesses giving evidence in a libel trial against Goncalo Amaral (former coordinator of the Portugues investigation to fine Madeleine)

So, wouldn't the 'fund' paying the 'expenses' of rather 'well heeled' witnesses be considered a slap in the face of the rather 'poorer' people, even a group of handicapped children, that donated to the 'fund'?

HOW much was the 'Find Madeleine Fund' depleted by to pay these expenses?

Would the McCann 'witnesses' not have given evidence, or even travelled to Portugal, IF the 'fund' had not paid their 'expenses'?

Did the McCanns, and the 'fund' HAVE to agree to pay 'expenses' for their witnesses to actually appear in court on their behalf?

What a state of affairs it is when you have to pay for your witnesses to appear in a courtroom for you.

How much did the 'search fund for Madeleine' pay for the return air fare from Canada to Portugal, for witness Mrs Hubbard?

With 'friends' like that, who needs 'enemies'?

Friends, who would 'do anything' to get Madeleine back, as long as it dosen't actually cost them anything personally, as long as the 'Find Madeleine Fund' is paying!

Actually, the Fund Limited buying providing for the witnesses may be a blessing in disguise: IF the Fund really did this, then the Mecs are not in a position to reclaim these witness awards/ freebees from the plaintiffs, as they haven't made any of these payments themselves but the Fund is the paymaster

Do we know who these witnesses are? As I am sure I saw noted somewhere (I thought it was this thread but now can't find it) certainly the trial of autumn 2013 would fall outside the financial year for these accounts.
So who are they referring to and at what sessions?

"You can't stop the signal, Mal. Everything goes somewhere and I go everywhere."

Mr Universe to Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)

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