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The McCanns letter from our very friendly Prime Minister Mm11

The McCanns letter from our very friendly Prime Minister Regist10
The Complete Mystery of Madeleine McCann™
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The McCanns letter from our very friendly Prime Minister Mm11

The McCanns letter from our very friendly Prime Minister Regist10

The McCanns letter from our very friendly Prime Minister

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The McCanns letter from our very friendly Prime Minister Empty The McCanns letter from our very friendly Prime Minister

Post by sharonl 16.03.12 21:39

Dear Kate and Gerry? not Mr & Mrs McCann?

Signed, David? Not D Cameron or on behalf of ?

A pic of the PM?


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The McCanns letter from our very friendly Prime Minister Empty Re: The McCanns letter from our very friendly Prime Minister

Post by aiyoyo 19.03.12 16:47

The dear kate and gerry is so as not to appear impersonal and cold given the situation.

Imagine writing to parents of a missing child and addressing them as MR and MRS so and so? It just does not work IMO.
We are not talking about business letter but letter dealing with traumatic emotional issue.
I dont see anything wrong with the salutation, nor the contents of the letter.
The contents is just to show he sympathised with their ordeal while not giving away much in terms of his belief in any particular theory as to what happened to madeleine.

As for his photo, maybe vain cameron likes to see his face plastered all over the place including letters.

It is a politically correct letter, a letter that would have given mccanns false sense of security, which can only be a good thing.

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The McCanns letter from our very friendly Prime Minister Empty Re: The McCanns letter from our very friendly Prime Minister

Post by Gillyspot 20.03.12 7:09

From David Cameron's letter "we will, of course stay in touch with you throughout" - I hope he isn't giving them daily updates.

Kate McCann "I know that what happened is not due to the fact of us leaving the children asleep. I know it happened under other circumstances"

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The McCanns letter from our very friendly Prime Minister Empty Re: The McCanns letter from our very friendly Prime Minister

Post by T4two 20.03.12 8:01

"Showing your compassionate side is always a good marketing ploy" - from "PR for Dummies". Cameron does seem to have a soft spot for dodgy people who eventually get themselves arrested.though.

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