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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Mm11

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Mm11

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by xklamation 20.10.21 23:45


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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by Guest 21.10.21 14:41

At 24:12, Hernâni asks Gonçalo Amaral the following:

Hernâni Carvalho: Mas eu tinha outra questão para lhe pôr, que era esta - um polícia bastante conhecido, reformado, inglês, que se chama Peter, defende que a Madeleine McCann terá desaparecido a 29 de abril, ou seja, uma semana antes da data oficial do seu desaparecimento. Quer comentar?

Gonçalo Amaral: É possível, é possível. Eu neste meu novo livro falo nessa hipótese. Aborda essa hipótese. Não é só ele, ele era superintendente da polícia britânica. São outras pessoas - advogados e outras pessoas. Não é um bando de lunáticos. Eles pegaram, em termos do estado do tempo daquela altura, com análises de satélite do estado do tempo, e dizem que aquela fotografia que os pais dizem, ou a família ou o staff lá do... dos pais desta criança, que foi efetuada no domingo na piscina onde está o pai ao lado, que não é possível porque naquele dia o tempo não estava daquela forma e portanto que, para eles, aquilo só aparece para provar ou tentar induzir em erro e dizer que a criança estava viva naquela altura. Esta teoria tem algumas dificuldades de se comprovar, nomeadamente por causa do registo do infantário, nomeadamente naquele dia 3 de [maio], mas depois já se veio a saber mais tarde que há uma funcionária do infantário que será familiar...amiga de um padrinho ou da criança desaparecida...

Hernâni Carvalho: Mas eu lembro-me da folha de registo do infantário estar rasurada.

Gonçalo Amaral: Sim, sim, aquelas assinaturas são meras rubricas e que facilmente são falsificadas.


Hernâni Carvalho: But I had another question that I wanted to ask you - a very well-know and retired British policeman, named Peter, posits that Madeleine McCann disappeared on 29 April, that is, a week before the official date of the disappearance. Do you want to comment?

Gonçalo Amaral: It's possible, it's possible. I speak about that scenario in my new book. The book touches on that scenario. It's not just him, he was superintendent of the British police. There are other people - lawyers and others. They are not a bunch of lunatics. They analysed weather records for that week, using satellite images, and they say that the photograph, of [Gerry McCann] sitting by the pool, was taken on Sunday, which is not possible [that the photo was taken on Thursday] because, on that day, the weather wasn't like that. So, according to them, [the photograph] exists to mislead or prove that the missing child was alive at that time. It's very difficult to prove this theory, namely because of the creche records, including those dated 3rd of May. However, it later turned out that there was an employee of the creche who was a relative... or a friend of someone's godfather.

Hernâni Carvalho: But I remember that the creche sheet had parts that were crossed out.

Gonçalo Amaral: Yes, yes, there are signatures and they can easily be falsified.

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by Guest 21.10.21 14:47

Goncalo wrote:and they say that the photograph, of [Gerry McCann] sitting by the pool, was taken on Sunday, which is not possible because, on that day, the weather wasn't like that.
Is this translated correctly?

The weather wasn't like that on Thursday but it WAS like that on Sunday.

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by Verdi 21.10.21 16:19

BlueBag wrote:
Goncalo wrote:and they say that the photograph, of [Gerry McCann] sitting by the pool, was taken on Sunday, which is not possible because, on that day, the weather wasn't like that.
Is this translated correctly?

The weather wasn't like that on Thursday but it WAS like that on Sunday.

You've taken one sentence and read out of context BlueBag.

Read again..

They analysed weather records for that week, using satellite images, and they say that the photograph, of [Gerry McCann] sitting by the pool, was taken on Sunday, which is not possible [that the photo was taken on Thursday] because, on that day, the weather wasn't like that.

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by Guest 22.10.21 7:51

Verdi wrote:
BlueBag wrote:
Goncalo wrote:and they say that the photograph, of [Gerry McCann] sitting by the pool, was taken on Sunday, which is not possible because, on that day, the weather wasn't like that.
Is this translated correctly?

The weather wasn't like that on Thursday but it WAS like that on Sunday.

You've taken one sentence and read out of context BlueBag.

Read again..

They analysed weather records for that week, using satellite images, and they say that the photograph, of [Gerry McCann] sitting by the pool, was taken on Sunday, which is not possible [that the photo was taken on Thursday] because, on that day, the weather wasn't like that.

Actually I didn't.

You added the part in brackets... so "read again" isn't reading again.

I also translated the paragraph in Google and got a different outcome as well with something about a door.

Is there anyone else on this forum who can translate the paragraph properly?

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by Guest 22.10.21 8:25

BlueBag wrote:
Verdi wrote:
BlueBag wrote:
Goncalo wrote:and they say that the photograph, of [Gerry McCann] sitting by the pool, was taken on Sunday, which is not possible because, on that day, the weather wasn't like that.
Is this translated correctly?

The weather wasn't like that on Thursday but it WAS like that on Sunday.

You've taken one sentence and read out of context BlueBag.

Read again..

They analysed weather records for that week, using satellite images, and they say that the photograph, of [Gerry McCann] sitting by the pool, was taken on Sunday, which is not possible [that the photo was taken on Thursday] because, on that day, the weather wasn't like that.

Actually I didn't.

You added the part in brackets... so "read again" isn't reading again.

I also translated the paragraph in Google and got a different outcome as well with something about a door.

Is there anyone else on this forum who can translate the paragraph properly?
Actually Verdi didn't -  I did it while you were replying to my post.

Also, there's no mention of a "door" ("porta" in Portuguese) in Gonçalo Amaral's statement.

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by crusader 22.10.21 8:58

My translation is exactly what Verdi posted.
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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by Guest 22.10.21 9:14

crusader wrote:My translation is exactly what Verdi posted.
I think you mean interpretation.

However it literally says this which can't be correct.

and they say that the photograph, of [Gerry McCann] sitting by the pool, was taken on Sunday, which is not possible because, on that day, the weather wasn't like that.

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by Guest 22.10.21 9:21

 São outras pessoas - advogados e outras pessoas. Não é um bando de lunáticos. Eles pegaram, em termos do estado do tempo daquela altura, com análises de satélite do estado do tempo, e dizem que aquela fotografia que os pais dizem, ou a família ou o staff lá do... dos pais desta criança, que foi efetuada no domingo na piscina onde está o pai ao lado, que não é possível porque naquele dia o tempo não estava daquela forma e portanto que, para eles, aquilo só aparece para provar ou tentar induzir em erro e dizer que a criança estava viva naquela altura. 

Google translate wrote:It's other people - lawyers and other people. It's not a bunch of lunatics. They took it, in terms of the weather at that time, with satellite weather analysis, and they say that that picture that the parents say, or the family or the staff over there from... this child's parents, that was taken on Sunday at the pool where the father is next door, which is not possible because that day the weather was not like that and therefore, for them, it only appears to prove or try to mislead and say that the child was alive at that time 

I know he means they say Thursday and we say Sunday... however that is not coming across for whatever reason.

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by crusader 22.10.21 9:53

My TRANSLATION is correct.

They say that the photograph of (Gerry McCann) sitting by the pool was taken on Sunday, which is not possible (that the photo was taken on Thursday) because, on that day the weather wasn't like that.

Google TRANSLATE not Google interpretation.
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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by Guest 22.10.21 10:00

the portuguese wording used is lado, what means side, so it is not to be translated as next door, but from ao lado into aside. 

i'm not a user of portugues, but i just used the trick to find the exact wording that is translated into next door.

it could be possibly as simple as same words, different meaning. 

like in those two. the first is what is said, the second what was based in google translate for translation. 

he is sitting beside her; ele está sentado ao lado dela.

he lives beside her.; ele mora ao lado dela.

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by Guest 22.10.21 10:35

crusader wrote:My TRANSLATION is correct.

They say that the photograph of (Gerry McCann) sitting by the pool was taken on Sunday, which is not possible (that the photo was taken on Thursday) because, on that day the weather wasn't like that.

Google TRANSLATE not Google interpretation.

"(that the photo was taken on Thursday)"

Not in the original.

So not a translation.

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by Guest 22.10.21 10:36

onehand wrote:the portuguese wording used is lado, what means side, so it is not to be translated as next door, but from ao lado into aside. 
Yes I get that... that's not the issue though.

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by Chambers 22.10.21 10:49

The pool picture; perhaps the weather wasn't 'like that' on the day, but are we saying that there was no sun whatsoever? No 15 minute window where the sun came out? Is that the only rationale for the picture not being genuine?
How can Amaral continue to rely on that, as a competent detective?

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by crusader 22.10.21 10:58

I have just looked at the original translation and you are right, 
(that the photo was taken on Thursday) is not there.

Paulo said he added the part in brackets.
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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by crusader 22.10.21 11:12

I'm going to be in trouble here for sort of going off topic. Sorry.

@Chamberswrote...The pool picture; perhaps the weather wasn't 'like that' on the day, but are we saying that there was no sun whatsoever? No 15 minute window where the sun came out? Is that the only rationale for the picture not being genuine?
How can Amaral continue to rely on that, as a competent detective?

Look at the Paraiso restaurant webcam in the PJ files and how people were dressed on the afternoon of 3rd May, shorts and short sleeves.

There must have been some spells of sunshine.
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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by Jill Havern 22.10.21 11:27

Have you got a link crusader? Was everyone tanned?

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by crusader 22.10.21 11:41
pages 3266 to 3273.

It shows members of the tapas 7 plus other customers in summer clothing.

Can't remark on whether they were tanned or not, it's in black and white.

Edited to add.. It does look like they are in colour, not very clear footage though.

Looks like sunshine on the tables.
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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by Guest 22.10.21 11:43

to blue bag,

what you forget , it is a translation of a informal conversation! 

they are talking from a perspective, as is usual, so they start with thursday hanging in their conversation, the that means the interpretation is correct. 

look in at the question asked; posits that Madeleine McCann disappeared on 29 April, that is, a week before the official date of the disappearance.

the official date is already hanging in this conversation. amaral is reacting from that date, not from 29 april.

and that is what we get translated. it is simply amaral reaction from the official date, reacting on peter's date. 
if you take the question asked into the answer, it is clear what amaral said and ment with his wording. 

what you do not see, is what happening in this conversation in body language and signing. you miss out the natural pausing in a translation, what is usually hyper short in the southern europese languages, that could at most become a comma, or just one fresh sentence
this is why translating from a video, is difficult. informal speech is not always given in true separate sentences. referring back to the question is often no more than using a hand or head signal. 

so if you translate a part of a conversation from a video, you have to choose, or you take it as literally as it was said, or you rewrite it further with wording, with or without brackets, of just your own interpretation, like the press likes to do. paulo choose at first just to translate for us, exactly what was said. and i like that, just look to the video with the translation beside it. 

if this translation was used as subtitles, it would became far more clear how the exact words are used, in the exact moment and context. amaral is a typical hand user, beside what he says.

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by xklamation 22.10.21 11:54

BlueBag wrote:
Verdi wrote:
BlueBag wrote:
Goncalo wrote:and they say that the photograph, of [Gerry McCann] sitting by the pool, was taken on Sunday, which is not possible because, on that day, the weather wasn't like that.
Is this translated correctly?

The weather wasn't like that on Thursday but it WAS like that on Sunday.

You've taken one sentence and read out of context BlueBag.

Read again..

They analysed weather records for that week, using satellite images, and they say that the photograph, of [Gerry McCann] sitting by the pool, was taken on Sunday, which is not possible [that the photo was taken on Thursday] because, on that day, the weather wasn't like that.

Actually I didn't.

You added the part in brackets... so "read again" isn't reading again.

I also translated the paragraph in Google and got a different outcome as well with something about a door.

Is there anyone else on this forum who can translate the paragraph properly?

Good morning, the paragraph is properly translated by Paulo, there's no need to put into question Paulo's great skills as a translator. First of all it's not a written statement, it's a verbal communication from Linha Aberta talk show, so it's not a perfect grammatical construct. GA, has you should by now have noticed from the video transcripts, doesn't have a fluid speech, leaving often the ideas or continuation of a sentence implied. This happens here, in this interview with Hernâni Carvalho, and also on the I newspaper article, the thesis is not properly explained by GA. I think what really matters is that he has not only mentioned it in his new book, which is a credit to everyone involved in the research, he keeps mentioning it in the media interviews, take it as a compliment and perhaps boost the posts or threads where that thesis is explained in a detailed manner. It's the first time the general Portuguese public is learning about this possibility, this thesis, so far it has been restricted to English forums. My two bits :)

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by Guest 22.10.21 12:01

Thank you, Joana.

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by xklamation 22.10.21 12:08

Paulo Alexandre wrote:Thank you, Joana.

De nada Paulo, um abraço Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 1f60a

Let's not lose track of what is really important, of what matters. It's great that GA is talking about this thesis, he might not believe in it 100% but he mentions it as a credible hypothesis that should be investigated by the authorities.

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by Guest 22.10.21 12:39

I understand the ins and outs of this.

I'm just pointing out that someone has got something wrong... which they have.

Probably Goncalo.

Anyone reading it who didn't know would be confused.

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by Verdi 22.10.21 13:46

I truly wish folk would leave google translate for unimportant personal use and not as an assumed authority on matters of importance.

That's why we have professional skilled translators/interpreters.  

One single word or phrase taken out of context could be the difference between war and peace.

CMOMM are more than grateful for the gratuitous services of competent Portuguese/English translators/interpreters to aid our understanding.


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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by Guest 22.10.21 13:54

I think it was reasonable to ask considering the translated statement was obviously wrong in content.

Whoever's fault that was.

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by Angel 22.10.21 14:20

Chambers wrote:The pool picture; perhaps the weather wasn't 'like that' on the day, but are we saying that there was no sun whatsoever? No 15 minute window where the sun came out? Is that the only rationale for the picture not being genuine?
How can Amaral continue to rely on that, as a competent detective?
I don't think Amaral has said as much as he's relying on it .
He's mentioned others  have ?
 Would you dress your little one the way Madeleine was dressed on a not so nice day  to wander around in relying on a 15 minute  window  to appear ? Would you let her sit with feet dangling in cold water ?
As for those dark sunglasses of Gerry's . Definitely not needed that day .

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by Chambers 22.10.21 14:45

Angel wrote:
Chambers wrote:The pool picture; perhaps the weather wasn't 'like that' on the day, but are we saying that there was no sun whatsoever? No 15 minute window where the sun came out? Is that the only rationale for the picture not being genuine?
How can Amaral continue to rely on that, as a competent detective?
I don't think Amaral  has said as much as he's relying on it .
He's mentioned others  have ?
 Would you dress your little one the way Madeleine was dressed on a not so nice day  to wander around in relying on a 15 minute  window  to appear ? Would you let her sit with feet dangling in cold water ?
As for those dark sunglasses of Gerry's . Definitely not needed that day .
The concept that the picture was taken on another day still solely depends on the weather though right?
As for the attire of all, well they're on holiday and probably packed accordingly, shades and all.

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by Guest 22.10.21 15:10

Chambers wrote:
Angel wrote:
Chambers wrote:The pool picture; perhaps the weather wasn't 'like that' on the day, but are we saying that there was no sun whatsoever? No 15 minute window where the sun came out? Is that the only rationale for the picture not being genuine?
How can Amaral continue to rely on that, as a competent detective?
I don't think Amaral  has said as much as he's relying on it .
He's mentioned others  have ?
 Would you dress your little one the way Madeleine was dressed on a not so nice day  to wander around in relying on a 15 minute  window  to appear ? Would you let her sit with feet dangling in cold water ?
As for those dark sunglasses of Gerry's . Definitely not needed that day .
The concept that the picture was taken on another day still solely depends on the weather though right?
As for the attire of all, well they're on holiday and probably packed accordingly, shades and all.
I think Jane Tanner said it was freezing.

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by xklamation 22.10.21 15:46

The political podcast that I mentioned a few days ago on the media coverage post here in Portugal was published today. The majority of the panel are from Gonçalo Amaral's own political "colour" so to speak, from PSD (Social Democratic Party) It's very interesting that they have invited Gonçalo Amaral to talk about the Madeleine McCann case in a purely political perspective. I still have to listen to it fully, but this is definitely a novelty, it will lead others to perhaps have a fresh approach to this case as it should, meaning that since it has ceased to be a missing child case years ago and it's so much more than that, political pressures etc, this could actually shake the waters here in Portugal. Or so I hope.

Youtube link

Podcast link

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Gonçalo Amaral New Book:  General Discussion.  - Page 5 Empty Re: Gonçalo Amaral New Book: General Discussion.

Post by Angel 22.10.21 16:18

Chambers wrote:
Angel wrote:
Chambers wrote:The pool picture; perhaps the weather wasn't 'like that' on the day, but are we saying that there was no sun whatsoever? No 15 minute window where the sun came out? Is that the only rationale for the picture not being genuine?
How can Amaral continue to rely on that, as a competent detective?
I don't think Amaral  has said as much as he's relying on it .
He's mentioned others  have ?
 Would you dress your little one the way Madeleine was dressed on a not so nice day  to wander around in relying on a 15 minute  window  to appear ? Would you let her sit with feet dangling in cold water ?
As for those dark sunglasses of Gerry's . Definitely not needed that day .
The concept that the picture was taken on another day still solely depends on the weather though right?
As for the attire of all, well they're on holiday and probably packed accordingly, shades and all.
If you haven't kept up with all the information in here that's resulted from researching the weather conditions during that holiday you would say that .
Why do think Sunday was marked as the most likely day?
When  I go abroad out of season I pack for all kinds of weather .
We know too that Gerry didn't take sunglasses .

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