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New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead

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New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Empty Re: New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead

Post by crusader 20.05.24 22:17

I'm more than ever convinced something happened to Madeleine on the Tuesday or Wednesday.
1. Quiz night was on Tuesday and that was the night Kate said she slept in the children's bedroom.
2. Mrs Fenn heard crying on the Tuesday night.
3. Cleaner cleaned 5a 2nd Wednesday, she said 1crib in Main bedroom, 1 crib in children's room, spare bed not used.
I'm going to look what else happened on the Tuesday and Wednesday.
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New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Empty Re: New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead

Post by Cake Lover 20.05.24 22:30

The Foreign Detective will, I hope, have an explanation as to who buried Madeleine in his suggested location, and how they carried this out unseen.
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New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Empty Re: New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead

Post by PeterMac 21.05.24 11:38


It is a BIG BOOK.   24 x 16 x 4.5.  [Clarke’s is a conventional B format paper back 20 x 13 x 2]
It has 850 pages [Clarke’s - 273]
It is heavy, at 1.55 kg.   [Clarke's - 300g]
The cover and the paper are of a higher specification than normal
The glue for the binding is very thick.

It is so heavy and so thick and so stiff I confess I chopped my copy into three volumes.
The second part of the book is conveniently the final 250 pages, and the first two thirds divide neatly at page 274
It takes some doing.   Sharp Swiss army knife and several passes through the thick glue and the glossy card cover, but it is worth the effort and the sacrifice for you then have a THREE volume Dissertation, [each one longer than Clarke’s] that you can open, hold in comfort and read.

The contents pages lay out his approach.
New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Sudden10
He adopts the method of ‘argumentum ad absurdum’ a form of questioning so beloved of Socrates and other philosophers since.
Start by accepting unquestioningly what the ‘witnesses’ say and see where the logic takes you.

I used it in my chapter 5 for example
GM said he was in the apartment, saw M and left at 2113
JT said she saw the “abductor’ carrying M at 2115
THEREFORE everything necessary had to happen between those two times.
And since there very clearly is not enough time, the argumentum is absurdum

The response can be two fold.   The protagonist may realise the absurdity and admit error, 
OR, as in this case, may seek to change, or add details, to include for example the even more absurd suggestion of the abductor’s already being in the apartment hiding behind a door.  The fact that the door in question opens flush against the wall being conveniently not mentioned.

Socrates might have asked a supplementary question but here there is no need. The whole thing has been exposed as untrue.

Berndt Stellander relentlessly pursues and dissects each important part in the McCanns’ and Tapas’ statements in the first half kilo of the book (274 pages) exposing the absurdities and contradictions between and among them.

Of course much of this has been done before, but piecemeal. This is a whole ‘volume’ – longer than Clarke’s entire book – dedicated to this one issue.  It is comprehensive and compelling, however familiar many of us are with the examples he chooses.

In the second half kilo (328 pages) Stellander addresses the issue of when the death occurred. 
Most people by now realise that “during the evening of Thursday 3rd” is not possible for the reasons we all know which he sets out again.

Many researchers have come to their own more or less tentative conclusions about the order of events during the week.    Stellander builds on them and weaves in various of the more coherent statements to arrive at WEDNESDAY [edited] 2nd May.   Some may not agree, but his logic seems good. 

He then commits to paper his theory of what the sequence was from that point, the sequestration of the body, and the subsequent burial in its final resting place, giving dates.

He goes into details about why he believes the grave is where it is, using for the most part Kate’s statements, diary, and interviews.      He interprets them as ‘leakage’ in line with ‘statement analysis’ and then shows where the widely reported, publicised and photographed runs up the hill in the matching outfits, complete with carefully timings fit into the deception.

Then the final half kilo. Worth its weight in gold, if only for the account of his nocturnal activities, his searches, his lying in wait under bushes and in a small cave for nights on end.

He starts by predicting their return around the anniversary, publicised by Kate in her book and many women’s magazines and the gutter press.  And he was correct.

He sets up “Trail cams”, and tells the story of his struggles to make them work and not ‘alert’ to blades of grass moving with the breeze.
He then details a series of anonymous emails he sends to the McCanns, alerting them to the possibility that the ‘site’ had been discovered.
On cue they walk into the frame and are caught on camera.  NOT in running kit.  

And so on

I shall stop here, so as not to ruin the surprises to come.
The photos are not included in the book, but are promised on two websites, which are under construction.

The chosen locations however, are included.

Throughout the book he expresses sympathy for the parents,  not only for the accidental death of their first born child, but for the impossible and grave situation they all, including the Tapas 7, and many others are trapped due to what he calls ‘a Sudden Impulse’.
Gerry.  “Sometimes people do things for reasons that even they cannot understand”
“An act of madness and accident or a sudden impulse could lead to consequences that people may never have imagined or intended”
“faced with such a situation we believe any human soul ultimately suffer torment and feelings of guilt and fear”

He has great sympathy towards Kate, who he believes, as many of us do, has been torn apart and racked by guilt, having lost her child and her profession.  Almost everything she has said after 3/5/7 reveals a desire to tell the truth, to speak out, “to shout it from the roof tops”. 
As Stellander points out, even in the forward of her own book she tells us she cannot tell the whole truth,  Just a “version of it”.

Kate; Book p.2 “On the whole Jerry and I have managed to dig deep and remain focused although the temptation to shout the truth from the rooftops has always been there. There have been many times when I have struggled to keep myself together and to understand how such injustices of been allowed to go unchallenged over and over again. I have had to keep saying to myself: I know the truth, we know the truth, and God knows the truth.  And one day the truth will out [but not today nor in this book! PM. ] Publishing the truth is fraught with risks for our family. It leaves us open to more criticism for a start.”

His wish is that the revelations in this book allow them - all - to confess, and to atone for what they have done.

It is of course purely coincidental that Stellander’s announcement that the Book launch was to be on 2/5/24, his anniversary date, and that the McCanns for the first time in 17 years decided not to attend the Service in Rothley to mark their anniversary date, but instead went on ‘holiday’ to a “secret resort"
Tracy Kandohla :  “Mr Brian Kennedy - Maddie’s great uncle, [“Fund mostly for Legal expenses,”]  -said … “Kate and Gerry have gone away, they didn't tell me where and I didn’t ask, and it is a bit of a clash. But they work very hard and they needed a break very much.”

Pure coincidence, Obviously.

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New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Empty Re: New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead

Post by Cake Lover 21.05.24 12:18

Sympathy for the McCann's? I have sympathy only for Madeleine.
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New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Empty Re: New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead

Post by Silentscope 21.05.24 12:33

The McCanns would enjoy more Sympathy if they had just been truthful in the first place. 

The Question remains- WHY did they all feel they had to lie?

By allowing through their Silence all these ‘Suspects’’ through the Years to be the Focus of Operations Grange they have wasted Millions of the British Taxpayers money.

Now they seem to be content to waste the German taxpayers money too?

There is no Evidence that an Abduction ever took place.

Wolters cannot even face Brückner in an Interview room.

Who do the McCanns think they are kidding any more?

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New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Empty Re: New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead

Post by Cake Lover 21.05.24 12:53

The Foreign Detective feels sorry for the McCann pair because of the accidental death of their first born.  Madeleine can't have had a proper funeral; no friends or family were given the opportunity to mourn her in a traditional manner. Is she in unconsecrated ground?  I don't know what manner of accident the F. D. thinks happened, he probably agrees with the sedated and fell theory. Her parents were not in the apartment with their three babies.   The accident  most people think occurred wouldn't have happened if they had been. They thought only of themselves. Sympathy? Not in a million years.
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New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Empty Re: New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead

Post by Jill Havern 21.05.24 13:03

To be fair, he only said Kate - Gerry acted out of 'Sudden Impulse' and now they reap the consequences:
(sorry, you're right, just read it again  blushing1 )

"He has great sympathy towards Kate, who he believes, as many of us do, has been torn apart and racked by guilt, having lost her child and her profession.  Almost everything she has said after 3/5/7 reveals a desire to tell the truth, to speak out, “to shout it from the roof tops”. 
As Stellander points out, even in the forward of her own book she tells us she cannot tell the whole truth,  Just a “version of it”. "

However, I still can't get past this - which, for me, implicates the pair of them.

New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 52124

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Post by sandancer 21.05.24 13:12

There is no version of the truth . 

It's either the truth or it's a lie !

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New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Empty Re: New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead

Post by Cake Lover 21.05.24 13:34

The McCann's tried to destroy Tony. They tried to destroy Goncalo Amaral. They seem to have thought better of tackling Petermac and Pat Brown, who must have infuriated them  by going to Praia  de Luz. They may even have wanted to shut you up, Jill! They conned money out of people. Kate McCann didn't 'lose her child', as he put. She put her child in harm's way.  And if she was dropping hints about wanting to confess, why didn't she just do it? She was risking Gerry's wrath, anyway, with the clues she came out with. Yes, that image ^ does it for me as well. Most people probably feel the same.
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New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Empty Re: New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead

Post by crusader 21.05.24 14:10

Probably only playing the sympathy card hoping not to be Carter Rucked.
Mind you, if what he say's is true backed up by facts and photo's, nothing they can do.
They had better get down to the nick and confess before it all kicks off.
Where's Clarence when they need him.
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New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Empty Re: New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead

Post by Jill Havern 21.05.24 14:13

PeterMac is the only one who hasn't been tackled head-on.

Tony and Gonçalo certainly were.

Pat Brown had her book banned.

My 'McCanns Abuse of Power' blog disappeared off the face of the earth...not that I'm bothered as it was superseded by the CMOMM/MMRG and Peter's e-book blogs anyway.

Otherwise, we're all still standing.

But hopefully the 'dominoes' will soon start to fall following Stellander's book.

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New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Empty Re: New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead

Post by Cake Lover 21.05.24 14:35

I had forgotten about those, Jill. I think Petermac's experience of criminality, years in the police force, rank, and knowledge of the law put them off  big grin. That's a lot of capability in one person. Fingers crossed for the domino effect.
You're right, Crusader -  the F. D. has got his defence in, in case they go after him . I'm waiting for reaction to his book from the wider world..
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New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Empty Re: New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead

Post by deepeepee 21.05.24 17:15

Jill Havern.... wrote:....
New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 52124
Jill, (Sorry to ask if it is annoying but I am not sure where to look to find this out) can you or anyone else tell when exactly this photo was taken, please?. I assume just after the 'disappearance'.
Is there any video of this scene?

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New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Empty Re: New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead

Post by Jill Havern 21.05.24 17:36

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Post by Silentscope 21.05.24 17:49

Alamy dates the Photo as being taken on 09.06.07.


Other Photos show a different look at the Camera.

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New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Empty Re: New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead

Post by deepeepee 21.05.24 18:08

So less than a week after she has gone (allegedly!)Thanks to you both.

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New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Empty Re: New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead

Post by Silentscope 21.05.24 18:15

Just over 4 weeks after the ‘Abduction’ was reported, yes.

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New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Empty Re: New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead

Post by Ladyinred 21.05.24 18:58

Gratitude to PeterMac, as always.

So where is Madeleine's body, in Portugal?
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New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Empty Re: New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead

Post by Jill Havern 21.05.24 19:34

Rocha Negra?

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New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Empty Re: New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead

Post by silly 21.05.24 20:15

Tuesday was the first of May 2007 , Peter's post refers to Tuesday as the second of May as the purported day of death.


I have amended it to WEDNESDAY 2 May

Thanks for that.  Details matter

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New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Empty Re: New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead

Post by Silentscope 21.05.24 20:36

New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Img_0412

Last confirmed sighting of MBM by a person unconnected with the group.
Change of Dining arrangements - change to the Tapas Bar from the Millennium Restaurant.
Quiz night in the Tapas Bar.
Chekaya incident - Kate returns to the Apartment. Lies about it in her Book Madeleine.
The Crying incident. Kate was in the Apartment before the crying started.
Kate and Gerry’s Mobile phone SMS’s for that day were deleted.
Kate claims on Thursday that Madeleine cried ‘last night’ at the Tapas table to Jane T and Fiona P.
Mrs Fenn was not in on Wednesday night.
MBM reported as being Abducted.

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Post by deepeepee 21.05.24 21:24

Silentscope wrote:Just over 4 weeks after the ‘Abduction’ was reported, yes.
sorry, yes, got the months mixed uo

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New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Empty Re: New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead

Post by Jill Havern 23.05.24 15:05

Silentscope wrote:Why would Alan Elsdon or even Nick Van der Leek who are in South Africa use a Portuguese Publisher?

Their accents woud not fit with the Foreign Detective.

He sounds Belgian or Dutch to me.
Just reading a chapter where he's going on about a Raven.

Which is what Nick van der Leek did in one of his books.

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Post by Silentscope 23.05.24 16:16

The Crow is also the Bird that carries the Souls of the departed to the land of the Dead.

Could be confused with a Raven I suppose?

Maybe Bernt has read Nick’s books in his Research?


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Post by silly 24.05.24 10:33

crusader wrote:I'm more than ever convinced something happened to Madeleine on the Tuesday or Wednesday.
1. Quiz night was on Tuesday and that was the night Kate said she slept in the children's bedroom.
2. Mrs Fenn heard crying on the Tuesday night.
3. Cleaner cleaned 5a 2nd Wednesday, she said 1crib in Main bedroom, 1 crib in children's room, spare bed not used.
I'm going to look what else happened on the Tuesday and Wednesday.
In the early morning of Wednesday the 2nd of May Kate made calls to her friend Amanda , calls which were deleted but picked up by the antenna.There is an informative thread on Amanda on this forum.

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Post by Liz Eagles 24.05.24 13:45

Jill Havern wrote:
Silentscope wrote:Why would Alan Elsdon or even Nick Van der Leek who are in South Africa use a Portuguese Publisher?

Their accents woud not fit with the Foreign Detective.

He sounds Belgian or Dutch to me.
Just reading a chapter where he's going on about a Raven.

Which is what Nick van der Leek did in one of his books.
There has always been a South African element. Look back at the ghastly Stephen Birch and then remember Jim Gamble, who for some reason known only to himself used Table Mountain on his web presence.
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Post by Bird131 24.05.24 14:56

Liz, your comment brought a sincere smile. Here in South Africa, our crime rate is one of the highest in the world. One would think we have enough to keep us busy, but the McCann case is just 'something else' and any 'unsolved case', is a private investigator's nightmare. Who knows, with the seemingly remarkable effort the FD has placed on the table, we might soon be pleasantly surprised.

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Post by Silentscope 24.05.24 15:05

Can anyone in SA confirm when Danie Krugel will be returning to PDL?

I gather his Machine is now Patented where as before it was not?


Press Release 10 February 2020

Danie Krügel granted US Patent for his “Revolutionary Device”

Read the full release here.

A decade of behind-the-scenes effort pays off in the ultimate stamp of approval and authenticity; the global standard in legitimacy.
More than ten years ago, Danie Krügel shocked the world and became the focus of an international media frenzy when he unveiled a device that could find missing people, based purely on a sample of their DNA. The device that became unofficially known as the Matter Orientation System (MOS) machine was based on the murky and often paradoxical world of quantum mechanics.
The media attention that followed Danie Krügel’s announcement only intensified when he successfully located male and female human remains believed to be those of the missing Gert van Rooyen victims in Capital Park in Pretoria. The media furore surrounding Danie Krügel of course reached fever pitch when he became involved in the Madeleine McCann investigation at the behest of parents, Gerry and Kate McCann.
Although Danie Krügel soon amassed a spectacular success rate in finding people (a fact that spurred the British publication, The News of the World, to dub him, The Locator), the public’s reaction varied between cautious belief, incredulity and outright accusations that Danie Krügel was a charlatan and opportunist – even though he never demanded any money for his services. Considering the esoteric and unusual nature of MOS technology this pessimism was understandable.
And then. Suddenly, at the height of Danie Krügel’s media prominence, he disappeared out of the limelight. Finally, the critics of Danie Krügel’s revolutionary device felt justified. His sudden silence appeared to confirm that his quantum device was nothing but a hoax.
But Danie Krügel’s MOS machine was anything but a hoax and his “retreat” out of the intense media glare was a calculated move. He realised, in order to make full use of his device, obtaining the intellectual property rights was crucial. The inventor of the sensational MOS machine had been using the last decade to not only refine his device (and to create other devices also based on the mind-boggling arena of quantum physics) but possibly more importantly, to follow the rigorous process to legitimise his invention by obtaining the legal rights through the gruelling process of securing the patents.
And now, twelve years after Danie Krügel first made international headlines, he has achieved one of the most important milestones in his calculated journey: the United States patent for “A Method and Device for detecting a material at a distance” has been granted.
The US patent not only guarantees Danie Krügel sole ownership and the right to market his device commercially in the United States, but it’s also the ultimate seal of approval. Besides being a certification of the legitimacy and authenticity of Danie Krügel’s Matter Orientation System, the granting of the US patent has been a critical step in his efforts to take his business globally and to operate successfully on the international stage. (The South African patent has been secured for some time now.)
The US patent for “A METHOD AND DEVICE FOR DETECTING A MATERIAL AT A DISTANCE”, filed under the application number of 15/557,850 is the result of an arduous and time-consuming process of verification, experimentation, and third-party corroboration that involved experts from across the world. In 2014 an independent panel of scientists performed a meticulous series of “double-blind” tests on one of Danie Krügel’s prototypes. The extensive tests focused on samples of Cyanide, diamonds and a specific variety of yeast. All three tests delivered conclusive and irrefutable proof of the device’s accuracy. Following the success of the panel’s findings, Danie Krügel approached various experts from across the world for further input and corroboration, including one of the world’s most renowned academics from one of Great Britain’s most illustrious universities. It was only after this comprehensive process of authentication that Danie Krügel finally proceeded to the next step of securing the patent for his device. (Thus far, he has secured patents in 19 countries, including the USA, with patents in 80 other counties pending.)
The company that will be responsible for producing, marketing and licensing the device is Quantum Detection Solutions (QDS), located in Austin, Texas. All business regarding the device will be driven from the Austin headquarters. It is Danie Krügel’s intention to focus exclusively on corporate work via QDS.
The QDS device is only one of several devices that Danie Krügel has created. In addition, he has invented other ground-breaking devices. One will focus exclusively on cancer prevention through early cancer detection. In fact, Danie Krügel has already achieved some remarkable success in the field of research, specifically with regard to early cancer detection.
Another device that Danie Krügel has developed will be applied in the field of oil exploration. This includes the location of deposits of minerals as well as precious metals. The field of oil exploration is a notoriously hit-and-miss industry and will benefit hugely from Danie Krügel’s quantum device. The successful US patent that has been granted will now allow QDS to become actively involved in international oil exploration. In fact, QDS has already proven itself in the field of oil exploration after a series of highly successful tests that were carried out on oilfields in Europe and the USA.
Even though QDS will be focusing almost exclusively on corporate work, both the van Rooyen and the McCann cases are extremely important to Danie Krügel, especially as a result of his earlier involvement with both cases. As a result, QDS will be making a concerted effort to apply their patented technology to bring closure and finality to these two infamous cases, once and for all. This is something that is very dear to Danie Krügel. QDS has indicated that the public can expect some shocking revelations with regard to both cases.
Another area in which the QDS technology has proven especially effective is in the detection of contagious and communicable diseases. Under the watchful eye of a local South African actuality show, QDS was able to obtain a sample of a harmless bacteria from a local state institution. The bacteria was scanned and was subsequently successfully detected. The test proved conclusively that the patented QDS technology can be adapted to scan any building, area or vehicle for any virus or bacteria. The QDS technology is especially effective in scanning airplanes and airports and detecting the presence of highly contagious and fatal viruses like Ebola, Avian Flu and the Coronavirus. In fact, QDS is ready to employ their patented device in the battle against the current outbreak of the Coronavirus that is threatening to overwhelm health services across the world. The Austin-based company is more than willing to submit its technology to any state-sponsored due diligence tests in order to assist countries in the early detection of the fast spreading Coronavirus. Employing the QDS device, airport authorities can now scan each and every airplane that lands at its airports and has the potential to become the world’s single most effective weapon in the battle to halt the spread of the deadly Coronavirus.
Danie Krügel’s devices are all based on various principles of quantum mechanics. More specifically, it is the application of enigmatic and secretive “formulae” that is at the heart of these devices. It is precisely these formulae, discovered by and known only to Danie Krügel and the QDS team, that are the secret to the spectacular performance of his various quantum devices. With regards to the often-bizarre world of quantum physics, one of the most prominent principles (utilised by some of the QDS devices) is the theory of QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT, a phenomenon that Einstein himself described as “spooky action at a distance”. In essence, with specific regard to the QDS device, (and simplistically stated) once something (organic or inorganic) is divided into separate pieces, on whatever level, from the molecular to the visible, these “pieces” retain a link or connection with each other, which is not only permanent but active over any distance, no matter how large. (A change in state of one part of the whole will instantaneously affect all the other parts, no matter how enormous the distance, and with immediate effect.) In the case of a missing person, QDS only requires a verified sample of that person’s DNA for the device to find the person. The same principle applies in the case of inorganic, or at least inanimate matter like oil, diamonds or precious metals.
Danie Krügel and the QDS team are especially excited about the application of their devices in the early detection of cancer. The QDS device has produced very promising results and Danie Krügel and his team are expecting to make a significant impact in this contentious field. In fact, the patented QDS technology promises to become a game changer in the area of early cancer detection.
(More press releases to follow.)
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New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Empty Re: New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead

Post by Liz Eagles 24.05.24 15:31

Wasn't Danie Krugel someone who claimed he could find Madeleine from her hairbrush?

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New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead - Page 6 Empty Re: New Madeleine McCann book will claim missing tot is already dead

Post by Silentscope 24.05.24 16:44

Yes, a hairbrush he actually gave back to Martin Brunt.
Hopefully he kept a few Hairs for himself?

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